changeset 515 b5316ef15274
child 516 3b81c9e53352
equal deleted inserted replaced
502:1e45d3c96ec5 515:b5316ef15274
     1 "{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler/tests/extras' }"
     3 "{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
     5 TestResource subclass:#PPCLRPSourcesResource
     6 	instanceVariableNames:'sources'
     7 	classVariableNames:''
     8 	poolDictionaries:''
     9 	category:'PetitCompiler-Extras-Tests-LRP'
    10 !
    13 !PPCLRPSourcesResource methodsFor:'accessing'!
    15 sources
    16     sources isNil ifTrue:[ 
    17         sources := #(
    18             doranewbridge
    19             doraultratouch
    20             escapament
    21             follower
    22             linebounderfollower
    23             linecrossfollower
    24             rtimer
    25             stairsclimber
    26             stopwatch
    27             timer
    28         ) collect:[:e | self perform: e].                
    29     ].
    30     ^ sources
    32     "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 19:04:04 / Jan Vrany <>"
    33 ! !
    35 !PPCLRPSourcesResource methodsFor:'sources - individual'!
    37 doranewbridge
    38 ^ ';; A Random Space Explorer behavior for a differential drive robot
    39 ;; Wall collisions are detected with the ultrasonic sensor
    41 (var speed :=[20])
    42 (var timeout := [1000 atRandom])
    43 (machine Dora
    44   (state forward
    45     (onentry [
    46       robot motorA startAtSpeed: speed.
    47       robot motorD startAtSpeed: speed.
    48     ])
    49     (onexit [robot fullStop]))
    50   (state shock
    51     (onentry [
    52       robot motorA startAtSpeed: speed negated.
    53       robot motorD startAtSpeed: speed negated.
    54     ])
    55     (onexit [robot fullStop]))
    56   (state turn
    57     (onentry [
    58       robot motorA startAtSpeed: speed.
    59       robot motorD startAtSpeed: speed negated
    60     ])
    61     (onexit [
    62       robot fullStop.
    63       timeout := 1000 atRandom
    64     ]))
    65   (ontime 500 shock -> turn st)
    66   (ontime timeout turn -> forward tf)
    67   (on tooclose forward -> shock fs)
    68   (event tooclose [robot sensor2 read < 200])
    69 )
    70 (spawn Dora forward)
    71 '
    73     "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:39:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
    74 !
    76 doraultratouch
    77 ^ ';; A Random Space Explorer behavior for a differential drive robot
    78 ;; Wall collisions are detected with the ultrasonic sensor and touch sensors
    80 (var speed :=[20])
    81 (var timeout := [1000 atRandom])
    82 (machine Dora
    83   (state forward
    84     (onentry [
    85       robot motorA startAtSpeed: speed.
    86       robot motorD startAtSpeed: speed.
    87     ])
    88     (onexit [robot fullStop]))
    89   (state shock
    90     (onentry [
    91       robot motorA startAtSpeed: speed negated.
    92       robot motorD startAtSpeed: speed negated.
    93     ])
    94     (onexit [robot fullStop]))
    95   (state turn
    96     (onentry [
    97       robot motorA startAtSpeed: speed.
    98       robot motorD startAtSpeed: speed negated
    99     ])
   100     (onexit [
   101       robot fullStop.
   102       timeout := 1000 atRandom
   103     ]))
   104   (ontime 500 shock -> turn st)
   105   (ontime timeout turn -> forward tf)
   106   (on tooclose forward -> shock fs)
   107   (on shockLeft forward -> shock sl)
   108   (on shockRight forward -> shock sf)
   109   (event tooclose [robot sensor2 read < 200])
   110   (event shockLeft [robot sensor4 read = 1])
   111   (event shockRight [robot sensor1 read = 1])
   112 )
   113 (spawn Dora forward)
   115 '
   117     "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:40:24 / Jan Vrany <>"
   118 !
   120 escapament
   121 ^ ';;; A simple escapement
   122 (machine esc
   123         (state tick)
   124         (state tock)
   125         (ontime 500 tick -> tock tito)
   126         (ontime 500 tock -> tick toti)
   127 )
   128 (spawn esc tick)'
   130     "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:37:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
   131 !
   133 follower
   134 ^ ';; A line follower for a differential drive robot
   135 ;; Uses the Lego color sensor,
   136 ;; position is front and center, and pointed to the line (down)
   137 (var sensor := [robot sensor3])
   138 (var mright := [robot motorA])
   139 (var mleft := [robot motorD])
   140 (var speed := [4])
   141 (machine follower
   142         (state init
   143                 (onentry [sensor setMode: #Mode2])
   144         )
   145         (state moving
   146                 (onentry [
   147                         mright startAtSpeed: speed * 2.
   148                         mleft startAtSpeed: speed * 2.
   149                         ])
   150                 (onexit [robot fullStop])
   151         )
   152         (state looking
   153                 (machine lookalgo
   154                         (var looktime := [1000])
   155                         (state lookright
   156                                 (onentry 
   157                                         [mright startAtSpeed: speed negated.
   158                                         mleft startAtSpeed: speed.]))
   159                         (state lookleft
   160                                 )
   161                         (state centerfromright
   162                                 (onentry 
   163                                         [mright startAtSpeed: speed.
   164                                         mleft startAtSpeed: speed negated.]))
   165                         (state centerfromleft
   166                                 (onentry 
   167                                         [mright startAtSpeed: speed negated.
   168                                         mleft startAtSpeed: speed.])
   169                                 (onexit [looktime := looktime * 2]))
   170                         (ontime looktime lookright -> centerfromright tlrb)
   171                         (ontime looktime centerfromright -> lookleft tlr)
   172                         (ontime looktime lookleft -> centerfromleft tfail)
   173                         (ontime looktime centerfromleft -> lookright tfailb)
   174                         )
   175                 (onentry (spawn lookalgo lookright))
   176                 )
   177         (eps init -> moving tinit)
   178         (on out moving -> looking tms)
   179         (event out [(sensor read = 1) not])
   180         (event in  [sensor read = 1])
   181         (on in looking -> moving tsm)
   182 )
   183 (spawn follower init)
   185 '
   187     "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:40:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
   188 !
   190 linebounderfollower
   191 ^ ';; Line following robot for a differential drive robot
   192 ;;; that "bounces" off the left hand side of the line
   193 ;; Uses the Lego color sensor,
   194 ;; position is front and center, and pointed to the line (down)
   195 (var sensor := [robot sensor3])
   196 (var mright := [robot motorA])
   197 (var mleft := [robot motorD])
   198 (machine linebounce
   199         (state init
   200                 (onentry [sensor setMode: #Mode2.]))
   201         (eps init -> white iw)
   202         (state white
   203                 (onentry [
   204                         mright startAtSpeed: 4.
   205                         mleft startAtSpeed: 18])
   206                 (onexit [mright stop. mleft stop]))
   207         (state black
   208                 (onentry [
   209                         mright startAtSpeed: 10.
   210                         mleft startAtSpeed: -4])
   211                 (onexit [mright stop. mleft stop]))
   212         (on seeblack white -> black wb)
   213         (on seewhite black -> white bw)
   214         (event seeblack [sensor read = 1])
   215         (event seewhite [(sensor read = 1) not])
   216 )
   217 (spawn linebounce init)
   219 '
   221     "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:41:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
   222 !
   224 linecrossfollower
   225 ^ ';;; Line following for a differential drive robot
   226 ;;; goes forward by always crossing the line
   227 ;; Uses the Lego color sensor,
   228 ;; position is front and center, and pointed to the line (down)
   229 (var sensor := [robot sensor3])
   230 (var mright := [robot motorA])
   231 (var mleft := [robot motorD])
   232 (var speed := [15])
   233 (machine linecross
   234         (state left
   235                 (onentry [mright startAtSpeed: speed]))
   236         (state crossfl  
   237                 (onexit [mright stop]))
   238         (state right
   239                 (onentry [mleft startAtSpeed: speed]))
   240         (state crossfr
   241                 (onexit [mleft stop]))  
   242         (on black right -> crossfr rlx)
   243         (on black left -> crossfl lrx)
   244         (on white crossfr -> left rl)
   245         (on white crossfl -> right lr)
   246         (event black [sensor read = 1])
   247         (event white [(sensor read = 1) not])
   248 )
   249 (spawn linecross left)
   251 '
   253     "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:41:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
   254 !
   256 rtimer
   257 ^ ';;a resettable timer with 10 sec intervals
   258 (var minute := [0])
   259 (machine rtimer
   260         (state zero)
   261         (state ten)
   262         (state twenty)
   263         (state thirty)
   264         (state fourty)
   265         (state fifty
   266                 (onexit [minute := minute + 1]))
   267         (ontime 10000 zero -> ten toten)
   268         (ontime 10000 ten -> twenty totwenty)
   269         (ontime 10000 twenty -> thirty tothirty)
   270         (ontime 10000 thirty -> fourty tofourty)
   271         (ontime 10000 fourty -> fifty tofifty)
   272         (ontime 10000 fifty -> zero tozero)
   273         (var doreset := [0])
   274         (state init
   275                 (onentry [minute := 0.
   276                         doreset := 0]))
   277         (on resetting *-> init reset)
   278         (eps init -> zero go)
   279         (event resetting [doreset = 1])
   280 )
   281 (spawn rtimer zero)
   282 '
   284     "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:38:19 / Jan Vrany <>"
   285 !
   287 stairsclimber
   288 ^ ';;; A stairs climber building using the MindStorm expansion set
   289 ;;; Use the new JetStorm Bridge funcionality
   290 ;;; Use ontime transition to estimate the second step of the climbing
   291 ;;; Watch example in:
   293 (var backWheelsSpeed := [-50])
   294 (var frontWheelsSpeed := [-50])
   295 (var climbSpeed := [-50])
   296 (var startGyro := [0])
   297 (var deltaGyro := [4])
   298 (machine Stair
   299   (state forward
   300     (onentry [
   301       robot motorA startAtSpeed: backWheelsSpeed.
   302       robot motorB startAtSpeed: frontWheelsSpeed.
   303       startGyro := robot sensor2 read.
   304       ]
   305     )
   306     (onexit [
   307       robot fullStop.
   308       ]
   309     )
   310   )
   312   (state climb
   313     (onentry [
   314       robot motorD startAtSpeed: climbSpeed.
   315       robot motorB startAtSpeed: frontWheelsSpeed.
   316       ]
   317     )
   318     (onexit [
   319       robot fullStop.
   320       ]
   321     )
   322   )
   324   (state forward2
   325     (onentry [
   326       robot motorA startAtSpeed: backWheelsSpeed.
   327       robot motorB startAtSpeed: frontWheelsSpeed.
   328       ]
   329     )
   330   )
   332   (state climb2
   333     (onentry [
   334       robot motorD startAtSpeed: climbSpeed negated.
   335       ]
   336     )
   337     (onexit [
   338       robot fullStop 
   339       ]
   340     )
   341   )
   343   (state stop
   344     (onentry [robot fullStop])
   345   )
   347   (on incline forward -> climb incline)
   348   (on finishClimb climb -> forward2 finishClimb)
   349   (event finishClimb [robot sensor3 read == 1])
   350   (event incline [robot sensor2 read > (deltaGyro + startGyro)])
   352   (ontime 3000 forward2 -> climb2 for2)
   353   (ontime 6000 climb2 -> forward loop)
   354 )
   355 (spawn Stair forward)
   357 '
   359     "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:42:09 / Jan Vrany <>"
   360 !
   362 stopwatch
   363 ^ ';; A stopwatch.
   364 ;; Inspect the variables start and reset,
   365 ;; and from the inspectors change the values
   366 (machine stopwatch
   367         (var start := [false])
   368         (var reset := [false])
   369         (var seconds := [0])
   370         (state waiting )
   371         (on e_starting waiting -> tick t_st)
   372         (event e_starting [start])
   373         (state tick)
   374         (state tock (onexit [seconds := seconds + 1]))
   375         (ontime 500 tick -> tock t_tito)
   376         (ontime 500 tock -> tick t_toti)
   378         (on e_reset *-> resetting t_reset)
   379         (event e_reset [reset])
   380         (state resetting
   381                 (onentry [reset := false. seconds := 0] ))
   382         (eps resetting -> tick t_et)
   384         (on e_stop *-> waiting t_es)
   385         (event e_stop [start not])
   386 )
   387 (spawn stopwatch waiting)
   388 '
   390     "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:38:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
   391 !
   393 timer
   394 ^ ';; a timer with 10 sec intervals
   396 (var minute := [0])
   397 (machine timer
   398         (state zero)
   399         (state ten)
   400         (state twenty)
   401         (state thirty)
   402         (state fourty)
   403         (state fifty
   404                 (onexit [minute := minute + 1]))
   405         (ontime 10000 zero -> ten toten)
   406         (ontime 10000 ten -> twenty totwenty)
   407         (ontime 10000 twenty -> thirty tothirty)
   408         (ontime 10000 thirty -> fourty tofourty)
   409         (ontime 10000 fourty -> fifty tofifty)
   410         (ontime 10000 fifty -> zero tozero)
   411 )
   412 (spawn timer zero)
   414 '
   416     "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:39:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
   417 ! !
   419 !PPCLRPSourcesResource class methodsFor:'documentation'!
   421 version_HG
   423     ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
   424 ! !