author Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>
Tue, 14 Jan 2020 22:47:55 +0000
changeset 1625 2425cb5d073e
parent 1435 9a1f18933e40
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add support out-of-tree builds. This commit adds a support for out-of-tree builds, i.e, object files, executables and so on are writen to `$(OUTDIR)` (which defaults to `build/<BUILD_TARGET>` directory. This allows building Smalltalk/X from single source tree for multiple targets.

OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue:[
    | fontNormal fontMonospace |

    fontNormal    := XftFontDescription family: 'Sans'      size: 10.
    fontMonospace := XftFontDescription family: 'Monospace' size: 10.

    SimpleView            defaultFont: fontNormal.
    CheckLabel            defaultFont: fontNormal.
    CheckBox              defaultFont: fontNormal.
    CheckLabel            defaultFont: fontNormal.
    Button                defaultFont: fontNormal.
    Toggle                defaultFont: fontNormal.
    SelectionInListView   defaultFont: fontNormal.
    MenuView              defaultFont: fontNormal.
    MenuPanel             defaultFont: fontNormal.
    NoteBookView          defaultFont: fontNormal.
    PullDownMenu          defaultFont: fontNormal.
    TextView              defaultFont: fontNormal.
    EditTextView          defaultFont: fontNormal.
    CodeView              defaultFont: fontMonospace.