author Claus Gittinger <>
Tue, 05 Mar 1996 02:25:57 +0100
changeset 89 fffab00793be
parent 88 95380a1bf862
child 92 dd4108239142
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

 * $Header$
 * sample keyboard.rc - file
 * this file defines some keyboard macros and adds mappings for
 * common function keys. These definitions used to be in 'private.rc',
 * but have been extracted into this separate file to allow easier
 * sharing of rc files (users having different private files, but want
 * to use the same keyboard mappings / keyboard macros)
 * a copy of this file can reside in $home/.smalltalk/keyboard.rc or
 * in the current directory.
 * these are my personal preferrences which may not be
 * correct for your environment


"/ define some keyboard macros as virtual function-keys:
"/ Cmd-F99: paste the output of a selected unix command ..
"/ Cmd-F98: toggle between 4 and 8 col tab setting
"/ Cmd-F96: pipe text through spelling checker and collect its output
"/ Cmd-F97: get next entry from spell-list, search and highlight it
"/ Cmd-F95: indents selection by 4
"/ Cmd-F94: undents selection by 4

macros := Smalltalk at:#FunctionKeySequences.
macros isNil ifTrue:[
    macros := IdentityDictionary new.
    Smalltalk at:#FunctionKeySequences put:macros.

"/ macro to replace a text selection by unix commands output

macros at:#F99 put:'
		    "replace selection by 
		     unix commands output"


		    sel := self selection.
		    sel notNil ifTrue:[
			self replace:
			    (PipeStream readingFrom:(sel asString))
				contents asString

"/ macro to toggle tabs
macros at:#F98 put:'
		    "toggle between 4-col 
		     and 8-col tabs"

		    (tabPositions == self class tab4Positions)
			 ifTrue:[self setTab8]
			 ifFalse:[self setTab4]'.

"/ macro to get next spelling error, and select it
macros at:#F97 put:'
		    |errs thisErr sl sc|

		    thisErr := Smalltalk at:#''_thisError''.
		    thisErr isNil ifTrue:[
			errs := Smalltalk at:#''_spellOutput''.
			(errs notNil and:[errs notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
			    thisErr := errs removeFirst.
			    errs isEmpty ifTrue:[Smalltalk removeKey:''_spellOut'']
			Smalltalk at:#''_lastErrLine'' put:1.
			Smalltalk at:#''_lastErrCol'' put:1.
		    thisErr notNil ifTrue:[
			sl := Smalltalk at:#''_lastErrLine''.
			sc := Smalltalk at:#''_lastErrCol''.
			self searchForwardFor:thisErr
			     startingAtLine:sl col:sc 
			     ifFound:[:fl :fc | self selectWordAtLine:fl col:fc.
						Smalltalk at:#''_lastErrLine'' put:fl.
						Smalltalk at:#''_lastErrCol'' put:fc+1]
			     ifAbsent:[self device beep]

"/ macro to send contents to spell; remember spelling errors
"/ does not work on all systems (some do not have spell ...)
macros at:#F96 put:'
		    |p f s|

		    f := Filename newTemporary. s := f writeStream.
		    s nextPutAll:self contents asString.
		    s close.
		    p := PipeStream readingFrom:''spell '' , f pathName.
		    Smalltalk at:#''_spellOutput'' put:p contents asString asCollectionOfLines.
		    p close.
		    self information:''F7 positions on the next spelling error''.

"/ macro to indent by 4
macros at:#F95 put:'
		    "indent selected line-range 
		     by 4 spaces (i.e. to the right)"

		    self selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[    
			self selectionStartLine to:self selectionEndLine-1 do:[:lineNr |

			    line := self listAt:lineNr.
			    line notNil ifTrue:[
				line notEmpty ifTrue:[
				    line := ''    '' , line.
				    self at:lineNr put:line

"/ macro to undent by 4
macros at:#F94 put:'
		    "undent selected line-range 
		     by 4 spaces (i.e. to the left)"

		    self selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[    
			self selectionStartLine to:self selectionEndLine-1 do:[:lineNr |

			    line := self listAt:lineNr.
			    line notNil ifTrue:[
				line notEmpty ifTrue:[
				    (line startsWith:''    '') ifTrue:[
					line := line copyFrom:5.
					self at:lineNr put:line


map := Display keyboardMap.

"/ remove these lines, if your keyboard has a COMPOSE-key.
"/ None of our Xdisplays here has one - so we simulate it using CTRL-R ...
"/ which on some (of our) servers comes pretranslated as Multi_key, 
"/ or even Mode_switch.

map bindValue:#Compose     to:#'Control_R'.     
map bindValue:#Compose     to:#'Multi_key'.     
map bindValue:#Compose     to:#'Mode_switch'.     

"/ a kludge: some Xservers send #Delete for both the backspace
"/ and the Delete key. In this case, we use the Backspace function
"/ for both keys. If your Xserver does not do this (it should not)
"/ remove or comment the following 'bindValue:#BackSpace'-line:

map bindValue:#BackSpace     to:#Delete.

"/ my personal preferences - comment it, if you do not like them
"/ bind function and other keys as:
"/ F1            - again
"/ F3            - comment-it
"/ F4            - uncomment-it
"/ F5            - paste shell output
"/ F9            - undent by 4
"/ F10           - indent by 4
"/ Control-R     - Compose key
"/ Break         - UserInterrupt

"/ convenient functions on the keyboard
map bindValue:#Again         to:#F1.
map bindValue:#UserInterrupt to:#Break.
"/ map bindValue:#PrintIt       to:#Print.      "/ called PrintScreen on most keyboards
"/ map bindValue:#InspectIt     to:#Execute.    "/ called SysReq on most keyboards

map bindValue:#SaveAs        to:#CmdS.

map bindValue:#CmdF99  to:#F5.
map bindValue:#CmdF98 to:#CtrlTab.
"/ map bindValue:#CmdF97 to:#F7.
"/ map bindValue:#CmdF96 to:#F6.
map bindValue:#CmdF95 to:#F10.
map bindValue:#CmdF94 to:#F9.

map bindValue:#CommentSelection to:#F3.
map bindValue:#UncommentSelection to:#F4.

"/ since some of my machines have german keyboards ;-)
"/ and I like to be able to edit my files on all machines,
"/ I need a translation in both ways.
"/ you'd normally not define things in both directions.
"/ actually, these things belong into the servers modmap or 
"/ into a display specific d_<displayName>.rc ...
"/ german national characters on a US keyboard:
map bindValue:(Character value:16rFC) to:#'Cmd['.
map bindValue:(Character value:16rE4) to:#'Cmd'''.
map bindValue:(Character value:16rF6) to:#'Cmd;'.
map bindValue:(Character value:16rDC) to:#'Cmd{'.
map bindValue:(Character value:16rC4) to:#'Cmd"'.
map bindValue:(Character value:16rD6) to:#'Cmd:'.
map bindValue:(Character value:16rDF) to:#'Cmd-'.

"/ US characters on german keyboard:
map bindValue:$[ to:#'Alt['.
map bindValue:$] to:#'Alt]'.
map bindValue:$| to:#'Alt|'.
map bindValue:${ to:#'Alt{'.
map bindValue:$} to:#'Alt}'.