changeset 0 43cb9f3e345e
child 5 5cc2caa88b23
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/RGClassDescriptionDefinition.st	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGBehaviorDefinition subclass:#RGClassDescriptionDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:'instanceVariables organization'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGClassDescriptionDefinition comment:'RGClassDescriptionDefinition is the common parent for classes and metaclasses defining instance variables'
+!RGClassDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^instanceVariables
+instanceVariables: aCollection
+    instanceVariables:= aCollection
+organization: aClassOrg
+    "Install an instance of ClassOrganizer that represents the organization of the messages of the receiver."
+    aClassOrg ifNotNil: [aClassOrg setSubject: self].
+    organization := aClassOrg
+! !
+!RGClassDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'comparing'!
+= aRGClassDefinition
+    ^self class = aRGClassDefinition class 
+        and: [ self name = aRGClassDefinition name 
+            and: [ self environment = aRGClassDefinition environment ] ]
+    ^self name hash bitXor: self class hash
+! !
+!RGClassDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    super initialize.
+    instanceVariables:= OrderedCollection new.
+! !
+!RGClassDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'instance variables'!
+addInstVarNamed: aString
+    | var |
+    var := ((self isMeta 
+                ifTrue: [ RGClassInstanceVariableDefinition ]
+                ifFalse:[  RGInstanceVariableDefinition ])
+        named: aString) parent: self.
+    self addVariable: var in: instanceVariables.
+    ^var
+addInstanceVariable: aRGVariableDefinition
+    "aRGVariableDefinition is a instance variable or class instance variable"
+    self addVariable: (aRGVariableDefinition parent: self)
+        in: instanceVariables
+addInstanceVariables: aCollection
+    aCollection do: [:var | self addInstVarNamed: var ]
+    ^self allInstanceVariables collect:[ :ivar| ivar name ]
+    "Answer a collection of the receiver's instanceVariables, including those defined in its superclass"
+    ^self hasSuperclass 
+        ifFalse:[ instanceVariables ]
+        ifTrue:[ self superclass allInstanceVariables, instanceVariables ]
+    "Answer a collection of the names of the instance variables defined in the receiver."
+    ^instanceVariables collect:[ :ivar| ivar name ]
+instanceVariableNamed: aString
+    ^ instanceVariables 
+        detect: [ :v | v name = aString asSymbol ] 
+        ifNone: [ nil ]
+removeInstVarNamed: aString
+    self removeVariable: (self instanceVariableNamed: aString) from: instanceVariables
+removeInstanceVariable: aRGVariableDefinition
+    "aRGVariableDefinition is a instance variable or class instance variable"
+    self removeVariable: aRGVariableDefinition from: instanceVariables
+! !
+!RGClassDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'organization'!
+    "Answer the instance of ClassOrganizer that represents the organization 
+    of the messages of the receiver."
+    organization ifNil: [
+        self organization: (ClassOrganization forClass: self) ].
+    "Making sure that subject is set correctly. It should not be necessary."
+    organization ifNotNil: [ organization setSubject: self ].
+    ^ organization
+! !
+!RGClassDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'printing'!
+storeOn: aStream
+    aStream
+        nextPutAll: '(';
+        nextPutAll: self class name;
+        nextPutAll: ' named: '.
+    name storeOn: aStream.
+    aStream nextPut: $)
+! !
+!RGClassDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'private'!
+addVariable: aRGVariableDefinition in: aCollection
+    "Adds a RGVariableDefinition in the collection received" 
+    aCollection add: aRGVariableDefinition
+removeVariable: aRGVariableDefinition from: aCollection
+    "Removes a variable from a particular collection.
+    This behavior is the same for any kind of variable"
+    aCollection remove: aRGVariableDefinition ifAbsent:[]
+! !
+!RGClassDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^true
+isSameRevisionAs: aRGClassDescriptionDefinition
+    "This method look for equality of the properties of the receiver"
+    "Instances variables are compared at the level of names but without any sorting"
+    ^(super isSameRevisionAs: aRGClassDescriptionDefinition)
+        and:[ self instVarNames sort = aRGClassDescriptionDefinition instVarNames sort ]
+! !