Cleanup - removed unable to fix methods from CustomMock
authorJakub Nesveda <>
Thu, 05 Feb 2015 22:50:23 +0100
changeset 816 3925afb63587
parent 815 0ca40b727a4f
child 817 eed90dc5197b
Cleanup - removed unable to fix methods from CustomMock
--- a/	Thu Feb 05 22:42:42 2015 +0100
+++ b/	Thu Feb 05 22:50:23 2015 +0100
@@ -84,14 +84,13 @@
         mockClass := Smalltalk classNamed: mockClassName.
         self createMockMethodWithSingleValue: mockClass.
-        self createMockMethodWithBlockValue: mockClass.
         self createMockMethodWithCompileMethod: mockClass.
     ^ mockClass
     "Created: / 15-06-2014 / 19:15:52 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
-    "Modified: / 24-01-2015 / 19:40:02 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
+    "Modified: / 05-02-2015 / 22:46:05 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
 createMockGetters: aMockClass forSelectors: aSelectors
@@ -124,29 +123,6 @@
     "Modified: / 24-09-2014 / 21:26:12 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
-createMockMethodWithBlockValue: aMockClass
-    "Generates mock method for given mock class 
-    to support custom method implementation by block value"
-    | instVarName classVarName |
-    classVarName := self variableNameForClassMockedSelectors.
-    self
-        createMockMethod: aMockClass theMetaclass
-        methodSource: (self blockValueMethodSource: classVarName)
-        mockedSelectorsVariableName: classVarName.
-    instVarName := self variableNameForInstanceMockedSelectors.
-    self
-        createMockMethod: aMockClass theNonMetaclass
-        methodSource: (self blockValueMethodSource: instVarName)
-        mockedSelectorsVariableName: instVarName.
-    "Created: / 21-09-2014 / 22:51:39 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
 createMockMethodWithCompileMethod: aMockClass
     "Generates mock method for given mock class 
     to support custom method implementation by given method source"
@@ -189,65 +165,6 @@
 !CustomMock methodsFor:'code generation - sources'!
-blockValueMethodSource: aMockedSelectorsVariableName
-    "Returns mock method source code for given variable name
-    which holds mocked selectors and its block values. 
-    These values are so called blocks which contains executable code."
-    ^ 'mockSelector: aSelector withBlockValue: aBlock
-    | valueMethod mockSelector argNumber |
-    self error: ''Do not use this method - makes always test pass!!!!!!''.
-    `mockedSelectorsVariableName isNil ifTrue: [ 
-        `mockedSelectorsVariableName := Dictionary new
-    ].
-    `mockedSelectorsVariableName at: aSelector asSymbol put: aBlock.
-    Transcript showCR: ''SRC: '', aBlock source.
-    valueMethod := ''value''.
-    mockSelector := ''''.
-    argNumber := 0.
-    (aSelector asString subStrings: $:) do: [ :param | 
-        | argName |
-        argName := ''arg'', argNumber asString.
-        (argNumber > 0) ifTrue: [
-            mockSelector := mockSelector, '':'', argName, '' '', param.
-            (argNumber > 1) ifTrue: [
-                valueMethod := valueMethod, '' value:'', argName.
-            ]
-            ifFalse: [ 
-                valueMethod := valueMethod, '':'', argName.
-            ].
-        ]
-        ifFalse: [ 
-            mockSelector := param.
-        ].
-        valueMethod := valueMethod.
-        argNumber := argNumber + 1.
-    ].
-    (CodeGenerator new
-        class: self class;
-        protocol: ''mocks'';
-        source: (''`@selector
-            ^ (`mockedSelectorsVariableName at: `#selector) `@value'');
-        replace: ''`@selector'' with: mockSelector asSymbol;
-        replace: ''`#selector'' with: ($#, aSelector);
-        replace: ''`@value'' with: valueMethod asSymbol;
-        replace: ''`mockedSelectorsVariableName'' with: ''' , aMockedSelectorsVariableName , ''';
-        change) execute.'.
-    "Created: / 10-07-2014 / 22:28:27 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
-    "Modified: / 25-09-2014 / 22:43:27 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
     "Returns mock method source code which will compile method source."
--- a/	Thu Feb 05 22:42:42 2015 +0100
+++ b/	Thu Feb 05 22:50:23 2015 +0100
@@ -72,40 +72,6 @@
     "Created: / 23-09-2014 / 22:53:52 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
-    | class mockClass |
-    self skipIf: true description: 'unable to fix'. 
-    [
-        class := model createClassImmediate: 'TestClassForMockTestCase' superClassName: 'Object'.
-        model createMethodImmediate: (class theMetaclass) protocol: 'p' source: 'aSelector_01: aParam
-        ^ 10'.
-        model createMethodImmediate: class protocol: 'p' source: 'aSelector_01: aParam
-        ^ 15'.
-        self assert: (class aSelector_01: nil) = 10.
-        self assert: (class new aSelector_01: nil) = 15.
-        mockClass := mock mockClassOf: class.
-        mockClass mockSelector: #aSelector_01: withBlockValue: [ :aParam | ^ 20 ].
-        mockClass new mockSelector: #aSelector_01: withBlockValue: [ :aParam | ^ 25 ].
-        self assert: (mockClass aSelector_01: nil) = 20.
-        self assert: (mockClass new aSelector_01: nil) = 25.
-        testCompleted := true.
-    ] ensure: [
-        "Need to test if test is complete, because in this case
-        sometimes happens that the test terminates and is marked as success."
-        self assert: testCompleted
-    ].
-    "Created: / 10-07-2014 / 19:06:47 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
-    "Modified: / 23-09-2014 / 23:21:26 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
     | class mockClass |
@@ -171,41 +137,6 @@
     "Modified (format): / 22-09-2014 / 23:14:13 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
-    | class mockClass |
-    self skipIf: true description: 'unable to fix'. 
-    [
-        class := model createClassImmediate: 'TestClassForMockTestCase' superClassName: 'Object'.
-        model createMethodImmediate: (class theMetaclass) protocol: 'p' source: 'aSelector_01: aParam
-        ^ 10'.
-        model createMethodImmediate: (class theMetaclass) protocol: 'p' source: 'aSelector_02: aParam
-        (self aSelector_01: aParam) = 10 ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
-        ^ false'.
-        self assert: (class aSelector_02: nil).
-        mockClass := mock mockClassOf: class.
-        mockClass mockSelector: #aSelector_01: withBlockValue: [ :aParam | ^ 20 ].
-        self assert: (mockClass aSelector_01: nil) = 20.
-        self assert: (mockClass aSelector_02: nil) not.
-        testCompleted := true.
-    ] ensure: [
-        "Need to test if test is complete, because in this case
-        sometimes happens that the test terminates and is marked as success."
-        self assert: testCompleted
-    ].
-    "Created: / 10-07-2014 / 18:21:33 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
-    "Modified: / 23-09-2014 / 23:21:57 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
     | expectedSource01 actualSource01 expectedSource02 actualSource02 mockClass |
@@ -407,174 +338,6 @@
     "Modified (format): / 22-09-2014 / 23:14:40 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
-    | class mockClassInstance |
-    self skipIf: true description: 'unable to fix'.
-    [
-        class := model createClassImmediate: 'TestClassForMockTestCase' superClassName: 'Object'.
-        model createMethodImmediate: class protocol: 'p' source: 'aSelector_01: aParam
-        ^ 10'.
-        model createMethodImmediate: class protocol: 'p' source: 'aSelector_02: aParam
-        (self aSelector_01: aParam) = 10 ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
-        ^ false'.
-        self assert: (class new aSelector_02: nil).
-        mockClassInstance := mock mockOf: class.
-        mockClassInstance mockSelector: #aSelector_01: withBlockValue: [ :aParam | ^ 20 ].
-        self assert: (mockClassInstance aSelector_01: nil) = 20.
-        self assert: (mockClassInstance aSelector_02: nil) not.
-        testCompleted := true.
-    ] ensure: [ 
-        "Need to test if test is complete, because in this case
-        sometimes happens that the test terminates and is marked as success."
-        self assert: testCompleted
-    ].
-    "Created: / 17-06-2014 / 21:48:00 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
-    "Modified: / 23-09-2014 / 23:22:17 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
-    | class mockClassInstance |
-    self skipIf: true description: 'unable to fix'.
-    [
-        class := model createClassImmediate: 'TestClassForMockTestCase' superClassName: 'Object'.
-        model createMethodImmediate: class protocol: 'p' source: 'aSelector_01
-        ^ 10'.
-        self assert: (class new aSelector_01 = 10).
-        mockClassInstance := mock mockOf: class.
-        mockClassInstance mockSelector: #aSelector_01 withBlockValue: [ ^ 30 ].
-        self assert: (mockClassInstance aSelector_01) = 30.
-        testCompleted := true.
-    ] ensure: [
-        "Need to test if test is complete, because in this case
-        sometimes happens that the test terminates and is marked as success."
-        self assert: testCompleted
-    ].
-    "Created: / 20-06-2014 / 09:02:04 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
-    "Modified: / 23-09-2014 / 23:22:24 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
-    | class mockClassInstance |
-    self skipIf: true description: 'unable to fix'.
-    [
-        class := model createClassImmediate: 'TestClassForMockTestCase' superClassName: 'Object'.
-        model createMethodImmediate: class protocol: 'p' source: 'aSelector_01: aParam
-        ^ 10'.
-        model createMethodImmediate: class protocol: 'p' source: 'aSelector_02: aParam
-        (self aSelector_01: aParam) = 10 ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
-        ^ false'.
-        self assert: (class new aSelector_02: nil).
-        mockClassInstance := mock mockOf: class.
-        mockClassInstance mockSelector: #aSelector_01: withBlockValue: [ :aParam | 
-            aParam = 5 ifTrue: [
-                ^ 10
-            ].
-            ^ 30
-        ].
-        self assert: (mockClassInstance aSelector_01: 5) = 10.
-        self assert: (mockClassInstance aSelector_02: 3) not.
-        testCompleted := true.
-    ] ensure: [ 
-        "Need to test if test is complete, because in this case
-        sometimes happens that the test terminates and is marked as success."
-        self assert: testCompleted
-    ].
-    "Created: / 17-06-2014 / 21:56:37 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
-    "Modified: / 23-09-2014 / 23:22:28 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
-    | class mockClassInstance |
-    self skipIf: true description: 'unable to fix'.
-    [
-        class := model createClassImmediate: 'TestClassForMockTestCase' superClassName: 'Object'.
-        model createMethodImmediate: class protocol: 'p' source: 'aSelector_01: arg_01 param_02: arg_02 param_03: arg_03
-        ^ 10'.
-        self assert: ((class new aSelector_01: 1 param_02: 2 param_03: 3) = 10).
-        mockClassInstance := mock mockOf: class.
-        mockClassInstance mockSelector: #aSelector_01:param_02:param_03: withBlockValue: [ 
-            :arg_01 :arg_02 :arg_03 | 
-            ^ arg_01 + arg_02 + arg_03
-        ].
-        self assert: (mockClassInstance aSelector_01: 3 param_02: 3 param_03: 3) = 9.
-        testCompleted := true.
-    ] ensure: [ 
-        "Need to test if test is complete, because in this case
-        sometimes happens that the test terminates and is marked as success."
-        self assert: testCompleted
-    ].
-    "Created: / 20-06-2014 / 09:22:54 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
-    "Modified: / 23-09-2014 / 23:22:35 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
-    | class mockClassInstance |
-    self skipIf: true description: 'unable to fix'.
-    [
-        class := model createClassImmediate: 'TestClassForMockTestCase' superClassName: 'Object'.
-        model createMethodImmediate: class protocol: 'p' source: 'aSelector_01: arg_01 param_02: arg_02
-        ^ 10'.
-        self assert: ((class new aSelector_01: 1 param_02: 2) = 10).
-        mockClassInstance := mock mockOf: class.
-        mockClassInstance mockSelector: #aSelector_01:param_02: withBlockValue: [ :arg_01 :arg_02 | ^ arg_01 + arg_02 ].
-        self assert: (mockClassInstance aSelector_01: 3 param_02: 3) = 6.
-        testCompleted := true.
-    ] ensure: [ 
-        "Need to test if test is complete, because in this case
-        sometimes happens that the test terminates and is marked as success."
-        self assert: testCompleted
-    ].
-    "Created: / 20-06-2014 / 09:19:53 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
-    "Modified: / 23-09-2014 / 23:22:40 / Jakub Nesveda <>"
     | class mockCount |
--- a/patches/patches.rc	Thu Feb 05 22:42:42 2015 +0100
+++ b/patches/patches.rc	Thu Feb 05 22:50:23 2015 +0100
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
       VALUE "LegalCopyright", "My CopyRight or CopyLeft\0"
       VALUE "ProductName", "LibraryName\0"
       VALUE "ProductVersion", "\0"
-      VALUE "ProductDate", "Thu, 05 Feb 2015 21:41:46 GMT\0"
+      VALUE "ProductDate", "Thu, 05 Feb 2015 21:48:33 GMT\0"
--- a/refactoring_custom.rc	Thu Feb 05 22:42:42 2015 +0100
+++ b/refactoring_custom.rc	Thu Feb 05 22:50:23 2015 +0100
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
       VALUE "LegalCopyright", "My CopyRight or CopyLeft\0"
       VALUE "ProductName", "ProductName\0"
       VALUE "ProductVersion", "\0"
-      VALUE "ProductDate", "Thu, 05 Feb 2015 21:41:44 GMT\0"
+      VALUE "ProductDate", "Thu, 05 Feb 2015 21:48:32 GMT\0"