author Patrik Svestka <>
Wed, 12 Jul 2017 10:25:43 +0200
changeset 1514 4bdcdc52e55a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Windows launcher improvement - starting is still done via smalltalk.bat Part of this release is: smalltalk.bat - main script logging needs a powershell (still possible to run completely without powershell but some features will not be avilable) smalltalk.ps1 - powershell filed called from the smalltalk.bat file to better control log file logging and all the powershell environment smalltalk.cfg - contains configuration for smalltalk.bat and smalltalk.ps1 smalltalk_close_shell.lnk & smalltalk_shell_remains_open.lnk - provided for running withing the project\smalltalk directory, contains custom icon. create_shortcut_on_desktop_via_hardlink.txt - contains guide how to create a desktop shortcut to .lnk files for users via hardlink. ====================================== The features of this advanced script = ====================================== Quick start (with close or leave open the shell after Smalltalk start) Starting with default image on defined path Starting with any image (user is prompted to select one via menu) on defined path Logging into a file - either overwrite or append at start start (minimal PowerShell 2.0 is required) - User can change the log file encoding to ASCII, UTF8 (default), UTF16, UTF32 - User can decide if he wants a date and/or time part added to the log file The script automatically detects PowerShell version and based on that decides which functionality will be available. Error handling on the batch and PowerShell level - user is informed about the details of error Batch file tries to exit gracefully, if possible The advanced features: A warning limit is in place for the log file size. If it gets too large as it may slowdown the Smalltalk. User can decide if there will be a shell opened for error messages or if Smalltalk will for from shell and will not display any messages on the command prompt. User can choose if the validation process is active and if the successful message is shown. User can choose which redirect will be used in PowerShell - if the native one or cmd.exe one (little bit faster in most cases). version 1.4.5 [Batch] Fixed issue with batch string error message (strip the reserved characters. + changed the :exit_sequence function - %~1 to %1 (same with %~2) when calling powershell
