changeset 1446 67fb3c4db3a4
parent 1431 691727155921
child 1447 0b149293564f
--- a/smalltalk.rc	Mon Jun 27 07:30:29 2016 +0100
+++ b/smalltalk.rc	Mon Jun 27 08:05:05 2016 +0100
@@ -144,40 +144,7 @@
     Smalltalk systemPath addFirst:Filename currentDirectory pathName.
-(path := OperatingSystem getEnvironment:'STX_PACKAGEPATH') notNil ifTrue:[
-    Smalltalk packagePath:(path asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$:).
-    'smalltalk.rc [info]: setting packagePath from STX_PACKAGEPATH' infoPrintCR.
-] ifFalse:[
-    "/
-    "/ if running in the development environment,
-    "/ only use the local packages.
-    "/
-    (pathOfSTXExecutable notNil
-    and:[(pathOfSTXExecutable construct:'../../../stx/projects/smalltalk') exists]) ifTrue:[
-	Smalltalk packagePath removeAll; add:(pathOfSTXExecutable construct:'../../..') pathName.
-	'smalltalk.rc [info]: setting packagePath for local operation' infoPrintCR.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	(pathOfCurrentDir construct:'../../../stx/projects/smalltalk') exists ifTrue:[
-	    Smalltalk packagePath removeAll; add:(pathOfCurrentDir construct:'../../..') pathName.
-	    'smalltalk.rc [info]: setting packagePath for local operation' infoPrintCR.
-	]
-    ].
-    "/
-    "/ any additional local packages ?.
-    "/
-    'packages' asFilename exists ifTrue:[
-	(Smalltalk packagePath includes:'packages' asFilename pathName) ifFalse:[
-	    Smalltalk packagePath addFirst:'packages' asFilename pathName.
-	].
-    ].
 "/ 'systemPath: ' errorPrint. Smalltalk systemPath errorPrintCR.
-"/ 'packagePath: ' errorPrint. Smalltalk packagePath errorPrintCR.
-Smalltalk packagePath isEmpty ifTrue:[
-    'smalltalk.rc [warning]: packagePath is empty' errorPrintCR.
 Smalltalk flushPathCaches.