experimental lazyValues
authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Thu, 25 Jul 2002 18:46:04 +0200
changeset 1295 8d3e193bb30d
parent 1294 31c8cc483db9
child 1296 7c535a2cd7ff
experimental lazyValues
--- a/Parser.st	Thu Jul 25 16:14:36 2002 +0200
+++ b/Parser.st	Thu Jul 25 18:46:04 2002 +0200
@@ -28,13 +28,15 @@
 		alreadyWarnedClassInstVarRefs localBlockVarDefPosition
 		endOfSelectorPosition startOfBlockPosition primitiveContextInfo
 		usedLocalVars modifiedLocalVars alreadyWarnedUninitializedVars
-		alreadyWarnedUnimplementedSelectors returnedValues currentPackage'
+		alreadyWarnedUnimplementedSelectors returnedValues currentPackage
+		doItTemporaries'
 	classVariableNames:'PrevClass PrevInstVarNames PrevClassVarNames
 		PrevClassInstVarNames LazyCompilation ArraysAreImmutable
 		ImplicitSelfSends WarnST80Directives WarnUnusedVars FoldConstants
 		LineNumberInfo SuppressDoItCompilation StringsAreImmutable
 		ParseErrorSignal RestartCompilationSignal
-		AllowFunctionCallSyntaxForBlockEvaluation'
+		AllowFunctionCallSyntaxForBlockEvaluation AllowLazyValueExtension
+		AllowVariableReferences'
@@ -2137,6 +2139,16 @@
 !Parser methodsFor:'error correction'!
+    |holder|
+    doItTemporaries isNil ifTrue:[
+        doItTemporaries := IdentityDictionary new.
+    ].
+    doItTemporaries at:varName asSymbol put:(holder := ValueHolder new).
+    ^ holder
 askForCorrection:aString fromList:aList
     "launch a selection box, which allows user to enter correction.
      return newString or nil (for abort)"
@@ -2156,6 +2168,163 @@
     ^ nil
+    |l how varNameIsLowercase choice holder newClass|
+    l := #().
+    how := #().
+    varNameIsLowercase := (varName at:1) isLowercase.
+    "/ BlockVar, InstVar and classInstVar not yet implemented
+    varNameIsLowercase ifTrue:[
+"/            currentBlock notNil ifTrue:[
+"/                l := l , #( 'Block local' ).
+"/                how := how , #( BlockVariable ).
+"/            ].
+        selector notNil ifTrue:[
+            l := l , #( 'Method Local Variable' ).
+            how := how , #( MethodVariable ).
+        ].
+        (classToCompileFor notNil
+        and:[classToCompileFor isMeta not
+        and:[classToCompileFor isBuiltInClass not 
+        and:[selector notNil and:[selector ~~ #doIt]]]]) ifTrue:[
+            l := l copyWith:'Instance Variable'.
+            how := how copyWith: #InstanceVariable.
+        ].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        l := l , #( 'New Class' 'Global' 'NameSpace' ).
+        how := how , #( NewClass GlobalVariable NameSpace ).
+        (classToCompileFor notNil
+        and:[classToCompileFor isBuiltInClass not
+        and:[selector notNil and:[selector ~~ #doIt]]]) ifTrue:[
+            classToCompileFor isMeta ifTrue:[
+                l := l , #('Class Instance Variable').
+                how := how , #( ClassInstanceVariable).
+            ].
+            l := l , #('Class Variable' ).
+            how := how , #( ClassVariable).
+        ]
+    ].
+    (selector isNil or:[selector == #doIt]) ifTrue:[
+        l size > 0 ifTrue:[
+            l := l ,  #( '-' ).
+            how := how , #( nil ).
+        ].
+        l := l , #( 'Workspace Variable' 'DoIt Temporary').
+        how := how , #( WorkspaceVariable DoItTemporary ).
+    ].
+    l size > 0 ifTrue:[
+        l := (Array with:('Declare ' , varName allBold , ' as:') 
+                    with:'-'
+             ) , l.
+        how := #(nil nil) , how.
+        choice := (PopUpMenu labels:l) startUp.
+        (choice notNil and:[choice > 0]) ifTrue:[
+            choice := how at:choice.
+            choice == #WorkspaceVariable ifTrue:[
+                holder := Workspace addWorkspaceVariable:varName.
+                ^ VariableNode type:#WorkspaceVariable holder:holder name:varName
+            ].
+            choice == #DoItTemporary ifTrue:[
+                holder := self addDoItTemporary:varName.
+                ^ VariableNode type:#DoItTemporary holder:holder name:varName
+            ].
+            choice == #GlobalVariable ifTrue:[
+                Smalltalk at:varName asSymbol put:nil.
+                ^ VariableNode type:#GlobalVariable name:varName asSymbol
+            ].
+            choice == #NewClass ifTrue:[
+                newClass := Object subclass:varName asSymbol
+                       instanceVariableNames:''
+                       classVariableNames:''
+                       poolDictionaries:''
+                       category:'* As yet uncategorized *'.
+                ^ VariableNode type:#GlobalVariable name:newClass name asSymbol
+            ].
+            choice == #NameSpace ifTrue:[
+                NameSpace name:varName.
+                ^ VariableNode type:#GlobalVariable name:varName asSymbol
+            ].
+            choice == #ClassVariable ifTrue:[
+                classToCompileFor theNonMetaclass addClassVarName:varName.
+                ^ VariableNode type:#ClassVariable class:classToCompileFor theNonMetaclass name:varName
+            ].
+            choice == #InstanceVariable ifTrue:[
+                classToCompileFor theNonMetaclass addInstVarName:varName.
+                "/ ST/X special - classToCompileFor is obsoleted
+                classToCompileFor := Smalltalk classNamed:(classToCompileFor name).
+                RestartCompilationSignal raise.    
+                "/ not reached - restarted compile will not arrive here again
+                self error:'restart compile failed'.
+            ].
+            choice == #ClassInstanceVariable ifTrue:[
+                classToCompileFor theMetaclass addInstVarName:varName.
+                "/ ST/X special - classToCompileFor is obsoleted
+                classToCompileFor := Smalltalk classNamed:(classToCompileFor name).
+                RestartCompilationSignal raise.    
+                "/ not reached - restarted compile will not arrive here again
+                self error:'restart compile failed'.
+            ].
+            choice == #MethodVariable ifTrue:[
+                |varIndex var endLocalsPos posToInsert ins|
+                localVarDefPosition size == 2 ifTrue:[
+                    endLocalsPos := posToInsert := localVarDefPosition at:2.
+                    ins := ' ' , varName.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    endOfSelectorPosition notNil ifTrue:[
+                         posToInsert := endOfSelectorPosition.
+                         ins := '|' , varName , '|' , Character cr asString , Character cr asString.
+                         ins := ins , (String new:(requestor colOfCharacterPosition:posToInsert)-1).   
+                    ]
+                ].
+                posToInsert notNil ifTrue:[
+                    requestor 
+                        insertString:ins
+                        atCharacterPosition:posToInsert.
+                    endLocalsPos notNil ifTrue:[
+                        localVarDefPosition at:2 put:(endLocalsPos + varName size + 1).
+                        methodVarNames := methodVarNames copyWith:varName.
+                        methodVars := methodVars copyWith:(var := Variable new name:varName).
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        localVarDefPosition := Array with:posToInsert with:posToInsert+varName size+1.
+                        methodVarNames := Array with:varName.
+                        methodVars := Array with:(var := Variable new name:varName).
+                    ].
+                    correctedSource := requestor currentSourceCode.
+                    source := (ReadStream on:correctedSource)
+                                  position:(source position + ins size).
+                    varIndex := methodVarNames size.
+                    var used:true.
+                    ^ VariableNode type:#MethodVariable
+                                   name:varName
+                                   token:var
+                                   index:varIndex
+                ].
+            ].
+            self warning:'Sorry - unimplemented (adding ' , choice , ')'.
+        ].
+        ^ #Error
+    ].
+    ^ nil.
     (tokenType ~~ #EOF) ifTrue:[
         self parseError:'nothing more expected here' position:tokenPosition to:tokenPosition.
@@ -2348,7 +2517,7 @@
      or a ParseNode as returned by variable"
     |correctIt varName suggestedNames newName pos1 pos2 rslt
-     varNameIsLowercase l how choice holder undeclared newClass boldName|
+     varNameIsLowercase undeclared boldName|
     pos1 := tokenPosition.
     varName := tokenName.
@@ -2396,144 +2565,10 @@
     correctIt == #declare ifTrue:[
         "/ declare it
-        l := #().
-        how := #().
-        "/ BlockVar, InstVar and classInstVar not yet implemented
-        varNameIsLowercase ifTrue:[
-"/            currentBlock notNil ifTrue:[
-"/                l := l , #( 'Block local' ).
-"/                how := how , #( BlockVariable ).
-"/            ].
-            selector notNil ifTrue:[
-                l := l , #( 'Method Local Variable' ).
-                how := how , #( MethodVariable ).
-            ].
-            (classToCompileFor notNil
-            and:[classToCompileFor isMeta not
-            and:[classToCompileFor isBuiltInClass not 
-            and:[selector notNil and:[selector ~~ #doIt]]]]) ifTrue:[
-                l := l copyWith:'Instance Variable'.
-                how := how copyWith: #InstanceVariable.
-            ].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            l := l , #( 'New Class' 'Global' 'NameSpace' ).
-            how := how , #( NewClass GlobalVariable NameSpace ).
-            (classToCompileFor notNil
-            and:[classToCompileFor isBuiltInClass not
-            and:[selector notNil and:[selector ~~ #doIt]]]) ifTrue:[
-                classToCompileFor isMeta ifTrue:[
-                    l := l , #('Class Instance Variable').
-                    how := how , #( ClassInstanceVariable).
-                ].
-                l := l , #('Class Variable' ).
-                how := how , #( ClassVariable).
-            ]
-        ].
-        (selector isNil or:[selector == #doIt]) ifTrue:[
-            l size > 0 ifTrue:[
-                l := l ,  #( '-' ).
-                how := how , #( nil ).
-            ].
-            l := l , #( 'Workspace Variable' ).
-            how := how , #( WorkspaceVariable ).
-        ].
-        l size > 0 ifTrue:[
-            l := (Array with:('Declare ' , varName allBold , ' as:') 
-                        with:'-'
-                 ) , l.
-            how := #(nil nil) , how.
-            choice := (PopUpMenu labels:l) startUp.
-            (choice notNil and:[choice > 0]) ifTrue:[
-                choice := how at:choice.
-                choice == #WorkspaceVariable ifTrue:[
-                    holder := Workspace addWorkspaceVariable:varName.
-                    ^ VariableNode type:#WorkspaceVariable holder:holder name:varName
-                ].
-                choice == #GlobalVariable ifTrue:[
-                    Smalltalk at:varName asSymbol put:nil.
-                    ^ VariableNode type:#GlobalVariable name:varName asSymbol
-                ].
-                choice == #NewClass ifTrue:[
-                    newClass := Object subclass:varName asSymbol
-                           instanceVariableNames:''
-                           classVariableNames:''
-                           poolDictionaries:''
-                           category:'* As yet uncategorized *'.
-                    ^ VariableNode type:#GlobalVariable name:newClass name asSymbol
-                ].
-                choice == #NameSpace ifTrue:[
-                    NameSpace name:varName.
-                    ^ VariableNode type:#GlobalVariable name:varName asSymbol
-                ].
-                choice == #ClassVariable ifTrue:[
-                    classToCompileFor theNonMetaclass addClassVarName:varName.
-                    ^ VariableNode type:#ClassVariable class:classToCompileFor theNonMetaclass name:varName
-                ].
-                choice == #InstanceVariable ifTrue:[
-                    classToCompileFor theNonMetaclass addInstVarName:varName.
-                    "/ ST/X special - classToCompileFor is obsoleted
-                    classToCompileFor := Smalltalk classNamed:(classToCompileFor name).
-                    RestartCompilationSignal raise.    
-                    "/ not reached - restarted compile will not arrive here again
-                    self error:'restart compile failed'.
-                ].
-                choice == #ClassInstanceVariable ifTrue:[
-                    classToCompileFor theMetaclass addInstVarName:varName.
-                    "/ ST/X special - classToCompileFor is obsoleted
-                    classToCompileFor := Smalltalk classNamed:(classToCompileFor name).
-                    RestartCompilationSignal raise.    
-                    "/ not reached - restarted compile will not arrive here again
-                    self error:'restart compile failed'.
-                ].
-                choice == #MethodVariable ifTrue:[
-                    |varIndex var endLocalsPos posToInsert ins|
-                    localVarDefPosition size == 2 ifTrue:[
-                        endLocalsPos := posToInsert := localVarDefPosition at:2.
-                        ins := ' ' , varName.
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        endOfSelectorPosition notNil ifTrue:[
-                             posToInsert := endOfSelectorPosition.
-                             ins := '|' , varName , '|' , Character cr asString , Character cr asString.
-                             ins := ins , (String new:(requestor colOfCharacterPosition:posToInsert)-1).   
-                        ]
-                    ].
-                    posToInsert notNil ifTrue:[
-                        requestor 
-                            insertString:ins
-                            atCharacterPosition:posToInsert.
-                        endLocalsPos notNil ifTrue:[
-                            localVarDefPosition at:2 put:(endLocalsPos + varName size + 1).
-                            methodVarNames := methodVarNames copyWith:varName.
-                            methodVars := methodVars copyWith:(var := Variable new name:varName).
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            localVarDefPosition := Array with:posToInsert with:posToInsert+varName size+1.
-                            methodVarNames := Array with:varName.
-                            methodVars := Array with:(var := Variable new name:varName).
-                        ].
-                        correctedSource := requestor currentSourceCode.
-                        source := (ReadStream on:correctedSource)
-                                      position:(source position + ins size).
-                        varIndex := methodVarNames size.
-                        var used:true.
-                        ^ VariableNode type:#MethodVariable
-                                       name:varName
-                                       token:var
-                                       index:varIndex
-                    ].
-                ].
-                self warning:'Sorry - unimplemented (adding ' , choice , ')'.
-            ].
-            ^ #Error
-        ]
+        rslt := self askForVariableTypeWhenDeclaringUndefined:varName.
+        rslt notNil ifTrue:[
+            ^ rslt
+        ].
     suggestedNames := self findBestVariablesFor:varName.
@@ -4904,14 +4939,15 @@
     "/ EXPERIMENTAL - may be in next release
-false ifTrue:[
-    ((tokenType == #BinaryOperator) and:[token = '&']) ifTrue:[
-        self nextToken.
-        node := self primary_identifier.
-        "/ generate a Reference
-        ^ self makeReferenceFor:node
-    ].
+    AllowVariableReferences == true ifTrue:[
+        ((tokenType == #BinaryOperator) and:[token = '&']) ifTrue:[
+            self nextToken.
+            node := self primary_identifier.
+            "/ generate a Reference
+            ^ self makeReferenceFor:node
+        ].
+    ].
     (tokenType == ${ ) ifTrue:[
         AllowSqueakExtensions ifFalse:[
             self parseError:'non-Standard Squeak extension (enable in settings)' position:pos to:tokenPosition.
@@ -4929,12 +4965,27 @@
     tokenType == #HashHashLeftParen ifTrue:[
-        AllowDolphinExtensions ifFalse:[
+        self nextToken.
+        AllowDolphinExtensions == true ifFalse:[
             self parseError:'non-Standard Dolphin extension (enable in settings)' position:pos to:tokenPosition.
             ^ #Error
         ^ self primary_dolphinComputedLiteral.
+    tokenType == #HashHashLeftBrack ifTrue:[
+        self nextToken.
+        AllowLazyValueExtension == true ifFalse:[
+            self parseError:'non-Standard LazyValue extension (enable in classVariable)' position:pos to:tokenPosition.
+            ^ #Error
+        ].
+        ^ self primary_lazyValue.
+    ].
+    tokenType == #HashHash ifTrue:[
+        self warning:'''##'' might parse differently with other smalltalk systems' position:pos to:tokenPosition.
+        tokenType := #Symbol.
+        token := tokenValue := tokenName := '#'.
+        ^ self primary_simpleLiteral.
+    ].
     (tokenType == #Error) ifTrue:[^ #Error].
     tokenType isCharacter ifTrue:[
@@ -4948,8 +4999,8 @@
                     ' unexpected (missing receiver ?)')
         ] ifFalse:[
             eMsg := ('error in primary; ' 
-                     , tokenType printString ,
-                     ' unexpected') 
+                     , (token ? '') , ' (', tokenType printString ,
+                     ') unexpected') 
         self syntaxError:eMsg position:tokenPosition to:source position
@@ -4971,7 +5022,6 @@
     |pos expr val|
     pos := tokenPosition.
-    self nextToken.
     expr := self expression.
@@ -4997,6 +5047,12 @@
         val isCharacter ifTrue:[
             ^ ConstantNode type:#Character value:val
+        val isInteger ifTrue:[
+            ^ ConstantNode type:#Integer value:val
+        ].
+        val isArray ifTrue:[
+            ^ ConstantNode type:#Array value:val
+        ].
     ] ifFalse:[
         self parseError:'must be representable as a literal (for now)' position:pos.
         ^ #Error
@@ -5312,6 +5368,26 @@
     ^ node
+    |pos block expr|
+    pos := tokenPosition.
+    (tokenType == $: ) ifTrue:[
+        self parseError:'lazyValues have no arguments' position:tokenPosition.
+        ^ #Error
+    ].
+    block := self blockBody:#().
+    self nextToken.
+    expr := MessageNode 
+                receiver:(VariableNode type:#GlobalVariable name:#LazyValue)
+                selector:#'block:'
+                arg:block.
+    ^ expr
     "parse a nil primary; return a node-tree, nil or #Error."
@@ -5848,16 +5924,31 @@
         "/ for the code.
         "/ We only care for WorkspaceVars in doIts
         (selector isNil or:[selector == #doIt]) ifTrue:[
-            Workspace notNil and:[
-                (holder := Workspace workspaceVariableAt:varName) notNil ifTrue:[
-                    ^ VariableNode type:#WorkspaceVariable holder:holder name:varName
-                ]
+            (Workspace notNil 
+            and:[(holder := Workspace workspaceVariableAt:varName) notNil])
+            ifTrue:[
+                ^ VariableNode type:#WorkspaceVariable holder:holder name:varName
+    "is it a doIt variable ?"
+"/    (requestor notNil and:[requestor isStream not]) ifTrue:[
+        "/ when parsing doits, this is done twice;
+        "/ first, for the parse, then as a block-code
+        "/ for the code.
+        "/ We only care for WorkspaceVars in doIts
+        (selector isNil or:[selector == #doIt]) ifTrue:[
+            (doItTemporaries notNil 
+            and:[(holder := doItTemporaries at:varName asSymbol ifAbsent:nil) notNil]) 
+            ifTrue:[
+                ^ VariableNode type:#DoItTemporary holder:holder name:varName
+            ]
+        ].
+"/    ].
     ^ #Error
     "Modified: / 5.11.2001 / 16:45:35 / cg"
 ! !
@@ -6574,6 +6665,6 @@
 !Parser class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libcomp/Parser.st,v 1.340 2002-07-15 12:02:07 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libcomp/Parser.st,v 1.341 2002-07-25 16:46:04 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 Parser initialize!