Rakefiles: download binary stc and librun from SWING's plain http 'artifact repository'
authorJan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>
Fri, 17 Jan 2020 21:37:47 +0000
changeset 289 c10f5a5b2e92
parent 288 2986b947d89f
child 290 29f361e1e31c
Rakefiles: download binary stc and librun from SWING's plain http 'artifact repository' ...rather than from Jenkins as there's no longer publicly available Jenkins instance. This commit is based on an earlier version Patrik Svestka so credit goes to him! Thanks!
--- a/rakelib/support.rb	Fri Jan 17 10:36:16 2020 +0000
+++ b/rakelib/support.rb	Fri Jan 17 21:37:47 2020 +0000
@@ -137,4 +137,74 @@
     end # class ArtifactRepository::Jenkins::Build
   end # class ArtifactRepository::Jenkins
+  class PlainHTTPListing
+    def initialize(uri)
+      @uri = uri
+      @html_data = Net::HTTP.get(URI(uri))
+    end
+    def latestBuild()
+      return Build.new(@uri + latest_build + '/') # dont forget trailing '/'!
+    end
+    class Build
+      attr_reader :uri, :html_data
+      def initialize(uri)
+        @uri = uri
+        @html_data = Net::HTTP.get(URI(uri))
+      end
+      def artifacts
+        unless @artifacts
+          # get latest build file list
+          @artifacts = lastest_build_files(Array.new, String.new).collect {|each_file| Artifact.new(each_file, URI(@uri + each_file))} 
+        end
+        @artifacts
+      end
+      private
+      # parse HTML via regexp (yes, bad idea but Apache can't serve natively JSON)
+      # retuns Array of String(s) - filenames and their suffixes
+      def parse_html_directories(html_build_directory_list)
+        files_and_suffixes = html_build_directory_list.scan(/(smalltalkx-jv-branch-\d+.\d+.\d+_build\d+[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\.|tar\.bz2|zip|7z|7zip|\.sha256|\.sha512)/)
+        files_and_suffixes.flatten
+      end
+      # create file array where the file part and its suffix will be merged together
+      # returns Array of String filenames without any duplicities (needed due to HTML nature (a href))
+      def lastest_build_files(stx_latest_build_files, stx_file)  
+        parse_html_directories(@html_data).each do |file_part|
+          if file_part.match(/\.$/) # only a file_part has a . at the end
+            stx_latest_build_files.push(stx_file) unless stx_file.empty? 
+            stx_file = String.new  # empty current String content
+            stx_file = file_part
+          else 
+            stx_file = stx_file + file_part
+          end
+        end
+        # prune (duplicities)
+        stx_latest_build_files.uniq!
+      end
+    end # class ArtifactRepository::PlainHTTPListing::Build
+    private
+    # find newest build contains date: yyyy-mm-dd_buildId
+    def latest_build
+      directory_list.max
+    end
+    # get Array of directories
+    def directory_list
+      directories=@html_data.scan(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_\d+/)
+      directories.uniq! # remove duplicates
+    end
+  end # class ArtifactRepository::PlainHTTPListing
 end # module ArtifactRepository
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