changeset 355 007bd12bd854
parent 336 5eb44f3e88af
child 358 14a45495e3d8
--- a/smalltalk.rc	Thu May 06 21:04:26 1999 +0200
+++ b/smalltalk.rc	Tue May 25 17:35:42 1999 +0200
@@ -99,70 +99,6 @@
-"/ just a quick check, if this ST/X installation seems to
-"/ be halfway complete (it happened to some people, that
-"/ their source/resource directories were not installed)
-"/ - better to warn early ... 
-|anyWrong missing|
-Smalltalk isStandAloneApp ifFalse:[
-    anyWrong := false.
-    missing := ''.
-    (Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'resources/') isNil ifTrue:[
-        '***********************************************************************' errorPrintCR.
-        '***** ATTENTION: please check installation of your >>resource<< files' errorPrintCR.
-        '***** I will not be able to give non-english messages' errorPrintCR.
-        anyWrong := true.
-        missing := '''resources'' '.
-    ].
-    (Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'source/') isNil ifTrue:[
-      (Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'source/') isNil ifTrue:[
-        "/
-        "/ there may still be a SourceCodeManager ...
-        "/
-        (Smalltalk at:#SourceCodeManager) isNil ifTrue:[
-	    '***********************************************************************' errorPrintCR.
-	    '***** ATTENTION: please check installation of your >>source<< files' errorPrintCR.
-	    '***** ' errorPrintCR.
-	    '***** the browser/debugger may not be able to show sourcecode.' errorPrintCR.
-	    '***** Also, autoloading may fail if sourceFiles are missing.' errorPrintCR.
-	    anyWrong := true.
-	    missing := missing , '''source'' '.
-        ]
-      ]
-    ].
-    (Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'bitmaps/SBrowser.xbm') isNil ifTrue:[
-        '***********************************************************************' errorPrintCR.
-        '***** ATTENTION: please check installation of your >>bitmap<< files' errorPrintCR.
-        anyWrong := true.
-        missing := missing , '''bitmaps'' '.
-    ].
-    (Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'resources/') isNil ifTrue:[
-        '***********************************************************************' errorPrintCR.
-        '***** ATTENTION: please check installation of your >>style<< files' errorPrintCR.
-        '***** I will use a plain b&w viewStyle as a fallBack' errorPrintCR.
-        anyWrong := true.
-        missing := missing , '''resources'' '.
-    ].
-    anyWrong ifTrue:[
-        '*****' errorPrintCR.
-        '***** directory(s) named: ' errorPrint. missing errorPrint. 'incomplete/not existing' errorPrintCR.
-        '***** I could not find the missing directory along your path,' errorPrintCR.
-        '***** which is:' errorPrintCR.
-        Smalltalk systemPath do:[:dir |
-	    ('*****        ' , dir storeString) errorPrintCR.
-        ].
-        '*****' errorPrintCR.
-        '***** Try: "make source bitmaps resources styles"' errorPrintCR.
-        '*****  or: "make symlinks" to fix this.' errorPrintCR.
-        '***********************************************************************' errorPrintCR.
-    ]
 "/ check for display-classes being compiled into the system;
 "/ (and if display connection can be established)
 "/ if not, enter a simple read-eval-print loop
@@ -176,15 +112,15 @@
 	    Smalltalk exit
-        '' errorPrintCR.
-        'Textmode (enter smalltalk expressions terminated by single exclamation mark;' errorPrintCR.
-        OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue:[
+	'' errorPrintCR.
+	'Textmode (enter smalltalk expressions terminated by single exclamation mark;' errorPrintCR.
+	OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue:[
 	    '          CTRL-D to leave line-by-line interpreter.)' errorPrintCR.
-        ] ifFalse:[
+	] ifFalse:[
 	    '          CTRL-Z to leave line-by-line interpreter.)' errorPrintCR.
-        ].
-        Smalltalk readEvalPrint.
-        Smalltalk exit
+	].
+	Smalltalk readEvalPrint.
+	Smalltalk exit
     ] ifFalse:[
 	Smalltalk isStandAloneApp ifFalse:[
 	    'smalltalk.rc [warning]: Configuration without display.' errorPrintCR.
@@ -350,19 +286,19 @@
 Smalltalk isStandAloneApp ifFalse:[
     Display notNil ifTrue:[
-        (Smalltalk commandLineArguments includes:'--noLicenceBox') ifFalse:[
-            Smalltalk addStartBlock:[
-	        'smalltalk.rc [info]: show licence conditions ...' infoPrintCR.
+	(Smalltalk commandLineArguments includes:'--noLicenceBox') ifFalse:[
+	    Smalltalk addStartBlock:[
+		'smalltalk.rc [info]: show licence conditions ...' infoPrintCR.
-	        LicenceBox autoload.
+		LicenceBox autoload.
-	        LicenceBox licenceRejectSignal handle:[:ex|
-	            Smalltalk exit
-	        ] do:[
-	            (LicenceBox open) ifFalse:[Smalltalk exit].
-	            Smalltalk at:#LicenceBox put:nil.
-	        ].
-            ]
+		LicenceBox licenceRejectSignal handle:[:ex|
+		    Smalltalk exit
+		] do:[
+		    (LicenceBox open) ifFalse:[Smalltalk exit].
+		    Smalltalk at:#LicenceBox put:nil.
+		].
+	    ]
@@ -378,6 +314,75 @@
 "/ 'smalltalk.rc [info]: reading ''settings.stx'' ...' infoPrintCR.
 Smalltalk fileIn:'settings.stx'.
+"/ just a quick check, if this ST/X installation seems to
+"/ be halfway complete (it happened to some people, that
+"/ their source/resource directories were not installed)
+"/ - better to warn early ... 
+|anyWrong missing|
+Smalltalk isStandAloneApp ifFalse:[
+    anyWrong := false.
+    missing := ''.
+    (Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'resources/') isNil ifTrue:[
+	'***********************************************************************' errorPrintCR.
+	'***** ATTENTION: please check installation of your >>resource<< files' errorPrintCR.
+	'***** I will not be able to give non-english messages' errorPrintCR.
+	anyWrong := true.
+	missing := '''resources'' '.
+    ].
+    (Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'source/') isNil ifTrue:[
+      (Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'source/') isNil ifTrue:[
+	(Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'source/') isNil ifTrue:[
+	  (Smalltalk getSourceFileName:'libbasic/') isNil ifTrue:[
+	    "/
+	    "/ there may still be a SourceCodeManager ...
+	    "/
+	    (Smalltalk at:#SourceCodeManager) isNil ifTrue:[
+		'***********************************************************************' errorPrintCR.
+		'***** ATTENTION: please check installation of your >>source<< files' errorPrintCR.
+		'***** ' errorPrintCR.
+		'***** the browser/debugger may not be able to show sourcecode.' errorPrintCR.
+		'***** Also, autoloading may fail if sourceFiles are missing.' errorPrintCR.
+		anyWrong := true.
+		missing := missing , '''source'' '.
+	    ]
+	  ]
+	]
+      ]
+    ].
+    (Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'bitmaps/SBrowser.xbm') isNil ifTrue:[
+	'***********************************************************************' errorPrintCR.
+	'***** ATTENTION: please check installation of your >>bitmap<< files' errorPrintCR.
+	anyWrong := true.
+	missing := missing , '''bitmaps'' '.
+    ].
+    (Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'resources/') isNil ifTrue:[
+	'***********************************************************************' errorPrintCR.
+	'***** ATTENTION: please check installation of your >>style<< files' errorPrintCR.
+	'***** I will use a plain b&w viewStyle as a fallBack' errorPrintCR.
+	anyWrong := true.
+	missing := missing , '''resources'' '.
+    ].
+    anyWrong ifTrue:[
+	'*****' errorPrintCR.
+	'***** directory(s) named: ' errorPrint. missing errorPrint. 'incomplete/not existing' errorPrintCR.
+	'***** I could not find the missing directory along your path,' errorPrintCR.
+	'***** which is:' errorPrintCR.
+	Smalltalk systemPath do:[:dir |
+	    ('*****        ' , dir storeString) errorPrintCR.
+	].
+	'*****' errorPrintCR.
+	'***** Try: "make source bitmaps resources styles"' errorPrintCR.
+	'*****  or: "make symlinks" to fix this.' errorPrintCR.
+	'***********************************************************************' errorPrintCR.
+    ]
 "/ set the package to some useful default