*** empty log message ***
Thu, 09 Mar 1995 00:41:08 +0100
changeset 21 c521be54a8e6
parent 20 dbeb4f20377e
child 22 2911230f8e8e
*** empty log message ***
--- a/MessageTally.st	Wed Feb 22 02:15:44 1995 +0100
+++ b/MessageTally.st	Thu Mar 09 00:41:08 1995 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-              All Rights Reserved
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
+	      All Rights Reserved
  This software is furnished under a license and may be used
  only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
@@ -10,40 +10,21 @@
  hereby transferred.
+'From Smalltalk/X, Version:2.10.4 on 8-mar-1995 at 22:38:17'!
 Object subclass:#MessageTally
-       instanceVariableNames:'classes selectors counts ntally
-                              sumClasses sumSelectors sumCounts sumNtally'
-       classVariableNames:''
-       poolDictionaries:''
-       category:'System-Support'
+	 instanceVariableNames:'process tree ntally theBlock spyInterval'
+	 classVariableNames:''
+	 poolDictionaries:''
+	 category:'System-Profiler'
-MessageTally comment:'
-COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-              All Rights Reserved
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/MessageTally.st,v 1.7 1995-02-08 03:16:43 claus Exp $
 !MessageTally class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-              All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/MessageTally.st,v 1.7 1995-02-08 03:16:43 claus Exp $
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/MessageTally.st,v 1.8 1995-03-08 23:41:04 claus Exp $
@@ -54,244 +35,243 @@
     To get statistic, use 'MessageTally spyOn:aBlock'.
-        MessageTally spyOn:[
-            (ByteArray uninitalizedNew:1000) sort
-        ]
+	MessageTally spyOn:[
+	    (ByteArray uninitalizedNew:1000) sort
+	]
+    By default, probing is done every 10ms (i.e. the execution of the block is 
+    interrupted every 10ms, and the context chain analyzed).
+    For better resolution, use smaller clock ticks (if your OperatingSystem
+    supports it). Try spyDetailedOn:aBlock, which tries to measure things
+    every 1ms. (Notice, that some OS's only provide a resolution of less than
+    that time interval)
+     MessageTally spyOn:[ #(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[100 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[1000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[10000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[100000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[500000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyDetailedOn:[500000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     Time millisecondsToRun:[500000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[SystemBrowser open ]
+     MessageTally spyDetailedOn:[SystemBrowser open ]
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
+	      All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
 ! !
 !MessageTally class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+spyOn:aBlock interval:ms
     "evaluate aBlock and output time statistic on Transcript"
-    |runTime aTally|
+    |runTime aTally nTally|
     aTally := self new.
-    runTime := aTally spyOn:aBlock.
-    aTally statistics.
-    Transcript cr.
-    Transcript showCr:('total execution time: '
-                       , runTime printString , ' ms')
+    runTime := aTally spyOn:aBlock interval:ms.
+    aTally tree isNil ifTrue:[
+        Transcript cr.
+        Transcript showCr:'TALLY: No probes - execution time too short;'.
+        Transcript showCr:'TALLY: retry using: spyOn:[n timesRepeat:[...]]'.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        "/ aTally tree inspect.
+        nTally := aTally nTally.
+        Transcript cr.
+        Transcript showCr:('total execution time: '
+                           , runTime printString , ' ms '
+                           , '(' , nTally printString , ' probes ;'
+                           , ' error >= ' 
+                           , (1000 // nTally / 10.0) printString
+                           , '%)').
+        Transcript cr.
+        aTally tree printOn:Transcript.
+        Transcript cr.
+        Transcript cr.
-    "MessageTally spyOn:[10000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]"
+        Transcript showCr:'leafs of calling tree:'.
+        Transcript cr.
+        aTally tree printLeafsOn:Transcript.
+        Transcript cr.
+        "
+        aTally statistics.
+        "
+    ].
+    "
+     MessageTally spyOn:[ #(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[100 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[1000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[10000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[100000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[500000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[SystemBrowser open ]
+     MessageTally spyDetailedOn:[SystemBrowser open ]
+     Time millisecondsToRun:[500000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+    "
-    "evaluate aBlock and output call statistic on Transcript"
+    "evaluate aBlock and output time statistic on the Transcript.
+     Tick is 1ms."
-    (self new spyCountOn:aBlock) statistics
+    ^ self spyOn:aBlock interval:1
-    "MessageTally spyCountOn:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort ]"
+    "evaluate aBlock and output time statistic on the Transcript.
+     Tick is 10ms."
+    ^ self spyOn:aBlock interval:10
 ! !
 !MessageTally methodsFor:'private'!
-    classes := Array new:200.
-    selectors := Array new:200.
-    counts := Array new:200.
-    sumClasses := Array new:200.
-    sumSelectors := Array new:200.
-    sumCounts := Array new:200.
-    ntally := 0.
-    sumNtally := 0
+    theBlock value
+! !
-    "spy on execution time"
-    |startTime endTime|
+!MessageTally methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    self setupArrays.
-    ObjectMemory spyInterruptHandler:self.
-    startTime := Time millisecondClockValue.
-    OperatingSystem startSpyTimer.
-    aBlock value.
-    OperatingSystem stopSpyTimer.
-    endTime := Time millisecondClockValue.
-    ObjectMemory spyInterruptHandler:nil.
-    ^ endTime - startTime
+    ^ tree
-    "spy on method sends"
+    ^ ntally 
+! !
+!MessageTally methodsFor:'setup'!
+spyOn:aBlock interval:ms
+    "spy on execution time"
+    |startTime endTime running delay|
+    theBlock := aBlock.
-    self setupArrays.
-    ObjectMemory stepInterruptHandler:nil.
-    ObjectMemory flushInlineCaches.
-    StepInterruptPending := 1.
-    InterruptPending := 1.
-    aBlock value.
-    StepInterruptPending := nil.
-    ObjectMemory stepInterruptHandler:nil.
+    Processor activeProcess withPriority:23 do:[
+        process := [
+                        [
+                            self execute
+                        ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
+                            running := false.
+                            theBlock := nil.
+                        ]
+                   ] newProcess.
-    "called for every send;
-     increment counts and retrigger stepInterrupt"
-    self count.
-    ObjectMemory flushInlineCaches.
-    StepInterruptPending := 1.
-    InterruptPending := 1
+        Processor activeProcess withPriority:24 do:[
+            startTime := OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime.
+            delay := (Delay forMilliseconds:ms).
-    "called every 10ms by timer;
-     increment counts and retrigger spyInterrupt"
+            ntally := 0.
+            running := true.
+            process resume.
-    self count.
-    OperatingSystem startSpyTimer
+            [running] whileTrue:[
+                delay wait.
+                self count:process suspendedContext
+            ].
-    "increment class/method counts"
+            endTime := OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime.
+        ].    
+    ].    
-    |where index sel recClass done newColl|
+    tree notNil ifTrue:[tree computePercentage:ntally].
+    ^ endTime - startTime
+! !
+!MessageTally methodsFor:'probes'!
+    |con chain info atEnd sender home|
-    where := thisContext.
-    "where is now my context"
-    where := where sender.
-    "where is now spy/step interrupt context"
-    where := where sender.
-    "where is now interrupted context"
+    con := aContext.
+    con isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    "ignore block-contexts"
-    (where isBlockContext) ifTrue:[
-        where := nil.   "currently needed"
-        ^ self
+    ntally := ntally + 1.
+    "walk up above the interrupt context"
+    [con receiver == Processor] whileTrue:[
+	con := con sender
-    sel := where selector.
-    recClass := where searchClass whichClassImplements:sel "receiver class".
+    "got it - collect info from contexts"
+    "walk up"
+    con isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    atEnd := false.
-    index := 0.
-    done := false.
-    [done] whileFalse:[
-        index := selectors identityIndexOf:sel startingAt:(index + 1).
-        (index == 0) ifTrue:[
-            ntally := ntally + 1.
-            (ntally > counts size) ifTrue:[
-                newColl := Array new:(ntally * 2).
-                newColl replaceFrom:1 with:counts.
-                counts := newColl.
-                newColl := Array new:(ntally * 2).
-                newColl replaceFrom:1 with:selectors.
-                selectors := newColl.
-                newColl := Array new:(ntally * 2).
-                newColl replaceFrom:1 with:classes.
-                classes := newColl.
-            ].
-            selectors at:ntally put:sel.
-            classes at:ntally put:recClass.
-            counts at:ntally put:1.
-            done := true
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            ((classes at:index) == recClass) ifTrue:[
-                counts at:index put:((counts at:index) + 1).
-                done := true
-            ]
-        ]
+    [atEnd] whileFalse:[
+	con isNil ifTrue:[
+	    atEnd := true
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    sender := con sender.
+	    sender isNil ifTrue:[
+		atEnd := true
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		((sender receiver == self) and:[sender selector == #execute]) ifTrue:[
+		    atEnd := true
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
+	atEnd ifFalse:[
+	    info := CallChain new.
+	    (con isMemberOf:BlockContext) ifTrue:[
+		home := con methodHome.
+		home isNil ifTrue:[
+		    info receiver:UndefinedObject
+			 selector:'optimized'
+			    class:UndefinedObject.
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    info receiver:home receiver class
+			 selector:home selector
+			    class:con methodClass.
+		].
+		info isBlock:true
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		info receiver:con receiver class
+		     selector:con selector
+			class:con methodClass.
+	    ].
+	    info rest:chain.
+	    chain := info.
+	    con := sender
+	]
+    ].
+    "add chain to the tree"
+    chain isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    tree isNil ifTrue:[
+	tree := ProfileTree new.
+	tree receiver:chain receiver
+	     selector:chain selector
+		class:chain methodClass.
-    "count in accumulated table"
-    [where notNil] whileTrue:[
-        sel := where selector.
-        (sel == #spyOn:) ifTrue:[
-            where := nil
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            recClass := where searchClass whichClassImplements:sel "receiver class".
-            recClass isNil ifTrue:[
-                recClass := where searchClass
-            ].
-            index := 0.
-            done := false.
-            [done] whileFalse:[
-                index := sumSelectors identityIndexOf:sel startingAt:(index + 1).
-                (index == 0) ifTrue:[
-                    sumNtally := sumNtally + 1.
-                    (sumNtally > sumCounts size) ifTrue:[
-                        newColl := Array new:(sumNtally * 2).
-                        newColl replaceFrom:1 with:sumCounts.
-                        sumCounts := newColl.
-                        newColl := Array new:(sumNtally * 2).
-                        newColl replaceFrom:1 with:sumSelectors.
-                        sumSelectors := newColl.
-                        newColl := Array new:(sumNtally * 2).
-                        newColl replaceFrom:1 with:sumClasses.
-                        sumClasses := newColl.
-                    ].
-                    sumSelectors at:sumNtally put:sel.
-                    sumClasses at:sumNtally put:recClass.
-                    sumCounts at:sumNtally put:1.
-                    done := true
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    ((sumClasses at:index) == recClass) ifTrue:[
-                        sumCounts at:index put:((sumCounts at:index) + 1).
-                        done := true
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ].
-            where := where sender
-        ]
-    ]
-    "print statistics with percentages"
-    |nprobe sumNprobe nthis percent|
+    tree addChain:chain
+! !
-    nprobe := 0.
-    1 to:ntally do:[:index |
-        nprobe := nprobe + (counts at:index)
-    ].
-    sumNprobe := 0.
-    1 to:sumNtally do:[:index |
-        sumNprobe := sumNprobe + (sumCounts at:index)
-    ].
-    Transcript cr.
-    Transcript show:'total probes: '.
-    Transcript show:nprobe printString.
-    Transcript show:' ('.
-    Transcript show:sumNprobe printString.
-    Transcript show:')'.
-    Transcript cr.
-    Transcript cr.
-    Transcript show:'  ntally'.
-    Transcript tab show:'percentage'.
-    Transcript tab show:'        class'.     
-    Transcript tab showCr:'       selector'.
-    Transcript showCr:'------------------ leafs ---------------------------'.
-    1 to:ntally do:[:index |
-        nthis := counts at:index.
-        percent := nthis * 100 // nprobe.
-        Transcript show:(nthis printStringLeftPaddedTo:6).
-        Transcript tab. Transcript show:'    '.
-        Transcript show:((percent printStringLeftPaddedTo:3) , '%').
-        Transcript tab. 
-        Transcript show:((classes at:index) name printStringLeftPaddedTo:20).
-        Transcript tab. Transcript show:'    '.
-        Transcript showCr:((selectors at:index) printString)
-    ].
-    Transcript showCr:'---------------- accumulated -----------------------'.
-    1 to:sumNtally do:[:index |
-        nthis := sumCounts at:index.
-        percent := nthis * 100 // sumNprobe.
-        Transcript show:(nthis printStringLeftPaddedTo:6).
-        Transcript tab. Transcript show:'    '.
-        Transcript show:((percent printStringLeftPaddedTo:3) , '%').
-        Transcript tab. 
-        (sumClasses at:index) isNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript show:('??' printStringLeftPaddedTo:20)
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            Transcript show:((sumClasses at:index) name printStringLeftPaddedTo:20).
-        ].
-        Transcript tab. Transcript show:'    '.
-        Transcript showCr:((sumSelectors at:index) printString)
-    ]
-! !
--- a/MessageTracer.st	Wed Feb 22 02:15:44 1995 +0100
+++ b/MessageTracer.st	Thu Mar 09 00:41:08 1995 +0100
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
 	      All Rights Reserved
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/MessageTracer.st,v 1.9 1995-02-16 03:02:15 claus Exp $
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/MessageTracer.st,v 1.10 1995-03-08 23:41:08 claus Exp $
 !MessageTracer class methodsFor:'documentation'!
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/MessageTracer.st,v 1.9 1995-02-16 03:02:15 claus Exp $
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/MessageTracer.st,v 1.10 1995-03-08 23:41:08 claus Exp $
@@ -161,9 +161,9 @@
     BreakpointSignal isNil ifTrue:[
-	Object initialize.
+	HaltSignal isNil ifTrue:[super initialize].
-	BreakpointSignal := Object haltSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
+	BreakpointSignal := HaltSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
 	BreakpointSignal nameClass:self message:#breakpointSignal.
 	BreakpointSignal notifierString:'breakpoint encountered'.
--- a/MsgTally.st	Wed Feb 22 02:15:44 1995 +0100
+++ b/MsgTally.st	Thu Mar 09 00:41:08 1995 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-              All Rights Reserved
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
+	      All Rights Reserved
  This software is furnished under a license and may be used
  only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
@@ -10,40 +10,21 @@
  hereby transferred.
+'From Smalltalk/X, Version:2.10.4 on 8-mar-1995 at 22:38:17'!
 Object subclass:#MessageTally
-       instanceVariableNames:'classes selectors counts ntally
-                              sumClasses sumSelectors sumCounts sumNtally'
-       classVariableNames:''
-       poolDictionaries:''
-       category:'System-Support'
+	 instanceVariableNames:'process tree ntally theBlock spyInterval'
+	 classVariableNames:''
+	 poolDictionaries:''
+	 category:'System-Profiler'
-MessageTally comment:'
-COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-              All Rights Reserved
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/Attic/MsgTally.st,v 1.7 1995-02-08 03:16:43 claus Exp $
 !MessageTally class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-              All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/Attic/MsgTally.st,v 1.7 1995-02-08 03:16:43 claus Exp $
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/Attic/MsgTally.st,v 1.8 1995-03-08 23:41:04 claus Exp $
@@ -54,244 +35,243 @@
     To get statistic, use 'MessageTally spyOn:aBlock'.
-        MessageTally spyOn:[
-            (ByteArray uninitalizedNew:1000) sort
-        ]
+	MessageTally spyOn:[
+	    (ByteArray uninitalizedNew:1000) sort
+	]
+    By default, probing is done every 10ms (i.e. the execution of the block is 
+    interrupted every 10ms, and the context chain analyzed).
+    For better resolution, use smaller clock ticks (if your OperatingSystem
+    supports it). Try spyDetailedOn:aBlock, which tries to measure things
+    every 1ms. (Notice, that some OS's only provide a resolution of less than
+    that time interval)
+     MessageTally spyOn:[ #(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[100 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[1000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[10000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[100000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[500000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyDetailedOn:[500000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     Time millisecondsToRun:[500000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[SystemBrowser open ]
+     MessageTally spyDetailedOn:[SystemBrowser open ]
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
+	      All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
 ! !
 !MessageTally class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+spyOn:aBlock interval:ms
     "evaluate aBlock and output time statistic on Transcript"
-    |runTime aTally|
+    |runTime aTally nTally|
     aTally := self new.
-    runTime := aTally spyOn:aBlock.
-    aTally statistics.
-    Transcript cr.
-    Transcript showCr:('total execution time: '
-                       , runTime printString , ' ms')
+    runTime := aTally spyOn:aBlock interval:ms.
+    aTally tree isNil ifTrue:[
+        Transcript cr.
+        Transcript showCr:'TALLY: No probes - execution time too short;'.
+        Transcript showCr:'TALLY: retry using: spyOn:[n timesRepeat:[...]]'.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        "/ aTally tree inspect.
+        nTally := aTally nTally.
+        Transcript cr.
+        Transcript showCr:('total execution time: '
+                           , runTime printString , ' ms '
+                           , '(' , nTally printString , ' probes ;'
+                           , ' error >= ' 
+                           , (1000 // nTally / 10.0) printString
+                           , '%)').
+        Transcript cr.
+        aTally tree printOn:Transcript.
+        Transcript cr.
+        Transcript cr.
-    "MessageTally spyOn:[10000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]"
+        Transcript showCr:'leafs of calling tree:'.
+        Transcript cr.
+        aTally tree printLeafsOn:Transcript.
+        Transcript cr.
+        "
+        aTally statistics.
+        "
+    ].
+    "
+     MessageTally spyOn:[ #(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[100 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[1000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[10000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[100000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[500000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+     MessageTally spyOn:[SystemBrowser open ]
+     MessageTally spyDetailedOn:[SystemBrowser open ]
+     Time millisecondsToRun:[500000 timesRepeat:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] ]
+    "
-    "evaluate aBlock and output call statistic on Transcript"
+    "evaluate aBlock and output time statistic on the Transcript.
+     Tick is 1ms."
-    (self new spyCountOn:aBlock) statistics
+    ^ self spyOn:aBlock interval:1
-    "MessageTally spyCountOn:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort ]"
+    "evaluate aBlock and output time statistic on the Transcript.
+     Tick is 10ms."
+    ^ self spyOn:aBlock interval:10
 ! !
 !MessageTally methodsFor:'private'!
-    classes := Array new:200.
-    selectors := Array new:200.
-    counts := Array new:200.
-    sumClasses := Array new:200.
-    sumSelectors := Array new:200.
-    sumCounts := Array new:200.
-    ntally := 0.
-    sumNtally := 0
+    theBlock value
+! !
-    "spy on execution time"
-    |startTime endTime|
+!MessageTally methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    self setupArrays.
-    ObjectMemory spyInterruptHandler:self.
-    startTime := Time millisecondClockValue.
-    OperatingSystem startSpyTimer.
-    aBlock value.
-    OperatingSystem stopSpyTimer.
-    endTime := Time millisecondClockValue.
-    ObjectMemory spyInterruptHandler:nil.
-    ^ endTime - startTime
+    ^ tree
-    "spy on method sends"
+    ^ ntally 
+! !
+!MessageTally methodsFor:'setup'!
+spyOn:aBlock interval:ms
+    "spy on execution time"
+    |startTime endTime running delay|
+    theBlock := aBlock.
-    self setupArrays.
-    ObjectMemory stepInterruptHandler:nil.
-    ObjectMemory flushInlineCaches.
-    StepInterruptPending := 1.
-    InterruptPending := 1.
-    aBlock value.
-    StepInterruptPending := nil.
-    ObjectMemory stepInterruptHandler:nil.
+    Processor activeProcess withPriority:23 do:[
+        process := [
+                        [
+                            self execute
+                        ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
+                            running := false.
+                            theBlock := nil.
+                        ]
+                   ] newProcess.
-    "called for every send;
-     increment counts and retrigger stepInterrupt"
-    self count.
-    ObjectMemory flushInlineCaches.
-    StepInterruptPending := 1.
-    InterruptPending := 1
+        Processor activeProcess withPriority:24 do:[
+            startTime := OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime.
+            delay := (Delay forMilliseconds:ms).
-    "called every 10ms by timer;
-     increment counts and retrigger spyInterrupt"
+            ntally := 0.
+            running := true.
+            process resume.
-    self count.
-    OperatingSystem startSpyTimer
+            [running] whileTrue:[
+                delay wait.
+                self count:process suspendedContext
+            ].
-    "increment class/method counts"
+            endTime := OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime.
+        ].    
+    ].    
-    |where index sel recClass done newColl|
+    tree notNil ifTrue:[tree computePercentage:ntally].
+    ^ endTime - startTime
+! !
+!MessageTally methodsFor:'probes'!
+    |con chain info atEnd sender home|
-    where := thisContext.
-    "where is now my context"
-    where := where sender.
-    "where is now spy/step interrupt context"
-    where := where sender.
-    "where is now interrupted context"
+    con := aContext.
+    con isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    "ignore block-contexts"
-    (where isBlockContext) ifTrue:[
-        where := nil.   "currently needed"
-        ^ self
+    ntally := ntally + 1.
+    "walk up above the interrupt context"
+    [con receiver == Processor] whileTrue:[
+	con := con sender
-    sel := where selector.
-    recClass := where searchClass whichClassImplements:sel "receiver class".
+    "got it - collect info from contexts"
+    "walk up"
+    con isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    atEnd := false.
-    index := 0.
-    done := false.
-    [done] whileFalse:[
-        index := selectors identityIndexOf:sel startingAt:(index + 1).
-        (index == 0) ifTrue:[
-            ntally := ntally + 1.
-            (ntally > counts size) ifTrue:[
-                newColl := Array new:(ntally * 2).
-                newColl replaceFrom:1 with:counts.
-                counts := newColl.
-                newColl := Array new:(ntally * 2).
-                newColl replaceFrom:1 with:selectors.
-                selectors := newColl.
-                newColl := Array new:(ntally * 2).
-                newColl replaceFrom:1 with:classes.
-                classes := newColl.
-            ].
-            selectors at:ntally put:sel.
-            classes at:ntally put:recClass.
-            counts at:ntally put:1.
-            done := true
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            ((classes at:index) == recClass) ifTrue:[
-                counts at:index put:((counts at:index) + 1).
-                done := true
-            ]
-        ]
+    [atEnd] whileFalse:[
+	con isNil ifTrue:[
+	    atEnd := true
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    sender := con sender.
+	    sender isNil ifTrue:[
+		atEnd := true
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		((sender receiver == self) and:[sender selector == #execute]) ifTrue:[
+		    atEnd := true
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
+	atEnd ifFalse:[
+	    info := CallChain new.
+	    (con isMemberOf:BlockContext) ifTrue:[
+		home := con methodHome.
+		home isNil ifTrue:[
+		    info receiver:UndefinedObject
+			 selector:'optimized'
+			    class:UndefinedObject.
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    info receiver:home receiver class
+			 selector:home selector
+			    class:con methodClass.
+		].
+		info isBlock:true
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		info receiver:con receiver class
+		     selector:con selector
+			class:con methodClass.
+	    ].
+	    info rest:chain.
+	    chain := info.
+	    con := sender
+	]
+    ].
+    "add chain to the tree"
+    chain isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    tree isNil ifTrue:[
+	tree := ProfileTree new.
+	tree receiver:chain receiver
+	     selector:chain selector
+		class:chain methodClass.
-    "count in accumulated table"
-    [where notNil] whileTrue:[
-        sel := where selector.
-        (sel == #spyOn:) ifTrue:[
-            where := nil
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            recClass := where searchClass whichClassImplements:sel "receiver class".
-            recClass isNil ifTrue:[
-                recClass := where searchClass
-            ].
-            index := 0.
-            done := false.
-            [done] whileFalse:[
-                index := sumSelectors identityIndexOf:sel startingAt:(index + 1).
-                (index == 0) ifTrue:[
-                    sumNtally := sumNtally + 1.
-                    (sumNtally > sumCounts size) ifTrue:[
-                        newColl := Array new:(sumNtally * 2).
-                        newColl replaceFrom:1 with:sumCounts.
-                        sumCounts := newColl.
-                        newColl := Array new:(sumNtally * 2).
-                        newColl replaceFrom:1 with:sumSelectors.
-                        sumSelectors := newColl.
-                        newColl := Array new:(sumNtally * 2).
-                        newColl replaceFrom:1 with:sumClasses.
-                        sumClasses := newColl.
-                    ].
-                    sumSelectors at:sumNtally put:sel.
-                    sumClasses at:sumNtally put:recClass.
-                    sumCounts at:sumNtally put:1.
-                    done := true
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    ((sumClasses at:index) == recClass) ifTrue:[
-                        sumCounts at:index put:((sumCounts at:index) + 1).
-                        done := true
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ].
-            where := where sender
-        ]
-    ]
-    "print statistics with percentages"
-    |nprobe sumNprobe nthis percent|
+    tree addChain:chain
+! !
-    nprobe := 0.
-    1 to:ntally do:[:index |
-        nprobe := nprobe + (counts at:index)
-    ].
-    sumNprobe := 0.
-    1 to:sumNtally do:[:index |
-        sumNprobe := sumNprobe + (sumCounts at:index)
-    ].
-    Transcript cr.
-    Transcript show:'total probes: '.
-    Transcript show:nprobe printString.
-    Transcript show:' ('.
-    Transcript show:sumNprobe printString.
-    Transcript show:')'.
-    Transcript cr.
-    Transcript cr.
-    Transcript show:'  ntally'.
-    Transcript tab show:'percentage'.
-    Transcript tab show:'        class'.     
-    Transcript tab showCr:'       selector'.
-    Transcript showCr:'------------------ leafs ---------------------------'.
-    1 to:ntally do:[:index |
-        nthis := counts at:index.
-        percent := nthis * 100 // nprobe.
-        Transcript show:(nthis printStringLeftPaddedTo:6).
-        Transcript tab. Transcript show:'    '.
-        Transcript show:((percent printStringLeftPaddedTo:3) , '%').
-        Transcript tab. 
-        Transcript show:((classes at:index) name printStringLeftPaddedTo:20).
-        Transcript tab. Transcript show:'    '.
-        Transcript showCr:((selectors at:index) printString)
-    ].
-    Transcript showCr:'---------------- accumulated -----------------------'.
-    1 to:sumNtally do:[:index |
-        nthis := sumCounts at:index.
-        percent := nthis * 100 // sumNprobe.
-        Transcript show:(nthis printStringLeftPaddedTo:6).
-        Transcript tab. Transcript show:'    '.
-        Transcript show:((percent printStringLeftPaddedTo:3) , '%').
-        Transcript tab. 
-        (sumClasses at:index) isNil ifTrue:[
-            Transcript show:('??' printStringLeftPaddedTo:20)
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            Transcript show:((sumClasses at:index) name printStringLeftPaddedTo:20).
-        ].
-        Transcript tab. Transcript show:'    '.
-        Transcript showCr:((sumSelectors at:index) printString)
-    ]
-! !
--- a/MsgTracer.st	Wed Feb 22 02:15:44 1995 +0100
+++ b/MsgTracer.st	Thu Mar 09 00:41:08 1995 +0100
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
 	      All Rights Reserved
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/Attic/MsgTracer.st,v 1.9 1995-02-16 03:02:15 claus Exp $
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/Attic/MsgTracer.st,v 1.10 1995-03-08 23:41:08 claus Exp $
 !MessageTracer class methodsFor:'documentation'!
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/Attic/MsgTracer.st,v 1.9 1995-02-16 03:02:15 claus Exp $
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic3/Attic/MsgTracer.st,v 1.10 1995-03-08 23:41:08 claus Exp $
@@ -161,9 +161,9 @@
     BreakpointSignal isNil ifTrue:[
-	Object initialize.
+	HaltSignal isNil ifTrue:[super initialize].
-	BreakpointSignal := Object haltSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
+	BreakpointSignal := HaltSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
 	BreakpointSignal nameClass:self message:#breakpointSignal.
 	BreakpointSignal notifierString:'breakpoint encountered'.