Fixes to make it stc-compilable
authorJan Vrany <>
Fri, 28 Aug 2015 14:04:03 +0100
changeset 1 24b88532f6ef
parent 0 43cb9f3e345e
child 2 e439b82dda7d
Fixes to make it stc-compilable
--- a/Make.proto	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
+++ b/Make.proto	Fri Aug 28 14:04:03 2015 +0100
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 $(OUTDIR)RGMetaclassDefinition.$(O) RGMetaclassDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGClassDescriptionDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)RGMetatraitDefinition.$(O) RGMetatraitDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGTraitDescriptionDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)RGTraitDefinition.$(O) RGTraitDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/ring/RGTraitDescriptionDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
-$(OUTDIR)extensions.$(O): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/jv/tea/compiler/TClass.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/refactoryBrowser/helpers/RBAbstractClass.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/refactoryBrowser/helpers/RBClass.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Behavior.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Class.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ClassDescription.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/CompiledCode.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ExecutableFunction.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Method.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)extensions.$(O): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/refactoryBrowser/helpers/RBAbstractClass.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/refactoryBrowser/helpers/RBClass.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Behavior.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Class.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ClassDescription.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/CompiledCode.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/ExecutableFunction.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Method.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 # ENDMAKEDEPEND --- do not remove this line
--- a/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 14:04:03 2015 +0100
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
     self isActive 
         ifTrue: [ ^ self realClass organization classComment ].
     self isHistorical
-        ifTrue: [ ^ self contentAtPointer ifNil:[ self realClass ifNil:[ content ] ifNotNil:[ :rc| rc organization classComment ] ] ].	
+        ifTrue: [ ^ self contentAtPointer ifNil:[ | rc | (rc := self realClass) ifNil:[ content ] ifNotNil:[ rc organization classComment ] ] ].	
     ^ content
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
     self isActive 
         ifTrue: [ ^ self realClass organization commentStamp ].
     self isHistorical
-        ifTrue: [ ^ self stampAtPointer ifNil:[ self realClass ifNil:[ stamp ] ifNotNil:[ :rc| rc organization commentStamp ] ] ].	
+        ifTrue: [ ^ self stampAtPointer ifNil:[ | rc | (rc := self realClass) ifNil:[ stamp ] ifNotNil:[ rc organization commentStamp ] ] ].	
     ^ stamp
@@ -225,8 +225,9 @@
     self sourcePointer ifNil:[
         realClass := self realClass.
         realClass notNil ifTrue: [ 
-            realClass organization commentRemoteString
-                ifNotNil: [:str | self sourcePointer: str sourcePointer ] ] ]
+            | str |
+            (str := realClass organization commentRemoteString)
+                ifNotNil: [ self sourcePointer: str sourcePointer ] ] ]
@@ -257,26 +258,32 @@
+    "A ring comment isActive when it needs to access the class organization for retrieving its data"
-    "A ring comment isActive when it needs to access the class organization for retrieving its data"
-    ^(self annotationNamed: self class statusKey) 
+    | status |
+    ^(status := self annotationNamed: self class statusKey) 
         ifNil:[ false ] 
-        ifNotNil:[ :status| status == #active ]
+        ifNotNil:[ status == #active ]
+    "A ring comment can be used to point an old version of the receiver, in this case it will use the sourcePointer to retrieve its information"
-    "A ring comment can be used to point an old version of the receiver, in this case it will use the sourcePointer to retrieve its information"
+    | status |
     ^(self annotationNamed: self class statusKey) 
         ifNil:[ false ] 
-        ifNotNil:[ :status| status == #historical ]
+        ifNotNil:[ status == #historical ]
+    "A ring comment isPassive by default.  In this case it will retrieve the data that was assigned in its creation"
-    "A ring comment isPassive by default.  In this case it will retrieve the data that was assigned in its creation"
-    ^(self annotationNamed: self class statusKey) 
+    | status |
+    ^(status := self annotationNamed: self class statusKey) 
         ifNil:[ true ] 
-        ifNotNil:[ :status| status == #passive ]
+        ifNotNil:[ status == #passive ]
 ! !
--- a/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 14:04:03 2015 +0100
@@ -332,20 +332,24 @@
 setPackageOfClass: rgClass using: packageKeys
     "Set the package to aRGBehaviorDefinition"
-    (self findPackageOfClass: rgClass using: packageKeys) 
-        ifNotNil:[ :pck| pck addClass: rgClass ]
+    | pkg |
+    (pkg := self findPackageOfClass: rgClass using: packageKeys) 
+        ifNotNil:[ pkg addClass: rgClass ]
 setPackageOfMethod: rgMethod ofClass: rgClass using: packageKeys
     "Set the package to aRGMethodDefinition and its value isExtension"
-    (self findPackageOfMethod: rgMethod using: packageKeys) 
-        ifNil:[ rgClass package ifNotNil:[ :pck| 
-                pck addMethod: rgMethod.
+    | pkg |
+    (pkg := self findPackageOfMethod: rgMethod using: packageKeys) 
+        ifNil:[ rgClass package ifNotNil:[
+                pkg addMethod: rgMethod.
                 rgMethod isExtension: false ] ]
-        ifNotNil:[ :pck| 
-            pck addMethod: rgMethod.
+        ifNotNil:[ 
+            pkg addMethod: rgMethod.
             rgMethod isExtension: (rgMethod package ~= rgClass package) ]
 ! !
--- a/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 14:04:03 2015 +0100
@@ -9,7 +9,79 @@
-RGMethodDefinition comment:'RGMethodDefinition is a concrete representation of methods. It can be used to build browser for methods that are not in the image. It is polymorphic with CompiledMethod. 

* We can ask a RGMethodDefinition for its selector using the selector message.
	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition selector
		-> #dist

We can also ask the ring object representation of its class or the Smalltalk class actually implementing the corresponding compiledMethod. 

* To access the ring class definition name, use parentName
	aRGMethodDefinition parentName
	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition parentName
		->  #Point
* If you have a complete model where classes and methods are ring definition, to access the ring class definition , use parent
	aRGMethodDefinition parent
	aRGMethodDefinition(Point>>#dist:) parent
		->  aRGClassDefinition(Point)
* If you want to access the smalltalk class that contains the compiledMethod that is represented by a ringMethodDefinition, use realParent
	aRGMethodDefinition realParent
	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition realParent
		->  Point

Now a RingEntityDefinition offers two APIs: one that is generic and works for all the source code entities and this is the one we just 
presented: parent, parentName and realParent. Having such interface is important to build generic tools that could manipulate 
any entities in a polymorphic way (yes no isKindOf: everywhere).

In addition, a ring method definition offers a specific interface that should only be used when you know that you are solely manipulate
specific entity such as class element: method definition, class comment, and variables. 

Here is the equivalence table

	realParent 				realClass
	parent					ringClass
	parentName			className

* The message class returns the class of the object :).

	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition class
		->  RingMethodDefinition
* The message className returns the name of the ring class defining the reingMethodDefinition.

	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition className
		->  #Point		
* If you have a complete model where classes and methods are ring definition, to access the ring class definition , use parent
	aRGMethodDefinition ringClass
	aRGMethodDefinition(Point>>#dist:) ringClass
		->  aRGClassDefinition(Point)
* If you want to access the smalltalk class that contains the compiledMethod that is represented by a ringMethodDefinition, use realClass
	aRGMethodDefinition realClass
	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition realClass
		->  Point

+RGMethodDefinition comment:'RGMethodDefinition is a concrete representation of methods. It can be used to build browser for methods that are not in the image. It is polymorphic with CompiledMethod. 
+* We can ask a RGMethodDefinition for its selector using the selector message.
+	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition selector
+		-> #dist
+We can also ask the ring object representation of its class or the Smalltalk class actually implementing the corresponding compiledMethod. 
+* To access the ring class definition name, use parentName
+	aRGMethodDefinition parentName
+	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition parentName
+		->  #Point
+* If you have a complete model where classes and methods are ring definition, to access the ring class definition , use parent
+	aRGMethodDefinition parent
+	aRGMethodDefinition(Point>>#dist:) parent
+		->  aRGClassDefinition(Point)
+* If you want to access the smalltalk class that contains the compiledMethod that is represented by a ringMethodDefinition, use realParent
+	aRGMethodDefinition realParent
+	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition realParent
+		->  Point
+Now a RingEntityDefinition offers two APIs: one that is generic and works for all the source code entities and this is the one we just 
+presented: parent, parentName and realParent. Having such interface is important to build generic tools that could manipulate 
+any entities in a polymorphic way (yes no isKindOf: everywhere).
+In addition, a ring method definition offers a specific interface that should only be used when you know that you are solely manipulate
+specific entity such as class element: method definition, class comment, and variables. 
+Here is the equivalence table
+	realParent 				realClass
+	parent					ringClass
+	parentName			className
+* The message class returns the class of the object :).
+	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition class
+		->  RingMethodDefinition
+* The message className returns the name of the ring class defining the reingMethodDefinition.
+	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition className
+		->  #Point		
+* If you have a complete model where classes and methods are ring definition, to access the ring class definition , use parent
+	aRGMethodDefinition ringClass
+	aRGMethodDefinition(Point>>#dist:) ringClass
+		->  aRGClassDefinition(Point)
+* If you want to access the smalltalk class that contains the compiledMethod that is represented by a ringMethodDefinition, use realClass
+	aRGMethodDefinition realClass
+	(Point>>#dist:) asRingDefinition realClass
+		->  Point
 !RGMethodDefinition class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
@@ -84,7 +156,7 @@
                            value :=  self parent package ~= self package.
                          self annotationNamed: self class isExtensionKey put: value.
                          value ]
-                ifFalse: [ self protocol ifNil:[ false ] ifNotNil:[ :prot|  prot beginsWith: '*' ] ] ]
+                ifFalse: [ | prot | self protocol ifNil:[ false ] ifNotNil:[ prot beginsWith: '*' ] ] ]
 isExtension: aBoolean
@@ -95,9 +167,11 @@
     "Return the real oring of this method."
-    ^ self compiledMethod 
+    | mthd |
+    ^ (mthd := self compiledMethod)
         ifNil: [ self methodClass ]
-        ifNotNil: [ :compileMethod| compileMethod origin ]
+        ifNotNil: [ mthd origin ]
@@ -116,7 +190,7 @@
     self isActive 
         ifTrue: [ ^ self compiledMethod ifNil: [ protocol ] ifNotNil: [ self compiledMethod protocol ]].
     self isHistorical
-        ifTrue: [ ^ self protocolAtPointer ifNil: [ self compiledMethod ifNil: [ protocol ] ifNotNil:[ :cm | cm protocol ] ] ].
+        ifTrue: [ ^ self protocolAtPointer ifNil: [ | cm | (cm := self compiledMethod) ifNil: [ protocol ] ifNotNil:[ cm protocol ] ] ].
     ^ protocol			
@@ -142,7 +216,7 @@
     self isActive 
         ifTrue: [ ^ self compiledMethod ifNil:[ sourceCode ] ifNotNil: [ self compiledMethod sourceCode ]].
     self isHistorical
-        ifTrue: [ ^ self sourceCodeAtPointer ifNil:[ self compiledMethod ifNil:[ sourceCode ] ifNotNil:[ :cm| cm sourceCode ] ] ].	
+        ifTrue: [ ^ self sourceCodeAtPointer ifNil:[ | cm | (cm := self compiledMethod) ifNil:[ sourceCode ] ifNotNil:[ cm sourceCode ] ] ].	
     ^ sourceCode
@@ -156,7 +230,7 @@
     self isActive 
         ifTrue: [ ^ self compiledMethod timeStamp ].
     self isHistorical
-        ifTrue: [ ^ self stampAtPointer ifNil:[ self compiledMethod ifNil:[ stamp ] ifNotNil:[ :cm| cm timeStamp ] ] ].
+        ifTrue: [ ^ self stampAtPointer ifNil:[ | cm | (cm := self compiledMethod) ifNil:[ stamp ] ifNotNil:[ cm timeStamp ] ] ].
     ^ stamp
@@ -468,25 +542,32 @@
     "A ring method isActive when it needs to access the compiledMethod for retrieving its data"
-    ^(self annotationNamed: self class statusKey) 
-        ifNil:[ false ] 
-        ifNotNil:[ :status| status == #active ]
+    | status |
+    ^(status := self annotationNamed: self class statusKey) isNil
+        ifTrue:[ false ] 
+        ifFalse:[ status == #active ]
+    "A ring method can be used to point an old version of the receiver, in this case it will use the sourcePointer to retrieve its information"
+    | status |
-    "A ring method can be used to point an old version of the receiver, in this case it will use the sourcePointer to retrieve its information"
-    ^(self annotationNamed: self class statusKey) 
-        ifNil:[ false ] 
-        ifNotNil:[ :status| status == #historical ]
+    ^(status := self annotationNamed: self class statusKey) isNil
+        ifTrue:[ false ] 
+        ifFalse:[ status == #historical ]
     "A ring method isPassive when it retrieves the data that was assigned in its creation.
     By default is passive"
-    ^(self annotationNamed: self class statusKey) 
-        ifNil:[ true ] 
-        ifNotNil:[ :status| status == #passive ]
+   | status |
+    ^(status := self annotationNamed: self class statusKey) isNil
+        ifTrue:[ false ] 
+        ifFalse:[ status == #passive ]
 ! !
--- a/bc.mak	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
+++ b/bc.mak	Fri Aug 28 14:04:03 2015 +0100
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
 $(OUTDIR)RGMetaclassDefinition.$(O) RGMetaclassDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGClassDescriptionDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)RGMetatraitDefinition.$(O) RGMetatraitDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGTraitDescriptionDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)RGTraitDefinition.$(O) RGTraitDefinition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGBehaviorDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGGlobalDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\ring\RGTraitDescriptionDefinition.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
-$(OUTDIR)extensions.$(O): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\jv\tea\compiler\TClass.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\refactoryBrowser\helpers\RBAbstractClass.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\refactoryBrowser\helpers\RBClass.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Behavior.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Class.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ClassDescription.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\CompiledCode.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ExecutableFunction.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Method.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)extensions.$(O): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\refactoryBrowser\helpers\RBAbstractClass.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\refactoryBrowser\helpers\RBClass.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Behavior.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Class.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ClassDescription.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\CompiledCode.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\ExecutableFunction.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Method.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 # ENDMAKEDEPEND --- do not remove this line
--- a/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 14:04:03 2015 +0100
@@ -256,75 +256,6 @@
 ! !
-!TClass methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
-    "A behavior is converted to a ring class including its variables, methods, direct superclass, direct subclasses and the package in which is loaded.
-    Active methods are generated and each knows its package as well.
-    Note that for its direct superclass and subclasses no full definitions are requested. If you need to traverse hierarchies use #asRingDefinitionWithMethods:withSuperclasses:withSubclasses:withPackages:"
-    | rgClass rgSuper rgSub rgMethod packageKeys |
-    rgClass:= self asRingDefinition.
-    rgClass package: (RGContainer packageOfClass: rgClass).
-    self superclass notNil 
-        ifTrue: [ 
-            rgSuper := self superclass asRingDefinition.
-            rgClass superclass: rgSuper ]
-        ifFalse: [  
-            self isTrait ifTrue: [ 
-                rgSuper := Trait asRingDefinition.
-                rgClass superclass: rgSuper. ]
-            ].
-    self subclasses do:[ :each |
-        rgSub := each asRingDefinition.
-        rgSub superclass: rgClass ].
-    packageKeys := RGContainer packageKeys.
-    self methodsDo:[ :mth|  
-            rgMethod := mth asActiveRingDefinition.
-            rgClass addMethod: rgMethod.
-            rgMethod package: (RGContainer packageOfMethod: rgMethod using: packageKeys) ].
-    self theMetaClass methodsDo:[ :mth|  
-            rgMethod := mth asActiveRingDefinition.
-            rgClass theMetaClass addMethod: rgMethod.
-            rgMethod package: (RGContainer packageOfMethod: rgMethod using: packageKeys) ].
-    ^ rgClass
-! !
-!TClass methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
-    ^self explicitRequirement.
-! !
-!TClass methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
-asRingDefinitionWithMethods: methodsBoolean withSuperclasses: supersBoolean withSubclasses: subsBoolean withPackageKeys: packageKeys in: aRGSlice
-    ^self explicitRequirement.
-! !
-!TClass methodsFor:'*Ring-Core-Kernel'!
-asRingDefinitionWithMethods: methodsBoolean withSuperclasses: supersBoolean withSubclasses: subsBoolean withPackages: packsBoolean
-    "Retrieves a ring class/trait based on the receiver.
-    The data loaded in the class/trait (active methods, superclasses, subclasses and packages) is requested by the users.
-    As it may need to traverse hierarchies for retrieving super and subclasses a ring slice is created as the container for every class, method and package.
-    To retrieve the slice:  aRGClass environment "
-    | rgClass rgSlice  rgPackageKeys |
-    rgSlice := RGSlice named: #fromImage.
-    packsBoolean ifTrue: [ 
-        rgPackageKeys := rgSlice loadPackagesFromImage ].
-    rgClass := self asRingDefinitionWithMethods: methodsBoolean withSuperclasses: supersBoolean withSubclasses: subsBoolean withPackageKeys: rgPackageKeys in: rgSlice.
-    rgSlice cleanEmptyPackages.
-    rgSlice loadTraitUsers.
-    ^ rgClass
-! !
 !stx_goodies_ring class methodsFor:'documentation'!
--- a/	Fri Aug 28 12:21:13 2015 +0100
+++ b/	Fri Aug 28 14:04:03 2015 +0100
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@
      This method is generated automatically,
      by searching along the inheritance chain of all of my classes."
-    ^ #(
-        #'jv:tea/compiler'    "TClass - extended"
+    ^ #(       
         #'stx:goodies/refactoryBrowser/helpers'    "RBAbstractClass - extended"
         #'stx:libbasic'    "Behavior - extended"