author Claus Gittinger <>
Fri, 17 Sep 1999 11:48:18 +0200
changeset 386 5be25f341b4f
parent 361 2e93bfb4a8b2
child 387 eafd2b349a62
permissions -rw-r--r--
use new version diff browser by default

 * $Header$
 * ST/X startup configuration & command file:
 * sample private.rc - file
 * a copy of this file can (should) reside in $home/.smalltalk/private.rc or
 * in the current directory - put all private preferences in here.
 * notice, you will find some things enclosed in
 *  ... claus ifTrue:[
 * these are my personal preferences which will be
 * ignored in your environment, but are taken in mine.
 * That way, I dont have to maintain two different 'private.rc' files.
 * (you may want to have a look into it - some is of general interest)

"/ you may limit the amount of memory allocated to
"/ dynamic compiled code ...
"/ The default is unlimited; 
"/ If you run in a multiuser environment, or
"/ short on swapSpace, a good limit is some 0.5 to 1Mb.

"/ ObjectMemory dynamicCodeLimit:500000.

"/ If local sources should have preference over source code management
"/ (only useful, if you have the full version (including sourceCode mgmnt),
"/ and CVS access is slow.
"/ Class tryLocalSourceFirst:true.

"/ this turns off error/fatal messages from the VM
"/ (it does not really make sense to turn them off)
"/ Smalltalk debugPrinting:false.

"/ set the package for fileIns done below
Project notNil ifTrue:[
    Project setDefaultProject.
    Project current packageName:#'goody-fileIn'.

|whoAmI domain thisIsMySystem thisIsExeptsDomain conf systemType incDir includes|

whoAmI := OperatingSystem getLoginName.
domain := OperatingSystem getDomainName.
thisIsExeptsDomain := (domain = '').
thisIsMySystem := (whoAmI = 'claus' or:[whoAmI = 'cg']) and:[thisIsExeptsDomain].

"/ no matter what the 'display.rc' says:
"/     I want my #iris style ...
"/     except for win systems, where I use the win95 style

thisIsMySystem ifTrue:[
    Display hasGrayscales ifTrue:[
	OperatingSystem getOSType = 'win32' ifTrue:[
	    View defaultStyle:#mswindows95
	] ifFalse:[
	    View defaultStyle:#iris.
	    "/ or whatever you like as default ...
	    "/ View defaultStyle:#motif.
    ] ifFalse:[
	View defaultStyle:#normal

thisIsMySystem ifTrue:[
    "/ I want the hostname to be prepended to a windows label
    StandardSystemView includeHostNameInLabel:true.

thisIsMySystem ifTrue:[
    "/ I prefer a smaller menu font
    "/ MenuView defaultFont:(MenuView defaultFont size:10).

"/ add my private directories to the searchPath ...
"/ This does not make sense in your environment.
"/ However, I leave the code here to show how its done.
thisIsMySystem ifTrue:[
     ) do:[:p |
	p asFilename exists ifTrue:[
	    Smalltalk systemPath addFirst:p.

"/ since smalltalk keeps track of which directories exist
"/ in the path, this cache has to be flushed whenever new directories
"/ are added to the system path:
Smalltalk flushPathCaches.

"/ color allocation strategy:
"/ the default is to allocate from the colormap as required.
"/ As long as the number of distinct colors used is less than the number
"/ of available colors (which is usually the case) this leads to better looking
"/ images.
"/ However, if many images are to be displayed simulatiously, images displayed
"/ first may steal too many colors required in images displayed later.
"/ In this case, it is better to preallocate some colors, and dither all images
"/ using theese. Of course, while making the worst case better, this makes
"/ the best case worse. You can decide ...
"/   Color getColors6x6x4.

"/ claus:
"/     The history manager automatically adds a history line to changed
"/     methods and optionally to a classes history method.
"/     if you dont like this, comment the following lines.
thisIsExeptsDomain ifTrue:[
    HistoryManager notNil ifTrue:[
	'private.rc [info]: activating HistoryManager ...' infoPrintCR.
	HistoryManager activate.

"/ claus:
"/     I startup the rdoit server process;
"/     (using rdoit to start ST/X views via window manager menus ...)
"/     If you like (and want) this to be also started automatically,
"/     replace the if- by 'true ifTrue:...' or remove the if.
thisIsMySystem ifTrue:[
    'private.rc [info]: starting RDoItServer ...' infoPrintCR.
    Autoload autoloadFailedSignal handle:[:ex |
	'private.rc [warning]: cannot load RDoItServer' errorPrintCR
	ex return
    ] do:[
	RDoItServer autoload.
	RDoItServer start.
	RDoItServer allowHost:'localhost'.

"/ claus:
"/     I dont want those warnings about stx features being non-portable ...
"/     However, you should (at least when new to the system) see them.
"/     Once you get bored about them, make the below unconditional.
"/     (you can also turn them off in the Launchers settings menu ...)
Compiler warnPossibleIncompatibilities:false. 
Compiler warnSTXSpecials:false.
Compiler allowUnderscoreInIdentifier:true. 
Compiler warnUnderscoreInIdentifier:false. 

"/ set the package back to some useful default for programming
"/ this is the package token assigned (by default) to all new methods/classes
"/ (so you can use a browser on package=#private to find all of your new
"/ stuff easily. (the conditional on Project being nonNil is for stripped down
"/ systems without a Project class)

Project notNil ifTrue:[
    Project setDefaultProject.
    Project current packageName:#'private'.

UserPreferences current useNewVersionDiffBrowser:true.

"/ any personal file (p_<username>.rc) ?
Smalltalk fileIn:('p_' , OperatingSystem getLoginName , '.rc').

(Smalltalk commandLine includes:'-q') ifFalse:[
    "/ this turns off/on information messages from classes
    "/ (such as 'D8IMAGE: allocating colors ...'
    "/ Object infoPrinting:false.
    Object infoPrinting:true.

    "/ this turns off/on information messages from the VM
    "/ (such as 'MEM: chitty chatty ...'
    "/ ObjectMemory infoPrinting:false.
    ObjectMemory infoPrinting:true.

"/ startBlocks will be evaluated after the thread-scheduler have been started
"/ and the displays event dispatcher is running.
Smalltalk addStartBlock:[

    "/ start some views ...
    "/ you can add all stuff you'd like to come up by default
    "/ the first time.

    'private.rc [info]: starting main-menu ...' infoPrintCR.
    Text new. "/ to avoid visible messages in minitalk
    "/ Launcher open.
    NewLauncher open

    "/ start a SystemBrowser
    "/ - I dont want one (using Launcher)
    "/ SystemBrowser open.

    "/ start a FileBrowser
    "/ - I dont want one (using Launcher)
    "/ FileBrowser open.

    "/ start a Workspace 
    "/ - I dont want one (using Launcher)
    "/ Workspace open.
