Initial revision
Sat, 18 Feb 1995 00:50:51 +0100
changeset 265 f014922e3b71
parent 264 75289d9aae94
child 266 f4a7a506a995
Initial revision
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Sat Feb 18 00:50:51 1995 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+'From Smalltalk-80, Version 2.4 of 28 January 1989 on 14 May 1989 at 2:48:01 pm'!
+ArithmeticValue subclass: #Complex
+        instanceVariableNames: 'real imaginary '
+        classVariableNames: ''
+        poolDictionaries: ''
+        category: 'Magnitude-Numbers'
+Complex comment:
+'This is an implementation of complex numbers.  A complex number has real and
+ imaginary parts which must be manipulated simultaneously in any numeric processing.
+  Complex numbers can be used in many of the same places that regular numbers
+ can be used with one major exception of comparisons, since complex numbers cannot
+ be directly compared for size (except through lengths of vectors (see absolute
+ value)).
+Instance variables:
+    real        <Number> the part of the number which can be expressed as a Real number
+    imaginary   <Number> the part of the number which, in terms of how the number behaves,
+                         has been multiplied by ''i'' (-1 sqrt)
+Author: Kurt Hebel ('
+!Complex methodsFor: 'accessing'!
+        "Return the imaginary part of the complex number."
+        ^ imaginary
+        "Return the real part of the complex number."
+        ^ real
+! !
+!Complex methodsFor: 'arithmetic'!
+* aNumber 
+        "Return the product of the receiver and the argument."
+        | u v |
+        aNumber isComplex ifTrue:[
+            u := aNumber real.
+            v := aNumber imaginary.
+            ^Complex real: real * u - (imaginary * v)
+                     imaginary: real * v + (imaginary * u)
+        ].
+        ^self retry: #* coercing: aNumber
++ aNumber 
+        "Return the sum of the receiver and the argument."
+        aNumber isComplex ifTrue: [
+            ^Complex real: aNumber real + real
+                     imaginary: aNumber imaginary + imaginary
+        ].
+        ^self retry: #+ coercing: aNumber
+- aNumber
+        "Return the difference of the receiver and the argument."
+        aNumber isComplex ifTrue: [
+            ^Complex real: real - aNumber real
+                     imaginary: imaginary - aNumber imaginary
+        ].
+        ^self retry: #- coercing: aNumber
+/ aNumber 
+        "Return the quotient of the receiver and the argument."
+        | denom u v |
+        aNumber isComplex ifTrue:[ 
+            u := aNumber real.
+            v := aNumber imaginary.
+            denom := u * u + (v * v).
+            ^Complex real: u * real + (v * imaginary) / denom
+                     imaginary: u * imaginary - (v * real) / denom
+        ].
+        ^self retry: #/ coercing: aNumber
+        "Return the magnitude (or absolute value) of the complex number."
+        ^ (real * real + (imaginary * imaginary)) sqrt
+        "Return the complex conjugate of this complex number."
+        ^ Complex real: real imaginary: imaginary negated
+! !
+!Complex methodsFor: 'double dispatching'!
+differenceFromFloat: argument
+        ^ argument asComplex - self
+differenceFromFraction: argument
+        ^ argument asComplex - self
+differenceFromInteger: argument
+        ^ argument asComplex - self
+productFromFloat: argument
+        ^ argument asComplex * self
+productFromFraction: argument
+        ^ argument asComplex * self
+productFromInteger: argument
+        ^ argument asComplex * self
+quotientFromFloat: argument
+        ^ argument asComplex / self
+quotientFromFraction: argument
+        ^ argument asComplex / self
+quotientFromInteger: argument
+        ^ argument asComplex / self
+sumFromFloat: argument
+        ^ argument asComplex + self
+sumFromFraction: argument
+        ^ argument asComplex + self
+sumFromInteger: argument
+        ^ argument asComplex + self
+! !
+!Complex methodsFor: 'mathematical functions'!
+        "Return the radian angle for this Complex number."
+        real < 0 ifTrue: [
+            imaginary < 0 ifTrue: [
+                ^ (imaginary / real) arcTan - Float pi
+            ].
+            ^ Float pi + (imaginary / real) arcTan
+        ].
+        ^ (imaginary / real) arcTan
+        "Return the complex exponential of the receiver."
+        ^ imaginary cos % imaginary sin * real exp
+        "Return the square root of the receiver"
+        | u v |
+        (imaginary = 0 and: [real >= 0]) ifTrue: [^real sqrt].
+        v := (self abs - real / 2) sqrt.
+        u := imaginary / 2 / v.
+        ^Complex real: u imaginary: v
+        "-4 asComplex sqrt"
+        "-4 asComplex sqrt squared"
+! !
+!Complex methodsFor: 'comparing'!
+= aNumber
+        ^ (aNumber real = real) and:[aNumber imaginary = imaginary]
+< aNumber
+        ^Number
+                raise: #unorderedSignal
+                receiver: self
+                selector: #<
+                arg: aNumber
+                errorString: 'Complex numbers are not well ordered'!
+        "Hash is implemented because equals is implemented."
+        ^ real hash
+! !
+!Complex methodsFor: 'testing'!
+        ^true
+        "Return true if this Complex number has a zero imaginary part."
+        ^ imaginary = 0
+        "Answer whether 'self = self class zero'.  We can't use #= because
+        #= is defined in terms of #isZero"
+        ^real isZero and: [imaginary isZero]
+        ^Complex real: real sign imaginary: imaginary sign
+! !
+!Complex methodsFor: 'coercing'!
+coerce: aNumber
+        ^aNumber asComplex
+        ^150
+! !
+!Complex methodsFor: 'converting'!
+        ^self
+        imaginary = 0 ifTrue: [^real asFloat].
+        ^Number
+                raise: #coercionErrorSignal
+                receiver: self
+                selector: #asFloat
+                errorString: 'Can''t coerce an instance of Complex to a Float'
+        imaginary = 0 ifTrue: [^real asInteger].
+        ^Number
+                raise: #coercionErrorSignal
+                receiver: self
+                selector: #asInteger
+                errorString: 'Can''t coerce an instance of Complex to an Integer'
+        "Return the complex number as a point."
+        ^ real @ imaginary
+        "Answer the receiver transformed to a lower generality, if such a 
+        transformation is possible without losing information. If not, answer 
+        the receiver"
+        imaginary isZero
+                ifTrue: [^real]
+                ifFalse: [^self]
+! !
+!Complex methodsFor: 'printing'!
+        ^ '(' , real printString, '%', imaginary printString, ')'
+printOn: aStream
+        aStream nextPut: $(.
+        real storeOn: aStream.
+        aStream nextPutAll: '%'.
+        imaginary storeOn: aStream.
+        aStream nextPut: $).
+storeOn: aStream
+        aStream nextPut: $(.
+        real storeOn: aStream.
+        aStream nextPutAll: '%'.
+        imaginary storeOn: aStream.
+        aStream nextPut: $).
+! !
+!Complex methodsFor: 'private'!
+setReal: u setImaginary: v
+        real := u.
+        imaginary := v.
+! !
+!Complex class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
+fromReal: aNumber
+        "Create a new complex number from the given real number."
+        ^ self basicNew setReal: aNumber setImaginary: 0
+real: u imaginary: v
+        "Create a new complex number with the given real and imaginary parts.  If the
+         imaginary part is zero, return the real part of the number."
+        ^v = 0 ifTrue: [u]
+               ifFalse: [self basicNew setReal: u setImaginary: v]
+! !
+!Complex class methodsFor: 'exception handling'!
+trapImaginary: aBlock
+        "Complex trapImaginary: [-27 sqrt]"
+        | send |
+        ^Number domainErrorSignal handle: [ :ex |
+            send := ex parameter.
+            (send selector = #sqrt or: [send selector = #sqrtTruncated]) ifTrue: [
+	        send receiver: send receiver asComplex.
+                ex proceedWith: send value
+	    ] ifFalse: [
+		ex reject
+	    ]
+	] do: aBlock
+! !
+!Complex class methodsFor: 'constants access'!
+        "Answer the value which allows, for any given arithmetic value, the following to be true
+         aNumber * aNumber class unity = aNumber
+        This must be true regardless of how a given subclass chooses to define #*"
+        ^self fromReal: 1
+        "Answer the value which allows, for any given arithmetic value, the following to be true
+                aNumber + aNumber class zero = aNumber
+        This must be true regardless of how a given subclass chooses to define #+"
+        ^self fromReal: 0
+! !
+!ArithmeticValue methodsFor: 'testing'!
+        "Answer whether the receiver has an imaginary part"
+        ^false
+        ^ true
+! !
+!Number methodsFor: 'mathematical functions'!
+        "Return the complex conjugate of this Number."
+        ^ self
+        "Return the imaginary part of this Number."
+        ^ 0
+        "Return the real part of this Number."
+        ^ self
+! !
+!Number methodsFor: 'converting'!
+% aNumber 
+        "Answer a complex number with the receiver as the real part and 
+        aNumber as the imaginary part"
+        ^Complex real: self imaginary: aNumber
+        "Answer a complex number with the receiver as the real part and 
+        zero as the imaginary part"
+        ^Complex fromReal: self
+! !
+!Point methodsFor: 'converting'!
+        "Return a complex number whose real and imaginary components are the x and y
+         coordinates of the receiver."
+        ^ x % y
+! !
+" The above file is a Manchester Goodie.  It is distributed freely on condition
+ that you observe these conditions in respect of the whole Goodie, and on
+ any significant part of it which is separately transmitted or stored:
+        * You must ensure that every copy includes this notice, and that
+          source and author(s) of the material are acknowledged.
+        * These conditions must be imposed on anyone who receives a copy.
+        * The material shall not be used for commercial gain without the prior
+          written consent of the author(s).
+ For more information about the Manchester Goodies Library (from which 
+ this file was distributed) send e-mail:
+        To:
+        Subject: help 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Sat Feb 18 00:50:51 1995 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+"       NAME            infinity
+        AUTHOR          manchester
+        FUNCTION        Provides a class of infinities
+        ST-VERSION      2.2
+        CONFLICTS
+        DISTRIBUTION    world
+        VERSION         1
+        DATE    22 Jan 1989
+This is a set of changes that implements infinity in the Number hierarchy.  
+I obtained the original changes from the author of an article in comp.lang.smalltalk.
+I have just installed it in my image and I have found two small omissions
+which are corrected in what is below; there might be others.  Arithmetic
+between infinities is not defined but magnitude comparisons are implemented.
+Claus: fixed some minor bugs (args to errorUndefinedResult:) and some
+       wrong comments.
+       Changed retry:coercing: to match ST/X
+!Point methodsFor: 'testing'!
+        ^x isFinite and: [y isFinite]!
+        ^x isInfinite or: [y isInfinite]! !
+!Number methodsFor: 'testing'!
+        ^true!
+        ^false! !
+!Number methodsFor: 'coercing'!
+retry: aSymbol coercing: aNumber
+    "Arithmetic represented by the symbol, aSymbol,
+    could not be performed with the receiver and the argument,
+    aNumber, because of the differences in representation.  Coerce either
+    the receiver or the argument, depending on which has higher generality, and
+    try again.  If the symbol is the equals sign, answer false if the argument
+    is not a Number.  If the generalities are the same, create an error message."
+    |myGenerality otherGenerality|
+    (aSymbol == #=) ifTrue:[
+        (aNumber respondsTo:#generality) ifFalse:[^ false]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        (aNumber respondsTo:#generality) ifFalse:[
+            self error:'retry:coercing: argument is not a number'.
+            ^ self
+        ]
+    ].
+    myGenerality := self generality.
+    otherGenerality := aNumber generality.
+    (myGenerality > otherGenerality) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self perform:aSymbol with:(self coerce:aNumber)
+    ].
+    (myGenerality < otherGenerality) ifTrue:[
+        aNumber isInfinite ifTrue: [
+            ^ aNumber retryReverseOf:aSymbol with:self
+        ].
+        ^ (aNumber coerce:self) perform:aSymbol with:aNumber
+    ].
+    self error:'retry:coercing: oops - same generality'
+! !
+Number subclass: #Infinity
+        instanceVariableNames: 'positive '
+        classVariableNames: 'NegativeInfinity PositiveInfinity '
+        poolDictionaries: ''
+        category: 'Magnitude-Numbers'!
+Infinity comment:
+'I have two instances representing positive and negative infinity.
+Instance Variables :-
+        positive <Boolean>      :       if true the instance represents positive
+                                        infinity. if false, negative infinity'
+!Infinity methodsFor: 'arithmetic'!
+* aNumber
+        "Multiply the receiver by the argument and answer with the result."
+        aNumber isInfinite ifTrue: [
+            self errorUndefinedResult: #*
+        ].
+        ^self
++ aNumber
+        "Add the receiver by the argument and answer with the result."
+        (aNumber isInfinite and: [aNumber ~~ self]) ifTrue: [
+            self errorUndefinedResult: #+
+        ].
+        ^self
+- aNumber
+        "subtracet aNumber from the receiver answer with the result."
+        (aNumber isInfinite) ifTrue: [
+            self errorUndefinedResult: #-
+        ].
+        ^self
+/ aNumber
+        "Divide the receiver by the argument and answer with the result."
+        (aNumber isInfinite or: [aNumber = 0]) ifTrue: [
+            self errorUndefinedResult: #/
+        ].
+        ^self
+! !
+!Infinity methodsFor: 'comparing'!
+< aNumber
+        "Positive infinity is greater than any number than positive infinity.
+         Analogously, negative infinity is less than any other number other
+         than negative infinity"
+        aNumber == self ifTrue: [^false].
+        ^ positive not!
+= aNumber
+        ^aNumber == self
+! !
+!Infinity methodsFor: 'testing'!
+        ^false
+        ^true
+! !
+!Infinity methodsFor: 'coercing'!
+        "Infinities are more general than scalars, but not more general than
+         vectors (e.g. Points)"
+        ^85
+retryReverseOf: aSymbol with: aNumber
+        (aSymbol == #* or: [aSymbol == #+]) ifTrue: [
+            ^self perform: aSymbol with: aNumber
+        ].
+        (aSymbol == #/ and: [aNumber isFinite]) ifTrue: [^0].
+        (aSymbol == #< and: [aNumber isFinite]) ifTrue: [^positive].
+        (aSymbol == #> and: [ aNumber isFinite ]) ifTrue: [^positive not].
+        (aSymbol == #= and: [ aNumber isFinite ])ifTrue: [ ^false ]. 
+        self errorUndefinedResult: aSymbol
+! !
+!Infinity methodsFor: 'printing'!
+printOn: aStream
+        aStream nextPutAll: self class name.
+        aStream nextPutAll:(positive
+                                ifTrue: [' positive']
+                                ifFalse: [' negative'])
+! !
+!Infinity methodsFor: 'errors'!
+errorUndefinedResult: messageName
+        self error: 'Undefined result in an Infinity ', messageName
+! !
+!Infinity methodsFor: 'private'!
+setPositive: aBoolean
+        positive _ aBoolean
+! !
+!Infinity class methodsFor: 'class initialization'!
+        "Infinity initialize"
+        PositiveInfinity _ self basicNew setPositive: true.
+        NegativeInfinity _ self basicNew setPositive: false
+! !
+!Infinity class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
+        "Return the unique instance of negative infinity"
+        ^NegativeInfinity
+        self shouldNotImplement
+        "Return the unique instance of positive infinity"
+        ^PositiveInfinity
+! !
+Infinity initialize!
+ The above file is a Manchester Goodie protected by copyright.
+ These conditions are imposed on the whole Goodie, and on any significant
+ part of it which is separately transmitted or stored:
+        * You must ensure that every copy includes this notice, and that
+          source and author(s) of the material are acknowledged.
+        * These conditions must be imposed on anyone who receives a copy.
+        * The material shall not be used for commercial gain without the prior
+          written consent of the author(s).
+ Further information on the copyright conditions may be obtained by
+ sending electronic mail:
+        To:
+        Subject: copyright
+ or by writing to The Smalltalk Goodies Library Manager, Dept of
+ Computer Science, The University, Manchester M13 9PL, UK
+ (C) Copyright 1992 University of Manchester
+ For more information about the Manchester Goodies Library (from which 
+ this file was distributed) send e-mail:
+        To:
+        Subject: help 