*** empty log message ***
authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Fri, 03 Jan 2020 21:26:46 +0100
changeset 5404 59a7350c7149
parent 5403 7b72eccc4366
child 5405 d4a7ff6e2fe7
*** empty log message ***
--- a/stx_libbasic2.st	Fri Jan 03 21:15:28 2020 +0100
+++ b/stx_libbasic2.st	Fri Jan 03 21:26:46 2020 +0100
@@ -78,13 +78,13 @@
      They are mandatory, because we need these packages as a prerequisite for loading and compiling.
      When loading whole packages,
      mandatoryPreRequisites will be automatically loaded
-     BEFORE this packet has been loaded. 
+     BEFORE this packet has been loaded.
      This method is generated automatically,
      by searching along the inheritance chain of all of my classes.
      Please take a look at the #referencedPreRequisites method as well."
     ^ #(
-        #'stx:libbasic'    "AbstractMultidimensionalArray - superclass of Matrix"
+	#'stx:libbasic'    "AbstractMultidimensionalArray - superclass of Matrix"
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
      includes explicit checks for the package being present.
      When loading whole packages,
      referencedPreRequisites will be automatically loaded
-     AFTER this packet has been loaded. 
+     AFTER this packet has been loaded.
      This method is generated automatically,
      by searching all classes (and their packages) which are referenced by my classes.
      Please also take a look at the #mandatoryPreRequisites method"
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
-    ^ '$(ZLIB_LD_ARG) $(BZ2LIB_LD_ARG)'
@@ -195,202 +195,202 @@
      Attributes are: #autoload or #<os> where os is one of win32, unix,..."
     ^ #(
-        "<className> or (<className> attributes...) in load order"
-        AVLTree
-        AbstractBackgroundJob
-        ActiveObject
-        ActorStream
-        Archiver
-        AutoResizingOrderedCollection
-        BIG5EncodedString
-        BTree
-        BaseNCoder
-        Bezier
-        BinaryTree
-        BinaryTreeNode
-        BloomFilter
-        BoltLock
-        CRCStream
-        CacheDictionary
-        CachedValue
-        CharacterSet
-        Circle
-        CollectingReadStream
-        CollectingSharedQueueStream
-        CollectionBuilder
-        ComplexDoubleArray
-        ComplexFloatArray
-        CompressionStream
-        Cons
-        ConsStream
-        Curve
-        DelayedValue
-        DirectoryContents
-        DoubleLink
-        EllipticalArc
-        ExternalInt
-        ExternalLong
-        FileSorter
-        FileText
-        FilteringStream
-        FourByteString
-        FuzzyMatcher
-        GBEncodedString
-        GeometricSeries
-        HTMLUtilities
-        HalfFloat
-        HalfFloatArray
-        HandlerCollection
-        Heap
-        IEEEFloat
-        IdentityBag
-        IncompatibleMatrixError
-        IncrementNotification
-        IndentStream
-        InterestConverterWithParameters
-        InternalPipeStream
-        Iterator
-        JISEncodedString
-        KSCEncodedString
-        KeywordInContextIndexBuilder
-        Lazy
-        LazyArray
-        LazyValue
-        LineSegment
-        List
-        LoggingStream
-        MappedCollection
-        Matrix
-        MessageChannel
-        Monitor
-        MultiReadStream
-        NameLookupError
-        NumberSet
-        OctaFloat
-        OperationQueue
-        PersistentFileHistory
-        PhoneticStringUtilities
-        PluggableDictionary
-        PluggableSet
-        Polygon
-        PowerSet
-        PrinterStream
-        PrintfScanf
-        PriorityQueue
-        Promise
-        QDouble
-        QuadFloat
-        Queue
-        Random
-        RandomBlumBlumShub
-        RandomKISS
-        RandomKISS2
-        RandomMT19937
-        RandomParkMiller
-        RandomRDRand
-        RandomTT800
-        ReindexedCollection
-        RunArray
-        SegmentedOrderedCollection
-        SelectingReadStream
-        SequenceWithSentinel
-        SequenceableCollectionSorter
-        SerialPort
-        SharedCollection
-        Singleton
-        SmallBag
-        Socket
-        SocketAddress
-        SocketAddressInfo
-        SocketErrorNotification
-        SortedSet
-        SoundStream
-        Spline
-        SplittingWriteStream
-        Stack
-        StringPattern
-        StringUtilities
-        TSTree
-        TSTreeNode
-        TableData
-        TerminalSession
-        Text
-        TextClassifier
-        TextStream
-        TreeSet
-        Trie
-        URI
-        UUID
-        UndoSupport
-        UnitConverter
-        UnixPTYStream
-        ValueLink
-        VirtualArray
-        VirtualDictionary
-        WeakOrderedCollection
-        ZipArchiveConstants
-        #'stx_libbasic2'
-        AATree
-        AATreeNode
-        AppletalkSocketAddress
-        Arrow
-        ArrowedSpline
-        AutoResizingOrderedCollectionWithDefault
-        BZip2Stream
-        BackgroundJob
-        BackgroundPeriodicalJob
-        BackgroundQueueProcessingJob
-        Base32Coder
-        Base64Coder
-        BayesClassifier
-        Bezier2Segment
-        CRC16Stream
-        CRC32Stream
-        CRC8Stream
-        CacheDictionaryWithFactory
-        DecNetSocketAddress
-        EpsonFX1PrinterStream
-        FilteringLineStream
-        Future
-        HPLjetIIPrinterStream
-        HTMLPrinterStream
-        HierarchicalURI
-        HostAddressLookupError
-        HostNameLookupError
-        IPSocketAddress
-        LazyCons
-        LineNumberReadStream
-        PostscriptPrinterStream
-        RandomGNUSmalltalk
-        RandomGenerator
-        SharedQueue
-        TSMultiTree
-        TSMultiTreeNode
-        TimedPromise
-        TwoDimensionalMatrix
-        UDSocketAddress
-        Unicode32String
-        ValueDoubleLink
-        VirtualArrayWithCache
-        ZipArchive
-        ZipStream
-        Base64UrlCoder
-        FileURI
-        FtpURI
-        HttpURI
-        IPv6SocketAddress
-        SftpURI
-        SquareMatrix
-        UnlimitedSharedQueue
-        HttpsURI
-        #'Matrix2_2'
-        #'Matrix3_3'
-        (DoubleLinkedList autoload)
-        (IdentitySkipList autoload)
-        (IteratorStream autoload)
-        (RecursiveSeriesStream autoload)
-        (SkipList autoload)
-        (SkipListNode autoload)
+	"<className> or (<className> attributes...) in load order"
+	AVLTree
+	AbstractBackgroundJob
+	ActiveObject
+	ActorStream
+	Archiver
+	AutoResizingOrderedCollection
+	BIG5EncodedString
+	BTree
+	BaseNCoder
+	Bezier
+	BinaryTree
+	BinaryTreeNode
+	BloomFilter
+	BoltLock
+	CRCStream
+	CacheDictionary
+	CachedValue
+	CharacterSet
+	Circle
+	CollectingReadStream
+	CollectingSharedQueueStream
+	CollectionBuilder
+	ComplexDoubleArray
+	ComplexFloatArray
+	CompressionStream
+	Cons
+	ConsStream
+	Curve
+	DelayedValue
+	DirectoryContents
+	DoubleLink
+	EllipticalArc
+	ExternalInt
+	ExternalLong
+	FileSorter
+	FileText
+	FilteringStream
+	FourByteString
+	FuzzyMatcher
+	GBEncodedString
+	GeometricSeries
+	HTMLUtilities
+	HalfFloat
+	HalfFloatArray
+	HandlerCollection
+	Heap
+	IEEEFloat
+	IdentityBag
+	IncompatibleMatrixError
+	IncrementNotification
+	IndentStream
+	InterestConverterWithParameters
+	InternalPipeStream
+	Iterator
+	JISEncodedString
+	KSCEncodedString
+	KeywordInContextIndexBuilder
+	Lazy
+	LazyArray
+	LazyValue
+	LineSegment
+	List
+	LoggingStream
+	MappedCollection
+	Matrix
+	MessageChannel
+	Monitor
+	MultiReadStream
+	NameLookupError
+	NumberSet
+	OctaFloat
+	OperationQueue
+	PersistentFileHistory
+	PhoneticStringUtilities
+	PluggableDictionary
+	PluggableSet
+	Polygon
+	PowerSet
+	PrinterStream
+	PrintfScanf
+	PriorityQueue
+	Promise
+	QDouble
+	QuadFloat
+	Queue
+	Random
+	RandomBlumBlumShub
+	RandomKISS
+	RandomKISS2
+	RandomMT19937
+	RandomParkMiller
+	RandomRDRand
+	RandomTT800
+	ReindexedCollection
+	RunArray
+	SegmentedOrderedCollection
+	SelectingReadStream
+	SequenceWithSentinel
+	SequenceableCollectionSorter
+	SerialPort
+	SharedCollection
+	Singleton
+	SmallBag
+	Socket
+	SocketAddress
+	SocketAddressInfo
+	SocketErrorNotification
+	SortedSet
+	SoundStream
+	Spline
+	SplittingWriteStream
+	Stack
+	StringPattern
+	StringUtilities
+	TSTree
+	TSTreeNode
+	TableData
+	TerminalSession
+	Text
+	TextClassifier
+	TextStream
+	TreeSet
+	Trie
+	UndoSupport
+	UnitConverter
+	UnixPTYStream
+	ValueLink
+	VirtualArray
+	VirtualDictionary
+	WeakOrderedCollection
+	ZipArchiveConstants
+	#'stx_libbasic2'
+	AATree
+	AATreeNode
+	AppletalkSocketAddress
+	Arrow
+	ArrowedSpline
+	AutoResizingOrderedCollectionWithDefault
+	BZip2Stream
+	BackgroundJob
+	BackgroundPeriodicalJob
+	BackgroundQueueProcessingJob
+	Base32Coder
+	Base64Coder
+	BayesClassifier
+	Bezier2Segment
+	CRC16Stream
+	CRC32Stream
+	CRC8Stream
+	CacheDictionaryWithFactory
+	DecNetSocketAddress
+	EpsonFX1PrinterStream
+	FilteringLineStream
+	Future
+	HPLjetIIPrinterStream
+	HTMLPrinterStream
+	HierarchicalURI
+	HostAddressLookupError
+	HostNameLookupError
+	IPSocketAddress
+	LazyCons
+	LineNumberReadStream
+	PostscriptPrinterStream
+	RandomGNUSmalltalk
+	RandomGenerator
+	SharedQueue
+	TSMultiTree
+	TSMultiTreeNode
+	TimedPromise
+	TwoDimensionalMatrix
+	UDSocketAddress
+	Unicode32String
+	ValueDoubleLink
+	VirtualArrayWithCache
+	ZipArchive
+	ZipStream
+	Base64UrlCoder
+	FileURI
+	FtpURI
+	HttpURI
+	IPv6SocketAddress
+	SftpURI
+	SquareMatrix
+	UnlimitedSharedQueue
+	HttpsURI
+	#'Matrix2_2'
+	#'Matrix3_3'
+	(DoubleLinkedList autoload)
+	(IdentitySkipList autoload)
+	(IteratorStream autoload)
+	(RecursiveSeriesStream autoload)
+	(SkipList autoload)
+	(SkipListNode autoload)
@@ -401,119 +401,119 @@
      if it has extensions."
     ^ #(
-        ArithmeticValue asQDouble
-        ArithmeticValue asQuadFloat
-        ArithmeticValue differenceFromIEEEFloat:
-        ArithmeticValue differenceFromQDouble:
-        ArithmeticValue equalFromIEEEFloat:
-        ArithmeticValue equalFromQDouble:
-        ArithmeticValue lessFromIEEEFloat:
-        ArithmeticValue lessFromQDouble:
-        ArithmeticValue productFromIEEEFloat:
-        ArithmeticValue productFromQDouble:
-        ArithmeticValue quotientFromIEEEFloat:
-        ArithmeticValue quotientFromQDouble:
-        ArithmeticValue remainderFromQDouble:
-        ArithmeticValue sumFromIEEEFloat:
-        ArithmeticValue sumFromQDouble:
-        Block deferredValue
-        Block deferredValueAt:
-        Block futureValue
-        Block futureValue:
-        Block futureValue:value:
-        Block futureValue:value:value:
-        Block futureValueWithArguments:
-        Block lazyValue
-        Block lazyValue:
-        Block lazyValue:value:
-        Block lazyValue:value:value:
-        Block lazyValueWithArguments:
-        Block promise
-        Block promiseAt:
-        CharacterArray asKoelnerPhoneticCode
-        CharacterArray asSoundexCode
-        CharacterArray printf:
-        CharacterArray printf:on:
-        CharacterArray printfWith:
-        CharacterArray printfWith:with:
-        CharacterArray printfWith:with:with:
-        CharacterArray printfWith:with:with:with:
-        CharacterArray printfWith:with:with:with:with:
-        CharacterArray #'printf_formatArgCount'
-        CharacterArray #'printf_printArgFrom:to:withData:'
-        CharacterArray #'printf_printOn:withData:'
-        CharacterArray scanf:
-        CharacterArray #'scanf_scanArgFrom:to:format:'
-        CharacterArray sscanf:
-        CharacterArray urlDecoded
-        CharacterArray urlEncoded
-        Collection asHalfFloatArray
-        Collection asIdentitySkipList
-        Collection asList
-        Collection asRunArray
-        Collection asSharedCollection
-        Collection asSkipList
-        Collection asSkipList:
-        Float absDecimalPrintOn:digits:
-        Float absPrintOn:digits:
-        Float absScientificPrintOn:digits:
-        Float asIEEEFloat
-        Float asOctaFloat
-        Float asQDouble
-        Float asQuadFloat
-        Fraction asQuadFloat
-        Integer asIEEEFloat
-        Integer asOctaFloat
-        Integer asQDouble
-        Integer asQuadFloat
-        Integer atRandom
-        LimitedPrecisionReal asOctaFloat
-        LimitedPrecisionReal asQuadFloat
-        LongFloat asIEEEFloat
-        LongFloat asQDouble
-        LongFloat asQuadFloat
-        MetaNumber asOctaFloat
-        MetaNumber asQDouble
-        MetaNumber asQuadFloat
-        Object addInterest:
-        Object asDoubleLink
-        Object expressInterestIn:for:sendBack:
-        Object interests
-        Object interestsFor:
-        Object onChange:evaluate:
-        Object onChange:send:to:
-        Object onChangeEvaluate:
-        Object onChangeSend:to:
-        Object removeActionsForEvent:
-        Object removeActionsWithReceiver:
-        Object removeAllActionsWithReceiver:
-        Object removeDependentAndRetractInterestsFor:
-        Object removeInterest:
-        Object retractInterestIn:for:
-        Object retractInterests
-        Object retractInterestsFor:
-        Object retractInterestsForWhich:
-        Object retractInterestsIn:
-        Object trigger:
-        Object trigger:with:
-        Object triggerEvent:
-        Object triggerEvent:with:
-        Object triggerEvent:withArguments:
-        Object when:send:to:
-        Object when:send:to:with:
-        Object when:sendTo:
-        ShortFloat asIEEEFloat
-        ShortFloat asQuadFloat
-        Stream collecting:
-        Stream printf:
-        Stream printf:arguments:
-        Stream printf:with:
-        Stream printf:with:with:
-        Stream printf:with:with:with:
-        Stream printf:with:with:with:with:
-        Stream printf:with:with:with:with:with:
-        Stream printf:withAll:
-        Stream selecting:
+	ArithmeticValue asQDouble
+	ArithmeticValue asQuadFloat
+	ArithmeticValue differenceFromIEEEFloat:
+	ArithmeticValue differenceFromQDouble:
+	ArithmeticValue equalFromIEEEFloat:
+	ArithmeticValue equalFromQDouble:
+	ArithmeticValue lessFromIEEEFloat:
+	ArithmeticValue lessFromQDouble:
+	ArithmeticValue productFromIEEEFloat:
+	ArithmeticValue productFromQDouble:
+	ArithmeticValue quotientFromIEEEFloat:
+	ArithmeticValue quotientFromQDouble:
+	ArithmeticValue remainderFromQDouble:
+	ArithmeticValue sumFromIEEEFloat:
+	ArithmeticValue sumFromQDouble:
+	Block deferredValue
+	Block deferredValueAt:
+	Block futureValue
+	Block futureValue:
+	Block futureValue:value:
+	Block futureValue:value:value:
+	Block futureValueWithArguments:
+	Block lazyValue
+	Block lazyValue:
+	Block lazyValue:value:
+	Block lazyValue:value:value:
+	Block lazyValueWithArguments:
+	Block promise
+	Block promiseAt:
+	CharacterArray asKoelnerPhoneticCode
+	CharacterArray asSoundexCode
+	CharacterArray printf:
+	CharacterArray printf:on:
+	CharacterArray printfWith:
+	CharacterArray printfWith:with:
+	CharacterArray printfWith:with:with:
+	CharacterArray printfWith:with:with:with:
+	CharacterArray printfWith:with:with:with:with:
+	CharacterArray #'printf_formatArgCount'
+	CharacterArray #'printf_printArgFrom:to:withData:'
+	CharacterArray #'printf_printOn:withData:'
+	CharacterArray scanf:
+	CharacterArray #'scanf_scanArgFrom:to:format:'
+	CharacterArray sscanf:
+	CharacterArray urlDecoded
+	CharacterArray urlEncoded
+	Collection asHalfFloatArray
+	Collection asIdentitySkipList
+	Collection asList
+	Collection asRunArray
+	Collection asSharedCollection
+	Collection asSkipList
+	Collection asSkipList:
+	Float absDecimalPrintOn:digits:
+	Float absPrintOn:digits:
+	Float absScientificPrintOn:digits:
+	Float asIEEEFloat
+	Float asOctaFloat
+	Float asQDouble
+	Float asQuadFloat
+	Fraction asQuadFloat
+	Integer asIEEEFloat
+	Integer asOctaFloat
+	Integer asQDouble
+	Integer asQuadFloat
+	Integer atRandom
+	LimitedPrecisionReal asOctaFloat
+	LimitedPrecisionReal asQuadFloat
+	LongFloat asIEEEFloat
+	LongFloat asQDouble
+	LongFloat asQuadFloat
+	MetaNumber asOctaFloat
+	MetaNumber asQDouble
+	MetaNumber asQuadFloat
+	Object addInterest:
+	Object asDoubleLink
+	Object expressInterestIn:for:sendBack:
+	Object interests
+	Object interestsFor:
+	Object onChange:evaluate:
+	Object onChange:send:to:
+	Object onChangeEvaluate:
+	Object onChangeSend:to:
+	Object removeActionsForEvent:
+	Object removeActionsWithReceiver:
+	Object removeAllActionsWithReceiver:
+	Object removeDependentAndRetractInterestsFor:
+	Object removeInterest:
+	Object retractInterestIn:for:
+	Object retractInterests
+	Object retractInterestsFor:
+	Object retractInterestsForWhich:
+	Object retractInterestsIn:
+	Object trigger:
+	Object trigger:with:
+	Object triggerEvent:
+	Object triggerEvent:with:
+	Object triggerEvent:withArguments:
+	Object when:send:to:
+	Object when:send:to:with:
+	Object when:sendTo:
+	ShortFloat asIEEEFloat
+	ShortFloat asQuadFloat
+	Stream collecting:
+	Stream printf:
+	Stream printf:arguments:
+	Stream printf:with:
+	Stream printf:with:with:
+	Stream printf:with:with:with:
+	Stream printf:with:with:with:with:
+	Stream printf:with:with:with:with:with:
+	Stream printf:withAll:
+	Stream selecting:
 ! !
@@ -558,4 +558,3 @@
     ^ '$Header$'
 ! !