Initial port form Pharo
authorJan Vrany <>
Fri, 28 Aug 2015 12:21:13 +0100
changeset 0 43cb9f3e345e
child 1 24b88532f6ef
Initial port form Pharo Name: Ring-Core-Kernel-TheIntegrator.226 Author: TheIntegrator Time: 19-08-2015, 10:24:43.216 AM UUID: 0dec7303-cce5-4cc2-828c-cf63568dd722 Name: Ring-Core-Containers-TheIntegrator.41 Author: TheIntegrator Time: 01-11-2014, 09:50:54.189 AM UUID: d7f1ab48-e2ff-49d4-8475-65b800f8049a Name: Ring-Core-Containers-TheIntegrator.41 Author: TheIntegrator Time: 01-11-2014, 09:50:54.189 AM UUID: d7f1ab48-e2ff-49d4-8475-65b800f8049a Name: Ring-Tests-Containers-MarcusDenker.18 Author: MarcusDenker Time: 07-08-2014, 10:23:21.609 AM UUID: 78a00bf6-d1e6-4b6c-907c-88f6eae02968
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.hgignore	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+syntax: glob
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Make.proto	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# $Header$
+# automagically generated from the projectDefinition: stx_goodies_ring.
+# Warning: once you modify this file, do not rerun
+# stmkmp or projectDefinition-build again - otherwise, your changes are lost.
+# The Makefile as generated by this Make.proto supports the following targets:
+#    make         - compile all st-files to a classLib
+#    make clean   - clean all temp files
+#    make clobber - clean all
+# This file contains definitions for Unix based platforms.
+# It shares common definitions with the win32-make in Make.spec.
+# position (of this package) in directory hierarchy:
+# (must point to ST/X top directory, for tools and includes)
+# subdirectories where targets are to be made:
+# subdirectories where Makefiles are to be made:
+# (only define if different from SUBDIRS)
+# if your embedded C code requires any system includes,
+# add the path(es) here:,
+# ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next lines ***
+LOCALINCLUDES= -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/jv/tea/compiler -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/refactoryBrowser/helpers -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libcompat
+# if you need any additional defines for embedded C code,
+# add them here:,
+# ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next lines ***
+# ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next line ***
+# additional C-libraries that should be pre-linked with the class-objects
+# ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next line ***
+# additional C targets or libraries should be added below
+all:: preMake classLibRule postMake
+# Enforce recompilation of package definition class if Mercurial working
+# copy state changes. Together with --guessVersion it ensures that package
+# definition class always contains correct binary revision string.
+ifneq (**NOHG**, $(shell hg root 2> /dev/null || echo -n '**NOHG**'))
+stx_goodies_ring.$(O): $(shell hg root)/.hg/dirstate
+# run default testsuite for this package
+test: $(TOP)/goodies/builder/reports
+	$(MAKE) -C $(TOP)/goodies/builder/reports -f Makefile.init
+	$(TOP)/goodies/builder/reports/ -D . -r Builder::TestReport -p $(PACKAGE)
+# add more install actions here
+# add more install actions for aux-files (resources) here
+# add more preMake actions here
+# add more postMake actions here
+postMake:: cleanjunk
+# build all mandatory prerequisite packages (containing superclasses) for this package
+	cd ../../libbasic && $(MAKE) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES)"
+	cd ../refactoryBrowser/helpers && $(MAKE) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES)"
+	cd ../refactoryBrowser/parser && $(MAKE) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES)"
+	cd ../../libbasic2 && $(MAKE) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES)"
+	cd ../../libview && $(MAKE) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES)"
+	cd ../../libview2 && $(MAKE) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES)"
+	cd ../sunit && $(MAKE) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES)"
+	cd $(TOP)/../jv/tea/compiler && $(MAKE) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES)"
+# build all packages containing referenced classes for this package
+# they are not needed to compile the package (but later, to load it)
+	-rm -f *.s *.s2
+	-rm -f *.o *.H
+clobber:: clean
+	-rm -f *.so *.dll
+# BEGINMAKEDEPEND --- do not remove this line; make depend needs it
+$(OUTDIR)RGDefinition.$(O) RGDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)stx_goodies_ring.$(O) stx_goodies_ring.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/LibraryDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ProjectDefinition.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGAbstractContainer.$(O) RGAbstractContainer.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGElementDefinition.$(O) RGElementDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGGlobalDefinition.$(O) RGGlobalDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGBehaviorDefinition.$(O) RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGCommentDefinition.$(O) RGCommentDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGElementDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGContainer.$(O) RGContainer.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGAbstractContainer.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGGlobalVariableDefinition.$(O) RGGlobalVariableDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGMethodDefinition.$(O) RGMethodDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGElementDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGOrganization.$(O) RGOrganization.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGAbstractContainer.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGVariableDefinition.$(O) RGVariableDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGElementDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGClassDescriptionDefinition.$(O) RGClassDescriptionDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGClassInstanceVariableDefinition.$(O) RGClassInstanceVariableDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGElementDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGVariableDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGClassVariableDefinition.$(O) RGClassVariableDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGElementDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGVariableDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGInstanceVariableDefinition.$(O) RGInstanceVariableDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGElementDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGVariableDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGNamespace.$(O) RGNamespace.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGAbstractContainer.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGContainer.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGPackage.$(O) RGPackage.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGAbstractContainer.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGContainer.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGPoolVariableDefinition.$(O) RGPoolVariableDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGElementDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGVariableDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGSlice.$(O) RGSlice.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGAbstractContainer.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGContainer.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGTraitDescriptionDefinition.$(O) RGTraitDescriptionDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGClassDefinition.$(O) RGClassDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGClassDescriptionDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGMetaclassDefinition.$(O) RGMetaclassDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGClassDescriptionDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGMetatraitDefinition.$(O) RGMetatraitDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGTraitDescriptionDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGTraitDefinition.$(O) RGTraitDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGTraitDescriptionDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)extensions.$(O): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/jv/tea/compiler/TClass.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/refactoryBrowser/helpers/RBAbstractClass.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/refactoryBrowser/helpers/RBClass.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Behavior.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Class.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ClassDescription.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/CompiledCode.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ExecutableFunction.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Method.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+# ENDMAKEDEPEND --- do not remove this line
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Make.spec	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# $Header$
+# automagically generated from the projectDefinition: stx_goodies_ring.
+# Warning: once you modify this file, do not rerun
+# stmkmp or projectDefinition-build again - otherwise, your changes are lost.
+# This file contains specifications which are common to all platforms.
+# (otherwise, ST/X will have a hard time to find out the packages location from its packageID,
+#  to find the source code of a class and to find the library for a package)
+# Argument(s) to the stc compiler (stc --usage).
+#  -headerDir=. : create header files locally
+#                (if removed, they will be created as common
+#  -Pxxx       : defines the package
+#  -Zxxx       : a prefix for variables within the classLib
+#  -Dxxx       : defines passed to to CC for inline C-code
+#  -Ixxx       : include path passed to CC for inline C-code
+#  +optspace   : optimized for space
+#  +optspace2  : optimized more for space
+#  +optspace3  : optimized even more for space
+#  +optinline  : generate inline code for some ST constructs
+#  +inlineNew  : additionally inline new
+#  +inlineMath : additionally inline some floatPnt math stuff
+# ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next line(s) ***
+# STCLOCALOPTIMIZATIONS=+optinline +inlineNew
+# Argument(s) to the stc compiler (stc --usage).
+#  -warn            : no warnings
+#  -warnNonStandard : no warnings about ST/X extensions
+#  -warnEOLComments : no warnings about EOL comment extension
+#  -warnPrivacy     : no warnings about privateClass extension
+#  -warnUnused      : no warnings about unused variables
+# ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next line(s) ***
+# STCWARNINGS=-warnNonStandard
+# STCWARNINGS=-warnEOLComments
+	RGDefinition \
+	stx_goodies_ring \
+	RGAbstractContainer \
+	RGElementDefinition \
+	RGGlobalDefinition \
+	RGBehaviorDefinition \
+	RGCommentDefinition \
+	RGContainer \
+	RGGlobalVariableDefinition \
+	RGMethodDefinition \
+	RGOrganization \
+	RGVariableDefinition \
+	RGClassDescriptionDefinition \
+	RGClassInstanceVariableDefinition \
+	RGClassVariableDefinition \
+	RGInstanceVariableDefinition \
+	RGNamespace \
+	RGPackage \
+	RGPoolVariableDefinition \
+	RGSlice \
+	RGTraitDescriptionDefinition \
+	RGClassDefinition \
+	RGMetaclassDefinition \
+	RGMetatraitDefinition \
+	RGTraitDefinition \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGDefinition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)stx_goodies_ring.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGAbstractContainer.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGElementDefinition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGGlobalDefinition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGBehaviorDefinition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGCommentDefinition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGContainer.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGGlobalVariableDefinition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGMethodDefinition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGOrganization.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGVariableDefinition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGClassDescriptionDefinition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGClassInstanceVariableDefinition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGClassVariableDefinition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGInstanceVariableDefinition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGNamespace.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGPackage.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGPoolVariableDefinition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGSlice.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGTraitDescriptionDefinition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGClassDefinition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGMetaclassDefinition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGMetatraitDefinition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGTraitDefinition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)extensions.$(O) \
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Makefile.init	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# make uses this file (Makefile) only, if there is no
+# file named "makefile" (lower-case m) in the same directory.
+# My only task is to generate the real makefile and call make again.
+# Thereafter, I am no longer used and needed.
+# MACOSX caveat:
+#   as filenames are not case sensitive (in a default setup),
+#   we cannot use the above trick. Therefore, this file is now named
+#   "Makefile.init", and you have to execute "make -f Makefile.init" to
+#   get the initial makefile.  This is now also done by the toplevel CONFIG
+#   script.
+.PHONY: run
+run: makefile
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile
+#only needed for the definition of $(TOP)
+include Make.proto
+makefile: mf
+	$(TOP)/rules/stmkmf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGDefinition subclass:#RGAbstractContainer
+	instanceVariableNames:'elements'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Containers'
+RGAbstractContainer comment:'This is the abstract class for container-based elements.
Elements are separated in groups by kind (e.g classes, methods, pools, etc.)
Subclasses have to define the kind of collection for a particular group of entities.
For a container the use of a dictionary or another collection (e.g. SortedCollection) to store group of elements is independent.

+!RGAbstractContainer methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "Retrieves the elements"
+    ^elements
+! !
+!RGAbstractContainer methodsFor:'adding/removing'!
+addElement: anObject
+    anObject addInContainer: self
+addElement: anObject in: aCollection
+    aCollection isDictionary
+        ifTrue: [ aCollection at: anObject fullName put: anObject ]
+        ifFalse:[ aCollection add: anObject ]
+removeElement: anObject
+    anObject removeFromContainer: self
+removeElement: anObject from: aCollection
+    aCollection isDictionary
+        ifTrue: [ aCollection removeKey: anObject fullName ifAbsent:[ ] ]
+        ifFalse:[ aCollection remove: anObject ifAbsent:[ ] ]
+! !
+!RGAbstractContainer methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    super initialize.
+    elements:= IdentityDictionary new.
+! !
+!RGAbstractContainer methodsFor:'initialize-release'!
+    elements:= IdentityDictionary new
+! !
+!RGAbstractContainer methodsFor:'iterating elements'!
+elementsDo: aBlock
+    elements valuesDo: [ :collection | collection do: [ :each | aBlock value: each ] ]
+! !
+!RGAbstractContainer methodsFor:'lookup elements'!
+elementNamed: elementName
+    | aSymbol found |
+    aSymbol:= elementName asSymbol.
+    elements do:[ :collection| 		
+        (found:= self elementNamed: aSymbol in: collection) notNil ifTrue:[ ^found ] ].
+    ^nil
+elementNamed: elementName in: aCollection
+    | aSymbol |
+    aSymbol:= elementName asSymbol.
+    ^aCollection isDictionary
+        ifTrue: [ aCollection at: aSymbol ifAbsent: [ nil ] ]
+        ifFalse:[ aCollection detect:[ :each| each fullName = aSymbol ] ifNone:[ nil ] ]
+! !
+!RGAbstractContainer methodsFor:'managing elements groups'!
+elementsCategorized: aSymbol
+    "Retrieves a group of elements.
+    If does not exist set an Set"
+    ^elements at: aSymbol ifAbsentPut:[ Set ]
+elementsCategorized: aSymbol with: aCollection
+    "Allows to define other groups of elements with a particular kind of collection"
+    elements at: aSymbol put: aCollection
+removeElementsCategorized: aSymbol
+    "Deletes a group of elements"
+    elements removeKey: aSymbol ifAbsent:[ ]
+! !
+!RGAbstractContainer methodsFor:'testing'!
+includesElement: anRGDefinition
+    ^anRGDefinition isIncludedInContainer: self
+includesElementNamed: elementName
+    ^ elements anySatisfy: [ :collection | self includesElementNamed: elementName asSymbol in: collection ]
+includesElementNamed: elementName in: aCollection
+    ^aCollection isDictionary
+        ifTrue: [ aCollection includesKey:  elementName asSymbol ]
+        ifFalse:[ aCollection anySatisfy: [ :each| each name = elementName asSymbol ] ]
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGGlobalDefinition subclass:#RGBehaviorDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:'superclass methods protocols'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGBehaviorDefinition comment:'An RGBehaviorDefinition is an abstract definition for class-alike entities (e.g. classes, traits)

Instance Variables
	methods:		<Collection>
	protocols:		<Collection>
	superclass:		<Object>'
+!RGBehaviorDefinition class methodsFor:'class-annotations'!
+    ^#allSubclasses
+    ^#allSuperclasses
+    ^#definitionSource
+    ^#isPool
+    ^#subclasses
+    ^#superclassName
+    ^#superclasses
+    ^#traitCompositionSource
+    ^#users
+! !
+!RGBehaviorDefinition methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^methods
+methods: aDictionary
+    methods:= aDictionary
+    self subclassResponsibility
+    "retrieves the protocols of the class"
+    ^protocols
+protocols: aCollection
+    "set the protocols of the class"
+    protocols:= aCollection
+    "Retrieves the current class existing in the runtime environment"
+    ^self rootEnvironment classNamed: self name 
+    ^superclass
+superclass: aRGBehaviorDefinition
+    "The superclass is assigned.
+    If aRGBehaviorDefinition is not nil the receiver is added as a subclass and the superclass assignment also happens for theMetaClass"
+    superclass := aRGBehaviorDefinition.
+    superclass notNil
+        ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
+    self superclassName: aRGBehaviorDefinition name.
+    aRGBehaviorDefinition addSubclass: self.
+    self hasMetaclass
+        ifTrue: [ self theMetaClass superclass: aRGBehaviorDefinition theMetaClass ]
+    self subclassResponsibility
+    self subclassResponsibility
+    "Assuming that traits in a composition can be identified by
+    testing for the first character being an uppercase character
+    (and thus not a special character such as {, # etc.)"
+    | tokens |
+    tokens := self traitCompositionSource parseLiterals flattened.
+    ^tokens select: [:each | each first isUppercase].
+    "Retrieves ring traits based on the names in the traitComposition and from the environment if it is a ring object"
+    ^ self environment isRingObject 	
+        ifTrue: [ self traitNames collect:[ :each| self environment traitNamed: each ] ]
+        ifFalse:[ #() ]
+! !
+!RGBehaviorDefinition methodsFor:'accessing class hierarchy'!
+    "Retrieves all the subclasses of the receiver in the chan hiearchy - value is kept as an annotation"
+    "is a good idea storing this?"
+    ^self annotationNamed: self class allSubclassesKey
+        ifAbsentPut:[ | collection index |
+            index := 1.
+            collection := OrderedCollection withAll: self subclasses.
+            [index <= collection size] whileTrue: 
+                [collection addAll: (collection at: index) subclasses.
+                index := index + 1].
+            collection ]
+allSubclasses: aCollection
+    "Stores all the subclasses (direct and indirect) as an annotation"
+    self annotationNamed: self class allSubclassesKey
+        ifAbsentPut:[ aCollection ]
+    "Answer an OrderedCollection of the receiver's and the receiver's  
+    ancestor's superclasses"
+    "Is implementation of Behavior more efficient?"
+    ^self annotationNamed: self class allSuperclassesKey
+        ifAbsentPut:[ | supers sprClass |
+            supers := OrderedCollection new.
+            sprClass := self superclass.
+            [sprClass notNil] whileTrue: 
+                [supers add: sprClass.
+                sprClass := sprClass superclass].
+            supers ]
+allSuperclasses: aCollection
+    "Stores all the superclasses (direct and indirect) as an annotation"
+    self annotationNamed: self class allSuperclassesKey
+        ifAbsentPut:[ aCollection ]
+allSuperclassesDo: aBlock
+    "Evaluate the argument, aBlock, for each of the receiver's superclasses."
+    self superclass isNil
+        ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
+    aBlock value: superclass.
+    superclass allSuperclassesDo: aBlock
+    ^ methods
+    "if allSubclasses is stored should not affect the collection"
+    ^self allSubclasses, {self}
+    "if allSuperclasses is stored should not affect the collection"
+    ^self allSuperclasses, {self}
+! !
+!RGBehaviorDefinition methodsFor:'accessing methods'!
+    "Retrieves all the selectos of the receiver in the chain hierarchy"
+    | class selectors |
+    class:= self.
+    selectors := Set new.
+    [class notNil] whileTrue: 
+            [selectors addAll: class selectors.
+            class := class superclass ].
+    ^selectors
+compiledMethodNamed: selector
+    "Retrieves the compiled method from aRGMethodDefinition"
+    | method |
+    ^(method:= self methodNamed: selector) notNil
+    ifTrue: [ method compiledMethod ]
+    ifFalse:[ nil ]
+    ^self methods select:[ :each | each isExtension ]
+includesSelector: selector
+    "Looks if selector is a key in the methods dictionary"
+    ^methods includesKey: selector asSymbol
+methodNamed: selector
+    "Retrieves aRGMethodDefinition that matches the selector given as argument"
+    "RB defines methodFor:"
+    ^methods at: selector asSymbol ifAbsent:[ nil ]
+methodsInProtocol: aString
+    "Retrieves the methods classified in protocol named aString"
+    ^methods select: [ :each | each protocol = aString ]
+    "Retrieves the method selectors"
+    ^methods keys
+! !
+!RGBehaviorDefinition methodsFor:'adding/removing methods'!
+addMethod: aRGMethodDefinition
+    "Adds aRGMethodDefinition in the methods dictionary.
+     Adds the protocol of such method too"
+    self addMethod: aRGMethodDefinition in: methods.
+    self addProtocol: aRGMethodDefinition protocol
+addSelector: selectorName classified: protocolName sourced: source
+    self addMethod: ((RGMethodDefinition named: selectorName) 
+                            parent: self;
+                            protocol: protocolName;
+                            sourceCode: source;
+                            yourself)
+removeMethod: aRGMethodDefinition
+    "Removes aRGMethodDefinition from the methods dictionary"
+    self removeMethod: aRGMethodDefinition from: methods
+removeSelector: selector
+    "Removes a method named as selector"
+    methods removeKey: selector ifAbsent:[]
+! !
+!RGBehaviorDefinition methodsFor:'adding/removing protocols'!
+addProtocol: anObject
+    "Adds a protocol named anObject.
+    Protocols are not repeated"
+    anObject ifNil:[ ^self ].
+    protocols add: anObject
+removeProtocol: aString
+    "Removes a protocol named aString (if exists)"
+    protocols remove: aString ifAbsent:[]
+! !
+!RGBehaviorDefinition methodsFor:'annotations'!
+    "Retrieves the definition template of the receiver -> aString.
+    This value is kept as an annotation"
+    ^self annotationNamed: self class definitionSourceKey
+definitionSource: aString
+    "Sets the definition template of the receiver -> aString.
+    It's stored as an annotation"
+    self annotationNamed: self class definitionSourceKey
+        put: aString
+    "Tests whether the receiver has a source definition."
+    ^ self definitionSource notNil
+    "Retrieves the direct subclasses of the receiver.
+    This value is kept as an annotation"
+    ^self annotationNamed: self class subclassesKey
+        ifAbsentPut:[ OrderedCollection new ]
+subclasses: aCollection
+    "Stores direct subclasses of the receiver as an annotation"
+    self annotationNamed: self class subclassesKey
+        ifAbsentPut:[ aCollection ]
+    "Retrieves the name of the superclass if exists"
+    ^self annotationNamed: self class superclassNameKey
+superclassName: aSymbol
+    self annotationNamed: self class superclassNameKey 
+        put: aSymbol
+    "Retrieves aString representing the used traits"
+    ^self annotationNamed: self class traitCompositionSourceKey
+        ifAbsentPut:[  '{}'  ]
+traitCompositionSource: anString
+    "Stores aString representing the traits used by the receiver "
+    self annotationNamed: self class traitCompositionSourceKey
+        put: anString 
+! !
+!RGBehaviorDefinition methodsFor:'compatibility'!
+    "to be depracated in the future"
+    ^self theNonMetaClass
+! !
+!RGBehaviorDefinition methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    super initialize.
+    methods:= IdentityDictionary new.
+    protocols:= Set new.
+! !
+!RGBehaviorDefinition methodsFor:'managing container'!
+addInContainer: aRGContainer
+    aRGContainer addClass: self
+isIncludedInContainer: aRGContainer
+    ^aRGContainer includesClass: self
+removeFromContainer: aRGContainer
+    aRGContainer removeClass: self
+! !
+!RGBehaviorDefinition methodsFor:'printing'!
+printOn: aStream 
+    aStream nextPutAll: self name
+storeOn: aStream 
+    self name storeOn: aStream
+! !
+!RGBehaviorDefinition methodsFor:'private'!
+addMethod: aRGMethodDefinition in: aCollection
+    "Adds aRGMethodDefinition in the collection received"
+    aRGMethodDefinition parent ifNil:[ aRGMethodDefinition parent: self ].
+    aCollection at: aRGMethodDefinition selector
+        put: aRGMethodDefinition
+removeMethod: aRGMethodDefinition from: aCollection
+    "Removes aRGMethodDefinition from the collection received"
+    aCollection removeKey: aRGMethodDefinition selector ifAbsent:[]
+! !
+!RGBehaviorDefinition methodsFor:'subclassing'!
+addSubclass: aRGBehaviorDefinition
+    "Adds a direct subclass of the receiver"
+    (self subclasses includes: aRGBehaviorDefinition)
+        ifFalse:[ self subclasses add: aRGBehaviorDefinition ]
+removeSubclass: aRGBehaviorDefinition 
+    "Removes aRGAbstractClassDefinition from the direct subclasses - without failing if does not exist"
+    self subclasses remove: aRGBehaviorDefinition ifAbsent: []
+! !
+!RGBehaviorDefinition methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^ false
+    "validates the existance of methods"
+    ^methods notEmpty
+    "Validates the existance of protocols"
+    ^protocols notEmpty
+    ^superclass notNil
+    ^self traitCompositionSource ~= '{}'
+includesProtocol: aString
+        "Looks for a protocols named = aString"
+        ^protocols includes: aString
+    "If the class exists in the environment"
+    ^self realClass notNil
+    "By default is considered a non-meta class"
+    ^false
+isSameRevisionAs: aRGBehaviorDefinition
+    "This method look for equality of the properties of the receiver"
+    ^self class = aRGBehaviorDefinition class
+        and:[ self name == aRGBehaviorDefinition name ]
+! !
+!RGBehaviorDefinition methodsFor:'testing class hierarchy'!
+includesBehavior: aClass
+    ^self == aClass or: [self inheritsFrom: aClass]
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGClassDescriptionDefinition subclass:#RGClassDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:'metaClass comment classVariables category package sharedPools'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGClassDefinition comment:'RGClassDefinition is the concrete representation of a class (no trait)'
+!RGClassDefinition class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+createSharedPoolNamed: aSymbol
+    "A shared pool is a class inheriting from #SharedPool"
+    ^(RGClassDefinition named: aSymbol)
+            superclassName: #SharedPool;
+            isPool: true;
+            yourself
+! !
+!RGClassDefinition methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "retrieves a tag for its package"
+    ^category
+category: aSymbol
+    "stores a tag for its package"
+    category := aSymbol
+    ^classVariables
+classVariables: aCollection
+    classVariables:= aCollection
+    "Retrieves the comment definition object"
+    ^comment
+comment: anObject
+    "Sets a RGCommentDefinition object based on the argument"
+    comment := anObject isRingObject 
+        ifFalse: [ 
+            RGCommentDefinition new
+                parent: self;
+                content: anObject; 
+                yourself ]
+        ifTrue: [anObject ]
+    "Retrieves the package in which this class is contained, if exists"
+    ^package
+package: aRGPackage
+    "Sets the package in which this class is contained"
+    package:= aRGPackage
+    "Keeps the pool variable relationship of the receiver"
+    ^ sharedPools
+sharedPools: aCollection
+    sharedPools := aCollection
+    ^self hasComment ifTrue:[ self comment stamp ] ifFalse:[ nil ]
+stamp: aString
+    self hasComment
+    ifTrue: [ self comment stamp: aString ]
+    ifFalse:[ RGCommentDefinition new
+                         parent: self; 
+                         stamp: aString ]
+    ^metaClass
+    ^self
+! !
+!RGClassDefinition methodsFor:'behavior'!
+    "Registers explicitly the metaclass of a class"
+    metaClass:= RGMetaclassDefinition class: self
+withMetaclass: aRGMetaclassDefinition
+    "Registers explicitly the metaclass of a class"
+    metaClass:= aRGMetaclassDefinition.
+    metaClass baseClass: self.  
+! !
+!RGClassDefinition methodsFor:'class variables'!
+addClassVarNamed: aString
+    | var |
+    var := (RGClassVariableDefinition named: aString) parent: self.
+    self addVariable: var in: classVariables.
+    ^var
+addClassVariable: aRCClassVariable
+    self addVariable: (aRCClassVariable parent: self) 
+        in: classVariables
+addClassVariables: aCollection
+    aCollection do: [:var | self addClassVarNamed: var ]
+    ^self allClassVariables collect:[ :cvar| cvar name ]
+    "Answer a collection of the receiver's classVariables, including those defined its superclasses"
+    ^self hasSuperclass 
+        ifFalse:[ classVariables ]
+        ifTrue:[ self superclass allClassVariables, classVariables ]
+classVarNamed: aString
+    ^classVariables detect:[ :v| v name = aString asSymbol ] ifNone:[ nil ]
+    "Answer a collection of the names of the class variables defined in the receiver."
+    ^classVariables collect:[ :cvar| cvar name ]
+removeClassVarNamed: aString
+    self removeVariable: (self classVarNamed: aString) from: classVariables
+removeClassVariable: aRGClassVariableDefinition
+    self removeVariable: aRGClassVariableDefinition from: classVariables
+! !
+!RGClassDefinition methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    super initialize.
+    classVariables:= OrderedCollection new.
+    sharedPools:= OrderedCollection new.
+! !
+!RGClassDefinition methodsFor:'managing pool users'!
+addUser: aRGClassDefinition
+    "The receiver registers the aRGClassDefinition as an user.  An reinforces its status as a shared pool."
+    aRGClassDefinition isClass ifFalse:[ ^self ].
+    (aRGClassDefinition theNonMetaClass sharedPoolNamed: self name) isNil
+        ifTrue: [ aRGClassDefinition theNonMetaClass addSharedPoolNamed: self name ].
+    self isPool: true.
+    self users add: aRGClassDefinition theNonMetaClass
+includesUser: aRGBehaviorDefinition
+    ^self users includes: aRGBehaviorDefinition
+    "The receiver is a shared pool if it inherits from SharedPool"
+    ^self annotationNamed: self class isPoolKey 
+        ifAbsent: [ self superclassName == #SharedPool ]
+isPool: aBoolean
+    ^self annotationNamed: self class isPoolKey put: aBoolean
+removeUser: aRGClassDefinition
+    "Removes this RGClassDefinition from the users of the receiver"
+    aRGClassDefinition isClass ifFalse:[ ^self ].
+    aRGClassDefinition theNonMetaClass removeSharedPoolNamed: self name.
+    self users remove: aRGClassDefinition theNonMetaClass ifAbsent:[ ]
+    "If the reciever is a SharedPool then retrieves its users"
+    ^self isPool
+        ifTrue: [ self annotationNamed: self class usersKey ifAbsentPut: [ OrderedCollection new ] ]
+        ifFalse:[ #() ]
+! !
+!RGClassDefinition methodsFor:'shared pools'!
+addSharedPool: aRGPoolVariableDefinition
+    self 
+        addVariable: (aRGPoolVariableDefinition parent: self) 
+        in: sharedPools
+addSharedPoolNamed: poolName
+    | pool |
+    pool:= (RGPoolVariableDefinition named:  poolName) parent: self.
+    self addVariable: pool in: sharedPools.
+    ^pool
+addSharedPools: aCollection
+    aCollection do: [ :pool | self addSharedPoolNamed: pool ]
+    ^ self allSharedPools collect: [ :pool | pool name ]
+    "Answer a collection of the pools the receiver shares, including those defined  
+    in the superclasses of the receiver."
+    ^ self hasSuperclass
+        ifFalse: [ sharedPools ]
+        ifTrue: [ self superclass allSharedPools , sharedPools ]
+removeSharedPool: aRGPoolVariableDefinition
+    self removeVariable: aRGPoolVariableDefinition from: sharedPools
+removeSharedPoolNamed: poolName
+    self removeVariable: (self sharedPoolNamed: poolName) from: sharedPools
+sharedPoolNamed: poolName
+    ^sharedPools detect:[ :v| v name = poolName asSymbol ] ifNone:[ nil ]
+    ^sharedPools collect:[ :pool| pool name ]
+! !
+!RGClassDefinition methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^comment isEmptyOrNil not
+    ^metaClass notNil
+    ^self stamp isEmptyOrNil not
+isSameRevisionAs: aRGClassDefinition
+    "This method look for equality of the properties of the receiver"
+    ^(super isSameRevisionAs: aRGClassDefinition)
+        and:[ self superclassName == aRGClassDefinition superclassName
+        and:[ self category = aRGClassDefinition category 
+        and:[ self classVarNames sorted = aRGClassDefinition classVarNames sorted 
+        and:[ self sharedPoolNames sorted = aRGClassDefinition sharedPoolNames sorted  
+        and:[ self traitCompositionSource = aRGClassDefinition traitCompositionSource 
+        and:[ ((self hasComment and:[ self comment isSameRevisionAs: aRGClassDefinition comment ]) or:[ self hasComment not ])
+        and:[ (self theMetaClass isSameRevisionAs: aRGClassDefinition theMetaClass) ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGBehaviorDefinition subclass:#RGClassDescriptionDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:'instanceVariables organization'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGClassDescriptionDefinition comment:'RGClassDescriptionDefinition is the common parent for classes and metaclasses defining instance variables'
+!RGClassDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^instanceVariables
+instanceVariables: aCollection
+    instanceVariables:= aCollection
+organization: aClassOrg
+    "Install an instance of ClassOrganizer that represents the organization of the messages of the receiver."
+    aClassOrg ifNotNil: [aClassOrg setSubject: self].
+    organization := aClassOrg
+! !
+!RGClassDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'comparing'!
+= aRGClassDefinition
+    ^self class = aRGClassDefinition class 
+        and: [ self name = aRGClassDefinition name 
+            and: [ self environment = aRGClassDefinition environment ] ]
+    ^self name hash bitXor: self class hash
+! !
+!RGClassDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    super initialize.
+    instanceVariables:= OrderedCollection new.
+! !
+!RGClassDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'instance variables'!
+addInstVarNamed: aString
+    | var |
+    var := ((self isMeta 
+                ifTrue: [ RGClassInstanceVariableDefinition ]
+                ifFalse:[  RGInstanceVariableDefinition ])
+        named: aString) parent: self.
+    self addVariable: var in: instanceVariables.
+    ^var
+addInstanceVariable: aRGVariableDefinition
+    "aRGVariableDefinition is a instance variable or class instance variable"
+    self addVariable: (aRGVariableDefinition parent: self)
+        in: instanceVariables
+addInstanceVariables: aCollection
+    aCollection do: [:var | self addInstVarNamed: var ]
+    ^self allInstanceVariables collect:[ :ivar| ivar name ]
+    "Answer a collection of the receiver's instanceVariables, including those defined in its superclass"
+    ^self hasSuperclass 
+        ifFalse:[ instanceVariables ]
+        ifTrue:[ self superclass allInstanceVariables, instanceVariables ]
+    "Answer a collection of the names of the instance variables defined in the receiver."
+    ^instanceVariables collect:[ :ivar| ivar name ]
+instanceVariableNamed: aString
+    ^ instanceVariables 
+        detect: [ :v | v name = aString asSymbol ] 
+        ifNone: [ nil ]
+removeInstVarNamed: aString
+    self removeVariable: (self instanceVariableNamed: aString) from: instanceVariables
+removeInstanceVariable: aRGVariableDefinition
+    "aRGVariableDefinition is a instance variable or class instance variable"
+    self removeVariable: aRGVariableDefinition from: instanceVariables
+! !
+!RGClassDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'organization'!
+    "Answer the instance of ClassOrganizer that represents the organization 
+    of the messages of the receiver."
+    organization ifNil: [
+        self organization: (ClassOrganization forClass: self) ].
+    "Making sure that subject is set correctly. It should not be necessary."
+    organization ifNotNil: [ organization setSubject: self ].
+    ^ organization
+! !
+!RGClassDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'printing'!
+storeOn: aStream
+    aStream
+        nextPutAll: '(';
+        nextPutAll: self class name;
+        nextPutAll: ' named: '.
+    name storeOn: aStream.
+    aStream nextPut: $)
+! !
+!RGClassDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'private'!
+addVariable: aRGVariableDefinition in: aCollection
+    "Adds a RGVariableDefinition in the collection received" 
+    aCollection add: aRGVariableDefinition
+removeVariable: aRGVariableDefinition from: aCollection
+    "Removes a variable from a particular collection.
+    This behavior is the same for any kind of variable"
+    aCollection remove: aRGVariableDefinition ifAbsent:[]
+! !
+!RGClassDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^true
+isSameRevisionAs: aRGClassDescriptionDefinition
+    "This method look for equality of the properties of the receiver"
+    "Instances variables are compared at the level of names but without any sorting"
+    ^(super isSameRevisionAs: aRGClassDescriptionDefinition)
+        and:[ self instVarNames sort = aRGClassDescriptionDefinition instVarNames sort ]
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGVariableDefinition subclass:#RGClassInstanceVariableDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGClassInstanceVariableDefinition comment:'A class instance variable definition'
+!RGClassInstanceVariableDefinition methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    super initialize.
+    self isMetaSide: true.
+! !
+!RGClassInstanceVariableDefinition methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^true
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGVariableDefinition subclass:#RGClassVariableDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGClassVariableDefinition comment:'A class variable definition'
+!RGClassVariableDefinition methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^true
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGElementDefinition subclass:#RGCommentDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:'content stamp'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGCommentDefinition comment:'RGCommentDefinition is a first-class representation of class''s comments'
+!RGCommentDefinition class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+realClass: aClass
+    "Creates a ring comment definition from a Smalltalk class"
+    ^(super realClass: aClass)
+        asActive;
+        yourself
+! !
+!RGCommentDefinition methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    self isActive 
+        ifTrue: [ ^ self realClass organization classComment ].
+    self isHistorical
+        ifTrue: [ ^ self contentAtPointer ifNil:[ self realClass ifNil:[ content ] ifNotNil:[ :rc| rc organization classComment ] ] ].	
+    ^ content
+content: anObject
+    content:= anObject
+    "Keeps a unique description for the receiver. As annotation to avoid converting each time is invoked"
+    ^self annotationNamed: self class fullNameKey
+        ifAbsentPut:[ (self parentName, ' ', self name) asSymbol ]
+    ^name ifNil:[ name := #Comment ]
+    "Retrieves the user-alias + timestamp associated to the receiver (if exists)"
+    self isActive 
+        ifTrue: [ ^ self realClass organization commentStamp ].
+    self isHistorical
+        ifTrue: [ ^ self stampAtPointer ifNil:[ self realClass ifNil:[ stamp ] ifNotNil:[ :rc| rc organization commentStamp ] ] ].	
+    ^ stamp
+stamp: anObject
+    stamp:= anObject
+! !
+!RGCommentDefinition methodsFor:'backward compatibility'!
+    ^ self content   
+! !
+!RGCommentDefinition methodsFor:'comparing'!
+<= aRGCommentDefinition
+    "Sort comment definition according to: 1) name of the class"
+    ^(self parentName <= aRGCommentDefinition parentName)
+! !
+!RGCommentDefinition methodsFor:'printing'!
+printOn: aStream 
+    self parentName ifNotNil: [
+        aStream nextPutAll: self parentName;
+                  nextPutAll: ' ' ].
+    aStream nextPutAll: self name
+! !
+!RGCommentDefinition methodsFor:'source pointers'!
+    "Retrieves the combination key to look for information of the receiver in the source file"
+    ^'commentStamp:' -> #commentStamp:
+    "A RGCommentDefinition may be created to point the sourceFile in which case it retrieves the class comment"
+    ^ self sourcePointer notNil
+        ifTrue: [ SourceFiles sourceCodeAt: self sourcePointer ]
+        ifFalse:[ '' ]
+    "Retrieves the sourcePointer for this definition if exists"
+    ^self annotationNamed:  self class sourcePointerKey   
+sourcePointer: aNumber
+    self annotationNamed:  self class sourcePointerKey put: aNumber 
+    "A RGMethodDefinition may be created to point the sourceFile in which case it retrieves the stamp"
+    ^ self sourcePointer notNil
+        ifTrue: [ SourceFiles timeStampAt: self sourcePointer for: self commentDataPointers ]
+        ifFalse:[ nil ]	
+! !
+!RGCommentDefinition methodsFor:'stamp values'!
+    ^self annotationNamed: self class authorKey
+        ifAbsentPut:[ self class parseAuthorAliasFrom: stamp ]
+author: aString 
+    self annotationNamed: self class authorKey
+            put: aString 
+    ^ self annotationNamed: self class timeStampKey 
+        ifAbsentPut: [ self class 
+                            parseTimestampFrom: self stamp 
+                            default: (DateAndTime epoch) ]
+timeStamp: aTimestamp 
+    self annotationNamed: self class timeStampKey
+            put: aTimestamp 
+! !
+!RGCommentDefinition methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^self hasStamp and:[ self author isEmptyOrNil not ]
+    ^stamp isEmptyOrNil not
+    ^true
+    ^content isEmptyOrNil 
+    ^false
+isSameRevisionAs: aRGCommentDefinition
+    "This method look for equality of the properties of the receiver"
+    "A comment validates only its contents and not its stamp"
+    ^(super isSameRevisionAs: aRGCommentDefinition)
+        and:[ self content = aRGCommentDefinition content ]
+! !
+!RGCommentDefinition methodsFor:'to remove as soon as possible'!
+    ^self realClass category
+    "for compatibility with method definition"
+    ^ true
+    self flag: 'if comments are mixed with methods use #realClass instead'.
+    ^self realClass
+    self flag: 'if comments are mixed with methods use #name instead'.
+    ^self name
+! !
+!RGCommentDefinition methodsFor:'type of comments'!
+    "Sets the receiver as active object, which will allow itself to retrieve its data from the class organization"
+    self annotationNamed: self class statusKey put: #active.
+    "Sets the receiver as historical object, which will allow itself to retrieve its data using the sourcePointer"
+    | realClass |
+    self annotationNamed: self class statusKey put: #historical.
+    self sourcePointer ifNil:[
+        realClass := self realClass.
+        realClass notNil ifTrue: [ 
+            realClass organization commentRemoteString
+                ifNotNil: [:str | self sourcePointer: str sourcePointer ] ] ]
+    "Sets the receiver as passive object, which will allow itself to retrieve its data that was assigned in its creation"
+    self annotationNamed: self class statusKey put: #passive
+    "If the receiver was generated as an active comment, it can be converted to a historical one by reading the data of the real class (if exists)"
+    self isActive ifTrue: [
+        self asHistorical ]
+    "If the receiver was generated as an active comment, it can be converted to a passive one by reading the data of the real class organization"
+    | realClass |
+    self isActive
+        ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
+    realClass := self realClass.
+    realClass notNil
+        ifTrue: [ 
+            self content: realClass organization classComment.
+            self stamp: realClass organization commentStamp ].
+    self asPassive
+    "A ring comment isActive when it needs to access the class organization for retrieving its data"
+    ^(self annotationNamed: self class statusKey) 
+        ifNil:[ false ] 
+        ifNotNil:[ :status| status == #active ]
+    "A ring comment can be used to point an old version of the receiver, in this case it will use the sourcePointer to retrieve its information"
+    ^(self annotationNamed: self class statusKey) 
+        ifNil:[ false ] 
+        ifNotNil:[ :status| status == #historical ]
+    "A ring comment isPassive by default.  In this case it will retrieve the data that was assigned in its creation"
+    ^(self annotationNamed: self class statusKey) 
+        ifNil:[ true ] 
+        ifNotNil:[ :status| status == #passive ]
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGAbstractContainer subclass:#RGContainer
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Containers'
+RGContainer comment:'A concrete container already knows how to treat classes, methods and packages. '
+!RGContainer class methodsFor:'image package loading'!
+    ^ Smalltalk globals at: #MCWorkingCopy 
+        ifPresent: [:mcwc | mcwc allManagers ] 
+        ifAbsent: [OrderedCollection new ]
+category: categoryName matches: prefix
+    | prefixSize catSize |
+    categoryName ifNil: [ ^false ].
+    catSize := categoryName size.
+    prefixSize := prefix size.
+    catSize < prefixSize ifTrue: [ ^false ].
+    (categoryName findString: prefix startingAt: 1 caseSensitive: true) = 1
+        ifFalse: [ ^false ].
+    ^(categoryName at: prefix size + 1 ifAbsent: [ ^true ]) = $-
+    ^ self allManagers collect: [ :pck | pck package name asSymbol -> ('*', pck package name asLowercase) ]
+    ^ self allManagers collect: [ :pck | pck package name asSymbol ]
+packageOfClass: aRGBehaviorDefinition
+    ^ self packageOfClass: aRGBehaviorDefinition using: self packageNames.
+packageOfClass: aRGBehaviorDefinition using: packageNames
+    "Looks for the package of aRGBehaviorDefinition from the image"
+    | pName |
+    aRGBehaviorDefinition ifNil:[ ^nil ].
+    pName := (packageNames 
+                detect: [ :each| each = aRGBehaviorDefinition category ]
+                ifNone: [ packageNames detect:[ :each| self category: aRGBehaviorDefinition category matches: each ] ifNone:[ nil ] ]).
+    ^ pName ifNotNil:[ RGPackage named: pName ]
+packageOfMethod: aRGMethodDefinition
+    ^ self packageOfMethod: aRGMethodDefinition using: self packageKeys
+packageOfMethod: aRGMethodDefinition using: packageKeys
+    "Looks for the package of aRGMethodDefinition from the image"
+    | pName parentPackage |
+    (aRGMethodDefinition protocol notNil and:[ aRGMethodDefinition protocol beginsWith: '*' ]) ifFalse:[
+        parentPackage := (aRGMethodDefinition parent ifNotNil:[ aRGMethodDefinition parent package ]).	
+        ^ parentPackage ifNil:[ self packageOfClass: aRGMethodDefinition parent ] ].
+    aRGMethodDefinition protocol ifNil: [ ^ nil ].
+    pName := (packageKeys 
+                detect: [ :each| self category: aRGMethodDefinition protocol asLowercase matches: each value ] ifNone:[ nil ]).
+    ^ pName ifNotNil:[ RGPackage named: pName key ]
+! !
+!RGContainer methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "Retrieves classes (traits are included)"
+    ^self elements at: #definedClasses ifAbsentPut:[ IdentityDictionary new ]
+definedClasses: aCollection
+    "Set the classes collection"
+    self elements at: #definedClasses put: aCollection
+    "Retrieves methods defined in the container"
+    ^self elements at: #methods ifAbsentPut:[ IdentityDictionary new ]
+methods: aCollection
+    "Set the methods collection"
+    self elements at: #methods put: aCollection
+    "Retrieves the children packages defined in the receiver"
+    ^self elements at: #packages ifAbsentPut:[ IdentityDictionary new ]
+packages: aCollection
+    self elementsCategorized: #packages with: aCollection
+! !
+!RGContainer methodsFor:'adding/removing'!
+addClass: aRGBehaviorDefinition
+    "aRGBehaviorDefinition has to be a class, trait or metaclass"
+    self flag: 'when i am adding a metaclass? check this?'.
+    (aRGBehaviorDefinition isClass
+        or:[ aRGBehaviorDefinition isTrait ]) ifFalse:[ ^self ].
+    self addElement: aRGBehaviorDefinition in: self definedClasses
+addClassNamed: className 
+    "Creates a class with the given name"
+    self addClass: (RGClassDefinition named: className)
+addMethod: aRGMethodDefinition
+    "aRGMethodDefinition needs to satisfy the status isMethod"
+    aRGMethodDefinition isMethod ifFalse:[ ^self ].
+    self addElement: aRGMethodDefinition in: self methods
+addPackage: aRGPackage
+    "adds a child package"
+    aRGPackage isPackage ifFalse:[ ^self ].
+    self addElement: aRGPackage in: self packages
+addPackageNamed: packageName
+    "adds a child package with the given name"
+    (self includesPackageNamed: packageName) ifTrue: [ ^self ].
+    self addPackage: (RGPackage named: packageName)
+addTrait: aRGTraitDefinition
+    "convenient method"
+    self addClass: aRGTraitDefinition
+addTraitNamed: traitName 
+    "Creates a trait with the given name"
+    self addClass:  (RGTraitDefinition named: traitName)
+removeClass: aRGAbstractClassDefinition
+    self removeElement: aRGAbstractClassDefinition from: self definedClasses
+removeMethod: aRGMethodDefinition
+    self removeElement: aRGMethodDefinition from: self methods
+removePackage: aRGPackage
+    "removes a child aRGPackage"
+    aRGPackage isPackage ifFalse:[ ^self ].
+    self removeElement: aRGPackage from: self packages
+removeTrait: aRGTraitDefinition
+    "convenient method"
+    self removeClass: aRGTraitDefinition
+    self removeElementsCategorized: #definedClasses
+    self removeElementsCategorized: #methods
+    self removeElementsCategorized: #packages
+! !
+!RGContainer methodsFor:'convenient accesses'!
+    "convenient method"
+    ^self classes
+    "convenient method"
+    ^self methods
+    "convenient method"
+    ^self allClasses select:[ :each | each isTrait ]
+    "Retrieves class names (including traits)"
+    ^ self definedClasses isDictionary
+        ifTrue: [ self definedClasses keys ]
+        ifFalse:[ self definedClasses collect:[ :class|  class name ] ]
+    "convenient method"
+    ^self definedClasses
+classes: aCollection
+    "convenient method"
+    self definedClasses: aCollection
+    "Retrieves a collection (by default a dictionary) with the extensions methods of the receiver"
+    ^self methods values select:[ :mth| mth isExtension ]
+    "Retrieves the names of defined traits"
+    ^ self traits isDictionary
+        ifTrue: [ self traits keys ]
+        ifFalse:[ self traits collect:[ :trait| trait name ] ]
+    "Retrieves a collection (by default a dictionary) containing only defined traits"
+    ^self definedClasses select:[ :each| each isTrait ]
+! !
+!RGContainer methodsFor:'image class and method loading'!
+loadClass: aRGBehaviorDefinition using: packageKeys
+    self setPackageOfClass: aRGBehaviorDefinition using: packageKeys.
+    self addClass: aRGBehaviorDefinition
+loadMethod: aRGMethodDefinition inClass: aRGBehaviorDefinition using: packageKeys
+    self addMethod: aRGMethodDefinition.
+    aRGBehaviorDefinition addMethod: aRGMethodDefinition.
+    self setPackageOfMethod: aRGMethodDefinition ofClass: aRGBehaviorDefinition using: packageKeys
+    "Set the users of a trait"
+    | users |
+    users := self classes select: [ :cls | cls hasTraitComposition ].
+    users do:[ :each |  | rgTrait |
+        each traitNames do:[ :tname|
+            rgTrait := self traitNamed: tname.
+            rgTrait notNil ifTrue: [
+                rgTrait addUser: each.
+                rgTrait theMetaClass addUser: each theMetaClass ] ] ]
+! !
+!RGContainer methodsFor:'image package loading'!
+    (self packages select:[ :pck| pck classes size isZero and:[ pck methods size isZero ] ])
+        do:[ :pck| self removePackage: pck ]
+findPackageOfClass: aRGBehaviorDefinition using: packageKeys
+    "Look for the package of a class. It is nil when there is not a package created for a category in MC"
+    | pair |
+    self packages isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ nil ].
+    ^ self packages at: aRGBehaviorDefinition category ifAbsent:[
+        pair := packageKeys detect:[ :each| self class category: aRGBehaviorDefinition category matches: each key ] ifNone:[ nil ].
+        pair ifNotNil:[ self packages at: pair key ] ]
+findPackageOfMethod: aRGMethodDefinition using: packageKeys
+    "Look for the package of an extension method. nil otherwise"
+    | pair lname |	
+    self packages isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^nil ].
+    (aRGMethodDefinition protocol beginsWith: '*') ifFalse:[ ^ nil ].
+    lname := aRGMethodDefinition protocol asLowercase.
+ 	pair := packageKeys detect:[ :assoc| self class category: lname matches: assoc value ] ifNone:[ nil ].
+    ^ pair ifNotNil:[ self packages at: pair key ]
+    | rgPackage rgPackageKeys |
+    rgPackageKeys := OrderedCollection new.
+    self class allManagers do: [ :pck | 
+        rgPackage := RGPackage named: pck package name asSymbol.
+        rgPackageKeys add: (rgPackage name -> ('*', rgPackage name asLowercase)).
+        self addPackage: rgPackage ].
+    ^ rgPackageKeys
+setPackageOfClass: rgClass using: packageKeys
+    "Set the package to aRGBehaviorDefinition"
+    (self findPackageOfClass: rgClass using: packageKeys) 
+        ifNotNil:[ :pck| pck addClass: rgClass ]
+setPackageOfMethod: rgMethod ofClass: rgClass using: packageKeys
+    "Set the package to aRGMethodDefinition and its value isExtension"
+    (self findPackageOfMethod: rgMethod using: packageKeys) 
+        ifNil:[ rgClass package ifNotNil:[ :pck| 
+                pck addMethod: rgMethod.
+                rgMethod isExtension: false ] ]
+        ifNotNil:[ :pck| 
+            pck addMethod: rgMethod.
+            rgMethod isExtension: (rgMethod package ~= rgClass package) ]
+! !
+!RGContainer methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    super initialize.
+    self definedClasses: IdentityDictionary new.
+    self methods: IdentityDictionary new.
+    self packages: IdentityDictionary new.
+! !
+!RGContainer methodsFor:'iterating'!
+allClassesDo: aBlock
+    "Evaluate the argument, aBlock, for each class and its metaclass"
+    self allClasses do: [ :each|
+        aBlock value: each.
+        each hasMetaclass
+            ifTrue:[ aBlock value: each theMetaClass ] ]
+allTraitsDo: aBlock
+    "Evaluate the argument, aBlock, for each trait"
+    self allTraits do: [ :each|
+        aBlock value: each.
+        each hasMetaclass
+            ifTrue:[ aBlock value: each theMetaClass ] ]
+classesDo: aBlock
+    self classes do: [ :each|
+        aBlock value: each.
+        each hasMetaclass
+            ifTrue:[ aBlock value: each theMetaClass ] ]
+definedClassesDo: aBlock
+    self definedClasses do: [ :each|
+        aBlock value: each.
+        each hasMetaclass
+            ifTrue:[ aBlock value: each theMetaClass ] ]
+methodsDo: aBlock
+    self methods
+        do:[ :each| aBlock value: each ]
+traitsDo: aBlock
+    self traits do: [ :each|
+        aBlock value: each.
+        each hasMetaclass
+            ifTrue:[ aBlock value: each theMetaClass ] ]
+! !
+!RGContainer methodsFor:'lookup by name'!
+classNamed: className
+    "Retrieves an RGBehaviorDefinition object.
+    className could be theMetaClass name"
+    ^self classOrTraitNamed: className
+classOrTraitNamed: className
+    "A class or metaclass can be reached by its name"
+    | theClass |
+    className ifNil: [^nil ].
+    theClass:= self elementNamed: (self theNonMetaClassNameOf: className) in: self definedClasses.
+    theClass ifNil:[ ^nil ].
+    ^(self isMetaclassName: className)
+        ifTrue: [ theClass theMetaClass ]
+        ifFalse:[ theClass ] 
+metaclassNamed: metaclassName
+    | theClass |
+    theClass:= (self classOrTraitNamed: metaclassName).
+    theClass notNil
+    ifTrue:[ ^theClass isMeta 
+              ifTrue: [ theClass ]
+              ifFalse:[ theClass theMetaClass ] ].
+    ^nil
+methodNamed: fullSelectorName
+    ^self elementNamed: fullSelectorName in: self methods
+packageNamed: packageName
+    "Look for a child package named packageName"
+    ^self elementNamed: packageName in: self packages
+traitNamed: traitName
+    "Retrieves an RGTraitDefinition object.
+    traitName could be theMetaClass name"
+    | trait |
+    ^(trait:= self classOrTraitNamed: traitName) isTrait
+    ifTrue:[ trait ]
+    ifFalse:[ nil ]
+! !
+!RGContainer methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^self definedClasses notEmpty
+    ^self methods notEmpty
+includesClass: aRGBehaviorDefinition
+    "Returns true if the receiver includes aRGBehaviorDefinition in the defined classes"
+    ^self definedClasses includes: aRGBehaviorDefinition
+includesClassNamed: className
+    "Returns true if the receiver includes the className in the defined classes"
+    self flag: 'can a metaclass be stored without its nonMetaClass? Check this'.
+    ^self includesElementNamed: (self theNonMetaClassNameOf: className) in: self definedClasses.
+includesMethod: aRGMethodDefinition
+    ^self methods includes: aRGMethodDefinition
+includesMethodNamed: fullSelectorName
+    ^self includesElementNamed: fullSelectorName in: self methods
+includesPackage: aRGPackage
+    "Verifies if a child package == aRGPackage exists"
+    ^self packages includes: aRGPackage
+includesPackageNamed: packageName
+    "Verifies if a child package with name = packageName exists"
+    ^self includesElementNamed: packageName in: self packages
+! !
+!RGContainer methodsFor:'utilities'!
+isMetaclassName: aSymbol
+    "Validates if the arguments corresponds to a nonMetaClass"
+    ^(aSymbol
+        indexOfSubCollection: ' class'
+        startingAt: 1) > 0
+theNonMetaClassNameOf: aSymbol
+    "Rejects the prefix ' class' or ' classTrait' of the argument"
+    | index |
+    index := aSymbol
+                indexOfSubCollection: ' class'
+                startingAt: 1
+                ifAbsent: [ ^aSymbol asSymbol ].
+    ^(aSymbol 
+        copyFrom: 1
+        to: index - 1) asSymbol
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+Object subclass:#RGDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:'annotations name'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGDefinition comment:'I am the root class of the Ring meta-model.
A Ring definition has a name, can be annotated and knows its environment'
+!RGDefinition class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+    "return an initialized instance"
+    ^ self basicNew initialize.
+! !
+!RGDefinition class methodsFor:'annotations'!
+    ^#author
+    ^#fullName
+    ^#timestamp
+! !
+!RGDefinition class methodsFor:'class initialization'!
+named: aName
+    ^self new
+        name: aName asSymbol;
+        yourself
+! !
+!RGDefinition methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "If the receiver has not namespace assigned the default is used"
+    "self class environment = Smalltalk globals"
+    ^ self annotationNamed: #environment ifAbsent: [ self class environment ]
+environment: namespace
+    namespace = self class environment
+        ifFalse:[ self annotationNamed: #environment put: namespace ]
+    ^self name
+    ^name
+name: anObject
+    "a symbol or a string should be expected"
+    name:= anObject
+    "Retrieves the runtime environment of an RGObject"
+    "If the receiver is defined in an RGContainer the runtime environment is the one associated to its container"
+    | parent |
+    parent:= self environment.
+    [ parent isRingObject ]
+        whileTrue:[ parent:= parent environment ].
+    ^parent
+! !
+!RGDefinition methodsFor:'annotations'!
+annotationNamed: annotationName 
+    "Answer the value of the annotation named <annotationName>, or 
+    nil if the annotation is not defined for the receiver."
+    ^ self
+        annotationNamed: annotationName
+        ifAbsent: [ nil ]
+annotationNamed: annotationName ifAbsent: exceptionBlock 
+    "Answer the value of the annotation named <annotationName>. If the 
+    annotation is not defined for the receiver, answer the result of 
+    evaluating the <exceptionBlock>."
+    self hasAnnotations
+        ifFalse: [ ^exceptionBlock value ].
+    ^self annotations
+            at: annotationName
+            ifAbsent: [ exceptionBlock value ]
+annotationNamed: annotationName ifAbsentPut: blockValue 
+    ^self annotations
+        at: annotationName
+        ifAbsentPut: blockValue
+annotationNamed: annotationName put: value 
+    self annotations
+        at: annotationName
+        put: value
+    self hasAnnotations
+        ifFalse:[ ^OrderedCollection new ].
+    ^annotations keys
+    ^annotations ifNil:[ annotations:= IdentityDictionary new ]
+hasAnnotationNamed: annotationName
+    "Answer <true> if the receiver contains the annotation named <annotationName>. "
+    self hasAnnotations	
+        ifFalse:[ ^false ].
+    ^annotations includesKey: annotationName
+    ^annotations notNil
+removeAnnotationNamed: annotationName 
+    "Remove the annotation named <annotationName>. Fails quietly if there 
+    is no annotation with the given name."
+    (self hasAnnotationNamed: annotationName)
+        ifTrue:[ annotations removeKey: annotationName ]
+! !
+!RGDefinition methodsFor:'converting'!
+    ^ self
+! !
+!RGDefinition methodsFor:'testing types'!
+    ^false
+    ^false
+    ^false
+    ^false
+    ^false
+    ^false
+    ^false
+    ^false
+    ^false
+    ^false
+    ^false
+    ^true
+    ^false
+    ^false
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGDefinition subclass:#RGElementDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:'parent'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGElementDefinition comment:'RGElementDefinition is the abstract class for representing elements of a class-alike definition (i.e., methods, variables, comment).

parent holds the RGClassDefinition or RGMetaclassDefinition defining this element.
Now a RingEntityDefinition offers two APIs: one that is generic and works for all the source code entities and this is the one we just 
presented: parent, parentName and realParent. Having such interface is important to build generic tools that could manipulate 
any entities in a polymorphic way (yes no isKindOf: everywhere).

In addition, a ring method definition offers a specific interface that should only be used when you know that you are solely manipulate
specific entity such as class element: method definition, class comment, and variables. 

Here is the equivalence table

	realParent 				realClass
	parent					ringClass
	parentName			className
For example for a methodDefinition we will have the following:

* To access the ring class definition name, use parentName
	aRGMethodDefinition parentName
	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition parentName
		->  #Point
* If you have a complete model where classes and methods are ring definition, to access the ring class definition , use parent
	aRGMethodDefinition parent
	aRGMethodDefinition(Point>>#dist:) parent
		->  aRGClassDefinition(Point)
* If you want to access the smalltalk class that contains the compiledMethod that is represented by a ringMethodDefinition, use realParent
	aRGMethodDefinition realParent
	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition realParent
		->  Point

CLASS Element specific API
* The message class returns the class of the object :). Yes as you see we could not use class and className because class is already used to refer to the class of the object.

	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition class
		->  RingMethodDefinition
* The message className returns the name of the ring class defining the reingMethodDefinition.

	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition className
		->  #Point		
* If you have a complete model where classes and methods are ring definition, to access the ring class definition , use parent
	aRGMethodDefinition ringClass
	aRGMethodDefinition(Point>>#dist:) ringClass
		->  aRGClassDefinition(Point)
* If you want to access the smalltalk class that contains the compiledMethod that is represented by a ringMethodDefinition, use realClass
	aRGMethodDefinition realClass
	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition realClass
		->  Point

+!RGElementDefinition class methodsFor:'class initialization'!
+class: aRGBehaviorDefinition
+    "The argument is a ring object and serves as the parent of a method, variable or class comment"
+    ^self new
+        parent: aRGBehaviorDefinition;
+        yourself
+realClass: aClass
+    "The argument is a Smalltalk class and the parent of a method, variable, class comment.
+    However it is not set as parent but only its name and scope (instance/class)"
+    ^self new
+        parent: aClass asRingDefinition;
+        yourself
+! !
+!RGElementDefinition class methodsFor:'elements-annotations'!
+    ^#className
+    ^#isMetaSide
+    ^#sourcePointer
+    ^#statusKey
+! !
+!RGElementDefinition class methodsFor:'parsing stamp'!
+basicParseAuthorAliasFrom: aString
+    "Parse an alias/name of the author from a string that is extracted from a source file. If there is no alias/name we return emtpy string."
+    | tokens dateStartIndex unknown |
+    "The following timestamp strings are supported (source: squeak sources archeological survey):
+        <authorname><date><time>. 
+        <authorname><date>
+        <date><time>
+        <date><time><authorname>
+        <date><authorname>
+        <historical>
+    All fields can be separated by spaces or line ends but a separator between author alias/name and date can be missing as well"
+    "unknown:= 'unknown'."
+    unknown := nil.
+    aString isEmptyOrNil
+        ifTrue: [ ^ unknown ].
+    dateStartIndex := (aString indexOf: $/) - 1.	"If there is no / character in the timestamp, no author alias/name exists"
+    dateStartIndex = -1
+        ifTrue: [ ^ unknown ].
+    ^ [ 
+    "Go the start of the date string (there can be 1 or 2 digits and a space separator can be missing at the front!!!!)"
+    (dateStartIndex >= 2 and: [ (aString at: dateStartIndex - 1) isDigit ])
+        ifTrue: [ dateStartIndex := dateStartIndex - 1 ].	"Extract only those tokens that do not possible represent date or time - meaning that authorname may be at the end"
+    tokens := (aString copyFrom: dateStartIndex to: aString size) substrings
+        reject: [ :token | (token occurrencesOf: $/) = 2 or: [ (token occurrencesOf: $:) = 1 ] ].	"only one token should be left if author name/alias exists"
+    ^ tokens isEmpty
+        ifTrue: [ 
+            "if dateStartIndex is not 1 then the authorname may be at the beginning"
+            dateStartIndex > 1
+                ifTrue: [ (aString copyFrom: 1 to: dateStartIndex - 1) trimBoth ]
+                ifFalse: [ unknown ] ]
+        ifFalse: [ tokens first ] ]
+        on: Exception
+        do: [ :e | unknown ]
+parseAuthorAliasFrom: aString
+    "Allows other applications  to treat a different empty alias by overriding this method"
+    ^self basicParseAuthorAliasFrom: aString
+parseTimestampFrom: aString
+    ^self parseTimestampFrom: aString default: nil
+parseTimestampFrom: aString default: anObject
+    "Parse a date-time from a timestamp-string that is extracted from a source file. If there is no timestamp, or we cannot make sense of it, we return the default value."
+    | tokens dateStartIndex unknown |
+    "The following timestamp strings are supported (source: squeak sources archeological survey):
+        <authorname><date><time>. 
+        <authorname><date>
+        <date><time>
+        <date><time><authorname>
+        <date><authorname>
+        <historical>
+    All fields can be separated by spaces or line ends but a separator between authorname and date can be missing as well"
+    unknown := anObject.
+    aString isEmptyOrNil
+        ifTrue: [ ^ unknown ].
+    dateStartIndex := (aString indexOf: $/) - 1.	"If there is no / character in the timestamp, we cannot parse a date and return the epoch"
+    dateStartIndex = -1
+        ifTrue: [ ^ unknown ].
+    ^ [ 
+    "Go the start of the date string (there can be 1 or 2 digits and a space separator can be missing at the front!!!!)"
+    (dateStartIndex >= 2 and: [ (aString at: dateStartIndex - 1) isDigit ])
+        ifTrue: [ dateStartIndex := dateStartIndex - 1 ].	"Extract only those tokens that possibly represent date or time"
+    tokens := (aString copyFrom: dateStartIndex to: aString size) substrings
+        select: [ :token | (token occurrencesOf: $/) = 2 or: [ (token occurrencesOf: $:) = 1 ] ].	"2 tokens is a datetime"
+    tokens size = 2
+        ifTrue: [ (tokens joinUsing: Character space) asDateAndTime ]
+        ifFalse: [ tokens first asDate asDateAndTime ] ]
+        on: Exception
+        do: [ :e | unknown ]
+! !
+!RGElementDefinition methodsFor:'accessing'!
+fullName: aString
+    ^ self annotationNamed: self class fullNameKey put: aString asSymbol
+    "Even thought several class elements do not define this property (ie. class variables, pool variables) they understand it"
+    "This is a derived property from the class definining the receiver and thus its value is kept as an annotation"
+    "Default value is false"
+    ^self annotationNamed: self class isMetaSideKey ifAbsentPut: [ false ]
+isMetaSide: aBoolean
+    self annotationNamed: self class isMetaSideKey put: aBoolean
+    ^self parent package 
+! !
+!RGElementDefinition methodsFor:'backward compatibility'!
+    "returns the Smalltalk class of the receiver"
+    ^ self realClass
+! !
+!RGElementDefinition methodsFor:'class element specific api'!
+    ^ self parentName
+className: aName
+    ^ self parentName: aName
+    "Retrieves the Class/Trait/.. object in the System corresponding to the class of the this element."
+    ^ self realParent
+    "Return the ring definition of the class containing the receiver."
+    ^ self parent
+    ^self theNonMetaParentName 
+! !
+!RGElementDefinition methodsFor:'comparing'!
+= aRGElementDefinition
+    "This method look for equality of the properties of the receiver"
+    "Verifies the class and the parentName of the receiver"
+    ^self class = aRGElementDefinition class
+        and:[ self parentName == aRGElementDefinition parentName 
+            and:[ self isMetaSide = aRGElementDefinition isMetaSide ] ]
+    "Hash is re-implemented because #= is re-implemented"
+    ^self class hash bitXor: (self parentName hash bitXor: self isMetaSide hash)
+! !
+!RGElementDefinition methodsFor:'generic parent api'!
+    "The parent of a class definition element: method, comment and variable is the class definition. This method retrieves the class that defines such element"
+    ^ parent
+parent: aRGBehaviorDefinition
+    "Set the class associated to the receiver"
+    parent := aRGBehaviorDefinition.
+    self setParentInfo: aRGBehaviorDefinition.
+    "Retrieves the name of the class defining the receiver. Its value is kept as an annotation"
+    ^ self annotationNamed: self class classNameKey
+parentName: aString
+    self annotationNamed: self class classNameKey put: aString asSymbol
+    "Retrieves the Class/Trait/.. object in the System corresponding to the class of the this element."
+    ^self parent notNil
+        ifTrue: [ self parent realClass ]
+        ifFalse: [ self rootEnvironment classNamed: self parentName ]
+    "Rejects the prefix ' class' or ' classTrait' of the parentName"
+    | index |
+    index := self parentName
+                indexOfSubCollection: ' class'
+                startingAt: 1
+                ifAbsent: [ ^self parentName ].
+    ^(self parentName 
+        copyFrom: 1
+        to: index - 1) asSymbol
+! !
+!RGElementDefinition methodsFor:'private'!
+setParentInfo: anObject
+    "anObject is aRGBehaviorDefinition or aClass/aTrait"
+    self parentName: anObject name. 
+    self isMetaSide: anObject isMeta
+! !
+!RGElementDefinition methodsFor:'testing'!
+    "isDefined when the receiver has its realClass defined in the system"
+    ^self realClass notNil
+isSameRevisionAs: aRGElementDefinition
+    "This method look for equality of the properties of the receiver"
+    "Verifies the class and the parentName of the receiver"
+    ^self class = aRGElementDefinition class
+        and:[ self parentName == aRGElementDefinition parentName ]
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGDefinition subclass:#RGGlobalDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGGlobalDefinition comment:'An RGGlobalDefinition is an abstract superclass for representing classes, global variables and shared pools
+!RGGlobalDefinition methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "Retrieves the namespace in which the receiver is known"
+    ^self environment
+! !
+!RGGlobalDefinition methodsFor:'comparing'!
+= aRGGlobalDefinition
+    "This method look for equality of the properties of the receiver"
+    "Verifies the class and the name of the receiver"
+    ^self class = aRGGlobalDefinition class
+        and:[ self name == aRGGlobalDefinition name ]
+    "Hash is re-implemented because #= is re-implemented"
+    ^self class hash bitXor: (self name hash)
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGGlobalDefinition subclass:#RGGlobalVariableDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:'value'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGGlobalVariableDefinition comment:'A global variable definition'
+!RGGlobalVariableDefinition methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "Retrieves the current value of the global variable"
+    ^ value
+value: anObject
+    value := anObject
+! !
+!RGGlobalVariableDefinition methodsFor:'managing container'!
+addInContainer: aRGContainer
+    aRGContainer addGlobalVariable: self
+isIncludedInContainer: aRGContainer
+    ^aRGContainer includesGlobalVariable: self
+removeFromContainer: aRGContainer
+    aRGContainer removeGlobalVariable: self
+! !
+!RGGlobalVariableDefinition methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^true
+    ^true
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGVariableDefinition subclass:#RGInstanceVariableDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGInstanceVariableDefinition comment:'An instance variable definition'
+!RGInstanceVariableDefinition methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^true
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGClassDescriptionDefinition subclass:#RGMetaclassDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:'baseClass'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGMetaclassDefinition comment:'RGMetaclassDefinition is a concrete representation of metaclasses of classes (traits are excluded)'
+!RGMetaclassDefinition class methodsFor:'class initialization'!
+class: anORClassDefinition
+    ^self new
+        baseClass: anORClassDefinition;
+        yourself
+! !
+!RGMetaclassDefinition methodsFor:'accessing'!
+baseClass: aRGClassDefinition
+    baseClass:= aRGClassDefinition.
+    self name: (baseClass name, ' class') asSymbol
+    ^ self theNonMetaClass category
+    ^baseClass environment
+    ^baseClass package
+    ^baseClass realClass theMetaClass
+    ^self
+    ^baseClass
+! !
+!RGMetaclassDefinition methodsFor:'printing'!
+storeOn: aStream
+    aStream nextPut: $(. 
+    super storeOn: aStream.
+    aStream nextPutAll: ' baseClass:'.
+    self theNonMetaClass storeOn: aStream.
+    aStream nextPut: $).
+! !
+!RGMetaclassDefinition methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^true
+isSameRevisionAs: aRGMetaclassDefinition
+    "This method look for equality of the properties of the receiver"
+    ^(super isSameRevisionAs: aRGMetaclassDefinition)
+        and:[ self traitCompositionSource = aRGMetaclassDefinition traitCompositionSource ]
+! !
+!RGMetaclassDefinition methodsFor:'variables'!
+    ^self theNonMetaClass allClassVarNames
+    ^self theNonMetaClass allSharedPoolNames
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGTraitDescriptionDefinition subclass:#RGMetatraitDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:'baseClass'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGMetatraitDefinition comment:'RGMetatraitDefinition is a concrete representation of metaclasses of traits'
+!RGMetatraitDefinition class methodsFor:'class initialization'!
+class: anORTraitDefinition
+    ^self new
+        baseClass: anORTraitDefinition;
+        yourself
+! !
+!RGMetatraitDefinition methodsFor:'accessing'!
+baseClass: anRGTraitDefinition
+    baseClass:= anRGTraitDefinition.
+    self name: (baseClass name, ' classTrait') asSymbol
+    ^ self theNonMetaClass category
+    ^baseClass environment
+    ^baseClass package
+    ^baseClass realClass theMetaClass
+    ^self
+    ^baseClass
+! !
+!RGMetatraitDefinition methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^true
+isSameRevisionAs: aRGMetatraitDefinition
+    "This method look for equality of the properties of the receiver"
+    ^(super isSameRevisionAs: aRGMetatraitDefinition)
+        and: [ self traitCompositionSource = aRGMetatraitDefinition traitCompositionSource ]
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGElementDefinition subclass:#RGMethodDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:'protocol sourceCode stamp package'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGMethodDefinition comment:'RGMethodDefinition is a concrete representation of methods. It can be used to build browser for methods that are not in the image. It is polymorphic with CompiledMethod. 

* We can ask a RGMethodDefinition for its selector using the selector message.
	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition selector
		-> #dist

We can also ask the ring object representation of its class or the Smalltalk class actually implementing the corresponding compiledMethod. 

* To access the ring class definition name, use parentName
	aRGMethodDefinition parentName
	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition parentName
		->  #Point
* If you have a complete model where classes and methods are ring definition, to access the ring class definition , use parent
	aRGMethodDefinition parent
	aRGMethodDefinition(Point>>#dist:) parent
		->  aRGClassDefinition(Point)
* If you want to access the smalltalk class that contains the compiledMethod that is represented by a ringMethodDefinition, use realParent
	aRGMethodDefinition realParent
	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition realParent
		->  Point

Now a RingEntityDefinition offers two APIs: one that is generic and works for all the source code entities and this is the one we just 
presented: parent, parentName and realParent. Having such interface is important to build generic tools that could manipulate 
any entities in a polymorphic way (yes no isKindOf: everywhere).

In addition, a ring method definition offers a specific interface that should only be used when you know that you are solely manipulate
specific entity such as class element: method definition, class comment, and variables. 

Here is the equivalence table

	realParent 				realClass
	parent					ringClass
	parentName			className

* The message class returns the class of the object :).

	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition class
		->  RingMethodDefinition
* The message className returns the name of the ring class defining the reingMethodDefinition.

	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition className
		->  #Point		
* If you have a complete model where classes and methods are ring definition, to access the ring class definition , use parent
	aRGMethodDefinition ringClass
	aRGMethodDefinition(Point>>#dist:) ringClass
		->  aRGClassDefinition(Point)
* If you want to access the smalltalk class that contains the compiledMethod that is represented by a ringMethodDefinition, use realClass
	aRGMethodDefinition realClass
	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition realClass
		->  Point

+!RGMethodDefinition class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+class: aRGBehaviorDefinition selector: aString
+    "Create a ring method definition from a ring class and a selector"
+    ^(self class: aRGBehaviorDefinition)
+        selector: aString asSymbol;
+        yourself
+className: aString selector: aSelector isMetaSide: aBoolean
+    ^ (self class: (RGClassDefinition named: aString) selector: aSelector) isMetaSide: aBoolean; yourself
+realClass: aClass selector: aString
+    "Creates a ring method definition from a Smalltalk class and a selector <compiledMethod>"
+    ^(aClass>>aString asSymbol) asActiveRingDefinition
+! !
+!RGMethodDefinition class methodsFor:'categories'!
+    "Return the string labeling the unclassified protocol."
+    ^ 'as yet unclassified'
+! !
+!RGMethodDefinition class methodsFor:'elements-annotations'!
+    ^#isExtension
+! !
+!RGMethodDefinition methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^ self compiledMethod ast 
+    "Retrieves the compiled method of this definition if exists"
+    | rClass |
+    (rClass := self realClass) notNil
+        ifTrue: [ (rClass includesSelector: self selector)
+            ifTrue: [ ^rClass >> self selector ] ].
+    ^nil
+    "Keeps a unique description for the receiver. As annotation to avoid converting each time is invoked"
+    ^self annotationNamed: self class fullNameKey
+        ifAbsentPut: [ (self parentName, '>>', self selector) asSymbol ]
+    "The receiver is an extension when is defined in a different package to the one of its parent.
+    Ring allows to set this property. If not assigned tries to find its value "
+    ^self 
+        annotationNamed: self class isExtensionKey
+        ifAbsent: [  
+            (self parent notNil and:[ self package notNil ])
+                ifTrue: [ | value |
+                           value :=  self parent package ~= self package.
+                         self annotationNamed: self class isExtensionKey put: value.
+                         value ]
+                ifFalse: [ self protocol ifNil:[ false ] ifNotNil:[ :prot|  prot beginsWith: '*' ] ] ]
+isExtension: aBoolean
+    "Explicitily set that the receiver is an extension"
+    self annotationNamed: self class isExtensionKey put: aBoolean 
+    "Return the real oring of this method."
+    ^ self compiledMethod 
+        ifNil: [ self methodClass ]
+        ifNotNil: [ :compileMethod| compileMethod origin ]
+    "Retrieves the package in which this class is contained, if exists"
+    ^package
+package: aRGPackage
+    package:= aRGPackage
+    self isActive 
+        ifTrue: [ ^ self compiledMethod ifNil: [ protocol ] ifNotNil: [ self compiledMethod protocol ]].
+    self isHistorical
+        ifTrue: [ ^ self protocolAtPointer ifNil: [ self compiledMethod ifNil: [ protocol ] ifNotNil:[ :cm | cm protocol ] ] ].
+    ^ protocol			
+protocol: anObject
+    protocol := anObject
+    "Retrieves the name of the method"
+    ^name
+selector: aSymbol
+    "The name of a method is known as #selector"
+    name := aSymbol
+    self isActive 
+        ifTrue: [ ^ self compiledMethod ifNil:[ sourceCode ] ifNotNil: [ self compiledMethod sourceCode ]].
+    self isHistorical
+        ifTrue: [ ^ self sourceCodeAtPointer ifNil:[ self compiledMethod ifNil:[ sourceCode ] ifNotNil:[ :cm| cm sourceCode ] ] ].	
+    ^ sourceCode
+sourceCode: anObject
+    sourceCode := anObject
+    self isActive 
+        ifTrue: [ ^ self compiledMethod timeStamp ].
+    self isHistorical
+        ifTrue: [ ^ self stampAtPointer ifNil:[ self compiledMethod ifNil:[ stamp ] ifNotNil:[ :cm| cm timeStamp ] ] ].
+    ^ stamp
+stamp: anObject
+    "stores an author alias and a timestamp"
+    stamp := anObject
+! !
+!RGMethodDefinition methodsFor:'backward compatibility'!
+    ^ self protocol
+    ^ self method messages
+    ^self compiledMethod
+    "Return the class to which the receiver belongs to."
+    ^ self realClass
+    ^ self method symbolic
+! !
+!RGMethodDefinition methodsFor:'comparing'!
+<= aRGMethodDefinition
+    "Sort method definitions according to: 1. class name - 2. class comment - 3. method selector - 4. timestamp"
+    self parentName < aRGMethodDefinition parentName ifTrue: [^true].
+    self parentName > aRGMethodDefinition parentName ifTrue: [^false].
+    self flag: 'This ugly test is needed right now because the old system is used to represent 
+    class comment as method with Comment selector. And to mix comment and methods'.
+    aRGMethodDefinition isComment ifTrue: [^false].
+    ^(self selector < aRGMethodDefinition selector) 
+ 		  or: [ (self selector == aRGMethodDefinition selector) and: [
+    			  self timeStamp <= aRGMethodDefinition timeStamp ]]
+= aRGMethodDefinition
+    "This method look for equality of the key properties of the receiver"
+    ^(super = aRGMethodDefinition)
+        and: [ self selector == aRGMethodDefinition selector]
+    ^super hash bitXor: self selector hash
+! !
+!RGMethodDefinition methodsFor:'managing container'!
+addInContainer: aRGContainer
+    aRGContainer addMethod: self
+isIncludedInContainer: aRGContainer
+    ^aRGContainer includesMethod: self
+removeFromContainer: aRGContainer
+    aRGContainer removeMethod: self
+! !
+!RGMethodDefinition methodsFor:'metrics'!
+    ^ self annotationNamed: #numberOfLinesOfCode ifAbsentPut: [ self sourceCode lineCount ]
+! !
+!RGMethodDefinition methodsFor:'operations'!
+    self method recompile
+! !
+!RGMethodDefinition methodsFor:'printing'!
+printOn: aStream 
+    self parentName ifNotNil: [
+        aStream nextPutAll: self parentName;
+                  nextPutAll: '>>' ].
+    aStream print: self selector
+! !
+!RGMethodDefinition methodsFor:'source pointers'!
+getPreambleFrom: aFileStream at: position
+    ^ SourceFiles getPreambleFrom: aFileStream at: position
+    "A RGMethodDefinition that was set as historical will retrieve the protocol using the sourcePointer"
+    ^ self sourcePointer notNil
+        ifTrue: [ SourceFiles protocolAt: self sourcePointer ]
+        ifFalse:[ nil ]
+    "A RGMethodDefinition that was set as historical will retrieve the sourceCode using the sourcePointer"
+    ^ self sourcePointer notNil
+        ifTrue: [ SourceFiles sourceCodeAt: self sourcePointer ]
+        ifFalse:[ nil ]
+    "Retrieves the sourcePointer for this definition if exists"
+    ^self annotationNamed:  self class sourcePointerKey   
+sourcePointer: aNumber
+    self annotationNamed:  self class sourcePointerKey put: aNumber 
+    "A RGMethodDefinition that was set as historical will retrieve the stamp using the sourcePointer"
+    ^ self sourcePointer notNil
+        ifTrue: [ SourceFiles timeStampAt: self sourcePointer ]
+        ifFalse:[ nil ]
+! !
+!RGMethodDefinition methodsFor:'stamp values'!
+    ^self 
+        annotationNamed: self class authorKey
+        ifAbsentPut: [ self class parseAuthorAliasFrom: self stamp ]
+author: aString 
+    self annotationNamed: self class authorKey put: aString 
+    ^self annotationNamed: self class timeStampKey 
+        ifAbsentPut: [ self class 
+                            parseTimestampFrom: self stamp 
+                            default: (DateAndTime epoch) ]
+timeStamp: aTimestamp 
+    self annotationNamed: self class timeStampKey put: aTimestamp 
+! !
+!RGMethodDefinition methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^stamp isEmptyOrNil not
+    ^ self compiledMethod isAbstract
+    "Answer whether the receiver exists in the environment"
+    | rClass |
+    self selector isDoIt ifTrue:[ ^false ].
+    rClass := self realClass.
+    ^rClass notNil and: [ rClass includesSelector: self selector ]
+    "Return true for methods that have been included from Traits"
+    ^ self origin isTrait and: [ self origin ~= self methodClass ]
+    "Answer whether the receiver exists in the environment as a local implementation"
+    | rClass |
+    rClass:= self realClass.
+    ^rClass notNil and: [ rClass includesLocalSelector: self selector ]
+    ^true
+    ^ self compiledMethod isOverridden
+isSameRevisionAs: aRGMethodDefinition
+    "This method look for equality of the properties of the receiver"
+    "Stamp is ignored as in many cases a method is saved without containing any change. However it appears as changed due to a different stamp"
+    self flag: 'needs to be evaluated'.
+    ^(super isSameRevisionAs: aRGMethodDefinition)
+        and: [ self selector = aRGMethodDefinition selector 
+            and: [ self protocol = aRGMethodDefinition protocol
+                and: [ self sourceCode = aRGMethodDefinition sourceCode ] ] ]
+! !
+!RGMethodDefinition methodsFor:'to remove as soon as possible'!
+    ^self isMetaSide
+    "verifies that the receiver is locally defined in the class and that is not a DoIt"
+    ^self isDefined
+! !
+!RGMethodDefinition methodsFor:'traits'!
+    "Return an array with the argument names of the method's selector"
+    ^ self compiledMethod argumentNames
+    ^self selector
+        allSatisfy: [:each | each isSpecial]
+! !
+!RGMethodDefinition methodsFor:'type of methods'!
+    "Sets the receiver as active object, which will allow itself to retrieve its data from the compiled method"
+    self annotationNamed: self class statusKey put: #active
+    "Sets the receiver as historical object, which will allow itself to retrieve its data using the sourcePointer"
+    self annotationNamed: self class statusKey put: #historical.
+    self sourcePointer ifNil:[ | pointer compiledMethod |
+        pointer := 0.
+        compiledMethod := self compiledMethod.
+        compiledMethod notNil ifTrue: [
+            pointer := compiledMethod sourcePointer ].
+        pointer isZero
+            ifFalse:[ self sourcePointer: pointer ] ]
+    "Sets the receiver as passive object, which will allow itself to retrieve its data that was assigned in its creation"
+    self annotationNamed: self class statusKey put: #passive
+    "If the receiver was generated as an active method, it can be converted to a historical one by reading the data of the compiled method (if exists)"
+    self isActive ifTrue: [
+        self asHistorical ]
+    "If the receiver was generated as an active method, it can be converted to a passive one by reading the data of the compiled method (if exists)"
+    | compiledMethod |
+    self isActive
+        ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
+    compiledMethod := self compiledMethod.
+    compiledMethod notNil
+        ifTrue: [ 
+            self protocol: compiledMethod category.
+            self sourceCode: compiledMethod sourceCode.
+            self stamp: compiledMethod timeStamp ].
+    self asPassive
+    "A ring method isActive when it needs to access the compiledMethod for retrieving its data"
+    ^(self annotationNamed: self class statusKey) 
+        ifNil:[ false ] 
+        ifNotNil:[ :status| status == #active ]
+    "A ring method can be used to point an old version of the receiver, in this case it will use the sourcePointer to retrieve its information"
+    ^(self annotationNamed: self class statusKey) 
+        ifNil:[ false ] 
+        ifNotNil:[ :status| status == #historical ]
+    "A ring method isPassive when it retrieves the data that was assigned in its creation.
+    By default is passive"
+    ^(self annotationNamed: self class statusKey) 
+        ifNil:[ true ] 
+        ifNotNil:[ :status| status == #passive ]
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGContainer subclass:#RGNamespace
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Containers'
+RGNamespace comment:'A namespace is a container that in addition to managing classes and methods, it also knows how to treat pools and global variables'
+!RGNamespace methodsFor:'accessing global variables'!
+globalVariableNamed: globalVariableName
+    ^self elementNamed: globalVariableName in: self globalVariables
+    "retrieves global variables"
+    ^self elementsCategorized: #globalVariables
+globalVariables: aCollection
+    self elementsCategorized: #globalVariables with: aCollection
+! !
+!RGNamespace methodsFor:'accessing pools'!
+poolNamed: poolName
+    ^self elementNamed: poolName in: self pools
+    "retrieves the shares pools"
+    ^self elementsCategorized: #pools
+pools: aCollection
+    self elementsCategorized: #pools with: aCollection
+! !
+!RGNamespace methodsFor:'adding elements'!
+addElement: anObject in: aCollection
+    anObject environment: self.
+    super addElement: anObject in: aCollection
+addGlobalVariable: anORGlobalVariableDefinition
+    "adds anORGlobalVariableDefinition to the globals dictionary if satisfies it #isGlobalVariable"
+    anORGlobalVariableDefinition isGlobalVariable ifFalse:[ ^self ].
+    self addElement: anORGlobalVariableDefinition in: self globalVariables
+addGlobalVariableNamed: globalVariableName
+    "creates a RGGlobalVariableDefinition with the given name.
+    It's verified that a pool with that name does not exist"
+    (self includesGlobalVariableNamed: globalVariableName) ifTrue: [ ^self ].
+    self addGlobalVariable: (RGGlobalVariableDefinition named: globalVariableName).
+addPool: anORPoolDefinition
+    "adds anORPoolDefinition to the pools dictionary if satisfies it #isPool"
+    anORPoolDefinition isPool ifFalse:[ ^self ].
+    self addElement: anORPoolDefinition in: self pools
+addPoolNamed: poolName
+    "creates a RGPoolDefinition with the given name.
+    It's verified that a pool with that name does not exist"
+    | pool |
+    (self includesPoolNamed: poolName) ifTrue: [ ^self ].
+    "A shared pool is a class inheriting from #SharedPool"
+    pool := (RGClassDefinition named: poolName)
+            superclassName: #SharedPool;
+            isPool: true;
+            yourself.
+    self addPool: pool.
+! !
+!RGNamespace methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    super initialize.
+    self globalVariables: IdentityDictionary new.
+    self pools: IdentityDictionary new.
+! !
+!RGNamespace methodsFor:'removing elements'!
+removeGlobalVariable: anORGlobalVariableDefinition
+    "removes anORGlobalVariableDefinition from the globals dictionary if satisfies it #isGlobalVariable"
+    anORGlobalVariableDefinition isGlobalVariable ifFalse:[ ^self ].
+    self removeElement: anORGlobalVariableDefinition from: self globalVariables
+removePool: anORPoolDefinition
+    "removes anORPoolDefinition from the pools dictionary if satisfies it #isPool"
+    anORPoolDefinition isPool ifFalse:[ ^self ].
+    self removeElement: anORPoolDefinition from: self pools
+    self removeElementsCategorized: #globalVariables
+    self removeElementsCategorized: #pools
+! !
+!RGNamespace methodsFor:'testing'!
+includesGlobalVariable: anORGlobalVariableDefinition
+    ^self globalVariables includes: anORGlobalVariableDefinition
+includesGlobalVariableNamed: globalVariableName
+    ^self includesElementNamed: globalVariableName in: self globalVariables
+includesPool: anORPoolDefinition
+    ^self pools includes: anORPoolDefinition
+includesPoolNamed: poolName
+    ^self includesElementNamed: poolName in: self pools
+    ^true
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGAbstractContainer subclass:#RGOrganization
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Containers'
+RGOrganization comment:'An organization with categories'
+!RGOrganization methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "Retrieves categories in the system (tag-packages)"
+    ^self elements at: #categories ifAbsent:[ #() ]
+categories: aCollection
+    "Set the categories collection"
+    self elements at: #categories put: aCollection
+    ^#organization
+! !
+!RGOrganization methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    super initialize.
+    self categories: OrderedCollection new.
+! !
+!RGOrganization methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^true
+isSameRevisionAs: aRGOrganization
+    "This method look for equality of the properties of the receiver"
+    ^(self class = aRGOrganization class)
+        and:[ self categories = aRGOrganization categories ]
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGContainer subclass:#RGPackage
+	instanceVariableNames:'package'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Containers'
+RGPackage comment:'RGPackage is the representation for packages.
A package manages classes, methods and children packages as elements.
A package can also know in which package is defined
+!RGPackage methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "Retrieves class categories of the receiver"
+    ^self elements at: #categories
+categories: aCollection
+    "Set the class categories collection"
+    self elements at: #categories put: (aCollection asOrderedCollection)
+    ^ self classes isDictionary
+        ifTrue: [ self classes keys ]
+        ifFalse:[ self classes collect:[ :class|  class name ] ]	
+    "Retrieves a collection (by default a dictionary) of classes defined in the receiver and classes holding extension methods"
+    ^self definedClasses, self extendedClasses 
+    ^ super classNames
+    "Retrieves the traits defined in the receiver"
+    ^self traits
+    ^ self extendedClasses isDictionary
+        ifTrue: [ self extendedClasses keys ]
+        ifFalse:[ self extendedClasses collect:[ :each| each name ]]
+    "Retrieves the classes holding the extension methods and returns a dictionary as well"
+    |  classesOfExt |
+    classesOfExt := Dictionary new.
+    self extensionMethods
+        do:[ :mth| (classesOfExt includesKey: mth parentName)
+                    ifFalse:[ classesOfExt at: mth parentName put: mth parent ] ].
+    ^classesOfExt
+    "Retrieves the names of the methods"
+    ^ self extensionMethods keys
+    "Retrieves extension methods"
+    ^self elements at: #extensionMethods
+extensionMethods: aCollection
+    "Set the extension methods collection"
+    self elements at: #extensionMethods put: aCollection
+    "Retrieves all the methods defined in the receiver. 
+    #methods holds the methods of defined classes"
+    ^super methods, self extensionMethods 
+    "Retrieves the  package in which self is contained"
+    ^package
+package: aRGPackage
+    "Sets the outer package of the receiver if exists"
+    package:= aRGPackage
+    "Retrieves the environment linked to this package"
+    ^self environment
+! !
+!RGPackage methodsFor:'adding/removing'!
+addElement: aRGDefinition in: aCollection
+    aRGDefinition package: self.
+    super addElement: aRGDefinition in: aCollection.
+addMethod: aRGMethodDefinition
+    "aRGMethodDefinition needs to satisfy the status isMethod"
+    aRGMethodDefinition isMethod ifFalse:[ ^self ].
+    aRGMethodDefinition package: self.	"Needed to evaluate #isExtension if it was not set in advance"
+    self 
+        addElement: aRGMethodDefinition 
+        in: (aRGMethodDefinition isExtension 
+            ifTrue: [ self extensionMethods ]
+            ifFalse:[ super methods ])
+removeMethod: aRGMethodDefinition
+    self 
+        removeElement: aRGMethodDefinition 
+        from: (aRGMethodDefinition isExtension 
+                ifTrue: [ self extensionMethods ]
+                ifFalse:[ super methods ])
+    self removeElementsCategorized: #categories
+! !
+!RGPackage methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    super initialize.
+    self withoutPackages.	"By default the receiver has no child packages"
+    self extensionMethods: IdentityDictionary new.		
+    self categories: OrderedCollection new.
+! !
+!RGPackage methodsFor:'lookup'!
+lookupClassNamed: className
+    "Look for the class named className in the receiver's defined classes or in any of its package children"
+    | class |
+    class:= self classNamed: className.
+    class ifNotNil:[ ^class ].
+    self packages
+        do:[ :each| class:= each lookupClassNamed: className.
+                    class ifNotNil:[ ^class ] ].
+    ^nil
+! !
+!RGPackage methodsFor:'managing container'!
+addInContainer: anRGContainer
+    anRGContainer addPackage: self
+! !
+!RGPackage methodsFor:'metrics'!
+    ^ self 
+        annotationNamed: #numberOfLinesOfCode
+        ifAbsentPut: [
+            | number |
+            number := self classes inject: 0 into: [ :sum :each | sum + each numberOfLinesOfCode + each theMetaClass numberOfLinesOfCode ].
+            number := self methods inject: number into: [ :sum :each | sum + each numberOfLinesOfCode ].
+            number ]
+! !
+!RGPackage methodsFor:'printing'!
+printOn: aStream
+    aStream
+        nextPutAll: self class name;
+        nextPutAll: '(';
+        nextPutAll: self name;
+        nextPutAll: ')'
+! !
+!RGPackage methodsFor:'testing'!
+definesClass: aRGBehaviorDefinition
+    "Returns true if the receiver includes aRGBehaviorDefinition in the defined classes"
+    ^ self includesClass: aRGBehaviorDefinition
+definesOrExtendsClass: aRGBehaviorDefinition
+    "Returns true whether the class, aRGBehaviorDefinition, is one locally defined classes of the receiver or 
+    if the receiver extends such class (that is defined in another package)"
+    ^ (self definesClass: aRGBehaviorDefinition) or:[ self extendsClass: aRGBehaviorDefinition ]
+extendsClass: aRGBehaviorDefinition
+    "Returns true if the receiver extends aRGBehaviorDefinition (that is defined in another package)"
+    ^ self extendedClasses includes: aRGBehaviorDefinition
+    ^true
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGVariableDefinition subclass:#RGPoolVariableDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGPoolVariableDefinition comment:'A pool variable definition'
+!RGPoolVariableDefinition methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^true
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGContainer subclass:#RGSlice
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Containers'
+RGSlice comment:'A slice is an arbitrary container of elements (working unit)
By inheritance it knows how to treat classes and methods
+!RGSlice methodsFor:'adding/removing'!
+addElement: aRGDefinition in: aCollection
+    aRGDefinition environment: self.
+    super addElement: aRGDefinition in: aCollection
+! !
+!RGSlice methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^true
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGTraitDescriptionDefinition subclass:#RGTraitDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:'metaClass comment category package'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGTraitDefinition comment:'RGTraitDefinition is the concrete representation of a trait (no class)'
+!RGTraitDefinition methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "Retrieves the tag-package associated to the receiver"
+    ^category
+category: aSymbol
+    category:= aSymbol
+    ^#()
+    "Retrieves the comment definition object associated to the receiver"
+    ^comment
+comment: anObject
+    "Sets a RGCommentDefinition object based on the argument"
+    comment := anObject isRingObject 
+        ifFalse: [ 
+            RGCommentDefinition new
+                parent: self;
+                content: anObject; 
+                yourself ]
+        ifTrue: [anObject ]
+    ^#()
+    "Retrieves the package in which this trait is contained"
+    ^package
+package: aRGPackage
+    "Sets the package in which this trait is contained"
+    package:= aRGPackage
+    ^#()
+    ^self hasComment ifTrue:[ self comment stamp ] ifFalse:[ nil ]
+stamp: aString
+    self hasComment
+    ifTrue: [ self comment stamp: aString ]
+    ifFalse:[ RGCommentDefinition new
+                         parent: self; 
+                         stamp: aString ]
+    ^metaClass
+    ^self
+! !
+!RGTraitDefinition methodsFor:'behavior'!
+    "Registers explicitly the metaclass of a trait"
+    metaClass:= RGMetatraitDefinition class: self.
+withMetaclass: aRGMetatraitDefinition
+    "Registers explicitly the metaclass of a class"
+    metaClass:= aRGMetatraitDefinition.
+    metaClass baseClass: self.  
+! !
+!RGTraitDefinition methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^comment isEmptyOrNil not
+    ^metaClass notNil
+    ^self stamp isEmptyOrNil not
+isSameRevisionAs: aRGTraitDefinition
+    "This method look for equality of the properties of the receiver"
+    ^(super isSameRevisionAs: aRGTraitDefinition)
+        and: [ self category = aRGTraitDefinition category 
+        and: [ self traitCompositionSource = aRGTraitDefinition traitCompositionSource 
+        and: [ ((self hasComment and: [ self comment isSameRevisionAs: aRGTraitDefinition comment ]) or:[ self hasComment not ])
+        and: [ (self theMetaClass isSameRevisionAs: aRGTraitDefinition theMetaClass) ] ] ] ]
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGBehaviorDefinition subclass:#RGTraitDescriptionDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:'users'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGTraitDescriptionDefinition comment:'RGTraitDescriptionDefinition is the common parent for traits and metatraits that know their users (ie. classes/metaclasses)'
+!RGTraitDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "Retrieves the receiver's classes and traits"
+    ^users ifNil:[ users := OrderedCollection new ]
+traitUsers: aCollection
+    users:= aCollection
+    "Retrieves the receiver's classes and traits"
+    ^users ifNil:[ users := OrderedCollection new ]
+users: aCollection
+    users:= aCollection
+! !
+!RGTraitDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'adding/removing users'!
+addUser: aRGBehavior
+    self users add: aRGBehavior
+removeUser: aRGBehavior
+    self users remove: aRGBehavior ifAbsent:[]
+! !
+!RGTraitDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^true
+! !
+!RGTraitDescriptionDefinition methodsFor:'variables'!
+    ^#()
+    ^#()
+    ^#()
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+RGElementDefinition subclass:#RGVariableDefinition
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel'
+RGVariableDefinition comment:'A variable definition'
+!RGVariableDefinition methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^ self parent environment 
+    "Keeps a unique description for the receiver. As annotation to avoid converting each time is invoked"
+    ^self annotationNamed: self class fullNameKey
+        ifAbsentPut:[ (self parentName, '->', self name) asSymbol ]
+! !
+!RGVariableDefinition methodsFor:'comparing'!
+= aRGVariableDefinition
+    "This variable look for equality of the key properties of the receiver"
+    ^(super = aRGVariableDefinition)
+        and:[ self name == aRGVariableDefinition name ]
+    ^super hash bitXor: self name hash
+! !
+!RGVariableDefinition methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^false
+    ^false
+    ^false
+    ^false
+    ^true
+! !
+!RGVariableDefinition class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# automagically generated by the project definition
+# this file is needed for stc to be able to compile modules independently.
+# it provides information about a classes filename, category and especially namespace.
+RGDefinition RGDefinition stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Kernel' 0
+stx_goodies_ring stx_goodies_ring stx:goodies/ring '* Projects & Packages *' 3
+RGAbstractContainer RGAbstractContainer stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Containers' 0
+RGElementDefinition RGElementDefinition stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Kernel' 0
+RGGlobalDefinition RGGlobalDefinition stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Kernel' 0
+RGBehaviorDefinition RGBehaviorDefinition stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Kernel' 0
+RGCommentDefinition RGCommentDefinition stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Kernel' 0
+RGContainer RGContainer stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Containers' 0
+RGGlobalVariableDefinition RGGlobalVariableDefinition stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Kernel' 0
+RGMethodDefinition RGMethodDefinition stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Kernel' 0
+RGOrganization RGOrganization stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Containers' 0
+RGVariableDefinition RGVariableDefinition stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Kernel' 0
+RGClassDescriptionDefinition RGClassDescriptionDefinition stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Kernel' 0
+RGClassInstanceVariableDefinition RGClassInstanceVariableDefinition stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Kernel' 0
+RGClassVariableDefinition RGClassVariableDefinition stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Kernel' 0
+RGInstanceVariableDefinition RGInstanceVariableDefinition stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Kernel' 0
+RGNamespace RGNamespace stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Containers' 0
+RGPackage RGPackage stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Containers' 0
+RGPoolVariableDefinition RGPoolVariableDefinition stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Kernel' 0
+RGSlice RGSlice stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Containers' 0
+RGTraitDescriptionDefinition RGTraitDescriptionDefinition stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Kernel' 0
+RGClassDefinition RGClassDefinition stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Kernel' 0
+RGMetaclassDefinition RGMetaclassDefinition stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Kernel' 0
+RGMetatraitDefinition RGMetatraitDefinition stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Kernel' 0
+RGTraitDefinition RGTraitDefinition stx:goodies/ring 'Ring-Core-Kernel' 0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bc.mak	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# $Header$
+# automagically generated from the projectDefinition: stx_goodies_ring.
+# Warning: once you modify this file, do not rerun
+# stmkmp or projectDefinition-build again - otherwise, your changes are lost.
+# Notice, that the name bc.mak is historical (from times, when only borland c was supported).
+# This file contains make rules for the win32 platform using either borland-bcc or visual-c.
+# It shares common definitions with the unix-make in Make.spec.
+# The bc.mak supports the following targets:
+#    bmake         - compile all st-files to a classLib (dll)
+#    bmake clean   - clean all temp files
+#    bmake clobber - clean all
+# Historic Note:
+#  this used to contain only rules to make with borland
+#    (called via bmake, by "make.exe -f bc.mak")
+#  this has changed; it is now also possible to build using microsoft visual c
+#    (called via vcmake, by "make.exe -f bc.mak -DUSEVC")
+!INCLUDE $(TOP)\rules\stdHeader_bc
+!INCLUDE Make.spec
+LOCALINCLUDES= -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\jv\tea\compiler -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\refactoryBrowser\helpers -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libcompat
+ALL::  classLibRule
+classLibRule: $(OUTDIR) $(OUTDIR)$(LIBNAME).dll
+!INCLUDE $(TOP)\rules\stdRules_bc
+# build all mandatory prerequisite packages (containing superclasses) for this package
+	pushd ..\..\libbasic & $(MAKE_BAT) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES) "
+	pushd ..\refactoryBrowser\helpers & $(MAKE_BAT) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES) "
+	pushd ..\refactoryBrowser\parser & $(MAKE_BAT) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES) "
+	pushd ..\..\libbasic2 & $(MAKE_BAT) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES) "
+	pushd ..\..\libview & $(MAKE_BAT) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES) "
+	pushd ..\..\libview2 & $(MAKE_BAT) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES) "
+	pushd ..\sunit & $(MAKE_BAT) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES) "
+	pushd ..\..\..\jv\tea\compiler & $(MAKE_BAT) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES) "
+test: $(TOP)\goodies\builder\reports\NUL
+	pushd $(TOP)\goodies\builder\reports & $(MAKE_BAT)
+	$(TOP)\goodies\builder\reports\report-runner.bat -D . -r Builder::TestReport -p $(PACKAGE)
+	del *.$(CSUFFIX)
+# BEGINMAKEDEPEND --- do not remove this line; make depend needs it
+$(OUTDIR)RGDefinition.$(O) RGDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)stx_goodies_ring.$(O) stx_goodies_ring.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\LibraryDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ProjectDefinition.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGAbstractContainer.$(O) RGAbstractContainer.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGElementDefinition.$(O) RGElementDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGGlobalDefinition.$(O) RGGlobalDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGBehaviorDefinition.$(O) RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGCommentDefinition.$(O) RGCommentDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGElementDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGContainer.$(O) RGContainer.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGAbstractContainer.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGGlobalVariableDefinition.$(O) RGGlobalVariableDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGMethodDefinition.$(O) RGMethodDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGElementDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGOrganization.$(O) RGOrganization.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGAbstractContainer.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGVariableDefinition.$(O) RGVariableDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGElementDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGClassDescriptionDefinition.$(O) RGClassDescriptionDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGClassInstanceVariableDefinition.$(O) RGClassInstanceVariableDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGElementDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGVariableDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGClassVariableDefinition.$(O) RGClassVariableDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGElementDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGVariableDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGInstanceVariableDefinition.$(O) RGInstanceVariableDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGElementDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGVariableDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGNamespace.$(O) RGNamespace.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGAbstractContainer.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGContainer.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGPackage.$(O) RGPackage.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGAbstractContainer.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGContainer.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGPoolVariableDefinition.$(O) RGPoolVariableDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGElementDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGVariableDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGSlice.$(O) RGSlice.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGAbstractContainer.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGContainer.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGTraitDescriptionDefinition.$(O) RGTraitDescriptionDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGClassDefinition.$(O) RGClassDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGClassDescriptionDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGMetaclassDefinition.$(O) RGMetaclassDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGClassDescriptionDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGMetatraitDefinition.$(O) RGMetatraitDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGTraitDescriptionDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGTraitDefinition.$(O) RGTraitDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGTraitDescriptionDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)extensions.$(O): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\jv\tea\compiler\TClass.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\refactoryBrowser\helpers\RBAbstractClass.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\refactoryBrowser\helpers\RBClass.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Behavior.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Class.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ClassDescription.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\CompiledCode.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ExecutableFunction.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Method.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+# ENDMAKEDEPEND --- do not remove this line
+# **Must be at end**
+# Enforce recompilation of package definition class if Mercurial working
+# copy state changes. Together with --guessVersion it ensures that package
+# definition class always contains correct binary revision string.
+$(OUTDIR)stx_goodies_ring.$(O): $(HGROOT)\.hg\dirstate
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bmake.bat	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+@REM -------
+@REM make using Borland bcc32
+@REM type bmake, and wait...
+@REM do not edit - automatically generated from ProjectDefinition
+@REM -------
+make.exe -N -f bc.mak  %DEFINES% %*
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"!
+!Behavior methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
+methodNamed: aSelector
+    ^ self methodDict at: aSelector
+    "Created: / 28-08-2015 / 09:37:34 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!Behavior methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
+    ^ self organization categories copy
+    "Created: / 28-08-2015 / 09:37:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!Class methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
+    "A behavior is converted to a ring class including its variables, methods, direct superclass, direct subclasses and the package in which is loaded.
+    Active methods are generated and each knows its package as well.
+    Note that for its direct superclass and subclasses no full definitions are requested. If you need to traverse hierarchies use #asRingDefinitionWithMethods:withSuperclasses:withSubclasses:withPackages:"
+    | rgClass rgSuper rgSub rgMethod packageKeys |
+    rgClass:= self asRingDefinition.
+    rgClass package: (RGContainer packageOfClass: rgClass).
+    self superclass notNil 
+        ifTrue: [ 
+            rgSuper := self superclass asRingDefinition.
+            rgClass superclass: rgSuper ]
+        ifFalse: [  
+            self isTrait ifTrue: [ 
+                rgSuper := Trait asRingDefinition.
+                rgClass superclass: rgSuper. ]
+            ].
+    self subclasses do:[ :each |
+        rgSub := each asRingDefinition.
+        rgSub superclass: rgClass ].
+    packageKeys := RGContainer packageKeys.
+    self methodsDo:[ :mth|  
+            rgMethod := mth asActiveRingDefinition.
+            rgClass addMethod: rgMethod.
+            rgMethod package: (RGContainer packageOfMethod: rgMethod using: packageKeys) ].
+    self theMetaClass methodsDo:[ :mth|  
+            rgMethod := mth asActiveRingDefinition.
+            rgClass theMetaClass addMethod: rgMethod.
+            rgMethod package: (RGContainer packageOfMethod: rgMethod using: packageKeys) ].
+    ^ rgClass
+    "Created: / 28-08-2015 / 09:36:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!Class methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
+    "A behavior is converted to a ring class. Only the receiver and its variables (instance, class, pools) are converted.
+    Methods, superclasses, subclasses are not generated"
+    | ring |
+    ring := (RGClassDefinition named: self name)
+        category: self category;
+        superclassName: self superclass name;  
+        traitCompositionSource: self traitCompositionString;
+        addInstanceVariables: self instVarNames;
+        addClassVariables: self classVarNames;
+        addSharedPools: self sharedPoolNames;
+        comment: self organization classComment;
+        stamp: self organization commentStamp;
+        definitionSource: self definition;
+        package: self package asRingDefinition;
+        withMetaclass.
+    ring theMetaClass 
+        traitCompositionSource: self theMetaClass traitCompositionString;
+        definitionSource: self theMetaClass definition;
+        addInstanceVariables: self theMetaClass instVarNames.  
+    ^ ring
+! !
+!Class methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
+asRingDefinitionWithMethods: methodsBoolean withSuperclasses: supersBoolean withSubclasses: subsBoolean withPackageKeys: packageKeys in: aRGSlice
+    | rgClass rgMethod rgSuper rgSub subs |
+    rgClass := self asRingDefinition.
+    aRGSlice loadClass: rgClass using: packageKeys.
+    methodsBoolean
+        ifTrue: [ 
+            self
+                methodsDo: [ :mth | 
+                    rgMethod := mth asActiveRingDefinition.
+                    aRGSlice loadMethod: rgMethod inClass: rgClass using: packageKeys ].
+            self theMetaClass
+                methodsDo: [ :mth | 
+                    rgMethod := mth asActiveRingDefinition.
+                    aRGSlice loadMethod: rgMethod inClass: rgClass theMetaClass using: packageKeys ] ].
+    supersBoolean
+        ifTrue: [ 
+            self superclass
+                ifNotNil: [ 
+                    rgSuper := aRGSlice classNamed: self superclass name.
+                    rgSuper
+                        ifNil: [ 
+                            rgSuper := self superclass
+                                asRingDefinitionWithMethods: methodsBoolean
+                                withSuperclasses: supersBoolean
+                                withSubclasses: subsBoolean
+                                withPackageKeys: packageKeys
+                                in: aRGSlice ].
+                    rgClass superclass: rgSuper ] ].
+    subsBoolean
+        ifTrue: [ 
+            subs := self subclasses reject: [ :sub | sub isMeta ].
+            rgClass name = #Trait
+                ifTrue: [ subs := aRGSlice environment allTraits ].
+            subs
+                do: [ :each | 
+                    rgSub := aRGSlice classNamed: each name.
+                    rgSub
+                        ifNil: [ 
+                            rgSub := each
+                                asRingDefinitionWithMethods: methodsBoolean
+                                withSuperclasses: supersBoolean
+                                withSubclasses: subsBoolean
+                                withPackageKeys: packageKeys
+                                in: aRGSlice ].
+                    rgSub superclass: rgClass ] ].
+    ^ rgClass
+! !
+!Class methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
+asRingDefinitionWithMethods: methodsBoolean withSuperclasses: supersBoolean withSubclasses: subsBoolean withPackages: packsBoolean
+    "Retrieves a ring class/trait based on the receiver.
+    The data loaded in the class/trait (active methods, superclasses, subclasses and packages) is requested by the users.
+    As it may need to traverse hierarchies for retrieving super and subclasses a ring slice is created as the container for every class, method and package.
+    To retrieve the slice:  aRGClass environment "
+    | rgClass rgSlice  rgPackageKeys |
+    rgSlice := RGSlice named: #fromImage.
+    packsBoolean ifTrue: [ 
+        rgPackageKeys := rgSlice loadPackagesFromImage ].
+    rgClass := self asRingDefinitionWithMethods: methodsBoolean withSuperclasses: supersBoolean withSubclasses: subsBoolean withPackageKeys: rgPackageKeys in: rgSlice.
+    rgSlice cleanEmptyPackages.
+    rgSlice loadTraitUsers.
+    ^ rgClass
+    "Created: / 28-08-2015 / 09:36:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!Method methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
+    "Retrieves an active RGMethodDefinition object based on the data of the receiver.
+    Source, protocol and stamp are retrieved from the compiled method"
+    ^ RGMethodDefinition new 
+            name: self selector;
+            parentName: self methodClass name;
+            isMetaSide: self methodClass isMeta;
+            asActive.
+! !
+!Method methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
+    "Retrieves an active RGMethodDefinition which knows its parent <class>.
+    Note that the full conversion does not happen at the level of the class. If you need that request asFullRingDefinition to the class"
+    | rgClass rgMethod |
+    rgClass := self realClass asRingDefinition.
+    rgMethod := self asActiveRingDefinition.
+    rgClass addMethod: rgMethod.
+    rgMethod package: (RGContainer packageOfMethod: rgMethod).
+    ^ rgMethod
+! !
+!Method methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
+    "Retrieves a historical RGMethodDefinition object based on the data of the receiver.
+    Source, protocol and stamp are retrieved from the source file method"
+    | ring |
+    ring := (RGMethodDefinition named: self selector)
+                parentName: self methodClass name;
+                isMetaSide: self methodClass isMeta.
+    self sourcePointer isZero
+        ifTrue: [ "this should not happen but sometimes the system looks corrupted"
+            ring protocol: self category;
+                sourceCode: self sourceCode;
+                stamp: self timeStamp ]
+        ifFalse: [ 
+            ring sourcePointer: self sourcePointer ].
+    ring asHistorical.	
+    ^ ring
+! !
+!Method methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
+    "Retrieves a passive RGMethodDefinition object based on the data of the receiver.
+    Source, protocol and stamp are retrieved from value assigned in creation"
+    ^RGMethodDefinition new 
+         	name: self selector;
+            parentName: self methodClass name;
+            isMetaSide: self methodClass isMeta;
+            protocol: self category;
+            sourceCode: self sourceCode;
+            stamp: self timeStamp;
+            asPassive.
+! !
+!Method methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
+    "Retrieves an active RGMethodDefinition object based on the receiver.
+    Note that its class is not converted."
+    ^ self asActiveRingDefinition
+! !
+!Method methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
+    | class selector |
+    class := self methodClass ifNil: [^nil].
+    selector := self selector ifNil: [^nil].
+    ^RGMethodDefinition realClass: class selector: selector.
+! !
+!Method methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
+    "answer the class that I am installed in"
+    ^ self methodClass
+! !
+!Object methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
+    ^false
+! !
+!TClass methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
+    "A behavior is converted to a ring class including its variables, methods, direct superclass, direct subclasses and the package in which is loaded.
+    Active methods are generated and each knows its package as well.
+    Note that for its direct superclass and subclasses no full definitions are requested. If you need to traverse hierarchies use #asRingDefinitionWithMethods:withSuperclasses:withSubclasses:withPackages:"
+    | rgClass rgSuper rgSub rgMethod packageKeys |
+    rgClass:= self asRingDefinition.
+    rgClass package: (RGContainer packageOfClass: rgClass).
+    self superclass notNil 
+        ifTrue: [ 
+            rgSuper := self superclass asRingDefinition.
+            rgClass superclass: rgSuper ]
+        ifFalse: [  
+            self isTrait ifTrue: [ 
+                rgSuper := Trait asRingDefinition.
+                rgClass superclass: rgSuper. ]
+            ].
+    self subclasses do:[ :each |
+        rgSub := each asRingDefinition.
+        rgSub superclass: rgClass ].
+    packageKeys := RGContainer packageKeys.
+    self methodsDo:[ :mth|  
+            rgMethod := mth asActiveRingDefinition.
+            rgClass addMethod: rgMethod.
+            rgMethod package: (RGContainer packageOfMethod: rgMethod using: packageKeys) ].
+    self theMetaClass methodsDo:[ :mth|  
+            rgMethod := mth asActiveRingDefinition.
+            rgClass theMetaClass addMethod: rgMethod.
+            rgMethod package: (RGContainer packageOfMethod: rgMethod using: packageKeys) ].
+    ^ rgClass
+! !
+!TClass methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
+    ^self explicitRequirement.
+! !
+!TClass methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
+asRingDefinitionWithMethods: methodsBoolean withSuperclasses: supersBoolean withSubclasses: subsBoolean withPackageKeys: packageKeys in: aRGSlice
+    ^self explicitRequirement.
+! !
+!TClass methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
+asRingDefinitionWithMethods: methodsBoolean withSuperclasses: supersBoolean withSubclasses: subsBoolean withPackages: packsBoolean
+    "Retrieves a ring class/trait based on the receiver.
+    The data loaded in the class/trait (active methods, superclasses, subclasses and packages) is requested by the users.
+    As it may need to traverse hierarchies for retrieving super and subclasses a ring slice is created as the container for every class, method and package.
+    To retrieve the slice:  aRGClass environment "
+    | rgClass rgSlice  rgPackageKeys |
+    rgSlice := RGSlice named: #fromImage.
+    packsBoolean ifTrue: [ 
+        rgPackageKeys := rgSlice loadPackagesFromImage ].
+    rgClass := self asRingDefinitionWithMethods: methodsBoolean withSuperclasses: supersBoolean withSubclasses: subsBoolean withPackageKeys: rgPackageKeys in: rgSlice.
+    rgSlice cleanEmptyPackages.
+    rgSlice loadTraitUsers.
+    ^ rgClass
+! !
+!stx_goodies_ring class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * $Header$
+ *
+ * automagically generated from the projectDefinition: stx_goodies_ring.
+ */
+#include <stc.h>
+#ifdef WIN32
+# pragma codeseg INITCODE "INITCODE"
+#if defined(INIT_TEXT_SECTION) || defined(DLL_EXPORT)
+DLL_EXPORT void _libstx_goodies_ring_Init() INIT_TEXT_SECTION;
+DLL_EXPORT void _libstx_goodies_ring_InitDefinition() INIT_TEXT_SECTION;
+void _libstx_goodies_ring_InitDefinition(pass, __pRT__, snd)
+OBJ snd; struct __vmData__ *__pRT__; {
+__BEGIN_PACKAGE2__("libstx_goodies_ring__DFN", _libstx_goodies_ring_InitDefinition, "stx:goodies/ring");
+void _libstx_goodies_ring_Init(pass, __pRT__, snd)
+OBJ snd; struct __vmData__ *__pRT__; {
+__BEGIN_PACKAGE2__("libstx_goodies_ring", _libstx_goodies_ring_Init, "stx:goodies/ring");
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mingwmake.bat	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+@REM -------
+@REM make using mingw gnu compiler
+@REM type mingwmake, and wait...
+@REM do not edit - automatically generated from ProjectDefinition
+@REM -------
+@pushd ..\..\rules
+@call find_mingw.bat
+make.exe -N -f bc.mak %DEFINES% %USEMINGW_ARG% %*
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ring.rc	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// automagically generated from the projectDefinition: stx_goodies_ring.
+  FILEVERSION     6,2,32767,32767
+#if (__BORLANDC__)
+  BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
+    BLOCK "040904E4"
+    BEGIN
+      VALUE "CompanyName", "eXept Software AG\0"
+      VALUE "FileDescription", "Smalltalk/X Class library (LIB)\0"
+      VALUE "FileVersion", "6.2.32767.32767\0"
+      VALUE "InternalName", "stx:goodies/ring\0"
+      VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright Claus Gittinger 1988-2015\nCopyright eXept Software AG 2015\0"
+      VALUE "ProductName", "Smalltalk/X\0"
+      VALUE "ProductVersion", "\0"
+      VALUE "ProductDate", "Fri, 28 Aug 2015 11:19:29 GMT\0"
+    END
+  END
+  BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
+  BEGIN                               //  Language   |    Translation
+    VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 0x4E4 // U.S. English, Windows Multilingual
+  END
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+LibraryDefinition subclass:#stx_goodies_ring
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'* Projects & Packages *'
+!stx_goodies_ring class methodsFor:'description'!
+    "list packages which are to be explicitely excluded from the automatic constructed
+     prerequisites list. If empty, everything that is found along the inheritance of any of
+     my classes is considered to be a prerequisite package."
+    ^ #(
+    )
+    "list packages which are mandatory as a prerequisite.
+     This are packages containing superclasses of my classes and classes which
+     are extended by myself.
+     They are mandatory, because we need these packages as a prerequisite for loading and compiling.
+     This method is generated automatically,
+     by searching along the inheritance chain of all of my classes."
+    ^ #(
+        #'jv:tea/compiler'    "TClass - extended"
+        #'stx:goodies/refactoryBrowser/helpers'    "RBAbstractClass - extended"
+        #'stx:libbasic'    "Behavior - extended"
+    )
+    "list packages which are a prerequisite, because they contain
+     classes which are referenced by my classes.
+     We do not need these packages as a prerequisite for compiling or loading,
+     however, a class from it may be referenced during execution and having it
+     unloaded then may lead to a runtime doesNotUnderstand error, unless the caller
+     includes explicit checks for the package being present.
+     This method is generated automatically,
+     by searching all classes (and their packages) which are referenced by my classes."
+    ^ #(
+        #'stx:libcompat'    "DateAndTime - referenced by RGCommentDefinition>>timeStamp"
+    )
+    "list packages which are known as subprojects.
+     The generated makefile will enter those and make there as well.
+     However: they are not forced to be loaded when a package is loaded;
+     for those, redefine requiredPrerequisites."
+    ^ #(
+    )
+! !
+!stx_goodies_ring class methodsFor:'description - contents'!
+    "lists the classes which are to be included in the project.
+     Each entry in the list may be: a single class-name (symbol),
+     or an array-literal consisting of class name and attributes.
+     Attributes are: #autoload or #<os> where os is one of win32, unix,..."
+    ^ #(
+        "<className> or (<className> attributes...) in load order"
+        RGDefinition
+        #'stx_goodies_ring'
+        RGAbstractContainer
+        RGElementDefinition
+        RGGlobalDefinition
+        RGBehaviorDefinition
+        RGCommentDefinition
+        RGContainer
+        RGGlobalVariableDefinition
+        RGMethodDefinition
+        RGOrganization
+        RGVariableDefinition
+        RGClassDescriptionDefinition
+        RGClassInstanceVariableDefinition
+        RGClassVariableDefinition
+        RGInstanceVariableDefinition
+        RGNamespace
+        RGPackage
+        RGPoolVariableDefinition
+        RGSlice
+        RGTraitDescriptionDefinition
+        RGClassDefinition
+        RGMetaclassDefinition
+        RGMetatraitDefinition
+        RGTraitDefinition
+    )
+    "list class/selector pairs of extensions.
+     A correponding method with real names must be present in my concrete subclasses"
+    ^ #(
+        Behavior methodNamed:
+        Behavior protocols
+        Class asFullRingDefinition
+        Class asRingDefinition
+        Class asRingDefinitionWithMethods:withSuperclasses:withSubclasses:withPackageKeys:in:
+        Class asRingDefinitionWithMethods:withSuperclasses:withSubclasses:withPackages:
+        Method asActiveRingDefinition
+        Method asFullRingDefinition
+        Method asHistoricalRingDefinition
+        Method asPassiveRingDefinition
+        Method asRingDefinition
+        Method methodReference
+        Method realClass
+        Object isRingObject
+        TClass asFullRingDefinition
+        TClass asRingDefinition
+        TClass asRingDefinitionWithMethods:withSuperclasses:withSubclasses:withPackageKeys:in:
+        TClass asRingDefinitionWithMethods:withSuperclasses:withSubclasses:withPackages:
+    )
+! !
+!stx_goodies_ring class methodsFor:'description - project information'!
+    "Returns a company string which will appear in <lib>.rc.
+     Under win32, this is placed into the dlls file-info"
+    ^ 'eXept Software AG'
+    "Returns a description string which will appear in nt.def / bc.def"
+    ^ 'Smalltalk/X Class library'
+    "Returns a copyright string which will appear in <lib>.rc.
+     Under win32, this is placed into the dlls file-info"
+    ^ 'Copyright Claus Gittinger 1988-2015\nCopyright eXept Software AG 2015'
+    "Returns a product name which will appear in <lib>.rc.
+     Under win32, this is placed into the dlls file-info.
+     This method is usually redefined in a concrete application definition"
+    ^ 'Smalltalk/X'
+! !
+!stx_goodies_ring class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/Make.proto	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# $Header$
+# automagically generated from the projectDefinition: stx_goodies_ring_tests.
+# Warning: once you modify this file, do not rerun
+# stmkmp or projectDefinition-build again - otherwise, your changes are lost.
+# The Makefile as generated by this Make.proto supports the following targets:
+#    make         - compile all st-files to a classLib
+#    make clean   - clean all temp files
+#    make clobber - clean all
+# This file contains definitions for Unix based platforms.
+# It shares common definitions with the win32-make in Make.spec.
+# position (of this package) in directory hierarchy:
+# (must point to ST/X top directory, for tools and includes)
+# subdirectories where targets are to be made:
+# subdirectories where Makefiles are to be made:
+# (only define if different from SUBDIRS)
+# if your embedded C code requires any system includes,
+# add the path(es) here:,
+# ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next lines ***
+LOCALINCLUDES= -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/jv/tea/compiler -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic2
+# if you need any additional defines for embedded C code,
+# add them here:,
+# ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next lines ***
+# ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next line ***
+# additional C-libraries that should be pre-linked with the class-objects
+# ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next line ***
+# additional C targets or libraries should be added below
+all:: preMake classLibRule postMake
+# Enforce recompilation of package definition class if Mercurial working
+# copy state changes. Together with --guessVersion it ensures that package
+# definition class always contains correct binary revision string.
+ifneq (**NOHG**, $(shell hg root 2> /dev/null || echo -n '**NOHG**'))
+stx_goodies_ring_tests.$(O): $(shell hg root)/.hg/dirstate
+# run default testsuite for this package
+test: $(TOP)/goodies/builder/reports
+	$(MAKE) -C $(TOP)/goodies/builder/reports -f Makefile.init
+	$(TOP)/goodies/builder/reports/ -D . -r Builder::TestReport -p $(PACKAGE)
+# add more install actions here
+# add more install actions for aux-files (resources) here
+# add more preMake actions here
+# add more postMake actions here
+postMake:: cleanjunk
+# build all mandatory prerequisite packages (containing superclasses) for this package
+	cd ../../../libbasic && $(MAKE) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES)"
+	cd ../../../libbasic2 && $(MAKE) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES)"
+	cd ../../../libview && $(MAKE) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES)"
+	cd ../../../libview2 && $(MAKE) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES)"
+	cd ../../sunit && $(MAKE) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES)"
+# build all packages containing referenced classes for this package
+# they are not needed to compile the package (but later, to load it)
+	-rm -f *.s *.s2
+	-rm -f *.o *.H
+clobber:: clean
+	-rm -f *.so *.dll
+# BEGINMAKEDEPEND --- do not remove this line; make depend needs it
+$(OUTDIR)RGClassDefinitionTest.$(O) RGClassDefinitionTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGCommentDefinitionTest.$(O) RGCommentDefinitionTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGContainerTest.$(O) RGContainerTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGGlobalDefinitionTest.$(O) RGGlobalDefinitionTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGMetaclassDefinitionTest.$(O) RGMetaclassDefinitionTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGMetatraitDefinitionTest.$(O) RGMetatraitDefinitionTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGMethodDefinitionTest.$(O) RGMethodDefinitionTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGNamespaceTest.$(O) RGNamespaceTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGPackageTest.$(O) RGPackageTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGSliceTest.$(O) RGSliceTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGTraitDefinitionTest.$(O) RGTraitDefinitionTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGVariableDefinitionTest.$(O) RGVariableDefinitionTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit/TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)stx_goodies_ring_tests.$(O) stx_goodies_ring_tests.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/LibraryDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ProjectDefinition.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+# ENDMAKEDEPEND --- do not remove this line
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/Make.spec	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# $Header$
+# automagically generated from the projectDefinition: stx_goodies_ring_tests.
+# Warning: once you modify this file, do not rerun
+# stmkmp or projectDefinition-build again - otherwise, your changes are lost.
+# This file contains specifications which are common to all platforms.
+# (otherwise, ST/X will have a hard time to find out the packages location from its packageID,
+#  to find the source code of a class and to find the library for a package)
+# Argument(s) to the stc compiler (stc --usage).
+#  -headerDir=. : create header files locally
+#                (if removed, they will be created as common
+#  -Pxxx       : defines the package
+#  -Zxxx       : a prefix for variables within the classLib
+#  -Dxxx       : defines passed to to CC for inline C-code
+#  -Ixxx       : include path passed to CC for inline C-code
+#  +optspace   : optimized for space
+#  +optspace2  : optimized more for space
+#  +optspace3  : optimized even more for space
+#  +optinline  : generate inline code for some ST constructs
+#  +inlineNew  : additionally inline new
+#  +inlineMath : additionally inline some floatPnt math stuff
+# ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next line(s) ***
+# STCLOCALOPTIMIZATIONS=+optinline +inlineNew
+# Argument(s) to the stc compiler (stc --usage).
+#  -warn            : no warnings
+#  -warnNonStandard : no warnings about ST/X extensions
+#  -warnEOLComments : no warnings about EOL comment extension
+#  -warnPrivacy     : no warnings about privateClass extension
+#  -warnUnused      : no warnings about unused variables
+# ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next line(s) ***
+# STCWARNINGS=-warnNonStandard
+# STCWARNINGS=-warnEOLComments
+	RGClassDefinitionTest \
+	RGCommentDefinitionTest \
+	RGContainerTest \
+	RGGlobalDefinitionTest \
+	RGMetaclassDefinitionTest \
+	RGMetatraitDefinitionTest \
+	RGMethodDefinitionTest \
+	RGNamespaceTest \
+	RGPackageTest \
+	RGSliceTest \
+	RGTraitDefinitionTest \
+	RGVariableDefinitionTest \
+	stx_goodies_ring_tests \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGClassDefinitionTest.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGCommentDefinitionTest.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGContainerTest.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGGlobalDefinitionTest.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGMetaclassDefinitionTest.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGMetatraitDefinitionTest.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGMethodDefinitionTest.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGNamespaceTest.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGPackageTest.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGSliceTest.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGTraitDefinitionTest.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)RGVariableDefinitionTest.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)stx_goodies_ring_tests.$(O) \
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/Makefile.init	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# make uses this file (Makefile) only, if there is no
+# file named "makefile" (lower-case m) in the same directory.
+# My only task is to generate the real makefile and call make again.
+# Thereafter, I am no longer used and needed.
+# MACOSX caveat:
+#   as filenames are not case sensitive (in a default setup),
+#   we cannot use the above trick. Therefore, this file is now named
+#   "Makefile.init", and you have to execute "make -f Makefile.init" to
+#   get the initial makefile.  This is now also done by the toplevel CONFIG
+#   script.
+.PHONY: run
+run: makefile
+	$(MAKE) -f makefile
+#only needed for the definition of $(TOP)
+include Make.proto
+makefile: mf
+	$(TOP)/rules/stmkmf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring/tests' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+TestCase subclass:#RGClassDefinitionTest
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel-Tests'
+RGClassDefinitionTest comment:'SUnit tests for class definitions'
+!RGClassDefinitionTest methodsFor:'testing'!
+    | newMethod newClass |
+    newClass:= RGClassDefinition named:  #OrderedCollection.
+    newMethod:= (RGMethodDefinition named: #add:)
+                     parent: newClass;
+                    protocol: 'adding';
+                    sourceCode: 'add: newObject
+                                    ^self addLast: newObject'.
+    self assert: (newMethod isMetaSide not).
+    self assert: (newClass hasMethods not).
+    newClass addMethod: newMethod.
+    newClass addSelector: #size 
+               classified: 'accessing' 
+               sourced: 'fakeMethod
+                            ^lastIndex - firstIndex + 1'.
+    self assert: (newClass hasMethods).
+    self assert: (newClass selectors = #(add: size)).
+    self assert: (newClass includesSelector: #add:).
+    self assert: ((newClass methodNamed: #add:) = newMethod).
+    self assert: (newClass methods size = 2).
+    self assert: (newClass selectors size = 2).
+    self assert: (newClass allSelectors size = 2).  "no hierarchy"
+    newMethod:= newClass methodNamed: #size.
+    self assert: (newMethod parent = newClass).
+    self assert: ((newClass compiledMethodNamed: #size) notNil).
+    self assert: ((newClass compiledMethodNamed: #fakeMethod) isNil)
+    | newClass |
+    newClass:= OrderedCollection asRingDefinition.
+    self assert: (newClass isRingObject).
+    self assert: (newClass isClass).  
+    self assert: (newClass name == #OrderedCollection).  
+    self assert: (newClass category notNil).
+    self assert: (newClass superclassName notNil).
+    self assert: (newClass theMetaClass isRingObject).
+    self assert: (newClass theMetaClass isClass).
+    | newClass |
+    newClass:= Trait asRingDefinition.
+    self assert: (newClass isRingObject).
+    self assert: (newClass isClass).  
+    self assert: (newClass name == #Trait).  
+    self assert: (newClass category notNil).
+    self assert: (newClass superclassName notNil).
+    self assert: (newClass  traitCompositionSource = 'TClass').
+    self assert: (newClass theMetaClass isRingObject).
+    self assert: (newClass theMetaClass isClass).
+    self assert: (newClass theMetaClass traitCompositionSource = 'TClass classTrait').
+    | newClass |
+    newClass:= Trait asRingDefinition.
+    self assert: (newClass definitionSource =  'TraitDescription subclass: #Trait
+    uses: TClass
+    instanceVariableNames: ''name environment classTrait category''
+    classVariableNames: ''''
+    poolDictionaries: ''''
+    category: ''Traits-Kernel''').
+    self assert: (newClass theMetaClass definitionSource =  'Trait class
+    uses: TClass classTrait
+    instanceVariableNames: ''''').
+    self assert: OrderedCollection asRingDefinition asRingDefinition isRingObject
+    | newClass |
+    self assert: OrderedCollection asRingDefinition = OrderedCollection asRingDefinition.
+    newClass := (OrderedCollection asRingDefinition)
+        category: #Kernel.
+    self assert: (OrderedCollection asRingDefinition = newClass) 
+    | newClass metaClass |
+    newClass:= RGClassDefinition named:  #OrderedCollection.
+    self assert: (newClass isClass).
+    self assert: (newClass isDefined).
+    self assert: (newClass realClass = OrderedCollection).
+    self assert: (newClass isMeta not).
+    newClass withMetaclass.
+    self assert: (newClass hasMetaclass).
+    metaClass:= newClass theMetaClass.
+    self assert: (metaClass isMeta).
+    self assert: (metaClass name = 'OrderedCollection class').
+    self assert: (metaClass theNonMetaClass = newClass).
+    self assert: (metaClass realClass = OrderedCollection class).
+    | newClass |
+    newClass:= RGClassDefinition named:  #Connection.
+    self assert: (newClass isClass).
+    self assert: (newClass instanceVariables isEmpty).
+    self assert: (newClass classVariables isEmpty).
+    self assert: (newClass sharedPools isEmpty).
+    self assert: (newClass hasMetaclass not).
+    self assert: (newClass hasComment not).
+    self assert: (newClass hasStamp not).
+    self assert: (newClass parent = Smalltalk globals).
+    self assert: (newClass package isNil).
+    self assert: (newClass category isNil).
+    self assert: (newClass hasMethods not).
+    self assert: (newClass hasSuperclass not).
+    self assert: (newClass hasTraitComposition not).
+    self assert: (newClass isDefined not).
+    self assert: (newClass hasProtocols not).
+    "self debug: #testReadFrom"
+    | st rg |
+    rg := Point asRingDefinition.
+    st := String streamContents: [:s |
+        rg storeOn: s.
+        s contents].
+    self assert: (Object readFrom: st) = rg. 
+    rg := Point class asRingDefinition.
+    st := String streamContents: [:s |
+        rg storeOn: s.
+        s contents].
+    self assert: (Object readFrom: st) = rg 
+    | newMethod newClass |
+    newClass:= RGClassDefinition named: #OrderedCollection.
+    newMethod:= (RGMethodDefinition named: #add:)
+                    parent: newClass;
+                    protocol: 'adding';
+                    sourceCode: 'add: newObject
+                                    ^self addLast: newObject'.
+    self assert: (newClass hasMethods not).
+    newClass addMethod: newMethod.
+    newClass addSelector: #size 
+               classified: 'accessing' 
+               sourced: 'size
+                            ^ lastIndex - firstIndex + 1'.
+    self assert: (newClass selectors = #(add: size)).
+    newClass removeSelector: #join:.
+    self assert: (newClass selectors = #(add: size)).
+    newClass removeMethod: newMethod.
+    self assert: ((newClass includesSelector: #add:) not).
+    newClass removeSelector: #size.
+    self assert: (newClass hasMethods not).
+    "self debug: #testStoreOn"
+    | st |
+    st := String streamContents: [:s |
+        (Point) asRingDefinition storeOn: s.
+        s contents].
+    self assert: st = '(RGClassDefinition named: #Point)'.
+    st := String streamContents: [:s |
+        (Point class) asRingDefinition storeOn: s.
+        s contents].
+    self assert: st = '((RGMetaclassDefinition named: #''Point class'') baseClass:(RGClassDefinition named: #Point))'
+    | newClass |
+    newClass:= (RGClassDefinition named:  #Object)
+                        category: 'Kernel-Objects';
+                        yourself.
+    self assert: (newClass package isNil).
+    self assert: (newClass category = 'Kernel-Objects').
+    | newClass metaClass classInstVar |
+    newClass:= RGClassDefinition named:  #HashTableSizes.
+    newClass withMetaclass.
+    metaClass:= newClass theMetaClass.
+    metaClass addInstanceVariables: #(sizes).
+    self assert: (metaClass instanceVariables size = 1).
+    self assert: (metaClass instVarNames size = 1).
+    self assert: (metaClass allInstVarNames size = 1).
+    classInstVar:= metaClass instanceVariableNamed: #sizes.
+    self assert: (classInstVar notNil).
+    self assert: (classInstVar parent = metaClass).
+    self assert: (classInstVar isClassInstanceVariable).
+    self assert: (classInstVar isVariable).
+    self assert: (classInstVar parentName = metaClass name).
+    self assert: (classInstVar realClass = HashTableSizes class).
+    metaClass removeInstVarNamed: #sizes.
+    self assert: (metaClass instanceVariables isEmpty).
+    self assert: ((metaClass instanceVariableNamed: #sizes) isNil).
+    | newClass classVar |
+    newClass:= (RGClassDefinition named: #Object)
+                        addClassVariables: #(DependentsFields);
+                        addClassVarNamed: #FakeVariable;
+                        yourself.
+    self assert: (newClass classVariables size = 2).
+    self assert: (newClass classVarNames size = 2).
+    self assert: (newClass allClassVarNames size = 2).  "no hierarchy"
+    classVar:= newClass classVarNamed: #DependentsFields.
+    self assert: (classVar notNil).
+    self assert: (classVar isClassVariable).
+    self assert: (classVar isVariable).
+    self assert: (classVar parent = newClass).
+    self assert: (classVar parentName == newClass name).
+    self assert: (classVar realClass = Object).
+    newClass withMetaclass.
+    self assert: (newClass theMetaClass allClassVarNames size = 2).
+    newClass removeClassVarNamed: #DependentsFields.
+    self assert: (newClass classVariables size = 1).
+    | newClass newComment |
+    newClass:= RGClassDefinition named: #Object.
+    newComment:= RGCommentDefinition new
+                        parent: newClass;
+                        content: 'This is a comment for test';
+                        stamp: 'VeronicaUquillas 3/22/2011 14:51';
+                        yourself.
+    newClass comment: newComment.
+    self assert: (newClass hasComment).
+    self assert: (newClass hasStamp).
+    self assert: (newClass = newComment parent).
+    self assert: (newComment content = 'This is a comment for test').
+    self assert: (newComment author = 'VeronicaUquillas').
+    self assert: (newComment timeStamp = '3/22/2011 14:51' asDateAndTime).
+    newClass comment: nil.
+    self assert: (newClass hasComment not).
+    newClass comment:  'This is a comment for test';
+              stamp: 'VeronicaUquillas 3/22/2011 14:51'.
+    self assert: (newClass comment isRingObject).
+    | newClass |
+    newClass:= RGClassDefinition named:  #Object.
+    self assert: (newClass parent = Smalltalk globals).
+    self assert: (newClass realClass = Object).
+    | newClass instVar |
+    newClass:= RGClassDefinition named: #OrderedCollection.
+    newClass addInstanceVariables: #(array firstIndex).
+    newClass addInstVarNamed: #lastIndex.
+    self assert: (newClass instanceVariables size = 3).
+    self assert: (newClass instVarNames size = 3).
+    self assert: (newClass allInstVarNames size = 3).
+    instVar:= newClass instanceVariableNamed: #firstIndex.
+    self assert: (instVar notNil).
+    self assert: (instVar parent = newClass).
+    self assert: (instVar isInstanceVariable).
+    self assert: (instVar isVariable).
+    self assert: (instVar parentName == newClass name).
+    self assert: (instVar realClass = OrderedCollection).
+    newClass removeInstVarNamed: #array.
+    self assert: (newClass instanceVariables size = 2).
+    self assert: ((newClass instanceVariableNamed: #array) isNil).
+    | newClass poolVar |
+    newClass:= (RGClassDefinition named:  #Text)
+                        addSharedPoolNamed: #TextConstants;
+                        yourself.
+    self assert: (newClass sharedPools size = 1).
+    self assert: (newClass sharedPoolNames size = 1).
+    self assert: (newClass allSharedPools size = 1).  "no hierarchy"
+    self assert: (newClass allSharedPoolNames size = 1).
+    poolVar:= newClass sharedPoolNamed: #TextConstants.
+    self assert: (poolVar notNil).
+    self assert: (poolVar isPoolVariable).
+    self assert: (poolVar isVariable).
+    self assert: (poolVar parent = newClass).
+    self assert: (poolVar parentName == newClass name).
+    self assert: (poolVar realClass = Text).
+    newClass withMetaclass.
+    self assert: (newClass theMetaClass allSharedPoolNames size = 1).
+    newClass removeSharedPoolNamed: #TextConstants.
+    self assert: (newClass sharedPools isEmpty).
+    | newMethod newClass |
+    newClass:= RGClassDefinition named: #OrderedCollection.
+    newMethod:= (RGMethodDefinition named: #add:)
+                     parent: newClass;
+                    protocol: 'adding'; 
+                    sourceCode: 'add: newObject
+                                    ^self addLast: newObject'.
+    newClass addMethod: newMethod.
+    newClass addProtocol: 'accessing'.
+    self assert: (newClass hasProtocols).
+    self assert: (newClass protocols size = 2).
+    self assert: (newClass includesProtocol: 'accessing').
+    self assert: ((newClass methodsInProtocol: 'adding') size = 1).
+    self assert: ((newClass methodsInProtocol: 'accessing') isEmpty)
+    | newClass supClass  |
+    supClass:= (RGClassDefinition named:  #Object)
+                        superclassName: #ProtoObject;
+                        yourself.
+    self assert: (supClass hasSuperclass not).
+    self assert: (supClass superclassName == #ProtoObject).   "kept as annotation"
+    self assert: (supClass annotations size = 1).
+    newClass := (RGClassDefinition named: #OrderedCollection) superclass: supClass.
+    self assert: (newClass superclass = supClass).
+    self assert: (newClass superclassName == #Object).
+    self assert: (newClass withAllSuperclasses size = 2).
+    self assert: (newClass allSuperclasses size = 1).
+    self assert: (supClass subclasses size = 1).
+    self assert: (supClass withAllSubclasses size = 2).
+    self assert: (supClass allSubclasses size = 1).
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring/tests' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+TestCase subclass:#RGCommentDefinitionTest
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel-Tests'
+RGCommentDefinitionTest comment:'SUnit tests for comment definitions'
+!RGCommentDefinitionTest methodsFor:'testing'!
+    | rgComment |
+    rgComment := RGCommentDefinition realClass: RGClassDefinition.
+    self assert: rgComment isActive.
+    self assert: rgComment sourcePointer isNil.
+    self assert: rgComment content notNil.
+    self assert: rgComment stamp notNil.
+    rgComment content: ''.
+    "it always reads from the organization and the previous changes was not commited"
+    self assert: rgComment content ~= ''.
+    rgComment fromActiveToPassive.
+    self assert: rgComment isPassive.
+    self assert: rgComment sourcePointer isNil.
+    self assert: rgComment content notNil.
+    self assert: rgComment stamp notNil.
+    rgComment content: ''.
+    self assert: rgComment content = ''.
+    rgComment := RGCommentDefinition realClass: RGClassDefinition.
+    rgComment fromActiveToHistorical.
+    self assert: rgComment isHistorical.
+    self assert: rgComment sourcePointer notNil.
+    self assert: rgComment content notNil.
+    self assert: rgComment stamp notNil.
+    rgComment content: ''.
+    "it always reads from the source file and the previous changes was not commited"
+    self assert: rgComment content ~= ''
+    | rgComment |
+    rgComment := (RGCommentDefinition realClass: RGClassDefinition) asHistorical.
+    self assert: rgComment isHistorical.
+    self assert: rgComment sourcePointer notNil.
+    self assert: rgComment content notNil.
+    self assert: rgComment stamp notNil
+    | newComment |
+    newComment:= RGCommentDefinition new
+                        content: 'This is a comment for test';
+                        stamp: '3/22/2011 14:51';
+                        yourself.
+    self assert: (newComment hasAuthor not).
+    | newComment |
+    newComment:= RGCommentDefinition new
+                        content: 'This is a comment for test';
+                        stamp: 'VeronicaUquillas 3/22/2011 14:51';
+                        yourself.
+    self assert: newComment isComment.
+    self assert: newComment isPassive.
+    self assert: newComment name = #Comment.
+    self assert: newComment hasStamp.
+    self assert: newComment hasAuthor.
+    self assert: newComment timeStamp notNil.
+    self assert: (newComment author = 'VeronicaUquillas').
+    self assert: (newComment timeStamp = '3/22/2011 14:51' asDateAndTime).
+    self assert: (newComment parent = nil).
+    self assert: (newComment environment = Smalltalk globals).
+    | rgComm1 rgComm2 |
+    rgComm1 := RGCommentDefinition realClass: RGClassDefinition.
+    rgComm2 := RGCommentDefinition realClass: RGElementDefinition.
+    self assert: rgComm1 <= rgComm2
+    | rgComm |
+    rgComm := RGCommentDefinition realClass: RGClassDefinition.
+    self assert: rgComm asString equals: 'RGClassDefinition Comment'.
+    rgComm := RGCommentDefinition class: (RGClassDefinition named: #Foo).
+    self assert: rgComm asString equals: 'Foo Comment'
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring/tests' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+TestCase subclass:#RGContainerTest
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Containers-Tests'
+RGContainerTest comment:'SUnit tests for container'
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring/tests' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+TestCase subclass:#RGGlobalDefinitionTest
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel-Tests'
+RGGlobalDefinitionTest comment:'SUnit tests for global definitions (pools, global variables)'
+!RGGlobalDefinitionTest methodsFor:'testing'!
+    | global1 global2 |
+    global1 := RGGlobalVariableDefinition named: #Transcript.
+    global2 := RGGlobalVariableDefinition named: #Transcript.
+    self assert: global1 = global2.
+    global2 := RGGlobalVariableDefinition named: #Transcript2.
+    self deny: global1 = global2.
+    | global  |
+    global:= RGGlobalVariableDefinition named:  #Transcript.
+    self assert: (global isGlobalVariable).
+    self assert: (global parent = Smalltalk globals).
+    | pool newClass |
+    pool := RGClassDefinition createSharedPoolNamed: #TextConstants.
+    self assert: pool isPool.
+    self assert: pool users isEmpty.
+    self assert: pool parent equals: Smalltalk globals.
+    newClass := RGClassDefinition named: #OrderedCollection.
+    pool addUser: newClass.
+    self assert: pool users size equals: 1.
+    self assert: (pool includesUser: newClass).
+    self assert: (newClass sharedPoolNamed: #TextConstants) isPoolVariable.
+    pool := RGClassDefinition named: #TextConstants.
+    pool superclassName: #SharedPool.
+    self assert: pool isPool.
+    self assert: pool users isEmpty
+! !
+!RGGlobalDefinitionTest class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring/tests' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+TestCase subclass:#RGMetaclassDefinitionTest
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel-Tests'
+RGMetaclassDefinitionTest comment:'SUnit tests for Ring metaclass definitions'
+!RGMetaclassDefinitionTest methodsFor:'testing'!
+    | rgClass class |
+    class := Class class.
+    rgClass:= class asRingDefinition.
+    self assert: (rgClass isRingObject).
+    self assert: (rgClass isClass).  
+    self assert: (rgClass name == #'Class class').  
+    self assert: (rgClass category == class category).
+    self assert: (rgClass theMetaClass == rgClass).
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring/tests' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+TestCase subclass:#RGMetatraitDefinitionTest
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel-Tests'
+RGMetatraitDefinitionTest comment:'SUnit tests for Ring classtrait definitions'
+!RGMetatraitDefinitionTest methodsFor:'testing'!
+    | rgCTrait cTrait |
+    cTrait := TClass classTrait.
+    rgCTrait := cTrait asRingDefinition.
+    self assert: rgCTrait isRingObject.
+    self assert: rgCTrait isTrait.
+    self assert: rgCTrait name == #'TClass classTrait'.
+    self assert: rgCTrait category == cTrait category.
+    self assert: rgCTrait theMetaClass == rgCTrait
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring/tests' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+TestCase subclass:#RGMethodDefinitionTest
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel-Tests'
+RGMethodDefinitionTest comment:'SUnit tests for method definitions'
+!RGMethodDefinitionTest methodsFor:'* As yet uncategorized *'!
+foo	^ 'second version'
+! !
+!RGMethodDefinitionTest methodsFor:'testing'!
+    | newMethod |
+    RGMethodDefinitionTest compile: 'foo	^ ''first version'''.
+    newMethod := (RGMethodDefinitionTest >> #foo) asActiveRingDefinition.
+    self assert: newMethod isActive.	
+    self assert: newMethod sourcePointer isNil.
+    self assert: newMethod sourceCode = newMethod compiledMethod sourceCode.
+    RGMethodDefinitionTest compile: 'foo	^ ''second version'''.
+    self assert: newMethod sourceCode = newMethod compiledMethod sourceCode.
+    newMethod := (Trait >> #asRingDefinition) asActiveRingDefinition.
+    newMethod fromActiveToPassive.
+    self assert: newMethod isPassive.
+    self assert: newMethod sourceCode = (Trait >> #asRingDefinition) sourceCode.
+    newMethod sourceCode: 'asRingDefinition   ^true'.
+    self assert: newMethod sourceCode ~= (Trait >> #asRingDefinition) sourceCode.
+    newMethod := (Trait >> #asRingDefinition) asActiveRingDefinition.
+    newMethod fromActiveToHistorical.
+    self assert: newMethod isHistorical.
+    self assert: newMethod sourcePointer notNil.
+    | firstVersion secondVersion |
+    RGMethodDefinitionTest compile: 'foo	^ ''first version'''.
+    firstVersion := (RGMethodDefinitionTest >> #foo) asHistoricalRingDefinition.
+    self assert: firstVersion isHistorical.
+    self assert: firstVersion sourceCode = firstVersion compiledMethod sourceCode.
+    self assert: firstVersion stamp = firstVersion compiledMethod timeStamp.
+    RGMethodDefinitionTest compile: 'foo	^ ''second version'''.
+    secondVersion := (RGMethodDefinitionTest >> #foo) asHistoricalRingDefinition.
+    self assert: secondVersion isHistorical.
+    self assert: secondVersion sourceCode = secondVersion compiledMethod sourceCode.
+    self assert: secondVersion stamp = secondVersion compiledMethod timeStamp.
+    self deny: firstVersion sourcePointer = secondVersion sourcePointer.
+    self deny: firstVersion sourceCode = secondVersion sourceCode.
+    | newMethod |
+    newMethod:= (OrderedCollection >> #size) asRingDefinition.
+    self assert: (newMethod isRingObject).
+    self assert: newMethod parent isNil.
+    self assert: (newMethod isMethod).  
+    self assert: (newMethod selector == #size).  
+    self assert: (newMethod protocol notNil).
+    self assert: (newMethod stamp notNil).
+    "self debug: #testAsMethodDefinition2"
+    | newMethod |
+    newMethod := (Object >> #printOn:) asRingDefinition.
+    self assert:  newMethod protocol = 'printing'.
+    newMethod := (TCloneTest >> #testCopyEmpty) asRingDefinition.
+    self assert:  newMethod protocol = 'tests - copy - clone'.
+    newMethod := (ArrayTest >> #testCopyEmpty) asRingDefinition.
+    self assert:  newMethod protocol = 'tests - copy - clone'.
+    "Modified (format): / 28-08-2015 / 12:18:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    | newMethod |
+    RGMethodDefinitionTest compile: 'foo	^ ''first version'''.
+    newMethod := (RGMethodDefinitionTest >> #foo) asPassiveRingDefinition.
+    self assert: newMethod isPassive.
+    self assert: newMethod sourceCode = newMethod compiledMethod sourceCode.
+    RGMethodDefinitionTest compile: 'foo	^ ''second version'''.
+    self assert: newMethod sourceCode = 'foo	^ ''first version'''.		
+    self assert: newMethod compiledMethod sourceCode = 'foo	^ ''second version'''.
+    "self debug: #testClassNameSelectorIsMetaSide"
+    | rg |
+    rg := RGMethodDefinition className: 'Point' selector: #x  isMetaSide: false. 	
+    self assert: (rg parentName = 'Point').
+    self assert: (rg parent isKindOf:RGClassDefinition).
+    self assert: (rg selector = #x).
+    self assert: (rg isMetaSide not).
+    | newMethod newClass |
+    newMethod := RGMethodDefinition realClass: OrderedCollection selector: 'size'.
+    self assert: (newMethod isMethod).  
+    self assert: (newMethod selector == #size).  
+    self assert: (newMethod protocol notNil).
+    self assert: (newMethod sourceCode notEmpty).
+    self assert: (newMethod stamp notNil).
+    newClass := RGClassDefinition named: #OrderedCollection.
+    newMethod := RGMethodDefinition class: newClass selector: 'size'.
+    self assert: (newMethod isMethod).  
+    self assert: (newMethod selector == #size).  
+    self assert: (newMethod protocol isNil).
+    self assert: (newMethod sourceCode isNil).
+    self assert: (newMethod stamp isNil).
+    newMethod := RGMethodDefinition realClass: OrderedCollection theMetaClass selector: #arrayType.
+    self assert: (newMethod isMethod).  
+    self assert: (newMethod selector == #arrayType).  
+    self assert: (newMethod protocol notNil).
+    self assert: (newMethod sourceCode notEmpty).
+    self assert: (newMethod stamp notNil).
+    "self debug: #testDifferentObjectButSameMethodInSet"
+    | s rgmethod rgmethod2 |
+    s := Set new.
+    rgmethod := (OrderedCollection >> #size) asRingDefinition.
+    s add: rgmethod. 
+    rgmethod2 := (OrderedCollection >> #size) asRingDefinition.
+    s add: rgmethod2.
+    self assert: (s size = 1).
+    self assert: (s includes: rgmethod).
+    self assert: (s includes: rgmethod2).
+    "Modified (format): / 28-08-2015 / 12:18:30 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    | newMethod newClass |
+    newClass:=RGClassDefinition named: #OrderedCollection.
+    newMethod:= (RGMethodDefinition named: #add:)
+                     parent: newClass;
+                    protocol: 'adding';
+                    sourceCode: 'add: newObject
+                                    ^self addLast: newObject'.
+    self assert: (newMethod isMethod).
+    self assert: (newMethod selector == #add:).
+    self assert: (newMethod isMetaSide not).
+    self assert: (newMethod parent = newClass).
+    self assert: (newMethod parentName == newClass name).
+    self assert: (newMethod parent parent == Smalltalk globals).
+    self assert: (newMethod realClass = OrderedCollection).
+    self assert: (newMethod compiledMethod = (OrderedCollection compiledMethodAt: #add:)).
+    | newMethod |
+    newMethod:= (OrderedCollection >> #size) asActiveRingDefinition.
+    self assert: (newMethod parent isNil).
+    self assert: (newMethod parentName == #OrderedCollection).
+    self assert: (newMethod sourceCode notNil).
+    self assert: (newMethod protocol notNil).
+    self assert: (newMethod stamp notNil).
+    self assert: (newMethod isExtension not)
+    "Modified (format): / 28-08-2015 / 12:18:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "its parent class is not assigned only its name"
+    | newMethod |
+    newMethod:= (RGMethodDefinition named: #add:)
+                    parentName: #OrderedCollection;
+                    selector: #add:; 
+                    isMetaSide: false;
+                    protocol: 'adding'; 
+                    sourceCode: 'add: newObject
+                                    ^self addLast: newObject'.
+    self assert: (newMethod isMethod).
+    self assert: (newMethod selector == #add:).
+    self assert: (newMethod isMetaSide not).
+    self assert: (newMethod protocol = #adding).
+    self assert: (newMethod fullName = 'OrderedCollection>>add:').
+    self assert: (newMethod sourceCode = 'add: newObject
+                                    ^self addLast: newObject').
+    self assert: (newMethod hasStamp not).
+    self assert: (newMethod parent isNil).
+    self assert: (newMethod parentName == #OrderedCollection).
+    self assert: (newMethod environment == Smalltalk globals).
+    self assert: (newMethod realClass = OrderedCollection).
+    self assert: (newMethod compiledMethod = (OrderedCollection compiledMethodAt: #add:))
+    | newMethod newClass newPackage newPackageExt |
+    newMethod:= (RGMethodDefinition named: #+)
+                    isExtension: true.
+    self assert: (newMethod protocol isNil).
+    self assert: (newMethod isExtension).
+    newMethod:= (Collection >> #+) asRingDefinition.	
+    self assert: (newMethod isMethod).  
+    self assert: (newMethod protocol = '*Collections-arithmetic').
+    self assert: (newMethod isExtension).
+    newPackage := RGPackage named: #Package.
+    newPackageExt := RGPackage named:  #PackageExtensions.
+    newClass := RGClassDefinition named: #Class.
+    newMethod := (RGMethodDefinition named: #foo) parent: newClass.
+    newPackage addClass: newClass.
+    newMethod package: newPackageExt.
+    self assert: (newMethod isExtension).
+    | newMethod newClass |
+    self assert: (OrderedCollection >> #size) asRingDefinition = (OrderedCollection >> #size) asRingDefinition.
+    newMethod := ((OrderedCollection >> #size) asRingDefinition)
+                    sourceCode: 'size
+                        ^0'.
+    self assert: ((OrderedCollection >> #size) asRingDefinition = newMethod).
+    newClass:= RGClassDefinition named: #OrderedCollection.
+    newMethod:= (RGMethodDefinition named: #size) parent: newClass.
+    self assert: ((OrderedCollection >> #size) asRingDefinition = newMethod).
+    newMethod:= (RGMethodDefinition named: #size) parent: (SortedCollection asRingDefinition).
+    self deny: ((OrderedCollection >> #size) asRingDefinition = newMethod).
+    "Modified (format): / 28-08-2015 / 12:19:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "method does not exist in OrderedCollection"
+    | newMethod newClass |
+    newClass:= RGClassDefinition named: #OrderedCollection.
+    newClass withMetaclass.
+    newMethod:= (RGMethodDefinition named: #foo) parent: newClass theMetaClass.
+    newMethod sourceCode: 'foo
+                                    ^true'.
+    self assert: (newMethod isMethod).
+    self assert: (newMethod selector == #foo).
+    self assert: (newMethod isMetaSide).
+    self assert: (newMethod protocol = nil).
+    self assert: (newMethod parent = newClass theMetaClass).
+    self assert: (newMethod parentName = newClass theMetaClass name).
+    self assert: (newMethod environment == Smalltalk globals).
+    self assert: (newMethod realClass = OrderedCollection class).
+    self assert: (newMethod compiledMethod isNil).
+    "self debug: #testSameMethodInSet"
+    | s rgmethod |
+    s := Set new.
+    rgmethod := (OrderedCollection >> #size) asRingDefinition.
+    s add: rgmethod. 
+    self assert: (s includes: rgmethod).
+    s add: rgmethod. 
+    self assert: (s size = 1).
+    self assert: (s includes: rgmethod).
+    "Modified (format): / 28-08-2015 / 12:19:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    | rgMethod1 rgMethod2 |
+    rgMethod1 := RGMethodDefinition realClass: RGInstanceVariableDefinition selector: #isInstanceVariable.
+    rgMethod2 := RGMethodDefinition realClass: RGElementDefinition selector: #isMetaSide.
+    self assert: rgMethod2 <= rgMethod1.
+    rgMethod1 := RGMethodDefinition realClass: RGElementDefinition selector: #parentName.
+    self assert: rgMethod2 <= rgMethod1. 
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring/tests' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+TestCase subclass:#RGNamespaceTest
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Containers-Tests'
+RGNamespaceTest comment:'SUnit tests for namespaces'
+!RGNamespaceTest methodsFor:'testing'!
+    | newNamespace newPackage newClass |
+    newNamespace := RGNamespace named: #'RingNamespace'.
+    newPackage := RGPackage named:  #'Collections-Sequenceable'.
+    newClass:= RGClassDefinition named: #OrderedCollection.
+    newPackage addClass: newClass.
+    newNamespace addPackage: newPackage;
+        addClass: newClass.
+    self assert: (newNamespace isNamespace).
+    self assert: ((newNamespace packageNamed: #'Collections-Sequenceable') == newPackage).
+    self assert: ((newNamespace classNamed: #OrderedCollection) == newClass).
+    self assert: (newNamespace methods isEmpty).
+    self assert: (newNamespace pools isEmpty).
+    self assert: (newNamespace globalVariables isEmpty).
+    newNamespace removeClass: newClass.
+    self assert: ((newNamespace classNamed: #OrderedCollection) isNil).
+    self assert: ((newPackage classNamed: #OrderedCollection) notNil).
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring/tests' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+TestCase subclass:#RGPackageTest
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Containers-Tests'
+RGPackageTest comment:'SUnit tests for packages'
+!RGPackageTest methodsFor:'testing'!
+    | newPackage newClass |
+    newPackage:= RGPackage named: #'Collections-Sequenceable'.
+    newClass:= RGClassDefinition named: #OrderedCollection.
+    newPackage addClass: newClass.
+    self assert: (newPackage hasClasses).
+    self assert: (newClass package == newPackage).
+    self assert: ((newPackage classNamed: #OrderedCollection) == newClass)
+    | newPackage childPackage |
+    newPackage:= RGPackage named: #'Collections'.
+    newPackage addPackageNamed: #'Collections-Sequenceable'.
+    self assert: (newPackage includesPackageNamed: #'Collections-Sequenceable').
+    self assert: (newPackage packages size = 1).
+    childPackage:= newPackage packageNamed: #'Collections-Sequenceable'.
+    self assert: (childPackage parent = newPackage parent).
+    self assert: (childPackage package = newPackage).
+    | newPackage |
+    newPackage:= RGPackage named: 'Collections-Sequenceable'.
+    self assert: (newPackage isPackage).
+    self assert: (newPackage name = 'Collections-Sequenceable').
+    self assert: (newPackage classes isEmpty).
+    self assert: (newPackage traits isEmpty).
+    self assert: (newPackage packages isEmpty).
+    self assert: (newPackage package isNil).
+    self assert: (newPackage parent == Smalltalk globals).
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring/tests' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+TestCase subclass:#RGSliceTest
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Containers-Tests'
+RGSliceTest comment:'SUnit tests for slices'
+!RGSliceTest methodsFor:'testing'!
+    | newSlice newClass newTrait  |
+    newSlice:= RGSlice named: 'Foo'.
+    newClass:= RGClassDefinition named: #OrderedCollection.
+    newTrait:=  RGTraitDefinition named: #TSortable.
+    newSlice addClassNamed: #SortedCollection;
+             addClass: newClass;
+             addTrait: newTrait.
+    self assert: (newSlice classes size = 3).
+    self assert: (newSlice traits size = 1).
+    self assert: (newSlice includesClassNamed: #OrderedCollection).
+    self assert: ((newSlice classNamed: #OrderedCollection) == newClass).
+    self assert: ((newSlice traitNamed: #TSortable) == newTrait).
+    self assert: (newClass isIncludedInContainer: newSlice).
+    self assert: (newTrait isIncludedInContainer: newSlice).
+    self assert: (newSlice allClasses size = 3).
+    self assert: (newSlice allTraits size = 1).
+    self assert: (newClass parent = newSlice).
+    self assert: (newClass rootEnvironment = newSlice environment)
+    | newSlice newSlice2 newClass newTrait newClass2 |
+    newSlice:= RGSlice named: #Root.
+    newSlice2:= RGSlice named: #Child.
+    newSlice2 environment: newSlice.
+    newSlice addClassNamed: #OrderedCollection.
+    newClass:= newSlice classNamed: #OrderedCollection.
+    newSlice addTraitNamed: #TSortable.
+    newTrait:= newSlice traitNamed: #TSortable.
+    newSlice2 addClassNamed: #SortedCollection.
+    newClass2:= newSlice classNamed: #SortedCollection.
+    self assert: (newSlice classes size = 2).
+    self assert: (newSlice2 classes size = 1).
+    self assert: (newSlice2 environment = newSlice).
+    self assert: (newSlice2 rootEnvironment = newSlice environment)
+    | newSlice |
+    newSlice:= RGSlice named: 'Foo'.
+    self assert: (newSlice isSlice).
+    self assert: (newSlice classes isEmpty).
+    self assert: (newSlice environment == Smalltalk globals)
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring/tests' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+TestCase subclass:#RGTraitDefinitionTest
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel-Tests'
+RGTraitDefinitionTest comment:'SUnit tests for trait definitions'
+!RGTraitDefinitionTest methodsFor:'testing'!
+    | newMethod newClass |
+    newClass:= RGTraitDefinition named:  #TSortable.
+    newMethod:= (RGMethodDefinition named: #sort) parent: newClass;
+                    protocol: 'sorting'; 
+                    sourceCode: 'sort
+                                    self sort: [:a :b | a <= b]'.
+    self assert: (newMethod isMetaSide not).
+    self assert: (newClass hasMethods not).
+    newClass addMethod: newMethod.
+    newClass addSelector: #size 
+               classified: 'accessing' 
+               sourced: 'foo
+                            ^lastIndex - firstIndex + 1'.
+    self assert: (newClass hasMethods).
+    self assert: (newClass selectors = #(sort size)).
+    self assert: (newClass includesSelector: #sort).
+    self assert: ((newClass methodNamed: #sort) = newMethod).
+    self assert: (newClass methods size = 2).
+    self assert: (newClass selectors size = 2).
+    self assert: (newClass allSelectors size = 2).  "no hierarchy"
+    newMethod:= newClass methodNamed: #size.
+    self assert: (newMethod parent = newClass).
+    self assert: ((newClass compiledMethodNamed: #sort) notNil).
+    self assert: ((newClass compiledMethodNamed: #foo) isNil)
+    | newTrait |
+    newTrait:= TBehavior asRingDefinition.
+    self assert: (newTrait isRingObject).
+    self assert: (newTrait isTrait).  
+    self assert: (newTrait name == #TBehavior).  
+    self assert: (newTrait category notNil).
+    self assert: (newTrait superclassName notNil).
+    self assert: (newTrait theMetaClass isRingObject).
+    self assert: (newTrait theMetaClass isTrait).
+    self assert: (newTrait theMetaClass traitCompositionSource = '{}').
+    | newTrait newClass newSlice |
+    newClass := Trait asRingDefinitionWithMethods: false withSuperclasses: false withSubclasses: true withPackages: false.
+    newSlice := newClass environment.
+    self assert: (newClass allSubclasses size = Smalltalk globals environment allTraits size).
+    self assert: newClass traitNames size = 1.
+    self assert: newClass traits first = (newSlice traitNamed: #TClass).
+    newTrait := TBehaviorCategorization asRingDefinitionWithMethods: true withSuperclasses: true withSubclasses: false withPackages: true.
+    newSlice := newTrait environment.
+    self assert: newTrait superclass = (newSlice classNamed: #Trait).
+    self assert: newTrait methods size < newSlice methods size.
+    self assert: newTrait category = #'Traits-Kernel-Traits'.
+    self assert: newTrait package = (newSlice packageNamed: #Traits).
+    self assert: newTrait subclasses isEmpty.
+    | newClass metaClass |
+    newClass:= RGTraitDefinition named:  #TSortable.
+    self assert: (newClass isTrait).
+    self assert: (newClass isDefined).
+    self assert: (newClass realClass = TSortable).
+    self assert: (newClass isMeta not).
+    newClass withMetaclass.
+    self assert: (newClass hasMetaclass).
+    metaClass:= newClass theMetaClass.
+    self assert: (metaClass isMeta).
+    self assert: (metaClass name = 'TSortable classTrait').
+    self assert: (metaClass theNonMetaClass = newClass).
+    self assert: (metaClass realClass = TSortable theMetaClass).
+    | newClass |
+    newClass:= RGTraitDefinition named:  #TConnection.
+    self assert: (newClass isTrait).
+    self assert: (newClass hasMetaclass not).
+    self assert: (newClass hasComment not).
+    self assert: (newClass hasStamp not).
+    self assert: (newClass parent = Smalltalk globals).
+    self assert: (newClass package isNil).
+    self assert: (newClass category isNil).
+    self assert: (newClass hasMethods not).
+    self assert: (newClass hasSuperclass not).
+    self assert: (newClass hasTraitComposition not).
+    self assert: (newClass isDefined not).
+    self assert: (newClass hasProtocols not).
+    | newClass |
+    self assert: TSortable asRingDefinition = TSortable asRingDefinition.
+    newClass := (TSortable asRingDefinition)
+        category: #Kernel.
+    self assert: (TSortable asRingDefinition = newClass) 
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring/tests' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+TestCase subclass:#RGVariableDefinitionTest
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Ring-Core-Kernel-Tests'
+RGVariableDefinitionTest comment:'SUnit tests for variable definitions'
+!RGVariableDefinitionTest methodsFor:'testing'!
+    | instVar newClass metaClass |
+    instVar:= RGClassInstanceVariableDefinition named: 'sizes'.
+    self assert: (instVar isClassInstanceVariable).
+    self assert: (instVar isVariable).
+    self assert: (instVar name = 'sizes').
+    self assert: (instVar parent isNil).
+    self assert: (instVar isMetaSide).
+    newClass:= RGClassDefinition named: #OrderedCollection.
+    newClass withMetaclass.
+    metaClass:= newClass theMetaClass.
+    instVar:= metaClass addInstVarNamed: 'sizes'.
+    self assert: (instVar parent = metaClass).	
+    self assert: (metaClass instanceVariables size = 1).
+    | instVar newClass |
+    instVar:= RGClassVariableDefinition named: 'DependentsFields'.
+    self assert: (instVar isClassVariable).
+    self assert: (instVar isVariable).
+    self assert: (instVar name = 'DependentsFields').
+    self assert: (instVar parent isNil).
+    self assert: (instVar isMetaSide not).   
+    newClass:= RGClassDefinition named: #Object.
+    instVar:= (RGClassVariableDefinition named: 'DependentsFields') parent: newClass.
+    self assert: (instVar parent = newClass).
+    self assert: (newClass classVariables isEmpty).
+    newClass classVariables add: instVar.
+    self assert: (newClass classVariables size = 1).
+    | instVar newClass |
+    instVar:= RGInstanceVariableDefinition named: 'size'.
+    self assert: (instVar isInstanceVariable).
+    self assert: (instVar isVariable).
+    self assert: (instVar name = 'size').
+    self assert: (instVar parent isNil).
+    self assert: (instVar isMetaSide not).
+    newClass:= RGClassDefinition named: #OrderedCollection.
+    instVar:= newClass addInstVarNamed: 'array'.
+    self assert: (instVar parent = newClass).
+    self assert: (newClass instanceVariables size = 1).
+    | poolVar newClass |
+    poolVar:= RGPoolVariableDefinition named: 'TextConstants'.
+    self assert: (poolVar isPoolVariable).
+    self assert: (poolVar isVariable).
+    self assert: (poolVar name = 'TextConstants').
+    self assert: (poolVar parent isNil).
+    self assert: (poolVar isMetaSide not).
+    newClass:= RGClassDefinition named: #OrderedCollection.
+    poolVar:= (RGPoolVariableDefinition named:  'TextConstants' ) parent: newClass.
+    self assert: (poolVar parent = newClass).
+    self assert: (newClass sharedPools isEmpty).
+    newClass sharedPools add: poolVar.
+    self assert: (newClass sharedPools size = 1).
+    | variable1 variable2|
+    variable1 := (OrderedCollection asRingDefinition) instanceVariableNamed: #array.
+    variable2 := (OrderedCollection asRingDefinition) instanceVariableNamed: #array.
+    self assert: variable1 = variable2.
+    variable1 := (RGClassVariableDefinition named:  #Foo) parentName: #Test.
+    variable2 := (RGClassVariableDefinition named:  #Foo) parentName: #Test.
+    self assert: variable1 = variable2.
+    variable2 := (RGClassVariableDefinition named:  #Foo) parentName: #Test2.
+    self deny: variable1 = variable2.
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# automagically generated by the project definition
+# this file is needed for stc to be able to compile modules independently.
+# it provides information about a classes filename, category and especially namespace.
+RGClassDefinitionTest RGClassDefinitionTest stx:goodies/ring/tests 'Ring-Core-Kernel-Tests' 1
+RGCommentDefinitionTest RGCommentDefinitionTest stx:goodies/ring/tests 'Ring-Core-Kernel-Tests' 1
+RGContainerTest RGContainerTest stx:goodies/ring/tests 'Ring-Core-Containers-Tests' 1
+RGGlobalDefinitionTest RGGlobalDefinitionTest stx:goodies/ring/tests 'Ring-Core-Kernel-Tests' 1
+RGMetaclassDefinitionTest RGMetaclassDefinitionTest stx:goodies/ring/tests 'Ring-Core-Kernel-Tests' 1
+RGMetatraitDefinitionTest RGMetatraitDefinitionTest stx:goodies/ring/tests 'Ring-Core-Kernel-Tests' 1
+RGMethodDefinitionTest RGMethodDefinitionTest stx:goodies/ring/tests 'Ring-Core-Kernel-Tests' 1
+RGNamespaceTest RGNamespaceTest stx:goodies/ring/tests 'Ring-Core-Containers-Tests' 1
+RGPackageTest RGPackageTest stx:goodies/ring/tests 'Ring-Core-Containers-Tests' 1
+RGSliceTest RGSliceTest stx:goodies/ring/tests 'Ring-Core-Containers-Tests' 1
+RGTraitDefinitionTest RGTraitDefinitionTest stx:goodies/ring/tests 'Ring-Core-Kernel-Tests' 1
+RGVariableDefinitionTest RGVariableDefinitionTest stx:goodies/ring/tests 'Ring-Core-Kernel-Tests' 1
+stx_goodies_ring_tests stx_goodies_ring_tests stx:goodies/ring/tests '* Projects & Packages *' 3
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/bc.mak	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# $Header$
+# automagically generated from the projectDefinition: stx_goodies_ring_tests.
+# Warning: once you modify this file, do not rerun
+# stmkmp or projectDefinition-build again - otherwise, your changes are lost.
+# Notice, that the name bc.mak is historical (from times, when only borland c was supported).
+# This file contains make rules for the win32 platform using either borland-bcc or visual-c.
+# It shares common definitions with the unix-make in Make.spec.
+# The bc.mak supports the following targets:
+#    bmake         - compile all st-files to a classLib (dll)
+#    bmake clean   - clean all temp files
+#    bmake clobber - clean all
+# Historic Note:
+#  this used to contain only rules to make with borland
+#    (called via bmake, by "make.exe -f bc.mak")
+#  this has changed; it is now also possible to build using microsoft visual c
+#    (called via vcmake, by "make.exe -f bc.mak -DUSEVC")
+!INCLUDE $(TOP)\rules\stdHeader_bc
+!INCLUDE Make.spec
+LOCALINCLUDES= -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\jv\tea\compiler -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic2
+ALL::  classLibRule
+classLibRule: $(OUTDIR) $(OUTDIR)$(LIBNAME).dll
+!INCLUDE $(TOP)\rules\stdRules_bc
+# build all mandatory prerequisite packages (containing superclasses) for this package
+	pushd ..\..\..\libbasic & $(MAKE_BAT) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES) "
+	pushd ..\..\..\libbasic2 & $(MAKE_BAT) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES) "
+	pushd ..\..\..\libview & $(MAKE_BAT) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES) "
+	pushd ..\..\..\libview2 & $(MAKE_BAT) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES) "
+	pushd ..\..\sunit & $(MAKE_BAT) "CFLAGS_LOCAL=$(GLOBALDEFINES) "
+test: $(TOP)\goodies\builder\reports\NUL
+	pushd $(TOP)\goodies\builder\reports & $(MAKE_BAT)
+	$(TOP)\goodies\builder\reports\report-runner.bat -D . -r Builder::TestReport -p $(PACKAGE)
+	del *.$(CSUFFIX)
+# BEGINMAKEDEPEND --- do not remove this line; make depend needs it
+$(OUTDIR)RGClassDefinitionTest.$(O) RGClassDefinitionTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGCommentDefinitionTest.$(O) RGCommentDefinitionTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGContainerTest.$(O) RGContainerTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGGlobalDefinitionTest.$(O) RGGlobalDefinitionTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGMetaclassDefinitionTest.$(O) RGMetaclassDefinitionTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGMetatraitDefinitionTest.$(O) RGMetatraitDefinitionTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGMethodDefinitionTest.$(O) RGMethodDefinitionTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGNamespaceTest.$(O) RGNamespaceTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGPackageTest.$(O) RGPackageTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGSliceTest.$(O) RGSliceTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGTraitDefinitionTest.$(O) RGTraitDefinitionTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)RGVariableDefinitionTest.$(O) RGVariableDefinitionTest.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestAsserter.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit\TestCase.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)stx_goodies_ring_tests.$(O) stx_goodies_ring_tests.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\LibraryDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ProjectDefinition.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+# ENDMAKEDEPEND --- do not remove this line
+# **Must be at end**
+# Enforce recompilation of package definition class if Mercurial working
+# copy state changes. Together with --guessVersion it ensures that package
+# definition class always contains correct binary revision string.
+$(OUTDIR)stx_goodies_ring_tests.$(O): $(HGROOT)\.hg\dirstate
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/bmake.bat	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+@REM -------
+@REM make using Borland bcc32
+@REM type bmake, and wait...
+@REM do not edit - automatically generated from ProjectDefinition
+@REM -------
+make.exe -N -f bc.mak  %DEFINES% %*
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * $Header$
+ *
+ * automagically generated from the projectDefinition: stx_goodies_ring_tests.
+ */
+#include <stc.h>
+#ifdef WIN32
+# pragma codeseg INITCODE "INITCODE"
+#if defined(INIT_TEXT_SECTION) || defined(DLL_EXPORT)
+DLL_EXPORT void _libstx_goodies_ring_tests_Init() INIT_TEXT_SECTION;
+DLL_EXPORT void _libstx_goodies_ring_tests_InitDefinition() INIT_TEXT_SECTION;
+void _libstx_goodies_ring_tests_InitDefinition(pass, __pRT__, snd)
+OBJ snd; struct __vmData__ *__pRT__; {
+__BEGIN_PACKAGE2__("libstx_goodies_ring_tests__DFN", _libstx_goodies_ring_tests_InitDefinition, "stx:goodies/ring/tests");
+void _libstx_goodies_ring_tests_Init(pass, __pRT__, snd)
+OBJ snd; struct __vmData__ *__pRT__; {
+__BEGIN_PACKAGE2__("libstx_goodies_ring_tests", _libstx_goodies_ring_tests_Init, "stx:goodies/ring/tests");
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/mingwmake.bat	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+@REM -------
+@REM make using mingw gnu compiler
+@REM type mingwmake, and wait...
+@REM do not edit - automatically generated from ProjectDefinition
+@REM -------
+@pushd ..\..\..\rules
+@call find_mingw.bat
+make.exe -N -f bc.mak %DEFINES% %USEMINGW_ARG% %*
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ring/tests' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+LibraryDefinition subclass:#stx_goodies_ring_tests
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'* Projects & Packages *'
+!stx_goodies_ring_tests class methodsFor:'description'!
+    "list packages which are to be explicitely excluded from the automatic constructed
+     prerequisites list. If empty, everything that is found along the inheritance of any of
+     my classes is considered to be a prerequisite package."
+    ^ #(
+    )
+    "list packages which are mandatory as a prerequisite.
+     This are packages containing superclasses of my classes and classes which
+     are extended by myself.
+     They are mandatory, because we need these packages as a prerequisite for loading and compiling.
+     This method is generated automatically,
+     by searching along the inheritance chain of all of my classes."
+    ^ #(
+        #'stx:goodies/sunit'    "TestAsserter - superclass of RGClassDefinitionTest"
+        #'stx:libbasic'    "LibraryDefinition - superclass of stx_goodies_ring_tests"
+    )
+    "list packages which are a prerequisite, because they contain
+     classes which are referenced by my classes.
+     We do not need these packages as a prerequisite for compiling or loading,
+     however, a class from it may be referenced during execution and having it
+     unloaded then may lead to a runtime doesNotUnderstand error, unless the caller
+     includes explicit checks for the package being present.
+     This method is generated automatically,
+     by searching all classes (and their packages) which are referenced by my classes."
+    ^ #(
+        #'jv:tea/compiler'    "TClass - referenced by RGMetatraitDefinitionTest>>testAsClassTraitfinition"
+        #'stx:goodies/ring'    "RGClassDefinition - referenced by RGClassDefinitionTest>>testAddingMethods"
+        #'stx:libbasic2'    "Text - referenced by RGClassDefinitionTest>>testWithPoolDictionaries"
+    )
+    "list packages which are known as subprojects.
+     The generated makefile will enter those and make there as well.
+     However: they are not forced to be loaded when a package is loaded;
+     for those, redefine requiredPrerequisites."
+    ^ #(
+    )
+! !
+!stx_goodies_ring_tests class methodsFor:'description - contents'!
+    "lists the classes which are to be included in the project.
+     Each entry in the list may be: a single class-name (symbol),
+     or an array-literal consisting of class name and attributes.
+     Attributes are: #autoload or #<os> where os is one of win32, unix,..."
+    ^ #(
+        "<className> or (<className> attributes...) in load order"
+        RGClassDefinitionTest
+        RGCommentDefinitionTest
+        RGContainerTest
+        RGGlobalDefinitionTest
+        RGMetaclassDefinitionTest
+        RGMetatraitDefinitionTest
+        RGMethodDefinitionTest
+        RGNamespaceTest
+        RGPackageTest
+        RGSliceTest
+        RGTraitDefinitionTest
+        RGVariableDefinitionTest
+        #'stx_goodies_ring_tests'
+    )
+    "list class/selector pairs of extensions.
+     A correponding method with real names must be present in my concrete subclasses"
+    ^ #(
+    )
+! !
+!stx_goodies_ring_tests class methodsFor:'description - project information'!
+    "Returns a company string which will appear in <lib>.rc.
+     Under win32, this is placed into the dlls file-info"
+    ^ 'eXept Software AG'
+    "Returns a description string which will appear in nt.def / bc.def"
+    ^ 'Smalltalk/X Class library'
+    "Returns a copyright string which will appear in <lib>.rc.
+     Under win32, this is placed into the dlls file-info"
+    ^ 'Copyright Claus Gittinger 1988-2015\nCopyright eXept Software AG 2015'
+    "Returns a product name which will appear in <lib>.rc.
+     Under win32, this is placed into the dlls file-info.
+     This method is usually redefined in a concrete application definition"
+    ^ 'Smalltalk/X'
+! !
+!stx_goodies_ring_tests class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/tests.rc	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// automagically generated from the projectDefinition: stx_goodies_ring_tests.
+  FILEVERSION     6,2,0,1
+#if (__BORLANDC__)
+  BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
+    BLOCK "040904E4"
+    BEGIN
+      VALUE "CompanyName", "eXept Software AG\0"
+      VALUE "FileDescription", "Smalltalk/X Class library (LIB)\0"
+      VALUE "FileVersion", "\0"
+      VALUE "InternalName", "stx:goodies/ring/tests\0"
+      VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright Claus Gittinger 1988-2015\nCopyright eXept Software AG 2015\0"
+      VALUE "ProductName", "Smalltalk/X\0"
+      VALUE "ProductVersion", "\0"
+      VALUE "ProductDate", "Fri, 28 Aug 2015 11:19:31 GMT\0"
+    END
+  END
+  BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
+  BEGIN                               //  Language   |    Translation
+    VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 0x4E4 // U.S. English, Windows Multilingual
+  END
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/vcmake.bat	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+@REM -------
+@REM make using Microsoft Visual C compiler
+@REM type vcmake, and wait...
+@REM do not edit - automatically generated from ProjectDefinition
+@REM -------
+@if not defined VSINSTALLDIR (
+    pushd ..\..\..\rules
+    call vcsetup.bat
+    popd
+make.exe -N -f bc.mak -DUSEVC=1 %DEFINES% %*
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vcmake.bat	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+@REM -------
+@REM make using Microsoft Visual C compiler
+@REM type vcmake, and wait...
+@REM do not edit - automatically generated from ProjectDefinition
+@REM -------
+@if not defined VSINSTALLDIR (
+    pushd ..\..\rules
+    call vcsetup.bat
+    popd
+make.exe -N -f bc.mak -DUSEVC=1 %DEFINES% %*