author Claus Gittinger <>
Wed, 28 Oct 2015 11:46:32 +0100
changeset 1387 93d9dac5e1ef
parent 1384 e45c6e854be7
child 1419 0bda34d72add
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

"/ Encoding: iso8859-1
"/ $Header$
"/ MIMEType: application/x-smalltalk-source
"/ ST/X startup configuration & command file:
"/ startup configuration for smalltalk
"/ - everything in here are plain smalltalk expressions;
"/ - statements with in a group are separated by a period.
"/ - Each group of statements has to be delimited by an exclamation
"/   character.
"/ - avoid exclas in comments (or double them)
"/ - nested comments are not allowed - take care.
"/ remember: this is fileOut-format
"/ comments can be either:
"/ - standard smalltalk comments (i.e. from dquote to dquote)
"/ - ST/X end of line comments (i.e. dquote followed by /)
"/    "this is a comment"
"/    "/ another comment
"/ PLEASE: only add things here, if they are of general interrest
"/         and NEITHER site specific NOT display specific.
"/ site specific things are to be added to "h_<hostname>.rc"
"/ display specifics to "d_<displayName>.rc"
"/ and private user stuff in "private.rc"
|cpu enableJIT|

(Smalltalk commandLineArguments includes:'--quick') ifFalse:[
    'smalltalk.rc [info]: initial startup (snapshot image restart is faster)...' infoPrintCR.

"/ the JIT translator is (was) known to work with the following
"/ architectures:
"/  ix86        (linux, win32, unixware)
"/  sgi-mips    (irix)      [no longer supported]
"/  alpha       (osf)       [no longer supported]
"/  sparc       (solaris)   [only tested with v7 & v8 & v9 cpus]
"/  rs6k        (aix)       [not very well tested]
"/  mc68k                   [no longer supported]
"/  mc88k                   [no longer supported]
"/  pa-risk                 [no longer supported]
enableJIT := false.

cpu := OperatingSystem getCPUType.
"/  'mips'
"/  'alpha'
) includes:cpu) ifTrue:[
    enableJIT := true.

    cpu = 'sparc' ifTrue:[
	"/ for now, disable if we detect running on a sparcV10;
	"/ Reason:
	"/   we do not have v10 machines here at exept ,
	"/   and therefore have no way of checking if it runs on v10.
	"/  I don't want ST/X to crash on your side in that case ...
	"/  ... better run a bit slower than not running at all.
	"/ Please let us know if it runs and we will remove the code below
	"/ (which you should do as well).

	((OperatingSystem getSystemInfo at:#instructionSets) includesString:'sparcv10') ifTrue:[
	    'smalltalk.rc [warning]: disable JIT for sparcV10 - not yet validated' infoPrintCR.
	    enableJIT := false

enableJIT ifTrue:[
    "/ 'smalltalk.rc [info]: turn on JIT...' infoPrintCR.
    ObjectMemory justInTimeCompilation:true.

"/ OperatingSystem disableSignal:14.

ObjectMemory infoPrinting:false.
"/ Smalltalk loadBinaries:true.
"/ Compiler allowUnderscoreInIdentifier:true.
"/ Compiler warnUnderscoreInIdentifier:false.
"/ Compiler warnSTXSpecials:false.

"/ allow definition of the systemPath from an environment variable
"/ for example, to only try files in a users home and /usr/local/lib/smalltalk,
"/ add the following in your shell-profile:
"/      export STX_SYSTEMPATH=$HOME:/usr/local/lib/smalltalk
"/ notice, that shell variable names are NOT expanded again in STX_SYSTEMPATH
"/ Make certain that all relevant files are found along your path - you may see
"/ funny viewStyles, colors and stupid strings if wrong.

|path pathOfSTXExecutable pathOfCurrentDir|

"/ 'systemPath before: ' infoPrint. Smalltalk systemPath infoPrintCR.
"/ 'exec: ' infoPrint. OperatingSystem nameOfSTXExecutable infoPrintCR.
"/ 'execPath: ' infoPrint. OperatingSystem pathOfSTXExecutable infoPrintCR.

pathOfSTXExecutable := OperatingSystem pathOfSTXExecutable.
pathOfSTXExecutable notNil ifTrue:[
    pathOfSTXExecutable := pathOfSTXExecutable asFilename directory.
pathOfCurrentDir := Filename currentDirectory asAbsoluteFilename.

(path := OperatingSystem getEnvironment:'STX_SYSTEMPATH') notNil ifTrue:[
    Smalltalk systemPath:(path asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$:)
] ifFalse:[
    "/ look for gnu-smalltalk class files along my PATH.
    "/ if found, remove that directory from the PATH to avoid
    "/ autoloading wrong classes.
    (path := Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'') notNil ifTrue:[
	path := path asFilename directoryName.
	('smalltalk.rc [info]: found gnu-smalltalk sources in ' , path , '; removed from systemPath.') infoPrintCR.
	Smalltalk systemPath:(Smalltalk systemPath remove:path; yourself).
    pathOfSTXExecutable notNil ifTrue:[
	(Smalltalk systemPath includes:pathOfSTXExecutable name) ifFalse:[
	    Smalltalk systemPath addFirst:pathOfSTXExecutable name.
    (Smalltalk systemPath includes:pathOfCurrentDir name) ifFalse:[
	Smalltalk systemPath addFirst:pathOfCurrentDir name.

    "/ the current directory should always be first...
    (Smalltalk systemPath includes:'.') ifTrue:[
	Smalltalk systemPath remove:'.'.
    (Smalltalk systemPath includes:Filename currentDirectory pathName) ifTrue:[
	Smalltalk systemPath remove:Filename currentDirectory pathName.
    Smalltalk systemPath addFirst:Filename currentDirectory pathName.

(path := OperatingSystem getEnvironment:'STX_PACKAGEPATH') notNil ifTrue:[
    Smalltalk packagePath:(path asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$:).
    'smalltalk.rc [info]: setting packagePath from STX_PACKAGEPATH' infoPrintCR.
] ifFalse:[
    "/ if running in the development environment,
    "/ only use the local packages.
    (pathOfSTXExecutable notNil
    and:[(pathOfSTXExecutable construct:'../../../stx/projects/smalltalk') exists]) ifTrue:[
	Smalltalk packagePath removeAll; add:(pathOfSTXExecutable construct:'../../..') pathName.
	'smalltalk.rc [info]: setting packagePath for local operation' infoPrintCR.
    ] ifFalse:[
	(pathOfCurrentDir construct:'../../../stx/projects/smalltalk') exists ifTrue:[
	    Smalltalk packagePath removeAll; add:(pathOfCurrentDir construct:'../../..') pathName.
	    'smalltalk.rc [info]: setting packagePath for local operation' infoPrintCR.

    "/ any additional local packages ?.
    'packages' asFilename exists ifTrue:[
	(Smalltalk packagePath includes:'packages' asFilename pathName) ifFalse:[
	    Smalltalk packagePath addFirst:'packages' asFilename pathName.

"/ 'systemPath: ' errorPrint. Smalltalk systemPath errorPrintCR.
"/ 'packagePath: ' errorPrint. Smalltalk packagePath errorPrintCR.
Smalltalk packagePath isEmpty ifTrue:[
    'smalltalk.rc [warning]: packagePath is empty' errorPrintCR.

Smalltalk flushPathCaches.

"/ look fore one ore more --loadPackage arguments
"/ load the packages
|args idx|

args := Smalltalk commandLineArguments ? #().
    idx := args indexOf:'-L'.
    idx == 0 ifTrue:[
	idx := args indexOf:'--loadPackage'.
    idx ~~ 0
] whileTrue:[
    Smalltalk loadPackage:(args at:idx+1).
    args removeAtIndex:idx+1; removeAtIndex:idx.

|args buildClasses openDisplay prevCatchSetting|

args := Smalltalk commandLineArguments ? #().

buildClasses := false.
((args size > 0) and:[args last = '--buildClasses']) ifTrue:[
    'binary' asFilename isDirectory ifFalse:[
	'smalltalk.rc [warning]: no binary directory for classes.' errorPrintCR.
	Smalltalk exit.
    buildClasses := true.

"/ check for display-classes being required and compiled into the system;
"/ if not, load the display classes.
openDisplay := false.
(Smalltalk isHeadless or:[args includes:'--noDisplay']) ifFalse:[
    (Smalltalk at:#DeviceWorkstation) isNil ifTrue:[
	 "no view classes compiled into the system.
	  Minimum smalltalk does only contain libbasic, libcomp and librun.
	  FileIn view stuff"

	 'smalltalk.rc [info]: installing required class libraries...' infoPrintCR.
	 (Smalltalk isClassLibraryLoaded:'libbasic2') ifFalse:[
	      Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:libbasic2'.
	 Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:libview'.
	 Smalltalk fileInClassLibrary:'XWorkstation' inPackage:'stx:libview'.
	 OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue:[
	     Smalltalk fileInClassLibrary:'WinWorkstation' inPackage:'stx:libview'.
    openDisplay := true.

"/ Install patches, once everything has been loaded.
"/ System methods may be overwritten by patches.

prevCatchSetting := Class catchMethodRedefinitions:false.
(Smalltalk secureFileIn:(Smalltalk commandName asFilename withSuffix:'pch')) ifFalse:[
    Smalltalk isStandAloneApp ifFalse:[
	(Smalltalk secureFileIn:'patches') ifFalse:[
	    'smalltalk.rc [warning]: error while filing in ''patches'' - some patches have not been loaded!!' errorPrintCR.
Class catchMethodRedefinitions:prevCatchSetting.

openDisplay ifTrue:[
    "/ open the graphical display
	'smalltalk.rc [info]: opening display...' infoPrintCR.
	Screen openDefaultDisplay:nil.
    ] on:Screen deviceOpenErrorSignal do:[:ex|
	('smalltalk.rc [warning]: no display connection to: ', ex parameter printString) errorPrintCR.
	'smalltalk.rc [info]: either set the DISPLAY environment variable,' infoPrintCR.
	'smalltalk.rc [info]: or start smalltalk with a -display argument.' infoPrintCR.
	Smalltalk isStandAloneApp ifFalse:[
	    '' errorPrintCR.
	    'Textmode (enter smalltalk expressions terminated by single exclamation mark;' errorPrintCR.
	    OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue:[
		'          CTRL-D to leave line-by-line interpreter.)' errorPrintCR.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		'          CTRL-Z to leave line-by-line interpreter.)' errorPrintCR.
	    Smalltalk readEvalPrint.
	Smalltalk exit

"/ this makes X-errors be handled immediately (so you see,
"/ where it occured) but slows down the system soooo muuuucccchhh ..
"/ if commented out, errors will be reported asynchronously.
"/ (I enable this, when things go bad during startup)
"/ Display unBuffered.

"/ lazy loading
"/ (faster fileIn) - this is EXPERIMENTAL.
"/ - if turned on, an autoload operation will only create methodStubs
"/   (uncompiled) which trap when called the first time.
"/   The bytecode compiler will compile them when first executen.
"/ - if turned off, an autoload will load & compile the whole class,
"/   which makes autoloading slower, but avoids the initial delays
"/ This is much like just-in-time compilation, but on a higher level.
"/ If there are any problems with lazy methods, disable the following
"/ and let me ( know what happened.
Autoload compileLazy:true.

"/ read the file, extract class names
"/ and install all nonExisting classes as autoloaded
Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[

    HistoryManager notNil ifTrue:[
	needToReactivate := HistoryManager isActive.
	HistoryManager deactivate.
    ] ifFalse:[
	needToReactivate := false

    ((Smalltalk commandLineArguments includes:'--quick')
    or:[ (Smalltalk isPlugin)
    or:[ (Smalltalk commandLineArguments includes:'--faststart')
    or:[ (Smalltalk commandLineArguments includes:'--fastStart')
    ]]]) ifFalse:[
	'smalltalk.rc [info]: installing autoloaded classes...' infoPrintCR.
	Smalltalk installAutoloadedClasses.
    needToReactivate ifTrue:[HistoryManager activate].

buildClasses ifTrue:[
    "/ load all lazy classes
    Autoload subclasses do:[:aClass |
	Autoload autoloadFailedSignal handle:[:ex |
	    'smalltalk.rc [warning]: autoload failed' errorPrintCR.
	    ex return.
	] do:[
	    'smalltalk.rc [info]: loading ' infoPrint. aClass name infoPrint. '...' infoPrintCR.
	    aClass autoload.

    "/ binary save all classes
    Autoload loadedClasses do:[:cls |
	'smalltalk.rc [info]: saving binary of ' infoPrint. cls name infoPrint. '...' infoPrintCR.
	cls binaryFileOut.
	OperatingSystem executeCommand:'mv *.cls binary'.
    Smalltalk exit

"/ Memory settings. NOTE that all these settings may be overwritten by
"/                  settings.stx which stores the Launcher's settings.

"/ this starts the incremental GC earlier
"/ (default is 500000)
"/ the number given is the number of bytes which have to be allocated
"/ since the last GC, to start the incremental GC running.
"/ (see ObjectMemory>>documentation)
"/ Claus: I moved this to the private.rc file
"/ ObjectMemory incrementalGCLimit:100000.

"/ this starts the incremental GC when freeSpace drops below a limit
"/ (default is nil - i.e. dont look at freeSpace)
"/ (see ObjectMemory>>documentation)
"/ Claus: I moved this to the private.rc file
"/ ObjectMemory freeSpaceGCLimit:300000.

"/ experimental: try to always keep some bytes in the pocket
"/ this changes the memory policy, to start the background collector whenever
"/ freespace drops below 250k or 500k have been allocated since the last GC.
"/ AND to allocate more memory, if (after the collect) less than 1Mb is free.
"/ Doing so makes the system behave better if lots of memory is required
"/ for short periods of time, since it prepares itself for that situation
"/ during idle time. (I often walk around in the fileBrowser, loading big
"/ files like or ....)

ObjectMemory freeSpaceGCAmount:(1024*1024).
ObjectMemory freeSpaceGCLimit:(4*1024*1024).
"/ ObjectMemory incrementalGCLimit:(4*1024*1024).
ObjectMemory oldSpaceIncrement:(4*1024*1024).
ObjectMemory oldSpaceCompressLimit:0.   "/ temporary kludge
ObjectMemory startBackgroundCollectorAt:5.
ObjectMemory startBackgroundFinalizationAt:5.

"/ this limits the amount of memory which is allocated for oldSpace
"/ (for example to prevent ST/X from taking memory from other processes)
"/ The absolute maximum is a builtIn constant and OS specific.

"/ ObjectMemory maxOldSpace:1024*1024*128.
"/ ObjectMemory maxOldSpace:1024*1024*512.

ExternalBytes sizeofPointer == 8 ifTrue:[
    "/ limit to 2GB to prevent a runaway program from thrashing the system
    "/ if you really need more, change that line
    ObjectMemory maxOldSpace:2*1024*1024*1024.

"/ this changes the size of the eden generation, where objects
"/ are initially allocated. Making it bigger may increase pause
"/ times a bit, if many objects survive, but reduces the overall overhead
"/ For server type applications (request-response-loops such as in webServers),
"/ it is a good idea to make it big enough to handle a request-cycles temporary
"/ data

"/ ObjectMemory newSpaceSize:(2*1024*1024).
"/ ObjectMemory newSpaceSize:(8*1024*1024).

"/ experimental: configure the memory manager to quickly increase
"/ its oldSpace, as long as it stays below 256Mb
"/ (i.e. do not enter a blocking mark&sweep or compress,
"/ but go straight ahead increasing the oldSpace).
"/ Above that, behave as usual, i.e. try a GC first,
"/ then increase the oldSpace size if that did not help.
"/ If you have a machine with lots of (real) memory, you may want to
"/ increase the number.
ObjectMemory fastMoreOldSpaceLimit:256*1024*1024.
ObjectMemory fastMoreOldSpaceAllocation:true.

"/ server settings; possibly longer worst case pause times,
"/ but less overhead overall.
"/ Use this for webservers, protocol servers etc, where blocking times
"/ above 30ms are acceptable (also works for interactive programming)

ObjectMemory newSpaceSize:(16*1024*1024).
ObjectMemory incrementalGCLimit:(64*1024*1024).

"/ run the background collector at a dynamic priority - it will
"/ now always get a chance to make some progress ...
Smalltalk addStartBlock:[
    "/ 'smalltalk.rc [info]: start timeSlicing...' infoPrintCR.
    Processor startTimeSlicing.
    Processor supportDynamicPriorities:true.
    ObjectMemory backgroundCollectProcess priorityRange:(4 to:9).
    ObjectMemory backgroundFinalizationProcess priorityRange:(4 to:9).

"/ another experimental (and a secret for now, since I don't want
"/ you to play with those ;-)
"/ For now, this is experimental. Once the best numbers
"/ have been found, I'll hardwire them and document it ...


ObjectMemory newSpaceSize > (500*1024) ifTrue:[
    tenureParams := #(nil nil nil nil -16 -4 -2 -2 0 0 16 nil) copy.
] ifFalse:[
"/         min max cpy /32 /16 /8 /4 /2 /4 /8 /16 /32 "
    "/ slow tenure - keeps objects longer in newSpace,
    "/  producing more scavenge overhead, but releasing IGC somewhat
"/  tenureParams := #(nil nil nil -100 -8 -4 -1  1  2 4 8 16 nil) copy.
"/  tenureParams := #(nil nil nil nil -16 -4  0  0  0 4 16 nil) copy.

    "/ fast tenure - moves objects earlier into oldSpace,
    "/ releasing newSpace collector; however, the oldSpace IGC
    "/ may have more work to do.
    tenureParams := #(nil nil nil nil -20 -8 -3 -1 -1 1 16 nil) copy.
ObjectMemory tenureParameters:tenureParams.

"/ this defines stuff relating to the host we are running on
"/ 'smalltalk.rc [info]: reading ''host.rc''...' infoPrintCR.
Smalltalk fileIn:'host.rc'.

"/ this handles all variant display stuff
"/ (i.e. things which might change, when DISPLAY is set different)
"/ Notice, that the display may be different from the host we run on;
"/ Host specific things are configured in host.rc.
Display notNil ifTrue:[
    "/ 'smalltalk.rc [info]: reading ''display.rc''...' infoPrintCR.
    Smalltalk fileIn:'display.rc'.

"/ Ask user to accept Licence.
"/ exit, if rejected.
"/ You may find this annoying - but lawers say: "this is a must ..." ;-)
"/ (it will not be shown when coming up via a snapshot image)
"/ Also, the licenceBox can be suppressed with a command-line argument;
"/ however, if you do so, we assume you have read & accepted it at least
"/ once (since this command-line-argument is not documented, you obviously
"/ read the code below).

"/ WARNING: read the licence text before you:
"/      - disable the code below,
"/      - or start stx with a suppress argument.

(Smalltalk isStandAloneApp not
 and:[Smalltalk isPlugin not
 and:[Display notNil
]]) ifTrue:[
    ((Smalltalk commandLineArguments includes:'--noLicenceBox')
     or:[(Smalltalk commandLineArguments includes:'--quick')
     or:[(Smalltalk commandLineArguments includes:'--faststart')
     or:[(Smalltalk commandLineArguments includes:'--fastStart')
    ]]]) ifFalse:[
	Smalltalk addStartBlock:[
	    'smalltalk.rc [info]: show licence conditions...' infoPrintCR.
	    LicenceBox autoload.
	    LicenceBox licenceRejectSignal handle:[:ex|
		Smalltalk exit
	    ] do:[
		Display exitOnLastClose:false.
		(LicenceBox open) ifFalse:[
		    'smalltalk.rc [info]: licence conditions not accepted.' infoPrintCR.
		    Smalltalk exit
		Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
		    Smalltalk removeClass:LicenceBox.

"/ some ST80 name aliases
"/ (actually, much more is needed - this is just a start ...)
(cls := Smalltalk at:#StandardSystemView) notNil ifTrue:[
    Smalltalk at:#ScheduledWindow put:cls
(cls := Smalltalk at:#Socket) notNil ifTrue:[
    Smalltalk at:#UnixSocketAccessor put:cls.
    Smalltalk at:#SocketAccessor put:cls.
    Smalltalk at:#SocketAccessorByAddress put:cls.
Smalltalk at:#BlockClosure put:Block.
Smalltalk at:#CompiledMethod put:Method.
(cls := Smalltalk at:#DialogBox) notNil ifTrue:[
    Smalltalk at:#Dialog     put:cls.
    Smalltalk at:#DialogView put:cls.
    Smalltalk at:#FillInTheBlank put:cls.
Smalltalk at:#ByteString put:String.
Smalltalk at:#ByteSymbol put:Symbol.
Smalltalk at:#ByteEncodedString put:String.
Smalltalk at:#Console put:Stderr.
Smalltalk at:#HandlerList put:HandlerCollection.
Smalltalk at:#SignalCollection put:SignalSet.
(cls := Smalltalk at:#ProgressIndicatorSpec) notNil ifTrue:[
    Smalltalk at:#ProgressWidgetSpec put:cls.
(cls := Smalltalk at:#ProgressIndicator) notNil ifTrue:[
    Smalltalk at:#ProgressWidgetView put:cls.

"/ FileDirectory notNil ifTrue:[
"/     Smalltalk at:#Disk put:(Filename rootDirectory)
"/ ].

Screen notNil ifTrue:[
    Smalltalk at:#Window put:Screen.
    Smalltalk at:#Sensor put:Screen default.

"/ ST/X has (currently) no Double, but Float is what ST-80's Double is ...
Smalltalk at:#Double put:Float.

Smalltalk at:#Browser put:SystemBrowser.

"/ read private (per user) stuff
(Smalltalk commandLine includes:'-F') ifTrue:[
    |idx file|

    idx := Smalltalk commandLine indexOf:'-F'.
    file := Smalltalk commandLine at:idx + 1.
] ifFalse:[
    file := 'private.rc'.
('smalltalk.rc [info]: reading ''' , file , '''...') infoPrintCR.
Smalltalk fileIn:file.


"JV@2012-05-03: Search system path for rc.d directories, collect all *.rc files
and then file them in a lexical order"

| rcDFiles |

rcDFiles := SortedCollection sortBlock:[:a :b|a baseName < b baseName].

Smalltalk realSystemPath ? #() do:[:syspath|
    | rcD |

    rcD := syspath asFilename / 'rc.d'.
    rcD exists ifTrue:[
	rcD directoryContentsAsFilenames do:[:each|
	    each suffix = 'rc' ifTrue:[ rcDFiles add: each]

rcDFiles do:[:each|
    'smalltalk.rc [info]: reading ' infoPrint.
    each baseName infoPrint.
    '...' infoPrint.
    ( AbortOperationRequest , TerminateProcessRequest , Parser parseErrorSignal ) handle:[:ex |
	'FAILED: ' errorPrint.
	ex description errorPrintCR.
	ex return.
    ] do:[
	each fileIn.
	'OK' infoPrintCR.


Screen notNil ifTrue:[
    "/ read saved configuration settings (if any)
    | idx |

    idx := Smalltalk commandLineArguments indexOf: '--no-preferences'.
    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	Smalltalk commandLineArguments removeAtIndex: idx.
    ] ifFalse:[

	'smalltalk.rc [info]: reading preferences ' infoPrint.
	( AbortOperationRequest , TerminateProcessRequest , Parser parseErrorSignal ) handle:[:ex |
	    'READ FAILED: ' errorPrint.
	    ex description errorPrintCR.
	    ex return.
	    1 halt.
	] do:[
	    "JV@2012-03-07: Try following settings files:

	    in that order. Whichever is found, it is read and the rest
	    is not used. Also, path to the file which has beed read is
	    stored in 'UserPreferences current at:#settingsFilename'
	    | files continue |

	    files := nil.

	    idx := Smalltalk commandLineArguments indexOf: '--preferences'.
	    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
		| file |

		Smalltalk commandLineArguments size <= idx ifTrue:[
		    '' errorPrintCR.
		    'smalltalk.rc [error]: --preferences requires an argument, none given' errorPrintCR.
		    Smalltalk exit: 1.
		file := (Smalltalk commandLineArguments at: idx + 1) asFilename.
		file exists ifFalse:[
		    '' errorPrintCR.
		    ('smalltalk.rc [error]: preference file ''', file pathName,''' does not exist') errorPrintCR.
		    Smalltalk exit: 1.
		file isDirectory ifTrue:[
		    '' errorPrintCR.
		    ('smalltalk.rc [error]: preference file ''', file pathName,''' is not a regular file') errorPrintCR.
		    Smalltalk exit: 1.
		file isReadable ifFalse:[
		    '' errorPrintCR.
		    ('smalltalk.rc [error]: preference file ''', file pathName,''' is not a readable (check permissions)') errorPrintCR.
		    Smalltalk exit: 1.
		files := Array with: file.
		Smalltalk commandLineArguments removeAtIndex: idx + 1.
		Smalltalk commandLineArguments removeAtIndex: idx.
	    files isNil ifTrue:[
		files := {
			    (Filename homeDirectory / '.smalltalk' / 'settings.stx') . "/ per-user settings file (new default?)
			    (Filename homeDirectory / '.smalltalk' / 'settings.rc') .  "/ for backward compatibility with jv-branch
			    (Smalltalk getSystemFileName: 'settings.stx') .            "/ old stx default
			    (Smalltalk getSystemFileName: 'settings.rc') .             "/ for backward compatibility with jv-branch
	    continue := true.
	    files do:[:each|
		| eachFile |

		(continue and:[each notNil and:[(eachFile := each asFilename) exists]]) ifTrue:[
		    continue := false.
		    eachFile pathName infoPrintCR.
		    eachFile fileIn.
		    UserPreferences current at:#settingsFilename put: eachFile pathName.
	    continue ifTrue:[ '(none found)' infoPrintCR ].

"/ just a quick check, if this ST/X installation seems to
"/ be halfway complete (it happened to some people, that
"/ their source/resource directories were not installed)
"/ - better to warn early ...
|anyWrong missing|
Smalltalk isStandAloneApp ifFalse:[
    anyWrong := false.
    missing := ''.

"/ no longer needed - if we have the package,
"/ we also have the resources ...
"/    (Smalltalk getResourceFileName:'' forClass:SystemBrowser) isNil ifTrue:[
"/        '***********************************************************************' errorPrintCR.
"/        '***** ATTENTION: please check installation of your >>resource<< files' errorPrintCR.
"/        '***** I will not be able to give non-english messages' errorPrintCR.
"/        anyWrong := true.
"/        missing := '''resources'' '.
"/    ].

"/ no longer needed - if we have the package,
"/ we also have the styles ...
"/    (Smalltalk getResourceFileName:'' forClass:View) isNil ifTrue:[
"/        '***********************************************************************' errorPrintCR.
"/        '***** ATTENTION: please check installation of your >>style<< files' errorPrintCR.
"/        '***** I will use a plain b&w viewStyle as a fallBack' errorPrintCR.
"/        anyWrong := true.
"/        missing := missing , '''resources'' '.
"/    ].

    (Smalltalk getPackageFileName:'stx/libbasic/source/') isNil and:[
	(Smalltalk getPackageFileName:'stx/libbasic/') isNil and:[
	(Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'source/') isNil and:[
	(Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'source/') isNil and:[
	(Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'source/') isNil and:[
	(Smalltalk getSourceFileName:'libbasic/') isNil and:[
	    "/ there may still be a SourceCodeManager ...
	    (Smalltalk at:#SourceCodeManager) isNil ifTrue:[
		'***********************************************************************' errorPrintCR.
		'***** ATTENTION: please check installation of your >>source<< files' errorPrintCR.
		'***** ' errorPrintCR.
		'***** the browser/debugger may not be able to show sourcecode.' errorPrintCR.
		'***** Also, autoloading may fail if sourceFiles are missing.' errorPrintCR.
		anyWrong := true.
		missing := missing , '''source'' '.

"/ no longer needed - if we have the package,
"/ we also have the bitmaps ...
"/    (Smalltalk bitmapFromFileNamed:'SmalltalkX.xbm' inPackage:'stx:libtool') isNil ifTrue:[
"/        '***********************************************************************' errorPrintCR.
"/        '***** ATTENTION: please check installation of your >>bitmap<< files' errorPrintCR.
"/        anyWrong := true.
"/        missing := missing , '''bitmaps'' '.
"/    ].

    anyWrong ifTrue:[
	'*****' errorPrintCR.
	'***** directory(s) named: ' errorPrint. missing errorPrint. 'incomplete/not existing' errorPrintCR.
	'***** I could not find the missing directory along your path,' errorPrintCR.
	'***** which is:' errorPrintCR.
	Smalltalk systemPath do:[:dir |
	    ('*****        ' , dir storeString) errorPrintCR.

	'*****' errorPrintCR.
	'***** Try: "make source bitmaps resources styles"' errorPrintCR.
	'*****  or: "make symlinks" to fix this.' errorPrintCR.
	'***********************************************************************' errorPrintCR.

"/ set the package to some useful default
Project notNil ifTrue:[
    Project setDefaultProject.
    "/ Project current package:#'private'.

"/ if error occurs, and debugger has problems coming up,
"/ uncomment the following ...
"/ Debugger := MiniDebugger.

"/ save an initial image; this will speedup the next startup
"/ (since all autoload-stuff will already be initialized)
((Smalltalk commandLineArguments includes:'--quick')
 or:[(Smalltalk commandLineArguments includes:'--faststart')
 or:[(Smalltalk commandLineArguments includes:'--fastStart')
 or:[(Smalltalk isPlugin)
]]]) ifFalse:[
    ('st.img' asFilename exists not and:[Filename currentDirectory isWritable]) ifTrue:[

	doneWithStartupStuff := Semaphore new.

	Smalltalk addStartBlock:[
		doneWithStartupStuff wait.
		   'smalltalk.rc [info]: saving initial image for faster future startup...' infoPrintCR.
		   ObjectMemory primSnapShotOn:'st.img'
	    ] forkAt:1.
		Delay waitForSeconds:10.
		doneWithStartupStuff signal
	    ] forkAt:1.