changeset 7 57c09d1b7f69
parent 3 04da04464d43
child 8 d82829c0d867
--- a/patches	Tue Aug 09 00:36:54 1994 +0200
+++ b/patches	Mon Oct 10 04:36:13 1994 +0100
@@ -1,215 +1,404 @@
- set some kludge flags
+ This file is processed at initial startup 
+ - not when resuming an image.
-ProcessorScheduler pureEventDriven.
+"this allows turning off processes and running
+ pure event driven - for debugging only.
+ If the system has been created without thread
+ support (i.e. a quick port without asm-support)
+ it will do this automatically. So, normally you
+ should not uncomment the line below.
+ ProcessorScheduler pureEventDriven.
  install uncompiled classes as autoload
  classes ... (if not already present)
+ Autoloaded classes will be automatically filed-in
+ when first accessed. This allows a smaller executable,
+ but creates a short delay, when the class is loaded on
+ first access.
+ You can add more classes to these lists -
+ i.e. all your classes you like to have around,
+ but which are not needed often enough to justify
+ machine code for them ...
-|optional optionalGames optionalDemos optionalApps optionalBench compat|
+|optionalClasses optionalGames optionalDemos optionalApps optionalBench 
+ optionalTools optionalViews compat|
 Transcript showCr:'installing autoloaded classes ...'.
 optionalGames := #(
-                   Tetris TetrisBlock TicTacToe
-                  ).
+		   Tetris TetrisBlock TicTacToe
+		  ).
+optionalDemos := #(
+		   Animation GlobeDemo RoundGlobe
+		   GLTeapotDemo GLTeapotView
+		   GLPlaneDemoView1 GLPlaneDemoView2
+		   GLSphereDemoView1 GLSphereDemoView2
+		   GLObjectDemoView GLCubeDemoView GLTetraDemoView
+		   GLWireCubeDemoView GLWireSphereDemoView
+		   GLCubeDemoView2 Logo3DView1 GLPlanetDemoView
+		  ).
+optionalApps := #(
+		  AddressBook AddressBook2 InitialLabelView AddressView
+		  DrawTool DrawObject DrawLine DrawText
+		  DrawRectangle DrawRoundRectangle DrawEllipse
+		  DrawPolygon DrawCurve DrawGroup DrawView DrawImage
+		  PatternMenu
+		  LogicTool LogicView LogicObject Connection Input Output
+		  Low High Inverter AndGate OrGate AndGate2 NandGate2 OrGate2 NorGate2 ExorGate2 
+		  AndGate3
+		  MailView MailHandler MailLetter MailReplyTextView
+		  NewsView NewsHandler NNTPHandler NumberSet
+		  ArchiveView DirectoryView DirectoryViewObject 
+		  DirectoryObject FileObject
+		  DocumentView DocumentReader
+		  DisplayText DisplayPicture DisplayIcon DisplaySound
+		  Clock ClockView RoundClock RoundClock2
+		  VocPanel VocBrowser VocView SoundStream
+		  Keyword KeywordSet ManualBrowser ManualMaker ManualView
+		 ).
+optionalTools := #(
+		  Builder BuilderView BuilderTreeView
+		  BuilderClassBox BuilderVariablesBox
+		  SystemBrowser DebugView FileBrowser DirectoryBrowser
+		  ProjectView Launcher Workspace ChangesBrowser
+		  InspectorView OrderedCollectionInspectorView ContextInspectorView
+		  DictionaryInspectorView
+		  ImageInspectorView ColorInspectorView
+		 ).
+optionalViews := #(
+		  Scale HorizontalScale GLXView Point3D SliderBox 
+		  DialogBox OptionBox TextBox 
+		  InputView Ruler TextRuler
+		  Slider HorizontalSlider
+		  SteppingSlider HorizontalSteppingSlider
+		  ProcessView
+		  VariableHorizontalPanel
+		  FontPanel FramedBox FileSelectionBox FileSaveBox
+		  RadioButton RadioButtonGroup MotionButton MenuButton PullDownMenu
+		  TwoColumnTextView DiffTextView 
+		  FilenameEditField FilenameEnterBox
+		  HelpView 
+		  ScreenSaver LightInTheDark LightInTheDark2
+		  ImageView ImageEditView 
+		  Depth1Image Depth2Image Depth4Image Depth8Image Depth24Image
+		  TreeView TreeGraphView ClassTreeView ClassTreeGraphView WindowTreeView
+		  EventMonitor ProcessMonitor MemoryMonitor MemoryUsageView
+		  ColorPanel HLSPanel RGBPanel ColorWheel ThreeSliderPanel
+		  ColorSlider HueSlider RGBSlider SteppingColorSlider SteppingHueSlider
+		  TabulatorSpecification MultiColListEntry
+		 ).
+"notice, that it does not really make sense to
+ run Benchmarks in interpreted mode ..."
+optionalBench := #(
+		  SlopstoneBenchmark SmopstoneBenchmark
+		  "DeltaBlue benchmark"
+		  AbstractConstraint BinaryConstraint Constraint 
+		  DBMethod DBVariable EditConstraint
+		  EqualityConstraint Plan Planner ScaleConstraint
+		  StayConstraint Strength UnaryConstraint XMouseConstraint
+		  YMouseConstraint
+		  "RichardsBenchmarks"
+		  DeviceTaskDataRecord HandlerTaskDataRecord
+		  IdleTaskDataRecord Packet RBObject RichardsBenchmarks
+		  TaskControlBlock TaskState WorkerTaskDataRecord
+		  "self benchmarks"
+		  AbstractBenchmark AtAllPutBenchmark BenchmarkRunner
+		  BubbleSort2Array BubbleSort2Benchmark BubbleSortBenchmark
+		  Cons FastSumToBenchmark HanoiBenchmark HanoiDisk
+		  IncrementAllBenchmark IntMM2Array IntMM2Benchmark
+		  IntMM2Matrix IntMMBenchmark MM2Benchmark MMBenchmark
+		  NestedLoopBenchmark Perm2Benchmark PermArray PermBenchmark
+		  PuzzleArray PuzzleBenchmark Queens2Benchmark QueensBenchmark
+		  Quicksort2Array Quicksort2Benchmark QuicksortBenchmark
+		  RecurseBenchmark SieveBenchmark SumAllBenchmark
+		  SumFromToBenchmark SumToBenchmark TakBenchmark TaklBenchmark
+		  Towers2Benchmark Towers2Disk TowersBenchmark
+		  TowersBenchmarkElement TreeSort2Benchmark TreeSort2Node
+		  TreeSortBenchmark TreeSortNodeBenchmark
+		 ).
+optionalClasses := #(
+		  GIFReader TIFFReader FaceReader WindowsIconReader SunRasterReader
+		  XBMReader JPEGReader PBMReader ST80FormReader XPMReader
+		  PCXReader
+		  EpsonFX1PrinterStream HPLjetIIPrinterStream
+		  PostscriptPrinterStream
+		  Decompiler Polygon 
+		  ChangeSetBrowser
+		  MessageTracer
+		  PersistencyManager BinaryIOManager BinaryInputManager
+		  BinaryOutputManager DBFile BinaryObjectStorage
+		  RDoItServer
+		  HandlerCollection
+	     ).
+optionalViews do:[:s |
+    "install if not already compiled-in"
+    (Smalltalk at:s) isNil ifTrue:[
+	Autoload subclass:s
+	     instanceVariableNames:''
+	     classVariableNames:''
+	     poolDictionaries:''
+	     category:'autoloaded-Views'
+    ]
+optionalTools do:[:s |
+    "install if not already compiled-in"
+    (Smalltalk at:s) isNil ifTrue:[
+	Autoload subclass:s
+	     instanceVariableNames:''
+	     classVariableNames:''
+	     poolDictionaries:''
+	     category:'autoloaded-Tools'
+    ]
 optionalGames do:[:s |
     "install if not already compiled-in"
     (Smalltalk at:s) isNil ifTrue:[
-        Autoload subclass:s
-             instanceVariableNames:''
-             classVariableNames:''
-             poolDictionaries:''
-             category:'autoloaded-Games & Demos'
+	Autoload subclass:s
+	     instanceVariableNames:''
+	     classVariableNames:''
+	     poolDictionaries:''
+	     category:'autoloaded-Games & Demos'
-optionalDemos := #(
-                   Animation GlobeDemo RoundGlobe
-                   GLTeapotDemo GLTeapotView SliderBox
-                   GLPlaneDemoView1 GLPlaneDemoView2
-                   GLSphereDemoView1 GLSphereDemoView2
-                   GLObjectDemoView GLCubeDemoView GLTetraDemoView
-                   Logo3DView1
-                  ).
 optionalDemos do:[:s |
     "install if not already compiled-in"
     (Smalltalk at:s) isNil ifTrue:[
-        Autoload subclass:s
-             instanceVariableNames:''
-             classVariableNames:''
-             poolDictionaries:''
-             category:'autoloaded-Games & Demos'
+	Autoload subclass:s
+	     instanceVariableNames:''
+	     classVariableNames:''
+	     poolDictionaries:''
+	     category:'autoloaded-Games & Demos'
-optionalApps := #(
-                  AddressBook
-                  DrawTool DrawObject DrawLine DrawText
-                  DrawRectangle DrawRoundRectangle DrawEllipse
-                  DrawPolygon DrawCurve DrawGroup DrawView DrawImage
-                  PatternMenu
-                  LogicTool 
-                  MailView MailHandler MailLetter
-                  NewsView NewsHandler NNTPHandler NumberSet
-                  ArchiveView DirectoryView DirectoryViewObject 
-                  DirectoryObject FileObject
-                  DocumentView DocumentReader
-                  DisplayText DisplayPicture DisplayIcon DisplaySound
-                  Builder BuilderView BuilderTreeView
-                  BuilderClassBox BuilderVariablesBox
-                  Clock ClockView RoundClock 
-                  VocPanel VocBrowser VocView SoundStream
-                 ).
 optionalApps do:[:s |
     "install if not already compiled-in"
     (Smalltalk at:s) isNil ifTrue:[
-        Autoload subclass:s
-             instanceVariableNames:''
-             classVariableNames:''
-             poolDictionaries:''
-             category:'autoloaded-Applications'
+	Autoload subclass:s
+	     instanceVariableNames:''
+	     classVariableNames:''
+	     poolDictionaries:''
+	     category:'autoloaded-Applications'
-optionalBench := #(
-                  SlopstoneBenchmark SmopstoneBenchmark
-                  "DeltaBlue benchmark"
-                  AbstractConstraint BinaryConstraint Constraint 
-                  DBMethod DBVariable EditConstraint
-                  EqualityConstraint Plan Planner ScaleConstraint
-                  StayConstraint Strength UnaryConstraint XMouseConstraint
-                  YMouseConstraint
-                  "RichardsBenchmarks"
-                  DeviceTaskDataRecord HandlerTaskDataRecord
-                  IdleTaskDataRecord Packet RBObject RichardsBenchmarks
-                  TaskControlBlock TaskState WorkerTaskDataRecord
-                  "self benchmarks"
-                  AbstractBenchmark AtAllPutBenchmark BenchmarkRunner
-                  BubbleSort2Array BubbleSort2Benchmark BubbleSortBenchmark
-                  Cons FastSumToBenchmark HanoiBenchmark HanoiDisk
-                  IncrementAllBenchmark IntMM2Array IntMM2Benchmark
-                  IntMM2Matrix IntMMBenchmark MM2Benchmark MMBenchmark
-                  NestedLoopBenchmark Perm2Benchmark PermArray PermBenchmark
-                  PuzzleArray PuzzleBenchmark Queens2Benchmark QueensBenchmark
-                  Quicksort2Array Quicksort2Benchmark QuicksortBenchmark
-                  RecurseBenchmark SieveBenchmark SumAllBenchmark
-                  SumFromToBenchmark SumToBenchmark TakBenchmark TaklBenchmark
-                  Towers2Benchmark Towers2Disk TowersBenchmark
-                  TowersBenchmarkElement TreeSort2Benchmark TreeSort2Node
-                  TreeSortBenchmark TreeSortNodeBenchmark
-                 ).
 optionalBench do:[:s |
     "install if not already compiled-in"
     (Smalltalk at:s) isNil ifTrue:[
-        Autoload subclass:s
-             instanceVariableNames:''
-             classVariableNames:''
-             poolDictionaries:''
-             category:'autoloaded-Benchmarks'
+	Autoload subclass:s
+	     instanceVariableNames:''
+	     classVariableNames:''
+	     poolDictionaries:''
+	     category:'autoloaded-Benchmarks'
+    ]
+optionalClasses do:[:s |
+    "install if not already compiled-in"
+    (Smalltalk at:s) isNil ifTrue:[
+	Autoload subclass:s
+	     instanceVariableNames:''
+	     classVariableNames:''
+	     poolDictionaries:''
+	     category:'autoloaded-Classes'
+    ]
+ a kludge: we have added new ImageReaders above - tell Image
+"avoid introducing a new global ..."
+(Smalltalk includesKey:#Image) ifTrue:[
+    (Smalltalk at:#Image) isBehavior ifTrue:[
+	(Smalltalk at:#Image) initializeFileFormatTable.
-optional := #(
-              HelpView 
-              Scale HorizontalScale GLXView Point3D SliderBox 
-              DialogBox OptionBox TextBox
-              InputView
-              ProcessView
-              DirectoryBrowser FileBrowser
-              VariableHorizontalPanel
-              FontPanel FramedBox FileSelectionBox
-              RadioButton RadioButtonGroup MotionButton MenuButton PullDownMenu
-              GIFReader TIFFReader FaceReader WindowsIconReader SunReader
-              XBMReader JPEGReader PBMReader ST80FormReader
-              EpsonFX1PrinterStream HPLjetIIPrinterStream
-              PostscriptPrinterStream
-              Decompiler Polygon 
-              ScreenSaver LightInTheDark LightInTheDark2
-              ChangeSetBrowser
-              ImageView ImageEditView ImageInspectorView
-              Depth1Image Depth2Image Depth4Image Depth8Image Depth24Image
-              TreeView TreeGraphView ClassTreeView ClassTreeGraphView WindowTreeView
-              EventMonitor ProcessMonitor MemoryMonitor MemoryUsageView
-              ColorPanel HLSPanel RGBPanel ColorWheel ThreeSliderPanel
-              ColorSlider HueSlider RGBSlider
+ some ST80 name aliases
+ (actually, much more is needed - this is just a start ...)
+(Smalltalk at:#StandardSystemView) notNil ifTrue:[Smalltalk at:#ScheduledWindow put:StandardSystemView].
+(Smalltalk at:#Color) notNil ifTrue:[Smalltalk at:#ColorValue put:Color].
+(Smalltalk at:#Socket) notNil ifTrue:[Smalltalk at:#UnixSocketAccessor put:Socket].
+Smalltalk at:#BlockClosure put:Block.
-              PersistencyManager BinaryIOManager BinaryInputManager
-              BinaryOutputManager DBFile BinaryObjectStorage
-             ).
+FileDirectory notNil ifTrue:[Smalltalk at:#Disk put:(FileDirectory directoryNamed:'/')].
-optional do:[:s |
-    "install if not already compiled-in"
-    (Smalltalk at:s) isNil ifTrue:[
-        Autoload subclass:s
-             instanceVariableNames:''
-             classVariableNames:''
-             poolDictionaries:''
-             category:'autoloaded-Classes'
-    ]
-Transcript showCr:'installing ST-80 compatibility (autoloaded) classes ...'.
-"a kludge: we have added new ImageReaders above - tell Image"
-Image initializeFileFormatTable.
-"some ST80 name aliases"
-Smalltalk at:#ScheduledWindow put:StandardSystemView.
-Smalltalk at:#ColorValue put:Color.
-Smalltalk at:#BlockClosure put:Block.
-Smalltalk at:#Disk put:( FileDirectory directoryNamed:'/').
+ ST/X has (currently) no Double, but Float is what ST-80's Double is ...
+Smalltalk at:#Double put:Float.
 compat := #(BitBlt Pen Commander
-            OpaqueForm 
-            AbstractPath Arc Circle Curve LinearFit
-            Arrow Line Path Spline Ellipse DrawingPen
-            Filename ActionMenu FillInTheBlank
-            KeyedSet
-            DialogView FormView
-            NoController MouseMenuController
-            StandardSystemController
-            WeakDictionary WeakIdentityDictionary
-            ValueHolder ComposedTextView
-            UnixSocketAccessor StringHolder
-           ).
+	    OpaqueForm 
+	    AbstractPath Arc Circle Curve LinearFit
+	    Arrow Line Path Spline Ellipse DrawingPen
+	    ActionMenu FillInTheBlank
+	    KeyedSet
+	    DialogView FormView
+	    NoController MouseMenuController
+	    StandardSystemController
+	    ValueHolder ComposedTextView
+	    StringHolder
+	   ).
 compat do:[:s |
     "install if not already compiled-in"
     (Smalltalk at:s) isNil ifTrue:[
-        Autoload subclass:s
-             instanceVariableNames:''
-             classVariableNames:''
-             poolDictionaries:''
-             category:'autoloaded-ST80-Classes'
+	Autoload subclass:s
+	     instanceVariableNames:''
+	     classVariableNames:''
+	     poolDictionaries:''
+	     category:'autoloaded-ST80-Classes'
 Transcript showCr:'installing patches ...' !
 !OperatingSystem class methodsFor:'queries'!
-"IO signals do not work currently ..."
     "return true, if the OS supports IO availability interrupts 
      (i.e. SIGPOLL/SIGIO)."
+"IO signals do not work currently 
+(I dont know why - streams work, but sockets fail to produce
+ an IO signal ..... help help help"
     ^ false
+!LazyMethod methodsFor:'error handling'!
+    "this is triggered by the interpreter when a lazy method is about to 
+     be executed (by sending the to-be executed  method this message).
+     Hard-compile the method, install its bytecode in the receiver,
+     and recall it."
+    |code m sender spec class selector|
+    "compile the method"
+    [
+	Access wait.
+	[
+	    m := self asByteCodeMethod.
+	] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
+	    Access signal.
+	].
+    ] valueUninterruptably.
+    (m isNil or:[(byteCode := m byteCode) isNil]) ifTrue:[
+"/        Access signal.
+	class := self containingClass.
+	selector := thisContext sender selector.
+	class notNil ifTrue:[
+	    spec := class name , '>>' , selector
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    spec := 'unknown>>' , selector
+	].
+	"
+	 this error is triggered, if the compilation of a lazy method
+	 failed - this happens for example, if a lazy methods code has been
+	 changed in a fileBrowser without checking the code for syntactical
+	 correctnes, or if the instvars of an autoloaded classes superclass 
+	 have been changed without changing the subclasses code ...
+	 You should enter the SystemBrowser on this method, and try accepting 
+	 to see what the problem is.
+	 The methods class is found in the local 'class',
+	 the selector is found in the local 'selector'.
+	"
+	^ CompilationFailedSignal raiseRequestWith:self
+				  errorString:('compilation of lazy method ' , spec , ' failed')
+    ].
+    "
+     thisContext sender is the context of the original send
+     (the failed one)
+    "
+    sender := thisContext sender.
+    literals := m literals.
+    flags := m flags.
+    ObjectMemory flushCaches.
+"/    Access signal.
+    ^ self valueWithReceiver:(sender receiver)
+		   arguments:(sender args)
+		    selector:(sender selector)
 ! !
+!Text methodsFor:'converting'!
+    "setup my contents from the argument, aString"
+    |numberOfLines "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
+     start         "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
+     stop          "{ Class:SmallInteger }" |
+    numberOfLines := aString occurrencesOf:(Character cr).
+    (aString endsWith:(Character cr)) ifFalse:[
+	numberOfLines := numberOfLines + 1.
+    ].
+    self grow:numberOfLines.
+    start := 1.
+    1 to:numberOfLines do:[:lineNr |
+	stop := aString indexOf:(Character cr) startingAt:start.
+	stop == 0 ifTrue:[
+	    stop := aString size
+	] ifFalse: [
+	    stop := stop - 1.
+	].
+	(stop < start) ifTrue: [
+	    self at:lineNr put:(String new:0)
+	] ifFalse: [
+	    self at:lineNr put:(aString copyFrom:start to:stop)
+	].
+	start := stop + 2
+    ]
+! !