changeset 10 43d0db9ff204
parent 8 d82829c0d867
child 11 6e014573e0c6
--- a/patches	Fri Dec 30 18:14:48 1994 +0100
+++ b/patches	Mon Feb 06 02:03:09 1995 +0100
@@ -30,7 +30,21 @@
 |optionalClasses optionalGames optionalDemos optionalApps optionalBench 
- optionalTools optionalViews optionalImage compat|
+ optionalTools optionalViews optionalImage compat requiredClasses|
+ the following are required (either compiled or interpreted) ...
+requiredClasses := #( 
+			VariableArray
+			Text
+		    ).
+requiredClasses do:[:s |
+    (Smalltalk at:s) isNil ifTrue:[
+	Smalltalk fileInClass:s initialize:true lazy:false silent:true
+    ]
 Transcript showCr:'installing autoloaded classes ...'.
@@ -46,7 +60,7 @@
 		   GLSphereDemoView1 GLSphereDemoView2
 		   GLObjectDemoView GLCubeDemoView GLTetraDemoView
 		   GLWireCubeDemoView GLWireSphereDemoView
-		   GLCubeDemoView2 Logo3DView1 GLPlanetDemoView
+		   GLCubeDemoView2 GLBrickCubeDemoView Logo3DView1 GLPlanetDemoView
 optionalApps := #(
@@ -55,7 +69,8 @@
 		  DrawTool DrawObject DrawLine DrawText
 		  DrawRectangle DrawRoundRectangle DrawEllipse
 		  DrawPolygon DrawCurve DrawGroup DrawView DrawImage
-		  PatternMenu
+		  DrawVLine DrawHLine
+		  PatternMenu LineMenu
 		  LogicTool LogicView LogicObject Connection Input Output
 		  Low High Inverter AndGate OrGate AndGate2 NandGate2 OrGate2 NorGate2 ExorGate2 
@@ -157,14 +172,10 @@
 optionalImage := #(
 		  GIFReader TIFFReader FaceReader WindowsIconReader SunRasterReader
 		  XBMReader JPEGReader PBMReader ST80FormReader XPMReader
-		  PCXReader
-	     ).
+		  PCXReader TargaReader
+		 ).
 optionalClasses := #(
-		  GIFReader TIFFReader FaceReader WindowsIconReader SunRasterReader
-		  XBMReader JPEGReader PBMReader ST80FormReader XPMReader
-		  PCXReader
 		  EpsonFX1PrinterStream HPLjetIIPrinterStream
 		  Decompiler Polygon 
@@ -176,7 +187,7 @@
-		  HandlerCollection
+		  HandlerCollection VariableArray Text
 optionalViews do:[:s |
@@ -268,6 +279,106 @@
+ check if this is a minitalk ... and install
+ all widget & tool classes as autoloaded if so
+((Smalltalk at:#TextView) isNil 
+or:[(Smalltalk at:#DebugView) isNil]) ifTrue:[
+    "
+     but only, if this is not a non GUI smalltalk
+    "
+    Workstation notNil ifTrue:[
+	optionalClasses := #(
+				ArrowButton
+				Button
+				CheckToggle
+				ClickMenuView
+				CodeView
+				DialogBox
+				DialogView
+				EnterFieldGroup
+				EditTextView
+				EditField
+				EnterBox
+				EnterBox2
+				FileSaveBox
+				FileSelectionBox
+				FileSelectionList
+				FontPanel
+				FramedBox
+				HorizontalMiniScroller
+				HorizontalPanelView
+				HorizontalScrollBar
+				HorizontalScroller
+				HVScrollableView
+				InfoBox
+				ListSelectionBox
+				Label
+				ListView
+				MenuView
+				MiniScroller
+				ObjectView
+				OptionBox
+				PanelView
+				PopUpList
+				PopUpMenu
+				PullDownMenu
+				RadioButtonGroup
+				RadioButton
+				ScrollableView
+				ScrollBar
+				Scroller
+				SelectionInListView
+				TextCollector
+				TextView
+				Toggle
+				VerticalPanelView
+				VariableHorizontalPanel
+				VariableVerticalPanel
+				WarningBox
+				Workspace
+				YesNoBox
+				FilenameEditField
+				FilenameEnterBox
+				HorizontalSlider
+				ImageView
+				ImageEditView
+				LabelledEnterField
+				MultiColListEntry
+				Ruler
+				Slider
+				TabulatorSpecification
+				TextBox
+				ChangesBrowser
+				ContextInspectorView
+				DebugView
+				DictionaryInspectorView
+				DirectoryBrowser
+				FileBrowser
+				InspectorView
+				Launcher
+				OrderedCollectionInspectorView
+				ProjectView
+				SystemBrowser
+		 ).
+	optionalClasses do:[:s |
+	    "install if not already compiled-in"
+	    (Smalltalk at:s) isNil ifTrue:[
+		Autoload subclass:s
+		     instanceVariableNames:''
+		     classVariableNames:''
+		     poolDictionaries:''
+		     category:'autoloaded-Classes'.
+	    ]
+	].
+    ]
  a kludge: we have added new ImageReaders above - tell Image
 "avoid introducing a new global ..."
@@ -319,7 +430,7 @@
 Transcript showCr:'installing patches ...' !
-!OperatingSystem class methodsFor:'queries'!
+!OperatingSystem class methodsFor:'os queries'!
     "return true, if the OS supports IO availability interrupts 
      (i.e. SIGPOLL/SIGIO)."