changeset 14 fa42d3f1a578
parent 9 569bf5707c7e
child 16 17a2d1d9f205
--- a/compiler/	Sun Sep 20 12:01:42 2015 +0100
+++ b/compiler/	Tue Sep 22 17:43:38 2015 +0100
@@ -11,106 +11,6 @@
 !TFormatter methodsFor:'visitor-double dispatching'!
-    |seqNode multiline formattedBody formatter parent parentSelector|
-    (CStyleBlocks 
-        and:[ (parent := aBlockNode parent) notNil and:[ parent isMessage ] ]) 
-            ifTrue:
-                [ parent receiver == aBlockNode 
-                    ifTrue:
-                        [ " I am the receiver of a message (i.e. typically a control structure) "
-                        ^ self acceptInlineAssemblyNodeCStyle:aBlockNode ].
-                parentSelector := parent selector.
-                parentSelector == #timesRepeat: 
-                    ifTrue:
-                        [ " I am the receiver of a message (i.e. typically a control structure) "
-                        self indent:-2 while:[ ^ self acceptInlineAssemblyNodeCStyle:aBlockNode ] ] ].
-    seqNode := aBlockNode body.
-    formatter := (self copy)
-                lineStart:0;
-                yourself.
-    seqNode isNil ifTrue:[ 
-        formattedBody := ''
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        formattedBody := formatter format:seqNode 
-    ].
-    multiline := (self lineLength + formattedBody size > self maxLineSize) 
-                or:[ formatter isMultiLine ].
-    (CStyleBlocks and:[ multiline ]) 
-        ifTrue:
-            [ self indent:-1 while:[ self acceptInlineAssemblyNodeCStyle:aBlockNode ].
-            ^ self ].
-    multiline ifTrue:[ self indent ].
-    codeStream nextPutAll:'%['.
-    SpaceAfterBlockStart 
-        ifTrue:
-            [ (formattedBody notEmpty and:[ aBlockNode arguments isEmptyOrNil ]) 
-                ifTrue:[ codeStream space. ] ].
-    self formatBlockArguments:aBlockNode.
-    aBlockNode arguments isEmpty 
-        ifFalse:
-            [ codeStream nextPutAll:'| '.
-            multiline ifTrue:[ self indent ] ].
-    codeStream nextPutAll:formattedBody.
-    SpaceBeforeBlockEnd 
-        ifTrue:[ formattedBody notEmpty ifTrue:[ codeStream space. ] ].
-    codeStream nextPutAll:'%]'
-    "Created: / 02-09-2015 / 06:49:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
-acceptInlineAssemblyNodeCStyle: aBlockNode 
-        | seqNode l multiline formattedBody formatter |
-        seqNode := aBlockNode body.
-        formatter := (self copy) lineStart: 0; yourself.
-        formatter indentWhile:[
-            formattedBody := formatter format: seqNode.
-formattedBody asCollectionOfLines last isBlank ifTrue:[
-     formattedBody := (formattedBody asCollectionOfLines copyButLast:1) asStringWith:Character cr.
-        ].
-        multiline := (l := self lineLength + formattedBody size) > self maxLineSize
-                                or: [formatter isMultiLine].
-        multiline := multiline or:[l > (MaxLengthForSingleLineBlocks ? 60)].
-        codeStream nextPutAll:'%['.
-        multiline ifFalse:[
-            SpaceAfterBlockStart 
-                ifTrue:[
-                    (formattedBody notEmpty and:[aBlockNode hasArguments not]) 
-                        ifTrue:[
-                            codeStream space.]].
-        ].
-        self indentWhile:[
-            (BlockArgumentsOnNewLine or:[aBlockNode hasArguments not]) ifTrue:[
-                multiline ifTrue:[
-                    self indent.
-                ].
-            ].
-            self formatBlockArguments:aBlockNode.
-            aBlockNode arguments isEmpty 
-                ifFalse:[ 
-                    codeStream nextPutAll: '| '.
-                    multiline ifTrue: [self indent]].
-        ].
-        codeStream nextPutAll: formattedBody.
-        multiline 
-            ifTrue: [self indent]
-            ifFalse:[ 
-                SpaceBeforeBlockEnd 
-                    ifTrue:[
-                        formattedBody notEmpty 
-                            ifTrue:[
-                                codeStream space.]]].
-        codeStream nextPutAll:'%]'.
-    "Created: / 02-09-2015 / 06:48:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
 acceptSimpleTypeNode: aTSimpleTypeNode
     codeStream nextPutAll: aTSimpleTypeNode name