author Jan Vrany <>
Tue, 04 Jun 2019 12:33:53 +0100
changeset 0 8f9f6be6af89
permissions -rw-r--r--
Initial port from Pharo Based on 305ae856d4b551 from

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/ston' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

Object subclass:#STONWriter
	instanceVariableNames:'writeStream prettyPrint stonCharacters newLine asciiOnly jsonMode
		keepNewLines referencePolicy level objects'
	classVariableNames:'STONCharacters STONSimpleSymbolCharacters'

!STONWriter class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    "return an initialized instance"

    ^ self basicNew initialize.

on: writeStream
	^ self new
		on: writeStream;
! !

!STONWriter class methodsFor:'class initialization'!

	"Modification timestamp 20170131"
	self initializeSTONCharacters.
	self initializeSTONSimpleSymbolCharacters

        | escapes |
        STONCharacters := Array new: 127.
        32 to: 126 do: [ :each | 
                STONCharacters at: each + 1 put: #pass ].
        "This is the minimal STON set of named escapes"
        escapes := #( 8 '\b' 9 '\t' 10 '\n' 12 '\f' 13 '\r' 39 '\''' 92 '\\' ).
        escapes pairWiseDo: [ :code :escape | 
                STONCharacters at: code + 1 put: escape ]

    "Modified: / 04-06-2019 / 10:59:30 / Jan Vrany <>"

	"STONSimpleSymbolCharacters asArray collectWithIndex: [ :each :index |
		each isZero ifTrue: [ (index - 1) asCharacter ] ]."
	STONSimpleSymbolCharacters := ByteArray new: 256 withAll: 1.
	1 to: 256 do: [ :each | | char |
		char := (each - 1) asCharacter.
		(self isSimpleSymbolChar: char)
			ifTrue: [ 
				STONSimpleSymbolCharacters at: each put: 0 ] ]
! !

!STONWriter class methodsFor:'private'!

isSimpleSymbolChar: char
	^ 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_./' includes: char
! !

!STONWriter methodsFor:'accessing'!


	^ jsonMode 
! !

!STONWriter methodsFor:'error handling'!

error: aString
	^ STONWriterError signal: aString
! !

!STONWriter methodsFor:'initialize-release'!

asciiOnly: boolean
	asciiOnly := boolean

	writeStream ifNotNil: [
		writeStream close.
		writeStream := nil ]

escape: char with: anObject
        "Instruct me to escape char with object, either a replacement string or #pass"
        "self escape: $/ with: '\/'."
        self assert: (anObject isString | (anObject == #pass)).
        self assert: char codePoint < 256.
        self writeableStonCharacters at: char codePoint + 1 put: anObject

    "Modified: / 04-06-2019 / 11:12:24 / Jan Vrany <>"

        super initialize.
        stonCharacters := STONCharacters.
        prettyPrint := false.
        newLine := Character cr asString.
        level := 0.
        referencePolicy := #normal.
        jsonMode := keepNewLines := asciiOnly := false.
        objects := IdentityDictionary new

    "Modified: / 04-06-2019 / 10:58:29 / Jan Vrany <>"

jsonMode: boolean
	(jsonMode := boolean)
		ifTrue: [ 
				escape: $' with: #pass;
				escape: $" with: '\"' ]
		ifFalse: [ 
				escape: $" with: #pass;
				escape: $' with: '\''' ]

keepNewLines: boolean
	"If true, any newline CR, LF or CRLF inside strings or symbols will not be escaped
	but will instead be converted to the newline convention chosen, see #newLine:
	The default is false, where CR, LF or CRLF will be enscaped unchanged."
	keepNewLines := boolean

newLine: string
	"The sequence to use when ending a line, either CR, LF or CRLF"
	newLine := string

on: aWriteStream
	writeStream := aWriteStream

	self class environment
		at: #FLLargeIdentityDictionary
		ifPresent: [ :identityDictionaryClass | objects := identityDictionaryClass new ].

prettyPrint: boolean
	prettyPrint := boolean

referencePolicy: policy
	self assert: ( #(#normal #ignore #error) includes: policy ).
	referencePolicy := policy

	objects removeAll
! !

!STONWriter methodsFor:'private'!

encodeCharacter: char
	| code encoding |
	"STONCharacters contains for the lower 127 characters (codes 0 to 126) either nil (unknown), 
	#pass (output as is, clean ASCII characters) or a full escape string"
	((code := char codePoint) < 127 and: [ (encoding := self stonCharacters at: code + 1) notNil ])
		ifTrue: [ 
			(encoding = #pass or: [ jsonMode and: [ char = $' ] ])
				ifTrue: [ writeStream nextPut: char ]
				ifFalse: [ writeStream nextPutAll: encoding ] ]
		ifFalse: [
			"always escape Latin1 C1 controls, or when asciiOnly is true" 
			(code > 16r9F and: [ asciiOnly not ])
				ifTrue: [ writeStream nextPut: char ]
				ifFalse: [ self escapeUnicode: code ] ]

encodeKey: key value: value
	(jsonMode and: [ key isString not ])
		ifTrue: [ self error: 'JSON key names in objects must be strings' ].
	self nextPut: key.
	self prettyPrintSpace.
	writeStream nextPut: $:.
	self prettyPrintSpace.
	self nextPut: value

encodeString: string
	writeStream nextPut: (jsonMode ifTrue: [ $" ] ifFalse: [ $' ]).
		ifTrue: [ 
			self encodeStringKeepingNewLines: string ]
		ifFalse: [ 
			string do: [ :each | self encodeCharacter: each ] ].
	writeStream nextPut: (jsonMode ifTrue: [ $" ] ifFalse: [ $' ])

encodeStringKeepingNewLines: string
	| input char |
	input := string readStream.
	[ input atEnd ]
		whileFalse: [ 
			char := input next.
			char = Character lf
				ifTrue: [ writeStream nextPutAll: newLine ]
				ifFalse: [ 
					char = Character cr
						ifTrue: [ 
							input peekFor: Character lf.
							writeStream nextPutAll: newLine ]
						ifFalse: [ self encodeCharacter: char ] ] ]

escapeUnicode4: codePoint
	writeStream nextPutAll: '\u'.
	codePoint printOn: writeStream base: 16 nDigits: 4

escapeUnicode: codePoint
	codePoint <= 16rFFFF
		ifTrue: [ self escapeUnicode4: codePoint ]
		ifFalse: [ 
			codePoint <= 16r10FFFF
				ifTrue: [ | leadSurrogate trailSurrogate shifted |
					"Characters not in the Basic Multilingual Plane are encoded as a UTF-16 surrogate pair"
					shifted := codePoint - 16r10000.
					leadSurrogate := 16rD800 + (shifted // 16r400).
					trailSurrogate := 16rDC00 + (shifted \\ 16r400).
					self escapeUnicode4: leadSurrogate.
					self escapeUnicode4: trailSurrogate ]
				ifFalse: [ self error: 'Character Unicode code point outside encoder range' ] ]

indentedDo: block
	level := level + 1.
	block value.
	level := level - 1

isSimpleSymbol: symbol
	symbol isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
	^ (symbol class 
		findFirstInString: symbol 
		inSet: STONSimpleSymbolCharacters 
		startingAt: 1) = 0

	writeStream nextPut: $,.
	self newlineIndent

	writeStream nextPut: $,.
	self newlineIndent

	prettyPrint ifTrue: [ 
		writeStream nextPutAll: newLine.
		level timesRepeat: [ writeStream tab ] ]

	prettyPrint ifTrue: [ writeStream space ]

	writeStream nextPut: $,.
	self prettyPrintSpace

	^ stonCharacters ifNil: [ stonCharacters := STONCharacters ]

with: object do: block
	| index |
	referencePolicy = #ignore 
		ifTrue: [ ^ block value ].
	(index := objects at: object ifAbsent: [ nil ]) notNil
		ifTrue: [
			referencePolicy = #error
				ifTrue: [ ^ self error: 'shared reference detected' ].
			self writeReference: index ]
		ifFalse: [
			index := objects size + 1.
			objects at: object put: index.
			block value ]

	^ self stonCharacters == STONCharacters
		ifTrue: [ stonCharacters := stonCharacters copy ]
		ifFalse: [ stonCharacters ]
! !

!STONWriter methodsFor:'public'!

nextPut: anObject
	anObject stonOn: self
! !

!STONWriter methodsFor:'writing'!

encodeList: elements
	writeStream nextPut: $[.
	elements isEmpty
		ifTrue: [
			self prettyPrintSpace ]
		ifFalse: [
			self indentedDo: [
				self newlineIndent.
					do: [ :each | self nextPut: each ]
					separatedBy: [ self listElementSeparator ] ].
			self newlineIndent ].
	writeStream nextPut: $]

encodeMap: pairs
	| first |
	first := true.
	writeStream nextPut: ${.
	pairs isEmpty
		ifTrue: [
			self prettyPrintSpace ]
		ifFalse: [
			self indentedDo: [
				self newlineIndent.
				pairs keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
						ifTrue: [ first := false ] 
						ifFalse: [ self mapElementSeparator ].
					self encodeKey: key value: value ] ].
			self newlineIndent ].
	writeStream nextPut: $}

writeAssociation: association
		ifTrue: [ self error: 'wrong object class for JSON mode' ].
		encodeKey: association key 
		value: association value

writeBoolean: boolean
	writeStream print: boolean

writeFloat: float
	writeStream print: float

writeFraction: fraction
		ifTrue: [ self writeFloat: fraction asFloat ]
		ifFalse: [ writeStream
				print: fraction numerator;
				nextPut: $/;
				print: fraction denominator ]

writeInteger: integer
	writeStream print: integer

writeList: collection
	self with: collection do: [ 
		self encodeList: collection ]

writeMap: hashedCollection
	self with: hashedCollection do: [ 
		self encodeMap: hashedCollection ]

		ifTrue: [ writeStream nextPutAll: 'null' ]
		ifFalse: [ writeStream print: nil ]

writeObject: anObject
	| instanceVariableNames |
	(instanceVariableNames := anObject class stonAllInstVarNames) isEmpty
		ifTrue: [ 
			self writeObject: anObject do: [ self encodeMap: #() ] ]
		ifFalse: [ 
			self writeObject: anObject streamMap: [ :dictionary | 
				instanceVariableNames do: [ :each | 
					| value |

					(value := anObject instVarNamed: each) notNil
						ifTrue: [
							dictionary at: each asSymbol put: value ]
						ifFalse: [ 
							anObject stonShouldWriteNilInstVars 
								ifTrue: [ dictionary at: each asSymbol put: nil ] ] ] ] ]

writeObject: anObject do: block
        (jsonMode and: [ anObject class ~= STON listClass and: [ anObject class ~= STON mapClass and: [anObject class ~= ImmutableArray ] ] ])
                ifTrue: [ self error: 'wrong object class for JSON mode' ].
        self with: anObject do: [
                writeStream nextPutAll: anObject class stonName.
                self prettyPrintSpace.
                block value ]

    "Modified: / 20-05-2020 / 11:07:28 / Jan Vrany <>"

writeObject: object listSingleton: element
	self writeObject: object do: [
		writeStream nextPut: $[.
			nextPut: element;
		writeStream nextPut: $] ]

writeObject: anObject named: stonName do: block
	(jsonMode and: [ anObject class ~= STON listClass and: [ anObject class ~= STON mapClass ] ])
		ifTrue: [ self error: 'wrong object class for JSON mode' ].
	self with: anObject do: [
		writeStream nextPutAll: stonName.
		self prettyPrintSpace.
		block value ]

writeObject: object named: stonName listSingleton: element
	self writeObject: object named: stonName do: [
		writeStream nextPut: $[.
			nextPut: element;
		writeStream nextPut: $] ]

writeObject: object streamList: block
	self writeObject: object do: [ | listWriter |
		listWriter := STONListWriter on: self.
		writeStream nextPut: $[.
		self indentedDo: [
			self newlineIndent.
			block value: listWriter ].
		self newlineIndent.
		writeStream nextPut: $] ]

writeObject: object streamMap: block
	self writeObject: object do: [ | mapWriter |
		mapWriter := STONMapWriter on: self.
		writeStream nextPut: ${.
		self indentedDo: [
			self newlineIndent.
			block value: mapWriter ].
		self newlineIndent.
		writeStream nextPut: $} ]

writeObject: object streamShortList: block
	self writeObject: object do: [ | listWriter |
		listWriter := STONShortListWriter on: self.
		writeStream nextPut: $[.
		self indentedDo: [
			self prettyPrintSpace.
			block value: listWriter ].
		self prettyPrintSpace.
		writeStream nextPut: $] ]

writeReference: index
		nextPut: $@;
		print: index

writeScaledDecimal: scaledDecimal
		ifTrue: [ self writeFloat: scaledDecimal asFloat ]
		ifFalse: [ writeStream
				print: scaledDecimal numerator;
				nextPut: $/;
				print: scaledDecimal denominator;
				nextPut: $s;
				print: scaledDecimal scale ]

writeString: string
	self encodeString: string

writeSymbol: symbol
		ifTrue: [
			self writeString: symbol ]
		ifFalse: [
			writeStream nextPut: $#.
			(self isSimpleSymbol: symbol)
				ifTrue: [
					writeStream nextPutAll: symbol ]
				ifFalse: [
					self encodeString: symbol ] ]
! !

!STONWriter class methodsFor:'documentation'!


    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
! !

STONWriter initialize!