changeset 515 b5316ef15274
child 516 3b81c9e53352
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/compiler/tests/extras/	Mon Aug 17 12:13:16 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler/tests/extras' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+TestResource subclass:#PPCLRPSourcesResource
+	instanceVariableNames:'sources'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'PetitCompiler-Extras-Tests-LRP'
+!PPCLRPSourcesResource methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    sources isNil ifTrue:[ 
+        sources := #(
+            doranewbridge
+            doraultratouch
+            escapament
+            follower
+            linebounderfollower
+            linecrossfollower
+            rtimer
+            stairsclimber
+            stopwatch
+            timer
+        ) collect:[:e | self perform: e].                
+    ].
+    ^ sources
+    "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 19:04:04 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!PPCLRPSourcesResource methodsFor:'sources - individual'!
+^ ';; A Random Space Explorer behavior for a differential drive robot
+;; Wall collisions are detected with the ultrasonic sensor
+(var speed :=[20])
+(var timeout := [1000 atRandom])
+(machine Dora
+  (state forward
+    (onentry [
+      robot motorA startAtSpeed: speed.
+      robot motorD startAtSpeed: speed.
+    ])
+    (onexit [robot fullStop]))
+  (state shock
+    (onentry [
+      robot motorA startAtSpeed: speed negated.
+      robot motorD startAtSpeed: speed negated.
+    ])
+    (onexit [robot fullStop]))
+  (state turn
+    (onentry [
+      robot motorA startAtSpeed: speed.
+      robot motorD startAtSpeed: speed negated
+    ])
+    (onexit [
+      robot fullStop.
+      timeout := 1000 atRandom
+    ]))
+  (ontime 500 shock -> turn st)
+  (ontime timeout turn -> forward tf)
+  (on tooclose forward -> shock fs)
+  (event tooclose [robot sensor2 read < 200])
+(spawn Dora forward)
+    "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:39:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
+^ ';; A Random Space Explorer behavior for a differential drive robot
+;; Wall collisions are detected with the ultrasonic sensor and touch sensors
+(var speed :=[20])
+(var timeout := [1000 atRandom])
+(machine Dora
+  (state forward
+    (onentry [
+      robot motorA startAtSpeed: speed.
+      robot motorD startAtSpeed: speed.
+    ])
+    (onexit [robot fullStop]))
+  (state shock
+    (onentry [
+      robot motorA startAtSpeed: speed negated.
+      robot motorD startAtSpeed: speed negated.
+    ])
+    (onexit [robot fullStop]))
+  (state turn
+    (onentry [
+      robot motorA startAtSpeed: speed.
+      robot motorD startAtSpeed: speed negated
+    ])
+    (onexit [
+      robot fullStop.
+      timeout := 1000 atRandom
+    ]))
+  (ontime 500 shock -> turn st)
+  (ontime timeout turn -> forward tf)
+  (on tooclose forward -> shock fs)
+  (on shockLeft forward -> shock sl)
+  (on shockRight forward -> shock sf)
+  (event tooclose [robot sensor2 read < 200])
+  (event shockLeft [robot sensor4 read = 1])
+  (event shockRight [robot sensor1 read = 1])
+(spawn Dora forward)
+    "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:40:24 / Jan Vrany <>"
+^ ';;; A simple escapement
+(machine esc
+        (state tick)
+        (state tock)
+        (ontime 500 tick -> tock tito)
+        (ontime 500 tock -> tick toti)
+(spawn esc tick)'
+    "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:37:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
+^ ';; A line follower for a differential drive robot
+;; Uses the Lego color sensor,
+;; position is front and center, and pointed to the line (down)
+(var sensor := [robot sensor3])
+(var mright := [robot motorA])
+(var mleft := [robot motorD])
+(var speed := [4])
+(machine follower
+        (state init
+                (onentry [sensor setMode: #Mode2])
+        )
+        (state moving
+                (onentry [
+                        mright startAtSpeed: speed * 2.
+                        mleft startAtSpeed: speed * 2.
+                        ])
+                (onexit [robot fullStop])
+        )
+        (state looking
+                (machine lookalgo
+                        (var looktime := [1000])
+                        (state lookright
+                                (onentry 
+                                        [mright startAtSpeed: speed negated.
+                                        mleft startAtSpeed: speed.]))
+                        (state lookleft
+                                )
+                        (state centerfromright
+                                (onentry 
+                                        [mright startAtSpeed: speed.
+                                        mleft startAtSpeed: speed negated.]))
+                        (state centerfromleft
+                                (onentry 
+                                        [mright startAtSpeed: speed negated.
+                                        mleft startAtSpeed: speed.])
+                                (onexit [looktime := looktime * 2]))
+                        (ontime looktime lookright -> centerfromright tlrb)
+                        (ontime looktime centerfromright -> lookleft tlr)
+                        (ontime looktime lookleft -> centerfromleft tfail)
+                        (ontime looktime centerfromleft -> lookright tfailb)
+                        )
+                (onentry (spawn lookalgo lookright))
+                )
+        (eps init -> moving tinit)
+        (on out moving -> looking tms)
+        (event out [(sensor read = 1) not])
+        (event in  [sensor read = 1])
+        (on in looking -> moving tsm)
+(spawn follower init)
+    "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:40:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+^ ';; Line following robot for a differential drive robot
+;;; that "bounces" off the left hand side of the line
+;; Uses the Lego color sensor,
+;; position is front and center, and pointed to the line (down)
+(var sensor := [robot sensor3])
+(var mright := [robot motorA])
+(var mleft := [robot motorD])
+(machine linebounce
+        (state init
+                (onentry [sensor setMode: #Mode2.]))
+        (eps init -> white iw)
+        (state white
+                (onentry [
+                        mright startAtSpeed: 4.
+                        mleft startAtSpeed: 18])
+                (onexit [mright stop. mleft stop]))
+        (state black
+                (onentry [
+                        mright startAtSpeed: 10.
+                        mleft startAtSpeed: -4])
+                (onexit [mright stop. mleft stop]))
+        (on seeblack white -> black wb)
+        (on seewhite black -> white bw)
+        (event seeblack [sensor read = 1])
+        (event seewhite [(sensor read = 1) not])
+(spawn linebounce init)
+    "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:41:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+^ ';;; Line following for a differential drive robot
+;;; goes forward by always crossing the line
+;; Uses the Lego color sensor,
+;; position is front and center, and pointed to the line (down)
+(var sensor := [robot sensor3])
+(var mright := [robot motorA])
+(var mleft := [robot motorD])
+(var speed := [15])
+(machine linecross
+        (state left
+                (onentry [mright startAtSpeed: speed]))
+        (state crossfl  
+                (onexit [mright stop]))
+        (state right
+                (onentry [mleft startAtSpeed: speed]))
+        (state crossfr
+                (onexit [mleft stop]))  
+        (on black right -> crossfr rlx)
+        (on black left -> crossfl lrx)
+        (on white crossfr -> left rl)
+        (on white crossfl -> right lr)
+        (event black [sensor read = 1])
+        (event white [(sensor read = 1) not])
+(spawn linecross left)
+    "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:41:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
+^ ';;a resettable timer with 10 sec intervals
+(var minute := [0])
+(machine rtimer
+        (state zero)
+        (state ten)
+        (state twenty)
+        (state thirty)
+        (state fourty)
+        (state fifty
+                (onexit [minute := minute + 1]))
+        (ontime 10000 zero -> ten toten)
+        (ontime 10000 ten -> twenty totwenty)
+        (ontime 10000 twenty -> thirty tothirty)
+        (ontime 10000 thirty -> fourty tofourty)
+        (ontime 10000 fourty -> fifty tofifty)
+        (ontime 10000 fifty -> zero tozero)
+        (var doreset := [0])
+        (state init
+                (onentry [minute := 0.
+                        doreset := 0]))
+        (on resetting *-> init reset)
+        (eps init -> zero go)
+        (event resetting [doreset = 1])
+(spawn rtimer zero)
+    "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:38:19 / Jan Vrany <>"
+^ ';;; A stairs climber building using the MindStorm expansion set
+;;; Use the new JetStorm Bridge funcionality
+;;; Use ontime transition to estimate the second step of the climbing
+;;; Watch example in:
+(var backWheelsSpeed := [-50])
+(var frontWheelsSpeed := [-50])
+(var climbSpeed := [-50])
+(var startGyro := [0])
+(var deltaGyro := [4])
+(machine Stair
+  (state forward
+    (onentry [
+      robot motorA startAtSpeed: backWheelsSpeed.
+      robot motorB startAtSpeed: frontWheelsSpeed.
+      startGyro := robot sensor2 read.
+      ]
+    )
+    (onexit [
+      robot fullStop.
+      ]
+    )
+  )
+  (state climb
+    (onentry [
+      robot motorD startAtSpeed: climbSpeed.
+      robot motorB startAtSpeed: frontWheelsSpeed.
+      ]
+    )
+    (onexit [
+      robot fullStop.
+      ]
+    )
+  )
+  (state forward2
+    (onentry [
+      robot motorA startAtSpeed: backWheelsSpeed.
+      robot motorB startAtSpeed: frontWheelsSpeed.
+      ]
+    )
+  )
+  (state climb2
+    (onentry [
+      robot motorD startAtSpeed: climbSpeed negated.
+      ]
+    )
+    (onexit [
+      robot fullStop 
+      ]
+    )
+  )
+  (state stop
+    (onentry [robot fullStop])
+  )
+  (on incline forward -> climb incline)
+  (on finishClimb climb -> forward2 finishClimb)
+  (event finishClimb [robot sensor3 read == 1])
+  (event incline [robot sensor2 read > (deltaGyro + startGyro)])
+  (ontime 3000 forward2 -> climb2 for2)
+  (ontime 6000 climb2 -> forward loop)
+(spawn Stair forward)
+    "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:42:09 / Jan Vrany <>"
+^ ';; A stopwatch.
+;; Inspect the variables start and reset,
+;; and from the inspectors change the values
+(machine stopwatch
+        (var start := [false])
+        (var reset := [false])
+        (var seconds := [0])
+        (state waiting )
+        (on e_starting waiting -> tick t_st)
+        (event e_starting [start])
+        (state tick)
+        (state tock (onexit [seconds := seconds + 1]))
+        (ontime 500 tick -> tock t_tito)
+        (ontime 500 tock -> tick t_toti)
+        (on e_reset *-> resetting t_reset)
+        (event e_reset [reset])
+        (state resetting
+                (onentry [reset := false. seconds := 0] ))
+        (eps resetting -> tick t_et)
+        (on e_stop *-> waiting t_es)
+        (event e_stop [start not])
+(spawn stopwatch waiting)
+    "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:38:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
+^ ';; a timer with 10 sec intervals
+(var minute := [0])
+(machine timer
+        (state zero)
+        (state ten)
+        (state twenty)
+        (state thirty)
+        (state fourty)
+        (state fifty
+                (onexit [minute := minute + 1]))
+        (ontime 10000 zero -> ten toten)
+        (ontime 10000 ten -> twenty totwenty)
+        (ontime 10000 twenty -> thirty tothirty)
+        (ontime 10000 thirty -> fourty tofourty)
+        (ontime 10000 fourty -> fifty tofifty)
+        (ontime 10000 fifty -> zero tozero)
+(spawn timer zero)
+    "Created: / 30-07-2015 / 17:39:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!PPCLRPSourcesResource class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
+! !