*** empty log message ***
authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Mon, 22 Jul 2002 17:08:10 +0200
changeset 6651 4bc133e27717
parent 6650 35de1d8400b2
child 6652 4cfba8cb0652
*** empty log message ***
--- a/AbstractOperatingSystem.st	Thu Jul 18 15:40:23 2002 +0200
+++ b/AbstractOperatingSystem.st	Mon Jul 22 17:08:10 2002 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  COPYRIGHT (c) 1988 by Claus Gittinger
-              All Rights Reserved
+	      All Rights Reserved
  This software is furnished under a license and may be used
  only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
  COPYRIGHT (c) 1988 by Claus Gittinger
-              All Rights Reserved
+	      All Rights Reserved
  This software is furnished under a license and may be used
  only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
@@ -45,108 +45,108 @@
     less performant) are implemented here.
     [Class variables:]
-        ConcreteClass   <Class>         the real OS class
-        LocaleInfo      <Dictionary>    if non nil, that is taken instead of the operating
-                                        systems locale definitions (allows for overwriting
-                                        these, or provide a compatible info on systems which do
-                                        not support locales)
-        LastErrorNumber <Integer>       the last value of errno
-        OSSignals       <Array>         Array of signals to be raised for corresponding
-                                        OperatingSystem signals.
-        PipeFailed      <Boolean>       set if a fork (or popen) has failed;
-                                        ST/X will avoid doing more forks/popens
-                                        if this flag is set, for a slightly
-                                        smoother operation.
-        ErrorSignal     <Signal>        Parentsignal of all OS error signals.
-                                        not directly raised.
-        AccessDeniedErrorSignal         misc concrete error reporting signals
-        FileNotFoundErrorSignal
-        UnsupportedOperationSignal
-        InvalidArgumentsSignal
+	ConcreteClass   <Class>         the real OS class
+	LocaleInfo      <Dictionary>    if non nil, that is taken instead of the operating
+					systems locale definitions (allows for overwriting
+					these, or provide a compatible info on systems which do
+					not support locales)
+	LastErrorNumber <Integer>       the last value of errno
+	OSSignals       <Array>         Array of signals to be raised for corresponding
+					OperatingSystem signals.
+	PipeFailed      <Boolean>       set if a fork (or popen) has failed;
+					ST/X will avoid doing more forks/popens
+					if this flag is set, for a slightly
+					smoother operation.
+	ErrorSignal     <Signal>        Parentsignal of all OS error signals.
+					not directly raised.
+	AccessDeniedErrorSignal         misc concrete error reporting signals
+	FileNotFoundErrorSignal
+	UnsupportedOperationSignal
+	InvalidArgumentsSignal
-        Claus Gittinger
+	Claus Gittinger
     [see also:]
-        OSProcessStatus
-        Filename Date Time
-        ExternalStream FileStream PipeStream Socket
+	OSProcessStatus
+	Filename Date Time
+	ExternalStream FileStream PipeStream Socket
   various queries
-                                                                [exBegin]
+								[exBegin]
-        showCR:'hello ' , (OperatingSystem getLoginName)
-                                                                [exEnd]
-                                                                [exBegin]
+	showCR:'hello ' , (OperatingSystem getLoginName)
+								[exEnd]
+								[exBegin]
     OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue:[
-        Transcript showCR:'this is some UNIX-like OS'
+	Transcript showCR:'this is some UNIX-like OS'
     ] ifFalse:[
-        Transcript showCR:'this OS is not UNIX-like'
+	Transcript showCR:'this OS is not UNIX-like'
-                                                                [exEnd]
-                                                                [exBegin]
+								[exEnd]
+								[exBegin]
-        showCR:'this machine is called ' , OperatingSystem getHostName
-                                                                [exEnd]
-                                                                [exBegin]
+	showCR:'this machine is called ' , OperatingSystem getHostName
+								[exEnd]
+								[exBegin]
-        showCR:('this machine is in the '
-               , OperatingSystem getDomainName
-               , ' domain')
-                                                                [exEnd]
-                                                                [exBegin]
+	showCR:('this machine is in the '
+	       , OperatingSystem getDomainName
+	       , ' domain')
+								[exEnd]
+								[exBegin]
-        showCR:('this machine''s CPU is a '
-               , OperatingSystem getCPUType
-               )
-                                                                [exEnd]
-                                                                [exBegin]
+	showCR:('this machine''s CPU is a '
+	       , OperatingSystem getCPUType
+	       )
+								[exEnd]
+								[exBegin]
     Transcript showCR:'executing ls command ...'.
     OperatingSystem executeCommand:'ls'.
     Transcript showCR:'... done.'.
-                                                                [exEnd]
+								[exEnd]
   locking a file 
   (should be executed on two running smalltalks - not in two threads):
-                                                                [exBegin]
+								[exBegin]
     f := 'testFile' asFilename readWriteStream.
     10 timesRepeat:[
-        'about to lock ...' printCR.
-        [
-          OperatingSystem 
-            lockFD:(f fileDescriptor)
-            shared:false
-            blocking:false
-        ] whileFalse:[
-            'process ' print. OperatingSystem getProcessId print. ' is waiting' printCR.
-            Delay waitForSeconds:1
-        ].
-        'LOCKED ...' printCR.
-        Delay waitForSeconds:10.
-        'unlock ...' printCR.
-        (OperatingSystem 
-            unlockFD:(f fileDescriptor)) printCR.
-        Delay waitForSeconds:3.
+	'about to lock ...' printCR.
+	[
+	  OperatingSystem 
+	    lockFD:(f fileDescriptor)
+	    shared:false
+	    blocking:false
+	] whileFalse:[
+	    'process ' print. OperatingSystem getProcessId print. ' is waiting' printCR.
+	    Delay waitForSeconds:1
+	].
+	'LOCKED ...' printCR.
+	Delay waitForSeconds:10.
+	'unlock ...' printCR.
+	(OperatingSystem 
+	    unlockFD:(f fileDescriptor)) printCR.
+	Delay waitForSeconds:3.
-                                                                [exBegin]
+								[exBegin]
 ! !
@@ -162,25 +162,25 @@
     self initializeConcreteClass.
     ErrorSignal isNil ifTrue:[
-        ErrorSignal := Object errorSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
-        ErrorSignal nameClass:self message:#errorSignal.
-        ErrorSignal notifierString:'OS error encountered'.
-        AccessDeniedErrorSignal := ErrorSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
-        AccessDeniedErrorSignal nameClass:self message:#accessDeniedError.
-        AccessDeniedErrorSignal notifierString:'OS access denied'.
-        FileNotFoundErrorSignal := ErrorSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
-        FileNotFoundErrorSignal nameClass:self message:#fileNotFoundErrorSignal.
-        FileNotFoundErrorSignal notifierString:'OS file not found'.
-        InvalidArgumentsSignal := ErrorSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
-        InvalidArgumentsSignal nameClass:self message:#invalidArgumentsSignal.
-        InvalidArgumentsSignal notifierString:'bad arg to OS call'.
-        UnsupportedOperationSignal := ErrorSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
-        UnsupportedOperationSignal nameClass:self message:#unsupportedOperationSignal.
-        UnsupportedOperationSignal notifierString:'operation not supported by this OS'.
+	ErrorSignal := Object errorSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
+	ErrorSignal nameClass:self message:#errorSignal.
+	ErrorSignal notifierString:'OS error encountered'.
+	AccessDeniedErrorSignal := ErrorSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
+	AccessDeniedErrorSignal nameClass:self message:#accessDeniedError.
+	AccessDeniedErrorSignal notifierString:'OS access denied'.
+	FileNotFoundErrorSignal := ErrorSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
+	FileNotFoundErrorSignal nameClass:self message:#fileNotFoundErrorSignal.
+	FileNotFoundErrorSignal notifierString:'OS file not found'.
+	InvalidArgumentsSignal := ErrorSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
+	InvalidArgumentsSignal nameClass:self message:#invalidArgumentsSignal.
+	InvalidArgumentsSignal notifierString:'bad arg to OS call'.
+	UnsupportedOperationSignal := ErrorSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
+	UnsupportedOperationSignal nameClass:self message:#unsupportedOperationSignal.
+	UnsupportedOperationSignal notifierString:'operation not supported by this OS'.
     Smalltalk addDependent:self.    "/ to catch language changes
@@ -190,21 +190,21 @@
     osType := self getSystemType.
     osType = 'win32' ifTrue:[
-        cls := Win32OperatingSystem
+	cls := Win32OperatingSystem
     ] ifFalse:[
-        osType = 'os2' ifTrue:[
-            cls := OS2OperatingSystem
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            osType = 'macos' ifTrue:[
-                cls := MacOperatingSystem
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                ((osType = 'VMS') or:[osType = 'openVMS']) ifTrue:[
-                    cls := OpenVMSOperatingSystem
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    cls := UnixOperatingSystem
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
+	osType = 'os2' ifTrue:[
+	    cls := OS2OperatingSystem
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    osType = 'macos' ifTrue:[
+		cls := MacOperatingSystem
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		((osType = 'VMS') or:[osType = 'openVMS']) ifTrue:[
+		    cls := OpenVMSOperatingSystem
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    cls := UnixOperatingSystem
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
     OperatingSystem := ConcreteClass := cls.
 ! !
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@
 update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
     ((something == #Language) or:[something == #LanguageTerritory]) ifTrue:[
-        self initResources
+	self initResources
 ! !
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@
     "return the last errors number.
      See also: #lastErrorSymbol and #lastErrorString.
      Notice: having a single error number is a bad idea in a multithreaded
-             environment - this interface will change."
+	     environment - this interface will change."
     LastErrorNumber := nil.
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@
      (as kept in an osErrorHolder)."
     Resources isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ errorSymbol
+	^ errorSymbol
     ^ Resources at:errorSymbol ifAbsent:errorSymbol
@@ -631,8 +631,8 @@
     holder := self errorHolderForNumber:errNr.
     errSym := holder errorSymbol.
     ^ Array 
-        with:errSym 
-        with:(self errorStringForSymbol:errSym)
+	with:errSym 
+	with:(self errorStringForSymbol:errSym)
      OperatingSystem errorSymbolAndTextForNumber:(OperatingSystem errorNumberFor:#EPERM)  
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@
     "return the last errors number.
      See also: #lastErrorSymbol and #lastErrorString.
      Notice: having a single error number is a bad idea in a multithreaded
-             environment - this interface will change."
+	     environment - this interface will change."
     ^ LastErrorNumber
@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@
     "return a message string describing the last error.
      See also: #lastErrorNumber and #lastErrorSymbol.
      Notice: having a single error number is a bad idea in a multithreaded
-             environment - this interface will change."
+	     environment - this interface will change."
     LastErrorNumber isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
     ^ self errorTextForNumber:LastErrorNumber
@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@
     "return a symbol (such as #EBADF or #EACCESS) describing the last error.
      See also: #lastErrorNumber and #lastErrorString.
      Notice: having a single error number is a bad idea in a multithreaded
-             environment - this interface will change."
+	     environment - this interface will change."
     LastErrorNumber isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
     ^ self errorSymbolForNumber:LastErrorNumber
@@ -742,14 +742,14 @@
      Can be used on UNIX with fork or on other systems to chain to another program."
     ^ self 
-        exec:aCommandPath 
-        withArguments:argArray
-        environment:nil
-        fileDescriptors:nil
-        closeDescriptors:nil 
-        fork:false 
-        newPgrp:false
-        inDirectory:nil
+	exec:aCommandPath 
+	withArguments:argArray
+	environment:nil
+	fileDescriptors:nil
+	closeDescriptors:nil 
+	fork:false 
+	newPgrp:false
+	inDirectory:nil
     "/ never reached ...
@@ -760,31 +760,31 @@
     "Internal lowLevel entry for combined fork & exec;
      If fork is false (chain a command):
-         execute the OS command specified by the argument, aCommandPath, with
-         arguments in argArray (no arguments, if nil).
-         If successful, this method does not return and smalltalk is gone.
-         If not successful, it does return.
-         Normal use is with forkForCommand.
+	 execute the OS command specified by the argument, aCommandPath, with
+	 arguments in argArray (no arguments, if nil).
+	 If successful, this method does not return and smalltalk is gone.
+	 If not successful, it does return.
+	 Normal use is with forkForCommand.
      If fork is true (subprocess command execution):
-        fork a child to do the above.
-        The process id of the child process is returned; nil if the fork failed.
+	fork a child to do the above.
+	The process id of the child process is returned; nil if the fork failed.
      fdArray contains the filedescriptors, to be used for the child (if fork is true).
-        fdArray[1] = 15 -> use fd 15 as stdin.
-        If an element of the array is set to nil, the corresponding filedescriptor
-        will be closed for the child.
-        fdArray[0] == StdIn for child
-        fdArray[1] == StdOut for child
-        fdArray[2] == StdErr for child
-        on VMS, these must be channels as returned by createMailBox.
+	fdArray[1] = 15 -> use fd 15 as stdin.
+	If an element of the array is set to nil, the corresponding filedescriptor
+	will be closed for the child.
+	fdArray[0] == StdIn for child
+	fdArray[1] == StdOut for child
+	fdArray[2] == StdErr for child
+	on VMS, these must be channels as returned by createMailBox.
      closeFdArray contains descriptors that will be closed in the subprocess.
-        closeDescriptors are ignored in the WIN32 & VMS versions.
+	closeDescriptors are ignored in the WIN32 & VMS versions.
      If newPgrp is true, the subprocess will be established in a new process group.
-        The processgroup will be equal to id.
-        newPgrp is not used on WIN32 and VMS systems.
+	The processgroup will be equal to id.
+	newPgrp is not used on WIN32 and VMS systems.
      env specifies environment variables which are passed differently from
      the current environment. If non-nil, it must be a dictionary providing
@@ -792,28 +792,28 @@
      To pass a variable as empty (i.e. unset), pass a nil value.
      Notice: this used to be two separate ST-methods; however, in order to use
-            vfork on some machines, it had to be merged into one, to avoid write
-            accesses to ST/X memory from the vforked-child.
-            The code below only does read accesses."
+	    vfork on some machines, it had to be merged into one, to avoid write
+	    accesses to ST/X memory from the vforked-child.
+	    The code below only does read accesses."
     ^ self
-        exec:aCommandPath 
-        withArguments:argColl 
-        environment:env 
-        fileDescriptors:fdColl 
-        closeDescriptors:closeFdColl 
-        fork:doFork
-        newPgrp:newPgrp 
-        inDirectory:nil
+	exec:aCommandPath 
+	withArguments:argColl 
+	environment:env 
+	fileDescriptors:fdColl 
+	closeDescriptors:closeFdColl 
+	fork:doFork
+	newPgrp:newPgrp 
+	inDirectory:nil
      id := OperatingSystem fork.
      id == 0 ifTrue:[
-        'I am the child'.
-        OperatingSystem exec:'/bin/ls' withArguments:#('ls' '/tmp').
-        'not reached'.
+	'I am the child'.
+	OperatingSystem exec:'/bin/ls' withArguments:#('ls' '/tmp').
+	'not reached'.
@@ -821,11 +821,11 @@
      id := OperatingSystem fork.
      id == 0 ifTrue:[
-        'I am the child'.
-        OperatingSystem
-           exec:'/bin/sh'
-           withArguments:#('sh' '-c' 'sleep 2;echo 1;sleep 2;echo 2').
-        'not reached'.
+	'I am the child'.
+	OperatingSystem
+	   exec:'/bin/sh'
+	   withArguments:#('sh' '-c' 'sleep 2;echo 1;sleep 2;echo 2').
+	'not reached'.
      id printNL.
      (Delay forSeconds:3.5) wait.
@@ -849,57 +849,57 @@
 exec:aCommandPath withArguments:argArray fileDescriptors:fdArray closeDescriptors:closeFdArray fork:doFork newPgrp:newPgrp
     "combined fork & exec;
      If fork is false (chain a command):
-         execute the OS command specified by the argument, aCommandPath, with
-         arguments in argArray (no arguments, if nil).
-         If successful, this method does not return and smalltalk is gone.
-         If not successful, it does return.
-         Normal use is with forkForCommand.
+	 execute the OS command specified by the argument, aCommandPath, with
+	 arguments in argArray (no arguments, if nil).
+	 If successful, this method does not return and smalltalk is gone.
+	 If not successful, it does return.
+	 Normal use is with forkForCommand.
      If fork is true (subprocess command execution):
-        fork a child to do the above.
-        The process id of the child process is returned; nil if the fork failed.
+	fork a child to do the above.
+	The process id of the child process is returned; nil if the fork failed.
      fdArray contains the filedescriptors, to be used for the child (if fork is true).
-        fdArray[1] = 15 -> use fd 15 as stdin.
-        If an element of the array is set to nil, the corresponding filedescriptor
-        will be closed for the child.
-        fdArray[0] == StdIn for child
-        fdArray[1] == StdOut for child
-        fdArray[2] == StdErr for child
-        on VMS, these must be channels as returned by createMailBox.
+	fdArray[1] = 15 -> use fd 15 as stdin.
+	If an element of the array is set to nil, the corresponding filedescriptor
+	will be closed for the child.
+	fdArray[0] == StdIn for child
+	fdArray[1] == StdOut for child
+	fdArray[2] == StdErr for child
+	on VMS, these must be channels as returned by createMailBox.
      closeFdArray contains descriptors that will be closed in the subprocess.
-        closeDescriptors are ignored in the WIN32 & VMS versions.
+	closeDescriptors are ignored in the WIN32 & VMS versions.
      NOTE that in WIN32 the fds are HANDLES!!
      If newPgrp is true, the subprocess will be established in a new process group.
-        The processgroup will be equal to id.
-        newPgrp is not used on WIN32 and VMS systems.
+	The processgroup will be equal to id.
+	newPgrp is not used on WIN32 and VMS systems.
      Notice: this used to be two separate ST-methods; however, in order to use
-            vfork on some machines, it had to be merged into one, to avoid write
-            accesses to ST/X memory from the vforked-child.
-            The code below only does read accesses."
+	    vfork on some machines, it had to be merged into one, to avoid write
+	    accesses to ST/X memory from the vforked-child.
+	    The code below only does read accesses."
     ^ self
-        exec:aCommandPath 
-        withArguments:argArray
-        environment:nil 
-        fileDescriptors:fdArray 
-        closeDescriptors:closeFdArray
-        fork:doFork 
-        newPgrp:newPgrp
-        inDirectory:nil
+	exec:aCommandPath 
+	withArguments:argArray
+	environment:nil 
+	fileDescriptors:fdArray 
+	closeDescriptors:closeFdArray
+	fork:doFork 
+	newPgrp:newPgrp
+	inDirectory:nil
      id := OperatingSystem fork.
      id == 0 ifTrue:[
-        'I am the child'.
-        OperatingSystem exec:'/bin/ls' withArguments:#('ls' '/tmp').
-        'not reached'.
+	'I am the child'.
+	OperatingSystem exec:'/bin/ls' withArguments:#('ls' '/tmp').
+	'not reached'.
@@ -907,11 +907,11 @@
      id := OperatingSystem fork.
      id == 0 ifTrue:[
-        'I am the child'.
-        OperatingSystem
-           exec:'/bin/sh'
-           withArguments:#('sh' '-c' 'sleep 2;echo 1;sleep 2;echo 2').
-        'not reached'.
+	'I am the child'.
+	OperatingSystem
+	   exec:'/bin/sh'
+	   withArguments:#('sh' '-c' 'sleep 2;echo 1;sleep 2;echo 2').
+	'not reached'.
      id printNL.
      (Delay forSeconds:3.5) wait.
@@ -929,14 +929,14 @@
      Not needed with Unix"
     ^ self
-        exec:aCommandPath 
-        withArguments:argArray 
-        environment:nil
-        fileDescriptors:fdArray
-        closeDescriptors:closeFdArray 
-        fork:doFork 
-        newPgrp:newPgrp
-        inDirectory:aDirectory
+	exec:aCommandPath 
+	withArguments:argArray 
+	environment:nil
+	fileDescriptors:fdArray
+	closeDescriptors:closeFdArray 
+	fork:doFork 
+	newPgrp:newPgrp
+	inDirectory:aDirectory
     "Modified: / 12.11.1998 / 14:47:58 / cg"
     "Created: / 12.11.1998 / 14:49:18 / cg"
@@ -949,26 +949,26 @@
      (typically, the xterm window)"
     ^ self 
-        exec:aCommandPath 
-        withArguments:argArray 
-        environment:nil
-        fileDescriptors:nil
-        closeDescriptors:nil 
-        fork:doFork 
-        newPgrp:false
-        inDirectory:nil
+	exec:aCommandPath 
+	withArguments:argArray 
+	environment:nil
+	fileDescriptors:nil
+	closeDescriptors:nil 
+	fork:doFork 
+	newPgrp:false
+	inDirectory:nil
      id := OperatingSystem fork.
      id == 0 ifTrue:[
-        'I am the child'.
-        OperatingSystem 
-            exec:'/bin/ls' 
-            withArguments:#('ls' '/tmp')
-            fork:false.
-        'not reached'.
+	'I am the child'.
+	OperatingSystem 
+	    exec:'/bin/ls' 
+	    withArguments:#('ls' '/tmp')
+	    fork:false.
+	'not reached'.
@@ -977,12 +977,12 @@
      id := OperatingSystem fork.
      id == 0 ifTrue:[
-        'I am the child'.
-        OperatingSystem 
-            exec:'/bin/sh' 
-            withArguments:#('sh' '-c' 'sleep 2;echo 1;sleep 2;echo 2')
-            fork:false.
-        'not reached'.
+	'I am the child'.
+	OperatingSystem 
+	    exec:'/bin/sh' 
+	    withArguments:#('sh' '-c' 'sleep 2;echo 1;sleep 2;echo 2')
+	    fork:false.
+	'not reached'.
      id printNL.
      (Delay forSeconds:3.5) wait.
@@ -1002,26 +1002,26 @@
      (typically, the xterm window)"
     ^ self 
-        exec:aCommandPath
-        withArguments:argArray
-        environment:nil
-        fileDescriptors:nil
-        closeDescriptors:nil
-        fork:doFork 
-        newPgrp:false
-        inDirectory:aDirectory
+	exec:aCommandPath
+	withArguments:argArray
+	environment:nil
+	fileDescriptors:nil
+	closeDescriptors:nil
+	fork:doFork 
+	newPgrp:false
+	inDirectory:aDirectory
      id := OperatingSystem fork.
      id == 0 ifTrue:[
-        'I am the child'.
-        OperatingSystem 
-            exec:'/bin/ls' 
-            withArguments:#('ls' '/tmp')
-            fork:false.
-        'not reached'.
+	'I am the child'.
+	OperatingSystem 
+	    exec:'/bin/ls' 
+	    withArguments:#('ls' '/tmp')
+	    fork:false.
+	'not reached'.
@@ -1030,12 +1030,12 @@
      id := OperatingSystem fork.
      id == 0 ifTrue:[
-        'I am the child'.
-        OperatingSystem 
-            exec:'/bin/sh' 
-            withArguments:#('sh' '-c' 'sleep 2;echo 1;sleep 2;echo 2')
-            fork:false.
-        'not reached'.
+	'I am the child'.
+	OperatingSystem 
+	    exec:'/bin/sh' 
+	    withArguments:#('sh' '-c' 'sleep 2;echo 1;sleep 2;echo 2')
+	    fork:false.
+	'not reached'.
      id printNL.
      (Delay forSeconds:3.5) wait.
@@ -1065,12 +1065,12 @@
      Return true if successful, false otherwise."
      ^ self
-        executeCommand:aCommandString 
-        inputFrom:nil 
-        outputTo:nil 
-        errorTo:nil 
-        inDirectory:nil
-        onError:[:status| false]
+	executeCommand:aCommandString 
+	inputFrom:nil 
+	outputTo:nil 
+	errorTo:nil 
+	inDirectory:nil
+	onError:[:status| false]
@@ -1104,9 +1104,9 @@
      hardwiring any 'cd ..' command strings into your applictions."
      ^ self
-        executeCommand:aCommandString
-        inDirectory:aDirectory
-        onError:[:status| false]
+	executeCommand:aCommandString
+	inDirectory:aDirectory
+	onError:[:status| false]
      OperatingSystem executeCommand:'tdump date.obj' inDirectory:'c:\winstx\stx\libbasic\objbc'. 
@@ -1129,12 +1129,12 @@
      (containing the exit status) as argument."
     ^ self
-        executeCommand:aCommandString 
-        inputFrom:nil 
-        outputTo:nil 
-        errorTo:nil 
-        inDirectory:aDirectory
-        onError:aBlock
+	executeCommand:aCommandString 
+	inputFrom:nil 
+	outputTo:nil 
+	errorTo:nil 
+	inDirectory:aDirectory
+	onError:aBlock
     "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 20:54:37 / cg"
@@ -1160,114 +1160,114 @@
     terminateLock := Semaphore forMutualExclusion.
     ((externalInStream := anInStream) notNil 
      and:[externalInStream isExternalStream not]) ifTrue:[
-        pIn := ExternalStream makePipe.
-        inStreamToClose := externalInStream := pIn at:1.
-        "/ start a reader process, shuffling data from the given
-        "/ inStream to the pipe (which is connected to the commands input)
-        inputShufflerProcess := [
-                    |s|
-                    s := pIn at:2.   "/ thats where the shuffler writes to
-                    [
-                        [s atEnd] whileFalse:[
-                            self 
-                                shuffleFrom:anInStream
-                                to:s
-                                lineWise:lineWise.
-                            s flush
-                        ]
-                    ] ensure:[
-                        s close
-                    ]
-                ] forkNamed:'cmd input shuffler'.
+	pIn := ExternalStream makePipe.
+	inStreamToClose := externalInStream := pIn at:1.
+	"/ start a reader process, shuffling data from the given
+	"/ inStream to the pipe (which is connected to the commands input)
+	inputShufflerProcess := [
+		    |s|
+		    s := pIn at:2.   "/ thats where the shuffler writes to
+		    [
+			[s atEnd] whileFalse:[
+			    self 
+				shuffleFrom:anInStream
+				to:s
+				lineWise:lineWise.
+			    s flush
+			]
+		    ] ensure:[
+			s close
+		    ]
+		] forkNamed:'cmd input shuffler'.
     ((externalOutStream := anOutStream) notNil 
      and:[externalOutStream isExternalStream not]) ifTrue:[
-        pOut := ExternalStream makePipe.
-        outStreamToClose := externalOutStream := pOut at:2.
-        outputShufflerProcess := 
-                    [
-                        self shuffleAllFrom:(pOut at:1) to:anOutStream lineWise:lineWise lockWith:terminateLock.    
-                    ] forkNamed:'cmd output shuffler'.
+	pOut := ExternalStream makePipe.
+	outStreamToClose := externalOutStream := pOut at:2.
+	outputShufflerProcess := 
+		    [
+			self shuffleAllFrom:(pOut at:1) to:anOutStream lineWise:lineWise lockWith:terminateLock.    
+		    ] forkNamed:'cmd output shuffler'.
     (externalErrStream := anErrStream) notNil ifTrue:[
-        anErrStream == anOutStream ifTrue:[
-            externalErrStream := externalOutStream
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            anErrStream isExternalStream ifFalse:[
-                pErr := ExternalStream makePipe.
-                errStreamToClose := externalErrStream := pErr at:2.
-                errorShufflerProcess := 
-                        [
-                            self shuffleAllFrom:(pErr at:1) to:anErrStream lineWise:lineWise lockWith:terminateLock.    
-                        ] forkNamed:'cmd err-output shuffler'.
-            ]
-        ]
+	anErrStream == anOutStream ifTrue:[
+	    externalErrStream := externalOutStream
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    anErrStream isExternalStream ifFalse:[
+		pErr := ExternalStream makePipe.
+		errStreamToClose := externalErrStream := pErr at:2.
+		errorShufflerProcess := 
+			[
+			    self shuffleAllFrom:(pErr at:1) to:anErrStream lineWise:lineWise lockWith:terminateLock.    
+			] forkNamed:'cmd err-output shuffler'.
+	    ]
+	]
     sema := Semaphore new name:'OS command wait'.
     pid := Processor 
-                monitor:[
-                    self 
-                        startProcess:aCommandString
-                        inputFrom:externalInStream
-                        outputTo:externalOutStream
-                        errorTo:externalErrStream
-                        inDirectory:dirOrNil
-                ]
-                action:[:status | 
-                    status stillAlive ifFalse:[
-                        exitStatus := status.
-                        sema signal.
-                        self closePid:pid
-                    ]
-                ].
+		monitor:[
+		    self 
+			startProcess:aCommandString
+			inputFrom:externalInStream
+			outputTo:externalOutStream
+			errorTo:externalErrStream
+			inDirectory:dirOrNil
+		]
+		action:[:status | 
+		    status stillAlive ifFalse:[
+			exitStatus := status.
+			sema signal.
+			self closePid:pid
+		    ]
+		].
     inStreamToClose notNil ifTrue:[
-        inStreamToClose close
+	inStreamToClose close
     errStreamToClose notNil ifTrue:[
-        errStreamToClose close
+	errStreamToClose close
     outStreamToClose notNil ifTrue:[
-        outStreamToClose close
+	outStreamToClose close
     stopShufflers := [
-            inputShufflerProcess notNil ifTrue:[
-                terminateLock critical:[inputShufflerProcess terminate].
-                inputShufflerProcess waitUntilTerminated
-            ].
-            outputShufflerProcess notNil ifTrue:[
-                terminateLock critical:[outputShufflerProcess terminate].
-                outputShufflerProcess waitUntilTerminated.
-                self shuffleRestFrom:(pOut at:1) to:anOutStream lineWise:lineWise.
-                (pOut at:1) close.
-            ].
-            errorShufflerProcess notNil ifTrue:[
-                terminateLock critical:[errorShufflerProcess terminate].
-                errorShufflerProcess waitUntilTerminated.
-                self shuffleRestFrom:(pErr at:1) to:anErrStream lineWise:lineWise.
-                (pErr at:1) close.
-            ].
-        ].
+	    inputShufflerProcess notNil ifTrue:[
+		terminateLock critical:[inputShufflerProcess terminate].
+		inputShufflerProcess waitUntilTerminated
+	    ].
+	    outputShufflerProcess notNil ifTrue:[
+		terminateLock critical:[outputShufflerProcess terminate].
+		outputShufflerProcess waitUntilTerminated.
+		self shuffleRestFrom:(pOut at:1) to:anOutStream lineWise:lineWise.
+		(pOut at:1) close.
+	    ].
+	    errorShufflerProcess notNil ifTrue:[
+		terminateLock critical:[errorShufflerProcess terminate].
+		errorShufflerProcess waitUntilTerminated.
+		self shuffleRestFrom:(pErr at:1) to:anErrStream lineWise:lineWise.
+		(pErr at:1) close.
+	    ].
+	].
     pid notNil ifTrue:[
-        [
-            sema wait.
-        ] ifCurtailed:[
-            "/ terminate the os-command (and all of its forked commands)
-            self terminateProcessGroup:pid.
-            self terminateProcess:pid.
-            self closePid:pid.
-            stopShufflers value.    
-        ]
+	[
+	    sema wait.
+	] ifCurtailed:[
+	    "/ terminate the os-command (and all of its forked commands)
+	    self terminateProcessGroup:pid.
+	    self terminateProcess:pid.
+	    self closePid:pid.
+	    stopShufflers value.    
+	]
     ] ifFalse:[
-        exitStatus := self osProcessStatusClass processCreationFailure
+	exitStatus := self osProcessStatusClass processCreationFailure
     stopShufflers value.
     exitStatus success ifFalse:[
-        ^ aBlock value:exitStatus
+	^ aBlock value:exitStatus
     ^ true
@@ -1287,43 +1287,43 @@
      error resp. - i.e. i/o will be from/to the xterminal"                                                          
     ^ self 
-        executeCommand:aCommandString inputFrom:anInStream outputTo:anOutStream errorTo:anErrStream inDirectory:dirOrNil 
-        lineWise:false
-        onError:aBlock
+	executeCommand:aCommandString inputFrom:anInStream outputTo:anOutStream errorTo:anErrStream inDirectory:dirOrNil 
+	lineWise:false
+	onError:aBlock
-         executeCommand:'dir'
-         inputFrom:nil
-         outputTo:nil
-         errorTo:nil
-         onError:[:status | Transcript flash]
+	 executeCommand:'dir'
+	 inputFrom:nil
+	 outputTo:nil
+	 errorTo:nil
+	 onError:[:status | Transcript flash]
-         executeCommand:'foo'
-         inputFrom:nil
-         outputTo:nil
-         errorTo:nil
-         onError:[:status | Transcript flash]
+	 executeCommand:'foo'
+	 inputFrom:nil
+	 outputTo:nil
+	 errorTo:nil
+	 onError:[:status | Transcript flash]
      s := '' writeStream.
-         executeCommand:'ls -l'
-         inputFrom:nil
-         outputTo:s
-         errorTo:nil
-         onError:[:status | Transcript flash].
+	 executeCommand:'ls -l'
+	 inputFrom:nil
+	 outputTo:s
+	 errorTo:nil
+	 onError:[:status | Transcript flash].
      Transcript showCR:s contents.
      s := '' writeStream.
-         executeCommand:'sh foo'
-         inputFrom:nil
-         outputTo:s
-         errorTo:s
-         onError:[:status | Transcript flash].
+	 executeCommand:'sh foo'
+	 inputFrom:nil
+	 outputTo:s
+	 errorTo:s
+	 onError:[:status | Transcript flash].
      Transcript showCR:s contents.
@@ -1342,55 +1342,55 @@
      (containing the exit status) as argument."
     ^ self
-        executeCommand:aCommandString 
-        inputFrom:anInStream 
-        outputTo:anOutStream 
-        errorTo:anErrStream 
-        inDirectory:nil
-        onError:aBlock
+	executeCommand:aCommandString 
+	inputFrom:anInStream 
+	outputTo:anOutStream 
+	errorTo:anErrStream 
+	inDirectory:nil
+	onError:aBlock
-        OperatingSystem
-            executeCommand:'dir'                              
-            inputFrom:nil
-            outputTo:nil
-            errorTo:nil
-            onError:[:status | Transcript flash]
+	OperatingSystem
+	    executeCommand:'dir'                              
+	    inputFrom:nil
+	    outputTo:nil
+	    errorTo:nil
+	    onError:[:status | Transcript flash]
-        OperatingSystem
-            executeCommand:'foo'
-            inputFrom:nil
-            outputTo:nil
-            errorTo:nil
-            onError:[:status | Transcript flash]
+	OperatingSystem
+	    executeCommand:'foo'
+	    inputFrom:nil
+	    outputTo:nil
+	    errorTo:nil
+	    onError:[:status | Transcript flash]
-        |outStr errStr|
-        outStr := '' writeStream.
-        errStr := '' writeStream.
-        OperatingSystem
-            executeCommand:'ls'
-            inputFrom:nil
-            outputTo:outStr
-            errorTo:errStr
-            onError:[:status | Transcript flash].
-        Transcript show:'out:'; showCR:outStr contents.
-        Transcript show:'err:'; showCR:errStr contents.
+	|outStr errStr|
+	outStr := '' writeStream.
+	errStr := '' writeStream.
+	OperatingSystem
+	    executeCommand:'ls'
+	    inputFrom:nil
+	    outputTo:outStr
+	    errorTo:errStr
+	    onError:[:status | Transcript flash].
+	Transcript show:'out:'; showCR:outStr contents.
+	Transcript show:'err:'; showCR:errStr contents.
-        |outStr errStr|
-        outStr := '' writeStream.
-        errStr := '' writeStream.
-        OperatingSystem
-            executeCommand:'ls /fooBar'
-            inputFrom:nil
-            outputTo:outStr
-            errorTo:errStr
-            onError:[:status | Transcript flash].
-        Transcript show:'out:'; showCR:outStr contents.
-        Transcript show:'err:'; showCR:errStr contents.
+	|outStr errStr|
+	outStr := '' writeStream.
+	errStr := '' writeStream.
+	OperatingSystem
+	    executeCommand:'ls /fooBar'
+	    inputFrom:nil
+	    outputTo:outStr
+	    errorTo:errStr
+	    onError:[:status | Transcript flash].
+	Transcript show:'out:'; showCR:outStr contents.
+	Transcript show:'err:'; showCR:errStr contents.
     "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 20:51:39 / cg"
@@ -1405,12 +1405,12 @@
      (containing the exit status) as argument."
     ^ self
-        executeCommand:aCommandString 
-        inputFrom:nil 
-        outputTo:nil 
-        errorTo:nil 
-        inDirectory:nil
-        onError:aBlock
+	executeCommand:aCommandString 
+	inputFrom:nil 
+	outputTo:nil 
+	errorTo:nil 
+	inDirectory:nil
+	onError:aBlock
@@ -1444,12 +1444,12 @@
     self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use executeCommand:inDirectory:onError:'.
     ^ self
-        executeCommand:aCommandString 
-        inputFrom:nil 
-        outputTo:nil 
-        errorTo:nil 
-        inDirectory:aDirectory
-        onError:aBlock
+	executeCommand:aCommandString 
+	inputFrom:nil 
+	outputTo:nil 
+	errorTo:nil 
+	inDirectory:aDirectory
+	onError:aBlock
     "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 20:54:37 / cg"
@@ -1460,12 +1460,12 @@
      hardwiring any 'cd ..' command strings into your applictions."
      ^ self
-        executeCommand:aCommandString
-        inputFrom:nil
-        outputTo:outStreamOrNil
-        errorTo:errStreamOrNil
-        inDirectory:aDirectory
-        onError:[:status| false]
+	executeCommand:aCommandString
+	inputFrom:nil
+	outputTo:outStreamOrNil
+	errorTo:errStreamOrNil
+	inDirectory:aDirectory
+	onError:[:status| false]
      OperatingSystem executeCommand:'tdump date.obj' inDirectory:'c:\winstx\stx\libbasic\objbc'. 
@@ -1508,7 +1508,7 @@
     result := self getCommandOutputFrom:aCommand maxNumberOfLines:1 errorDisposition:#discard.
     result notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ result firstIfEmpty:['']
+	^ result firstIfEmpty:['']
     ^ result
@@ -1539,34 +1539,34 @@
     PipeFailed ~~ true ifTrue:[
-        PipeStream openErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
-            PipeFailed := true.
-            'OperatingSystem [warning]: cannot fork/popen' errorPrintCR.
-            ex return.
-        ] do:[
-            |p line|
-            p := PipeStream 
-                    readingFrom:aCommand
-                    errorDisposition:errorDisposition
-                    inDirectory:nil.
-            p notNil ifTrue:[
-                result := StringCollection new.
-                [p atEnd] whileFalse:[
-                    line := p nextLine.
-                    (numLinesOrNil isNil 
-                    or:[result size < numLinesOrNil]) ifTrue:[
-                        result add:line
-                    ].
-                ].
-                p close.
-                p exitStatus success ifFalse:[
-                    result isEmpty ifTrue:[
-                        result := nil
-                    ]
-                ].
-            ].
-        ].
+	PipeStream openErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
+	    PipeFailed := true.
+	    'OperatingSystem [warning]: cannot fork/popen' errorPrintCR.
+	    ex return.
+	] do:[
+	    |p line|
+	    p := PipeStream 
+		    readingFrom:aCommand
+		    errorDisposition:errorDisposition
+		    inDirectory:nil.
+	    p notNil ifTrue:[
+		result := StringCollection new.
+		[p atEnd] whileFalse:[
+		    line := p nextLine.
+		    (numLinesOrNil isNil 
+		    or:[result size < numLinesOrNil]) ifTrue:[
+			result add:line
+		    ].
+		].
+		p close.
+		p exitStatus success ifFalse:[
+		    result isEmpty ifTrue:[
+			result := nil
+		    ]
+		].
+	    ].
+	].
     ^ result
@@ -1654,11 +1654,11 @@
      or #killProcess: to stop it."
     ^ self
-        startProcess:aCommandString 
-        inputFrom:nil 
-        outputTo:nil 
-        errorTo:nil 
-        inDirectory:nil
+	startProcess:aCommandString 
+	inputFrom:nil 
+	outputTo:nil 
+	errorTo:nil 
+	inDirectory:nil
@@ -1678,11 +1678,11 @@
      pid := OperatingSystem 
-                startProcess:'dir/l'
-                inputFrom:nil
-                outputTo:Stdout
-                errorTo:nil
-                inDirectory:nil.
+		startProcess:'dir/l'
+		inputFrom:nil
+		outputTo:Stdout
+		errorTo:nil
+		inDirectory:nil.
      (Delay forSeconds:2) wait.
      OperatingSystem killProcess:pid.
@@ -1701,11 +1701,11 @@
      or #killProcess: to stop it."
     ^ self
-        startProcess:aCommandString 
-        inputFrom:nil 
-        outputTo:nil 
-        errorTo:nil 
-        inDirectory:aDirectory
+	startProcess:aCommandString 
+	inputFrom:nil 
+	outputTo:nil 
+	errorTo:nil 
+	inDirectory:aDirectory
@@ -1731,11 +1731,11 @@
      or #killProcess: to stop it."
      ^ self     
-        startProcess:aCommandString 
-        inputFrom:anExternalInStream 
-        outputTo:anExternalOutStream 
-        errorTo:anExternalErrStream 
-        inDirectory:nil
+	startProcess:aCommandString 
+	inputFrom:anExternalInStream 
+	outputTo:anExternalOutStream 
+	errorTo:anExternalErrStream 
+	inDirectory:nil
     "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 20:59:05 / cg"
@@ -1829,13 +1829,13 @@
     "open a file, return an os specific fileHandle. 
      openmode is a symbol defining the way to open
      valid modes are:
-        #read
-        #write  
-        #readWrite
-        #appendWrite
-        #appendReadWrite
-        #createWrite
-        #createReadWrite
+	#read
+	#write  
+	#readWrite
+	#appendWrite
+	#appendReadWrite
+	#createWrite
+	#createReadWrite
      attributeSpec is an additional argument, currently only used with VMS
      - it allows a file to be created as fixedRecord, variableRecord, streamLF, streamCR, ...
@@ -1878,10 +1878,10 @@
      Here, false is returned and the caller should be prepared
      for a fallBack solution.
-        this is not a public interface; instead, it is used
-        internally by the Filename class, to try a fast copy
-        before doing things manually.
-        Please use Filename recursiveCopyTo:"
+	this is not a public interface; instead, it is used
+	internally by the Filename class, to try a fast copy
+	before doing things manually.
+	Please use Filename recursiveCopyTo:"
     ^ false
@@ -1901,8 +1901,8 @@
     self createDirectory:dirName.
     (self isDirectory:dirName) ifFalse:[
-        (self recursiveCreateDirectory:(dirName asFilename directoryName)) ifFalse:[^ false].
-        ^ self createDirectory:dirName
+	(self recursiveCreateDirectory:(dirName asFilename directoryName)) ifFalse:[^ false].
+	^ self createDirectory:dirName
     ^ true
@@ -1920,10 +1920,10 @@
      Here, false is returned and the caller should be prepared
      for a fallBack solution.
-        this is not a public interface; instead, it is used
-        internally by the Filename class, to try a fast remove
-        before doing things manually.
-        Please use Filename recursiveRemoveDirectory:"
+	this is not a public interface; instead, it is used
+	internally by the Filename class, to try a fast remove
+	before doing things manually.
+	Please use Filename recursiveRemoveDirectory:"
     ^ false
@@ -1991,7 +1991,7 @@
      this could have been implemented as:
-        (self infoOf:aPathName) at:#mode
+	(self infoOf:aPathName) at:#mode
      but for huge directory searches the code below is faster
@@ -2144,8 +2144,8 @@
      The amount of information returned depends upon the OS, and is
      not guaranteed to be consistent across architectures.
      On unix and msdos, the information returned is (at least):
-        freeBytes
-        totalBytes
+	freeBytes
+	totalBytes
      Do not depend on any information being present in the returned dictionary;
      users of this method should always use #at:ifAbsent:, and care for the absent case.
      Nil is returned if no such information can be obtained.
@@ -2173,9 +2173,9 @@
     "/ root, home and current directories.
     ^ Array 
-        with:'/'
-        with:(self getHomeDirectory)
-        with:(Filename currentDirectory pathName)
+	with:'/'
+	with:(self getHomeDirectory)
+	with:(Filename currentDirectory pathName)
     "Modified: / 5.5.1999 / 01:06:26 / cg"
@@ -2185,8 +2185,8 @@
      The amount of information returned depends upon the OS, and is
      not guaranteed to be consistent across architectures.
      On unix, the information returned is (at least):
-        mountPoint - mount point
-        fileSystem - device or NFS-remotePath
+	mountPoint - mount point
+	fileSystem - device or NFS-remotePath
     ^ #()
@@ -2233,16 +2233,16 @@
     "return some object filled with info for the file 'aPathName';
      the info (for which corresponding access methods are understood by
      the returned object) is:
-         type            - a symbol giving the files type
-         mode            - numeric access mode 
-         uid             - owners user id
-         gid             - owners group id
-         size            - files size
-         id              - files number (i.e. inode number)
-         accessed        - last access time (as Timestamp)
-         modified        - last modification time (as Timestamp)
-         statusChanged   - last status change time (as Timestamp)
-         alternativeName - (windows only: the MSDOS name of the file)
+	 type            - a symbol giving the files type
+	 mode            - numeric access mode 
+	 uid             - owners user id
+	 gid             - owners group id
+	 size            - files size
+	 id              - files number (i.e. inode number)
+	 accessed        - last access time (as Timestamp)
+	 modified        - last modification time (as Timestamp)
+	 statusChanged   - last status change time (as Timestamp)
+	 alternativeName - (windows only: the MSDOS name of the file)
      Some of the fields may be returned as nil on systems which do not provide
      all of the information.
@@ -2511,8 +2511,8 @@
     "disable timer interrupts.
-        the system will not operate correctly with timer interrupts
-        disabled, because no scheduling or timeouts are possible."
+	the system will not operate correctly with timer interrupts
+	disabled, because no scheduling or timeouts are possible."
     self subclassResponsibility
@@ -2521,9 +2521,9 @@
     "disable userInterrupt processing;
      when disabled, no ^C processing takes place.
-         If at all, use this only for debugged stand-alone applications, since
-         no exit to the debugger is possible with user interrupts disabled.
-         We recommend setting up a handler for the signal instead of disabling it."
+	 If at all, use this only for debugged stand-alone applications, since
+	 no exit to the debugger is possible with user interrupts disabled.
+	 We recommend setting up a handler for the signal instead of disabling it."
     self disableSignal:(self sigBREAK).
     self disableSignal:(self sigINT).
@@ -2661,8 +2661,8 @@
      The process has a no chance to do some cleanup.
      WARNING: in order to avoid zombie processes (on unix),
-              you may have to fetch the processes exitstatus with
-              OperatingSystem>>getStatusOfProcess:aProcessId."
+	      you may have to fetch the processes exitstatus with
+	      OperatingSystem>>getStatusOfProcess:aProcessId."
     self subclassResponsibility
@@ -2674,8 +2674,8 @@
      The process has NO chance to do some cleanup.
      WARNING: in order to avoid zombie processes (on unix),
-              you may have to fetch the processes exitstatus with
-              OperatingSystem>>getStatusOfProcess:aProcessId."
+	      you may have to fetch the processes exitstatus with
+	      OperatingSystem>>getStatusOfProcess:aProcessId."
     self subclassResponsibility
@@ -2725,7 +2725,7 @@
     aSignalNumber == self sigDANGER  ifTrue:[^ 'low on paging space'].
     "notice: many systems map SIGPOLL and/or SIGUSR onto SIGIO
-             therefore, keep SIGIO always above the two below" 
+	     therefore, keep SIGIO always above the two below" 
     aSignalNumber == self sigPOLL   ifTrue:[^ 'io available'].
     aSignalNumber == self sigURG    ifTrue:[^ 'urgent'].
@@ -2742,7 +2742,7 @@
      operatingSystem-signal occurs, or nil"
     OSSignals notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ OSSignals at:signalNumber ifAbsent:[nil]
+	^ OSSignals at:signalNumber ifAbsent:[nil]
     ^ nil
@@ -2751,7 +2751,7 @@
     "install a signal to be raised when an operatingSystem-signal occurs"
     OSSignals isNil ifTrue:[
-        OSSignals := Array new:32
+	OSSignals := Array new:32
     OSSignals at:signalNumber put:aSignal
@@ -2763,9 +2763,9 @@
      Do not confuse UNIX signals with Smalltalk-Signals.
      WARNING: in order to avoid zombie processes (on unix),
-              you may have to fetch the processes exitstatus with
-              OperatingSystem>>getStatusOfProcess:aProcessId
-              if the signal terminates that process."
+	      you may have to fetch the processes exitstatus with
+	      OperatingSystem>>getStatusOfProcess:aProcessId
+	      if the signal terminates that process."
     self subclassResponsibility
@@ -2777,7 +2777,7 @@
      On systems, where no virtual timer is available, use the real timer
      (which is of course less correct).
      OBSOLETE: the new messageTally runs as a high prio process, not using 
-               spy interrupts."
+	       spy interrupts."
     ^ false
@@ -2785,7 +2785,7 @@
     "stop spy timing - disable spy timer.
      OBSOLETE: the new messageTally runs as a high prio process, not using 
-               spy interrupts."
+	       spy interrupts."
     ^ false
@@ -2795,8 +2795,8 @@
      The process has a chance to do some cleanup.
      WARNING: in order to avoid zombie processes (on unix),
-              you may have to fetch the processes exitstatus with
-              OperatingSystem>>getStatusOfProcess:aProcessId."
+	      you may have to fetch the processes exitstatus with
+	      OperatingSystem>>getStatusOfProcess:aProcessId."
     self subclassResponsibility
@@ -2806,8 +2806,8 @@
      The process has a chance to do some cleanup.
      WARNING: in order to avoid zombie processes (on unix),
-              you may have to fetch the processes exitstatus with
-              OperatingSystem>>getStatusOfProcess:aProcessId."
+	      you may have to fetch the processes exitstatus with
+	      OperatingSystem>>getStatusOfProcess:aProcessId."
     self subclassResponsibility
@@ -2849,7 +2849,7 @@
     int code = 1;
     if (__isSmallInteger(exitCode)) {
-        code = __intVal(exitCode);
+	code = __intVal(exitCode);
@@ -3003,7 +3003,7 @@
     "return the domain this host is in.
-        not all systems support this; on some, 'unknown' is returned."
+	not all systems support this; on some, 'unknown' is returned."
     self subclassResponsibility
@@ -3018,7 +3018,7 @@
     "return the hostname we are running on - if there is
      a HOST environment variable, we are much faster here ...
-        not all systems support this; on some, 'unknown' is returned."
+	not all systems support this; on some, 'unknown' is returned."
     self subclassResponsibility
@@ -3027,42 +3027,42 @@
     "return a dictionary filled with values from the locale information;
      Not all fields may be present, depending on the OS's setup and capabilities.
      Possible fields are:
-        decimalPoint                    <String>
-        thousandsSep                    <String>
-        internationalCurrencySymbol     <String>
-        currencySymbol                  <String>
-        monetaryDecimalPoint            <String>
-        monetaryThousandsSeparator      <String>
-        positiveSign                    <String>
-        negativeSign                    <String>
-        internationalFractionalDigits   <Integer>
-        fractionalDigits                <Integer>
-        positiveSignPrecedesCurrencySymbol      <Boolean>
-        negativeSignPrecedesCurrencySymbol      <Boolean>
-        positiveSignSeparatedBySpaceFromCurrencySymbol  <Boolean>
-        negativeSignSeparatedBySpaceFromCurrencySymbol  <Boolean>
-        positiveSignPosition                            <Symbol>
-                                                        one of: #parenthesesAround, 
-                                                                #signPrecedes, 
-                                                                #signSuceeds, 
-                                                                #signPrecedesCurrencySymbol,
-                                                                #signSuceedsCurrencySymbol
-        negativeSignPosition                            <like above>
+	decimalPoint                    <String>
+	thousandsSep                    <String>
+	internationalCurrencySymbol     <String>
+	currencySymbol                  <String>
+	monetaryDecimalPoint            <String>
+	monetaryThousandsSeparator      <String>
+	positiveSign                    <String>
+	negativeSign                    <String>
+	internationalFractionalDigits   <Integer>
+	fractionalDigits                <Integer>
+	positiveSignPrecedesCurrencySymbol      <Boolean>
+	negativeSignPrecedesCurrencySymbol      <Boolean>
+	positiveSignSeparatedBySpaceFromCurrencySymbol  <Boolean>
+	negativeSignSeparatedBySpaceFromCurrencySymbol  <Boolean>
+	positiveSignPosition                            <Symbol>
+							one of: #parenthesesAround, 
+								#signPrecedes, 
+								#signSuceeds, 
+								#signPrecedesCurrencySymbol,
+								#signSuceedsCurrencySymbol
+	negativeSignPosition                            <like above>
      it is up to the application to deal with undefined values.
@@ -3170,6 +3170,10 @@
 #    define OS_SYMBOL @symbol(linux)
 #   endif
+#   ifdef FREEBSD
+#    define OS_SYMBOL @symbol(freeBSD)
+#   endif
 #   ifdef sunos
 #    define OS_SYMBOL @symbol(sunos)
 #   endif
@@ -3260,7 +3264,7 @@
     "if supported by the OS, return the systemID;
      a unique per machine identification.
-        not all systems support this; on some, 'unknown' is returned."
+	not all systems support this; on some, 'unknown' is returned."
     ^ 'unknown'
@@ -3282,16 +3286,16 @@
        This method is mainly provided to augment error reports with some system
        (in case of system/version specific OS errors, conditional workarounds and patches
-        may be based upon this info).
+	may be based upon this info).
        Your application should NOT depend upon this in any way.
      The returned info may (or may not) contain:
-        #system -> some operating system identification (irix, Linux, nt, win32s ...) 
-        #version -> OS version (some os version identification)
-        #release -> OS release (3.5, 1.2.1 ...)
-        #node   -> some host identification (hostname)
-        #domain  -> domain name (hosts domain)
-        #machine -> type of machine (i586, mips ...)
+	#system -> some operating system identification (irix, Linux, nt, win32s ...) 
+	#version -> OS version (some os version identification)
+	#release -> OS release (3.5, 1.2.1 ...)
+	#node   -> some host identification (hostname)
+	#domain  -> domain name (hosts domain)
+	#machine -> type of machine (i586, mips ...)
@@ -3418,11 +3422,11 @@
     "return the max number of characters in a filename.
-         Actually, the following is somewhat wrong - some systems
-         support different sizes, depending on the volume.
-         We return a somewhat conservative number here.
-         Another entry, to query for volume specific max
-         will be added in the future."
+	 Actually, the following is somewhat wrong - some systems
+	 support different sizes, depending on the volume.
+	 We return a somewhat conservative number here.
+	 Another entry, to query for volume specific max
+	 will be added in the future."
     self subclassResponsibility
@@ -3630,24 +3634,24 @@
     homePath := OperatingSystem getHomeDirectory.
     homePath notNil ifTrue:[
-        (pPath includes:homePath) ifFalse:[
-            pPath add:homePath.
-        ].
-        "/
-        "/ a users private smalltalk directory in its home (login) directory
-        "/
-        OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue:[
-            priv := '.smalltalk'.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            priv := 'smalltalk'.
-        ].
-        userPrivateSTXDir := homePath asFilename constructString:priv.
-        (userPrivateSTXDir asFilename isDirectory) ifTrue:[
-            (pPath includes:userPrivateSTXDir) ifFalse:[
-                pPath add:userPrivateSTXDir
-            ]
-        ].
+	(pPath includes:homePath) ifFalse:[
+	    pPath add:homePath.
+	].
+	"/
+	"/ a users private smalltalk directory in its home (login) directory
+	"/
+	OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue:[
+	    priv := '.smalltalk'.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    priv := 'smalltalk'.
+	].
+	userPrivateSTXDir := homePath asFilename constructString:priv.
+	(userPrivateSTXDir asFilename isDirectory) ifTrue:[
+	    (pPath includes:userPrivateSTXDir) ifFalse:[
+		pPath add:userPrivateSTXDir
+	    ]
+	].
@@ -3655,21 +3659,21 @@
     p := OperatingSystem getEnvironment:'STX_TOPDIR'.
     p notNil ifTrue:[
-        (pPath includes:p) ifFalse:[
-            pPath add:p
-        ].
+	(pPath includes:p) ifFalse:[
+	    pPath add:p
+	].
     pPath add:'/opt/smalltalk'.
     pPath := pPath select:[:p | (p asFilename construct:'packages') exists].
     pPath := pPath collect:[:p | (p asFilename constructString:'packages')].
    (p := OperatingSystem getEnvironment:'STX_PACKAGEPATH') notNil ifTrue:[
-        p := p asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$:.
-        p reverseDo:[:dir|
-            (pPath includes:dir) ifFalse:[
-                pPath addFirst:dir.
-            ].
-        ].
+	p := p asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$:.
+	p reverseDo:[:dir|
+	    (pPath includes:dir) ifFalse:[
+		pPath addFirst:dir.
+	    ].
+	].
     ^ pPath
@@ -3710,20 +3714,20 @@
 "/            sysPath add:homePath.
 "/        ].
-        "/
-        "/ a users private smalltalk directory in its home (login) directory
-        "/
-        OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue:[
-            priv := '.smalltalk'.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            priv := 'smalltalk'.
-        ].
-        userPrivateSTXDir := homePath asFilename constructString:priv.
-        (userPrivateSTXDir asFilename isDirectory) ifTrue:[
-            (sysPath includes:userPrivateSTXDir) ifFalse:[
-                sysPath add:userPrivateSTXDir
-            ]
-        ].
+	"/
+	"/ a users private smalltalk directory in its home (login) directory
+	"/
+	OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue:[
+	    priv := '.smalltalk'.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    priv := 'smalltalk'.
+	].
+	userPrivateSTXDir := homePath asFilename constructString:priv.
+	(userPrivateSTXDir asFilename isDirectory) ifTrue:[
+	    (sysPath includes:userPrivateSTXDir) ifFalse:[
+		sysPath add:userPrivateSTXDir
+	    ]
+	].
@@ -3731,14 +3735,14 @@
-        'STX_TOPDIR'
      ) do:[:each |
-        p := OperatingSystem getEnvironment:each.
-        p notNil ifTrue:[
-            (sysPath includes:p) ifFalse:[
-                sysPath add:p
-            ]
-        ].
+	p := OperatingSystem getEnvironment:each.
+	p notNil ifTrue:[
+	    (sysPath includes:p) ifFalse:[
+		sysPath add:p
+	    ]
+	].
     ^ sysPath
@@ -3757,14 +3761,14 @@
 shuffleAllFrom:anInStream to:anOutStream lineWise:lineWise lockWith:aLock
     [anInStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
-        anInStream readWait.
-        aLock
-            critical:[
-                self 
-                    shuffleFrom:anInStream
-                    to:anOutStream
-                    lineWise:lineWise
-            ]
+	anInStream readWait.
+	aLock
+	    critical:[
+		self 
+		    shuffleFrom:anInStream
+		    to:anOutStream
+		    lineWise:lineWise
+	    ]
@@ -3772,27 +3776,27 @@
     |data nShuffled|
     lineWise ifTrue:[
-        data := anInStream nextLine.
-        nShuffled := data size.
-        nShuffled > 0 ifTrue:[
-            anOutStream nextPutLine:data
-        ]
+	data := anInStream nextLine.
+	nShuffled := data size.
+	nShuffled > 0 ifTrue:[
+	    anOutStream nextPutLine:data
+	]
     ] ifFalse:[
-        data := anInStream nextAvailable:1024.
-        nShuffled := data size.
-        nShuffled > 0 ifTrue:[
-            anOutStream nextPutAll:data
-        ]
+	data := anInStream nextAvailable:1024.
+	nShuffled := data size.
+	nShuffled > 0 ifTrue:[
+	    anOutStream nextPutAll:data
+	]
     ^ nShuffled
 shuffleRestFrom:anInStream to:anOutStream lineWise:lineWise 
-        self 
-            shuffleFrom:anInStream
-            to:anOutStream
-            lineWise:lineWise.
+	self 
+	    shuffleFrom:anInStream
+	    to:anOutStream
+	    lineWise:lineWise.
     ] doUntil:[anInStream atEnd].
 ! !
@@ -3912,8 +3916,8 @@
      Use the millisecondTimeXXX:-methods to compare and add time deltas - these know about the wrap.
-        This should be changed to return some instance of RelativeTime,
-        and these computations moved there.
+	This should be changed to return some instance of RelativeTime,
+	and these computations moved there.
      Dont use this method in application code since it is an internal (private)
      interface. For compatibility with ST-80, use Time millisecondClockValue.
@@ -3962,9 +3966,9 @@
     then := self millisecondTimeAdd:now and:millis.
     [self millisecondTime:then isAfter:now] whileTrue:[
-        delta := self millisecondTimeDeltaBetween:then and:now.
-        self selectOnAnyReadable:nil writable:nil exception:nil withTimeOut:delta.
-        now := self getMillisecondTime.
+	delta := self millisecondTimeDeltaBetween:then and:now.
+	self selectOnAnyReadable:nil writable:nil exception:nil withTimeOut:delta.
+	now := self getMillisecondTime.
@@ -3980,13 +3984,13 @@
      This should really be moved to some RelativeTime class."
     (msTime1 > msTime2) ifTrue:[
-        ((msTime1 - msTime2) >= 16r10000000) ifTrue:[
-            ^ false
-        ].
-        ^ true
+	((msTime1 - msTime2) >= 16r10000000) ifTrue:[
+	    ^ false
+	].
+	^ true
     ((msTime2 - msTime1) > 16r10000000) ifTrue:[
-        ^ true
+	^ true
     ^ false
@@ -4016,7 +4020,7 @@
      better yet: create a subclass of Integer named LimitedRangeInteger."
     (msTime1 > msTime2) ifTrue:[
-        ^ msTime1 - msTime2
+	^ msTime1 - msTime2
     ^ msTime1 + 16r10000000 - msTime2
@@ -4196,7 +4200,7 @@
     "/ fallBack dummy
     aNumber == self getUserID ifTrue:[
-        ^ self getLoginName
+	^ self getLoginName
     ^ '? (' , aNumber printString , ')'
@@ -4275,20 +4279,20 @@
      This depends on a working select or FIONREAD to be provided by the OS."
     self supportsSelect ifFalse:[
-        "/ mhmh - what should we do then ?
-        "/ For now, return true as if data was present,
-        "/ and let the thread fall into the read.
-        "/ It will then (hopefully) be desceduled there and
-        "/ effectively polling for input.
-        ^ true
+	"/ mhmh - what should we do then ?
+	"/ For now, return true as if data was present,
+	"/ and let the thread fall into the read.
+	"/ It will then (hopefully) be desceduled there and
+	"/ effectively polling for input.
+	^ true
     (self selectOnAnyReadable:(Array with:fd)
-                     writable:nil
-                    exception:nil
-                  withTimeOut:0) == fd
-        ifTrue:[^ true].
+		     writable:nil
+		    exception:nil
+		  withTimeOut:0) == fd
+	ifTrue:[^ true].
     ^ false
@@ -4298,19 +4302,19 @@
      be finished."
     self supportsSelect ifFalse:[
-        "/ mhmh - what should we do then ?
-        "/ For now, return true as if data was present,
-        "/ and let the thread fall into the write.
-        "/ It will then (hopefully) be desceduled there and
-        "/ effectively polling for output.
-        ^ true
+	"/ mhmh - what should we do then ?
+	"/ For now, return true as if data was present,
+	"/ and let the thread fall into the write.
+	"/ It will then (hopefully) be desceduled there and
+	"/ effectively polling for output.
+	^ true
     (self selectOnAnyReadable:(Array with:fd)
-                     writable:(Array with:fd)
-                    exception:nil
-                  withTimeOut:0) == fd
-        ifTrue:[^ true].
+		     writable:(Array with:fd)
+		    exception:nil
+		  withTimeOut:0) == fd
+	ifTrue:[^ true].
     ^ false
@@ -4319,12 +4323,12 @@
      A zero timeout-time will immediately return (i.e. poll).
      Return fd if i/o ok, nil if timed-out or interrupted.
-        This is a leftover method and will vanish."
+	This is a leftover method and will vanish."
     ^ self selectOnAnyReadable:(Array with:fd1 with:fd2)
-                      writable:(Array with:fd1 with:fd2)
-                     exception:nil
-                   withTimeOut:millis
+		      writable:(Array with:fd1 with:fd2)
+		     exception:nil
+		   withTimeOut:millis
 selectOn:fd withTimeOut:millis
@@ -4335,9 +4339,9 @@
     ^ self selectOnAnyReadable:(Array with:fd)
-                      writable:(Array with:fd)
-                     exception:nil
-                   withTimeOut:millis
+		      writable:(Array with:fd)
+		     exception:nil
+		   withTimeOut:millis
 selectOnAny:fdArray withTimeOut:millis
@@ -4347,9 +4351,9 @@
     ^ self selectOnAnyReadable:fdArray
-                      writable:fdArray
-                     exception:nil
-                   withTimeOut:millis
+		      writable:fdArray
+		     exception:nil
+		   withTimeOut:millis
 selectOnAnyReadable:fdArray withTimeOut:millis
@@ -4360,9 +4364,9 @@
     ^ self selectOnAnyReadable:fdArray 
-                      writable:nil 
-                     exception:nil
-                   withTimeOut:millis
+		      writable:nil 
+		     exception:nil
+		   withTimeOut:millis
 selectOnAnyReadable:readFdArray writable:writeFdArray exception:exceptFdArray withTimeOut:millis
@@ -4392,25 +4396,25 @@
     "return true, if filedescriptor can be written without blocking"
     self supportsSelect ifFalse:[
-        "/ mhmh - what should we do then ?
-        "/ For now, return true as if data was present,
-        "/ and let the thread fall into the write.
-        "/ It will then (hopefully) be desceduled there and
-        "/ effectively polling for output.
-        ^ true
+	"/ mhmh - what should we do then ?
+	"/ For now, return true as if data was present,
+	"/ and let the thread fall into the write.
+	"/ It will then (hopefully) be desceduled there and
+	"/ effectively polling for output.
+	^ true
     (self selectOnAnyReadable:nil
-                     writable:(Array with:fd)
-                    exception:nil
-                  withTimeOut:0) == fd
-        ifTrue:[^ true].
+		     writable:(Array with:fd)
+		    exception:nil
+		  withTimeOut:0) == fd
+	ifTrue:[^ true].
     ^ false
 ! !
 !AbstractOperatingSystem class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/AbstractOperatingSystem.st,v 1.71 2002-07-10 11:55:43 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/AbstractOperatingSystem.st,v 1.72 2002-07-22 15:08:10 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 AbstractOperatingSystem initialize!