restart of restartableProcesses must be done after
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Sun, 07 Jun 1998 02:08:56 +0200
changeset 3522 291ec553ac33
parent 3521 4d83701cfc28
child 3523 a17c19727c11
restart of restartableProcesses must be done after reinitialization of the event dispatcher.
--- a/	Sat Jun 06 20:38:24 1998 +0200
+++ b/	Sun Jun 07 02:08:56 1998 +0200
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 		idleActions anyTimeouts dispatching interruptedProcess
 		useIOInterrupts gotIOInterrupt osChildExitActions
 		gotChildSignalInterrupt exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses
-		suspendScheduler timeSliceProcess'
+		suspendScheduler timeSliceProcess processesToRestart'
 	classVariableNames:'KnownProcesses KnownProcessIds PureEventDriven
 		UserSchedulingPriority UserInterruptPriority TimingPriority
 		HighestPriority SchedulingPriority MaxNumberOfProcesses
@@ -747,6 +747,136 @@
     exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses := aBoolean
 ! !
+!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'initializing'!
+    "initialize the one-and-only ProcessorScheduler"
+    |nPrios "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     p l|
+    KnownProcesses isNil ifTrue:[
+	KnownProcesses := WeakArray new:30.
+	KnownProcesses addDependent:self class.
+	KnownProcessIds := OrderedCollection new.
+    ].
+    "
+     create a collection with process lists; accessed using the priority as key
+    "
+    nPrios := SchedulingPriority.
+    quiescentProcessLists := Array new:nPrios.
+"/    1 to:nPrios do:[:pri |
+"/        quiescentProcessLists at:pri put:(LinkedList new)
+"/    ].
+    readFdArray := Array with:nil.
+    readCheckArray := Array with:nil.
+    readSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
+    writeFdArray := Array with:nil.
+    writeSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
+    timeoutArray := Array with:nil.
+    timeoutSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
+    timeoutActionArray := Array with:nil.
+    timeoutProcessArray := Array with:nil.
+    anyTimeouts := false.
+    dispatching := false.
+    exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses := false. "/ mhmh - how about true ?
+    useIOInterrupts := OperatingSystem supportsIOInterrupts.
+    gotIOInterrupt := false.
+    osChildExitActions := Dictionary new.
+    gotChildSignalInterrupt := false.
+    "
+     handcraft the first (dispatcher-) process - this one will never
+     block, but go into a select if there is nothing to do.
+     Also, it has a prio of max+1 - thus, it comes first when looking
+     for a runnable process.
+    "
+    currentPriority := SchedulingPriority.
+    p := Process basicNew.
+    p setId:0 state:#run.
+    p setPriority:currentPriority.
+    p name:'scheduler'.
+    scheduler := activeProcess := p.
+    activeProcessId := 0.
+    quiescentProcessLists at:currentPriority put:(l := LinkedList new).
+    l add:p.
+    "
+     let me handle IO and timer interrupts
+    "
+    ObjectMemory ioInterruptHandler:self.
+    ObjectMemory timerInterruptHandler:self.
+    ObjectMemory childSignalInterruptHandler:self.
+    "Modified: 29.7.1996 / 12:10:59 / cg"
+    "Modified: 7.1.1997 / 16:48:26 / stefan"
+    "all previous processes (except those marked as restartable) are made dead 
+     - each object should reinstall its process(s) upon restart;
+     especially, windowgroups have to.
+     In contrast to ST-80, restartable processes are restarted at the beginning
+     NOT continued where left. This is a consequence of the portable implementation
+     of ST/X, since in order to continue a process, we needed to know the
+     internals of the machines (and C-compilers) stack layout.
+     This was not done, favouring portability for process continuation.
+     In praxis, this is not much of a problem, since in almost every case,
+     the computation state can be saved in some object, and processing be 
+     restarted from scratch, reinitializing things from this saved state."
+    "
+     lay all processes to rest, collect restartable ones
+    "
+    processesToRestart := OrderedCollection new.
+    KnownProcesses do:[:p |
+        (p notNil and:[p ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
+            "how, exactly should this be done ?"
+            p isRestartable == true ifTrue:[
+                p nextLink:nil.
+                processesToRestart add:p
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                p setId:nil state:#dead
+            ]
+        ].
+    ].
+    scheduler setId:nil state:#dead. 
+    "
+     now, start from scratch
+    "
+    KnownProcesses := nil.
+    self initialize.
+    "Modified: / 7.6.1998 / 02:05:47 / cg"
+    "restart those that can be.
+     This must be done as a second step, to make certain that all
+     of the GUI classes are intitialized first (and, especially the
+     event dispatching mechanism is running)"
+    |procs|
+    procs := processesToRestart.
+    procs notNil ifTrue:[
+        processesToRestart := nil.
+        procs do:[:p |
+            p imageRestart
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Created: / 7.6.1998 / 02:06:52 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 7.6.1998 / 02:07:59 / cg"
+! !
 !ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'os process handling'!
@@ -1142,124 +1272,6 @@
     wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
 ! !
-!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'private initializing'!
-    "initialize the one-and-only ProcessorScheduler"
-    |nPrios "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     p l|
-    KnownProcesses isNil ifTrue:[
-	KnownProcesses := WeakArray new:30.
-	KnownProcesses addDependent:self class.
-	KnownProcessIds := OrderedCollection new.
-    ].
-    "
-     create a collection with process lists; accessed using the priority as key
-    "
-    nPrios := SchedulingPriority.
-    quiescentProcessLists := Array new:nPrios.
-"/    1 to:nPrios do:[:pri |
-"/        quiescentProcessLists at:pri put:(LinkedList new)
-"/    ].
-    readFdArray := Array with:nil.
-    readCheckArray := Array with:nil.
-    readSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
-    writeFdArray := Array with:nil.
-    writeSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
-    timeoutArray := Array with:nil.
-    timeoutSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
-    timeoutActionArray := Array with:nil.
-    timeoutProcessArray := Array with:nil.
-    anyTimeouts := false.
-    dispatching := false.
-    exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses := false. "/ mhmh - how about true ?
-    useIOInterrupts := OperatingSystem supportsIOInterrupts.
-    gotIOInterrupt := false.
-    osChildExitActions := Dictionary new.
-    gotChildSignalInterrupt := false.
-    "
-     handcraft the first (dispatcher-) process - this one will never
-     block, but go into a select if there is nothing to do.
-     Also, it has a prio of max+1 - thus, it comes first when looking
-     for a runnable process.
-    "
-    currentPriority := SchedulingPriority.
-    p := Process basicNew.
-    p setId:0 state:#run.
-    p setPriority:currentPriority.
-    p name:'scheduler'.
-    scheduler := activeProcess := p.
-    activeProcessId := 0.
-    quiescentProcessLists at:currentPriority put:(l := LinkedList new).
-    l add:p.
-    "
-     let me handle IO and timer interrupts
-    "
-    ObjectMemory ioInterruptHandler:self.
-    ObjectMemory timerInterruptHandler:self.
-    ObjectMemory childSignalInterruptHandler:self.
-    "Modified: 29.7.1996 / 12:10:59 / cg"
-    "Modified: 7.1.1997 / 16:48:26 / stefan"
-    "all previous processes (except those marked as restartable) are made dead 
-     - each object should reinstall its process(s) upon restart;
-     especially, windowgroups have to.
-     In contrast to ST-80, restartable processes are restarted at the beginning
-     NOT continued where left. This is a consequence of the portable implementation
-     of ST/X, since in order to continue a process, we needed to know the
-     internals of the machines (and C-compilers) stack layout.
-     This was not done, favouring portability for process continuation.
-     In praxis, this is not much of a problem, since in almost every case,
-     the computation state can be saved in some object, and processing be 
-     restarted from scratch, reinitializing things from this saved state."
-    |processesToRestart|
-    "
-     lay all processes to rest, collect restartable ones
-    "
-    processesToRestart := OrderedCollection new.
-    KnownProcesses do:[:p |
-	(p notNil and:[p ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
-	    "how, exactly should this be done ?"
-	    p isRestartable == true ifTrue:[
-		p nextLink:nil.
-		processesToRestart add:p
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		p setId:nil state:#dead
-	    ]
-	].
-    ].
-    scheduler setId:nil state:#dead. 
-    "
-     now, start from scratch
-    "
-    KnownProcesses := nil.
-    self initialize.
-    "
-     ... and restart those that can be.
-    "
-    processesToRestart do:[:p |
-	p imageRestart
-    ]
-    "Modified: 28.10.1996 / 20:45:54 / cg"
-! !
 !ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'process creation'!
@@ -2678,6 +2690,6 @@
 !ProcessorScheduler class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/Attic/,v 1.147 1998-03-04 19:07:14 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/Attic/,v 1.148 1998-06-07 00:08:56 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 ProcessorScheduler initialize!
--- a/	Sat Jun 06 20:38:24 1998 +0200
+++ b/	Sun Jun 07 02:08:56 1998 +0200
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 		idleActions anyTimeouts dispatching interruptedProcess
 		useIOInterrupts gotIOInterrupt osChildExitActions
 		gotChildSignalInterrupt exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses
-		suspendScheduler timeSliceProcess'
+		suspendScheduler timeSliceProcess processesToRestart'
 	classVariableNames:'KnownProcesses KnownProcessIds PureEventDriven
 		UserSchedulingPriority UserInterruptPriority TimingPriority
 		HighestPriority SchedulingPriority MaxNumberOfProcesses
@@ -747,6 +747,136 @@
     exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses := aBoolean
 ! !
+!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'initializing'!
+    "initialize the one-and-only ProcessorScheduler"
+    |nPrios "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     p l|
+    KnownProcesses isNil ifTrue:[
+	KnownProcesses := WeakArray new:30.
+	KnownProcesses addDependent:self class.
+	KnownProcessIds := OrderedCollection new.
+    ].
+    "
+     create a collection with process lists; accessed using the priority as key
+    "
+    nPrios := SchedulingPriority.
+    quiescentProcessLists := Array new:nPrios.
+"/    1 to:nPrios do:[:pri |
+"/        quiescentProcessLists at:pri put:(LinkedList new)
+"/    ].
+    readFdArray := Array with:nil.
+    readCheckArray := Array with:nil.
+    readSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
+    writeFdArray := Array with:nil.
+    writeSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
+    timeoutArray := Array with:nil.
+    timeoutSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
+    timeoutActionArray := Array with:nil.
+    timeoutProcessArray := Array with:nil.
+    anyTimeouts := false.
+    dispatching := false.
+    exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses := false. "/ mhmh - how about true ?
+    useIOInterrupts := OperatingSystem supportsIOInterrupts.
+    gotIOInterrupt := false.
+    osChildExitActions := Dictionary new.
+    gotChildSignalInterrupt := false.
+    "
+     handcraft the first (dispatcher-) process - this one will never
+     block, but go into a select if there is nothing to do.
+     Also, it has a prio of max+1 - thus, it comes first when looking
+     for a runnable process.
+    "
+    currentPriority := SchedulingPriority.
+    p := Process basicNew.
+    p setId:0 state:#run.
+    p setPriority:currentPriority.
+    p name:'scheduler'.
+    scheduler := activeProcess := p.
+    activeProcessId := 0.
+    quiescentProcessLists at:currentPriority put:(l := LinkedList new).
+    l add:p.
+    "
+     let me handle IO and timer interrupts
+    "
+    ObjectMemory ioInterruptHandler:self.
+    ObjectMemory timerInterruptHandler:self.
+    ObjectMemory childSignalInterruptHandler:self.
+    "Modified: 29.7.1996 / 12:10:59 / cg"
+    "Modified: 7.1.1997 / 16:48:26 / stefan"
+    "all previous processes (except those marked as restartable) are made dead 
+     - each object should reinstall its process(s) upon restart;
+     especially, windowgroups have to.
+     In contrast to ST-80, restartable processes are restarted at the beginning
+     NOT continued where left. This is a consequence of the portable implementation
+     of ST/X, since in order to continue a process, we needed to know the
+     internals of the machines (and C-compilers) stack layout.
+     This was not done, favouring portability for process continuation.
+     In praxis, this is not much of a problem, since in almost every case,
+     the computation state can be saved in some object, and processing be 
+     restarted from scratch, reinitializing things from this saved state."
+    "
+     lay all processes to rest, collect restartable ones
+    "
+    processesToRestart := OrderedCollection new.
+    KnownProcesses do:[:p |
+        (p notNil and:[p ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
+            "how, exactly should this be done ?"
+            p isRestartable == true ifTrue:[
+                p nextLink:nil.
+                processesToRestart add:p
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                p setId:nil state:#dead
+            ]
+        ].
+    ].
+    scheduler setId:nil state:#dead. 
+    "
+     now, start from scratch
+    "
+    KnownProcesses := nil.
+    self initialize.
+    "Modified: / 7.6.1998 / 02:05:47 / cg"
+    "restart those that can be.
+     This must be done as a second step, to make certain that all
+     of the GUI classes are intitialized first (and, especially the
+     event dispatching mechanism is running)"
+    |procs|
+    procs := processesToRestart.
+    procs notNil ifTrue:[
+        processesToRestart := nil.
+        procs do:[:p |
+            p imageRestart
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Created: / 7.6.1998 / 02:06:52 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 7.6.1998 / 02:07:59 / cg"
+! !
 !ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'os process handling'!
@@ -1142,124 +1272,6 @@
     wasBlocked ifFalse:[OperatingSystem unblockInterrupts].
 ! !
-!ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'private initializing'!
-    "initialize the one-and-only ProcessorScheduler"
-    |nPrios "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     p l|
-    KnownProcesses isNil ifTrue:[
-	KnownProcesses := WeakArray new:30.
-	KnownProcesses addDependent:self class.
-	KnownProcessIds := OrderedCollection new.
-    ].
-    "
-     create a collection with process lists; accessed using the priority as key
-    "
-    nPrios := SchedulingPriority.
-    quiescentProcessLists := Array new:nPrios.
-"/    1 to:nPrios do:[:pri |
-"/        quiescentProcessLists at:pri put:(LinkedList new)
-"/    ].
-    readFdArray := Array with:nil.
-    readCheckArray := Array with:nil.
-    readSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
-    writeFdArray := Array with:nil.
-    writeSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
-    timeoutArray := Array with:nil.
-    timeoutSemaphoreArray := Array with:nil.
-    timeoutActionArray := Array with:nil.
-    timeoutProcessArray := Array with:nil.
-    anyTimeouts := false.
-    dispatching := false.
-    exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses := false. "/ mhmh - how about true ?
-    useIOInterrupts := OperatingSystem supportsIOInterrupts.
-    gotIOInterrupt := false.
-    osChildExitActions := Dictionary new.
-    gotChildSignalInterrupt := false.
-    "
-     handcraft the first (dispatcher-) process - this one will never
-     block, but go into a select if there is nothing to do.
-     Also, it has a prio of max+1 - thus, it comes first when looking
-     for a runnable process.
-    "
-    currentPriority := SchedulingPriority.
-    p := Process basicNew.
-    p setId:0 state:#run.
-    p setPriority:currentPriority.
-    p name:'scheduler'.
-    scheduler := activeProcess := p.
-    activeProcessId := 0.
-    quiescentProcessLists at:currentPriority put:(l := LinkedList new).
-    l add:p.
-    "
-     let me handle IO and timer interrupts
-    "
-    ObjectMemory ioInterruptHandler:self.
-    ObjectMemory timerInterruptHandler:self.
-    ObjectMemory childSignalInterruptHandler:self.
-    "Modified: 29.7.1996 / 12:10:59 / cg"
-    "Modified: 7.1.1997 / 16:48:26 / stefan"
-    "all previous processes (except those marked as restartable) are made dead 
-     - each object should reinstall its process(s) upon restart;
-     especially, windowgroups have to.
-     In contrast to ST-80, restartable processes are restarted at the beginning
-     NOT continued where left. This is a consequence of the portable implementation
-     of ST/X, since in order to continue a process, we needed to know the
-     internals of the machines (and C-compilers) stack layout.
-     This was not done, favouring portability for process continuation.
-     In praxis, this is not much of a problem, since in almost every case,
-     the computation state can be saved in some object, and processing be 
-     restarted from scratch, reinitializing things from this saved state."
-    |processesToRestart|
-    "
-     lay all processes to rest, collect restartable ones
-    "
-    processesToRestart := OrderedCollection new.
-    KnownProcesses do:[:p |
-	(p notNil and:[p ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
-	    "how, exactly should this be done ?"
-	    p isRestartable == true ifTrue:[
-		p nextLink:nil.
-		processesToRestart add:p
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		p setId:nil state:#dead
-	    ]
-	].
-    ].
-    scheduler setId:nil state:#dead. 
-    "
-     now, start from scratch
-    "
-    KnownProcesses := nil.
-    self initialize.
-    "
-     ... and restart those that can be.
-    "
-    processesToRestart do:[:p |
-	p imageRestart
-    ]
-    "Modified: 28.10.1996 / 20:45:54 / cg"
-! !
 !ProcessorScheduler methodsFor:'process creation'!
@@ -2678,6 +2690,6 @@
 !ProcessorScheduler class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.147 1998-03-04 19:07:14 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.148 1998-06-07 00:08:56 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 ProcessorScheduler initialize!