--silent + --repl
authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Tue, 08 May 2018 11:10:11 +0200
changeset 22791 5aebe8996c2d
parent 22790 5791073e4907
child 22792 642855917cc2
--silent + --repl
--- a/Smalltalk.st	Tue May 08 11:09:26 2018 +0200
+++ b/Smalltalk.st	Tue May 08 11:10:11 2018 +0200
@@ -236,19 +236,19 @@
      right after startup, usually immediately followed by Smalltalk>>start.
-        this is NOT called when an image is restarted; in this
-        case the show starts in Smalltalk>>restart."
+	this is NOT called when an image is restarted; in this
+	case the show starts in Smalltalk>>restart."
     OrderedCollection initialize.
     Smalltalk at:#Compiler put:ByteCodeCompiler.
     Compiler isNil ifTrue:[
-        "
-         ByteCodeCompiler is not in the system (i.e. has not been linked in)
-         this allows at least immediate evaluations for runtime systems without compiler
-         NOTICE: a parser is always needed, otherwise we cannot read resource files etc.
-        "
-        Smalltalk at:#Compiler put:Parser
+	"
+	 ByteCodeCompiler is not in the system (i.e. has not been linked in)
+	 this allows at least immediate evaluations for runtime systems without compiler
+	 NOTICE: a parser is always needed, otherwise we cannot read resource files etc.
+	"
+	Smalltalk at:#Compiler put:Parser
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
     "/ in case, someone needs the objectFileLoader early
     ObjectFileLoader notNil ifTrue:[
-        ObjectFileLoader initialize.
+	ObjectFileLoader initialize.
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
     "/ flush them here, so they are reread in any case.
     "/ required for some apps, for example to show the menu correctly (see launcher's help menu)
     ApplicationModel notNil ifTrue:[
-        ApplicationModel flushAllClassResources.
+	ApplicationModel flushAllClassResources.
@@ -325,20 +325,20 @@
     |envString i langString terrString|
     StandAlone isNil ifTrue:[
-        StandAlone := false.
+	StandAlone := false.
     HeadlessOperation isNil ifTrue:[
-        HeadlessOperation := false.
+	HeadlessOperation := false.
      extract Language and LanguageTerritory from LANG variable.
      valid are for example:
-                            en_en / en
-                            en_us
-                            en_gb
-                            de_de / de
-                            de_at       (for Austria)
+			    en_en / en
+			    en_us
+			    en_gb
+			    de_de / de
+			    de_at       (for Austria)
     Language := #en.
@@ -346,41 +346,41 @@
     "Format of LANG is: language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier]
-        language        ISO-639  Language code
-        territory       ISO-3166 Contry code"
+	language        ISO-639  Language code
+	territory       ISO-3166 Contry code"
     envString := OperatingSystem getLanguage.
     envString notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-        i := envString indexOf:$@.
-        (i ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-            LanguageModifier := (envString copyFrom:(i + 1)) asLowercase asSymbol.
-            envString := envString copyTo:(i - 1).
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            LanguageModifier := nil.
-        ].
-        i := envString indexOf:$..
-        (i ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-            LanguageCodeset := (envString copyFrom:(i + 1)) asLowercase asSymbol.
-            envString := envString copyTo:(i - 1).
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            LanguageCodeset := #'iso8859-1'.
-        ].
-        i := envString indexOf:$_.
-        (i == 0) ifTrue:[
-            langString := envString.
-            terrString := envString
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            langString := envString copyTo:(i - 1).
-            terrString := envString copyFrom:(i + 1)
-        ].
-        langString := langString asLowercase.
-        terrString := terrString asLowercase.
-        (langString = 'c' or:[terrString = 'c']) ifTrue:[
-            ('Smalltalk [info]: ignoring wrong LANG setting (',langString,'_',terrString,') - using english') infoPrintCR.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            Language := langString asSymbol.
-            LanguageTerritory := terrString asSymbol
-        ]
+	i := envString indexOf:$@.
+	(i ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+	    LanguageModifier := (envString copyFrom:(i + 1)) asLowercase asSymbol.
+	    envString := envString copyTo:(i - 1).
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    LanguageModifier := nil.
+	].
+	i := envString indexOf:$..
+	(i ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+	    LanguageCodeset := (envString copyFrom:(i + 1)) asLowercase asSymbol.
+	    envString := envString copyTo:(i - 1).
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    LanguageCodeset := #'iso8859-1'.
+	].
+	i := envString indexOf:$_.
+	(i == 0) ifTrue:[
+	    langString := envString.
+	    terrString := envString
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    langString := envString copyTo:(i - 1).
+	    terrString := envString copyFrom:(i + 1)
+	].
+	langString := langString asLowercase.
+	terrString := terrString asLowercase.
+	(langString = 'c' or:[terrString = 'c']) ifTrue:[
+	    ('Smalltalk [info]: ignoring wrong LANG setting (',langString,'_',terrString,') - using english') infoPrintCR.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    Language := langString asSymbol.
+	    LanguageTerritory := terrString asSymbol
+	]
@@ -463,66 +463,66 @@
     "setup path where system files are searched for.
      the default path is set to:
-            .
-            <directory of exe>       (WIN32 only)
-            $HOME                    (if defined)
-            $HOME/.smalltalk         (if defined & existing)
-            $SMALLTALK_LIBDIR        (if defined & existing)
-            $STX_LIBDIR              (if defined & existing)
-            $STX_TOPDIR              (if defined & existing)
-            REGISTRY('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\eXept\Smalltalk/X\<CurrentVersion>\LibDir') (WIN32 only)
-            REGISTRY('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\eXept\Smalltalk/X\LibDir')                  (WIN32 only)
-            <standard places>
+	    .
+	    <directory of exe>       (WIN32 only)
+	    $HOME                    (if defined)
+	    $HOME/.smalltalk         (if defined & existing)
+	    $SMALLTALK_LIBDIR        (if defined & existing)
+	    $STX_LIBDIR              (if defined & existing)
+	    $STX_TOPDIR              (if defined & existing)
+	    REGISTRY('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\eXept\Smalltalk/X\<CurrentVersion>\LibDir') (WIN32 only)
+	    REGISTRY('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\eXept\Smalltalk/X\LibDir')                  (WIN32 only)
+	    <standard places>
      standard places (unix):
-            /opt/smalltalk/<release> (if existing)
-            /opt/smalltalk           (if existing)
-            /usr/local/lib/smalltalk (if existing)
-            /usr/lib/smalltalk       (if existing)
-            /lib/smalltalk           (if existing)
+	    /opt/smalltalk/<release> (if existing)
+	    /opt/smalltalk           (if existing)
+	    /usr/local/lib/smalltalk (if existing)
+	    /usr/lib/smalltalk       (if existing)
+	    /lib/smalltalk           (if existing)
-            \programs\exept\smalltalk (if existing)
-            \programs\smalltalk       (if existing)
-            \smalltalk                (if existing)
+	    \programs\exept\smalltalk (if existing)
+	    \programs\smalltalk       (if existing)
+	    \smalltalk                (if existing)
-            $stx:lib                 (if existing)
-            $stx:root                (if existing)
+	    $stx:lib                 (if existing)
+	    $stx:root                (if existing)
      of course, it is possible to add entries from the 'smalltalk.rc'
      startup file; add expressions such as:
-            Smalltalk systemPath addFirst:'/foo/bar/baz'.
-        or:
-            Smalltalk systemPath addLast:'/fee/foe/foo'.
+	    Smalltalk systemPath addFirst:'/foo/bar/baz'.
+	or:
+	    Smalltalk systemPath addLast:'/fee/foe/foo'.
      However, smalltalk.rc itself must be found along the above path.
     ChangeFileName := 'changes'.
     OperatingSystem isVMSlike ifTrue:[
-        BitmapDirName := 'bitmaps.dir'.
-        BinaryDirName := 'binary.dir'.
-        SourceDirName := 'source.dir'.
-        ResourceDirName := 'resources.dir'.
-        FileInDirName := 'filein.dir'.
-        PackageDirName := 'packages.dir'.
+	BitmapDirName := 'bitmaps.dir'.
+	BinaryDirName := 'binary.dir'.
+	SourceDirName := 'source.dir'.
+	ResourceDirName := 'resources.dir'.
+	FileInDirName := 'filein.dir'.
+	PackageDirName := 'packages.dir'.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        BitmapDirName := 'bitmaps'.
-        BinaryDirName := 'binary'.
-        SourceDirName := 'source'.
-        ResourceDirName := 'resources'.
-        FileInDirName := 'fileIn'.
-        PackageDirName := 'packages'.
+	BitmapDirName := 'bitmaps'.
+	BinaryDirName := 'binary'.
+	SourceDirName := 'source'.
+	ResourceDirName := 'resources'.
+	FileInDirName := 'fileIn'.
+	PackageDirName := 'packages'.
     SystemPath isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-        SystemPath := OperatingSystem defaultSystemPath.
-        self flushPathCaches
+	SystemPath := OperatingSystem defaultSystemPath.
+	self flushPathCaches
     PackagePath isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-        PackagePath := OperatingSystem defaultPackagePath.
+	PackagePath := OperatingSystem defaultPackagePath.
     self addWorkspaceDirectoryToPackagePath.
     self addIdeTopDirectoryToPackagePath.
@@ -554,19 +554,19 @@
     "sent from VM via #initializeModules"
     Error handle:[:ex |
-        ObjectMemory printStackBacktrace.
-        ClassesFailedToInitialize isNil ifTrue:[
-            ClassesFailedToInitialize := IdentitySet new.
-        ].
-        ClassesFailedToInitialize add:aClass.
-        ('Smalltalk [warning]: error during initialize of ' , aClass name,': ', ex description printString) errorPrintCR.
-        ex suspendedContext fullPrintAll.
-        '------------------------------------------------' errorPrintCR.
-        (Debugging == true) ifTrue:[
-            ex reject
-        ].
+	ObjectMemory printStackBacktrace.
+	ClassesFailedToInitialize isNil ifTrue:[
+	    ClassesFailedToInitialize := IdentitySet new.
+	].
+	ClassesFailedToInitialize add:aClass.
+	('Smalltalk [warning]: error during initialize of ' , aClass name,': ', ex description printString) errorPrintCR.
+	ex suspendedContext fullPrintAll.
+	'------------------------------------------------' errorPrintCR.
+	(Debugging == true) ifTrue:[
+	    ex reject
+	].
     ] do:[
-        aClass initialize
+	aClass initialize
     "Modified: / 11-09-2011 / 17:01:32 / cg"
@@ -618,10 +618,10 @@
      Here, a few specific initializations are done, then the actual initialization is
      done inside an error handler in basicInitializeSystem.
-        this is called by the VM's main entry. You will not find senders from Smalltalk.
+	this is called by the VM's main entry. You will not find senders from Smalltalk.
      Also Notice:
-        this is NOT called when an image is restarted;
-        in this case the show starts in Smalltalk>>restart."
+	this is NOT called when an image is restarted;
+	in this case the show starts in Smalltalk>>restart."
     |idx shellArgs|
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@
     AbstractOperatingSystem initializeConcreteClass.
     CommandLineArguments isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-        CommandLineArguments := #('stx') asOrderedCollection.
+	CommandLineArguments := #('stx') asOrderedCollection.
     CommandLine := CommandLineArguments copy.
     CommandLineArguments := CommandLineArguments asOrderedCollection.
@@ -649,38 +649,38 @@
     "/ These allow for args like "--quick --infoPrint" to be automatically prepended
     idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('--noShellArgs' '--noshellargs').
     (idx ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-        CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx.
-    ] ifFalse:[   
-        CommandLineArguments isEmpty ifTrue:[
-            shellArgs := OperatingSystem getEnvironment:'STX_DEFAULT_ARGS'.
-            shellArgs notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-                shellArgs := shellArgs asCollectionOfWords.
-                CommandLineArguments addAll:shellArgs.
-            ].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "/ prepend shell environment args from "STX_ARGS"
-            shellArgs := OperatingSystem getEnvironment:'STX_MORE_ARGS'.
-            shellArgs notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-                shellArgs := shellArgs asCollectionOfWords.
-                CommandLineArguments addAllFirst:shellArgs.
-            ].
-        ].
-    ].
-    self initializeVerboseFlags.    
+	CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	CommandLineArguments isEmpty ifTrue:[
+	    shellArgs := OperatingSystem getEnvironment:'STX_DEFAULT_ARGS'.
+	    shellArgs notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+		shellArgs := shellArgs asCollectionOfWords.
+		CommandLineArguments addAll:shellArgs.
+	    ].
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    "/ prepend shell environment args from "STX_ARGS"
+	    shellArgs := OperatingSystem getEnvironment:'STX_MORE_ARGS'.
+	    shellArgs notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+		shellArgs := shellArgs asCollectionOfWords.
+		CommandLineArguments addAllFirst:shellArgs.
+	    ].
+	].
+    ].
+    self initializeVerboseFlags.
     Error handle:[:ex |
-        StandAlone ifTrue:[
-            DebuggingStandAlone ifFalse:[
-                'Startup Error - use "--debug" command line argument for more info' errorPrintCR.
-                Smalltalk exit:1.
-            ].
-            'Smalltalk [error]: Error during early initialization:' errorPrintCR.
-            thisContext fullPrintAll.
-        ].
-        ex reject.
+	StandAlone ifTrue:[
+	    DebuggingStandAlone ifFalse:[
+		'Startup Error - use "--debug" command line argument for more info' errorPrintCR.
+		Smalltalk exit:1.
+	    ].
+	    'Smalltalk [error]: Error during early initialization:' errorPrintCR.
+	    thisContext fullPrintAll.
+	].
+	ex reject.
     ] do:[
-        self basicInitializeSystem
+	self basicInitializeSystem
     "Modified: / 12-10-2010 / 11:27:47 / cg"
@@ -690,99 +690,99 @@
     StandAlone ifTrue:[
-        InfoPrinting := false.
-        ObjectMemory infoPrinting:false.
-        IgnoreAssertions := true.
+	InfoPrinting := false.
+	ObjectMemory infoPrinting:false.
+	IgnoreAssertions := true.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        IgnoreAssertions := false.
-    ].    
+	IgnoreAssertions := false.
+    ].
     (idx := CommandLineArguments indexOf:'--ignoreHalt') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        IgnoreHalt := true.
-        CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
+	IgnoreHalt := true.
+	CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
     (idx := CommandLineArguments indexOf:'--noIgnoreHalt') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        IgnoreHalt := false.
-        CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
+	IgnoreHalt := false.
+	CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
     (idx := CommandLineArguments indexOf:'--ignoreAssert') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        IgnoreAssertions := true.
-        CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
+	IgnoreAssertions := true.
+	CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
     (idx := CommandLineArguments indexOf:'--noIgnoreAssert') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        IgnoreAssertions := false.
-        CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
+	IgnoreAssertions := false.
+	CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
     (idx := CommandLineArguments indexOf:'--assert') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        IgnoreAssertions := false.
-        CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
+	IgnoreAssertions := false.
+	CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
     (idx := CommandLineArguments indexOf:'--silentStartup') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        SilentLoading := true.
-        CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
+	SilentLoading := true.
+	CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
     (idx := CommandLineArguments indexOf:'--verboseLoading') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        VerboseLoading := true.
-        CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
+	VerboseLoading := true.
+	CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
     (idx := CommandLineArguments indexOf:'--verboseStartup') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        VerboseLoading := true.
-        VerboseStartup := true.
-        CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
+	VerboseLoading := true.
+	VerboseStartup := true.
+	CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
     "/ reinterpret those, in case given after the VM options.
     (idx := CommandLineArguments indexOf:'--debugPrint') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        ObjectMemory debugPrinting:true.
-        CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
+	ObjectMemory debugPrinting:true.
+	CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
     (idx := CommandLineArguments indexOf:'--infoPrint') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        ObjectMemory infoPrinting:true.
-        CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
+	ObjectMemory infoPrinting:true.
+	CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx
     (idx := CommandLineArguments indexOf:'--verbose') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        Object infoPrinting:true.
-        Verbose := true.
-        VerboseLoading := true.
-        VerboseStartup := true.
-        Logger notNil ifTrue:[
-            Logger loggingThreshold: Logger severityALL.
-        ].    
-        CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx.
+	Object infoPrinting:true.
+	Verbose := true.
+	VerboseLoading := true.
+	VerboseStartup := true.
+	Logger notNil ifTrue:[
+	    Logger loggingThreshold: Logger severityALL.
+	].
+	CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx.
     Silent := false.
     (idx := CommandLineArguments indexOf:'--silent') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx.
-        Silent := SilentLoading := true.
-        Object infoPrinting:false.
-        ObjectMemory infoPrinting:false.
-        ObjectMemory debugPrinting:false.
-        Verbose := VerboseLoading := VerboseStartup := false.
-        Logger notNil ifTrue:[
-            Logger loggingThreshold: Logger severityNONE
-        ].    
+	CommandLineArguments removeIndex:idx.
+	Silent := SilentLoading := true.
+	Object infoPrinting:false.
+	ObjectMemory infoPrinting:false.
+	ObjectMemory debugPrinting:false.
+	Verbose := VerboseLoading := VerboseStartup := false.
+	Logger notNil ifTrue:[
+	    Logger loggingThreshold: Logger severityNONE
+	].
     idx := CommandLineArguments indexOf:'--debug'.
     Debugging := (idx ~~ 0).
     StandAlone ifTrue:[
-        DebuggingStandAlone := Debugging.
-        DebuggingStandAlone ifTrue:[
-            Inspector := MiniInspector.
-            Debugger := MiniDebugger.
-            IgnoreAssertions := false.
-        ].
+	DebuggingStandAlone := Debugging.
+	DebuggingStandAlone ifTrue:[
+	    Inspector := MiniInspector.
+	    Debugger := MiniDebugger.
+	    IgnoreAssertions := false.
+	].
     ] ifFalse:[
-        "/
-        "/ define low-level debugging tools - graphical classes are not prepared yet
-        "/ to handle things.
-        "/ This will bring us into the MiniDebugger when an error occurs during startup.
-        "/
-        Inspector := MiniInspector.
-        Debugger := MiniDebugger.
+	"/
+	"/ define low-level debugging tools - graphical classes are not prepared yet
+	"/ to handle things.
+	"/ This will bring us into the MiniDebugger when an error occurs during startup.
+	"/
+	Inspector := MiniInspector.
+	Debugger := MiniDebugger.
     "Modified: / 12-10-2017 / 17:48:11 / cg"
@@ -1062,8 +1062,8 @@
      from exceptionBlock, if no such key is present.
      Since ST/X's Smalltalk as no real dictionary, this is simulated here.
      Warning: this is a compatibility interface only, with a different semantic as
-              the original ST80 implementation. The returned assoc is created on the fly,
-              and not the one stored in the receiver (there are not assocs there)"
+	      the original ST80 implementation. The returned assoc is created on the fly,
+	      and not the one stored in the receiver (there are not assocs there)"
@@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@
     val := self at:aKey.
     (val notNil or:[self includesKey:aKey]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ val
+	^ val
     ^ aBlock value
@@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@
     val := self at:aKey.
     (val notNil or:[self includesKey:aKey]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ aBlock value:val.
+	^ aBlock value:val.
     ^ nil
@@ -1210,10 +1210,10 @@
     "return the symbol under which anObject is stored - or nil.
      This is a slow access, since the receiver is searched sequentially.
-        The value is searched using identity compare"
+	The value is searched using identity compare"
     self keysDo:[:aKey |
-        (self at:aKey) == anObject ifTrue:[^ aKey]
+	(self at:aKey) == anObject ifTrue:[^ aKey]
     ^ nil
@@ -1226,10 +1226,10 @@
     "return the symbol under which anObject is stored - or the value from exceptionValue.
      This is a slow access, since the receiver is searched sequentially.
-        The value is searched using identity compare"
+	The value is searched using identity compare"
     self keysDo:[:aKey |
-        (self at:aKey) == anObject ifTrue:[^ aKey]
+	(self at:aKey) == anObject ifTrue:[^ aKey]
     ^ exceptionValue value
@@ -1428,26 +1428,26 @@
     oldName := aClass name.
     sym := oldNameSym := oldName asSymbol.
     ((self at:oldNameSym) == aClass) ifFalse:[
-        "check other name ..."
-        (self includes:aClass) ifFalse:[
-            'Smalltalk [warning]: no such class: ' errorPrint. oldName errorPrintCR.
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        "
-         the class has changed its name - without telling me ...
-         what should be done in this case ?
-        "
-        'Smalltalk [warning]: class ' errorPrint. oldName errorPrint.
-        ' has changed its name' errorPrintCR.
-        "/
-        "/ might be an alias (i.e. removing a compatibility name)
-        "/
-        actualName := self keyAtValue:aClass.
-        ('Smalltalk [info]: ' , oldName , ' is actually stored as ' , actualName , '.') infoPrintCR.
-        sym := actualName asSymbol.
-        oldName := actualName asString.
-        wrongName := true.
+	"check other name ..."
+	(self includes:aClass) ifFalse:[
+	    'Smalltalk [warning]: no such class: ' errorPrint. oldName errorPrintCR.
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	"
+	 the class has changed its name - without telling me ...
+	 what should be done in this case ?
+	"
+	'Smalltalk [warning]: class ' errorPrint. oldName errorPrint.
+	' has changed its name' errorPrintCR.
+	"/
+	"/ might be an alias (i.e. removing a compatibility name)
+	"/
+	actualName := self keyAtValue:aClass.
+	('Smalltalk [info]: ' , oldName , ' is actually stored as ' , actualName , '.') infoPrintCR.
+	sym := actualName asSymbol.
+	oldName := actualName asString.
+	wrongName := true.
     self at:sym put:nil.    "nil it out for compiled accesses"
@@ -1456,25 +1456,25 @@
     "/ see comment in removeKey: on why we don't remove it here
     "/ self removeKey:sym.     "/ remove key - this actually fails, if there are
-                               "/ still compiled code references."
+			       "/ still compiled code references."
     "remove private classes"
     aClass privateClassesSorted do:[:somePrivateClass |
-        aClass privateClassesAt:(somePrivateClass nameWithoutPrefix) asSymbol put:nil.
+	aClass privateClassesAt:(somePrivateClass nameWithoutPrefix) asSymbol put:nil.
     "remove class variables"
     names := aClass classVariableString asCollectionOfWords.
     names do:[:name |
-        cSym := aClass globalKeyForClassVar:name.
-        self at:cSym asSymbol put:nil.
-        "/
-        "/ see comment in removeKey: on why we dont remove it here
-        "/
-        "/ self removeKey:cSym
+	cSym := aClass globalKeyForClassVar:name.
+	self at:cSym asSymbol put:nil.
+	"/
+	"/ see comment in removeKey: on why we dont remove it here
+	"/
+	"/ self removeKey:cSym
@@ -1506,16 +1506,16 @@
     Class flushSubclassInfoFor:aClass.
     wrongName == true ifTrue:[
-        "/
-        "/ an alias (i.e. removing a compatibility name)
-        "/
-        "/ check if there are more refs to it ...
-        [self includes:aClass] whileTrue:[
-            actualName := self keyAtValue:aClass.
-            ('Smalltalk [info]: ' , aClass name , ' is also registered under the name ' , actualName
-                          , ' - remove that binding too.') infoPrintCR.
-            self at:actualName put:nil.
-        ].
+	"/
+	"/ an alias (i.e. removing a compatibility name)
+	"/
+	"/ check if there are more refs to it ...
+	[self includes:aClass] whileTrue:[
+	    actualName := self keyAtValue:aClass.
+	    ('Smalltalk [info]: ' , aClass name , ' is also registered under the name ' , actualName
+			  , ' - remove that binding too.') infoPrintCR.
+	    self at:actualName put:nil.
+	].
     "Modified: / 18-11-2006 / 17:16:31 / cg"
@@ -1576,24 +1576,24 @@
     oldNameSym := aClass name asSymbol.
     ns := aClass nameSpace.
     aClass topOwningClass notNil ifTrue:[
-        ons := aClass topOwningClass nameSpace
+	ons := aClass topOwningClass nameSpace
     self basicRemoveClass:aClass.
     ns ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
-        ons notNil ifTrue:[
-            ClassBuilder
-                recompileGlobalAccessorsTo:oldNameSym
-                in:ons
-                except:nil
-        ].
-        (ns notNil and:[ns ~~ ons]) ifTrue:[
-            ClassBuilder
-                recompileGlobalAccessorsTo:oldNameSym
-                in:ns
-                except:nil
-        ].
+	ons notNil ifTrue:[
+	    ClassBuilder
+		recompileGlobalAccessorsTo:oldNameSym
+		in:ons
+		except:nil
+	].
+	(ns notNil and:[ns ~~ ons]) ifTrue:[
+	    ClassBuilder
+		recompileGlobalAccessorsTo:oldNameSym
+		in:ns
+		except:nil
+	].
@@ -1606,40 +1606,40 @@
     tuples := aCollectionOfClasses collect:[:eachClass|
-                Array 
-                    with:eachClass name asSymbol
-                    with:eachClass nameSpace
-                    with:(
-                            eachClass topOwningClass notNil ifTrue:[
-                                eachClass topOwningClass nameSpace
-                            ] ifFalse:[nil])
-            ].
+		Array
+		    with:eachClass name asSymbol
+		    with:eachClass nameSpace
+		    with:(
+			    eachClass topOwningClass notNil ifTrue:[
+				eachClass topOwningClass nameSpace
+			    ] ifFalse:[nil])
+	    ].
     aCollectionOfClasses do:[:eachClass|
-        self basicRemoveClass:eachClass.
+	self basicRemoveClass:eachClass.
     tuples do:[:eachClssymNsOnsTuple|
-        |oldNameSym ns ons|
-        oldNameSym := eachClssymNsOnsTuple at:1.
-        ns := eachClssymNsOnsTuple at:2.
-        ons := eachClssymNsOnsTuple at:3.
-        ns ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
-            ons notNil ifTrue:[
-                ClassBuilder
-                    recompileGlobalAccessorsTo:oldNameSym
-                    in:ons
-                    except:nil
-            ].
-            (ns notNil and:[ns ~~ ons]) ifTrue:[
-                ClassBuilder
-                    recompileGlobalAccessorsTo:oldNameSym
-                    in:ns
-                    except:nil
-            ].
-        ]
+	|oldNameSym ns ons|
+	oldNameSym := eachClssymNsOnsTuple at:1.
+	ns := eachClssymNsOnsTuple at:2.
+	ons := eachClssymNsOnsTuple at:3.
+	ns ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
+	    ons notNil ifTrue:[
+		ClassBuilder
+		    recompileGlobalAccessorsTo:oldNameSym
+		    in:ons
+		    except:nil
+	    ].
+	    (ns notNil and:[ns ~~ ons]) ifTrue:[
+		ClassBuilder
+		    recompileGlobalAccessorsTo:oldNameSym
+		    in:ns
+		    except:nil
+	    ].
+	]
@@ -1658,24 +1658,24 @@
     i2 := 1.
     ns := self.
     [i2 ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
-        i2 := newName indexOfSubCollection:'::' startingAt:i1.
-        i2 ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-            nm := newName copyFrom:i1 to:i2-1.
-            ns isNameSpace ifTrue:[
-                subns := ns at:nm asSymbol ifAbsent:nil.
-                subns isNil ifTrue:[
-                    self error:'Nonexisting namespace: ',nm.
-                    ^ nil.
-                ].
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                subns := ns privateClassesAt:nm asSymbol.
-                subns isNil ifTrue:[
-                    self error:'Cannot create a namespace below a class'
-                ]
-            ].
-            ns := subns.
-            i1 := i2 + 2.
-        ].
+	i2 := newName indexOfSubCollection:'::' startingAt:i1.
+	i2 ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    nm := newName copyFrom:i1 to:i2-1.
+	    ns isNameSpace ifTrue:[
+		subns := ns at:nm asSymbol ifAbsent:nil.
+		subns isNil ifTrue:[
+		    self error:'Nonexisting namespace: ',nm.
+		    ^ nil.
+		].
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		subns := ns privateClassesAt:nm asSymbol.
+		subns isNil ifTrue:[
+		    self error:'Cannot create a namespace below a class'
+		]
+	    ].
+	    ns := subns.
+	    i1 := i2 + 2.
+	].
     oldName := aClass name.
@@ -1686,8 +1686,8 @@
     privateClasses := aClass privateClassesSorted.
     ((self at:oldSym) ~~ aClass) ifTrue:[
-        'Smalltalk [warning]: rename failed - name is different from key' errorPrintCR.
-        ^ self
+	'Smalltalk [warning]: rename failed - name is different from key' errorPrintCR.
+	^ self
     "/ rename the class
@@ -1696,42 +1696,42 @@
     "/ change the owning class
     ns isNameSpace ifFalse:[
-        aClass isPrivate ifTrue:[
-            aClass class setOwningClass:ns.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "/ sigh - must make a PrivateMetaclass from Metaclass
-            oldMetaclass := aClass class.
-            newMetaclass := PrivateMetaclass new.
-            newMetaclass flags:(oldMetaclass flags).
-            newMetaclass setSuperclass:(oldMetaclass superclass).
-            newMetaclass instSize:(oldMetaclass instSize).
-            newMetaclass setInstanceVariableString:(oldMetaclass instanceVariableString).
-            newMetaclass setMethodDictionary:(oldMetaclass methodDictionary).
-            newMetaclass setSoleInstance:aClass.
-            newMetaclass setOwningClass:ns.
-            aClass changeClassTo:newMetaclass.
-            ObjectMemory flushCaches.
-        ]
+	aClass isPrivate ifTrue:[
+	    aClass class setOwningClass:ns.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    "/ sigh - must make a PrivateMetaclass from Metaclass
+	    oldMetaclass := aClass class.
+	    newMetaclass := PrivateMetaclass new.
+	    newMetaclass flags:(oldMetaclass flags).
+	    newMetaclass setSuperclass:(oldMetaclass superclass).
+	    newMetaclass instSize:(oldMetaclass instSize).
+	    newMetaclass setInstanceVariableString:(oldMetaclass instanceVariableString).
+	    newMetaclass setMethodDictionary:(oldMetaclass methodDictionary).
+	    newMetaclass setSoleInstance:aClass.
+	    newMetaclass setOwningClass:ns.
+	    aClass changeClassTo:newMetaclass.
+	    ObjectMemory flushCaches.
+	]
     ] ifTrue:[
-        aClass isPrivate ifTrue:[
-            newCategory := aClass topOwningClass category.
-            "/ sigh - must make a Metaclass from PrivateMetaclass
-            oldMetaclass := aClass class.
-            newMetaclass := Metaclass new.
-            newMetaclass flags:(oldMetaclass flags).
-            newMetaclass setSuperclass:(oldMetaclass superclass).
-            newMetaclass instSize:(oldMetaclass instSize).
-            newMetaclass setInstanceVariableString:(oldMetaclass instanceVariableString).
-            newMetaclass setMethodDictionary:(oldMetaclass methodDictionary).
-            newMetaclass setSoleInstance:aClass.
-            aClass category:newCategory.
-            aClass changeClassTo:newMetaclass.
-            ObjectMemory flushCaches.
-        ]
+	aClass isPrivate ifTrue:[
+	    newCategory := aClass topOwningClass category.
+	    "/ sigh - must make a Metaclass from PrivateMetaclass
+	    oldMetaclass := aClass class.
+	    newMetaclass := Metaclass new.
+	    newMetaclass flags:(oldMetaclass flags).
+	    newMetaclass setSuperclass:(oldMetaclass superclass).
+	    newMetaclass instSize:(oldMetaclass instSize).
+	    newMetaclass setInstanceVariableString:(oldMetaclass instanceVariableString).
+	    newMetaclass setMethodDictionary:(oldMetaclass methodDictionary).
+	    newMetaclass setSoleInstance:aClass.
+	    aClass category:newCategory.
+	    aClass changeClassTo:newMetaclass.
+	    ObjectMemory flushCaches.
+	]
     aClass setName:newSym.
@@ -1751,32 +1751,32 @@
     names := aClass classVariableString asCollectionOfWords.
     names do:[:name |
-        oldCVSym := (oldSym , ':' , name) asSymbol.
-        value := self at:oldCVSym.
-        self at:oldCVSym put:nil.
-        "/
-        "/ see comment in #removeKey: on why we dont remove it it here
-        "/
-        "/ self removeKey:cSym.
-        newCVSym := (newSym , ':' , name) asSymbol.
-        self at:newCVSym put:value.
-        oldNameToNewName at:oldCVSym put:newCVSym.
+	oldCVSym := (oldSym , ':' , name) asSymbol.
+	value := self at:oldCVSym.
+	self at:oldCVSym put:nil.
+	"/
+	"/ see comment in #removeKey: on why we dont remove it it here
+	"/
+	"/ self removeKey:cSym.
+	newCVSym := (newSym , ':' , name) asSymbol.
+	self at:newCVSym put:value.
+	oldNameToNewName at:oldCVSym put:newCVSym.
     "/ patch methods literal arrays from oldCVname to newCVname
     oldNameToNewName keysAndValuesDo:[:oldNameSym :newNameSym |
-        aClass withAllSubclasses do:[:aSubClass |
-            Transcript showCR:'changing global accesses from ''' , oldNameSym , ''' into ''' , newNameSym , ''' in class: ''' , aSubClass name , ''' ...'.
-            aSubClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :aMethod |
-                aMethod changeLiteral:oldNameSym to:newNameSym
-            ].
-        ].
-        "/ and also in privateClasses ? ...
+	aClass withAllSubclasses do:[:aSubClass |
+	    Transcript showCR:'changing global accesses from ''' , oldNameSym , ''' into ''' , newNameSym , ''' in class: ''' , aSubClass name , ''' ...'.
+	    aSubClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :aMethod |
+		aMethod changeLiteral:oldNameSym to:newNameSym
+	    ].
+	].
+	"/ and also in privateClasses ? ...
 "/        privateClasses size > 0 ifTrue:[
 "/            privateClasses do:[:aPrivateClass |
@@ -1799,85 +1799,85 @@
     newNameSpace := aClass topNameSpace.
     privateClasses size > 0 ifTrue:[
-        "/ must rename privateClasses as well
-        Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
-            privateClasses do:[:aPrivateClass |
-                self renameClass:aPrivateClass
-                     to:(newSym , '::' , aPrivateClass nameWithoutPrefix).
-                Transcript showCR:'recompiling methods in ''' , newNameSpace name , ''' accessing ''' , oldName , '::' , aPrivateClass nameWithoutPrefix , ''' ...'.
-                aClass theNonMetaclass recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:(oldName , '::' , aPrivateClass nameWithoutPrefix) asSymbol.
-                aClass theMetaclass recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:(oldName , '::' , aPrivateClass nameWithoutPrefix) asSymbol.
-                aClass theNonMetaclass recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:(aPrivateClass nameWithoutPrefix) asSymbol.
-                aClass theMetaclass recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:(aPrivateClass nameWithoutPrefix) asSymbol.
+	"/ must rename privateClasses as well
+	Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
+	    privateClasses do:[:aPrivateClass |
+		self renameClass:aPrivateClass
+		     to:(newSym , '::' , aPrivateClass nameWithoutPrefix).
+		Transcript showCR:'recompiling methods in ''' , newNameSpace name , ''' accessing ''' , oldName , '::' , aPrivateClass nameWithoutPrefix , ''' ...'.
+		aClass theNonMetaclass recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:(oldName , '::' , aPrivateClass nameWithoutPrefix) asSymbol.
+		aClass theMetaclass recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:(oldName , '::' , aPrivateClass nameWithoutPrefix) asSymbol.
+		aClass theNonMetaclass recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:(aPrivateClass nameWithoutPrefix) asSymbol.
+		aClass theMetaclass recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:(aPrivateClass nameWithoutPrefix) asSymbol.
 "/                ClassBuilder
 "/                    recompileGlobalAccessorsTo:(oldName , '::' , aPrivateClass nameWithoutPrefix) asSymbol
 "/                    in:newNameSpace
 "/                    except:nil.
-            ]
-        ]
+	    ]
+	]
     oldNameSpace ~~ newNameSpace ifTrue:[
-        "/ all those referencing the class from the old nameSpace
-        "/ must be recompiled ...
-        "/ (to now access the global from smalltalk)
-        oldNameSpace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:'recompiling methods in ''' , oldNameSpace name , ''' accessing ''' , oldName , ''' ...'.
-            ClassBuilder
-                recompileGlobalAccessorsTo:oldName asSymbol
-                in:oldNameSpace
-                except:nil.
-        ].
-        "/ all referencing the class in the new namespace
-        "/ as well; to now access the new class.
-        (newNameSpace notNil and:[newNameSpace ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:'recompiling methods in ''' , newNameSpace name , ''' accessing ''' , oldBaseName , ''' ...'.
-            ClassBuilder
-                recompileGlobalAccessorsTo:oldBaseName asSymbol
-                in:newNameSpace
-                except:nil.
-        ].
+	"/ all those referencing the class from the old nameSpace
+	"/ must be recompiled ...
+	"/ (to now access the global from smalltalk)
+	oldNameSpace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
+	    Transcript showCR:'recompiling methods in ''' , oldNameSpace name , ''' accessing ''' , oldName , ''' ...'.
+	    ClassBuilder
+		recompileGlobalAccessorsTo:oldName asSymbol
+		in:oldNameSpace
+		except:nil.
+	].
+	"/ all referencing the class in the new namespace
+	"/ as well; to now access the new class.
+	(newNameSpace notNil and:[newNameSpace ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
+	    Transcript showCR:'recompiling methods in ''' , newNameSpace name , ''' accessing ''' , oldBaseName , ''' ...'.
+	    ClassBuilder
+		recompileGlobalAccessorsTo:oldBaseName asSymbol
+		in:newNameSpace
+		except:nil.
+	].
     ] ifFalse:[
-        "/ all references to a global with my new name in my owning class
-        "/ must now be redirected to myself.
-        aClass isPrivate ifTrue:[
-            newBaseName := aClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix.
-            newBaseNameWithoutPrefix := aClass nameWithoutPrefix.
-            Transcript showCR:'recompiling methods accessing ''' , oldBaseNameWithoutPrefix , ''' in: ''' , aClass owningClass name , ''' ...'.
-            aClass owningClass recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:oldBaseNameWithoutPrefix.
-            aClass owningClass class recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:oldBaseNameWithoutPrefix.
-            Transcript showCR:'recompiling methods accessing ''' , oldBaseName , ''' in: ''' , aClass owningClass name , ''' ...'.
-            aClass owningClass recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:oldBaseName.
-            aClass owningClass class recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:oldBaseName.
-            Transcript showCR:'recompiling methods accessing ''' , newBaseNameWithoutPrefix , ''' in: ''' , aClass owningClass name , ''' ...'.
-            aClass owningClass recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:newBaseNameWithoutPrefix.
-            aClass owningClass class recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:newBaseNameWithoutPrefix.
-            Transcript showCR:'recompiling methods accessing ''' , newBaseName , ''' in: ''' , aClass owningClass name , ''' ...'.
-            aClass owningClass recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:newBaseName.
-            aClass owningClass class recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:newBaseName.
-        ]
+	"/ all references to a global with my new name in my owning class
+	"/ must now be redirected to myself.
+	aClass isPrivate ifTrue:[
+	    newBaseName := aClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix.
+	    newBaseNameWithoutPrefix := aClass nameWithoutPrefix.
+	    Transcript showCR:'recompiling methods accessing ''' , oldBaseNameWithoutPrefix , ''' in: ''' , aClass owningClass name , ''' ...'.
+	    aClass owningClass recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:oldBaseNameWithoutPrefix.
+	    aClass owningClass class recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:oldBaseNameWithoutPrefix.
+	    Transcript showCR:'recompiling methods accessing ''' , oldBaseName , ''' in: ''' , aClass owningClass name , ''' ...'.
+	    aClass owningClass recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:oldBaseName.
+	    aClass owningClass class recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:oldBaseName.
+	    Transcript showCR:'recompiling methods accessing ''' , newBaseNameWithoutPrefix , ''' in: ''' , aClass owningClass name , ''' ...'.
+	    aClass owningClass recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:newBaseNameWithoutPrefix.
+	    aClass owningClass class recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:newBaseNameWithoutPrefix.
+	    Transcript showCR:'recompiling methods accessing ''' , newBaseName , ''' in: ''' , aClass owningClass name , ''' ...'.
+	    aClass owningClass recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:newBaseName.
+	    aClass owningClass class recompileMethodsAccessingGlobal:newBaseName.
+	]
     aClass changed:#definition.
     "/ because of the change of my superclasses name ...
     aClass allSubclassesDo:[:subClass |
-        subClass changed:#definition.
+	subClass changed:#definition.
     "/ because of the change of my superclasses name ...
     aClass subclassesDo:[:subClass |
-        subClass addChangeRecordForClass:subClass.
+	subClass addChangeRecordForClass:subClass.
     self changed:#definition.
     self changed:#classRename with:(Array with:aClass with:oldName).
@@ -2084,21 +2084,21 @@
     numClassesHintTimes2 := NumberOfClassesHint*2.
     already := IdentitySet new:numClassesHintTimes2.
     self allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
-        |theNonMeta theMeta|
-        theNonMeta := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
-        (already includes:theNonMeta) ifFalse:[
-            aBlock value:theNonMeta.
-            already add:theNonMeta.
-        ].
-        theMeta := theNonMeta class.
-        (already includes:theMeta) ifFalse:[
-            aBlock value:theMeta.
-            already add:theMeta.
-        ].
-        already size > numClassesHintTimes2 ifTrue:[
-            NumberOfClassesHint := (already size // 2) + 10
-        ].    
+	|theNonMeta theMeta|
+	theNonMeta := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
+	(already includes:theNonMeta) ifFalse:[
+	    aBlock value:theNonMeta.
+	    already add:theNonMeta.
+	].
+	theMeta := theNonMeta class.
+	(already includes:theMeta) ifFalse:[
+	    aBlock value:theMeta.
+	    already add:theMeta.
+	].
+	already size > numClassesHintTimes2 ifTrue:[
+	    NumberOfClassesHint := (already size // 2) + 10
+	].
@@ -2124,13 +2124,13 @@
     collectedClasses := OrderedCollection new.
     self allClassesForWhich:filter do:[:cls |
-        collectedClasses add:cls
+	collectedClasses add:cls
     ^ collectedClasses
-        allClassesForWhich:[:cls | cls name startsWith:'Po']
+	allClassesForWhich:[:cls | cls name startsWith:'Po']
     "Created: / 10-08-2006 / 12:11:31 / cg"
@@ -2142,13 +2142,13 @@
      Enumerates non-meta classes only - not metaclasses"
     self allClassesDo:[:cls |
-        (filter value:cls) ifTrue:[ aBlock value:cls ].
+	(filter value:cls) ifTrue:[ aBlock value:cls ].
-        allClassesForWhich:[:cls | cls name startsWith:'Po']
-        do:[:aClass | Transcript showCR:aClass name]
+	allClassesForWhich:[:cls | cls name startsWith:'Po']
+	do:[:aClass | Transcript showCR:aClass name]
     "Modified (comment): / 19-02-2017 / 12:37:59 / cg"
@@ -2274,7 +2274,7 @@
     allCategories := Set new.
     Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |
-        allCategories addAll:cls methodCategories.
+	allCategories addAll:cls methodCategories.
     ^ allCategories.
@@ -2318,11 +2318,11 @@
     "enumerate methods for which aCheckBlock returns true"
     Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
-        eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
-            (aCheckBlock value:mthd) ifTrue:[
-                actionBlock value:mthd
-            ].
-        ]
+	eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
+	    (aCheckBlock value:mthd) ifTrue:[
+		actionBlock value:mthd
+	    ].
+	]
@@ -2452,9 +2452,9 @@
     Smalltalk verbose ifTrue:[
-        ^ aBlock value.
-    ].
+	^ aBlock value.
+    ].
     sav := SilentLoading.
     SilentLoading := true.
     ^ aBlock ensure:[ SilentLoading := sav ].
@@ -2492,15 +2492,15 @@
      The package is either located in packageDirOrStringOrNil, or in the current directory (if nil).
      Answer true, if the load succeeded, false if it failed"
-    |packageDirOrNil binaryClassLibraryFilename projectDefinitionFilename 
+    |packageDirOrNil binaryClassLibraryFilename projectDefinitionFilename
      projectDefinitionClass projectDefinitionClassName silent somethingHasBeenLoaded
      loadOK errorInInitialize|
     packageDirOrStringOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
-        packageDirOrNil := packageDirOrStringOrNil asFilename.
-    ].
-    silent := VerboseLoading not 
-                and:[SilentLoading or:[StandAlone or:[InfoPrinting not]]].
+	packageDirOrNil := packageDirOrStringOrNil asFilename.
+    ].
+    silent := VerboseLoading not
+		and:[SilentLoading or:[StandAlone or:[InfoPrinting not]]].
     "For now: have to read the project definition first!!
      The class library may contain subclasses of classes in prerequisite packages -
@@ -2510,106 +2510,106 @@
     "maybe, it is already in the image"
     projectDefinitionClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:aPackageString.
     projectDefinitionClass notNil ifTrue:[
-        projectDefinitionClass checkForLoad.
+	projectDefinitionClass checkForLoad.
     "Is there a shared library (.dll or .so) ?"
     binaryClassLibraryFilename := ObjectFileLoader
-                                    binaryClassFilenameForPackage:aPackageString
-                                    inDirectory:packageDirOrNil.
+				    binaryClassFilenameForPackage:aPackageString
+				    inDirectory:packageDirOrNil.
     (binaryClassLibraryFilename notNil and:[binaryClassLibraryFilename exists]) ifTrue:[
-        |loadErrorOccurred|
-        loadErrorOccurred := false.
-        ObjectFileLoader objectFileLoadErrorNotification handle:[:ex |
-            loadErrorOccurred := true.
-            ex proceedWith:true.
-        ] do:[
-            loadOK := (ObjectFileLoader loadObjectFile:binaryClassLibraryFilename) notNil.
-            "/ loadOK := self loadPackage:aPackageString fromClassLibrary:binaryClassLibraryFilename.
-        ].
-        (loadOK and:[loadErrorOccurred not]) ifTrue:[
-            "now, all compiled classes have been loaded.
-             keep classes in the package which are autoloaded as autoloaded."
-            ^ true
-        ].
-        loadErrorOccurred ifTrue:[
-            self breakPoint:#cg.
-            projectDefinitionClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:aPackageString.
-            projectDefinitionClass notNil ifTrue:[
-                projectDefinitionClass
-                    checkForLoad; 
-                    loadPreRequisitesAsAutoloaded:doLoadAsAutoloaded.
-            ].
-        ].
+	|loadErrorOccurred|
+	loadErrorOccurred := false.
+	ObjectFileLoader objectFileLoadErrorNotification handle:[:ex |
+	    loadErrorOccurred := true.
+	    ex proceedWith:true.
+	] do:[
+	    loadOK := (ObjectFileLoader loadObjectFile:binaryClassLibraryFilename) notNil.
+	    "/ loadOK := self loadPackage:aPackageString fromClassLibrary:binaryClassLibraryFilename.
+	].
+	(loadOK and:[loadErrorOccurred not]) ifTrue:[
+	    "now, all compiled classes have been loaded.
+	     keep classes in the package which are autoloaded as autoloaded."
+	    ^ true
+	].
+	loadErrorOccurred ifTrue:[
+	    self breakPoint:#cg.
+	    projectDefinitionClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:aPackageString.
+	    projectDefinitionClass notNil ifTrue:[
+		projectDefinitionClass
+		    checkForLoad;
+		    loadPreRequisitesAsAutoloaded:doLoadAsAutoloaded.
+	    ].
+	].
     packageDirOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ PackageNotFoundError raiseRequestWith:aPackageString.
+	^ PackageNotFoundError raiseRequestWith:aPackageString.
     "fallback - go through the project definition"
     projectDefinitionClass isNil ifTrue:[
-        projectDefinitionClassName := ProjectDefinition projectDefinitionClassNameForDefinitionOf:aPackageString.
-        "/ try to load the project definition class
-        projectDefinitionFilename := (packageDirOrNil / projectDefinitionClassName) withSuffix:'st'.
-        projectDefinitionFilename exists ifFalse:[
-            projectDefinitionFilename := (packageDirOrNil / 'source' / projectDefinitionClassName) withSuffix:'st'.
-        ].
-        projectDefinitionFilename exists ifTrue:[
-            Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
-                Smalltalk silentlyLoadingDo:[
-                    Error handle:[:ex |
-                        "/ catch error during initialization;
-                        ex suspendedContext withAllSendersDo:[:sender |
-                            (sender selector == #initialize 
-                                and:[sender receiver isBehavior 
-                                and:[sender receiver name = projectDefinitionClassName]]
-                            ) ifTrue:[
-                                errorInInitialize := true
-                            ].
-                        ].
-                        errorInInitialize ifFalse:[ ex reject ].
-                    ] do:[
-                        projectDefinitionFilename fileIn.
-                    ].
-                ].
-            ].
-            errorInInitialize ifTrue:[
-                Transcript showCR:'Smalltalk [warning]: an error happened in #initialize - retry after loading package.'.
-            ].
-            projectDefinitionClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:aPackageString.
-        ].
+	projectDefinitionClassName := ProjectDefinition projectDefinitionClassNameForDefinitionOf:aPackageString.
+	"/ try to load the project definition class
+	projectDefinitionFilename := (packageDirOrNil / projectDefinitionClassName) withSuffix:'st'.
+	projectDefinitionFilename exists ifFalse:[
+	    projectDefinitionFilename := (packageDirOrNil / 'source' / projectDefinitionClassName) withSuffix:'st'.
+	].
+	projectDefinitionFilename exists ifTrue:[
+	    Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
+		Smalltalk silentlyLoadingDo:[
+		    Error handle:[:ex |
+			"/ catch error during initialization;
+			ex suspendedContext withAllSendersDo:[:sender |
+			    (sender selector == #initialize
+				and:[sender receiver isBehavior
+				and:[sender receiver name = projectDefinitionClassName]]
+			    ) ifTrue:[
+				errorInInitialize := true
+			    ].
+			].
+			errorInInitialize ifFalse:[ ex reject ].
+		    ] do:[
+			projectDefinitionFilename fileIn.
+		    ].
+		].
+	    ].
+	    errorInInitialize ifTrue:[
+		Transcript showCR:'Smalltalk [warning]: an error happened in #initialize - retry after loading package.'.
+	    ].
+	    projectDefinitionClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:aPackageString.
+	].
     projectDefinitionClass notNil ifTrue:[
-        projectDefinitionClass
-            autoload;
-            checkForLoad;
-            loadPreRequisitesAsAutoloaded:doLoadAsAutoloaded.
-        somethingHasBeenLoaded := projectDefinitionClass loadAsAutoloaded:doLoadAsAutoloaded.
-        errorInInitialize ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:('Smalltalk [info]: retrying #initialize').
-            projectDefinitionClass initialize.
-        ].
-        (silent not and:[somethingHasBeenLoaded]) ifTrue:[
-            Transcript showCR:('Smalltalk [info]: loaded package: ' , aPackageString , ' from project definition').
-        ].
-        ^ true.
+	projectDefinitionClass
+	    autoload;
+	    checkForLoad;
+	    loadPreRequisitesAsAutoloaded:doLoadAsAutoloaded.
+	somethingHasBeenLoaded := projectDefinitionClass loadAsAutoloaded:doLoadAsAutoloaded.
+	errorInInitialize ifTrue:[
+	    Transcript showCR:('Smalltalk [info]: retrying #initialize').
+	    projectDefinitionClass initialize.
+	].
+	(silent not and:[somethingHasBeenLoaded]) ifTrue:[
+	    Transcript showCR:('Smalltalk [info]: loaded package: ' , aPackageString , ' from project definition').
+	].
+	^ true.
     "/ source files-file loading no longer supported
     "/ however, allow for autoload-stub loaded
     doLoadAsAutoloaded ifTrue:[
-        self
-            recursiveInstallAutoloadedClassesFrom:packageDirOrNil
-            rememberIn:Set new
-            maxLevels:2
-            noAutoload:false
-            packageTop:packageDirOrNil
-            showSplashInLevels:0.
-        ^ true
+	self
+	    recursiveInstallAutoloadedClassesFrom:packageDirOrNil
+	    rememberIn:Set new
+	    maxLevels:2
+	    noAutoload:false
+	    packageTop:packageDirOrNil
+	    showSplashInLevels:0.
+	^ true
     ^ PackageNotFoundError raiseRequestWith:aPackageString errorString:' - no projectDef, dll or loadAll found'.
@@ -2628,8 +2628,8 @@
     extensionsLoaded := false.
     ProgrammingLanguage allDo:[:programmingLanguage|
-        "/ evaluating or here - want all extensions to be loaded    
-        extensionsLoaded := extensionsLoaded | (self loadExtensionsForPackage:aPackageId language: programmingLanguage)
+	"/ evaluating or here - want all extensions to be loaded
+	extensionsLoaded := extensionsLoaded | (self loadExtensionsForPackage:aPackageId language: programmingLanguage)
     ^ extensionsLoaded
@@ -2648,71 +2648,71 @@
     packageDirName := self getPackageFileName:packageDirName.
     (packageDirName notNil and:[Class tryLocalSourceFirst]) ifTrue:[
-        (self loadExtensionsFromDirectory:packageDirName language: programmingLanguage) ifTrue:[
-            ^ true.
-        ].
-        packageDirName := nil.  "do not try again"
+	(self loadExtensionsFromDirectory:packageDirName language: programmingLanguage) ifTrue:[
+	    ^ true.
+	].
+	packageDirName := nil.  "do not try again"
      if there is a sourceCodeManager, ask it first for the extensions
     (Smalltalk at:#AbstractSourceCodeManager) notNil ifTrue:[
-        mgr := AbstractSourceCodeManager managerForPackage: aPackageId
+	mgr := AbstractSourceCodeManager managerForPackage: aPackageId
     mgr notNil ifTrue:[
-        extensionsFilename := 'extensions.' , programmingLanguage sourceFileSuffix.
-        projectDefinition := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:aPackageId.
-        projectDefinition notNil ifTrue:[
-            mod := aPackageId asPackageId module.
-            dir := aPackageId asPackageId directory.
-            extensionsRevisionString := projectDefinition perform:(mgr nameOfVersionMethodForExtensions) ifNotUnderstood:nil.
-            extensionsRevisionString notNil ifTrue:[
-                extensionsRevisionInfo := mgr revisionInfoFromString:extensionsRevisionString inClass:nil.
-                extensionsRevisionInfo notNil ifTrue:[
-                    extensionsRevisionInfo fileName = extensionsFilename ifFalse:[
-                        "JV@2011-10-23: following condition is never satisfied for
-                         filed-in packages. The whole scheme of extensionVersion_XXX
-                         works ONLY for compiled packages as it depends on fact, that
-                         extension Init() routine is called AFTER all classes are inited,
-                         therefore the extensionVersion_XXX methods from extensions.st
-                         overwrites methods coming from package definition class. All this
-                         is so tricky and error prone, that we have to come up with better
-                         solution!!"
-                        packageDirName notNil ifTrue:[
-                            ^ self loadExtensionsFromDirectory:packageDirName language: programmingLanguage
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            ^ false
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ].
-            SourceCodeManagerError handle:[:ex |
-            ] do:[
-                inStream := mgr streamForExtensionFile:extensionsFilename package:aPackageId directory:dir module:mod cache:true.
-            ].
-        ].
-        inStream isNil ifTrue:[
-            SourceCodeManagerError handle:[:ex |
-            ] do:[
-                inStream := mgr getMostRecentSourceStreamForFile:extensionsFilename inPackage:aPackageId.
-            ].
-        ].
-        inStream notNil ifTrue:[
-            Class withoutUpdatingChangeSetDo:[
-                inStream fileIn.
-            ].
-            inStream close.
-            VerboseLoading ifTrue:[
-                Transcript showCR:('loaded extensions for ',aPackageId,' from repository').
-            ].
-            ^ true
-        ]
+	extensionsFilename := 'extensions.' , programmingLanguage sourceFileSuffix.
+	projectDefinition := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:aPackageId.
+	projectDefinition notNil ifTrue:[
+	    mod := aPackageId asPackageId module.
+	    dir := aPackageId asPackageId directory.
+	    extensionsRevisionString := projectDefinition perform:(mgr nameOfVersionMethodForExtensions) ifNotUnderstood:nil.
+	    extensionsRevisionString notNil ifTrue:[
+		extensionsRevisionInfo := mgr revisionInfoFromString:extensionsRevisionString inClass:nil.
+		extensionsRevisionInfo notNil ifTrue:[
+		    extensionsRevisionInfo fileName = extensionsFilename ifFalse:[
+			"JV@2011-10-23: following condition is never satisfied for
+			 filed-in packages. The whole scheme of extensionVersion_XXX
+			 works ONLY for compiled packages as it depends on fact, that
+			 extension Init() routine is called AFTER all classes are inited,
+			 therefore the extensionVersion_XXX methods from extensions.st
+			 overwrites methods coming from package definition class. All this
+			 is so tricky and error prone, that we have to come up with better
+			 solution!!"
+			packageDirName notNil ifTrue:[
+			    ^ self loadExtensionsFromDirectory:packageDirName language: programmingLanguage
+			] ifFalse:[
+			    ^ false
+			]
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ].
+	    SourceCodeManagerError handle:[:ex |
+	    ] do:[
+		inStream := mgr streamForExtensionFile:extensionsFilename package:aPackageId directory:dir module:mod cache:true.
+	    ].
+	].
+	inStream isNil ifTrue:[
+	    SourceCodeManagerError handle:[:ex |
+	    ] do:[
+		inStream := mgr getMostRecentSourceStreamForFile:extensionsFilename inPackage:aPackageId.
+	    ].
+	].
+	inStream notNil ifTrue:[
+	    Class withoutUpdatingChangeSetDo:[
+		inStream fileIn.
+	    ].
+	    inStream close.
+	    VerboseLoading ifTrue:[
+		Transcript showCR:('loaded extensions for ',aPackageId,' from repository').
+	    ].
+	    ^ true
+	]
     packageDirName notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ self loadExtensionsFromDirectory:packageDirName language: programmingLanguage
+	^ self loadExtensionsFromDirectory:packageDirName language: programmingLanguage
     ^ false
@@ -2727,8 +2727,8 @@
     extensionsLoaded := false.
     ProgrammingLanguage allDo:[:programmingLanguage|
-        "/ evaluating or here - want all extensions to be loaded    
-        extensionsLoaded := extensionsLoaded | (self loadExtensionsFromDirectory: packageDirOrString language: programmingLanguage)
+	"/ evaluating or here - want all extensions to be loaded
+	extensionsLoaded := extensionsLoaded | (self loadExtensionsFromDirectory: packageDirOrString language: programmingLanguage)
     ^ extensionsLoaded
@@ -2767,7 +2767,7 @@
     "/ a little convenience: so you can stx packages with loadPackage:'goodies/soap'
     (packageString includes:$:) ifFalse:[
-        packageString := 'stx:',packageString.
+	packageString := 'stx:',packageString.
     "if I am here, so must my package"
@@ -2778,31 +2778,31 @@
     "/ if there is a projectDefinition, let it load itself...
     def := packageId projectDefinitionClass.
     (def notNil and:[def isLoaded]) ifTrue:[
-        def loadAsAutoloaded:doLoadAsAutoloaded.
-        ^ true.
+	def loadAsAutoloaded:doLoadAsAutoloaded.
+	^ true.
     packageDir := self packageDirectoryForPackageId:packageId.
-        self
-            loadPackage:packageString
-            fromDirectory:packageDir
-            asAutoloaded:doLoadAsAutoloaded.
+	self
+	    loadPackage:packageString
+	    fromDirectory:packageDir
+	    asAutoloaded:doLoadAsAutoloaded.
     ] on:PackageLoadError do:[:ex|
-        ex creator ~~ PackageNotCompatibleError ifTrue:[
-            AbstractSourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
-                sourceCodeManager := AbstractSourceCodeManager sourceCodeManagerForPackage:packageString.
-                sourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
-                    PackageLoadError handle:[:ex2 |
-                        ex reject
-                    ] do:[    
-                        ^ sourceCodeManager loadPackageWithId:packageString fromRepositoryAsAutoloaded:doLoadAsAutoloaded
-                    ].
-                ].
-            ].
-        ].
-        ex reject.
+	ex creator ~~ PackageNotCompatibleError ifTrue:[
+	    AbstractSourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
+		sourceCodeManager := AbstractSourceCodeManager sourceCodeManagerForPackage:packageString.
+		sourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
+		    PackageLoadError handle:[:ex2 |
+			ex reject
+		    ] do:[
+			^ sourceCodeManager loadPackageWithId:packageString fromRepositoryAsAutoloaded:doLoadAsAutoloaded
+		    ].
+		].
+	    ].
+	].
+	ex reject.
     ^ true
@@ -2960,8 +2960,8 @@
-        raiseWith:aPackageId
-        errorString:' - package loading from zip is not yet implemented'.
+	raiseWith:aPackageId
+	errorString:' - package loading from zip is not yet implemented'.
 loadPackageFromAbbrevFile:aPackageId asAutoloaded:doLoadAsAutoloaded
@@ -3009,27 +3009,27 @@
     "/ If that happens, we restart the set-building here
     [(classes := CachedClasses) isNil] whileTrue:[
-        CachedClasses := classes := IdentitySet new:NumberOfClassesHint.
-        self keysAndValuesDo:[:eachName :eachGlobal |
-            (eachGlobal notNil and:[eachGlobal isBehavior]) ifTrue:[
-                "/ sigh - would like to skip over aliases
-                "/ but this cannot be done simply by comparing
-                "/ the classes name against the store-key
-                "/ i.e. cannot do:
-                "/      anObject name == sym ifTrue:[
-                "/          classes add:anObject
-                "/      ]
-                "/ because that would lead to ignore all java
-                "/ classes, which are stored under a different
-                "/ key.
-                (eachGlobal name == eachName
-                 or:[eachGlobal isJavaClass]) ifTrue:[
-                    classes add:eachGlobal
-                ].
-            ]
-        ].
-        NumberOfClassesHint := classes size.
+	CachedClasses := classes := IdentitySet new:NumberOfClassesHint.
+	self keysAndValuesDo:[:eachName :eachGlobal |
+	    (eachGlobal notNil and:[eachGlobal isBehavior]) ifTrue:[
+		"/ sigh - would like to skip over aliases
+		"/ but this cannot be done simply by comparing
+		"/ the classes name against the store-key
+		"/ i.e. cannot do:
+		"/      anObject name == sym ifTrue:[
+		"/          classes add:anObject
+		"/      ]
+		"/ because that would lead to ignore all java
+		"/ classes, which are stored under a different
+		"/ key.
+		(eachGlobal name == eachName
+		 or:[eachGlobal isJavaClass]) ifTrue:[
+		    classes add:eachGlobal
+		].
+	    ]
+	].
+	NumberOfClassesHint := classes size.
     ^ classes
@@ -3065,13 +3065,13 @@
      (i.e. anonymous ones have to be acquired by Behavior allSubInstances)"
     ^ self allClasses select:[:aClass |
-            |owner|
-            (aClass isRealNameSpace not)
-            and:[
-                owner := aClass topOwningClass.
-                (owner ? aClass) nameSpace == Smalltalk
-            ]
+	    |owner|
+	    (aClass isRealNameSpace not)
+	    and:[
+		owner := aClass topOwningClass.
+		(owner ? aClass) nameSpace == Smalltalk
+	    ]
@@ -3124,8 +3124,8 @@
     ^ implementors
-     Smalltalk allImplementorsOf:#isNil   
-     (Smalltalk allImplementorsOf:#add:) size 
+     Smalltalk allImplementorsOf:#isNil
+     (Smalltalk allImplementorsOf:#add:) size
     "Modified: / 30-04-2016 / 17:37:39 / cg"
@@ -3135,12 +3135,12 @@
     "enumerate all classes which implement the given selector"
     self allClassesDo:[:cls |
-        (cls includesSelector:aSelector) ifTrue:[
-            aBlock value:cls.
-        ].
-        (cls class includesSelector:aSelector) ifTrue:[
-            aBlock value:cls class.
-        ].
+	(cls includesSelector:aSelector) ifTrue:[
+	    aBlock value:cls.
+	].
+	(cls class includesSelector:aSelector) ifTrue:[
+	    aBlock value:cls class.
+	].
@@ -3190,30 +3190,30 @@
     allProjects := Set new.
     self allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
-        |cls pkg|
-        eachClass isRealNameSpace ifFalse:[
-            (includeUnloadedClasses or:[eachClass isLoaded]) ifTrue:[
-                cls := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
-                cls isPrivate ifTrue:[
-                    cls := cls topOwningClass
-                ].
-                pkg := cls package.
-                pkg size > 0 ifTrue:[
-                    allProjects add:pkg.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    "/ for now, nameSpaces are not in any package;
-                    "/ this might change. Then, 0-sized packages are
-                    "/ illegal, and the following should be enabled.
-                    "/ self halt
-                ].
-                cls isJavaClass ifFalse:[
-                    cls instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
-                        allProjects add:mthd package asSymbol.
-                    ].
-                ].
-            ].
-        ].
+	|cls pkg|
+	eachClass isRealNameSpace ifFalse:[
+	    (includeUnloadedClasses or:[eachClass isLoaded]) ifTrue:[
+		cls := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
+		cls isPrivate ifTrue:[
+		    cls := cls topOwningClass
+		].
+		pkg := cls package.
+		pkg size > 0 ifTrue:[
+		    allProjects add:pkg.
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    "/ for now, nameSpaces are not in any package;
+		    "/ this might change. Then, 0-sized packages are
+		    "/ illegal, and the following should be enabled.
+		    "/ self halt
+		].
+		cls isJavaClass ifFalse:[
+		    cls instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
+			allProjects add:mthd package asSymbol.
+		    ].
+		].
+	    ].
+	].
     allProjects := allProjects asOrderedCollection sort.
     ^ allProjects
@@ -3291,46 +3291,46 @@
      But be careful, to not invent new symbols ..."
     sym := aString asSymbolIfInterned.
     sym isSymbol ifTrue:[
-        cls := self at:sym ifAbsent:nil.
-        cls isBehavior ifTrue:[^ cls].
+	cls := self at:sym ifAbsent:nil.
+	cls isBehavior ifTrue:[^ cls].
     (aString endsWith:' class') ifTrue:[
-        nonMeta := self classNamed:(aString copyButLast:6).
-        nonMeta notNil ifTrue:[
-            ^ nonMeta theMetaclass
-        ].
-        ^ nil.
+	nonMeta := self classNamed:(aString copyButLast:6).
+	nonMeta notNil ifTrue:[
+	    ^ nonMeta theMetaclass
+	].
+	^ nil.
     "no success yet. Try if this is a private class of an autoloaded class"
     cls isNil ifTrue:[
-        idx := aString indexOfSubCollection:'::'.
-        idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-            prefix := aString copyTo:idx-1.
-            nsNameSymbol := prefix asSymbolIfInterned.
-            nsNameSymbol notNil ifTrue:[
-                rest := aString copyFrom:idx+2.
-                namespace := self at:prefix asSymbolIfInterned ifAbsent:nil.
-                "namespace may be the owner of a private class.
-                 NameSpaces and Behaviors have the same protocol"
-                [namespace isBehavior] whileTrue:[
-                    idx := rest indexOfSubCollection:'::'.
-                    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                        prefix := rest copyTo:idx-1.
-                        rest := rest copyFrom:idx+2.
-                        "this does an implicit autoload if required"
-                        namespace := namespace privateClassesAt:prefix.
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        namespace isLoaded ifTrue:[
-                            cls := namespace privateClassesAt:rest.
-                            cls isBehavior ifTrue:[^ cls].
-                        ].
-                        namespace := nil.   "force exit of loop"
-                    ].
-                ].
-            ].
-        ].
+	idx := aString indexOfSubCollection:'::'.
+	idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    prefix := aString copyTo:idx-1.
+	    nsNameSymbol := prefix asSymbolIfInterned.
+	    nsNameSymbol notNil ifTrue:[
+		rest := aString copyFrom:idx+2.
+		namespace := self at:prefix asSymbolIfInterned ifAbsent:nil.
+		"namespace may be the owner of a private class.
+		 NameSpaces and Behaviors have the same protocol"
+		[namespace isBehavior] whileTrue:[
+		    idx := rest indexOfSubCollection:'::'.
+		    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+			prefix := rest copyTo:idx-1.
+			rest := rest copyFrom:idx+2.
+			"this does an implicit autoload if required"
+			namespace := namespace privateClassesAt:prefix.
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			namespace isLoaded ifTrue:[
+			    cls := namespace privateClassesAt:rest.
+			    cls isBehavior ifTrue:[^ cls].
+			].
+			namespace := nil.   "force exit of loop"
+		    ].
+		].
+	    ].
+	].
     ^ nil
@@ -3908,13 +3908,13 @@
     ParserFlags warnDollarInIdentifier:false.
     ParserFlags warnUnderscoreInIdentifier:false.
     ParserFlags allowOldStyleAssignment:false.
     "/ add bindings for arguments
     Workspace workspaceVariableAt:('_$0') put:CommandName.
     Workspace workspaceVariableAt:('_$n') put:CommandLineArguments size.
     Workspace workspaceVariableAt:('_$$') put:CommandLineArguments.
     CommandLineArguments doWithIndex:[:arg :i |
-        Workspace workspaceVariableAt:('_$',i printString) put:arg.
+	Workspace workspaceVariableAt:('_$',i printString) put:arg.
@@ -3958,15 +3958,15 @@
     "this is called when a view is opened without a display being already opened."
     display := Smalltalk openDisplay.
-    display notNil ifTrue:[ 
-        IsRepl ifFalse:[
-            display exitOnLastClose:true.
-        ].
-        "/ Processor exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses:true.
+    display notNil ifTrue:[
+	IsRepl ifFalse:[
+	    display exitOnLastClose:true.
+	].
+	"/ Processor exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses:true.
     ^ display
@@ -3983,43 +3983,43 @@
     thisIsARestart := imageName notNil.
     true "graphicalMode" ifTrue:[
-        Display isNil ifTrue:[
-            (StartupClass notNil
-            and:[ (StartupClass perform:#isHeadless ifNotUnderstood:false) ]) ifFalse:[
-                self openDisplay.
-            ].
-        ].
+	Display isNil ifTrue:[
+	    (StartupClass notNil
+	    and:[ (StartupClass perform:#isHeadless ifNotUnderstood:false) ]) ifFalse:[
+		self openDisplay.
+	    ].
+	].
     StandAlone ifFalse:[
-        "
-         enable the graphical debugger/inspector
-         (they could have been (re)defined as autoloaded in the patches file)
-        "
-        self initStandardTools.
+	"
+	 enable the graphical debugger/inspector
+	 (they could have been (re)defined as autoloaded in the patches file)
+	"
+	self initStandardTools.
      if there is a display, start its event dispatcher
     Display notNil ifTrue:[
-        Display deviceIOTimeoutErrorSignal handlerBlock:[:ex |
-            SaveEmergencyImage == true ifTrue:[
-                'Display [warning]: broken display connection - emergency save in ''crash.img''.' infoPrintCR.
-                ObjectMemory primSnapShotOn:'crash.img'.
-            ].
-            'Display [warning]: broken display connection - exit.' infoPrintCR.
-            self exit:11.
-        ].
-        Display startDispatch.
+	Display deviceIOTimeoutErrorSignal handlerBlock:[:ex |
+	    SaveEmergencyImage == true ifTrue:[
+		'Display [warning]: broken display connection - emergency save in ''crash.img''.' infoPrintCR.
+		ObjectMemory primSnapShotOn:'crash.img'.
+	    ].
+	    'Display [warning]: broken display connection - exit.' infoPrintCR.
+	    self exit:11.
+	].
+	Display startDispatch.
     idx := CommandLineArguments indexOf:'--browserWindow:'.
     IsPlugin := (idx ~~ 0).
     IsPlugin ifTrue:[
-        'Smalltalk [info]: startup browser window...' infoPrintCR.
-        self browserWindowStartup.
-        "/ not reached
+	'Smalltalk [info]: startup browser window...' infoPrintCR.
+	self browserWindowStartup.
+	"/ not reached
     Initializing := false.
@@ -4030,49 +4030,49 @@
     "/ Therefore, it is now done by an extra user-process.
     process := [
-        'Smalltalk [info]: startup process 1 active.' infoPrintCR.
-        StartBlocks notNil ifTrue:[
-            self executeStartBlocks.
-            StartBlocks := nil.
-        ].
-        ImageStartBlocks notNil ifTrue:[
-            'Smalltalk [info]: execute imageStartBlocks...' infoPrintCR.
-            ImageStartBlocks do:[:aBlock|
-                aBlock value
-            ].
-        ].
-        StandAlone ifFalse:[
-            (SilentLoading == true) ifFalse:[   "i.e. undefined counts as false"
-                thisIsARestart ifTrue:[
-                    Transcript cr.
-                    Transcript showCR:('Smalltalk restarted from:'
-                                        , imageName
-                                        , ' (saved '
-                                        , ObjectMemory imageSaveTime printString
-                                        , ')' ).
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    Transcript showCR:(self hello).
-                    Transcript showCR:(self copyrightString).
-                ].
-                Transcript cr.
-            ].
-            DemoMode==true ifTrue:[
-                Transcript showCR:'*** Restricted use:                              ***'.
-                Transcript showCR:'*** This program may be used for education only. ***'.
-                Transcript showCR:'*** Please read the files COPYRIGHT and LICENSE  ***'.
-                Transcript showCR:'*** for more details.                            ***'.
-                Transcript cr.
-            ].
-        ].
-        thisIsARestart ifTrue:[
-            "/
-            "/ the final late notification - users can now assume that
-            "/ views, forms etc. have been recreated.
-            ObjectMemory changed:#returnFromSnapshot.
-        ]
+	'Smalltalk [info]: startup process 1 active.' infoPrintCR.
+	StartBlocks notNil ifTrue:[
+	    self executeStartBlocks.
+	    StartBlocks := nil.
+	].
+	ImageStartBlocks notNil ifTrue:[
+	    'Smalltalk [info]: execute imageStartBlocks...' infoPrintCR.
+	    ImageStartBlocks do:[:aBlock|
+		aBlock value
+	    ].
+	].
+	StandAlone ifFalse:[
+	    (SilentLoading == true) ifFalse:[   "i.e. undefined counts as false"
+		thisIsARestart ifTrue:[
+		    Transcript cr.
+		    Transcript showCR:('Smalltalk restarted from:'
+					, imageName
+					, ' (saved '
+					, ObjectMemory imageSaveTime printString
+					, ')' ).
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    Transcript showCR:(self hello).
+		    Transcript showCR:(self copyrightString).
+		].
+		Transcript cr.
+	    ].
+	    DemoMode==true ifTrue:[
+		Transcript showCR:'*** Restricted use:                              ***'.
+		Transcript showCR:'*** This program may be used for education only. ***'.
+		Transcript showCR:'*** Please read the files COPYRIGHT and LICENSE  ***'.
+		Transcript showCR:'*** for more details.                            ***'.
+		Transcript cr.
+	    ].
+	].
+	thisIsARestart ifTrue:[
+	    "/
+	    "/ the final late notification - users can now assume that
+	    "/ views, forms etc. have been recreated.
+	    ObjectMemory changed:#returnFromSnapshot.
+	]
     ] newProcess.
@@ -4089,70 +4089,70 @@
     "/ message.
     (StartupClass notNil and:[StartupSelector notNil]) ifTrue:[
-        "
-         allow more customization by reading an image specific rc-file
-        "
-        thisIsARestart ifTrue:[
-            (imageName asFilename hasSuffix:'img') ifTrue:[
-                imageName := imageName copyButLast:4
-            ].
-            self fileIn:(imageName , '.rc')
-        ].
-        Display notNil ifTrue:[
-            Display exitOnLastClose:true.
-        ].
-        Processor exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses:true.
-        process := [
-            'Smalltalk [info]: startup process 2 active.' infoPrintCR.
-            StandAlone ifTrue:[
-                AbortOperationRequest handle:[:ex |
-                    'Smalltalk [info]: aborted - exit.' infoPrintCR.
-                    OperatingSystem exit:1
-                ] do:[
-                    ('Smalltalk [info]: call ',StartupSelector,' of ',StartupClass name,' (1)') infoPrintCR.
-                    StartupClass perform:StartupSelector withArguments:StartupArguments.
-                ]
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                ('Smalltalk [info]: call ',StartupSelector,' of ',StartupClass name,' (2)') infoPrintCR.
-                StartupClass perform:StartupSelector withArguments:StartupArguments.
-            ].
-            "/
-            "/ non-GUI apps exit after the startup;
-            "/ assume that GUI apps have created & opened some view ...
-            "/
-            Display isNil ifTrue:[
-                'Smalltalk [info]: no Display - exit.' infoPrintCR.
-                Smalltalk exit:11.
-            ].
+	"
+	 allow more customization by reading an image specific rc-file
+	"
+	thisIsARestart ifTrue:[
+	    (imageName asFilename hasSuffix:'img') ifTrue:[
+		imageName := imageName copyButLast:4
+	    ].
+	    self fileIn:(imageName , '.rc')
+	].
+	Display notNil ifTrue:[
+	    Display exitOnLastClose:true.
+	].
+	Processor exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses:true.
+	process := [
+	    'Smalltalk [info]: startup process 2 active.' infoPrintCR.
+	    StandAlone ifTrue:[
+		AbortOperationRequest handle:[:ex |
+		    'Smalltalk [info]: aborted - exit.' infoPrintCR.
+		    OperatingSystem exit:1
+		] do:[
+		    ('Smalltalk [info]: call ',StartupSelector,' of ',StartupClass name,' (1)') infoPrintCR.
+		    StartupClass perform:StartupSelector withArguments:StartupArguments.
+		]
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		('Smalltalk [info]: call ',StartupSelector,' of ',StartupClass name,' (2)') infoPrintCR.
+		StartupClass perform:StartupSelector withArguments:StartupArguments.
+	    ].
+	    "/
+	    "/ non-GUI apps exit after the startup;
+	    "/ assume that GUI apps have created & opened some view ...
+	    "/
+	    Display isNil ifTrue:[
+		'Smalltalk [info]: no Display - exit.' infoPrintCR.
+		Smalltalk exit:11.
+	    ].
 "/            "/
 "/            "/ GUI apps exit after the last user process has finished
 "/            "/
 "/            Display exitOnLastClose:true.
-            Processor exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses:true.
-        ] newProcess.
-        process priority:(Processor userSchedulingPriority).
-        process name:'main'.
-        process beGroupLeader.
-        process resume.
-        process := nil.    "do not refer to process"
+	    Processor exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses:true.
+	] newProcess.
+	process priority:(Processor userSchedulingPriority).
+	process name:'main'.
+	process beGroupLeader.
+	process resume.
+	process := nil.    "do not refer to process"
     StandAlone ifTrue:[
-        Display notNil ifTrue:[
-            FlyByHelp notNil ifTrue:[
-                FlyByHelp start
-            ].
-        ].
+	Display notNil ifTrue:[
+	    FlyByHelp notNil ifTrue:[
+		FlyByHelp start
+	    ].
+	].
 "/    Display notNil ifTrue:[
 "/        Display exitOnLastClose:true.
 "/    ].
     OperatingSystem finishLaunching.
      if view-classes exist, start dispatching;
      otherwise go into a read-eval-print loop
@@ -4162,14 +4162,14 @@
     ) ifTrue:[
-        Processor exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses:true.
-        Processor dispatchLoop.
-        "done - the last process finished"
-        'Smalltalk [info]: last process finished - exit.' infoPrintCR.
+	Processor exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses:true.
+	Processor dispatchLoop.
+	"done - the last process finished"
+	'Smalltalk [info]: last process finished - exit.' infoPrintCR.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        StandAlone ifFalse:[
-            self readEvalPrintLoop
-        ]
+	StandAlone ifFalse:[
+	    self readEvalPrintLoop
+	]
     self exit
@@ -4189,30 +4189,30 @@
     (commandName, ' [info]: opening display...') infoPrintCR.
     Display isNil ifTrue:[
-        Screen notNil ifTrue:[
-            [
-                Screen openDefaultDisplay:nil.
-            ] on:Screen deviceOpenErrorSignal do:[:ex|
-                "do not use #errorPrintCR, it is no error, when an app supports display and no display.
-                 in case shell exec 'app --version' we do not want this error string as part of the output"
-                ('%1 [error]: No display connection to: %2' bindWith:commandName with:ex parameter) infoPrintCR.
+	Screen notNil ifTrue:[
+	    [
+		Screen openDefaultDisplay:nil.
+	    ] on:Screen deviceOpenErrorSignal do:[:ex|
+		"do not use #errorPrintCR, it is no error, when an app supports display and no display.
+		 in case shell exec 'app --version' we do not want this error string as part of the output"
+		('%1 [error]: No display connection to: %2' bindWith:commandName with:ex parameter) infoPrintCR.
 "/                ('%1 [error]: No display connection to: %2' bindWith:commandName with:ex parameter) errorPrintCR.
-                (commandName, ' [info]: Either set the DISPLAY environment variable,') infoPrintCR.
-                (commandName, ' [info]: or start smalltalk with a -display argument.') infoPrintCR.
-                HeadlessOperation == true ifFalse:[
-                    OperatingSystem exit:1.
-                ].
-            ].
-            Display notNil ifTrue:[
-                (self secureFileIn:'display.rc') ifFalse:[
-                    "/ 'Smalltalk [warning]: no display.rc found; screen setting might be wrong.' errorPrintCR.
-                    (self secureFileIn:'keyboard.rc') ifFalse:[
-                        "/ 'Smalltalk [warning]: no keyboard.rc found; shortkey setting might be wrong.' errorPrintCR.
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ].
-        ]
+		(commandName, ' [info]: Either set the DISPLAY environment variable,') infoPrintCR.
+		(commandName, ' [info]: or start smalltalk with a -display argument.') infoPrintCR.
+		HeadlessOperation == true ifFalse:[
+		    OperatingSystem exit:1.
+		].
+	    ].
+	    Display notNil ifTrue:[
+		(self secureFileIn:'display.rc') ifFalse:[
+		    "/ 'Smalltalk [warning]: no display.rc found; screen setting might be wrong.' errorPrintCR.
+		    (self secureFileIn:'keyboard.rc') ifFalse:[
+			"/ 'Smalltalk [warning]: no keyboard.rc found; shortkey setting might be wrong.' errorPrintCR.
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ].
+	]
     ^ Display
@@ -4224,28 +4224,34 @@
     "/ provide a Display, if needed
     (Smalltalk at:#Screen) currentScreenQuerySignal handle:[:ex |
-        Display isNil ifTrue:[ self lateOpenDisplay ].
-        ex proceedWith:Display.    
-    ] do:aBlock    
+	Display isNil ifTrue:[ self lateOpenDisplay ].
+	ex proceedWith:Display.
+    ] do:aBlock
     "say hello, then go into a read-eval-print loop"
     "{ Pragma: +optSpace }"
-    Transcript showCR:(self hello).
-    Transcript showCR:(self copyrightString).
-    Transcript cr.
-    Transcript showCR:'Read-eval-print loop; exit with "#exit"; help with "?"'.
-    ReadEvalPrintLoop new
-        prompt:'ST> ';
-        doChunkFormat:false;
-        error:Stderr;
-        readEvalPrintLoop
-    "Modified: / 07-12-2006 / 17:35:19 / cg"
+    |repl|
+    repl := ReadEvalPrintLoop new.
+    SilentLoading == true ifTrue:[
+	repl answerPrompt:''.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	Transcript showCR:(self hello).
+	Transcript showCR:(self copyrightString).
+	Transcript cr.
+	Transcript showCR:'Read-eval-print loop; exit with "#exit"; help with "?"'.
+    ].
+    repl
+	prompt:'ST> ';
+	doChunkFormat:false;
+	error:Stderr;
+	readEvalPrintLoop
@@ -4485,16 +4491,16 @@
     "low level entry from the VM's main.
      After initializeSystem, this is the very first real entry into the Smalltalk world.
-     Analyzes the command line and checks what to do 
+     Analyzes the command line and checks what to do
      (i.e. script/repl/eval or full blown IDE).
      Also handles --load and various debug options.
-     Caveat: 
-        this has become too complicated and desperately needs a rewrite.
+     Caveat:
+	this has become too complicated and desperately needs a rewrite.
-        Be very careful when changing things here; 
-        especially be careful to ensure that the scripting options are robust against any
-        missing packages; so the error handlers should not depend on any stream, logger etc. features.
+	Be very careful when changing things here;
+	especially be careful to ensure that the scripting options are robust against any
+	missing packages; so the error handlers should not depend on any stream, logger etc. features.
     |idx graphicalMode arg didReadRCFile keepSplashWindow|
@@ -4506,436 +4512,436 @@
     idx := CommandLineArguments indexOf:'--debug'.
     (idx ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-        CommandLineArguments removeAtIndex:idx.    
-    ].    
+	CommandLineArguments removeAtIndex:idx.
+    ].
      while reading patches- and rc-file, do not add things into change-file
     Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
-        |commandFiles rcFile defaultRC prevCatchSetting
-         isEval isPrint isFilter isRepl isRunMain idxFileArg process|
-        isEval := isPrint := isFilter := isRepl := isRunMain := false.
-        didReadRCFile := false.
-        StandAlone ifFalse:[
-            "/ self initializeVerboseFlags.
-            "/
-            "/ look for any '-q', '-e', '-l' or '-f' command line arguments
-            "/ and handle them;
-            "/ read startup and patches file
-            "/
-            idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-R' '--repl').
-            isRepl := IsRepl := (idx ~~ 0).
-            idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-q' '--silent').
-            idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                Object infoPrinting:false.
-                ObjectMemory infoPrinting:false.
-                CommandLineArguments removeAtIndex:idx.
-                SilentLoading := true.
-            ].
-            [
-                idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-pp' '--packagePath').
-                idx ~~ 0
-            ] whileTrue:[
-                arg := CommandLineArguments at:idx + 1.
-                CommandLineArguments removeAtIndex:idx+1; removeAtIndex:idx.
-                (arg asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:',;') do:[:each |
-                    self packagePath addLast:each.                    
-                    VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
-                        ('Smalltalk [info]: add to packagePath: "', arg, '".') infoPrintCR.
-                    ].
-                ].
-            ].
-            [
-                idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-l' '--load').
-                idx ~~ 0
-            ] whileTrue:[
-                arg := CommandLineArguments at:idx + 1.
-                CommandLineArguments removeAtIndex:idx+1; removeAtIndex:idx.
-                Smalltalk silentlyLoadingDo:[
-                    (arg asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:',;') do:[:each |
-                        each asFilename exists ifTrue:[
-                            (VerboseStartup | VerboseLoading) ifTrue:[
-                                ('Smalltalk [info]: loading file: "', each, '".') infoPrintCR.
-                            ].
-                            Smalltalk fileIn:each
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            (VerboseStartup | VerboseLoading) ifTrue:[
-                                ('Smalltalk [info]: loading package: "', each, '".') infoPrintCR.
-                            ].
-                            Smalltalk loadPackage:each
-                        ].
-                    ].
-                ].
-            ].
-            "/ look for a '-e filename' or '--execute filename' or '--script filename' argument
-            "/ this will force fileIn of filename only, no standard startup.
-            idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-e' '--execute' '--script').
-            idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                SilentLoading := true.
-                CommandName := arg := CommandLineArguments at:idx + 1.
-                CommandLineArguments
-                    removeAtIndex:idx+1; removeAtIndex:idx.
-                self startSchedulerAndBackgroundCollector.
-                keepSplashWindow ifFalse:[ self hideSplashWindow ].
-                Initializing := false.
-                process := [
-                    Processor exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses:true.
-                    "/ set workspace variables
-                    self defineCommandLineAsWorkspaceVariablesForScripts.
-                    "/ provide a Display, if needed
-                    self providingDisplayDo:[
-                        VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
-                            ('Smalltalk [info]: reading script from: "', arg, '".') infoPrintCR.
-                        ].
-                        NoHandlerError handle:[:ex |
-                            Debugging == true ifTrue:[
-                                MiniDebugger enterException:ex.
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                Silent ifFalse:[
-                                    'Smalltalk [error]: ' _errorPrint. ex exception description _errorPrintCR.
-                                ].
-                                (VerboseStartup or:[ObjectMemory debugPrinting]) ifTrue:[
-                                    ex suspendedContext fullPrintAll.
-                                ].
-                                self exit:1.
-                            ].
-                            self exit:1.
-                            "/ ex reject.
-                        ] do:[
-                            UserInterrupt handle:[:ex |
-                                Debugging == true ifTrue:[
-                                    'user interrupt (type "c" to continue; "x" to exit; "?" for help).' errorPrintCR.
-                                    "/ thisContext fullPrintAll.
-                                    MiniDebugger enterException:ex.
-                                    ex proceed.
-                                ].    
-                                Silent ifFalse:[ 'user interrupt.' errorPrintCR ].
-                                self exit:128+(OperatingSystem sigINT).
-                            ] do:[
-                                |cmdStream result|
-                                arg = '-' ifTrue:[
-                                    cmdStream := Stdin.
-                                ] ifFalse:[
-                                    IsSTScript := true.
-                                    cmdStream := arg asFilename readStream.
-                                ].
-                                result := [
-                                    self fileInStream:cmdStream
-                                           lazy:nil
-                                           silent:self verbose not
-                                           logged:false
-                                           addPath:nil
-                                ] ensure:[
-                                    IsSTScript ifTrue:[
-                                        "/ do not close Stdin
-                                        cmdStream close.
-                                    ].
-                                ].
-                                result ifFalse:[
-                                    self exit:1.
-                                ].
-                            ].
-                        ].
-                    ].
-                    "/ after the script, if Screen has been opened and there are any open windows,
-                    "/ then do not exit
+	|commandFiles rcFile defaultRC prevCatchSetting
+	 isEval isPrint isFilter isRepl isRunMain idxFileArg process|
+	isEval := isPrint := isFilter := isRepl := isRunMain := false.
+	didReadRCFile := false.
+	StandAlone ifFalse:[
+	    "/ self initializeVerboseFlags.
+	    "/
+	    "/ look for any '-q', '-e', '-l' or '-f' command line arguments
+	    "/ and handle them;
+	    "/ read startup and patches file
+	    "/
+	    idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-R' '--repl').
+	    isRepl := IsRepl := (idx ~~ 0).
+	    idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-q' '--silent').
+	    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+		Object infoPrinting:false.
+		ObjectMemory infoPrinting:false.
+		CommandLineArguments removeAtIndex:idx.
+		SilentLoading := true.
+	    ].
+	    [
+		idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-pp' '--packagePath').
+		idx ~~ 0
+	    ] whileTrue:[
+		arg := CommandLineArguments at:idx + 1.
+		CommandLineArguments removeAtIndex:idx+1; removeAtIndex:idx.
+		(arg asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:',;') do:[:each |
+		    self packagePath addLast:each.
+		    VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
+			('Smalltalk [info]: add to packagePath: "', arg, '".') infoPrintCR.
+		    ].
+		].
+	    ].
+	    [
+		idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-l' '--load').
+		idx ~~ 0
+	    ] whileTrue:[
+		arg := CommandLineArguments at:idx + 1.
+		CommandLineArguments removeAtIndex:idx+1; removeAtIndex:idx.
+		Smalltalk silentlyLoadingDo:[
+		    (arg asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:',;') do:[:each |
+			each asFilename exists ifTrue:[
+			    (VerboseStartup | VerboseLoading) ifTrue:[
+				('Smalltalk [info]: loading file: "', each, '".') infoPrintCR.
+			    ].
+			    Smalltalk fileIn:each
+			] ifFalse:[
+			    (VerboseStartup | VerboseLoading) ifTrue:[
+				('Smalltalk [info]: loading package: "', each, '".') infoPrintCR.
+			    ].
+			    Smalltalk loadPackage:each
+			].
+		    ].
+		].
+	    ].
+	    "/ look for a '-e filename' or '--execute filename' or '--script filename' argument
+	    "/ this will force fileIn of filename only, no standard startup.
+	    idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-e' '--execute' '--script').
+	    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+		SilentLoading := true.
+		CommandName := arg := CommandLineArguments at:idx + 1.
+		CommandLineArguments
+		    removeAtIndex:idx+1; removeAtIndex:idx.
+		self startSchedulerAndBackgroundCollector.
+		keepSplashWindow ifFalse:[ self hideSplashWindow ].
+		Initializing := false.
+		process := [
+		    Processor exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses:true.
+		    "/ set workspace variables
+		    self defineCommandLineAsWorkspaceVariablesForScripts.
+		    "/ provide a Display, if needed
+		    self providingDisplayDo:[
+			VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
+			    ('Smalltalk [info]: reading script from: "', arg, '".') infoPrintCR.
+			].
+			NoHandlerError handle:[:ex |
+			    Debugging == true ifTrue:[
+				MiniDebugger enterException:ex.
+			    ] ifFalse:[
+				Silent ifFalse:[
+				    'Smalltalk [error]: ' _errorPrint. ex exception description _errorPrintCR.
+				].
+				(VerboseStartup or:[ObjectMemory debugPrinting]) ifTrue:[
+				    ex suspendedContext fullPrintAll.
+				].
+				self exit:1.
+			    ].
+			    self exit:1.
+			    "/ ex reject.
+			] do:[
+			    UserInterrupt handle:[:ex |
+				Debugging == true ifTrue:[
+				    'user interrupt (type "c" to continue; "x" to exit; "?" for help).' errorPrintCR.
+				    "/ thisContext fullPrintAll.
+				    MiniDebugger enterException:ex.
+				    ex proceed.
+				].
+				Silent ifFalse:[ 'user interrupt.' errorPrintCR ].
+				self exit:128+(OperatingSystem sigINT).
+			    ] do:[
+				|cmdStream result|
+				arg = '-' ifTrue:[
+				    cmdStream := Stdin.
+				] ifFalse:[
+				    IsSTScript := true.
+				    cmdStream := arg asFilename readStream.
+				].
+				result := [
+				    self fileInStream:cmdStream
+					   lazy:nil
+					   silent:self verbose not
+					   logged:false
+					   addPath:nil
+				] ensure:[
+				    IsSTScript ifTrue:[
+					"/ do not close Stdin
+					cmdStream close.
+				    ].
+				].
+				result ifFalse:[
+				    self exit:1.
+				].
+			    ].
+			].
+		    ].
+		    "/ after the script, if Screen has been opened and there are any open windows,
+		    "/ then do not exit
 false ifTrue:[
-                    Display notNil ifTrue:[
-                        Processor exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses:true.
-                        "/ Display exitOnLastClose:true.
-                        "/ Display checkForEndOfDispatch.
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        self exit.
-                    ].
+		    Display notNil ifTrue:[
+			Processor exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses:true.
+			"/ Display exitOnLastClose:true.
+			"/ Display checkForEndOfDispatch.
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			self exit.
+		    ].
-                ] newProcess.
-                process priority:(Processor userSchedulingPriority).
-                process name:'main'.
-                process beGroupLeader.
-                process resume.
-                Processor dispatchLoop.
-                self exit
-            ].
-            "look for a '-f filename' or '--file filename' argument
-             if scripting, these are loaded before -P, -E or -R action.
-             if not scripting, this will force evaluation of filename instead of smalltalk.rc"
-            [
-                idxFileArg := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-f' '--file').
-                (idxFileArg ~~ 0)
-            ] whileTrue:[
-                commandFiles isNil ifTrue:[ commandFiles := OrderedCollection new ].
-                commandFiles add:(CommandLineArguments at:idxFileArg+1).
-                CommandLineArguments removeAtIndex:idxFileArg+1; removeAtIndex:idxFileArg.
-            ].
-            "/ look for a '-E expr' or '--eval expr' argument (-P or --print to print the result of evaluation)
-            "/ or -F/--filter or a '--repl' argument
-            "/ E, P and F this will force evaluation of expr only, no standard startup
-            "/ repl go into an interactive loop.
-            idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-E' '--eval').
-            (isEval := (idx ~~ 0)) ifFalse:[
-                idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-P' '--print').
-                (isPrint := (idx ~~ 0)) ifFalse:[
-                    idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-F' '--filter').
-                    (isFilter := (idx ~~ 0)) ifFalse:[
-                        idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-R' '--repl').
-                        (isRepl := (idx ~~ 0)) ifFalse:[   
-                            idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('--run').
-                            isRunMain := (idx ~~ 0)
-                        ].
-                    ].
-                ].
-            ].
-            (isEval | isPrint | isFilter | isRepl | isRunMain) ifTrue:[
-                |args|
-                VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
-                    ('Smalltalk [info]: eval/filter/print or repl') infoPrintCR.
-                ].
-                isRepl ifFalse:[
-                    CommandLineArguments size <= idx ifTrue:[
-                        StandAlone := true.
-                        self exitWithErrorMessage:'missing argument after -E/-P/-F/--run.'.
-                    ].
-                    isFilter ifTrue:[
-                        args := CommandLineArguments copyFrom:idx + 1.
-                        CommandLineArguments removeFromIndex:idx+1.
-                        VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
-                            ('Smalltalk [info]: filter expression(s): ') infoPrint.
-                            args infoPrintCR.
-                        ].
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        arg := CommandLineArguments at:idx + 1.
-                        CommandLineArguments removeAtIndex:idx+1.
-                        VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
-                            ('Smalltalk [info]: eval expression: ') infoPrint.
-                            arg infoPrintCR.
-                        ].
-                    ].
-                ].
-                CommandLineArguments removeAtIndex:idx.
-                self startSchedulerAndBackgroundCollector.
-                keepSplashWindow ifFalse:[ self hideSplashWindow ].
-                Initializing := false.
-                "/ set workspace variables
-                self defineCommandLineAsWorkspaceVariablesForScripts.
-                "/ all of the above allow for a -f file to be loaded before any other action
-                (commandFiles notEmptyOrNil) ifTrue:[
-                    commandFiles do:[:commandFile |
-                        (VerboseStartup | VerboseLoading) ifTrue:[
-                            ('Smalltalk [info]: reading command file from: "', commandFile, '".') infoPrintCR.
-                        ].
-                        Smalltalk silentlyLoadingDo:[
-                            (self secureFileIn:commandFile) ifFalse:[
-                                StandAlone := true.
-                                self exitWithErrorMessage:('"', commandFile, '" not found.').
-                            ]
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ].
-                isRepl ifFalse:[
-                    Debugging == true ifFalse:[
-                        "/ remove the Debugger
-                        Debugger := nil.
-                    ].
-                ].
-                process := [
-                    self providingDisplayDo:[
-                        isRepl ifTrue:[
-                            Processor exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses:false.
-                            Processor activeProcess name:'repl'.
-                            self readEvalPrintLoop.
-                            self exit.
-                        ].
-                        Processor exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses:true.
-                        NoHandlerError handle:[:ex |
-                            Debugging == true ifTrue:[
-                                MiniDebugger enterException:ex.
-                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                Silent ifFalse:[
-                                    'Smalltalk [error]: ' _errorPrint. ex description _errorPrintCR.
-                                ].    
-                                (VerboseStartup or:[ObjectMemory debugPrinting]) ifTrue:[
-                                    ex suspendedContext fullPrintAll.
-                                ].
-                                self exit:1.
-                            ].
-                            self exit:1.
-                            "/ ex reject.
-                        ] do:[
-                            UserInterrupt handle:[:ex |
-                                Debugging == true ifTrue:[
-                                    'user interrupt (type "c" to continue; "x" to exit; "?" for help).' errorPrintCR.
-                                    "/ thisContext fullPrintAll.
-                                    MiniDebugger enterException:ex.
-                                    ex proceed.
-                                ].
-                                Silent ifFalse:[ 'user interrupt.' errorPrintCR ].
-                                self exit:128+(OperatingSystem sigINT).
-                            ] do:[
-                                |filterCode filterStart filterEnd|
-                                isFilter ifTrue:[
-                                    "/ --filter - apply code to each input line.
-                                    "/ compile code only once
-                                    (args size == 1) ifTrue:[
-                                        VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
-                                            'Smalltalk [info]: filter 1-arg' infoPrintCR.
-                                        ].
-                                        filterCode := args at:1.
-                                    ] ifFalse:[
-                                        (args size == 3) ifTrue:[
-                                            VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
-                                                'Smalltalk [info]: filter 3-arg' infoPrintCR.
-                                            ].
-                                            filterStart := args at:1.
-                                            filterCode := args at:2.
-                                            filterEnd := args at:3.
-                                        ] ifFalse:[
-                                            StandAlone := true.
-                                            self exitWithErrorMessage:'--filter must be followed by 1 or 3 expression arg(s)'
-                                        ].
-                                    ].    
-                                    filterStart notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ 
-                                        VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
-                                            ('Smalltalk [info]: eval: "', filterStart, '"...') infoPrintCR.
-                                        ].
-                                        Compiler evaluate:filterStart notifying:(EvalScriptingErrorHandler new source:filterStart) 
-                                    ].    
-                                    VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
-                                        ('Smalltalk [info]: compile: "', filterCode, '"...') infoPrintCR.
-                                    ].
-                                    Compiler
-                                        compile:'doIt:line ',filterCode
-                                        forClass:String
-                                        notifying:(EvalScriptingErrorHandler new source:filterCode).
-                                    [Stdin atEnd] whileFalse:[
-                                        |line|
-                                        line := Stdin nextLine.
-                                        line doIt:line.
-                                    ].
-                                    filterEnd notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ 
-                                        VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
-                                            ('Smalltalk [info]: eval: "', filterEnd, '"...') infoPrintCR.
-                                        ].
-                                        Compiler evaluate:filterEnd notifying:(EvalScriptingErrorHandler new source:filterEnd) 
-                                    ].    
-                                ] ifFalse:[
-                                    (isPrint | isEval) ifTrue:[
-                                        "/ --print or --eval
-                                        |rslt|
-                                        rslt := Parser new
-                                                    evaluate:arg
-                                                    notifying:(EvalScriptingErrorHandler new source:arg)
-                                                    compile:true.
-                                        isPrint ifTrue:[
-                                            rslt printCR.
-                                        ].
-                                    ] ifFalse:[
-                                        "/ --run <className>
-                                        |className class|
-                                        className := arg.
-                                        class := Smalltalk classNamed:className.
-                                        class isNil ifTrue:[
-                                            StandAlone := true.
-                                            self exitWithErrorMessage:'no such class: "', className, '".'
-                                        ].
-                                        (class respondsTo:#main:) ifTrue:[
-                                            class main:CommandLineArguments.
-                                        ] ifFalse:[    
-                                            (class respondsTo:#main) ifTrue:[
-                                                class main.
-                                            ] ifFalse:[    
-                                                (class respondsTo:#start) ifTrue:[
-                                                    class start.
-                                                ] ifFalse:[    
-                                                    StandAlone := true.
-                                                    self exitWithErrorMessage:'class has no "main:", "main" or "start" method.'
-                                                ].    
-                                            ].    
-                                        ].    
-                                    ].    
-                                ].
-                            ].
-                        ].
-                    ].
-                    "/ after the script, if Screen has been opened and there are any open windows,
-                    "/ then do not exit
+		] newProcess.
+		process priority:(Processor userSchedulingPriority).
+		process name:'main'.
+		process beGroupLeader.
+		process resume.
+		Processor dispatchLoop.
+		self exit
+	    ].
+	    "look for a '-f filename' or '--file filename' argument
+	     if scripting, these are loaded before -P, -E or -R action.
+	     if not scripting, this will force evaluation of filename instead of smalltalk.rc"
+	    [
+		idxFileArg := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-f' '--file').
+		(idxFileArg ~~ 0)
+	    ] whileTrue:[
+		commandFiles isNil ifTrue:[ commandFiles := OrderedCollection new ].
+		commandFiles add:(CommandLineArguments at:idxFileArg+1).
+		CommandLineArguments removeAtIndex:idxFileArg+1; removeAtIndex:idxFileArg.
+	    ].
+	    "/ look for a '-E expr' or '--eval expr' argument (-P or --print to print the result of evaluation)
+	    "/ or -F/--filter or a '--repl' argument
+	    "/ E, P and F this will force evaluation of expr only, no standard startup
+	    "/ repl go into an interactive loop.
+	    idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-E' '--eval').
+	    (isEval := (idx ~~ 0)) ifFalse:[
+		idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-P' '--print').
+		(isPrint := (idx ~~ 0)) ifFalse:[
+		    idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-F' '--filter').
+		    (isFilter := (idx ~~ 0)) ifFalse:[
+			idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('-R' '--repl').
+			(isRepl := (idx ~~ 0)) ifFalse:[
+			    idx := CommandLineArguments indexOfAny:#('--run').
+			    isRunMain := (idx ~~ 0)
+			].
+		    ].
+		].
+	    ].
+	    (isEval | isPrint | isFilter | isRepl | isRunMain) ifTrue:[
+		|args|
+		VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
+		    ('Smalltalk [info]: eval/filter/print or repl') infoPrintCR.
+		].
+		isRepl ifFalse:[
+		    CommandLineArguments size <= idx ifTrue:[
+			StandAlone := true.
+			self exitWithErrorMessage:'missing argument after -E/-P/-F/--run.'.
+		    ].
+		    isFilter ifTrue:[
+			args := CommandLineArguments copyFrom:idx + 1.
+			CommandLineArguments removeFromIndex:idx+1.
+			VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
+			    ('Smalltalk [info]: filter expression(s): ') infoPrint.
+			    args infoPrintCR.
+			].
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			arg := CommandLineArguments at:idx + 1.
+			CommandLineArguments removeAtIndex:idx+1.
+			VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
+			    ('Smalltalk [info]: eval expression: ') infoPrint.
+			    arg infoPrintCR.
+			].
+		    ].
+		].
+		CommandLineArguments removeAtIndex:idx.
+		self startSchedulerAndBackgroundCollector.
+		keepSplashWindow ifFalse:[ self hideSplashWindow ].
+		Initializing := false.
+		"/ set workspace variables
+		self defineCommandLineAsWorkspaceVariablesForScripts.
+		"/ all of the above allow for a -f file to be loaded before any other action
+		(commandFiles notEmptyOrNil) ifTrue:[
+		    commandFiles do:[:commandFile |
+			(VerboseStartup | VerboseLoading) ifTrue:[
+			    ('Smalltalk [info]: reading command file from: "', commandFile, '".') infoPrintCR.
+			].
+			Smalltalk silentlyLoadingDo:[
+			    (self secureFileIn:commandFile) ifFalse:[
+				StandAlone := true.
+				self exitWithErrorMessage:('"', commandFile, '" not found.').
+			    ]
+			]
+		    ]
+		].
+		isRepl ifFalse:[
+		    Debugging == true ifFalse:[
+			"/ remove the Debugger
+			Debugger := nil.
+		    ].
+		].
+		process := [
+		    self providingDisplayDo:[
+			isRepl ifTrue:[
+			    Processor exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses:false.
+			    Processor activeProcess name:'repl'.
+			    self readEvalPrintLoop.
+			    self exit.
+			].
+			Processor exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses:true.
+			NoHandlerError handle:[:ex |
+			    Debugging == true ifTrue:[
+				MiniDebugger enterException:ex.
+			    ] ifFalse:[
+				Silent ifFalse:[
+				    'Smalltalk [error]: ' _errorPrint. ex description _errorPrintCR.
+				].
+				(VerboseStartup or:[ObjectMemory debugPrinting]) ifTrue:[
+				    ex suspendedContext fullPrintAll.
+				].
+				self exit:1.
+			    ].
+			    self exit:1.
+			    "/ ex reject.
+			] do:[
+			    UserInterrupt handle:[:ex |
+				Debugging == true ifTrue:[
+				    'user interrupt (type "c" to continue; "x" to exit; "?" for help).' errorPrintCR.
+				    "/ thisContext fullPrintAll.
+				    MiniDebugger enterException:ex.
+				    ex proceed.
+				].
+				Silent ifFalse:[ 'user interrupt.' errorPrintCR ].
+				self exit:128+(OperatingSystem sigINT).
+			    ] do:[
+				|filterCode filterStart filterEnd|
+				isFilter ifTrue:[
+				    "/ --filter - apply code to each input line.
+				    "/ compile code only once
+				    (args size == 1) ifTrue:[
+					VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
+					    'Smalltalk [info]: filter 1-arg' infoPrintCR.
+					].
+					filterCode := args at:1.
+				    ] ifFalse:[
+					(args size == 3) ifTrue:[
+					    VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
+						'Smalltalk [info]: filter 3-arg' infoPrintCR.
+					    ].
+					    filterStart := args at:1.
+					    filterCode := args at:2.
+					    filterEnd := args at:3.
+					] ifFalse:[
+					    StandAlone := true.
+					    self exitWithErrorMessage:'--filter must be followed by 1 or 3 expression arg(s)'
+					].
+				    ].
+				    filterStart notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+					VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
+					    ('Smalltalk [info]: eval: "', filterStart, '"...') infoPrintCR.
+					].
+					Compiler evaluate:filterStart notifying:(EvalScriptingErrorHandler new source:filterStart)
+				    ].
+				    VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
+					('Smalltalk [info]: compile: "', filterCode, '"...') infoPrintCR.
+				    ].
+				    Compiler
+					compile:'doIt:line ',filterCode
+					forClass:String
+					notifying:(EvalScriptingErrorHandler new source:filterCode).
+				    [Stdin atEnd] whileFalse:[
+					|line|
+					line := Stdin nextLine.
+					line doIt:line.
+				    ].
+				    filterEnd notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+					VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
+					    ('Smalltalk [info]: eval: "', filterEnd, '"...') infoPrintCR.
+					].
+					Compiler evaluate:filterEnd notifying:(EvalScriptingErrorHandler new source:filterEnd)
+				    ].
+				] ifFalse:[
+				    (isPrint | isEval) ifTrue:[
+					"/ --print or --eval
+					|rslt|
+					rslt := Parser new
+						    evaluate:arg
+						    notifying:(EvalScriptingErrorHandler new source:arg)
+						    compile:true.
+					isPrint ifTrue:[
+					    rslt printCR.
+					].
+				    ] ifFalse:[
+					"/ --run <className>
+					|className class|
+					className := arg.
+					class := Smalltalk classNamed:className.
+					class isNil ifTrue:[
+					    StandAlone := true.
+					    self exitWithErrorMessage:'no such class: "', className, '".'
+					].
+					(class respondsTo:#main:) ifTrue:[
+					    class main:CommandLineArguments.
+					] ifFalse:[
+					    (class respondsTo:#main) ifTrue:[
+						class main.
+					    ] ifFalse:[
+						(class respondsTo:#start) ifTrue:[
+						    class start.
+						] ifFalse:[
+						    StandAlone := true.
+						    self exitWithErrorMessage:'class has no "main:", "main" or "start" method.'
+						].
+					    ].
+					].
+				    ].
+				].
+			    ].
+			].
+		    ].
+		    "/ after the script, if Screen has been opened and there are any open windows,
+		    "/ then do not exit
 false ifTrue:[
-                    Display notNil ifTrue:[
-                        Processor exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses:true.
-                        "/ Display exitOnLastClose:true.
-                        "/ Display checkForEndOfDispatch.
-                        VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
-                            ('Smalltalk [info]: display opened.') infoPrintCR.
-                        ].
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
-                            ('Smalltalk [info]: no display - exit after script.') infoPrintCR.
-                        ].
-                        self exit.
-                    ].
+		    Display notNil ifTrue:[
+			Processor exitWhenNoMoreUserProcesses:true.
+			"/ Display exitOnLastClose:true.
+			"/ Display checkForEndOfDispatch.
+			VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
+			    ('Smalltalk [info]: display opened.') infoPrintCR.
+			].
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
+			    ('Smalltalk [info]: no display - exit after script.') infoPrintCR.
+			].
+			self exit.
+		    ].
-                    VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
-                        ('Smalltalk [info]: script/repl/eval finished.') infoPrintCR.
-                    ].
-                ] newProcess.    
-                process priority:(Processor userSchedulingPriority).
-                process name:'main'.
-                process beGroupLeader.
-                process resume.
-                Processor dispatchLoop.
-                VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
-                    ('Smalltalk [info]: exit normally.') infoPrintCR.
-                ].
-                self exit
-            ].
-        ].
-        commandFiles notNil ifTrue:[
-            SilentLoading := true.  "/ suppress the hello & copyright messages
-            self addStartBlock:
-                [
-                    commandFiles do:[:commandFile |
-                        (self secureFileIn:commandFile) ifFalse:[
-                            self exitWithErrorMessage:('startup file "', commandFile, '" not found.').
-                        ].
-                    ].
-                ].
+		    VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
+			('Smalltalk [info]: script/repl/eval finished.') infoPrintCR.
+		    ].
+		] newProcess.
+		process priority:(Processor userSchedulingPriority).
+		process name:'main'.
+		process beGroupLeader.
+		process resume.
+		Processor dispatchLoop.
+		VerboseStartup ifTrue:[
+		    ('Smalltalk [info]: exit normally.') infoPrintCR.
+		].
+		self exit
+	    ].
+	].
+	commandFiles notNil ifTrue:[
+	    SilentLoading := true.  "/ suppress the hello & copyright messages
+	    self addStartBlock:
+		[
+		    commandFiles do:[:commandFile |
+			(self secureFileIn:commandFile) ifFalse:[
+			    self exitWithErrorMessage:('startup file "', commandFile, '" not found.').
+			].
+		    ].
+		].
 "/            self startSchedulerAndBackgroundCollector.
 "/            keepSplashWindow ifFalse:[ self hideSplashWindow ].
@@ -4945,67 +4951,67 @@
 "/                ('Smalltalk [error]: startup file "', commandFile, '" not found.') errorPrintCR.
 "/                OperatingSystem exit:1.
 "/            ].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "/ look for <command>.rc
-            "/ if not found, read smalltalk.rc (or stxapp.rc for standAlone operation)
-            rcFile := self commandName asFilename withSuffix:'rc'.
-            (didReadRCFile := rcFile exists and:[self secureFileIn:rcFile]) ifFalse:[
-                StandAlone ifFalse:[
-                    defaultRC := 'smalltalk.rc' "/asFilename
-                ] ifTrue:[
-                    defaultRC := 'stxapp.rc' "/asFilename
-                ].
-                "JV@2011-11-01: DO NOT check defaultRC exist - this prevents smalltalk to
-                    to be started with different working directory than stx/projects/smalltalk !!!!!!"
-                "/didReadRCFile := defaultRC exists and:[self secureFileIn:defaultRC].
-                didReadRCFile := (self getSystemFileName:defaultRC) notNil
-                                 and:[self secureFileIn:defaultRC].
-                didReadRCFile ifFalse:[
-                    StandAlone ifFalse:[
-                        'Smalltalk [warning]: no startup rc-file found. Going into line-by-line interpreter.' infoPrintCR.
-                        graphicalMode := false.
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ].
-            "/ ('StandAlone is %1' bindWith:StandAlone) printCR.
-            "/ ('Headless is %1' bindWith:HeadlessOperation) printCR.
-            "/ ('Display is %1' bindWith:Display) printCR.
-            "/ ('Screen is %1' bindWith:Screen) printCR.
-            keepSplashWindow ifFalse:[ self hideSplashWindow ].
-            didReadRCFile ifFalse:[
-                'private.rc' asFilename exists ifTrue:[ self secureFileIn:'private.rc' ].
-                "/
-                "/ No RC file found;
-                "/ Setup more default stuff
-                "/
-                StandAlone ifFalse:[
-                    "/ its a smalltalk - proceed in interpreter.
-                    'Smalltalk [warning]: no startup rc-file found. Going into line-by-line interpreter.' infoPrintCR.
-                    graphicalMode := false.
-                ].
-                "/ setup more defaults...
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    "/ look for <command>.rc
+	    "/ if not found, read smalltalk.rc (or stxapp.rc for standAlone operation)
+	    rcFile := self commandName asFilename withSuffix:'rc'.
+	    (didReadRCFile := rcFile exists and:[self secureFileIn:rcFile]) ifFalse:[
+		StandAlone ifFalse:[
+		    defaultRC := 'smalltalk.rc' "/asFilename
+		] ifTrue:[
+		    defaultRC := 'stxapp.rc' "/asFilename
+		].
+		"JV@2011-11-01: DO NOT check defaultRC exist - this prevents smalltalk to
+		    to be started with different working directory than stx/projects/smalltalk !!!!!!"
+		"/didReadRCFile := defaultRC exists and:[self secureFileIn:defaultRC].
+		didReadRCFile := (self getSystemFileName:defaultRC) notNil
+				 and:[self secureFileIn:defaultRC].
+		didReadRCFile ifFalse:[
+		    StandAlone ifFalse:[
+			'Smalltalk [warning]: no startup rc-file found. Going into line-by-line interpreter.' infoPrintCR.
+			graphicalMode := false.
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ].
+	    "/ ('StandAlone is %1' bindWith:StandAlone) printCR.
+	    "/ ('Headless is %1' bindWith:HeadlessOperation) printCR.
+	    "/ ('Display is %1' bindWith:Display) printCR.
+	    "/ ('Screen is %1' bindWith:Screen) printCR.
+	    keepSplashWindow ifFalse:[ self hideSplashWindow ].
+	    didReadRCFile ifFalse:[
+		'private.rc' asFilename exists ifTrue:[ self secureFileIn:'private.rc' ].
+		"/
+		"/ No RC file found;
+		"/ Setup more default stuff
+		"/
+		StandAlone ifFalse:[
+		    "/ its a smalltalk - proceed in interpreter.
+		    'Smalltalk [warning]: no startup rc-file found. Going into line-by-line interpreter.' infoPrintCR.
+		    graphicalMode := false.
+		].
+		"/ setup more defaults...
 "/                ObjectMemory startBackgroundCollectorAt:5.
 "/                ObjectMemory startBackgroundFinalizationAt:5.
-                self addStartBlock:[
-                    self startSchedulerAndBackgroundCollector
-                ].
-            ].
-        ].
-        (CommandLineArguments includes:'--scripting') ifTrue:[
-            self addStartBlock:[
-                StandaloneStartup handleScriptingOptionsFromArguments:CommandLineArguments.
-            ].
-        ].
+		self addStartBlock:[
+		    self startSchedulerAndBackgroundCollector
+		].
+	    ].
+	].
+	(CommandLineArguments includes:'--scripting') ifTrue:[
+	    self addStartBlock:[
+		StandaloneStartup handleScriptingOptionsFromArguments:CommandLineArguments.
+	    ].
+	].
     HeadlessOperation ifTrue:[
-        graphicalMode := false.
+	graphicalMode := false.
     keepSplashWindow ifFalse:[ self hideSplashWindow ].
@@ -5132,9 +5138,9 @@
     ObjectMemory changed:#aboutToExit.  "/ for ST/X backward compatibility
     ObjectMemory changed:#aboutToQuit.  "/ for ST-80 compatibility
     ExitBlocks notNil ifTrue:[
-        ExitBlocks do:[:aBlock |
-            aBlock value
-        ]
+	ExitBlocks do:[:aBlock |
+	    aBlock value
+	]
     Display notNil ifTrue:[ Display closeConnection ].
@@ -5170,10 +5176,10 @@
     "{ Pragma: +optSpace }"
     Smalltalk isStandAloneApp ifTrue:[
-        self exit:statusInteger
+	self exit:statusInteger
     ] ifFalse:[
-        self warn:'Application asks Smalltalk to exit (this is suppressed in IDE).'.
-        AbortOperationRequest raise.
+	self warn:'Application asks Smalltalk to exit (this is suppressed in IDE).'.
+	AbortOperationRequest raise.
@@ -5190,7 +5196,7 @@
      your development system."
     self isStandAloneApp ifTrue:[
-        self exit:exitCode.
+	self exit:exitCode.
     self error:'standalone smalltalk would exit here with exit code: ', exitCode printString.
@@ -5481,8 +5487,8 @@
     "set the language - send out change notifications"
     aLanguageSymbol ~= Language ifTrue:[
-        Language := aLanguageSymbol asSymbol.
-        self changed:#Language
+	Language := aLanguageSymbol asSymbol.
+	self changed:#Language
@@ -5497,9 +5503,9 @@
     "set the language & territory - send out change notifications"
     ((Language ~= aLanguageSymbol) or:[ LanguageTerritory ~= aTerritorySymbol]) ifTrue:[
-        Language := aLanguageSymbol asSymbol.
-        LanguageTerritory := aTerritorySymbol asSymbol.
-        self changed:#Language
+	Language := aLanguageSymbol asSymbol.
+	LanguageTerritory := aTerritorySymbol asSymbol.
+	self changed:#Language
@@ -5540,10 +5546,10 @@
     "set the language territory - send out change notifications"
     aTerritorySymbol ~= LanguageTerritory ifTrue:[
-        LanguageTerritory := aTerritorySymbol asSymbol.
-        self changed:#LanguageTerritory
-    ].
+	LanguageTerritory := aTerritorySymbol asSymbol.
+	self changed:#LanguageTerritory
+    ].
      Time now
@@ -5596,26 +5602,26 @@
     table := IdentityDictionary new:100.
     Method allSubInstancesDo:[:aMethod |
-        source := nil.
-        aMethod sourcePosition notNil ifTrue:[
-            aMethod sourceFilename = 'st.src' ifTrue:[
-                source := aMethod source.
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            source := aMethod source
-        ].
-        source notNil ifTrue:[
-            pos := newStream position + 1.
-            newStream nextChunkPut:source.
-            "
-             dont change the methods info - maybe some write error
-             occurs later, in that case we abort and leave everything
-             untouched.
-            "
-            table at:aMethod put:pos
-        ]
+	source := nil.
+	aMethod sourcePosition notNil ifTrue:[
+	    aMethod sourceFilename = 'st.src' ifTrue:[
+		source := aMethod source.
+	    ]
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    source := aMethod source
+	].
+	source notNil ifTrue:[
+	    pos := newStream position + 1.
+	    newStream nextChunkPut:source.
+	    "
+	     dont change the methods info - maybe some write error
+	     occurs later, in that case we abort and leave everything
+	     untouched.
+	    "
+	    table at:aMethod put:pos
+	]
     newStream syncData; close.
@@ -5630,7 +5636,7 @@
      source reference"
     table keysAndValuesDo:[:aMethod :pos |
-        aMethod localSourceFilename:fileName position:pos.
+	aMethod localSourceFilename:fileName position:pos.
 "/        aMethod printCR.
@@ -5658,18 +5664,18 @@
     table := IdentityDictionary new:100.
     Method allSubInstancesDo:[:aMethod |
-        source := aMethod source.
-        source notNil ifTrue:[
-            pos := newStream position + 1.
-            newStream nextChunkPut:source.
-            "
-             don't change the method's info - maybe some write error
-             occurs later, in that case we abort and leave everything
-             untouched.
-            "
-            table at:aMethod put:pos
-        ]
+	source := aMethod source.
+	source notNil ifTrue:[
+	    pos := newStream position + 1.
+	    newStream nextChunkPut:source.
+	    "
+	     don't change the method's info - maybe some write error
+	     occurs later, in that case we abort and leave everything
+	     untouched.
+	    "
+	    table at:aMethod put:pos
+	]
     newStream syncData; close.
@@ -5684,7 +5690,7 @@
      source reference"
     table keysAndValuesDo:[:aMethod :pos |
-        aMethod localSourceFilename:fileName position:pos.
+	aMethod localSourceFilename:fileName position:pos.
 "/        aMethod printCR.
@@ -5829,16 +5835,16 @@
     f isNil ifTrue:[f := self getPackageFileName:anAbbrevFilePath].
     f notNil ifTrue:[
-        f := f asFilename.
-        f isDirectory ifTrue:[
-            f := f construct:'abbrev.stc'
-        ].
-        [
-            s := f readStream.
-            self installAutoloadedClassesFromStream:s.
-            s close.
-        ] on:FileStream openErrorSignal
-        do:[:ex| "do nothing"].
+	f := f asFilename.
+	f isDirectory ifTrue:[
+	    f := f construct:'abbrev.stc'
+	].
+	[
+	    s := f readStream.
+	    self installAutoloadedClassesFromStream:s.
+	    s close.
+	] on:FileStream openErrorSignal
+	do:[:ex| "do nothing"].
@@ -5851,13 +5857,13 @@
     aFilename readingFileDo:[:abbrevStream |
-        self installAutoloadedClassesFromStream:abbrevStream.
+	self installAutoloadedClassesFromStream:abbrevStream.
      self installAutoloadedClassesFromAbbrevFile:('../../goodies/communication/abbrev.stc' asFilename)
     "Created: / 29-07-2011 / 20:39:21 / cg"
@@ -5870,71 +5876,71 @@
     |s2 l abbrevFileName info clsName cls abbrev package cat numClassInstVars words w|
     anAbbrevFileStream isFileStream ifTrue:[
-        abbrevFileName := anAbbrevFileStream pathName.
-        info := 'declared from: ', abbrevFileName.
+	abbrevFileName := anAbbrevFileStream pathName.
+	info := 'declared from: ', abbrevFileName.
     "/ yes, create any required nameSpace, without asking user.
     Class createNameSpaceQuerySignal answer:true do:[
-        [anAbbrevFileStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
-            l := anAbbrevFileStream nextLine withoutSeparators.
-            "Skip empty lines and comments"
-            (l notEmpty and:[l first ~= $#]) ifTrue:[
-                "/ must do it manually, caring for quoted strings.
+	[anAbbrevFileStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
+	    l := anAbbrevFileStream nextLine withoutSeparators.
+	    "Skip empty lines and comments"
+	    (l notEmpty and:[l first ~= $#]) ifTrue:[
+		"/ must do it manually, caring for quoted strings.
 "/                words := line asCollectionOfWords.
-                words := OrderedCollection new.
-                s2 := l readStream.
-                [s2 atEnd] whileFalse:[
-                    s2 skipSeparators.
-                    s2 peek == $' ifTrue:[
-                        s2 next.
-                        w := s2 upTo:$'.
-                        s2 skipSeparators.
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        w := s2 upToSeparator
-                    ].
-                    words add:w
-                ].
-                words size < 3 ifTrue:[
-                    'Smalltalk [warning]: bad abbrev entry' errorPrint.
-                    anAbbrevFileStream isFileStream ifTrue:[
-                        ' (in ''' errorPrint.
-                        anAbbrevFileStream pathName errorPrint.
-                        ''')' errorPrint
-                    ].
-                    ': ' errorPrint. l errorPrintCR
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    clsName := (words at:1) asSymbol.
-                    abbrev := (words at:2).
-                    package := (words at:3) asSymbol.
-                    cat := words at:4 ifAbsent:nil.
-                    numClassInstVars := words at:5 ifAbsent:'0'.
-                    numClassInstVars := Integer readFrom:numClassInstVars onError:[0].
-                    (cat size == 0) ifTrue:[
-                        cat := 'autoloaded'
-                    ].
-                    "/ on the fly, update the abbreviations
-                    self setFilename:abbrev forClass:clsName package:package.
-                    "/ '  autoloaded: ' print. clsName print. ' in ' print. cat printCR.
-                    cls := self
-                        installAutoloadedClassNamed:clsName
-                        category:cat
-                        package:package
-                        revision:nil
-                        numClassInstVars:numClassInstVars.
+		words := OrderedCollection new.
+		s2 := l readStream.
+		[s2 atEnd] whileFalse:[
+		    s2 skipSeparators.
+		    s2 peek == $' ifTrue:[
+			s2 next.
+			w := s2 upTo:$'.
+			s2 skipSeparators.
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			w := s2 upToSeparator
+		    ].
+		    words add:w
+		].
+		words size < 3 ifTrue:[
+		    'Smalltalk [warning]: bad abbrev entry' errorPrint.
+		    anAbbrevFileStream isFileStream ifTrue:[
+			' (in ''' errorPrint.
+			anAbbrevFileStream pathName errorPrint.
+			''')' errorPrint
+		    ].
+		    ': ' errorPrint. l errorPrintCR
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    clsName := (words at:1) asSymbol.
+		    abbrev := (words at:2).
+		    package := (words at:3) asSymbol.
+		    cat := words at:4 ifAbsent:nil.
+		    numClassInstVars := words at:5 ifAbsent:'0'.
+		    numClassInstVars := Integer readFrom:numClassInstVars onError:[0].
+		    (cat size == 0) ifTrue:[
+			cat := 'autoloaded'
+		    ].
+		    "/ on the fly, update the abbreviations
+		    self setFilename:abbrev forClass:clsName package:package.
+		    "/ '  autoloaded: ' print. clsName print. ' in ' print. cat printCR.
+		    cls := self
+			installAutoloadedClassNamed:clsName
+			category:cat
+			package:package
+			revision:nil
+			numClassInstVars:numClassInstVars.
 "/                    info notNil ifTrue:[
 "/                        cls setComment:info.
 "/                    ].
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
@@ -5996,19 +6002,19 @@
      Experimental and not yet used."
     Method allSubInstancesDo:[:aMethod |
-        |newMethod|
-        aMethod hasPrimitiveCode ifFalse:[
+	|newMethod|
+	aMethod hasPrimitiveCode ifFalse:[
 "/            aMethod errorPrintCR.
-            newMethod := aMethod asByteCodeMethod.
-            newMethod ~~ aMethod ifTrue:[
-                newMethod isNil ifTrue:[
-                    'Smalltalk>>makeBytecodeMethods could nor recompile: ' errorPrint. aMethod errorPrintCR.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    aMethod becomeSameAs:newMethod
-                ].
-            ]
-        ].
+	    newMethod := aMethod asByteCodeMethod.
+	    newMethod ~~ aMethod ifTrue:[
+		newMethod isNil ifTrue:[
+		    'Smalltalk>>makeBytecodeMethods could nor recompile: ' errorPrint. aMethod errorPrintCR.
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    aMethod becomeSameAs:newMethod
+		].
+	    ]
+	].
@@ -6028,12 +6034,12 @@
     dirsConsulted := Set new.
-        recursiveInstallAutoloadedClassesFrom:aTopDirectory
-        rememberIn:dirsConsulted
-        maxLevels:15
-        noAutoload:false
-        packageTop:nil
-        showSplashInLevels:-1.
+	recursiveInstallAutoloadedClassesFrom:aTopDirectory
+	rememberIn:dirsConsulted
+	maxLevels:15
+	noAutoload:false
+	packageTop:nil
+	showSplashInLevels:-1.
@@ -6085,36 +6091,36 @@
     dirName := dir physicalPathName.            "take care of symbolic links"
     (dirsConsulted includes:dirName) ifTrue:[
-        ^ self
+	^ self
     (dir / 'NOPACKAGES') exists ifTrue:[
-        ^ self.
+	^ self.
     (dir / 'NOSUBAUTOLOAD') exists ifTrue:[
-        ^ self.
+	^ self.
     maxLevels == 0 ifTrue:[
-        Transcript showCR:('Autoload: max directory nesting reached in %1' bindWith:dir pathName).
-        ^ self
+	Transcript showCR:('Autoload: max directory nesting reached in %1' bindWith:dir pathName).
+	^ self
     dirsConsulted add:dirName.
     noAutoloadHere := noAutoloadIn.
     noAutoloadHere ifFalse:[
-        (dir / 'NOAUTOLOAD') exists ifTrue:[
-            noAutoloadHere := true.
-        ].
+	(dir / 'NOAUTOLOAD') exists ifTrue:[
+	    noAutoloadHere := true.
+	].
     ] ifTrue:[
-        (dir / 'AUTOLOAD') exists ifTrue:[
-            noAutoloadHere := false.
-        ].
+	(dir / 'AUTOLOAD') exists ifTrue:[
+	    noAutoloadHere := false.
+	].
     showSplashInLevels >= 0 ifTrue:[
-        self showSplashMessage:('Smalltalk [info]: installing autoloaded classes found under "%1"...'
-                                bindWith:(dirName contractAtBeginningTo:35)).
+	self showSplashMessage:('Smalltalk [info]: installing autoloaded classes found under "%1"...'
+				bindWith:(dirName contractAtBeginningTo:35)).
@@ -6123,74 +6129,74 @@
     haveAbbrevDotSTC := false.
     noAutoloadHere ifFalse:[
-        [
-            self installAutoloadedClassesFromAbbrevFile:(dir / 'abbrev.stc').
-            haveAbbrevDotSTC := true.
-        ] on:FileStream openErrorSignal
-        do:[:ex|
-            "ignore this file"
-        ].
+	[
+	    self installAutoloadedClassesFromAbbrevFile:(dir / 'abbrev.stc').
+	    haveAbbrevDotSTC := true.
+	] on:FileStream openErrorSignal
+	do:[:ex|
+	    "ignore this file"
+	].
-        directoryContents := dir directoryContents.
+	directoryContents := dir directoryContents.
     ] on:FileStream openErrorSignal do:[:ex|
-        "non-accessible directory: we are done"
-        ^ self
+	"non-accessible directory: we are done"
+	^ self
     directoryContents := directoryContents select:[:fn | (fn startsWith:'.') not] as:Set.
     directoryContents removeAllFoundIn:#(
-                            'objbc' 'objvc' 'objmingw'
-                            'doc'
-                            'CVS'
-                            'bitmaps'
-                            'resources'
-                            'source'
-                            'not_delivered'
-                            'not_ported'
-                        ).
+			    'objbc' 'objvc' 'objmingw'
+			    'doc'
+			    'CVS'
+			    'bitmaps'
+			    'resources'
+			    'source'
+			    'not_delivered'
+			    'not_ported'
+			).
     dir baseName = 'stx' ifTrue:[
-        directoryContents removeAllFoundIn:#(
-                            'configurations'
-                            'include'
-                            'rules'
-                            'stc'
-                            'support'
-                        ).
+	directoryContents removeAllFoundIn:#(
+			    'configurations'
+			    'include'
+			    'rules'
+			    'stc'
+			    'support'
+			).
     directoryContents do:[:eachFilenameString |
-        |f|
-        f := dir / eachFilenameString.
-        f isDirectory ifTrue:[
-             self
-                recursiveInstallAutoloadedClassesFrom:f
-                rememberIn:dirsConsulted
-                maxLevels:maxLevels-1
-                noAutoload:noAutoloadHere
-                packageTop:packageTopPath
-                showSplashInLevels:showSplashInLevels - 1.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            (noAutoloadHere not and:[haveAbbrevDotSTC not]) ifTrue:[
-                f suffix = 'st' ifTrue:[
-                    [
-                        self installAutoloadedClassFromSourceFile:f.
-                        f directory baseName = 'libbasic' ifTrue:[self halt].
-                    ] on:FileStream openErrorSignal do:[:ex|
-                        "ignore this file, but write a warning"
-                        Transcript showCR:('Autoload: cannot install %1. (%2)' bindWith:f pathName with:ex description).
-                    ].
-                ]
-            ].
-        ]
+	|f|
+	f := dir / eachFilenameString.
+	f isDirectory ifTrue:[
+	     self
+		recursiveInstallAutoloadedClassesFrom:f
+		rememberIn:dirsConsulted
+		maxLevels:maxLevels-1
+		noAutoload:noAutoloadHere
+		packageTop:packageTopPath
+		showSplashInLevels:showSplashInLevels - 1.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    (noAutoloadHere not and:[haveAbbrevDotSTC not]) ifTrue:[
+		f suffix = 'st' ifTrue:[
+		    [
+			self installAutoloadedClassFromSourceFile:f.
+			f directory baseName = 'libbasic' ifTrue:[self halt].
+		    ] on:FileStream openErrorSignal do:[:ex|
+			"ignore this file, but write a warning"
+			Transcript showCR:('Autoload: cannot install %1. (%2)' bindWith:f pathName with:ex description).
+		    ].
+		]
+	    ].
+	]
     showSplashInLevels >= 0 ifTrue:[
-        self showSplashMessage:('Smalltalk [info]: installing autoloaded classes from "%1"...'
-                                bindWith:(dirName contractAtBeginningTo:35)).
+	self showSplashMessage:('Smalltalk [info]: installing autoloaded classes from "%1"...'
+				bindWith:(dirName contractAtBeginningTo:35)).
@@ -6333,10 +6339,10 @@
      If silent is true, no compiler messages are output to the transcript.
      Giving nil for silent/lazy will use the current settings.
      This method can load almost anything which makes sense:
-        .st    - source files
-        .cls   - binary smalltalk bytecode files
-        .so    - binary compiled machine code class libraries
-        [.class - java bytecode -- soon to come]"
+	.st    - source files
+	.cls   - binary smalltalk bytecode files
+	.so    - binary compiled machine code class libraries
+	[.class - java bytecode -- soon to come]"
     |fileNameString inStream path morePath bos|
@@ -6347,41 +6353,41 @@
     (ObjectFileLoader notNil
      and:[ObjectFileLoader hasValidBinaryExtension:fileNameString]) ifTrue:[
-        "/ LoadBinaries ifFalse:[^ false].
-        path := self getBinaryFileName:fileNameString.
-        path isNil ifTrue:[
-            path := self getSystemFileName:fileNameString.
-            path isNil ifTrue:[
-                ^ false
-            ].
-        ].
-        ^ (ObjectFileLoader loadObjectFile:path) notNil
+	"/ LoadBinaries ifFalse:[^ false].
+	path := self getBinaryFileName:fileNameString.
+	path isNil ifTrue:[
+	    path := self getSystemFileName:fileNameString.
+	    path isNil ifTrue:[
+		^ false
+	    ].
+	].
+	^ (ObjectFileLoader loadObjectFile:path) notNil
     inStream := self systemFileStreamFor:fileNameString.
     inStream isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
     (aFileNameOrString asFilename hasSuffix:'cls') ifTrue:[
-        BinaryObjectStorage isNil ifTrue:[
-            ^ false.
-        ].
-        [
-            inStream binary.
-            bos := BinaryObjectStorage onOld:inStream.
-            bos next.
-        ] ensure:[
-            bos close.
-        ].
-        ^ true
+	BinaryObjectStorage isNil ifTrue:[
+	    ^ false.
+	].
+	[
+	    inStream binary.
+	    bos := BinaryObjectStorage onOld:inStream.
+	    bos next.
+	] ensure:[
+	    bos close.
+	].
+	^ true
     (fileNameString includes:$/) ifTrue:[
-        "/ temporarily prepend the file's directory
-        "/ to the searchPath.
-        "/ This allows fileIn-driver files to refer to local
-        "/ files via a relative path, and drivers to fileIn other
-        "/ drivers ...
-        morePath := inStream fileName directoryName.
+	"/ temporarily prepend the file's directory
+	"/ to the searchPath.
+	"/ This allows fileIn-driver files to refer to local
+	"/ files via a relative path, and drivers to fileIn other
+	"/ drivers ...
+	morePath := inStream fileName directoryName.
     ^ self fileInStream:inStream lazy:lazy silent:silent logged:logged addPath:morePath
@@ -6526,11 +6532,11 @@
      nil uses the value from SilentLoading."
     ^ self
-        fileInClass:aClassName
-        package:nil
-        initialize:doInit
-        lazy:loadLazy
-        silent:beSilent
+	fileInClass:aClassName
+	package:nil
+	initialize:doInit
+	lazy:loadLazy
+	silent:beSilent
     "Modified: / 9.1.1998 / 14:42:28 / cg"
@@ -6567,315 +6573,315 @@
     ClassLoadInProgressQuery answerNotifyLoading:aClassName do:[
-        wasLazy := Compiler compileLazy:loadLazy.
-        beSilent notNil ifTrue:[
-            wasSilent := self silentLoading:beSilent.
-        ].
-        classFileName := Smalltalk fileNameForClass:aClassName.
-        (classFileName = aClassName) ifTrue:[
-            "/ no abbrev.stc translation for className
-            (aClassName includes:$:) ifTrue:[
-                "/ a nameSpace name
-                alternativeClassFileName := classFileName copyFrom:(classFileName lastIndexOf:$:)+1
-            ].
-        ].
-        classFileName asFilename isAbsolute ifTrue:[
-            classFileName asFilename suffix notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-                ok := self fileIn:classFileName lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                ok := self fileInSourceFile:classFileName lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent.
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            classFileName := classFileName copyReplaceAll:$: with:$_ ifNone:classFileName.
-            [
-                Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
-                    |zarFn zar entry|
-                    ok := false.
-                    package notNil ifTrue:[
-                        packageDir := package asPackageId packageDirectory.
-                        "/ packageDir := package asString.
-                        "/ packageDir := packageDir copyReplaceAll:$: with:$/.
-                        packageDir isNil ifTrue:[
-                            packageDir := self packageDirectoryForPackageId:package
-                        ].
-                        packageDir notNil ifTrue:[
-                            packageDir := packageDir asFilename.
-                        ].
-                    ].
-                    Class packageQuerySignal answer:package do:[
-                        "
-                         then, if dynamic linking is available,
-                        "
-                        (LoadBinaries and:[ObjectFileLoader notNil]) ifTrue:[
-                            sharedLibExtension := ObjectFileLoader sharedLibraryExtension.
-                            "
-                             first look for a class packages shared binary in binary/xxx.o
-                            "
-                            libName := self libraryFileNameOfClass:aClassName.
-                            libName notNil ifTrue:[
-                                (ok := self fileInClass:aClassName fromObject:(libName, sharedLibExtension))
-                                ifFalse:[
-                                    sharedLibExtension ~= '.o' ifTrue:[
-                                        ok := self fileInClass:aClassName fromObject:(libName, '.o')
-                                    ]
-                                ].
-                            ].
-                            "
-                             then, look for a shared binary in binary/xxx.o
-                            "
-                            ok ifFalse:[
-                                (ok := self fileInClass:aClassName fromObject:(classFileName, sharedLibExtension))
-                                ifFalse:[
-                                    sharedLibExtension ~= '.o' ifTrue:[
-                                        ok := self fileInClass:aClassName fromObject:(classFileName, '.o')
-                                    ].
-                                    ok ifFalse:[
-                                        alternativeClassFileName notNil ifTrue:[
-                                            (ok := self fileInClass:aClassName fromObject:(alternativeClassFileName, sharedLibExtension))
-                                            ifFalse:[
-                                                sharedLibExtension ~= '.o' ifTrue:[
-                                                    ok := self fileInClass:aClassName fromObject:(alternativeClassFileName, '.o')
-                                                ]
-                                            ]
-                                        ].
-                                    ].
-                                ].
-                            ].
-                        ].
-                        "
-                         if that did not work, look for a compiled-bytecode file ...
-                        "
-                        ok ifFalse:[
-                            (ok := self fileIn:(classFileName , '.cls') lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent)
-                            ifFalse:[
-                                alternativeClassFileName notNil ifTrue:[
-                                    ok := self fileIn:(alternativeClassFileName , '.cls') lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent
-                                ]
-                            ]
-                        ].
-                        "
-                         if that did not work, and the classes package is known,
-                         look for an st-cls file
-                         in a package subdir of the source-directory ...
-                        "
-                        ok ifFalse:[
-                            (packageDir notNil and:[BinaryObjectStorage notNil]) ifTrue:[
-                                packageFile := self getPackageFileName:((packageDir / 'classes' / classFileName) addSuffix:'cls').
-                                packageFile isNil ifTrue:[
-                                    packageFile := (packageDir / 'classes' / classFileName) addSuffix:'cls'.
-                                ].
-                                (ok := self fileIn:packageFile lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent)
-                                ifFalse:[
-                                    alternativeClassFileName notNil ifTrue:[
-                                        packageFile := self getPackageFileName:((packageDir / 'classes' / alternativeClassFileName) addSuffix:'cls').
-                                        packageFile isNil ifTrue:[
-                                            packageFile := ((packageDir / 'classes' / alternativeClassFileName) addSuffix:'cls').
-                                        ].
-                                        ok := self fileIn:packageFile lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent
-                                    ]
-                                ].
-                                zarFn := self getPackageFileName:(packageDir / 'classes.zip').
-                                zarFn notNil ifTrue:[
-                                    zar := ZipArchive oldFileNamed:zarFn.
-                                    zar notNil ifTrue:[
-                                        entry := zar extract:(classFileName , '.cls').
-                                        (entry isNil and:[alternativeClassFileName notNil]) ifTrue:[
-                                            entry := zar extract:(alternativeClassFileName , '.cls').
-                                        ].
-                                        entry notNil ifTrue:[
-                                            bos := BinaryObjectStorage onOld:(entry asByteArray readStream).
-                                            bos next.
-                                            bos close.
-                                            ok := true
-                                        ].
-                                    ]
-                                ]
-                            ]
-                        ].
-                        "
-                         if that did not work, look for an st-source file ...
-                        "
-                        ok ifFalse:[
-                            filenameToSet := classFileName.
-                            (ok := self fileInSourceFile:filenameToSet lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent)
-                            ifFalse:[
-                                alternativeClassFileName notNil ifTrue:[
-                                    filenameToSet := alternativeClassFileName.
-                                    ok := self fileInSourceFile:filenameToSet lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent
-                                ].
-                                ok ifFalse:[
-                                    "
-                                     ... and in the standard source-directory
-                                    "
-                                    filenameToSet := 'source' asFilename / classFileName.
-                                    (ok := self fileInSourceFile:filenameToSet lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent)
-                                    ifFalse:[
-                                        alternativeClassFileName notNil ifTrue:[
-                                            filenameToSet := 'source' asFilename / alternativeClassFileName.
-                                            ok := self fileInSourceFile:filenameToSet lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent
-                                        ]
-                                    ]
-                                ]
-                            ].
-                            "
-                             if that did not work, and the classes package is known,
-                             look for an st-source file
-                             in a package subdir of the source-directory ...
-                            "
-                            ok ifFalse:[
-                                packageDir notNil ifTrue:[
-                                    packageFile := self getPackageSourceFileName:(packageDir / 'source' / classFileName).
-                                    packageFile isNil ifTrue:[
-                                        packageFile := (packageDir / 'source' / classFileName).
-                                    ].
-                                    filenameToSet := packageFile.
-                                    (ok := self fileInSourceFile:packageFile lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent)
-                                    ifFalse:[
-                                        alternativeClassFileName notNil ifTrue:[
-                                            packageFile := self getPackageSourceFileName:(packageDir / 'source' / alternativeClassFileName).
-                                            packageFile isNil ifTrue:[
-                                                packageFile := (packageDir / 'source' / alternativeClassFileName).
-                                            ].
-                                            filenameToSet := packageFile.
-                                            ok := self fileInSourceFile:packageFile lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent
-                                        ].
-                                        ok ifFalse:[
-                                            packageFile := self getPackageSourceFileName:(packageDir / classFileName).
-                                            packageFile isNil ifTrue:[
-                                                packageFile := (packageDir / classFileName).
-                                            ].
-                                            filenameToSet := packageFile.
-                                            (ok := self fileInSourceFile:packageFile lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent)
-                                            ifFalse:[
-                                                alternativeClassFileName notNil ifTrue:[
-                                                    packageFile := self getPackageFileName:(packageDir / alternativeClassFileName).
-                                                    packageFile isNil ifTrue:[
-                                                        packageFile := packageDir / alternativeClassFileName.
-                                                    ].
-                                                    filenameToSet := packageFile.
-                                                    ok := self fileInSourceFile:packageFile lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent
-                                                ].
-                                                ok ifFalse:[
-                                                    "
-                                                     ... and in the standard source-directory
-                                                    "
-                                                    filenameToSet := 'source' asFilename / packageDir / classFileName.
-                                                    (ok := self fileInSourceFile:filenameToSet lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent)
-                                                    ifFalse:[
-                                                        alternativeClassFileName notNil ifTrue:[
-                                                            filenameToSet := 'source' asFilename / packageDir / alternativeClassFileName.
-                                                            ok := self fileInSourceFile:filenameToSet lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent
-                                                        ]
-                                                    ]
-                                                ]
-                                            ].
-                                        ].
-                                    ].
-                                ]
-                            ].
-                            "
-                             if that did not work, and the classes package is known,
-                             look for a zipArchive containing a class entry.
-                            "
-                            ok ifFalse:[
-                                packageDir notNil ifTrue:[
-                                    zarFn := self getPackageFileName:(packageDir / 'source.zip').
-                                    zarFn isNil ifTrue:[
-                                        zarFn := packageDir withSuffix:'zip'.
-                                        zarFn := self getSourceFileName:zarFn.
-                                    ].
-                                    (zarFn notNil and:[zarFn asFilename exists]) ifTrue:[
-                                        zar := ZipArchive oldFileNamed:zarFn.
-                                        zar notNil ifTrue:[
-                                            entry := zar extract:(classFileName , '.st').
-                                            (entry isNil and:[alternativeClassFileName notNil]) ifTrue:[
-                                                entry := zar extract:(alternativeClassFileName , '.st').
-                                            ].
-                                            entry notNil ifTrue:[
-                                                filenameToSet := zarFn.
-                                                ok := self
-                                                        fileInStream:(entry asString readStream)
-                                                        lazy:loadLazy
-                                                        silent:beSilent
-                                                        logged:false
-                                                        addPath:nil
-                                            ].
-                                        ]
-                                    ]
-                                ]
-                            ].
-                            "
-                             if that did not work,
-                             look for a zipArchive containing a class entry.
-                            "
-                            ok ifFalse:[
-                                zarFn := self getSourceFileName:'source.zip'.
-                                zarFn notNil ifTrue:[
-                                    zar := ZipArchive oldFileNamed:zarFn.
-                                    zar notNil ifTrue:[
-                                        entry := zar extract:(zarFn := classFileName , '.st').
-                                        (entry isNil and:[alternativeClassFileName notNil]) ifTrue:[
-                                            entry := zar extract:(zarFn := alternativeClassFileName , '.st').
-                                        ].
-                                        entry notNil ifTrue:[
-                                            filenameToSet := zarFn.
-                                            ok := self
-                                                    fileInStream:(entry asString readStream)
-                                                    lazy:loadLazy
-                                                    silent:beSilent
-                                                    logged:false
-                                                    addPath:nil
-                                        ].
-                                    ]
-                                ]
-                            ].
-                            ok ifFalse:[
-                                "
-                                 if there is a sourceCodeManager, ask it for the classes sourceCode
-                                "
-                                (mgr := Smalltalk at:#SourceCodeManager) notNil ifTrue:[
-                                    inStream := mgr getMostRecentSourceStreamForClassNamed:aClassName inPackage:package.
-                                    inStream notNil ifTrue:[
-                                        filenameToSet := nil.
-                                        ok := self fileInStream:inStream lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent logged:false addPath:nil.
-                                    ]
-                                ].
-                            ].
-                        ].
-                    ]
-                ].
-            ] ensure:[
-                Compiler compileLazy:wasLazy.
-                wasSilent notNil ifTrue:[
-                    self silentLoading:wasSilent
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-        ok ifTrue:[
-            newClass := self at:(aClassName asSymbol).
-            newClass notNil ifTrue:[
-                "set the classes name - but do not change if already set"
-                filenameToSet notNil ifTrue:[
-                    newClass getClassFilename isNil ifTrue:[
-                        newClass setClassFilename:(filenameToSet asFilename baseName)
-                    ].
-                ].
-                doInit ifTrue:[
-                    newClass initialize
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
+	wasLazy := Compiler compileLazy:loadLazy.
+	beSilent notNil ifTrue:[
+	    wasSilent := self silentLoading:beSilent.
+	].
+	classFileName := Smalltalk fileNameForClass:aClassName.
+	(classFileName = aClassName) ifTrue:[
+	    "/ no abbrev.stc translation for className
+	    (aClassName includes:$:) ifTrue:[
+		"/ a nameSpace name
+		alternativeClassFileName := classFileName copyFrom:(classFileName lastIndexOf:$:)+1
+	    ].
+	].
+	classFileName asFilename isAbsolute ifTrue:[
+	    classFileName asFilename suffix notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+		ok := self fileIn:classFileName lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		ok := self fileInSourceFile:classFileName lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent.
+	    ]
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    classFileName := classFileName copyReplaceAll:$: with:$_ ifNone:classFileName.
+	    [
+		Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
+		    |zarFn zar entry|
+		    ok := false.
+		    package notNil ifTrue:[
+			packageDir := package asPackageId packageDirectory.
+			"/ packageDir := package asString.
+			"/ packageDir := packageDir copyReplaceAll:$: with:$/.
+			packageDir isNil ifTrue:[
+			    packageDir := self packageDirectoryForPackageId:package
+			].
+			packageDir notNil ifTrue:[
+			    packageDir := packageDir asFilename.
+			].
+		    ].
+		    Class packageQuerySignal answer:package do:[
+			"
+			 then, if dynamic linking is available,
+			"
+			(LoadBinaries and:[ObjectFileLoader notNil]) ifTrue:[
+			    sharedLibExtension := ObjectFileLoader sharedLibraryExtension.
+			    "
+			     first look for a class packages shared binary in binary/xxx.o
+			    "
+			    libName := self libraryFileNameOfClass:aClassName.
+			    libName notNil ifTrue:[
+				(ok := self fileInClass:aClassName fromObject:(libName, sharedLibExtension))
+				ifFalse:[
+				    sharedLibExtension ~= '.o' ifTrue:[
+					ok := self fileInClass:aClassName fromObject:(libName, '.o')
+				    ]
+				].
+			    ].
+			    "
+			     then, look for a shared binary in binary/xxx.o
+			    "
+			    ok ifFalse:[
+				(ok := self fileInClass:aClassName fromObject:(classFileName, sharedLibExtension))
+				ifFalse:[
+				    sharedLibExtension ~= '.o' ifTrue:[
+					ok := self fileInClass:aClassName fromObject:(classFileName, '.o')
+				    ].
+				    ok ifFalse:[
+					alternativeClassFileName notNil ifTrue:[
+					    (ok := self fileInClass:aClassName fromObject:(alternativeClassFileName, sharedLibExtension))
+					    ifFalse:[
+						sharedLibExtension ~= '.o' ifTrue:[
+						    ok := self fileInClass:aClassName fromObject:(alternativeClassFileName, '.o')
+						]
+					    ]
+					].
+				    ].
+				].
+			    ].
+			].
+			"
+			 if that did not work, look for a compiled-bytecode file ...
+			"
+			ok ifFalse:[
+			    (ok := self fileIn:(classFileName , '.cls') lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent)
+			    ifFalse:[
+				alternativeClassFileName notNil ifTrue:[
+				    ok := self fileIn:(alternativeClassFileName , '.cls') lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent
+				]
+			    ]
+			].
+			"
+			 if that did not work, and the classes package is known,
+			 look for an st-cls file
+			 in a package subdir of the source-directory ...
+			"
+			ok ifFalse:[
+			    (packageDir notNil and:[BinaryObjectStorage notNil]) ifTrue:[
+				packageFile := self getPackageFileName:((packageDir / 'classes' / classFileName) addSuffix:'cls').
+				packageFile isNil ifTrue:[
+				    packageFile := (packageDir / 'classes' / classFileName) addSuffix:'cls'.
+				].
+				(ok := self fileIn:packageFile lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent)
+				ifFalse:[
+				    alternativeClassFileName notNil ifTrue:[
+					packageFile := self getPackageFileName:((packageDir / 'classes' / alternativeClassFileName) addSuffix:'cls').
+					packageFile isNil ifTrue:[
+					    packageFile := ((packageDir / 'classes' / alternativeClassFileName) addSuffix:'cls').
+					].
+					ok := self fileIn:packageFile lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent
+				    ]
+				].
+				zarFn := self getPackageFileName:(packageDir / 'classes.zip').
+				zarFn notNil ifTrue:[
+				    zar := ZipArchive oldFileNamed:zarFn.
+				    zar notNil ifTrue:[
+					entry := zar extract:(classFileName , '.cls').
+					(entry isNil and:[alternativeClassFileName notNil]) ifTrue:[
+					    entry := zar extract:(alternativeClassFileName , '.cls').
+					].
+					entry notNil ifTrue:[
+					    bos := BinaryObjectStorage onOld:(entry asByteArray readStream).
+					    bos next.
+					    bos close.
+					    ok := true
+					].
+				    ]
+				]
+			    ]
+			].
+			"
+			 if that did not work, look for an st-source file ...
+			"
+			ok ifFalse:[
+			    filenameToSet := classFileName.
+			    (ok := self fileInSourceFile:filenameToSet lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent)
+			    ifFalse:[
+				alternativeClassFileName notNil ifTrue:[
+				    filenameToSet := alternativeClassFileName.
+				    ok := self fileInSourceFile:filenameToSet lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent
+				].
+				ok ifFalse:[
+				    "
+				     ... and in the standard source-directory
+				    "
+				    filenameToSet := 'source' asFilename / classFileName.
+				    (ok := self fileInSourceFile:filenameToSet lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent)
+				    ifFalse:[
+					alternativeClassFileName notNil ifTrue:[
+					    filenameToSet := 'source' asFilename / alternativeClassFileName.
+					    ok := self fileInSourceFile:filenameToSet lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent
+					]
+				    ]
+				]
+			    ].
+			    "
+			     if that did not work, and the classes package is known,
+			     look for an st-source file
+			     in a package subdir of the source-directory ...
+			    "
+			    ok ifFalse:[
+				packageDir notNil ifTrue:[
+				    packageFile := self getPackageSourceFileName:(packageDir / 'source' / classFileName).
+				    packageFile isNil ifTrue:[
+					packageFile := (packageDir / 'source' / classFileName).
+				    ].
+				    filenameToSet := packageFile.
+				    (ok := self fileInSourceFile:packageFile lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent)
+				    ifFalse:[
+					alternativeClassFileName notNil ifTrue:[
+					    packageFile := self getPackageSourceFileName:(packageDir / 'source' / alternativeClassFileName).
+					    packageFile isNil ifTrue:[
+						packageFile := (packageDir / 'source' / alternativeClassFileName).
+					    ].
+					    filenameToSet := packageFile.
+					    ok := self fileInSourceFile:packageFile lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent
+					].
+					ok ifFalse:[
+					    packageFile := self getPackageSourceFileName:(packageDir / classFileName).
+					    packageFile isNil ifTrue:[
+						packageFile := (packageDir / classFileName).
+					    ].
+					    filenameToSet := packageFile.
+					    (ok := self fileInSourceFile:packageFile lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent)
+					    ifFalse:[
+						alternativeClassFileName notNil ifTrue:[
+						    packageFile := self getPackageFileName:(packageDir / alternativeClassFileName).
+						    packageFile isNil ifTrue:[
+							packageFile := packageDir / alternativeClassFileName.
+						    ].
+						    filenameToSet := packageFile.
+						    ok := self fileInSourceFile:packageFile lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent
+						].
+						ok ifFalse:[
+						    "
+						     ... and in the standard source-directory
+						    "
+						    filenameToSet := 'source' asFilename / packageDir / classFileName.
+						    (ok := self fileInSourceFile:filenameToSet lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent)
+						    ifFalse:[
+							alternativeClassFileName notNil ifTrue:[
+							    filenameToSet := 'source' asFilename / packageDir / alternativeClassFileName.
+							    ok := self fileInSourceFile:filenameToSet lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent
+							]
+						    ]
+						]
+					    ].
+					].
+				    ].
+				]
+			    ].
+			    "
+			     if that did not work, and the classes package is known,
+			     look for a zipArchive containing a class entry.
+			    "
+			    ok ifFalse:[
+				packageDir notNil ifTrue:[
+				    zarFn := self getPackageFileName:(packageDir / 'source.zip').
+				    zarFn isNil ifTrue:[
+					zarFn := packageDir withSuffix:'zip'.
+					zarFn := self getSourceFileName:zarFn.
+				    ].
+				    (zarFn notNil and:[zarFn asFilename exists]) ifTrue:[
+					zar := ZipArchive oldFileNamed:zarFn.
+					zar notNil ifTrue:[
+					    entry := zar extract:(classFileName , '.st').
+					    (entry isNil and:[alternativeClassFileName notNil]) ifTrue:[
+						entry := zar extract:(alternativeClassFileName , '.st').
+					    ].
+					    entry notNil ifTrue:[
+						filenameToSet := zarFn.
+						ok := self
+							fileInStream:(entry asString readStream)
+							lazy:loadLazy
+							silent:beSilent
+							logged:false
+							addPath:nil
+					    ].
+					]
+				    ]
+				]
+			    ].
+			    "
+			     if that did not work,
+			     look for a zipArchive containing a class entry.
+			    "
+			    ok ifFalse:[
+				zarFn := self getSourceFileName:'source.zip'.
+				zarFn notNil ifTrue:[
+				    zar := ZipArchive oldFileNamed:zarFn.
+				    zar notNil ifTrue:[
+					entry := zar extract:(zarFn := classFileName , '.st').
+					(entry isNil and:[alternativeClassFileName notNil]) ifTrue:[
+					    entry := zar extract:(zarFn := alternativeClassFileName , '.st').
+					].
+					entry notNil ifTrue:[
+					    filenameToSet := zarFn.
+					    ok := self
+						    fileInStream:(entry asString readStream)
+						    lazy:loadLazy
+						    silent:beSilent
+						    logged:false
+						    addPath:nil
+					].
+				    ]
+				]
+			    ].
+			    ok ifFalse:[
+				"
+				 if there is a sourceCodeManager, ask it for the classes sourceCode
+				"
+				(mgr := Smalltalk at:#SourceCodeManager) notNil ifTrue:[
+				    inStream := mgr getMostRecentSourceStreamForClassNamed:aClassName inPackage:package.
+				    inStream notNil ifTrue:[
+					filenameToSet := nil.
+					ok := self fileInStream:inStream lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent logged:false addPath:nil.
+				    ]
+				].
+			    ].
+			].
+		    ]
+		].
+	    ] ensure:[
+		Compiler compileLazy:wasLazy.
+		wasSilent notNil ifTrue:[
+		    self silentLoading:wasSilent
+		]
+	    ].
+	].
+	ok ifTrue:[
+	    newClass := self at:(aClassName asSymbol).
+	    newClass notNil ifTrue:[
+		"set the classes name - but do not change if already set"
+		filenameToSet notNil ifTrue:[
+		    newClass getClassFilename isNil ifTrue:[
+			newClass setClassFilename:(filenameToSet asFilename baseName)
+		    ].
+		].
+		doInit ifTrue:[
+		    newClass initialize
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
     ^ newClass
@@ -7002,11 +7008,11 @@
 "/    ].
 "/ revert to old code to get stuff running again- please review - (autoload problems)
     ProgrammingLanguage allDo:[:lang| | f |
-        f := (filename hasSuffix:lang sourceFileSuffix)
-                    ifTrue:[filename]
-                    ifFalse:[filename addSuffix:lang sourceFileSuffix].
-        (self fileIn:f lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent)
-                ifTrue:[^ true]
+	f := (filename hasSuffix:lang sourceFileSuffix)
+		    ifTrue:[filename]
+		    ifFalse:[filename addSuffix:lang sourceFileSuffix].
+	(self fileIn:f lazy:loadLazy silent:beSilent)
+		ifTrue:[^ true]
     ^ false
@@ -7037,44 +7043,44 @@
     inStream := streamArg.
     inStream isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
     inStream isLineNumberReadStream ifFalse:[
-        LineNumberReadStream notNil ifTrue:[
-            "/ sigh - is in libbasic2, which is not always present
-            inStream := LineNumberReadStream on:inStream.
-        ].
+	LineNumberReadStream notNil ifTrue:[
+	    "/ sigh - is in libbasic2, which is not always present
+	    inStream := LineNumberReadStream on:inStream.
+	].
     inStream := EncodedStream decodedStreamFor:inStream.
     lazy notNil ifTrue:[wasLazy := Compiler compileLazy:lazy].
     silent notNil ifTrue:[wasSilent := self silentLoading:silent].
     morePath notNil ifTrue:[
-        oldSystemPath := SystemPath copy.
-        SystemPath addFirst:morePath.
-        oldRealPath := RealSystemPath.
-        RealSystemPath := nil.
-    ].
+	oldSystemPath := SystemPath copy.
+	SystemPath addFirst:morePath.
+	oldRealPath := RealSystemPath.
+	RealSystemPath := nil.
+    ].
     ^ [
-        (Class updateChangeFileQuerySignal , Class updateChangeListQuerySignal) answer:logged do:[
-            "JV: Changed to give ProgrammingLanguage to choose
-             proper reader"
-            ((ProgrammingLanguage forStream: inStream) fileInStream: inStream) ~~ #Error
-        ]
+	(Class updateChangeFileQuerySignal , Class updateChangeListQuerySignal) answer:logged do:[
+	    "JV: Changed to give ProgrammingLanguage to choose
+	     proper reader"
+	    ((ProgrammingLanguage forStream: inStream) fileInStream: inStream) ~~ #Error
+	]
     ] ensure:[
-        morePath notNil ifTrue:[
-            "take care, someone could have changed SystemPath during fileIn!!"
-            (SystemPath copyFrom:2) = oldSystemPath ifTrue:[
-                SystemPath := oldSystemPath.
-                RealSystemPath := oldRealPath.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                (oldSystemPath includes:morePath) ifFalse:[
-                    SystemPath remove:morePath ifAbsent:[].
-                ].
-                RealSystemPath := nil.
-            ].
-        ].
-        lazy notNil ifTrue:[Compiler compileLazy:wasLazy].
-        silent notNil ifTrue:[self silentLoading:wasSilent].
-        inStream close
+	morePath notNil ifTrue:[
+	    "take care, someone could have changed SystemPath during fileIn!!"
+	    (SystemPath copyFrom:2) = oldSystemPath ifTrue:[
+		SystemPath := oldSystemPath.
+		RealSystemPath := oldRealPath.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		(oldSystemPath includes:morePath) ifFalse:[
+		    SystemPath remove:morePath ifAbsent:[].
+		].
+		RealSystemPath := nil.
+	    ].
+	].
+	lazy notNil ifTrue:[Compiler compileLazy:wasLazy].
+	silent notNil ifTrue:[self silentLoading:wasSilent].
+	inStream close
@@ -7136,15 +7142,15 @@
      Return true if ok, false if failed"
     Parser isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ false         "/ for small stand alone apps.
-    ].      
+	^ false         "/ for small stand alone apps.
+    ].
     ^ (SignalSet
-        with:AbortOperationRequest
-        with:TerminateProcessRequest
-        with:ParseError)
-            handle:[:ex | ex return:false ]
-            do:[ self fileIn:aFileName ].
+	with:AbortOperationRequest
+	with:TerminateProcessRequest
+	with:ParseError)
+	    handle:[:ex | ex return:false ]
+	    do:[ self fileIn:aFileName ].
     "Modified: / 23-04-2018 / 16:53:29 / stefan"
@@ -7154,7 +7160,7 @@
      Main use is during startup."
     ^ self silentlyLoadingDo:[
-        self fileIn:aFilename
+	self fileIn:aFilename
     "Modified: / 23-04-2018 / 16:57:17 / stefan"
@@ -7166,29 +7172,29 @@
     "{ Pragma: +optSpace }"
     (topDirectory := OperatingSystem pathOfSTXExecutable) notNil ifTrue:[
-        topDirectory := topDirectory asFilename.
-        (topDirectory directory / 'stc') exists ifTrue:[
-            topDirectory := topDirectory directory.
-        ] ifFalse:[    
-            (topDirectory directory directory / 'stc') exists ifTrue:[
-                topDirectory := topDirectory directory directory.
-            ] ifFalse:[    
-                (topDirectory directory directory directory / 'stc') exists ifTrue:[
-                    topDirectory := topDirectory directory directory directory.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    topDirectory := nil
-                ].    
-            ].    
-        ].    
-        topDirectory notNil ifTrue:[
-            "/ one above "stx"
-            topDirectory := topDirectory directory pathName. 
-            (PackagePath includes:topDirectory) ifFalse:[
-                PackagePath add:topDirectory
-            ]    
-        ]    
+	topDirectory := topDirectory asFilename.
+	(topDirectory directory / 'stc') exists ifTrue:[
+	    topDirectory := topDirectory directory.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    (topDirectory directory directory / 'stc') exists ifTrue:[
+		topDirectory := topDirectory directory directory.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		(topDirectory directory directory directory / 'stc') exists ifTrue:[
+		    topDirectory := topDirectory directory directory directory.
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    topDirectory := nil
+		].
+	    ].
+	].
+	topDirectory notNil ifTrue:[
+	    "/ one above "stx"
+	    topDirectory := topDirectory directory pathName.
+	    (PackagePath includes:topDirectory) ifFalse:[
+		PackagePath add:topDirectory
+	    ]
+	]
@@ -7196,14 +7202,14 @@
     "{ Pragma: +optSpace }"
     (workspaceDirectory := UserPreferences current workspaceDirectory) notNil ifTrue:[
-        (workspaceDirectory := workspaceDirectory asFilename) exists ifTrue:[
-            workspaceDirectory := workspaceDirectory pathName. 
-            (PackagePath includes:workspaceDirectory) ifFalse:[
-                PackagePath addFirst:workspaceDirectory
-            ]    
-        ]    
+	(workspaceDirectory := workspaceDirectory asFilename) exists ifTrue:[
+	    workspaceDirectory := workspaceDirectory pathName.
+	    (PackagePath includes:workspaceDirectory) ifFalse:[
+		PackagePath addFirst:workspaceDirectory
+	    ]
+	]
@@ -7280,11 +7286,11 @@
      return a collection of paths which include that directory."
     ^ self realSystemPath select:[:dirName |
-        |fullPath|
-        fullPath := dirName asFilename construct:aDirectoryName.
-        "/ fullPath exists and:[fullPath isDirectory and:[fullPath isReadable]]
-        fullPath isDirectory and:[fullPath isReadable]
+	|fullPath|
+	fullPath := dirName asFilename construct:aDirectoryName.
+	"/ fullPath exists and:[fullPath isDirectory and:[fullPath isReadable]]
+	fullPath isDirectory and:[fullPath isReadable]
@@ -7590,22 +7596,22 @@
     packageSubDirectory := packageId directory.
     checkForPackageDirectory :=
-        [:moduleDir |
-            |packageDir|
-            moduleDir isDirectory ifTrue:[
-                packageDir := moduleDir / packageSubDirectory.
-                packageDir isDirectory ifTrue:[
-                    ^ packageDir
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
+	[:moduleDir |
+	    |packageDir|
+	    moduleDir isDirectory ifTrue:[
+		packageDir := moduleDir / packageSubDirectory.
+		packageDir isDirectory ifTrue:[
+		    ^ packageDir
+		]
+	    ].
+	].
     self packagePath do:[:aPath |
-        |moduleDir|
-        moduleDir := aPath asFilename / module.
-        checkForPackageDirectory value:moduleDir.
+	|moduleDir|
+	moduleDir := aPath asFilename / module.
+	checkForPackageDirectory value:moduleDir.
     ^ nil
@@ -7824,23 +7830,23 @@
     fn := aFileNameOrString asFilename.
     nameString := fn name.
     fn isAbsolute ifTrue:[
-        "don't use path for absolute file names"
-        ^ nameString
+	"don't use path for absolute file names"
+	^ nameString
     self realSystemPath do:[:dirName |
-        |realName|
-        realName := dirName asFilename / nameString.
-        "/
-        "/ here, we also return true if it's a directory
-        "/ (Even if unreadable).
-        "/ It could be that the file itself is still readable.
-        "/
-        (realName isDirectory or:[realName isReadable]) ifTrue: [
-            ^ realName name
-        ]
+	|realName|
+	realName := dirName asFilename / nameString.
+	"/
+	"/ here, we also return true if it's a directory
+	"/ (Even if unreadable).
+	"/ It could be that the file itself is still readable.
+	"/
+	(realName isDirectory or:[realName isReadable]) ifTrue: [
+	    ^ realName name
+	]
     ^ nil
@@ -8125,40 +8131,40 @@
     maxLevels == 0 ifTrue:[
 "/        'Smalltalk [warning]: max directory nesting reached.' infoPrintCR.
-        ^ self
+	^ self
     dir := aDirectory asFilename.
     dir exists ifFalse:[^ self].
-        abbrevStream := (dir / 'abbrev.stc') asFilename readStream.
-        self readAbbreviationsFromStream:abbrevStream.
-        abbrevStream close.
+	abbrevStream := (dir / 'abbrev.stc') asFilename readStream.
+	self readAbbreviationsFromStream:abbrevStream.
+	abbrevStream close.
     ] on:FileStream openErrorSignal do:[:ex| "ignore this file"].
-        directoryContents := dir directoryContents.
+	directoryContents := dir directoryContents.
     ] on:FileStream openErrorSignal do:[:ex|
-        "non-accessible directory: we are done"
-        ^ self
+	"non-accessible directory: we are done"
+	^ self
     directoryContents do:[:aFilename |
-        |f|
-        (#(
-            'doc'
-            'CVS'
-            'bitmaps'
-            'resources'
-            'source'
-        ) includes:aFilename) ifFalse:[
-            f := dir / aFilename.
-            f isDirectory ifTrue:[
-                self recursiveReadAllAbbreviationsFrom:f maxLevels:maxLevels-1
-            ]
-        ].
+	|f|
+	(#(
+	    'doc'
+	    'CVS'
+	    'bitmaps'
+	    'resources'
+	    'source'
+	) includes:aFilename) ifFalse:[
+	    f := dir / aFilename.
+	    f isDirectory ifTrue:[
+		self recursiveReadAllAbbreviationsFrom:f maxLevels:maxLevels-1
+	    ]
+	].
@@ -8166,10 +8172,10 @@
     "{ Pragma: +optSpace }"
     PackagePath notNil ifTrue:[
-        PackagePath := PackagePath select:[:p | p asFilename exists].
+	PackagePath := PackagePath select:[:p | p asFilename exists].
     PackagePath isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-        PackagePath := OperatingSystem defaultPackagePath
+	PackagePath := OperatingSystem defaultPackagePath
     self addWorkspaceDirectoryToPackagePath.
@@ -8252,26 +8258,26 @@
     ((f := aFileName asFilename) isAbsolute
     or:[f isExplicitRelative]) ifTrue:[
-        "/
-        "/ don't use path for absolute or explicit .-relative file names
-        "/
-        ^ aFileName
+	"/
+	"/ don't use path for absolute or explicit .-relative file names
+	"/
+	^ aFileName
     aPath notNil ifTrue:[
-        aPath do:[:dirName |
-            |realName dir|
-            dir := dirName asFilename.
-            aDirName notNil ifTrue:[
-                realName := dir / aDirName / aFileName.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                realName := dir / aFileName.
-            ].
-            (realName isReadable) ifTrue:[
-                ^ realName name
-            ]
-        ].
+	aPath do:[:dirName |
+	    |realName dir|
+	    dir := dirName asFilename.
+	    aDirName notNil ifTrue:[
+		realName := dir / aDirName / aFileName.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		realName := dir / aFileName.
+	    ].
+	    (realName isReadable) ifTrue:[
+		^ realName name
+	    ]
+	].
 "/ not needed - executing dir is always in SearchPath
@@ -8530,61 +8536,61 @@
     "enumerate loadable packages from the packages folder."
     Smalltalk realSystemPath do:[:dirName |
-        |packageDir|
-        packageDir := dirName asFilename / 'packages'.
-        (packageDir exists and:[packageDir isDirectory]) ifTrue:[
-            packageDir directoryContentsAsFilenames sort do:[:fn |
-                |item base nm path parentPath parent isLibrary isApplication isAlreadyLoaded 
-                 defClass target type nameComponents packageName packageID|
-                ((fn suffix = 'mcz') 
-                or:[ fn isDirectory   
-                or:[ (fn baseName startsWith:'.')   
-                or:[ (fn baseName = 'README') ]]]) ifFalse:[    
-                    base := fn withoutSuffix baseName.
-                    (base startsWith:'lib') ifTrue:[
-                        nm := (base copyFrom:4).
-                        fn suffix notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-                            type := #library.
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            type := #application.
-                        ]
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        nm := base.
-                        type := #application.
-                    ].
-                    (base ~= 'librun') ifTrue:[
-                        (fn suffix = 'mcz') ifTrue:[
-                            packageName := fn withoutSuffix.
-                            target := fn.
-                        ] ifFalse:[ 
-                            ( #('dll' 'so' 'sl' 'dylib') includes:(fn suffix)) ifTrue:[
-                                (base startsWith:'lib') ifTrue:[
-                                    nm := base copyFrom:4.
-                                ] ifFalse:[
-                                    nm := base.
-                                ].    
-                            ]. 
-                            nameComponents := nm asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$_.
-                            packageName := nameComponents first.
-                            nameComponents size > 1 ifTrue:[
-                                packageName := packageName,':',((nameComponents copyFrom:2) asStringWith:'/')
-                            ]. 
-                        ].
-                        packageName notNil ifTrue:[
-                            aBlock value:packageName value:type value:fn .
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
+	|packageDir|
+	packageDir := dirName asFilename / 'packages'.
+	(packageDir exists and:[packageDir isDirectory]) ifTrue:[
+	    packageDir directoryContentsAsFilenames sort do:[:fn |
+		|item base nm path parentPath parent isLibrary isApplication isAlreadyLoaded
+		 defClass target type nameComponents packageName packageID|
+		((fn suffix = 'mcz')
+		or:[ fn isDirectory
+		or:[ (fn baseName startsWith:'.')
+		or:[ (fn baseName = 'README') ]]]) ifFalse:[
+		    base := fn withoutSuffix baseName.
+		    (base startsWith:'lib') ifTrue:[
+			nm := (base copyFrom:4).
+			fn suffix notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+			    type := #library.
+			] ifFalse:[
+			    type := #application.
+			]
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			nm := base.
+			type := #application.
+		    ].
+		    (base ~= 'librun') ifTrue:[
+			(fn suffix = 'mcz') ifTrue:[
+			    packageName := fn withoutSuffix.
+			    target := fn.
+			] ifFalse:[
+			    ( #('dll' 'so' 'sl' 'dylib') includes:(fn suffix)) ifTrue:[
+				(base startsWith:'lib') ifTrue:[
+				    nm := base copyFrom:4.
+				] ifFalse:[
+				    nm := base.
+				].
+			    ].
+			    nameComponents := nm asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$_.
+			    packageName := nameComponents first.
+			    nameComponents size > 1 ifTrue:[
+				packageName := packageName,':',((nameComponents copyFrom:2) asStringWith:'/')
+			    ].
+			].
+			packageName notNil ifTrue:[
+			    aBlock value:packageName value:type value:fn .
+			]
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
      Smalltalk knownLoadablePackagesDo:[:packageID :type :path |
-         Transcript showCR:'%1 (%2) in %3' with:packageID with:type with:path.
+	 Transcript showCR:'%1 (%2) in %3' with:packageID with:type with:path.
@@ -8648,11 +8654,11 @@
     projectDefinition := aPackageIdOrPackage.
     projectDefinition isProjectDefinition ifFalse:[
-        projectDefinition := projectDefinition asPackageId projectDefinitionClass.
-        projectDefinition isNil ifTrue:[
-            Logger warning:'trying to unload non-existing package: %1' with:aPackageIdOrPackage.
-            ^ self.
-        ].
+	projectDefinition := projectDefinition asPackageId projectDefinitionClass.
+	projectDefinition isNil ifTrue:[
+	    Logger warning:'trying to unload non-existing package: %1' with:aPackageIdOrPackage.
+	    ^ self.
+	].
     projectDefinition unloadPackage.
@@ -8770,14 +8776,14 @@
     "return a full version string"
     ^ 'Smalltalk/X release %1%2 of %3'
-        bindWith:(self versionString)
-        with:((ExternalAddress pointerSize == 8)
-                        ifTrue:[' (64bit)']
-                        ifFalse:[''])
-        with:(self versionDate)
-    "
-     Smalltalk fullVersionString 
+	bindWith:(self versionString)
+	with:((ExternalAddress pointerSize == 8)
+			ifTrue:[' (64bit)']
+			ifFalse:[''])
+	with:(self versionDate)
+    "
+     Smalltalk fullVersionString
     "Created: / 27.10.1997 / 17:03:09 / cg"
@@ -8799,38 +8805,38 @@
     bit := 'bit'.
     (lang == #de) ifTrue:[
-        proto := 'Willkommen bei %1 (%4Version %2 von %3)'. bit := 'Bit'.
+	proto := 'Willkommen bei %1 (%4Version %2 von %3)'. bit := 'Bit'.
     ] ifFalse:[ (lang == #fr) ifTrue:[
-        proto := 'Salut, Bienvenue à %1 (%4version %2 de %3)'
+	proto := 'Salut, Bienvenue à %1 (%4version %2 de %3)'
     ] ifFalse:[ (lang == #it) ifTrue:[
-        proto := 'Ciao, benvenuto al %1 (%4versione %2 di %3)'
+	proto := 'Ciao, benvenuto al %1 (%4versione %2 di %3)'
     ] ifFalse:[ (lang == #es) ifTrue:[
-        proto := 'Hola, bienvenida a %1 (%4version %2 de %3)'
+	proto := 'Hola, bienvenida a %1 (%4version %2 de %3)'
     ] ifFalse:[ (lang == #pt) ifTrue:[
-        proto := 'Olá!!, mem-vindo a %1 (%4version %2 de %3)'
+	proto := 'Olá!!, mem-vindo a %1 (%4version %2 de %3)'
     ] ifFalse:[ (lang == #no) ifTrue:[
-        proto := 'Hei, verdenmottakelse til %1 (%4versjon %2 av %3)'
+	proto := 'Hei, verdenmottakelse til %1 (%4versjon %2 av %3)'
     "/ ... more needed here ...
     proto isNil ifTrue:[
-        proto := 'Hello World - welcome to %1 (%4version %2 of %3)'.
+	proto := 'Hello World - welcome to %1 (%4version %2 of %3)'.
     ExternalAddress pointerSize ~~ 4 ifTrue:[
-        bitsPerWordString := (ExternalAddress pointerSize * 8) printString,bit,' '.
+	bitsPerWordString := (ExternalAddress pointerSize * 8) printString,bit,' '.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        bitsPerWordString := ''
-    ].        
+	bitsPerWordString := ''
+    ].
     ^ proto bindWith:('SmallTalk/X' allBold)
-                with:(self versionString)
-                with:(self versionDate)
-                with:bitsPerWordString
+		with:(self versionString)
+		with:(self versionDate)
+		with:bitsPerWordString
      Smalltalk language:#us.
-     Smalltalk hello 
+     Smalltalk hello
      Smalltalk language:#de.
      Smalltalk hello
@@ -8895,7 +8901,7 @@
       classes changes).
      ST/X revision Naming is:
-        <major>.<minor>.<revision>.<release>"
+	<major>.<minor>.<revision>.<release>"
     ^ 7
@@ -8915,7 +8921,7 @@
      classes need rework.
      ST/X revision Naming is:
-        <major>.<minor>.<revision>.<release>"
+	<major>.<minor>.<revision>.<release>"
     ^ 1
@@ -8979,7 +8985,7 @@
      to the outside world.
      ST/X revision Naming is:
-        <major>.<minor>.<revision>.<release>"
+	<major>.<minor>.<revision>.<release>"
     ^ 0
@@ -9104,4 +9110,3 @@
     ^ '$ Id: Smalltalk.st 10648 2011-06-23 15:55:10Z vranyj1  $'
 ! !