#REFACTORING by stefan
authorStefan Vogel <sv@exept.de>
Thu, 15 Dec 2016 13:58:52 +0100
changeset 21137 b97473562306
parent 21136 fc36f8c599ce
child 21138 1cc7a2e7ee19
#REFACTORING by stefan class: Stream changed (tuning): #throughAll: #upToAllExcluding: move methods sewnding #peek to PeekableStream
--- a/Stream.st	Thu Dec 15 13:57:29 2016 +0100
+++ b/Stream.st	Thu Dec 15 13:58:52 2016 +0100
@@ -3244,42 +3244,6 @@
     "Modified: 11.1.1997 / 19:09:06 / cg"
-    "skip all elements for which aBlock returns false.
-     Return true if more elements can be read, false if eof has been reached."
-    [self atEnd] whileFalse:[
-        (aBlock value: self peek) ifTrue:[^ true].
-        self next
-    ].
-    ^ false
-    "
-     #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) readStream
-        skipUntil:[:el | el >= 5];
-        next
-    "
-    "skip all elements for which aBlock returns true. Return true if more elements can be read,
-     false if eof has been reached."
-    [self atEnd] whileFalse:[
-	(aBlock value: self peek) ifFalse:[^ true].
-	self next
-    ].
-    ^ false
-    "
-     #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) readStream
-	skipWhile:[:el | el <= 5];
-	next
-    "
-    "Created: / 23-09-2011 / 13:32:40 / cg"
     "read a collection of all objects up-to anObject and return these
      elements, including anObject.
@@ -3330,16 +3294,15 @@
      If aCollection is not encountered, all elements up to the end are read
      and returned."
-    |answerStream element last rslt|
+    |answerStream element last|
     last := aCollection last.
     answerStream := WriteStream on:(self contentsSpecies new).
-    [self atEnd] whileFalse:[
-        element := self next.
+    [(element := self nextOrNil) isNil and:[self atEnd]] whileFalse:[
         answerStream nextPut:element.
         element == last ifTrue:[
-            ((rslt := answerStream contents) endsWith:aCollection) ifTrue:[
-                ^ rslt
+            (answerStream endsWith:aCollection) ifTrue:[
+                ^ answerStream contents
@@ -3521,10 +3484,10 @@
     last := aCollection last.
     answerStream := ReadWriteStream on:(self contentsSpecies new).
-    [(element := self nextOrNil) notNil] whileTrue:[
+    [(element := self nextOrNil) isNil and:[self atEnd]] whileFalse:[
         answerStream nextPut:element.
         element == last ifTrue:[
-            (answerStream contents endsWith:aCollection) ifTrue:[
+            (answerStream endsWith:aCollection) ifTrue:[
                 pos := answerStream position.
                 answerStream reset.
@@ -3545,99 +3508,6 @@
     "Created: / 15.6.1998 / 19:11:31 / cg"
-    "read a collection of all objects up-to a element which is contained in
-     aCollectionOfObjects and return these elements, but excluding the matching one.
-     The next read operation will return the element AFTER anObject.
-     If no such element is encountered, all elements up to the end are read
-     and returned.
-     Compare this with #throughAll: which also reads up to some object
-     and also positions behind it, but DOES include it in the returned
-     value."
-    |result|
-    result := self upToBeforeAny:aCollectionOfObjects.
-    self atEnd ifFalse:[
-        self next.
-    ].
-    ^ result
-    "
-     |s|
-     s := ReadStream on:'hello world'.
-     Transcript showCR:(s upToAny:(Array with:Character space)).
-     Transcript showCR:(s upToEnd)
-     'Makefile' asFilename readStream upToAny:($A to:$Z)
-    "
-    "Created: / 30.8.1997 / 03:02:05 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 11.1.1998 / 15:19:18 / cg"
-    "read a collection of all objects up-to a element which is contained in
-     aCollectionOfObjects and return these elements, but excluding the matching one.
-     The next read operation will return the matching element.
-     If no such element is encountered, all elements up to the end are read
-     and returned.
-     This returns the exact same as upToAny: would, but leaves the stream's position so that
-     the next read returns the matching delimiter instead of skipping it.
-     Caveat: this is the one which should have been called upTo: in the first place;
-     however, it seems now too late for a change."
-    |answerStream element|
-    answerStream := WriteStream on:(self contentsSpecies new).
-    [self atEnd] whileFalse:[
-        element := self peek.
-        (aCollectionOfObjects includes:element) ifTrue: [
-            ^ answerStream contents
-        ].
-        answerStream nextPut:element.
-        self next.
-    ].
-    ^ answerStream contents
-    "
-     |s|
-     s := ReadStream on:'hello world'.
-     Transcript showCR:(s upToBeforeAny:(Array with:Character space)).
-     Transcript showCR:(s upToEnd)
-     'Make.proto' asFilename readStream upToBeforeAny:($A to:$Z)
-    "
-    "Created: / 30.8.1997 / 03:02:05 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 11.1.1998 / 15:19:18 / cg"
-    "read elements until aBlock returns true for an element.
-     Return the collected elements excluding that element.
-     Leave the stream positioned for the next read to return that element.
-     If no element matches, all elements up to the end are returned"
-    |answerStream next|
-    answerStream := WriteStream on:(self contentsSpecies new).
-    [
-        self atEnd
-        or:[ (aBlock value: (next := self peek)) ]
-    ] whileFalse:[
-        answerStream nextPut:next.
-        self next.
-    ].
-    ^ answerStream contents
-    "
-     #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) readStream
-        upToElementForWhich:[:el | el > 5]
-    "
     "return a collection of the elements up-to the end.
      Return an empty collection, if the stream-end is already at the end."