author Jan Vrany <>
Wed, 10 Jun 2020 21:33:27 +0100
changeset 650 4c6ed0a28d18
parent 515 b5316ef15274
permissions -rw-r--r--
Replace `ifNil:[...]` with `isNil ifTrue:[...]` The latter is optimized by compilers and therefore faster.

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler/tests' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

TestCase subclass:#PEGFsaTransitionTest
	instanceVariableNames:'t1 t2 result e1 e2'

!PEGFsaTransitionTest methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!

    t1 := PEGFsaCharacterTransition new.
    t2 := PEGFsaCharacterTransition new.
    e1 := PEGFsaEpsilonTransition new.
    e2 := PEGFsaEpsilonTransition new.
! !

!PEGFsaTransitionTest methodsFor:'character'!

    t1 addCharacter: $a.
    t1 addCharacter: $b.
    t2 addCharacter: $a.
    t2 addCharacter: $b.
    self assert: t1 = t2.

    t1 addCharacter: $a.
    t1 addCharacter: $b.
    t2 addCharacter: $b.
    t2 addCharacter: $c.
    result := t1 complement: t2.
    self assert: (result at: $a codePoint).
    self assert: (result at: $b codePoint) not.
    self assert: (result at: $c codePoint) not.

    t1 addCharacter: $a.
    t1 addCharacter: $b.
    t2 addCharacter: $b.
    t2 addCharacter: $c.
    result := t2 complement: t1.
    self assert: (result at: $a codePoint) not.
    self assert: (result at: $b codePoint) not.
    self assert: (result at: $c codePoint).

    t1 addCharacter: $a.
    t1 addCharacter: $b.
    t2 := t1 copy.
    self assert: t1 = t2.
    self assert: (t1 == t2) not.
    t2 destination: #foo.
    self assert: (t1 = t2) not.
    t1 destination: #foo.
    self assert: (t1 = t2).

    t1 addCharacter: $c.
    self assert: (t1 = t2) not.
    t2 addCharacter: $c.
    t1 priority: -1.
    self assert: (t1 = t2) not.	
    t2 priority: -1.
    self assert: (t1 = t2).

    t1 addCharacter: $a.
    t1 addCharacter: $c.
    t2 addCharacter: $b.
    t2 addCharacter: $c.
    result := t1 disjunction: t2.
    self assert: (result at: $a codePoint).
    self assert: (result at: $b codePoint).
    self assert: (result at: $c codePoint) not.

    result := e1 intersection: e2.
    self assert: (result isEpsilon)

    t1 addCharacter: $a.
    t1 addCharacter: $b.
    t2 addCharacter: $b.
    t2 addCharacter: $c.
    result := t1 intersection: t2.
    self assert: (result at: $b codePoint).
    self assert: (result at: $a codePoint) not.
    self assert: (result at: $c codePoint) not.

    t1 addCharacter: $a.
    t2 addCharacter: $b.
    result := t1 intersection: t2.
    self assert: (result allSatisfy: [:e | e not ]).

    t1 addCharacter: $a.
    t1 addCharacter: $b.
    t2 addCharacter: $b.
    t2 addCharacter: $c.
    result := t1 union: t2.
    self assert: (result at: $b codePoint).
    self assert: (result at: $a codePoint).
    self assert: (result at: $c codePoint).
    self assert: (result at: $d codePoint) not.
! !

!PEGFsaTransitionTest methodsFor:'tests - epsilon'!


    self assert: e1 = e2.
    e1 destination: #a.
    e2 destination: #b.
    self assert: (e1 = e2) not.

    e2 := e1 copy.
    self assert: e1 = e2.
    self assert: (e1 == e2) not.
    e2 destination: #foo.
    self assert: (e1 = e2) not.
    e1 destination: #foo.
    self assert: (e1 = e2).

    e1 priority: -1.
    self assert: (e1 = e2) not.	
    e2 priority: -1.
    self assert: (e1 = e2).
! !