author Claus Gittinger <>
Wed, 12 Oct 2016 01:56:49 +0200
changeset 1468 9d2291557943
parent 1069 52d47c503c30
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

Quick User Guide to Get Started

1) Adjust Settings
	If you work a lot with non-latin1 characters (i.e. cyrillic, japanese etc.),
	select an appropriate unicode font (use the font-selection dialog from either the
	Launcher or via a TextViews popupMenu). Notice that many fonts do not include the full
	set of characters (even if the ones that are present are correctly uni-coded).
	If you are able to provide translations for the UI (menu items, labels and strings),
	I would be very happy, if you'd sit down for an hour or so, type in the translations,
	for greek, russian, etc. and send me the result.
	See the files under the 'lib*/resources' directories for how this is done, and what is missing.
	Even fragments will help - I'll merge them into the next release.
	Think about returning something this way - you get ST/X for free, so an hour or so
	should not too much time to spend.

	After you have changed your preferences, save a snapshot image
	(Launchers "File-Save Image" menu) for faster startup the next time.
	You can always start ST/X with the "-I" command line argument to
	ignore the snapshot image and force a fresh start.

2) Learn some of the Tools
  The tols which are most heavily used initially are:
  Get used to them.
  As a beginner, please read the "Tutorial for Beginners" in the online documentation.

3) Learn Smalltalk / Write little demo programs
  See the "Reading List" in the online documentation; we recommend reading Ivan Tomek's
  "Joy of Smalltalk" and also work through the "Introduction to ST" interactive document.
  Both can be reached via the "Help - Online Documentation" menu. Then proceed to the
  "Reading List" and have a look for the Programmers Documentation.

4) Save your work
  Save a snapshot (launchers "File-Save Image" menu) and/or fileOut your classes from
  time to time. Have a look at the ChangesBrowser, which is your life saver in case of

5) Communicate
  Talk to others - there is a very active Smalltalk community.
  See comp.lang.smalltalk, various Smalltalk related webSites and various mailing lists.
  We have also setup an ST/X specific forum at "".

6) Don't Panic

   Have fun