#FEATURE by stefan
authorStefan Vogel <sv@exept.de>
Fri, 14 Sep 2018 17:16:02 +0200
changeset 2008 4cfa2ec59dcc
parent 2007 399656476d56
child 2009 f99d1003cfd9
#FEATURE by stefan class: RegressionTests::DictionaryTest class definition added: #setUp changed: #testAddAll #testAssociationsSelect #testComma #testIncludesAssociation #testRemoveAllDeclareAll class: RegressionTests::DictionaryTest class May be configured to test different Dictionry implementations
--- a/RegressionTests__DictionaryTest.st	Thu Aug 30 13:37:30 2018 +0200
+++ b/RegressionTests__DictionaryTest.st	Fri Sep 14 17:16:02 2018 +0200
@@ -1,29 +1,42 @@
+"{ Encoding: utf8 }"
 "{ Package: 'stx:goodies/regression' }"
 "{ NameSpace: RegressionTests }"
 TestCase subclass:#DictionaryTest
-	instanceVariableNames:''
+	instanceVariableNames:'dictionaryClass'
+!DictionaryTest methodsFor:'initialize-release'!
+    dictionaryClass := Dictionary.
+"/    dictionaryClass := SmallDictionary.
+    "Created: / 14-09-2018 / 16:38:30 / Stefan Vogel"
+! !
 !DictionaryTest methodsFor:'testing'!
-	"(self run: #testAddAll)"
+        "(self run: #testAddAll)"
-	| dict1 dict2 |
-	dict1 := Dictionary new.
-	dict1 at: #a put:1 ; at: #b put: 2.
-	dict2 := Dictionary new.
-	dict2 at: #a put: 3 ; at: #c put: 4.
-	dict1 addAll: dict2.
-	self assert: (dict1 at: #a) = 3.
-	self assert: (dict1 at: #b) = 2.
-	self assert: (dict1 at: #c) = 4.
+        | dict1 dict2 |
+        dict1 := dictionaryClass new.
+        dict1 at: #a put:1 ; at: #b put: 2.
+        dict2 := dictionaryClass new.
+        dict2 at: #a put: 3 ; at: #c put: 4.
+        dict1 addAll: dict2.
+        self assert: (dict1 at: #a) = 3.
+        self assert: (dict1 at: #b) = 2.
+        self assert: (dict1 at: #c) = 4.
+    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 16:38:54 / Stefan Vogel"
@@ -32,42 +45,46 @@
         | answer d|
-        d := Dictionary new.
+        d := dictionaryClass new.
         d at: (Array with: #hello with: #world) put: #fooBar.
         d at: Smalltalk put: #'Smalltalk is the key'.
         d at: #Smalltalk put: Smalltalk.
         answer := d associationsSelect:
                 [:assoc | (assoc key == #Smalltalk) and: [assoc value == Smalltalk]].
-        self should: [answer isKindOf: Dictionary].
+        self should: [answer isKindOf: dictionaryClass].
         self should: [answer size == 1].
         self should: [(answer at: #Smalltalk) == Smalltalk].
         answer := d associationsSelect:
                 [:assoc | (assoc key == #NoSuchKey) and: [assoc value == #NoSuchValue]].
-        self should: [answer isKindOf: Dictionary].
+        self should: [answer isKindOf: dictionaryClass].
         self should: [answer size == 0]
+    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 16:39:05 / Stefan Vogel"
-	"(self run: #testComma)"
+        "(self run: #testComma)"
-	| dict1 dict2 dict3 |
-	dict1 := Dictionary new.
-	dict1 at: #a put:1 ; at: #b put: 2.
-	dict2 := Dictionary new.
-	dict2 at: #a put: 3 ; at: #c put: 4.
-	dict3 := dict1, dict2.
-	self assert: (dict3 at: #a) = 3.
-	self assert: (dict3 at: #b) = 2.
-	self assert: (dict3 at: #c) = 4.
+        | dict1 dict2 dict3 |
+        dict1 := dictionaryClass new.
+        dict1 at: #a put:1 ; at: #b put: 2.
+        dict2 := dictionaryClass new.
+        dict2 at: #a put: 3 ; at: #c put: 4.
+        dict3 := dict1, dict2.
+        self assert: (dict3 at: #a) = 3.
+        self assert: (dict3 at: #b) = 2.
+        self assert: (dict3 at: #c) = 4.
+    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 16:39:14 / Stefan Vogel"
         "self debug: #testIncludesAssociation"
         | d |
-        d := Dictionary new
+        d := dictionaryClass new
                 at: #five put: 5;
                 at: #givemefive put: 5;
                 at: #six put: 6;
@@ -80,6 +97,7 @@
         self assert: (d includesAssociation: (#five -> 6)) not.
     "Modified: / 06-12-2016 / 14:19:15 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 16:39:21 / Stefan Vogel"
@@ -91,7 +109,7 @@
     | d copyOfIt |
-    d := Dictionary new
+    d := dictionaryClass new
             at: #five put: (5@5);
             at: #givemefive put: (55@55);
             at: #six put: (6@6);
@@ -115,6 +133,7 @@
     "Created: / 06-02-2017 / 12:26:22 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14-09-2018 / 16:39:28 / Stefan Vogel"
 ! !
 !DictionaryTest class methodsFor:'documentation'!