author Claus Gittinger <>
Sat, 14 Feb 2015 14:02:55 +0100
changeset 1372 236da1055552
parent 1352 d56b9df810c5
child 1404 9b26d165bcba
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

Keyboard ShortCuts reference:
(see also the HTML online documentation, or the Launcher's "Settings-Keyboard" dialog).

For Smalltalkers, the most useful key first:
    Pause/Break             is the UserInterrupt key: "interrupt & enter debugger"
    CTRL-. and also CMD-.   do the same, for all those used to VW or Squeak

Attention: Recent Changes:
F2      Was changed from CodeCompletion to Rename (for win32 compatibility);
	If you don't like that, see & edit the "keyboard.rc" file.
	CTRL-SPACE still works for completion.

ALT-SPACE snippet insertion has been added (try typing <t><s><ALT-SPACE>)

    for most systems: the CMD-key is mapped to the left ALT-key.
    This includes the Mac, where currently the Apple-CMD key is used
    by Xquartz (which is a little annoying at times).

    case matters; CMD-a is different from CMD-A  (CMD-Shift-a)
    case matters; Ctrl-a is different from Ctrl-A  (Ctrl-Shift-a)

    the settings are defined during startup, by reading the
    file: "keyboard.rc".
    In our lab, we are working across all kinds of systems (windows,
    osx, linux), but always in Smalltalk. So the keyboard settings
    are set to be the same across them. Therefore, some keys behave
    different from the native OS's standard.
    If you don't like the settings, change them!

    You can add your own keyboard macros and/or change the shortKey
    mapping, by modifying the file "keyboard.rc" (make a save copy first).
    The either restart ST/X, or file-in the modified one.

Default Function Key Mapping (see "keyboard.rc" for details):

Unix    Windows         Function
CMD-a   CTRL-s          Accept / Save (compile or save)
CMD-b   CTRL-b          Backward search (selection or previous search pattern)
CMD-c   CTRL-c          Copy
CMD-d   CTRL-d          DoIt (evaluate selection)

CMD-f                   Forward search (selection or previous search pattern)
CMD-g   CTRL-g          Goto lineNumber
CMD-h   F1              Help (= explain)
CMD-i   CTRL-q          InspectIt
CMD-m   CMD-m           select up to Matching parenthesis
CMD-p   CTRL-p          PrintIt (evaluate selection and paste result)
CMD-r   CTRL-r          Replace
CMD-s   CTRL-f          Search (open search dialog)
CMD-v   CTRL-v          Paste
CMD-w   CMD-w           Select Word under cursor
CMD-x   CTRL-x          Cut
CMD-z   CMD-z           PopUpMenu

CTRL-z                  Undo
CTRL-y                  Redo

CMD-A   CTRL-a          Select All
CMD-B   CTRL-B          BrowseIt
CMD-L   CTRL-F2         Enter/leave Learn-macro mode (CMD-M to replayMacro)
CMD-M   CMD-F2          Execute keyboard Macro (CMD-L to learn)
CMD-S   CMD-S           Save as (a file)

CMD-Tab                 Focus next (unless eaten by windowManager)
CMD-Cursor              Focus next/previous (unless eaten by windowManager)

CMD-.                   Interrupt - enter debugger
BREAK                   Interrupt - enter debugger
CTRL-BREAK              Interrupt - abort operation. do not enter debugger
CMD-Y                   Interrupt - abort operation. do not enter debugger

CTRL-Tab                Backtab
Shift-Tab               Non-inserting tab (cursor movement only)
Shift-Return            Non-inserting return (cursor movement only)

HOME     HOME           Goto begin of line
POS1     POS1           Goto begin of line
END      END            Goto end of line

Ctrl-HOME  Ctrl-HOME    Goto begin of page/text (press twice for begin of text)
Ctrl-POS1  Ctrl-POS1    Goto begin of page/text (press twice for begin of text)
Ctrl-END   Ctrl-END     Goto end of page/text (press twice for end of text)
CTRL-g     CTRL-g       Goto line (opens a dialog for the line-number)

Shift-HOME Shift-HOME   Select from begin of line
Shift-POS1 Shift-POS1   Select from begin of line
Shift-END  Shift-END    Select to end of line

CTRL-W   CTRL-W         Forward to end-of this / begin of next word
CTRL-w   CTRL-w         Forward to begin next word
CTRL-l   CTRL-l         Goto line

CTRL-A   CTRL-A         Select from begin of text
CTRL-E   CTRL-E         Select from end of text
CTRL-X   CTRL-X         Flush (trow away) typeahead input

CTRL-2                  Enclose the selected text in parenthesis / remove parenthesis
CTRL-9                  Enclose the selected text in parenthesis / remove parenthesis

CTRL-SPACE              CodeCompletion (in the browser only)
ALT-SPACE               Insert Abbreviation (try <ALT-SPACE> behind the string 'it')

CMD--                   Open SpecialCharacterWindow (CMD-<minus>)

F2       F2             Rename (used to be: CodeCompletion)
F3       F3             Comment selection
F4       F4             Uncomment Selection
F6       F6             Selection to Lowercase/Uppercase/UpperCaseFirst (toggle through)
CTRL-F6  CTRL-F6        Selection to UpperCase
F8       F8             Again (repeat last cut/replace)
F9       F9             Undent by 4
F10      F10            Indent by 4
F11      F11            Undent by 1
F12      F12            Indent by 1

PageUp   PageUp         Backward one page
PageDown PageDown       Forward one page

Insert   Insert         Paste
Delete   Delete         Delete the selection
Shift-Delete            Delete followup spaces up to the next non-space

Special (national) Characters:

There is a virtual keyboard found on the popUpMenu, under "others"-"others"-"special keys".
Keep this view open, beside your editor and click on a character to insert it.

Unix only:
The right CTRL-key is used as a Compose key
(this can be changed in the "keyboard.rc" file).
Composed national characters are entered as a 3-character sequence:
    COMPOSE key1 key2
press them in sequence - not at the same.
For example, the french e-accentGrave is entered as:
    COMPOSE e `
and the german ä (umlaut-a) is entered as:
    COMPOSE a "

A full list is found in the Method "WindowSensor initializeComposeKeyTable".

Alternatively, special characters can be copy/pasted from the following list:
(Notice: you can also use a font-display via the text-editors
 menu to insert any special character)

	Á É Í Ó Ú Ý     á é í ó ú ý    [ Compose <char> ' ]
	À È Ì Ò Ù       à è ì ò ù      [ Compose <char> ` ]
	Â Ê Î Ô Û       â ê î ô û      [ Compose <char> ^ ]
	Ã Õ Ñ           ã õ ñ          [ Compose <char> ~ ]
	Ä Ë Ï Ö Ü       ä ë ï ö ü ÿ    [ Compose <char> " ]
	Ø ø                            [ Compose <char> / ]
	Å å                            [ Compose <char> * ]
	Ç ç                            [ Compose <char> , ]
	ß Æ æ                          [ Compose <char1> <char1> ]
	Ð Þ þ ð × ÷ ± µ ¬ « » ° º ¹ ² ³ ¼ ½ ¾
	[ ] ~ @ { } | \ © ®

This Documents Version: $Revision$