authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Sat, 07 Dec 2019 21:11:34 +0100
changeset 2469 650a6bea83d7
parent 2468 0813f637871b
child 2470 0048e48a9057
#REFACTORING by exept class: RegressionTests::NumberTest removed: #testPrintf_More changed: #testPrintf_Misc
--- a/RegressionTests__NumberTest.st	Sat Dec 07 18:46:29 2019 +0100
+++ b/RegressionTests__NumberTest.st	Sat Dec 07 21:11:34 2019 +0100
@@ -612,7 +612,9 @@
     self assert:( PrintfScanf printf:'%d%' argument:20 ) = '20' .
     self assert:( (20 printfPrintString:'%%') = '%' ).
-    self assert:( (20 printfPrintString:c'\%') = '%' ).
+    "/ nobody knows what should happen...
+    "/ self assert:( (20 printfPrintString:'\%\') = '\' ).
+    "/ self assert:( (20 printfPrintString:'\%') = '%' ).
         '%f'   .   Float NaN                .  'nan'  .
@@ -684,85 +686,6 @@
     self assert:( (-2035065302 printfPrintString:'%d') = '-2035065302' ).
-    "/ additional test patterns from secrets of printf
-    "/ verify that our printf generates the same string as the system-printf.
-    "/ Checks of printfPrintString: are here to make sure, that the system's printf is doing it right...)
-    self assert:( (20 printfPrintString:'%%%d') = '%20' ).
-    self assert:( (20 printfPrintString:'%d%%') = '20%' ).
-    "/ borland is wrong here
-    (OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike and:[ExternalAddress pointerSize == 4]) ifFalse:[
-        self assert:( (20 printfPrintString:'%d%') = '20' ).
-    ].
-    self assert:( PrintfScanf printf:'%d%' argument:20 ) = '20' .
-    self assert:( (20 printfPrintString:'%%') = '%' ).
-    self assert:( (20 printfPrintString:c'\%') = '%' ).
-    {
-        '%f'   .   Float NaN                .  'nan'  .
-        '%F'   .   Float NaN                .  'NAN'  .
-        '%f'   .   Float infinity           .  'inf'  .
-        '%F'   .   Float infinity           .  'INF'  .
-        '%f'   .   Float negativeInfinity   .  '-inf'  .
-        '%F'   .   Float negativeInfinity   .  '-INF'  .
-        "/ The C99 standard specifies "[-]inf" or "[-]infinity" for infinity, 
-        "/ and a string starting with "nan" for NaN, in the case of f conversion, 
-        "/ and "[-]INF" or "[-]INFINITY" or "NAN*" in the case of F conversion        
-        '%+f'  .   Float NaN                .  '-nan'  .    
-        '%+F'  .   Float NaN                .  '-NAN'  .    
-        '%+f'  .   Float NaN negated        .  '+nan'  .    
-        '%+F'  .   Float NaN negated        .  '+NAN'  .    
-        '%+f'  .   Float infinity           .  '+inf'  .
-        '%+F'  .   Float infinity           .  '+INF'  .
-        '%+f'  .   Float negativeInfinity   .  '-inf'  .
-        '%+F'  .   Float negativeInfinity   .  '-INF'  .
-        '% f'  .   Float NaN                .  'nan'  .    "/ not sure if that is reasonable (but printf does the same) 
-        '% F'  .   Float NaN                .  'NAN'  .    "/ not sure if that is reasonable (but printf does the same)
-        '% f'  .   Float infinity           .  ' inf'  .
-        '% F'  .   Float infinity           .  ' INF'  .
-        '% f'  .   Float negativeInfinity   .  '-inf'  .
-        '% F'  .   Float negativeInfinity   .  '-INF'  .
-    } inGroupsOf:3 do:[:fmt :val :expected|
-        |printfGenerated stxGenerated|
-        printfGenerated := val printfPrintString:fmt.
-        stxGenerated := PrintfScanf printf:fmt argument:val.
-        self assert:(printfGenerated = expected).
-        "/ double check if the system's printf generates the same
-        self assert:(stxGenerated = printfGenerated).
-    ].
-    #(
-        '%r'       1234      'r'  
-        '%3r'      1234      '  r'  
-        '%-3r'      1234     'r  '  
-        '%#r'      1234      'r'  
-      "/  '%v'       1234      'v'  
-        '%Id'      1234      'Id'  
-        '%%%d'         20      '%20'  
-        '%d%%'         20      '20%'  
-        '%d%'          20      '20'  
-        '%%a%%'        20      '%a%'  
-    ) inGroupsOf:3 do:[:fmt :val :expected|
-        |printfGenerated stxGenerated|
-        printfGenerated := val printfPrintString:fmt.
-        stxGenerated := PrintfScanf printf:fmt argument:val.
-        self assert:(stxGenerated = printfGenerated).
-        self assert:(printfGenerated = expected).
-    ].
-    "/ more examples from "Secretes of printf"
-    self assert:( (0 printfPrintString:'%d') = '0' ).
-    self assert:( (-7 printfPrintString:'%d') = '-7' ).
-    self assert:( (1560133635 printfPrintString:'%d') = '1560133635' ).
-    self assert:( (-2035065302 printfPrintString:'%d') = '-2035065302' ).
     "/ additional test patterns from secrets of printf
     "/ https://www.cypress.com/file/54441/download