category changes
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Sat, 03 Oct 2009 12:13:35 +0200
changeset 12111 4b1ac266f7aa
parent 12110 63591756029c
child 12112 949f9713c4a5
category changes
--- a/	Fri Oct 02 17:23:39 2009 +0200
+++ b/	Sat Oct 03 12:13:35 2009 +0200
@@ -3568,6 +3568,434 @@
 ! !
+!CharacterArray methodsFor:'matching - glob expressions'!
+    "like match, but the receiver may be a compound match pattern,
+     consisting of multiple simple patterns, separated by semicolons.
+     This is usable with fileName pattern fields.
+     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching (glob),
+             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
+     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
+     NOTICE: the receiver is the match pattern"
+    ^self compoundMatch:aString ignoreCase:false
+    "
+     'f*' match:'foo'
+     'b*' match:'foo'
+     'f*;b*' match:'foo'
+     'f*;b*' match:'bar'
+     'f*;b*' compoundMatch:'foo'
+     'f*;b*' compoundMatch:'bar'
+    "
+    "Modified: / 30.1.1998 / 11:40:18 / stefan"
+    "Modified: / 16.12.1999 / 01:22:08 / cg"
+compoundMatch:aString ignoreCase:ignoreCase
+    "like match, but the receiver may be a compound match pattern,
+     consisting of multiple simple patterns, separated by semicolons.
+     This is usable with fileName pattern fields.
+     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching (glob),
+             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
+     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
+     NOTICE: the receiver is the match pattern"
+    |matchers|
+    matchers := self asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$;.
+    ^ matchers contains:[:aPattern |
+        aPattern match:aString ignoreCase:ignoreCase escapeCharacter:nil
+      ].
+"/    matchers do:[:aPattern |
+"/        (aPattern match:aString ignoreCase:ignoreCase) ifTrue:[^ true].
+"/    ].
+"/    ^ false.
+    "
+     'f*' match:'foo'
+     'b*' match:'foo'
+     'f*;b*' match:'foo'
+     'f*;b*' match:'bar'
+     'f*;b*' compoundMatch:'foo'
+     'f*;b*' compoundMatch:'bar'
+     'f*;b*' compoundMatch:'Foo' ignoreCase:true
+     'f*;b*' compoundMatch:'Bar' ignoreCase:true
+     'f*;b*' compoundMatch:'ccc' ignoreCase:true
+    "
+    "Modified: / 15.4.1997 / 15:50:33 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30.1.1998 / 11:40:18 / stefan"
+    "Created: / 16.12.1999 / 01:21:35 / cg"
+    "like findString/indexOfSubCollection, but allowing match patterns.
+     find matchstring; if found, return the index;
+     if not found, return 0.
+     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching,
+             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
+     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
+     NOTICE: the argument is the match pattern"
+    ^ self findMatchString:matchString startingAt:1 ignoreCase:false ifAbsent:0
+findMatchString:matchString startingAt:index
+    "like findString, but allowing match patterns.
+     find matchstring, starting at index. if found, return the index;
+     if not found, return 0.
+     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching (glob),
+             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
+     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
+     NOTICE: the argument is the match pattern"
+    ^ self findMatchString:matchString startingAt:index ignoreCase:false ifAbsent:0
+findMatchString:matchString startingAt:index ignoreCase:ignoreCase ifAbsent:exceptionBlock
+    "like findString, but allowing match patterns.
+     find matchstring, starting at index. if found, return the index;
+     if not found, return the result of evaluating exceptionBlock.
+     This is a q&d hack - not very efficient.
+     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching (glob),
+             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
+     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
+     NOTICE: the argument is the match pattern"
+    |firstChar firstSet
+     startIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     matchSize  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     mySize     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     realMatchString lcChar ucChar|
+    matchSize := matchString size.
+    matchSize == 0 ifTrue:[^ index]. "empty string matches"
+    realMatchString := matchString.
+    (realMatchString endsWith:$*) ifFalse:[
+        realMatchString := realMatchString , '*'.
+        matchSize := matchSize + 1
+    ].
+    mySize := self size.
+    firstChar := realMatchString at:1.
+    firstChar == self class matchEscapeCharacter ifTrue:[
+        firstChar := realMatchString at:2.
+    ].
+    firstChar asString includesMatchCharacters ifTrue:[
+        index to:mySize do:[:col |
+            (realMatchString match:self from:col to:mySize ignoreCase:ignoreCase)
+            ifTrue:[^ col]
+        ].
+        ^ exceptionBlock value.
+    ].
+    lcChar := firstChar asLowercase.
+    ucChar := firstChar asUppercase.
+    (ignoreCase and:[ lcChar ~= ucChar]) ifTrue:[
+        firstSet := Array with:ucChar with:lcChar.
+        startIndex := self indexOfAny:firstSet startingAt:index.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        startIndex := self indexOf:firstChar startingAt:index.
+    ].
+    [startIndex == 0] whileFalse:[
+        (realMatchString match:self from:startIndex to:mySize ignoreCase:ignoreCase)
+        ifTrue:[^ startIndex].
+        firstSet notNil ifTrue:[
+            startIndex := self indexOfAny:firstSet startingAt:(startIndex + 1).
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            startIndex := self indexOf:firstChar startingAt:(startIndex + 1).
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ exceptionBlock value
+    "
+     'one two three four' findMatchString:'o[nu]'
+     'one two three four' findMatchString:'o[nu]' startingAt:3
+     'one two three four one' findMatchString:'ONE' startingAt:3 ignoreCase:true ifAbsent:0
+    "
+    "Modified: 13.9.1997 / 06:31:22 / cg"
+    "like includesString, but allowing match patterns.
+     find matchstring; if found, return true, otherwise return false.
+     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching (glob),
+             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
+     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
+     NOTICE: the argument is the match pattern"
+    ^ (self findMatchString:matchString) ~~ 0
+    "
+     'hello world' includesMatchString:'h*'
+     'hello world' includesMatchString:'h[aeiou]llo'
+     'hello world' includesMatchString:'wor*'
+     'hello world' includesMatchString:'woR*'
+    "
+includesMatchString:matchString caseSensitive:caseSensitive
+    "like includesString, but allowing match patterns.
+     find matchstring; if found, return true, otherwise return false.
+     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching (glob),
+             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
+     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
+     NOTICE: the argument is the match pattern"
+    ^ (self findMatchString:matchString startingAt:1 ignoreCase:caseSensitive not ifAbsent:0) ~~ 0
+    "
+     'hello world' includesMatchString:'h*' caseSensitive:true
+     'hello world' includesMatchString:'h*' caseSensitive:false
+     'Hello world' includesMatchString:'h*' caseSensitive:true
+     'Hello world' includesMatchString:'h*' caseSensitive:false
+     'hello world' includesMatchString:'h[aeiou]llo' caseSensitive:true
+     'hello world' includesMatchString:'h[aeiou]llo' caseSensitive:false
+     'hello world' includesMatchString:'wor*' caseSensitive:true
+     'hello world' includesMatchString:'wor*' caseSensitive:false
+     'hello world' includesMatchString:'woR*' caseSensitive:true
+     'hello world' includesMatchString:'woR*' caseSensitive:false
+    "
+    "return true if aString matches self, where self may contain meta-match
+     characters $* (to match any string) or $# (to match any character).
+     or [...] to match a set of characters.
+     Lower/uppercase are considered different.
+     The escape character is the backQuote.
+     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching (glob),
+             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
+     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
+     NOTICE: the receiver is the match pattern"
+    ^ self match:aString from:1 to:aString size ignoreCase:false
+    "
+     '\*f*' match:'f'
+     '\*f*' match:'*f'
+     '*\*f*' match:'*f'
+     '*f*' match:'*f'
+     '*ute*' match:'computer'
+     '*uter' match:'computer'
+     'uter*' match:'computer'
+     '*ute*' match:''
+     '[abcd]*' match:'computer'
+     '[abcd]*' match:'komputer'
+     '*some*compl*ern*' match:'this is some more complicated pattern match'
+     '*some*compl*ern*' match:'this is another complicated pattern match'
+     '*-hh' match:'anton-h'
+    "
+    "Modified: / 9.6.1998 / 18:50:00 / cg"
+match:aString escapeCharacter:escape
+    "return true if aString matches self, where self may contain meta-match
+     characters $* (to match any string) or $# (to match any character).
+     or [...] to match a set of characters.
+     Lower/uppercase are considered different.
+     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching (glob),
+             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
+     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
+     NOTICE: the receiver is the match pattern"
+    ^ self match:aString from:1 to:aString size ignoreCase:false escapeCharacter:escape
+    "
+     'a\b\c\*' match:'a\b\c\d'
+     'a\b\c\*' match:'a\b\c\d' escapeCharacter:nil
+    "
+match:aString from:start to:stop ignoreCase:ignoreCase
+    "return true if part of aString matches myself,
+     where self may contain meta-match
+     characters $* (to match any string) or $# (to match any character)
+     or [...] to match a set of characters.
+     If ignoreCase is true, lower/uppercase are considered the same.
+     The escape character is the backQuote.
+     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching (glob),
+             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
+     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
+     NOTICE: the receiver is the match pattern"
+    ^ self
+        match:aString from:start to:stop ignoreCase:ignoreCase
+        escapeCharacter:(self class matchEscapeCharacter)
+    "
+     '*ute*' match:'12345COMPUTER' from:1 to:5 ignoreCase:true
+     '*ute*' match:'12345COMPUTER' from:6 to:13 ignoreCase:true
+    "
+    "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 21:43:46 / cg"
+match:aString from:start to:stop ignoreCase:ignoreCase escapeCharacter:escape
+    "return true if part of aString matches myself,
+     where self may contain meta-match
+     characters $* (to match any string) or $# (to match any character)
+     or [...] to match a set of characters.
+     If ignoreCase is true, lower/uppercase are considered the same.
+     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching (glob),
+             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
+     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
+     NOTICE: the receiver is the match pattern"
+    |matchScanArray|
+    "
+     keep the matchScanArray from the most recent match -
+     avoids parsing the pattern over-and over if multiple searches
+     are done with the same pattern.
+    "
+    (PreviousMatch notNil
+    and:[PreviousMatch key = self]) ifTrue:[
+        matchScanArray := PreviousMatch value
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        matchScanArray := self class matchScanArrayFrom:self escapeCharacter:escape.
+        matchScanArray isNil ifTrue:[
+            'CharacterArray [info]: invalid matchpattern:''' infoPrint. self infoPrint. ''' comparing for equality.' infoPrintCR.
+            ^ self = aString
+"/            ^ false
+        ].
+        PreviousMatch := self -> matchScanArray.
+    ].
+    ^ self class
+        matchScan:matchScanArray
+        from:1 to:matchScanArray size
+        with:aString
+        from:start to:stop
+        ignoreCase:ignoreCase
+    "
+     '*ute*' match:'12345COMPUTER' from:1 to:5 ignoreCase:true
+     '*ute*' match:'12345COMPUTER' from:6 to:13 ignoreCase:true
+    "
+    "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 21:43:46 / cg"
+match:aString ignoreCase:ignoreCase
+    "return true if aString matches self, where self may contain meta-match
+     characters $* (to match any string) or $# (to match any character)
+     or [...] to match a set of characters.
+     If ignoreCase is true, lower/uppercase are considered the same.
+     The escape character is the backQuote.
+     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching (glob),
+             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
+     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
+     NOTICE: the receiver is the match pattern"
+    ^ self match:aString from:1 to:aString size ignoreCase:ignoreCase
+    "
+     '*ute*' match:'COMPUTER' ignoreCase:true
+     '*uter' match:'COMPUTER' ignoreCase:false
+     '[abcd]*' match:'computer' ignoreCase:false
+     '[abcd]*' match:'Computer' ignoreCase:false
+     '[a-k]*' match:'komputer' ignoreCase:false
+     '[a-k]*' match:'zomputer' ignoreCase:false
+     '[a-k]*' match:'Komputer' ignoreCase:false
+     '[a-k]*' match:'Komputer' ignoreCase:true
+     '*some*compl*ern*' match:'this is some more complicated pattern match' ignoreCase:true
+     '*some*compl*ern*' match:'this is another complicated pattern match' ignoreCase:true
+     Time millisecondsToRun:[
+        Symbol allInstancesDo:[:sym |
+            '[ab]*' match:sym ignoreCase:false
+        ]
+     ].
+     Time millisecondsToRun:[
+        Symbol allInstancesDo:[:sym |
+            '*at:*' match:sym ignoreCase:false
+        ]
+     ].
+    "
+    "Modified: 2.4.1997 / 17:28:58 / cg"
+match:aString ignoreCase:ignoreCase escapeCharacter:escape
+    "return true if aString matches self, where self may contain meta-match
+     characters $* (to match any string) or $# (to match any character)
+     or [...] to match a set of characters.
+     If ignoreCase is true, lower/uppercase are considered the same.
+     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching (glob),
+             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
+     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
+     NOTICE: the receiver is the match pattern"
+    ^ self match:aString from:1 to:aString size ignoreCase:ignoreCase escapeCharacter:escape
+    "
+     '*ute*' match:'COMPUTER' ignoreCase:true
+     '*uter' match:'COMPUTER' ignoreCase:false
+     '[abcd]*' match:'computer' ignoreCase:false
+     '[abcd]*' match:'Computer' ignoreCase:false
+     '[a-k]*' match:'komputer' ignoreCase:false
+     '[a-k]*' match:'zomputer' ignoreCase:false
+     '[a-k]*' match:'Komputer' ignoreCase:false
+     '[a-k]*' match:'Komputer' ignoreCase:true
+     '*some*compl*ern*' match:'this is some more complicated pattern match' ignoreCase:true
+     '*some*compl*ern*' match:'this is another complicated pattern match' ignoreCase:true
+     Time millisecondsToRun:[
+        Symbol allInstancesDo:[:sym |
+            '[ab]*' match:sym ignoreCase:false
+        ]
+     ].
+     Time millisecondsToRun:[
+        Symbol allInstancesDo:[:sym |
+            '*at:*' match:sym ignoreCase:false
+        ]
+     ].
+    "
+    "Modified: 2.4.1997 / 17:28:58 / cg"
+    "return true if the receiver matches aString, where aPatternString may contain meta-match
+     characters $* (to match any string) or $# (to match any character).
+     or [...] to match a set of characters.
+     Lower/uppercase are considered different.
+     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching (glob),
+             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
+     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
+     NOTICE: the receiver is the match pattern"
+    ^ aPatternString match:self
+! !
 !CharacterArray methodsFor:'padded copying'!
@@ -3722,432 +4150,6 @@
 ! !
-!CharacterArray methodsFor:'pattern matching'!
-    "like match, but the receiver may be a compound match pattern,
-     consisting of multiple simple patterns, separated by semicolons.
-     This is usable with fileName pattern fields.
-     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching,
-             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
-     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
-     NOTICE: the receiver is the match pattern"
-    ^self compoundMatch:aString ignoreCase:false
-    "
-     'f*' match:'foo'
-     'b*' match:'foo'
-     'f*;b*' match:'foo'
-     'f*;b*' match:'bar'
-     'f*;b*' compoundMatch:'foo'
-     'f*;b*' compoundMatch:'bar'
-    "
-    "Modified: / 30.1.1998 / 11:40:18 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 16.12.1999 / 01:22:08 / cg"
-compoundMatch:aString ignoreCase:ignoreCase
-    "like match, but the receiver may be a compound match pattern,
-     consisting of multiple simple patterns, separated by semicolons.
-     This is usable with fileName pattern fields.
-     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching,
-             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
-     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
-     NOTICE: the receiver is the match pattern"
-    |matchers|
-    matchers := self asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$;.
-    ^ matchers contains:[:aPattern |
-        aPattern match:aString ignoreCase:ignoreCase escapeCharacter:nil
-      ].
-"/    matchers do:[:aPattern |
-"/        (aPattern match:aString ignoreCase:ignoreCase) ifTrue:[^ true].
-"/    ].
-"/    ^ false.
-    "
-     'f*' match:'foo'
-     'b*' match:'foo'
-     'f*;b*' match:'foo'
-     'f*;b*' match:'bar'
-     'f*;b*' compoundMatch:'foo'
-     'f*;b*' compoundMatch:'bar'
-     'f*;b*' compoundMatch:'Foo' ignoreCase:true
-     'f*;b*' compoundMatch:'Bar' ignoreCase:true
-     'f*;b*' compoundMatch:'ccc' ignoreCase:true
-    "
-    "Modified: / 15.4.1997 / 15:50:33 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 30.1.1998 / 11:40:18 / stefan"
-    "Created: / 16.12.1999 / 01:21:35 / cg"
-    "like findString/indexOfSubCollection, but allowing match patterns.
-     find matchstring; if found, return the index;
-     if not found, return 0.
-     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching,
-             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
-     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
-     NOTICE: the argument is the match pattern"
-    ^ self findMatchString:matchString startingAt:1 ignoreCase:false ifAbsent:0
-findMatchString:matchString startingAt:index
-    "like findString, but allowing match patterns.
-     find matchstring, starting at index. if found, return the index;
-     if not found, return 0.
-     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching,
-             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
-     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
-     NOTICE: the argument is the match pattern"
-    ^ self findMatchString:matchString startingAt:index ignoreCase:false ifAbsent:0
-findMatchString:matchString startingAt:index ignoreCase:ignoreCase ifAbsent:exceptionBlock
-    "like findString, but allowing match patterns.
-     find matchstring, starting at index. if found, return the index;
-     if not found, return the result of evaluating exceptionBlock.
-     This is a q&d hack - not very efficient.
-     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching,
-             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
-     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
-     NOTICE: the argument is the match pattern"
-    |firstChar firstSet
-     startIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     matchSize  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     mySize     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     realMatchString lcChar ucChar|
-    matchSize := matchString size.
-    matchSize == 0 ifTrue:[^ index]. "empty string matches"
-    realMatchString := matchString.
-    (realMatchString endsWith:$*) ifFalse:[
-        realMatchString := realMatchString , '*'.
-        matchSize := matchSize + 1
-    ].
-    mySize := self size.
-    firstChar := realMatchString at:1.
-    firstChar == self class matchEscapeCharacter ifTrue:[
-        firstChar := realMatchString at:2.
-    ].
-    firstChar asString includesMatchCharacters ifTrue:[
-        index to:mySize do:[:col |
-            (realMatchString match:self from:col to:mySize ignoreCase:ignoreCase)
-            ifTrue:[^ col]
-        ].
-        ^ exceptionBlock value.
-    ].
-    lcChar := firstChar asLowercase.
-    ucChar := firstChar asUppercase.
-    (ignoreCase and:[ lcChar ~= ucChar]) ifTrue:[
-        firstSet := Array with:ucChar with:lcChar.
-        startIndex := self indexOfAny:firstSet startingAt:index.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        startIndex := self indexOf:firstChar startingAt:index.
-    ].
-    [startIndex == 0] whileFalse:[
-        (realMatchString match:self from:startIndex to:mySize ignoreCase:ignoreCase)
-        ifTrue:[^ startIndex].
-        firstSet notNil ifTrue:[
-            startIndex := self indexOfAny:firstSet startingAt:(startIndex + 1).
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            startIndex := self indexOf:firstChar startingAt:(startIndex + 1).
-        ].
-    ].
-    ^ exceptionBlock value
-    "
-     'one two three four' findMatchString:'o[nu]'
-     'one two three four' findMatchString:'o[nu]' startingAt:3
-     'one two three four one' findMatchString:'ONE' startingAt:3 ignoreCase:true ifAbsent:0
-    "
-    "Modified: 13.9.1997 / 06:31:22 / cg"
-    "like includesString, but allowing match patterns.
-     find matchstring; if found, return true, otherwise return false.
-     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching,
-             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
-     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
-     NOTICE: the argument is the match pattern"
-    ^ (self findMatchString:matchString) ~~ 0
-    "
-     'hello world' includesMatchString:'h*'
-     'hello world' includesMatchString:'h[aeiou]llo'
-     'hello world' includesMatchString:'wor*'
-     'hello world' includesMatchString:'woR*'
-    "
-includesMatchString:matchString caseSensitive:caseSensitive
-    "like includesString, but allowing match patterns.
-     find matchstring; if found, return true, otherwise return false.
-     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching,
-             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
-     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
-     NOTICE: the argument is the match pattern"
-    ^ (self findMatchString:matchString startingAt:1 ignoreCase:caseSensitive not ifAbsent:0) ~~ 0
-    "
-     'hello world' includesMatchString:'h*' caseSensitive:true
-     'hello world' includesMatchString:'h*' caseSensitive:false
-     'Hello world' includesMatchString:'h*' caseSensitive:true
-     'Hello world' includesMatchString:'h*' caseSensitive:false
-     'hello world' includesMatchString:'h[aeiou]llo' caseSensitive:true
-     'hello world' includesMatchString:'h[aeiou]llo' caseSensitive:false
-     'hello world' includesMatchString:'wor*' caseSensitive:true
-     'hello world' includesMatchString:'wor*' caseSensitive:false
-     'hello world' includesMatchString:'woR*' caseSensitive:true
-     'hello world' includesMatchString:'woR*' caseSensitive:false
-    "
-    "return true if aString matches self, where self may contain meta-match
-     characters $* (to match any string) or $# (to match any character).
-     or [...] to match a set of characters.
-     Lower/uppercase are considered different.
-     The escape character is the backQuote.
-     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching,
-             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
-     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
-     NOTICE: the receiver is the match pattern"
-    ^ self match:aString from:1 to:aString size ignoreCase:false
-    "
-     '\*f*' match:'f'
-     '\*f*' match:'*f'
-     '*\*f*' match:'*f'
-     '*f*' match:'*f'
-     '*ute*' match:'computer'
-     '*uter' match:'computer'
-     'uter*' match:'computer'
-     '*ute*' match:''
-     '[abcd]*' match:'computer'
-     '[abcd]*' match:'komputer'
-     '*some*compl*ern*' match:'this is some more complicated pattern match'
-     '*some*compl*ern*' match:'this is another complicated pattern match'
-     '*-hh' match:'anton-h'
-    "
-    "Modified: / 9.6.1998 / 18:50:00 / cg"
-match:aString escapeCharacter:escape
-    "return true if aString matches self, where self may contain meta-match
-     characters $* (to match any string) or $# (to match any character).
-     or [...] to match a set of characters.
-     Lower/uppercase are considered different.
-     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching,
-             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
-     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
-     NOTICE: the receiver is the match pattern"
-    ^ self match:aString from:1 to:aString size ignoreCase:false escapeCharacter:escape
-    "
-     'a\b\c\*' match:'a\b\c\d'
-     'a\b\c\*' match:'a\b\c\d' escapeCharacter:nil
-    "
-match:aString from:start to:stop ignoreCase:ignoreCase
-    "return true if part of aString matches myself,
-     where self may contain meta-match
-     characters $* (to match any string) or $# (to match any character)
-     or [...] to match a set of characters.
-     If ignoreCase is true, lower/uppercase are considered the same.
-     The escape character is the backQuote.
-     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching,
-             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
-     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
-     NOTICE: the receiver is the match pattern"
-    ^ self
-        match:aString from:start to:stop ignoreCase:ignoreCase
-        escapeCharacter:(self class matchEscapeCharacter)
-    "
-     '*ute*' match:'12345COMPUTER' from:1 to:5 ignoreCase:true
-     '*ute*' match:'12345COMPUTER' from:6 to:13 ignoreCase:true
-    "
-    "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 21:43:46 / cg"
-match:aString from:start to:stop ignoreCase:ignoreCase escapeCharacter:escape
-    "return true if part of aString matches myself,
-     where self may contain meta-match
-     characters $* (to match any string) or $# (to match any character)
-     or [...] to match a set of characters.
-     If ignoreCase is true, lower/uppercase are considered the same.
-     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching,
-             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
-     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
-     NOTICE: the receiver is the match pattern"
-    |matchScanArray|
-    "
-     keep the matchScanArray from the most recent match -
-     avoids parsing the pattern over-and over if multiple searches
-     are done with the same pattern.
-    "
-    (PreviousMatch notNil
-    and:[PreviousMatch key = self]) ifTrue:[
-        matchScanArray := PreviousMatch value
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        matchScanArray := self class matchScanArrayFrom:self escapeCharacter:escape.
-        matchScanArray isNil ifTrue:[
-            'CharacterArray [info]: invalid matchpattern:''' infoPrint. self infoPrint. ''' comparing for equality.' infoPrintCR.
-            ^ self = aString
-"/            ^ false
-        ].
-        PreviousMatch := self -> matchScanArray.
-    ].
-    ^ self class
-        matchScan:matchScanArray
-        from:1 to:matchScanArray size
-        with:aString
-        from:start to:stop
-        ignoreCase:ignoreCase
-    "
-     '*ute*' match:'12345COMPUTER' from:1 to:5 ignoreCase:true
-     '*ute*' match:'12345COMPUTER' from:6 to:13 ignoreCase:true
-    "
-    "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 21:43:46 / cg"
-match:aString ignoreCase:ignoreCase
-    "return true if aString matches self, where self may contain meta-match
-     characters $* (to match any string) or $# (to match any character)
-     or [...] to match a set of characters.
-     If ignoreCase is true, lower/uppercase are considered the same.
-     The escape character is the backQuote.
-     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching,
-             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
-     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
-     NOTICE: the receiver is the match pattern"
-    ^ self match:aString from:1 to:aString size ignoreCase:ignoreCase
-    "
-     '*ute*' match:'COMPUTER' ignoreCase:true
-     '*uter' match:'COMPUTER' ignoreCase:false
-     '[abcd]*' match:'computer' ignoreCase:false
-     '[abcd]*' match:'Computer' ignoreCase:false
-     '[a-k]*' match:'komputer' ignoreCase:false
-     '[a-k]*' match:'zomputer' ignoreCase:false
-     '[a-k]*' match:'Komputer' ignoreCase:false
-     '[a-k]*' match:'Komputer' ignoreCase:true
-     '*some*compl*ern*' match:'this is some more complicated pattern match' ignoreCase:true
-     '*some*compl*ern*' match:'this is another complicated pattern match' ignoreCase:true
-     Time millisecondsToRun:[
-        Symbol allInstancesDo:[:sym |
-            '[ab]*' match:sym ignoreCase:false
-        ]
-     ].
-     Time millisecondsToRun:[
-        Symbol allInstancesDo:[:sym |
-            '*at:*' match:sym ignoreCase:false
-        ]
-     ].
-    "
-    "Modified: 2.4.1997 / 17:28:58 / cg"
-match:aString ignoreCase:ignoreCase escapeCharacter:escape
-    "return true if aString matches self, where self may contain meta-match
-     characters $* (to match any string) or $# (to match any character)
-     or [...] to match a set of characters.
-     If ignoreCase is true, lower/uppercase are considered the same.
-     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching,
-             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
-     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
-     NOTICE: the receiver is the match pattern"
-    ^ self match:aString from:1 to:aString size ignoreCase:ignoreCase escapeCharacter:escape
-    "
-     '*ute*' match:'COMPUTER' ignoreCase:true
-     '*uter' match:'COMPUTER' ignoreCase:false
-     '[abcd]*' match:'computer' ignoreCase:false
-     '[abcd]*' match:'Computer' ignoreCase:false
-     '[a-k]*' match:'komputer' ignoreCase:false
-     '[a-k]*' match:'zomputer' ignoreCase:false
-     '[a-k]*' match:'Komputer' ignoreCase:false
-     '[a-k]*' match:'Komputer' ignoreCase:true
-     '*some*compl*ern*' match:'this is some more complicated pattern match' ignoreCase:true
-     '*some*compl*ern*' match:'this is another complicated pattern match' ignoreCase:true
-     Time millisecondsToRun:[
-        Symbol allInstancesDo:[:sym |
-            '[ab]*' match:sym ignoreCase:false
-        ]
-     ].
-     Time millisecondsToRun:[
-        Symbol allInstancesDo:[:sym |
-            '*at:*' match:sym ignoreCase:false
-        ]
-     ].
-    "
-    "Modified: 2.4.1997 / 17:28:58 / cg"
-    "return true if the receiver matches aString, where aPatternString may contain meta-match
-     characters $* (to match any string) or $# (to match any character).
-     or [...] to match a set of characters.
-     Lower/uppercase are considered different.
-     NOTICE: match-meta character interpretation is like in unix-matching,
-             NOT the ST-80 meaning.
-     NOTICE: this is different from regex matching (see matchesRegex:)
-     NOTICE: the receiver is the match pattern"
-    ^ aPatternString match:self
-! !
 !CharacterArray methodsFor:'printing & storing'!
@@ -4515,7 +4517,6 @@
 ! !
 !CharacterArray methodsFor:'special string converting'!
@@ -5721,11 +5722,11 @@
 !CharacterArray class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.409 2009-09-30 12:13:58 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.410 2009-10-03 10:13:35 cg Exp $'
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.409 2009-09-30 12:13:58 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/,v 1.410 2009-10-03 10:13:35 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 CharacterArray initialize!