category changes
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Fri, 12 Mar 2004 10:36:02 +0100
changeset 1375 80969e1428a8
parent 1374 e351232c03e0
child 1376 7feb7011cdc2
category changes
--- a/	Thu Mar 11 16:39:08 2004 +0100
+++ b/	Fri Mar 12 10:36:02 2004 +0100
@@ -98,415 +98,50 @@
 !SourceCodeManagerUtilities class methodsFor:'utilities'!
-askForContainer:boxText title:title note:notice initialModule:initialModule initialPackage:initialPackage initialFileName:initialFileName
-    "open a dialog asking for a source container;
-     return a dictionary containing module, package and filename,
-     or nil if canceled."
-    ^ self
-        askForContainer:boxText title:title note:notice 
-        initialModule:initialModule initialPackage:initialPackage initialFileName:initialFileName 
-        forNewContainer:true
-askForContainer:boxText title:title note:notice initialModule:initialModule initialPackage:initialPackage initialFileName:initialFileName forNewContainer:forNewContainer
-    "open a dialog asking for a source container;
-     return a dictionary containing module, package and filename,
-     or nil if canceled."
-    |box y component resources answer
-     moduleHolder packageHolder fileNameHolder
-     module package fileName 
-     knownContainers knownPackages packageUpdater
-     packageBoxComponent fileNameBoxComponent fileNameUpdater|
-    knownContainers := Set new.
-    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls | |pckg|
-        pckg := cls package.
-        pckg size > 0 ifTrue:[
-            knownContainers add:(pckg upTo:$:)
-        ]
-    ].
-    knownContainers := knownContainers asOrderedCollection.
-    knownContainers := knownContainers select:[:module | module isBlank not].
-    knownContainers sort.
-    packageUpdater := [
-        |theModulePrefix|
-        theModulePrefix := moduleHolder value , ':'.
+setPackageOfAllMethodsIn:aClass to:aPackage
+    "make all methods belong to the classes project"
-        Cursor wait showWhile:[
-            knownPackages := Set new.
-            Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls | |pckg idx|
-                pckg := cls package.
-                pckg size > 0 ifTrue:[
-                    (pckg startsWith:theModulePrefix) ifTrue:[
-                        idx := pckg indexOf:$:.
-                        knownPackages add:(pckg copyFrom:idx + 1)
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ].
-            knownPackages := knownPackages asOrderedCollection.
-            knownPackages := knownPackages select:[:package | package isBlank not].
-            knownPackages sort.
-            packageBoxComponent list:knownPackages.
-        ].
-    ].
-    fileNameUpdater := [
-        |module package files|
-        Cursor read showWhile:[
-            module := moduleHolder value ? '__NoProject__'.
-            package := packageHolder value ? '__NoProject__'.
-            files := SourceCodeManager getExistingContainersInModule:module package:package.
-            files := files asOrderedCollection.
-            files := files select:[:eachFile | eachFile asFilename hasSuffix:'st'].
-            files sort.
-            fileNameBoxComponent list:files.
-        ].
-    ].
-    moduleHolder := initialModule asValue.
-    packageHolder := initialPackage asValue.
-    fileNameHolder := initialFileName asValue.
-    resources := ResourcePack for:self.
-    "/
-    "/ open a dialog for this
-    "/
-    box := DialogBox new.
-    box label:title.
-    component := box addTextLabel:boxText withCRs.
-    component adjust:#left; borderWidth:0.
-    box addVerticalSpace.
-    box addVerticalSpace.
+    |anyChange anyChangeHere|
-    y := box yPosition.
-    component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'Module:').
-    component width:0.4; adjust:#right.
-    box yPosition:y.
-    component := box addComboBoxOn:moduleHolder tabable:true.
-    component list:knownContainers.
-"/    component := box addInputFieldOn:moduleHolder tabable:true.
-    component width:0.6; left:0.4; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.
-    box addVerticalSpace.
-    y := box yPosition.
-    component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'Package:').
-    component width:0.4; adjust:#right.
-    box yPosition:y.
-    packageBoxComponent := component := box addComboBoxOn:packageHolder tabable:true.
-"/    component := box addInputFieldOn:packageHolder tabable:true.
-    component width:0.6; left:0.4; "immediateAccept:true; "acceptOnLeave:true; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.
-    packageUpdater value.
-    moduleHolder onChangeEvaluate:packageUpdater.
-    box addVerticalSpace.
-    y := box yPosition.
-    component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'Filename:').
-    component width:0.4; adjust:#right.
-    box yPosition:y.
-    forNewContainer ifTrue:[
-        component := box addInputFieldOn:fileNameHolder tabable:true.
-        component width:0.6; left:0.4; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        fileNameBoxComponent := component := box addComboBoxOn:fileNameHolder tabable:true.
-        component width:0.6; left:0.4; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.
-        fileNameUpdater value.
-        packageHolder onChangeEvaluate:fileNameUpdater.
-    ].
-    box addVerticalSpace.
-    notice notNil ifTrue:[
-        component := box addTextLabel:notice.
-        component adjust:#left; borderWidth:0.
+    anyChange := false.
+    aClass withAllPrivateClassesDo:[:eachClass |
+        anyChangeHere := false.
+        eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd | 
+            mthd package ~= aPackage ifTrue:[
+                mthd setPackage:aPackage.
+                anyChangeHere := true.
+            ].
+        ].
+        anyChangeHere ifTrue:[
+            eachClass changed:#projectOrganization
+        ].
+        anyChangeHere ifTrue:[anyChange := true].
-    box addVerticalSpace.
-    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
-    (YesToAllNotification notNil and:[YesToAllNotification isHandled]) ifTrue:[
-        component := Button label:'Yes to all'.
-        component action:[
-                            YesToAllNotification queryWith:true.
-                            box doAccept.
-                         ].
-        (DialogBox defaultOKButtonAtLeft) ifTrue:[
-            box addButton:component after:nil.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            box addButton:component before:nil.
-        ].
-    ].
-    (AbortAllSignal isHandled) ifTrue:[
-        component := Button label:'Cancel all'.
-        component action:[
-                            box hide.
-                            AbortAllSignal raiseSignal.
-                         ].
-        (DialogBox defaultOKButtonAtLeft) ifTrue:[
-            box addButton:component before:nil.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            box addButton:component after:nil.
-        ].
+    anyChange ifTrue:[
+       Smalltalk changed:#projectOrganization
-    (YesToAllQuery notNil and:[YesToAllQuery isHandled]) ifTrue:[
-        answer := YesToAllQuery query.
-    ].
-    answer isNil ifTrue:[
-        box showAtPointer.
-        answer := box accepted
-    ].
-    box destroy.
-    answer ifFalse:[
-        ^ nil
-    ].
-    module := moduleHolder value withoutSpaces.
-    package := packageHolder value withoutSpaces.
-    fileName := fileNameHolder value withoutSpaces.
-    ^ Dictionary new
-        at:#module put:module;
-        at:#package put:package;
-        at:#fileName put:fileName;
-        yourself
-    "
-     self 
-        askForContainer:'enter container' title:'container' note:'some note'
-        initialModule:'foo' initialPackage:'bar' initialFileName:'baz'        
-    "
+    ^ anyChange
-askForExistingRevision:boxText title:title class:aClass
-    "open a dialog asking for a containers revision;
-     return a revision number, or nil if canceled."
-    |mgr sourceInfo module package fileName|
-    mgr := aClass sourceCodeManager.
-    sourceInfo := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:aClass.
-    sourceInfo isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    package := mgr packageFromSourceInfo:sourceInfo.
-    module := mgr moduleFromSourceInfo:sourceInfo.  
-    fileName := mgr containerFromSourceInfo:sourceInfo.
-    ^ self
-        askForExistingRevision:boxText 
-        title:title 
-        class:aClass 
-        manager:mgr 
-        module:module package:package fileName:fileName
-    "
-     SourceCodeManagerUtilities
-        askForRevisionToCompare:'enter revision'
-        title:'revision'
-        class:Array
-    "
-askForExistingRevision:boxText title:title class:clsOrNil manager:aSourceCodeManager module:module package:package fileName:fileName
-    "open a dialog asking for a containers revision;
-     return a revision number, or nil if canceled."
-    |partialLog revisions items newestRev
-     box y component resources 
-     revisionHolder|
-    partialLog := aSourceCodeManager
-        revisionLogOf:clsOrNil
-        numberOfRevisions:20
-        fileName:fileName
-        directory:package 
-        module:module.
-    partialLog notNil ifTrue:[
-        newestRev := partialLog at:#newestRevision.
-        revisions := partialLog at:#revisions.
-        items := revisions collect:[:each | |rev date who|
-                                        rev := each at:#revision.
-                                        date := each at:#date.
-                                        who := each at:#author.
-                                        rev allBold , ' [' , date , ' by ' , who , ']'
-                                   ].
-        revisions := revisions collect:[:each | each at:#revision].
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        newestRev := aSourceCodeManager newestRevisionInFile:fileName directory:package module:module.
-        revisions := items := nil.
-        newestRev isNil ifTrue:[
-            (aSourceCodeManager checkForExistingContainerInModule:module package:package container:fileName)
-            ifFalse:[
-                self warn:'Could not find/access the container for ',fileName,' in the repository.
-This could be due to:
-    - invalid/wrong CVS-Root setting
-    - missing CVS access rights
-        (no access / not logged in)
-    - changed CVSRoot after compilation
-        (i.e. wrong CVS-path in classes version method)
-                ^ nil
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    revisionHolder  := newestRev asValue.
-    resources := ResourcePack for:self.
-    revisionHolder onChangeEvaluate:[
-        "/ cut off everything after revision
-        |s first words|
+    |mgr|
-        s := revisionHolder value.
-        words := s asCollectionOfWords.
-        words size > 0 ifTrue:[
-            first := words first string.
-            first ~= s ifTrue:[
-                revisionHolder value:first
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    "/
-    "/ open a dialog for this
-    "/
-    box := DialogBox new.
-    box label:title.
-    component := box addTextLabel:boxText withCRs.
-    component adjust:#left; borderWidth:0.
-    box addVerticalSpace.
-    box addVerticalSpace.
-    y := box yPosition.
-    component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'Revision:').
-    component width:0.4; adjust:#right.
-    box yPosition:y.
-    component := box addComboBoxOn:revisionHolder tabable:true.
-    component list:items.
-    component width:0.6; left:0.4; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.
-    box addVerticalSpace.
-    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
-    Object abortAllSignal isHandled ifTrue:[
-        (box addAbortButtonLabelled:'Cancel all') action:[AbortAllSignal raise].
-    ].
-    box showAtPointer.
-    box accepted ifFalse:[
-        box destroy.
-        ^ nil
-    ].
-    box destroy.
-    ^ revisionHolder value withoutSpaces.
-    "
-     SourceCodeManagerUtilities
-        askForRevisionToCompare:'enter revision'
-        title:'revision'
-        class:nil
-        manager:SourceCodeManager 
-        module:'stx'
-        package:'libbasic'
-        fileName:''
-    "
-    "check if a class contains message-sends to:
-        #halt
-        #halt:
-        #error
-        (and maybe more in the future)"
-    |badStuff whatIsBad msg answer labels values|
-    badStuff := #(
-        ( #halt         'sent of #halt (use for debugging only) - better use #error:''some message''' )
-        ( #halt:        'sent of #halt: (use for debugging only) - better use #error:' )
-        ( #error        'sent of #error without descriptive message - better use #error:''some message''' )
-    ).
-    whatIsBad := Set new.
-    aClass theNonMetaclass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
-        |setOfLiterals setOfSentMessages|
-        setOfLiterals := mthd literals.  "/ try without parsing first.
-        (badStuff contains:[:eachEntry | setOfLiterals includes:eachEntry first]) ifTrue:[
-            setOfSentMessages := mthd messagesSent.
-            badStuff do:[:eachEntry |
-                (setOfSentMessages includes:eachEntry first) ifTrue:[
-                    whatIsBad add:eachEntry second
-                ]
+    mgr := (aClass sourceCodeManager).
+    mgr isNil ifTrue:[
+        SourceCodeManager isNil ifTrue:[
+            (self warn:'SourceCodeManagement is disabled or not configured.\\Please setup in the Launcher.' withCRs) ifFalse:[
+                ^ nil
-    ].
-    whatIsBad notEmpty ifTrue:[
-        (YesToAllQuery notNil and:[YesToAllQuery isHandled]) ifTrue:[
-            answer := YesToAllQuery query.
-            answer notNil ifTrue:[ ^ answer ].
-        ].
-        msg := '%1 contains the following  (considered bad style) message sends:\\'.
-        whatIsBad do:[:each |
-            msg := msg , '   ' , each , '\'
+        (self confirm:'Class does not seem to provide a valid sourceCodeManager.\\Assume CVS ?' withCRs) ifFalse:[
+            ^ nil
-        msg := msg , '\\' , 'Do you really want to checkIn the %1 class ?'.
-        msg := msg bindWith:aClass name.
-        (YesToAllNotification notNil and:[YesToAllNotification isHandled]) ifTrue:[
-            labels := #('Yes' 'Yes to all' 'No' 'No to all' 'Cancel').
-            values := #(true #yesToAll false #noToAll nil).
-            AbortAllSignal isHandled ifTrue:[
-                labels := labels , #('Cancel All').
-                values := values , #(#cancelAll).
-            ].
-            answer := OptionBox 
-                          request:msg withCRs
-                          label:'Really checkIn ?'
-                          form:(InfoBox iconBitmap)
-                          buttonLabels:labels
-                          values:values
-                          default:#yesToAll
-                          onCancel:nil.
-            answer isNil ifTrue:[
-                AbortSignal raise.
-            ].
-            answer == #cancelAll ifTrue:[
-                AbortAllSignal raise.
-            ].
+        mgr := CVSSourceCodeManager.
+    ].
+    ^ mgr
+! !
-            answer == #yesToAll ifTrue:[
-                YesToAllNotification queryWith:true.
-                ^ true
-            ].
-            answer == #noToAll ifTrue:[
-                YesToAllNotification queryWith:false.
-                ^ false
-            ].
-            ^ answer
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            ^ self confirm:msg withCRs
-        ]
-    ].
-    ^ true.
-    "
-     self checkAndWarnAboutBadMessagesInClass:(SourceCodeManagerUtilities)  
-    "
+!SourceCodeManagerUtilities class methodsFor:'utilities-cvs'!
 checkForExistingModule:module package:package container:containerFileName using:mgr allowCreate:allowCreate
     |resources moduleName packageName containerName|
@@ -1730,284 +1365,6 @@
     ^ true
-    "get a log message for checking in a class.
-     Return the message or nil if aborted."
-    ^ self getLogMessageFor:aString initialAnswer:LastSourceLogMessage
-    "
-     SourceCodeManagerUtilities getLogMessageFor:'hello'
-    "
-getLogMessageFor:aString initialAnswer:initialAnswer
-    "get a log message for checking in a class.
-     Return the message or nil if aborted."
-    |resources logMsg|
-    resources := ResourcePack for:self.
-    logMsg := Dialog
-        requestText:(resources string:'Enter log message for: %1' with:aString allBold)
-        lines:10
-        columns:70
-        initialAnswer:(initialAnswer ? LastSourceLogMessage ? '').
-    logMsg notNil ifTrue:[
-        LastSourceLogMessage := logMsg
-    ].
-    ^ logMsg
-    "
-     SourceCodeManagerUtilities getLogMessageFor:'hello'
-    "
-getLogMessageFor:aString withButton:additionalButton
-    "get a log message for checking in a class.
-     Return the message or nil if aborted."
-    |resources logMsg dialog textHolder|
-    resources := ResourcePack for:self.
-    textHolder := '' asValue.
-    dialog := Dialog 
-                forRequestText:(resources string:'enter log message for: %1' with:aString)
-                lines:10
-                columns:70
-                initialAnswer:LastSourceLogMessage
-                model:textHolder.
-    additionalButton notNil ifTrue:[
-        dialog addButton:additionalButton before:(dialog okButton).
-    ].
-    dialog open.
-    dialog accepted ifFalse:[
-        ^ nil.
-    ].
-    logMsg := textHolder value.
-"/    logMsg := Dialog
-"/        requestText:(resources string:'enter log message for: %1' with:aString)
-"/        lines:10
-"/        columns:70
-"/        initialAnswer:LastSourceLogMessage.
-    logMsg notNil ifTrue:[
-        LastSourceLogMessage := logMsg
-    ].
-    ^ logMsg
-    "
-     SourceCodeManagerUtilities getLogMessageFor:'hello'
-     SourceCodeManagerUtilities getLogMessageFor:'hello' withButton:(Button label:'foo')
-    "
-getMethodVersionsOfClass:aClass selector:selector numberOfRevisions:numberOfRevisionsOrNil
-    "check-out all previous versions of aClass and retrieve the history of selector.
-     Return a dictionary associating revision with a changeList entries for that method.
-     Unfinished - need a GUI for that."
-    |mgr theClass revisionLog revisions items s entriesPerRevision previousVersion|
-    theClass := aClass theNonMetaclass.
-    mgr := self sourceCodeManagerFor:theClass.
-    mgr isNil ifTrue:[
-        self error:'no sourceCodeManager'.
-    ].
-    revisionLog := mgr
-                        revisionLogOf:theClass
-                        numberOfRevisions:numberOfRevisionsOrNil.
-    revisions := revisionLog at:#revisions.
-    items := revisions collect:[:each | |rev date who|
-                                    rev := each at:#revision.
-                                    date := each at:#date.
-                                    who := each at:#author.
-                                    rev allBold , ' [' , date , ' by ' , who , ']'
-                               ].
-    revisions := revisions collect:[:each | each at:#revision].
-    revisions addFirst:#current.
-    entriesPerRevision := Dictionary new.
-    previousVersion := nil.
-    revisions reverseDo:[:eachRevision |
-        |srcStream entries thisVersion|
-        eachRevision == #current ifTrue:[
-            s := '' writeStream.
-            theClass fileOutOn:s withTimeStamp:false.
-            srcStream := s contents readStream.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self activityNotification:('checking out revision ' , eachRevision , '...').
-            srcStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:theClass revision:eachRevision.
-        ].
-        entries := ChangeSet fromStream:srcStream.
-        srcStream close.
-        "/ remove all definitions       
-        entries := entries select:[:each | each isMethodChange].
-        "/ remove all methods which are for other selectors      
-        entries := entries select:[:each | each selector == selector].
-        "/ remove all methods which are for private subclasses      
-        entries := entries select:[:each | each className = aClass name].
-        entries size == 1 ifTrue:[
-            "/ the method is there
-            thisVersion := entries first.
-            (previousVersion notNil and:[previousVersion sameAs:thisVersion]) ifTrue:[
-                "/ no change
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                entriesPerRevision at:eachRevision put:thisVersion.
-            ].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "/ the method is not there
-        ].
-        previousVersion := thisVersion.
-    ].
-    self error:'unfinished code'.
-    "
-     self getMethodVersionsOfClass:MenuPanel selector:#'helpTextForItem:' numberOfRevisions:20
-     self getMethodVersionsOfClass:NewLauncher class selector:#'menu' numberOfRevisions:20
-    "
-    "look for a string of the form
-            encoding #name
-     or:
-            encoding: name
-     within the given buffer 
-     (which is usually the first few bytes of a textFile)."
-    |s idx w withoutQuotes lcBuffer enc|
-    withoutQuotes := 
-        [ 
-            ((w startsWith:$") or:[(w startsWith:$')]) ifTrue:[
-                w := w copyFrom:2
-            ].
-            ((w endsWith:$") or:[(w endsWith:$')]) ifTrue:[
-                w := w copyWithoutLast:1
-            ].
-            w
-        ].
-    lcBuffer := buffer asLowercase.
-    #( 'charset' 'encoding' ) do:[:keyWord |
-        (idx := lcBuffer findString:keyWord) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-            s := ReadStream on:buffer.
-            s position1Based:idx.
-            s skip:keyWord size.
-            s skipSeparators. 
-            ['=:#' includes:s peek] whileTrue:[
-                s next.
-                s skipSeparators. 
-            ].
-            s skipSeparators. 
-            w := s upToSeparator.
-            w notNil ifTrue:[
-                enc := withoutQuotes value.
-                (CharacterEncoder encoderFor:enc ifAbsent:nil) notNil ifTrue:[
-                    ^ enc asSymbol
-                ].
-                enc size >=3 ifTrue:[
-                    Transcript showCR:'Unknown encoding: ' , withoutQuotes value.
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-    ].
-    ^ nil
-    "look for a string
-        encoding #name
-     or:
-        encoding: name
-     within the given buffer 
-     (which is usually the first few bytes of a textFile).
-     If thats not found, use heuristics (in CharacterArray) to guess."
-    |s buffer n "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-     binary enc|
-    s := aFilename asFilename readStreamOrNil.
-    s isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    buffer := String new:2048.
-    n := buffer size.
-    n := s nextBytes:n into:buffer.
-    s close.
-    enc := self guessEncodingOfBuffer:buffer.
-    enc notNil ifTrue:[^ enc].
-    binary := false.
-    1 to:n do:[:i |
-        (buffer at:i) isPrintable ifFalse:[binary := true].
-    ].
-    "/ look for JIS7 / EUC encoding
-    (buffer findString:(CharacterEncoder jisISO2022EscapeSequence)) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        ^ #'iso2020-jp'
-    ].
-    (buffer findString:(CharacterEncoder jis7KanjiEscapeSequence)) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        ^ #jis7
-    ].
-    (buffer findString:(CharacterEncoder jis7KanjiOldEscapeSequence)) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        ^ #jis7
-    ].
-    "/ TODO:
-"/    "/ look for EUC
-"/    idx := aString findFirst:[:char | |ascii|
-"/                                        ((ascii := char asciiValue) >= 16rA1)     
-"/                                        and:[ascii <= 16rFE]].
-"/    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-"/        ascii := (aString at:(idx + 1)) asciiValue.
-"/        (ascii >= 16rA1 and:[ascii <= 16rFE]) ifTrue:[
-"/            ^ #euc
-"/        ]
-"/    ].
-    "/ look for SJIS ...
-    ^ nil
-    "
-     SourceCodeManagerUtilities guessEncodingOfFile:'../../libview2/resources/' asFilename
-     SourceCodeManagerUtilities guessEncodingOfFile:'../../libview2/resources/' asFilename
-    "
-    "look for a string of the form
-            encoding #name
-     or:
-            encoding: name
-     in the first few bytes of aStream."
-    |oldPosition buffer n|
-    buffer := String new:2048.
-    oldPosition := aStream position.
-    n := buffer size.
-    n := aStream nextBytes:n into:buffer.
-    aStream position:oldPosition.
-    ^ self guessEncodingOfBuffer:buffer
     "show container & let user confirm twice."
@@ -2189,53 +1546,704 @@
+! !
+!SourceCodeManagerUtilities class methodsFor:'utilities-cvs-helpers'!
+    "get a log message for checking in a class.
+     Return the message or nil if aborted."
+    ^ self getLogMessageFor:aString initialAnswer:LastSourceLogMessage
+    "
+     SourceCodeManagerUtilities getLogMessageFor:'hello'
+    "
+getLogMessageFor:aString initialAnswer:initialAnswer
+    "get a log message for checking in a class.
+     Return the message or nil if aborted."
+    |resources logMsg|
+    resources := ResourcePack for:self.
+    logMsg := Dialog
+        requestText:(resources string:'Enter log message for: %1' with:aString allBold)
+        lines:10
+        columns:70
+        initialAnswer:(initialAnswer ? LastSourceLogMessage ? '').
+    logMsg notNil ifTrue:[
+        LastSourceLogMessage := logMsg
+    ].
+    ^ logMsg
+    "
+     SourceCodeManagerUtilities getLogMessageFor:'hello'
+    "
+getLogMessageFor:aString withButton:additionalButton
+    "get a log message for checking in a class.
+     Return the message or nil if aborted."
+    |resources logMsg dialog textHolder|
+    resources := ResourcePack for:self.
+    textHolder := '' asValue.
+    dialog := Dialog 
+                forRequestText:(resources string:'enter log message for: %1' with:aString)
+                lines:10
+                columns:70
+                initialAnswer:LastSourceLogMessage
+                model:textHolder.
+    additionalButton notNil ifTrue:[
+        dialog addButton:additionalButton before:(dialog okButton).
+    ].
+    dialog open.
+    dialog accepted ifFalse:[
+        ^ nil.
+    ].
+    logMsg := textHolder value.
+"/    logMsg := Dialog
+"/        requestText:(resources string:'enter log message for: %1' with:aString)
+"/        lines:10
+"/        columns:70
+"/        initialAnswer:LastSourceLogMessage.
+    logMsg notNil ifTrue:[
+        LastSourceLogMessage := logMsg
+    ].
+    ^ logMsg
+    "
+     SourceCodeManagerUtilities getLogMessageFor:'hello'
+     SourceCodeManagerUtilities getLogMessageFor:'hello' withButton:(Button label:'foo')
+    "
+getMethodVersionsOfClass:aClass selector:selector numberOfRevisions:numberOfRevisionsOrNil
+    "check-out all previous versions of aClass and retrieve the history of selector.
+     Return a dictionary associating revision with a changeList entries for that method.
+     Unfinished - need a GUI for that."
+    |mgr theClass revisionLog revisions items s entriesPerRevision previousVersion|
+    theClass := aClass theNonMetaclass.
+    mgr := self sourceCodeManagerFor:theClass.
+    mgr isNil ifTrue:[
+        self error:'no sourceCodeManager'.
+    ].
+    revisionLog := mgr
+                        revisionLogOf:theClass
+                        numberOfRevisions:numberOfRevisionsOrNil.
+    revisions := revisionLog at:#revisions.
+    items := revisions collect:[:each | |rev date who|
+                                    rev := each at:#revision.
+                                    date := each at:#date.
+                                    who := each at:#author.
+                                    rev allBold , ' [' , date , ' by ' , who , ']'
+                               ].
+    revisions := revisions collect:[:each | each at:#revision].
+    revisions addFirst:#current.
+    entriesPerRevision := Dictionary new.
+    previousVersion := nil.
+    revisions reverseDo:[:eachRevision |
+        |srcStream entries thisVersion|
+        eachRevision == #current ifTrue:[
+            s := '' writeStream.
+            theClass fileOutOn:s withTimeStamp:false.
+            srcStream := s contents readStream.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self activityNotification:('checking out revision ' , eachRevision , '...').
+            srcStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:theClass revision:eachRevision.
+        ].
+        entries := ChangeSet fromStream:srcStream.
+        srcStream close.
+        "/ remove all definitions       
+        entries := entries select:[:each | each isMethodChange].
+        "/ remove all methods which are for other selectors      
+        entries := entries select:[:each | each selector == selector].
+        "/ remove all methods which are for private subclasses      
+        entries := entries select:[:each | each className = aClass name].
+        entries size == 1 ifTrue:[
+            "/ the method is there
+            thisVersion := entries first.
+            (previousVersion notNil and:[previousVersion sameAs:thisVersion]) ifTrue:[
+                "/ no change
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                entriesPerRevision at:eachRevision put:thisVersion.
+            ].
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            "/ the method is not there
+        ].
+        previousVersion := thisVersion.
+    ].
+    self error:'unfinished code'.
+    "
+     self getMethodVersionsOfClass:MenuPanel selector:#'helpTextForItem:' numberOfRevisions:20
+     self getMethodVersionsOfClass:NewLauncher class selector:#'menu' numberOfRevisions:20
+    "
+! !
+!SourceCodeManagerUtilities class methodsFor:'utilities-cvs-user interaction'!
+askForContainer:boxText title:title note:notice initialModule:initialModule initialPackage:initialPackage initialFileName:initialFileName
+    "open a dialog asking for a source container;
+     return a dictionary containing module, package and filename,
+     or nil if canceled."
+    ^ self
+        askForContainer:boxText title:title note:notice 
+        initialModule:initialModule initialPackage:initialPackage initialFileName:initialFileName 
+        forNewContainer:true
-setPackageOfAllMethodsIn:aClass to:aPackage
-    "make all methods belong to the classes project"
+askForContainer:boxText title:title note:notice initialModule:initialModule initialPackage:initialPackage initialFileName:initialFileName forNewContainer:forNewContainer
+    "open a dialog asking for a source container;
+     return a dictionary containing module, package and filename,
+     or nil if canceled."
+    |box y component resources answer
+     moduleHolder packageHolder fileNameHolder
+     module package fileName 
+     knownContainers knownPackages packageUpdater
+     packageBoxComponent fileNameBoxComponent fileNameUpdater|
+    knownContainers := Set new.
+    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls | |pckg|
+        pckg := cls package.
+        pckg size > 0 ifTrue:[
+            knownContainers add:(pckg upTo:$:)
+        ]
+    ].
+    knownContainers := knownContainers asOrderedCollection.
+    knownContainers := knownContainers select:[:module | module isBlank not].
+    knownContainers sort.
+    packageUpdater := [
+        |theModulePrefix|
+        theModulePrefix := moduleHolder value , ':'.
+        Cursor wait showWhile:[
+            knownPackages := Set new.
+            Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls | |pckg idx|
+                pckg := cls package.
+                pckg size > 0 ifTrue:[
+                    (pckg startsWith:theModulePrefix) ifTrue:[
+                        idx := pckg indexOf:$:.
+                        knownPackages add:(pckg copyFrom:idx + 1)
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ].
+            knownPackages := knownPackages asOrderedCollection.
+            knownPackages := knownPackages select:[:package | package isBlank not].
+            knownPackages sort.
+            packageBoxComponent list:knownPackages.
+        ].
+    ].
+    fileNameUpdater := [
+        |module package files|
+        Cursor read showWhile:[
+            module := moduleHolder value ? '__NoProject__'.
+            package := packageHolder value ? '__NoProject__'.
+            files := SourceCodeManager getExistingContainersInModule:module package:package.
+            files := files asOrderedCollection.
+            files := files select:[:eachFile | eachFile asFilename hasSuffix:'st'].
+            files sort.
+            fileNameBoxComponent list:files.
+        ].
+    ].
+    moduleHolder := initialModule asValue.
+    packageHolder := initialPackage asValue.
+    fileNameHolder := initialFileName asValue.
+    resources := ResourcePack for:self.
+    "/
+    "/ open a dialog for this
+    "/
+    box := DialogBox new.
+    box label:title.
+    component := box addTextLabel:boxText withCRs.
+    component adjust:#left; borderWidth:0.
+    box addVerticalSpace.
+    box addVerticalSpace.
-    |anyChange anyChangeHere|
+    y := box yPosition.
+    component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'Module:').
+    component width:0.4; adjust:#right.
+    box yPosition:y.
+    component := box addComboBoxOn:moduleHolder tabable:true.
+    component list:knownContainers.
+"/    component := box addInputFieldOn:moduleHolder tabable:true.
+    component width:0.6; left:0.4; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.
+    box addVerticalSpace.
+    y := box yPosition.
+    component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'Package:').
+    component width:0.4; adjust:#right.
+    box yPosition:y.
+    packageBoxComponent := component := box addComboBoxOn:packageHolder tabable:true.
+"/    component := box addInputFieldOn:packageHolder tabable:true.
+    component width:0.6; left:0.4; "immediateAccept:true; "acceptOnLeave:true; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.
+    packageUpdater value.
+    moduleHolder onChangeEvaluate:packageUpdater.
+    box addVerticalSpace.
+    y := box yPosition.
+    component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'Filename:').
+    component width:0.4; adjust:#right.
+    box yPosition:y.
+    forNewContainer ifTrue:[
+        component := box addInputFieldOn:fileNameHolder tabable:true.
+        component width:0.6; left:0.4; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        fileNameBoxComponent := component := box addComboBoxOn:fileNameHolder tabable:true.
+        component width:0.6; left:0.4; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.
+        fileNameUpdater value.
+        packageHolder onChangeEvaluate:fileNameUpdater.
+    ].
+    box addVerticalSpace.
+    notice notNil ifTrue:[
+        component := box addTextLabel:notice.
+        component adjust:#left; borderWidth:0.
+    ].
+    box addVerticalSpace.
+    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
+    (YesToAllNotification notNil and:[YesToAllNotification isHandled]) ifTrue:[
+        component := Button label:'Yes to all'.
+        component action:[
+                            YesToAllNotification queryWith:true.
+                            box doAccept.
+                         ].
+        (DialogBox defaultOKButtonAtLeft) ifTrue:[
+            box addButton:component after:nil.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            box addButton:component before:nil.
+        ].
+    ].
+    (AbortAllSignal isHandled) ifTrue:[
+        component := Button label:'Cancel all'.
+        component action:[
+                            box hide.
+                            AbortAllSignal raiseSignal.
+                         ].
+        (DialogBox defaultOKButtonAtLeft) ifTrue:[
+            box addButton:component before:nil.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            box addButton:component after:nil.
+        ].
+    ].
+    (YesToAllQuery notNil and:[YesToAllQuery isHandled]) ifTrue:[
+        answer := YesToAllQuery query.
+    ].
+    answer isNil ifTrue:[
+        box showAtPointer.
+        answer := box accepted
+    ].
+    box destroy.
+    answer ifFalse:[
+        ^ nil
+    ].
-    anyChange := false.
-    aClass withAllPrivateClassesDo:[:eachClass |
-        anyChangeHere := false.
-        eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd | 
-            mthd package ~= aPackage ifTrue:[
-                mthd setPackage:aPackage.
-                anyChangeHere := true.
+    module := moduleHolder value withoutSpaces.
+    package := packageHolder value withoutSpaces.
+    fileName := fileNameHolder value withoutSpaces.
+    ^ Dictionary new
+        at:#module put:module;
+        at:#package put:package;
+        at:#fileName put:fileName;
+        yourself
+    "
+     self 
+        askForContainer:'enter container' title:'container' note:'some note'
+        initialModule:'foo' initialPackage:'bar' initialFileName:'baz'        
+    "
+askForExistingRevision:boxText title:title class:aClass
+    "open a dialog asking for a containers revision;
+     return a revision number, or nil if canceled."
+    |mgr sourceInfo module package fileName|
+    mgr := aClass sourceCodeManager.
+    sourceInfo := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:aClass.
+    sourceInfo isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    package := mgr packageFromSourceInfo:sourceInfo.
+    module := mgr moduleFromSourceInfo:sourceInfo.  
+    fileName := mgr containerFromSourceInfo:sourceInfo.
+    ^ self
+        askForExistingRevision:boxText 
+        title:title 
+        class:aClass 
+        manager:mgr 
+        module:module package:package fileName:fileName
+    "
+     SourceCodeManagerUtilities
+        askForRevisionToCompare:'enter revision'
+        title:'revision'
+        class:Array
+    "
+askForExistingRevision:boxText title:title class:clsOrNil manager:aSourceCodeManager module:module package:package fileName:fileName
+    "open a dialog asking for a containers revision;
+     return a revision number, or nil if canceled."
+    |partialLog revisions items newestRev
+     box y component resources 
+     revisionHolder|
+    partialLog := aSourceCodeManager
+        revisionLogOf:clsOrNil
+        numberOfRevisions:20
+        fileName:fileName
+        directory:package 
+        module:module.
+    partialLog notNil ifTrue:[
+        newestRev := partialLog at:#newestRevision.
+        revisions := partialLog at:#revisions.
+        items := revisions collect:[:each | |rev date who|
+                                        rev := each at:#revision.
+                                        date := each at:#date.
+                                        who := each at:#author.
+                                        rev allBold , ' [' , date , ' by ' , who , ']'
+                                   ].
+        revisions := revisions collect:[:each | each at:#revision].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        newestRev := aSourceCodeManager newestRevisionInFile:fileName directory:package module:module.
+        revisions := items := nil.
+        newestRev isNil ifTrue:[
+            (aSourceCodeManager checkForExistingContainerInModule:module package:package container:fileName)
+            ifFalse:[
+                self warn:'Could not find/access the container for ',fileName,' in the repository.
+This could be due to:
+    - invalid/wrong CVS-Root setting
+    - missing CVS access rights
+        (no access / not logged in)
+    - changed CVSRoot after compilation
+        (i.e. wrong CVS-path in classes version method)
+                ^ nil
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    revisionHolder  := newestRev asValue.
+    resources := ResourcePack for:self.
+    revisionHolder onChangeEvaluate:[
+        "/ cut off everything after revision
+        |s first words|
+        s := revisionHolder value.
+        words := s asCollectionOfWords.
+        words size > 0 ifTrue:[
+            first := words first string.
+            first ~= s ifTrue:[
+                revisionHolder value:first
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ open a dialog for this
+    "/
+    box := DialogBox new.
+    box label:title.
+    component := box addTextLabel:boxText withCRs.
+    component adjust:#left; borderWidth:0.
+    box addVerticalSpace.
+    box addVerticalSpace.
+    y := box yPosition.
+    component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'Revision:').
+    component width:0.4; adjust:#right.
+    box yPosition:y.
+    component := box addComboBoxOn:revisionHolder tabable:true.
+    component list:items.
+    component width:0.6; left:0.4; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.
+    box addVerticalSpace.
+    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
+    Object abortAllSignal isHandled ifTrue:[
+        (box addAbortButtonLabelled:'Cancel all') action:[AbortAllSignal raise].
+    ].
+    box showAtPointer.
+    box accepted ifFalse:[
+        box destroy.
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    box destroy.
+    ^ revisionHolder value withoutSpaces.
+    "
+     SourceCodeManagerUtilities
+        askForRevisionToCompare:'enter revision'
+        title:'revision'
+        class:nil
+        manager:SourceCodeManager 
+        module:'stx'
+        package:'libbasic'
+        fileName:''
+    "
+    "check if a class contains message-sends to:
+        #halt
+        #halt:
+        #error
+        (and maybe more in the future)"
+    |badStuff whatIsBad msg answer labels values|
+    badStuff := #(
+        ( #halt         'sent of #halt (use for debugging only) - better use #error:''some message''' )
+        ( #halt:        'sent of #halt: (use for debugging only) - better use #error:' )
+        ( #error        'sent of #error without descriptive message - better use #error:''some message''' )
+    ).
+    whatIsBad := Set new.
+    aClass theNonMetaclass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
+        |setOfLiterals setOfSentMessages|
+        setOfLiterals := mthd literals.  "/ try without parsing first.
+        (badStuff contains:[:eachEntry | setOfLiterals includes:eachEntry first]) ifTrue:[
+            setOfSentMessages := mthd messagesSent.
+            badStuff do:[:eachEntry |
+                (setOfSentMessages includes:eachEntry first) ifTrue:[
+                    whatIsBad add:eachEntry second
+                ]
-        anyChangeHere ifTrue:[
-            eachClass changed:#projectOrganization
+    ].
+    whatIsBad notEmpty ifTrue:[
+        (YesToAllQuery notNil and:[YesToAllQuery isHandled]) ifTrue:[
+            answer := YesToAllQuery query.
+            answer notNil ifTrue:[ ^ answer ].
+        ].
+        msg := '%1 contains the following  (considered bad style) message sends:\\'.
+        whatIsBad do:[:each |
+            msg := msg , '   ' , each , '\'
-        anyChangeHere ifTrue:[anyChange := true].
+        msg := msg , '\\' , 'Do you really want to checkIn the %1 class ?'.
+        msg := msg bindWith:aClass name.
+        (YesToAllNotification notNil and:[YesToAllNotification isHandled]) ifTrue:[
+            labels := #('Yes' 'Yes to all' 'No' 'No to all' 'Cancel').
+            values := #(true #yesToAll false #noToAll nil).
+            AbortAllSignal isHandled ifTrue:[
+                labels := labels , #('Cancel All').
+                values := values , #(#cancelAll).
+            ].
+            answer := OptionBox 
+                          request:msg withCRs
+                          label:'Really checkIn ?'
+                          form:(InfoBox iconBitmap)
+                          buttonLabels:labels
+                          values:values
+                          default:#yesToAll
+                          onCancel:nil.
+            answer isNil ifTrue:[
+                AbortSignal raise.
+            ].
+            answer == #cancelAll ifTrue:[
+                AbortAllSignal raise.
+            ].
+            answer == #yesToAll ifTrue:[
+                YesToAllNotification queryWith:true.
+                ^ true
+            ].
+            answer == #noToAll ifTrue:[
+                YesToAllNotification queryWith:false.
+                ^ false
+            ].
+            ^ answer
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            ^ self confirm:msg withCRs
+        ]
-    anyChange ifTrue:[
-       Smalltalk changed:#projectOrganization
+    ^ true.
+    "
+     self checkAndWarnAboutBadMessagesInClass:(SourceCodeManagerUtilities)  
+    "
+! !
+!SourceCodeManagerUtilities class methodsFor:'utilities-encoding'!
+    "look for a string of the form
+            encoding #name
+     or:
+            encoding: name
+     within the given buffer 
+     (which is usually the first few bytes of a textFile)."
+    |s idx w withoutQuotes lcBuffer enc|
+    withoutQuotes := 
+        [ 
+            ((w startsWith:$") or:[(w startsWith:$')]) ifTrue:[
+                w := w copyFrom:2
+            ].
+            ((w endsWith:$") or:[(w endsWith:$')]) ifTrue:[
+                w := w copyWithoutLast:1
+            ].
+            w
+        ].
+    lcBuffer := buffer asLowercase.
+    #( 'charset' 'encoding' ) do:[:keyWord |
+        (idx := lcBuffer findString:keyWord) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            s := ReadStream on:buffer.
+            s position1Based:idx.
+            s skip:keyWord size.
+            s skipSeparators. 
+            ['=:#' includes:s peek] whileTrue:[
+                s next.
+                s skipSeparators. 
+            ].
+            s skipSeparators. 
+            w := s upToSeparator.
+            w notNil ifTrue:[
+                enc := withoutQuotes value.
+                (CharacterEncoder encoderFor:enc ifAbsent:nil) notNil ifTrue:[
+                    ^ enc asSymbol
+                ].
+                enc size >=3 ifTrue:[
+                    Transcript showCR:'Unknown encoding: ' , withoutQuotes value.
+                ]
+            ].
+        ].
-    ^ anyChange
+    ^ nil
-    |mgr|
+    "look for a string
+        encoding #name
+     or:
+        encoding: name
+     within the given buffer 
+     (which is usually the first few bytes of a textFile).
+     If thats not found, use heuristics (in CharacterArray) to guess."
+    |s buffer n "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+     binary enc|
+    s := aFilename asFilename readStreamOrNil.
+    s isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    buffer := String new:2048.
+    n := buffer size.
+    n := s nextBytes:n into:buffer.
+    s close.
+    enc := self guessEncodingOfBuffer:buffer.
+    enc notNil ifTrue:[^ enc].
+    binary := false.
+    1 to:n do:[:i |
+        (buffer at:i) isPrintable ifFalse:[binary := true].
+    ].
+    "/ look for JIS7 / EUC encoding
+    (buffer findString:(CharacterEncoder jisISO2022EscapeSequence)) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+        ^ #'iso2020-jp'
+    ].
+    (buffer findString:(CharacterEncoder jis7KanjiEscapeSequence)) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+        ^ #jis7
+    ].
+    (buffer findString:(CharacterEncoder jis7KanjiOldEscapeSequence)) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+        ^ #jis7
+    ].
-    mgr := (aClass sourceCodeManager).
-    mgr isNil ifTrue:[
-        SourceCodeManager isNil ifTrue:[
-            (self warn:'SourceCodeManagement is disabled or not configured.\\Please setup in the Launcher.' withCRs) ifFalse:[
-                ^ nil
-            ].
-        ].
-        (self confirm:'Class does not seem to provide a valid sourceCodeManager.\\Assume CVS ?' withCRs) ifFalse:[
-            ^ nil
-        ].
-        mgr := CVSSourceCodeManager.
-    ].
-    ^ mgr
+    "/ TODO:
+"/    "/ look for EUC
+"/    idx := aString findFirst:[:char | |ascii|
+"/                                        ((ascii := char asciiValue) >= 16rA1)     
+"/                                        and:[ascii <= 16rFE]].
+"/    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+"/        ascii := (aString at:(idx + 1)) asciiValue.
+"/        (ascii >= 16rA1 and:[ascii <= 16rFE]) ifTrue:[
+"/            ^ #euc
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+    "/ look for SJIS ...
+    ^ nil
+    "
+     SourceCodeManagerUtilities guessEncodingOfFile:'../../libview2/resources/' asFilename
+     SourceCodeManagerUtilities guessEncodingOfFile:'../../libview2/resources/' asFilename
+    "
+    "look for a string of the form
+            encoding #name
+     or:
+            encoding: name
+     in the first few bytes of aStream."
+    |oldPosition buffer n|
+    buffer := String new:2048.
+    oldPosition := aStream position.
+    n := buffer size.
+    n := aStream nextBytes:n into:buffer.
+    aStream position:oldPosition.
+    ^ self guessEncodingOfBuffer:buffer
 ! !
 !SourceCodeManagerUtilities class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/,v 1.99 2004-03-11 15:39:08 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/,v 1.100 2004-03-12 09:36:02 cg Exp $'
 ! !