author Claus Gittinger <>
Mon, 09 Mar 2015 19:08:03 +0100
changeset 3830 2e140590a5f3
parent 3819 7bf4e32e3685
child 3838 474d8ec95b33
child 3905 87c2cce8c597
permissions -rw-r--r--
class: SourceCodeManagerUtilitiesForContainerBasedManagers changed: #checkinPackage:classes:extensions:buildSupport:askForMethodsInOtherPackages: message string construction was wrong

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2012 eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.
"{ Package: 'stx:libbasic3' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

SourceCodeManagerUtilities subclass:#SourceCodeManagerUtilitiesForContainerBasedManagers

!SourceCodeManagerUtilitiesForContainerBasedManagers class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2012 eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.
! !

!SourceCodeManagerUtilitiesForContainerBasedManagers methodsFor:'utilities-cvs'!

checkinBuildSupportFilesForPackage:packageID withInfo:checkinInfo
    |anyFailure module directory mgr defClass|

    mgr := self sourceCodeManagerFor: packageID. 
    defClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage: packageID.

    "/ already done elsewhere now
    "/ defClass validateDescription.

    anyFailure := false.

    module := packageID asPackageId module.
    directory := packageID asPackageId directory.

    self activityNotification:(resources string:'Checking in build-support files...').
    (mgr checkForExistingModule:module directory:directory) ifFalse:[
        mgr createModule:module directory:directory

    defClass forEachFileNameAndGeneratedContentsDo:[:fileName :fileContents |
        |realFileName realDirectory|

        "/ care for subdirectories
        (fileName includes:$/) ifTrue:[
            realDirectory := (directory asFilename construct:(fileName asFilename directoryName)) name.
            realFileName := fileName asFilename baseName.
        ] ifFalse:[
            realDirectory := directory.
            realFileName := fileName.
        realDirectory := realDirectory replaceAll:$\ with:$/.

        self activityNotification:(resources string:'Checking in %1...' with:realFileName).

            handle:[:ex | Transcript showCR:ex description ]
                (mgr isContainerBased
                 and:[(mgr checkForExistingContainer:realFileName inModule:module directory:realDirectory) not]
                ) ifTrue:[
                    realDirectory ~= directory ifTrue:[
                        (mgr checkForExistingModule:module directory:realDirectory) ifFalse:[
                            mgr createModule:module directory:realDirectory
                    [:exit |

                            container:realFileName) ifTrue:[ exit value:nil ].

                        answer := Dialog 
                                    stringWithCRs:'Cannot create new container: ''%3'' (in %1:%2).\\Retry?'

                         answer == nil ifTrue:[
                            AbortOperationRequest raise
                        answer == false ifTrue:[ exit value:nil ].
                    ] loopWithExit.
                ] ifFalse:[
                        logMessage:checkinInfo logMessage
                    ) ifTrue:[
                        checkinInfo isStable ifTrue:[
                            self tagPath:(module, '/', realDirectory, '/', realFileName) as:#stable usingManager:mgr.
                        checkinInfo tagIt ifTrue:[
                            self tagPath:(module, '/', realDirectory, '/', realFileName) as:checkinInfo tag usingManager:mgr.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        Transcript showCR:'checkin of ' , realFileName , ' failed'.
                        anyFailure := true.

    defClass instAndClassMethodsDo:[:m | m package:defClass package].

        checkinClasses:(Array with:defClass)

    self activityNotification:nil.

    anyFailure ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Checkin failed - see Transcript.'.
        self activityNotification:'Checkin of build-support files failed - see Transcript.'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self activityNotification:'Build-support files checked into the repository.'.

    "Created: / 09-08-2006 / 18:59:42 / fm"
    "Modified: / 12-10-2011 / 11:36:34 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 25-07-2012 / 14:27:30 / cg"
    "Modified (format): / 25-07-2012 / 22:25:48 / cg"

checkinExtensionMethods:aCollectionOfMethods forPackage:aPackageID withInfo:aLogInfoOrStringOrNil
    "checkin a projects extensions into the source repository.
     If the argument, aLogInfoOrStringOrNil isNil, ask interactively for log-message."

    |logMessage checkinInfo mgr pri module directory containerFileName extensionsSource|

    "/ the following is wrong - must ask the projectDefinition !!
    aPackageID asPackageId projectDefinitionClass notNil ifTrue:[
        mgr := self sourceCodeManagerFor:aPackageID asPackageId projectDefinitionClass.
    ] ifFalse:[
        mgr := self sourceCodeManagerFor:aCollectionOfMethods first mclass.
    mgr isNil ifTrue:[ ^ false ].

    module := aPackageID asPackageId module.
    directory := aPackageID asPackageId directory.
    containerFileName := self nameOfExtensionsContainer.

    aLogInfoOrStringOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
        checkinInfo := self getCheckinInfoFor:containerFileName allBold initialAnswer:nil.
        checkinInfo isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
        logMessage := checkinInfo logMessage.
    ] ifFalse:[
        aLogInfoOrStringOrNil isString ifTrue:[
            logMessage := aLogInfoOrStringOrNil
        ] ifFalse:[
            checkinInfo := aLogInfoOrStringOrNil.
            logMessage := checkinInfo logMessage.

    (mgr checkForExistingContainer:containerFileName inModule:module directory:directory) ifFalse:[
        (self checkForExistingModule:module usingManager:mgr allowCreate:true) ifFalse:[^ false].
        LastModule := module.

        (self checkForExistingModule:module directory:directory usingManager:mgr allowCreate:true) ifFalse:[^ false].
        LastPackage := directory.

        (self checkForExistingModule:module directory:directory container:containerFileName usingManager:mgr allowCreate:true) ifFalse:[^ false].

    self activityNotification:(resources string:'Checking in %1' with:containerFileName).
    pri := Processor activePriority.
    Processor activeProcess 
        withPriority:pri-1 to:pri
            extensionsSource := self sourceCodeForExtensions:aCollectionOfMethods package:aPackageID forManager:mgr.
            "Care for non-ASCII/non-ISO-8859 characters in extension methods"
            extensionsSource isWideString ifTrue:[
                extensionsSource := '"{ Encoding: utf8 }"' , Character cr asString , Character cr asString , extensionsSource.                
                extensionsSource := extensionsSource utf8Encoded.

            UserInformation handle:[:ex |
                Transcript showCR:ex description.
                ex proceed.
            ] do:[
                Transcript showCR:('checking in ',containerFileName,' ...').
                    Transcript showCR:'Checkin of ''' , containerFileName , ''' failed'.
                    self warn:'Checkin of ''' , containerFileName allBold , ''' failed'.
                    ^ false.
                checkinInfo notNil ifTrue:[

                    path := (module, '/', directory, '/', containerFileName).
                    checkinInfo isStable ifTrue:[
                        "set stable tag for class that has been checked in"
                        self tagPath:path as:#stable usingManager:mgr.    
                    checkinInfo tagIt ifTrue:[
                        "set an additional tag for class that has been checked in"
                        self tagPath:path as:(checkinInfo tag) usingManager:mgr.    
                mgr postCheckInExtensionsForPackage:aPackageID    
    ^ true

    "Modified: / 25-07-2012 / 18:38:40 / cg"

checkinPackage:packageToCheckIn classes:doClasses extensions:doExtensions buildSupport:doBuild askForMethodsInOtherPackages:askForMethodsInOtherPackages
    |mgr classesToCheckIn methodsToCheckIn methodsInPrjDef
     methodsInOtherPackages looseMethods otherPackages
     msg classesInChangeSet newClasses checkinInfo originalCheckinInfo classesToTag

    mgr := self sourceCodeManagerFor: packageToCheckIn.

    classesToCheckIn := IdentitySet new.
    classesInChangeSet := IdentitySet new.
    methodsToCheckIn := IdentitySet new.
    methodsInOtherPackages := IdentitySet new.
    looseMethods := IdentitySet new.

    "/ collect classes and individual methods...
    (doClasses or:[doExtensions]) ifTrue:[
        Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:aClass | 
            |owner classPackage|

            (owner := aClass owningClass) notNil ifTrue:[
                classPackage := aClass topOwningClass package
            ] ifFalse:[
                classPackage := aClass package
            (classPackage = packageToCheckIn) ifTrue:[
                classesToCheckIn add:aClass.

            doExtensions ifTrue:[
                aClass isMeta ifFalse:[
                    "/ ... whose class is not in the checkIn-set
                    (classesToCheckIn includes:aClass) ifFalse:[
                        aClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
                            "/ methods in this project ...
                            (mthd package = packageToCheckIn) ifTrue:[
                                methodsToCheckIn add:mthd

        "/ cg: O(n^2) algorithm
        "/  classesInChangeSet := classesToCheckIn select:[:cls | cls hasUnsavedChanges].
        "/ replaced by: O(n) algorithm
        classesInChangeSet := ChangeSet current selectClassesForWhichIncludesChangeForClassOrMetaclassOrPrivateClassFrom:classesToCheckIn. 

    doExtensions ifTrue:[
        methodsToCheckIn notEmpty ifTrue:[
            doClasses ifTrue:[
                msg := '%1 classes (%4 changed) '.
            ] ifFalse:[
                msg := ''.
            doExtensions ifTrue:[
                doClasses ifTrue:[
                    msg := msg , 'and '.
                msg := msg , '%2 extensions '.
            msg := msg , 'of project "%3"'.

            checkinInfo := self
                                                    bindWith:classesToCheckIn size
                                                    with:methodsToCheckIn size
                                                    with:packageToCheckIn allBold
                                                    with:classesInChangeSet size)
                        withQuickOption:(classesToCheckIn size > 0)
            checkinInfo isNil ifTrue:[
                ^ self.

            checkinInfo validateConsistency ifTrue:[
                |setInProjectDef setForCheckin onlyInPrjDef onlyForCheckin moreInfo|

                self validateConsistencyOfPackage:packageToCheckIn doClasses:doClasses doExtensions:doExtensions.
                "/ could have changed/recompiled methods...
                "/ mhmh - should we checkin what is specified in the prj-def,
                "/ or what is actually present in the image (in case user did not repair)???
                methodsInPrjDef  := packageToCheckIn asPackageId projectDefinitionClass extensionMethods.
                methodsInPrjDef := methodsInPrjDef reject:[:m | m isNil].
                (setInProjectDef := methodsInPrjDef asSet) ~= (setForCheckin := methodsToCheckIn asSet) ifTrue:[
                    onlyInPrjDef := setInProjectDef copy removeAllFoundIn:setForCheckin.
                    onlyForCheckin := setForCheckin copy removeAllFoundIn:setInProjectDef.
                    moreInfo := ''.
                    onlyInPrjDef notEmpty ifTrue:[
                        moreInfo := moreInfo , '\Only in Project: '.
                        moreInfo := moreInfo , (((onlyInPrjDef asOrderedCollection copyTo:(5 min:onlyInPrjDef size))
                                                collect:#whoString) asStringWith:', ').
                        onlyInPrjDef size > 5 ifTrue:[ moreInfo := moreInfo , '...' ].
                    onlyForCheckin notEmpty ifTrue:[
                        moreInfo := moreInfo , '\Only in Image: '.
                        moreInfo := moreInfo , (((onlyForCheckin asOrderedCollection copyTo:(5 min:onlyForCheckin size))
                                                collect:#whoString) asStringWith:', ').
                        onlyForCheckin size > 5 ifTrue:[ moreInfo := moreInfo , '...' ].
                    moreInfo notEmpty ifTrue:[ (moreInfo := moreInfo , '\') withCRs ].
self halt.
                    answer:= Dialog 
                        confirmWithCancel:('The set of methods in image is different from what is specified in the project definition.\%1\You should probably make sure that all extension methods are all associated to the correct package.\\Check in image methods (%2) or definition methods (%3)?'
                                        bindWith: moreInfo
                                        with: methodsToCheckIn size
                                        with: methodsInPrjDef size) withCRs
                        labels:#('Image Methods' 'Definition Methods' 'Cancel') 
                        values:#(true false nil) 

"/                    answer := Dialog 
"/                        confirm:('Set of methods in image is different from what is specified in the project definition.\Check in image methods (%1) or definition methods (%2)?'
"/                                        bindWith: methodsToCheckIn size
"/                                        with: methodsInPrjDef size)
"/                        yesLabel:'Image Methods' 
"/                        noLabel:'Definition Methods'.
                    answer isNil ifTrue:[AbortOperationRequest raise].
                    answer ifFalse:[
                        methodsToCheckIn := methodsInPrjDef.

            "/ also need the extensionVersion methods in the projectDefinition class,
            "/ which are kept in the extensions container. (the reason is that we need the proper
            "/ CVS id for the extensions container, not for the projDefinition container.
            packageToCheckIn asPackageId projectDefinitionClass theMetaclass selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
                (AbstractSourceCodeManager isExtensionsVersionMethodSelector:sel) ifTrue:[
                    methodsToCheckIn add:mthd

                Dialog warn:(resources string:'Could not check in extensions for project %1' with:packageToCheckIn).
                ^ self.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ there may have been extension-methods previously - if so, remove them
                checkForExistingContainer:'' inPackage:packageToCheckIn)
"/ self halt.
                    withInfo:'No extensions any more')
                    Dialog warn:(resources string:'Could not check in extensions for project %1' with:packageToCheckIn).
                    ^ self.

    checkinInfo isNil ifTrue:[

        doExtensions ifTrue:[
            infoString := '%1 classes (%4 changed) and %2 extensions for project "%3"'.
        ] ifFalse:[doClasses ifTrue:[
            infoString := '%1 classes (%4 changed) for project "%3"'.
        ] ifFalse:[doBuild ifTrue:[
            infoString := 'Build support files for project "%3"'.
        ] ifFalse:[
            infoString := 'I don''t know what I am doing'.

        infoString := infoString
                        bindWith:classesToCheckIn size
                        with:methodsToCheckIn size
                        with:packageToCheckIn allBold
                        with:classesInChangeSet size.
        checkinInfo := self
                    withQuickOption:(classesToCheckIn size > 0)
        checkinInfo isNil ifTrue:[
            ^ self.
        checkinInfo validateConsistency ifTrue:[
            self validateConsistencyOfPackage:packageToCheckIn doClasses:doClasses doExtensions:doExtensions.

    checkinInfo quickCheckIn ifTrue:[
        (checkinInfo isStable or:[checkinInfo tagIt]) ifTrue:[
            classesToTag := classesToCheckIn.
            originalCheckinInfo := checkinInfo.
            checkinInfo := checkinInfo deepCopy.
            checkinInfo isStable:false.
            checkinInfo tag:nil.
        "/ not only the one's in the changeSet;
        "/ also those which have not been checked in before.
        newClasses := classesToCheckIn select:[:class | (class revisionOfManager:mgr) isNil ].
        classesToCheckIn := Set new 

    "/ check if any of the classes contains methods for other packages ...
    classesToCheckIn do:[:eachClass |
        eachClass instAndClassMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |

            mPgk := eachMethod package.
            (mPgk = packageToCheckIn) ifFalse:[
                mPgk == PackageId noProjectID ifTrue:[
                    looseMethods add:eachMethod
                ] ifFalse:[
                    methodsInOtherPackages add:eachMethod

    askForMethodsInOtherPackages ifTrue:[
        methodsInOtherPackages notEmpty ifTrue:[
            otherPackages := Set new.
            methodsInOtherPackages do:[:eachMethod | otherPackages add:eachMethod package].

            methodsInOtherPackages size == 1 ifTrue:[
                msg := 'The ''%4'' method in ''%5'' is contained in the ''%2'' package.'.
                msg := msg , '\\This method will remain in its package.'.
            ] ifFalse:[
                otherPackages size == 1 ifTrue:[
                    msg := 'The %1 methods from the %2 package will remain in their package.'
                ] ifFalse:[
                    msg := 'The %1 methods from %3 other packages will remain in their packages.'
                msg := msg , '\\Hint: if these are meant to belong to this package,'.
                msg := msg , '\move them first, then repeat the checkin operation.'.
            msg := msg withCRs.
            msg := msg bindWith:methodsInOtherPackages size
                           with:otherPackages first allBold
                           with:otherPackages size
                           with:methodsInOtherPackages first selector allBold
                           with:methodsInOtherPackages first mclass name allBold.
            (Dialog confirm:msg noLabel:(resources string:'Cancel')) ifFalse:[^ self].

    doClasses ifTrue:[
        classesToCheckIn notEmpty ifTrue:[
            looseMethods notEmpty ifTrue:[
                looseMethods size == 1 ifTrue:[
                    msg := 'The ''%2'' method in ''%3'' is unassigned (loose).'.
                    msg := msg , '\\If you proceed, this method will be moved to the ''%4'' package'.
                    msg := msg , '\\Hint: if this is meant to be an extension of another package,'.
                    msg := msg , '\cancel and move it to the appropriate package first.'.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    msg := 'There are %1 unassigned (loose) methods in classes from this project.'.
                    msg := msg , '\\If you proceed, those will be moved to the ''%4'' package ?'.
                    msg := msg , '\\Hint: if these are meant to be extensions of another package,'.
                    msg := msg , '\cancel and move them to the appropriate package first.'.
                doClasses ifTrue:[
                    msg := msg , '\\If you answer with "No" here, you will be asked for each class individually.'.
                msg := msg withCRs.
                msg := msg bindWith:looseMethods size
                               with:(looseMethods isEmpty ifTrue:[''] ifFalse:[looseMethods first selector allBold])
                               with:(looseMethods isEmpty ifTrue:[''] ifFalse:[looseMethods first mclass name allBold])
                               with:packageToCheckIn allBold.
                (Dialog confirm:msg noLabel:(resources string:'Cancel')) ifFalse:[^ self].

                looseMethods do:[:mthd |
                    mthd package:packageToCheckIn
            self checkinClasses:classesToCheckIn withInfo:checkinInfo.

        originalCheckinInfo notNil ifTrue:[
            originalCheckinInfo isStable ifTrue:[
                classesToTag do:[:eachClass |
                    self tagClass:eachClass as:#stable
            originalCheckinInfo tagIt ifTrue:[
                classesToTag do:[:eachClass |
                    self tagClass:eachClass as:(originalCheckinInfo tag)

    doBuild ifTrue:[
        self checkinBuildSupportFilesForPackage:packageToCheckIn withInfo:(originalCheckinInfo ? checkinInfo).

    "Created: / 13-10-2011 / 11:15:22 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 04-09-2012 / 14:05:36 / cg"

comparePackages:packages askForRevision:askForRevision
    "Compares code of given packages (loaded in the image) against a specific revision
     and opens a diff browser on differences.
     If `askForRevision` is true, then user is asked to specify to which revision to
     update. If `askForRevision` is false, then packages are updated to a 'newest'
     NOTE: Definition of `newest` revision may vary. For SCMs which allows for multiple
     heads, it is not clear which one it is. In that case, even if `askForRevision` is
     false, this method may result in user interation, asking user to select which of the
     newest she wants."

    |dateFormat string dateOrNil symbolicName|

    dateFormat := UserPreferences current dateInputFormat.
    string := Dialog
                        string:'Compare with version from date (%1) or tag (any other format):'
                initialAnswer:(Date today printStringFormat:dateFormat).

    string isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    dateOrNil := Date readFrom:string printFormat:dateFormat onError:nil.
    dateOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
        symbolicName := string

    packages value do:[:eachProject |
        dateOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
            self compareProject:eachProject withRepositoryVersionFrom:dateOrNil
        ] ifFalse:[
            self compareProject:eachProject withRepositoryVersionTaggedAs:symbolicName

    "Created: / 04-04-2014 / 15:29:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!SourceCodeManagerUtilitiesForContainerBasedManagers class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/,v 1.26 2015-03-09 18:08:03 cg Exp $'

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/,v 1.26 2015-03-09 18:08:03 cg Exp $'
! !