*** empty log message ***
authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 17:10:55 +0200
changeset 4937 7e723f1daca7
parent 4936 bc943fef0d96
child 4938 d5640f1c8894
*** empty log message ***
--- a/NoHandlerError.st	Mon Oct 25 17:10:46 1999 +0200
+++ b/NoHandlerError.st	Mon Oct 25 17:10:55 1999 +0200
@@ -212,219 +212,6 @@
 ! !
-!NoHandlerError class methodsFor:'useful handlers'!
-    "return a block (usable as an emergency handler), 
-     which aborts after showing a warnBox.
-     This is useful for endUser applications"
-    ^ [:ex | self warn:'Error: ' , ex errorString.
-             AbortSignal raise 
-      ]
-    "test with (try a few halts or CTRL-C's):
-     NoHandlerError emergencyHandler:(NoHandlerError abortingEmergencyHandler)
-    "
-    "back with:
-     NoHandlerError emergencyHandler:(NoHandlerError notifyingEmergencyHandler)
-     NoHandlerError emergencyHandler:nil
-    "
-    "Created: 15.1.1997 / 20:13:06 / cg"
-    "Modified: 15.1.1997 / 20:15:02 / cg"
-    "return a block (usable as an emergency handler), 
-     which dumps the stackBacktrace to a trace file and
-     aborts after showing a warnBox.
-     This is useful, for endUser application, which are still being
-     debugged (i.e. the programmers may have a look at the traceFile
-     from time to time).
-     Notice:
-         The code below is just an example; you may want to change the
-         name of the error-file in your application
-         (but please: copy the code; do not modify here)"
-    ^ [:ex | 
-             |str printedException|
-             ex signal == NoHandlerError ifTrue:[
-                printedException := ex parameter.
-             ] ifFalse:[
-                printedException := ex
-             ].
-             "/ user interruption is handled specially:
-             "/ allow user to choose between proceeding or aborting
-             "/ but never dump that information to the file.
-             printedException signal == Object userInterruptSignal ifTrue:[
-                  (self confirm:'abort current action ?') ifTrue:[
-                      AbortSignal raise
-                  ].
-                  ex proceedWith:nil
-             ].
-             "/
-             "/ dump it to 'errorTrace.stx'
-             "/
-             str := 'errorTrace.stx' asFilename appendingWriteStream.
-             str nextPutLine:('******************************* '
-                              , AbsoluteTime now printString
-                              , ' *******************************').
-             str cr.
-             str nextPutLine:('** Error: ' , printedException errorString).
-             str nextPutLine:('** Signal: ' , printedException signal printString).
-             str nextPutLine:('** Parameter: ' , printedException parameter printString).
-             str nextPutLine:('** Process: ' , Processor activeProcess printString).
-             str nextPutLine:('** Backtrace:').
-             str cr.
-             printedException suspendedContext fullPrintAllOn:str.
-             str cr.
-             str cr.
-             str close.
-             "/ send a line to stdErr
-             ('[warning]: ignored error: ' , printedException errorString) errorPrintCR.
-             ('[warning]:    error information appended to ''errorTrace.stx''') errorPrintCR.
-             AbortSignal raise 
-      ]
-    "test with (try a few halts or CTRL-C's):
-     NoHandlerError emergencyHandler:(NoHandlerError dumpingEmergencyHandler)
-    "
-    "back with:
-     NoHandlerError emergencyHandler:(NoHandlerError notifyingEmergencyHandler)
-     NoHandlerError emergencyHandler:nil
-    "
-    "Created: / 15.1.1997 / 20:14:52 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 24.1.1997 / 20:36:21 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 4.8.1999 / 08:11:20 / stefan"
-    "return a block (usable as an emergency handler), 
-     which shows a warnBox and optionally mails a stackBacktrace to a maintainer.
-     This is useful, for endUser application, which are still being
-     debugged (i.e. the programmers may have a look at the errors).
-     Notice: the stuff here is a demonstration only; it should be modified
-             for your particular environment ...
-             ... but please: copy the code and modify there;
-             leave the stuff below as it is."
-    ^ [:ex | 
-            |str printedException doMail emergencyMailReceiver pipe|
-            ex signal == NoHandlerError ifTrue:[
-               printedException := ex parameter.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-               printedException := ex
-            ].
-             "/ user interruption is handled specially:
-             "/ allow user to choose between proceeding or aborting
-             "/ but never dump that information to the file.
-             printedException signal == Object userInterruptSignal ifTrue:[
-                  (self confirm:'abort current action ?') ifTrue:[
-                      AbortSignal raise
-                  ].
-                  ex proceedWith:nil
-             ].
-            "/ somehow get the name of the guy to receive the mail
-            "/ you have to implement that yourself.
-            "/ emergencyMailReceiver := OneOfYourClass getEmergencyMailReceiver.
-            emergencyMailReceiver := OperatingSystem getLoginName.
-            emergencyMailReceiver isNil ifTrue:[
-                self warn:(printedException errorString 
-                           , '\\No mailing to service people possible.') withCRs.
-                doMail := false.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                doMail := self confirm:(printedException errorString 
-                                        , '\\Mail error information to the service people (' 
-                                        , emergencyMailReceiver , ') ?') withCRs
-            ].
-            doMail ifTrue:[
-                str := '' writeStream.
-                str nextPutLine:('Error notification from '
-                                , OperatingSystem getLoginName
-                                , '@'
-                                , OperatingSystem getHostName).
-                str cr.
-                str nextPutLine:('Time: ' , AbsoluteTime now printString).
-                str nextPutLine:('Error: ', printedException errorString).
-                str nextPutLine:('Signal: ', printedException signal printString).
-                str nextPutLine:('Parameter: ', printedException parameter printString).
-                str nextPutLine:('Process: ', Processor activeProcess printString).
-                str nextPutLine:'Backtrace:'.
-                str cr.
-                printedException suspendedContext fullPrintAllOn:str.
-                str cr;cr.
-                str close.
-                pipe := PipeStream 
-                            writingTo:'mail ', emergencyMailReceiver.
-                pipe notNil ifTrue:[
-                    pipe nextPutLine:'Subject: automatic error report'.
-                    pipe nextPutAll:str contents.
-                    pipe cr.
-                    pipe close.
-                ]
-             ].
-             AbortSignal raise 
-      ]
-    "test with (try a few halts or CTRL-C's):
-     NoHandlerError emergencyHandler:(Exception mailingEmergencyHandler)
-    "
-    "back with:
-     NoHandlerError emergencyHandler:(Exception notifyingEmergencyHandler)
-     NoHandlerError emergencyHandler:nil
-    "
-    "Created: / 15.1.1997 / 20:14:52 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 15.1.1997 / 21:10:28 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 4.8.1999 / 08:11:26 / stefan"
-    "return a block (usable as an emergency handler for exceptions), 
-     which does errorNotification before going into the debugger."
-    ^ [:ex | nil errorNotify:ex errorString from:ex suspendedContext ]
-    "test with (try a few halts or CTRL-C's):
-     Exception emergencyHandler:(Exception notifyingEmergencyHandler)
-    "
-    "back with:
-     NoHandlerError emergencyHandler:nil
-    "
-    "Modified: 15.1.1997 / 20:15:12 / cg"
-! !
 !NoHandlerError methodsFor:'default actions'!
@@ -473,6 +260,6 @@
 !NoHandlerError class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/NoHandlerError.st,v 1.5 1999-08-10 18:41:49 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/NoHandlerError.st,v 1.6 1999-10-25 15:10:55 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 NoHandlerError initialize!