initial checkin
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Sat, 20 Aug 2011 14:22:16 +0200
changeset 310 407809842fa8
parent 309 cbe9b5c3ad92
child 311 5cdfe7daf2d0
initial checkin
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Sat Aug 20 14:22:16 2011 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/monticello' }"
+MCTestCase subclass:#MCStWriterTest
+	instanceVariableNames:'stream writer'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Monticello-Tests'
+!MCStWriterTest methodsFor:'asserting'!
+	stream reset.
+	stream 
+		untilEnd: [self assertChunkIsWellFormed: stream nextChunk]
+		displayingProgress: 'Checking syntax...'
+assertChunkIsWellFormed: chunk
+	self class parserClass new
+		parse: chunk readStream 
+		class: UndefinedObject 
+		noPattern: true
+		context: nil
+		notifying: nil
+		ifFail: [self assert: false]
+assertContentsOf: strm match: expected 
+	| actual |
+	actual := strm contents.
+	self assert: actual size = expected size.
+	actual with: expected do: [:a :e | self assert: a = e]
+assertMethodChunkIsWellFormed: chunk
+	self class parserClass new
+		parse: chunk readStream 
+		class: UndefinedObject 
+		noPattern: false
+		context: nil
+		notifying: nil
+		ifFail: [self assert: false]
+! !
+!MCStWriterTest methodsFor:'data'!
+ ^ '
+MCMock subclass: #MCMockClassA
+	instanceVariableNames: ''ivar''
+	classVariableNames: ''CVar''
+	poolDictionaries: ''''
+	category: ''Monticello-Mocks''!!
+!!MCMockClassA commentStamp: ''cwp 8/10/2003 16:43'' prior: 0!!
+This is a mock class. The Monticello tests manipulated it to simulate a developer modifying code in the image.!!
+ ^ '
+MCMock subclass: #MCMockClassB
+	instanceVariableNames: ''ivarb''
+	classVariableNames: ''CVar''
+	poolDictionaries: ''MCMockAPoolDictionary''
+	category: ''Monticello-Mocks''!!
+MCMockClassB class
+	instanceVariableNames: ''ciVar''!!
+!!MCMockClassB commentStamp: '''' prior: 0!!
+This comment has a bang!!!! Bang!!!! Bang!!!!!!
+	^ '
+!!MCMockClassA class methodsFor: ''as yet unclassified'' stamp: ''ab 7/7/2003 23:21''!!
+	^ 1!! !!
+	^ '
+!!MCMockClassA methodsFor: ''numeric'' stamp: ''cwp 8/2/2003 17:26''!!
+	^ 1!! !!
+	^ '
+!!MCStWriterTest methodsFor: ''testing'' stamp: ''cwp 8/9/2003 14:55''!!
+	^ ''
+	^ ReadStream on: 
+''''MCRevisionInfo packageName: ''''MonticelloCompatibilityTest''''!!!!!!!!
+MCOrganizationDeclaration categories: 
+  #(
+  ''''Monticello-Mocks'''')!!!!!!!!
+  name: #MCMockClassD
+  superclassName: #Object
+  category: #''''Monticello-Mocks''''
+  instVarNames: #()
+  comment: ''''''''!!!!!!!!
+MCMethodDeclaration className: #MCMockClassD selector: #one category: #''''as yet unclassified'''' timeStamp: ''''cwp 7/8/2003 21:21'''' source: 
+	^ 1''''!!!!!!!!
+!! !!
+	^ 'SystemOrganization addCategory: ''Monticello-Mocks''!!
+! !
+!MCStWriterTest methodsFor:'testing'!
+	^ 'MCMockClassA initialize'
+	^ '
+	^ ReadStream on: 
+''MCRevisionInfo packageName: ''MonticelloCompatibilityTest''!!!!
+MCOrganizationDeclaration categories: 
+  #(
+  ''Monticello-Mocks'')!!!!
+  name: #MCMockClassD
+  superclassName: #Object
+  category: #''Monticello-Mocks''
+  instVarNames: #()
+  comment: ''''!!!!
+MCMethodDeclaration className: #MCMockClassD selector: #one category: #''as yet unclassified'' timeStamp: ''cwp 7/8/2003 21:21'' source: 
+	^ 1''!!!!
+    stream := ReadWriteStream on:String new.
+    writer := MCStWriter on:stream.
+	writer visitClassDefinition: (self mockClassA asClassDefinition).
+	self assertContentsOf: stream match: self expectedClassDefinitionA.
+	stream reset.
+	2 timesRepeat: [self assertChunkIsWellFormed: stream nextChunk]
+	writer visitClassDefinition: (self mockClassB asClassDefinition).
+	self assertContentsOf: stream match: self expectedClassDefinitionB.
+	writer visitMethodDefinition: (MethodReference class: self mockClassA class selector: #one) 									asMethodDefinition.
+	self assertContentsOf: stream match: self expectedClassMethodDefinition.
+	stream reset.
+	self assert: stream nextChunk isAllSeparators.
+	self assertChunkIsWellFormed: stream nextChunk.
+	self assertMethodChunkIsWellFormed: stream nextChunk.
+	self assert: stream nextChunk isAllSeparators 
+	|chunk lastChunk|
+	writer writeSnapshot: self mockSnapshot.
+	stream reset.
+	[stream atEnd] whileFalse:
+		[chunk := stream nextChunk.
+		chunk isAllSeparators ifFalse: [lastChunk := chunk]].
+	self assertContentsOf: lastChunk readStream match: self expectedInitializerA
+	writer visitMethodDefinition: (MethodReference class: self mockClassA selector: #one) 									asMethodDefinition.
+	self assertContentsOf: stream match: self expectedMethodDefinition.
+	stream reset.
+	self assert: stream nextChunk isAllSeparators.
+	self assertChunkIsWellFormed: stream nextChunk.
+	self assertMethodChunkIsWellFormed: stream nextChunk.
+	self assert: stream nextChunk isAllSeparators 
+	writer visitMethodDefinition: (MethodReference 
+									class: self class 
+									selector: #methodWithBangs) asMethodDefinition.
+	self assertContentsOf: stream match: self expectedMethodDefinitionWithBangs.
+	stream reset.
+	self assert: stream nextChunk isAllSeparators.
+	self assertChunkIsWellFormed: stream nextChunk.
+	self assertMethodChunkIsWellFormed: stream nextChunk.
+	self assert: stream nextChunk isAllSeparators 
+	| definition |
+	definition := MCOrganizationDefinition categories: 
+					(self mockPackage packageInfo systemCategories).
+	writer visitOrganizationDefinition: definition.
+	self assertContentsOf: stream match: self expectedOrganizationDefinition.
+	self assertAllChunksAreWellFormed.
+! !
+!MCStWriterTest class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/monticello/,v 1.1 2011-08-20 12:22:16 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/monticello/,v 1.1 2011-08-20 12:22:16 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '§Id: 7 2010-09-12 07:18:55Z vranyj1 §'
+! !