Fix #loadObjectFile:invokeInitializeMethods: for snapshot reload
authorStefan Vogel <>
Tue, 17 Jul 2012 09:12:47 +0200
changeset 2882 e7fb69ba1a54
parent 2881 ae13393d1096
child 2883 3a3feeae9c78
Fix #loadObjectFile:invokeInitializeMethods: for snapshot reload
--- a/	Fri Jul 06 13:45:56 2012 +0200
+++ b/	Tue Jul 17 09:12:47 2012 +0200
@@ -1158,13 +1158,13 @@
     handle := self handleForDynamicObject:filename.
     handle notNil ifTrue:[
-	"already loaded"
-	^ handle.
+        "already loaded"
+        ^ handle.
     handle := self loadDynamicObject:filename.
     handle isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ nil
+        ^ nil
     didInit := false.
@@ -1174,25 +1174,27 @@
      are to be resolved. If that's the case, load all libraries ..."
     ParserFlags searchedLibraries notNil ifTrue:[
-	(self hasUndefinedSymbolsIn:handle) ifTrue:[
-	    self initializeLoader.
-	    ParserFlags searchedLibraries do:[:libName |
-		(self hasUndefinedSymbolsIn:handle) ifTrue:[
-		    Transcript showCR:'   ... trying ' , libName , ' to resolve undefined symbols ...'.
-		    dummyHandle := Array new:4.
-		    dummyHandle := self primLoadDynamicObject:libName into:dummyHandle.
+        (self hasUndefinedSymbolsIn:handle) ifTrue:[
+            self initializeLoader.
+            ParserFlags searchedLibraries do:[:libName |
+                (self hasUndefinedSymbolsIn:handle) ifTrue:[
+                    Transcript showCR:'   ... trying ' , libName , ' to resolve undefined symbols ...'.
+                    dummyHandle := Array new:4.
+                    dummyHandle := self primLoadDynamicObject:libName into:dummyHandle.
 "/                    dummyHandle isNil ifTrue:[
 "/                        Transcript showCR:'   ... load of library ' , libName , ' failed.'.
 "/                    ]
-		]
-	    ].
-	    (self hasUndefinedSymbolsIn:handle) isNil ifTrue:[
-		Transcript showCR:('ObjectFileLoader [info]: still undefined symbols in ', pathName,'.').
-	    ].
-	]
+                ]
+            ].
+            (self hasUndefinedSymbolsIn:handle) isNil ifTrue:[
+                Transcript showCR:('ObjectFileLoader [info]: still undefined symbols in ', pathName,'.').
+            ].
+        ]
-    invokeInitializeMethods ifFalse:[^ handle].
+"/  do not return here - have to initialize the methods and more...
+"/    invokeInitializeMethods ifFalse:[^ handle].
      first, expect the classes-name to be the fileNames-baseName
@@ -1208,156 +1210,156 @@
     initAddr := self findInitFunction:className in:handle.
     initAddr notNil ifTrue:[
-	Verbose ifTrue:[
-	    ('calling init at:' , (initAddr printStringRadix:16)) errorPrintCR.
-	].
-	info := self
-		    performModuleInitAt:initAddr
-		    invokeInitializeMethods:invokeInitializeMethods
-		    for:nil
-		    identifyAs:handle.
-	status := info at:1.
-	status == #ok ifTrue:[
-	    didInit := true.
-	]
+        Verbose ifTrue:[
+            ('calling init at:' , (initAddr printStringRadix:16)) errorPrintCR.
+        ].
+        info := self
+                    performModuleInitAt:initAddr
+                    invokeInitializeMethods:invokeInitializeMethods
+                    for:nil
+                    identifyAs:handle.
+        status := info at:1.
+        status == #ok ifTrue:[
+            didInit := true.
+        ]
     ] ifFalse:[
-	"look for explicit C-init (xxx__Init) function
-	 This is used in C object files"
-	initAddr := self findFunction:className suffix:'__Init' in:handle.
-	initAddr notNil ifTrue:[
-	    isCModule := true.
-	    OSSignalInterrupt handle:[:ex |
-		('ObjectFileLoader [warning]: hard error in initFunction of class-module: ' , pathName) errorPrintCR.
-		status := #initFailed.
-	    ] do:[
-		(self
-		    saveCallInitFunctionAt:initAddr
-		    in:pathNameOrFilename
-		    specialInit:false
-		    forceOld:true
-		    interruptable:false
-		    argument:0
-		    identifyAs:handle
-		    returnsObject:false) < 0
-		ifTrue:[
-		    Verbose ifTrue:[
-			'init function return failure ... unload' errorPrintCR.
-		    ].
-		    status := #initFailed.
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    didInit := true.
-		]
-	    ]
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    status := #noInitFunction.
-	    "look for any init-function(s); call them all"
-	    Verbose ifTrue:[
-		'no good init functions found; looking for candidates ...' errorPrintCR.
-	    ].
-	    initNames := self namesMatching:'*_Init' segment:'[tT?]' in:pathName.
-	    initNames notNil ifTrue:[
-		initNames do:[:aName |
-		    initAddr := self getFunction:aName from:handle.
-		    initAddr isNil ifTrue:[
-			(aName startsWith:'_') ifTrue:[
-			    initAddr := self getFunction:(aName copyFrom:2) from:handle.
-			].
-		    ].
-		    initAddr isNil ifTrue:[
-			Transcript showCR:('no symbol: ',aName,' in ', pathName).
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			Verbose ifTrue:[
-			    ('calling init at:' , (initAddr printStringRadix:16)) errorPrintCR
-			].
-			self
-			    performModuleInitAt:initAddr
-			    invokeInitializeMethods:invokeInitializeMethods
-			    for:nil
-			    identifyAs:handle.
-			didInit := true.
-		    ]
-		].
-	    ].
-	]
+        "look for explicit C-init (xxx__Init) function
+         This is used in C object files"
+        initAddr := self findFunction:className suffix:'__Init' in:handle.
+        initAddr notNil ifTrue:[
+            isCModule := true.
+            OSSignalInterrupt handle:[:ex |
+                ('ObjectFileLoader [warning]: hard error in initFunction of class-module: ' , pathName) errorPrintCR.
+                status := #initFailed.
+            ] do:[
+                (self
+                    saveCallInitFunctionAt:initAddr
+                    in:pathNameOrFilename
+                    specialInit:false
+                    forceOld:true
+                    interruptable:false
+                    argument:0
+                    identifyAs:handle
+                    returnsObject:false) < 0
+                ifTrue:[
+                    Verbose ifTrue:[
+                        'init function return failure ... unload' errorPrintCR.
+                    ].
+                    status := #initFailed.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    didInit := true.
+                ]
+            ]
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            status := #noInitFunction.
+            "look for any init-function(s); call them all"
+            Verbose ifTrue:[
+                'no good init functions found; looking for candidates ...' errorPrintCR.
+            ].
+            initNames := self namesMatching:'*_Init' segment:'[tT?]' in:pathName.
+            initNames notNil ifTrue:[
+                initNames do:[:aName |
+                    initAddr := self getFunction:aName from:handle.
+                    initAddr isNil ifTrue:[
+                        (aName startsWith:'_') ifTrue:[
+                            initAddr := self getFunction:(aName copyFrom:2) from:handle.
+                        ].
+                    ].
+                    initAddr isNil ifTrue:[
+                        Transcript showCR:('no symbol: ',aName,' in ', pathName).
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        Verbose ifTrue:[
+                            ('calling init at:' , (initAddr printStringRadix:16)) errorPrintCR
+                        ].
+                        self
+                            performModuleInitAt:initAddr
+                            invokeInitializeMethods:invokeInitializeMethods
+                            for:nil
+                            identifyAs:handle.
+                        didInit := true.
+                    ]
+                ].
+            ].
+        ]
     (invokeInitializeMethods and:[didInit not]) ifTrue:[
-	status == #noInitFunction ifTrue:[
-	    msg := 'no init function; assume load ok'
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    (status ~~ #registrationFailed
-		and:[status ~~ #initFailed
-		and:[status ~~ #missingClass
-		and:[status ~~ #versionMismatch]]])
-	    ifTrue:[
-		self listUndefinedSymbolsIn:handle.
-	    ].
-	    Verbose ifTrue:[
-		'unloading, since init failed ...' errorPrintCR.
-	    ].
-	    "/ give caller a chance to prevent unloading (to register later, when a prerequisite class comes)
-	    status == #missingClass ifTrue:[
-		self breakPoint:#sv.
-		doNotUnload := (SuperClassMissingErrorNotification query ? false).
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		status == #registrationFailed ifTrue:[
-		    self breakPoint:#sv.
-		    doNotUnload := (RegistrationFailedErrorNotification query ? false).
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    doNotUnload := false.
-		].
-	    ].
-	    doNotUnload ifFalse:[
-		self unloadDynamicObject:handle.
-		Verbose ifTrue:[
-		    'unloaded.' errorPrintCR.
-		].
-		handle := nil.
-	    ].
-	    status == #initFailed ifTrue:[
-		msg := 'module not loaded (init function signaled failure).'
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		status == #missingClass ifTrue:[
-		    msg := 'module not loaded (superclass missing: ' , (info at:2) , ').'
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    status == #registrationFailed ifTrue:[
-			msg :=  'module registration failed (incompatible object or missing superclass)'
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			status == #versionMismatch ifTrue:[
-			    msg :=  'module registration failed (class version mismatch ' , (info at:2) printString , ')'
-			] ifFalse:[
-			    (self namesMatching:'*__sepInitCode__*' segment:'[tT?]' in:pathName) notNil ifTrue:[
-				msg := 'module not loaded (unknown error reason).'
-			    ] ifFalse:[
-				msg := 'module not loaded (no _Init entry in object file ?).'
-			    ]
-			]
-		    ].
-		].
-	    ].
-	].
-	msg := 'ObjectFileLoader [info]: <1p>: <2p>' expandMacrosWith:pathNameOrFilename asFilename baseName with:msg.
-	Smalltalk isStandAloneApp ifTrue:[
-	    msg errorPrintCR
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    Transcript showCR:msg
-	].
+        status == #noInitFunction ifTrue:[
+            msg := 'no init function; assume load ok'
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            (status ~~ #registrationFailed
+                and:[status ~~ #initFailed
+                and:[status ~~ #missingClass
+                and:[status ~~ #versionMismatch]]])
+            ifTrue:[
+                self listUndefinedSymbolsIn:handle.
+            ].
+            Verbose ifTrue:[
+                'unloading, since init failed ...' errorPrintCR.
+            ].
+            "/ give caller a chance to prevent unloading (to register later, when a prerequisite class comes)
+            status == #missingClass ifTrue:[
+                self breakPoint:#sv.
+                doNotUnload := (SuperClassMissingErrorNotification query ? false).
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                status == #registrationFailed ifTrue:[
+                    self breakPoint:#sv.
+                    doNotUnload := (RegistrationFailedErrorNotification query ? false).
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    doNotUnload := false.
+                ].
+            ].
+            doNotUnload ifFalse:[
+                self unloadDynamicObject:handle.
+                Verbose ifTrue:[
+                    'unloaded.' errorPrintCR.
+                ].
+                handle := nil.
+            ].
+            status == #initFailed ifTrue:[
+                msg := 'module not loaded (init function signaled failure).'
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                status == #missingClass ifTrue:[
+                    msg := 'module not loaded (superclass missing: ' , (info at:2) , ').'
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    status == #registrationFailed ifTrue:[
+                        msg :=  'module registration failed (incompatible object or missing superclass)'
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        status == #versionMismatch ifTrue:[
+                            msg :=  'module registration failed (class version mismatch ' , (info at:2) printString , ')'
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            (self namesMatching:'*__sepInitCode__*' segment:'[tT?]' in:pathName) notNil ifTrue:[
+                                msg := 'module not loaded (unknown error reason).'
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                msg := 'module not loaded (no _Init entry in object file ?).'
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                    ].
+                ].
+            ].
+        ].
+        msg := 'ObjectFileLoader [info]: <1p>: <2p>' expandMacrosWith:pathNameOrFilename asFilename baseName with:msg.
+        Smalltalk isStandAloneApp ifTrue:[
+            msg errorPrintCR
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            Transcript showCR:msg
+        ].
     isCModule ifFalse:[
-	Smalltalk flushCachedClasses.
-	Class flushSubclassInfo.
-	Smalltalk isInitialized ifTrue:[
-	    "really don't know, if and what has changed ...
-	     ... but assume, that new classes have been installed."
-	    Smalltalk changed.
-	].
+        Smalltalk flushCachedClasses.
+        Class flushSubclassInfo.
+        Smalltalk isInitialized ifTrue:[
+            "really don't know, if and what has changed ...
+             ... but assume, that new classes have been installed."
+            Smalltalk changed.
+        ].
     ^ handle
@@ -2161,232 +2163,213 @@
     "reload all object modules as were loaded when the image was saved.
      Some care has to be taken, if files are missing or otherwise corrupted."
-    |oldDummyMethod who m newHandle
-     savedOldClasses savedByteCodeMethods savedMethods
-     functions saveOldMethodsPerClass anyModulesToInitialize|
+    |oldDummyMethod who newHandle
+     savedOldClasses functions saveOldMethodsPerClass anyModulesToInitialize m|
     PreviouslyLoadedObjects notNil ifTrue:[
-	anyModulesToInitialize := false.
-	PreviouslyLoadedObjects do:[:entry |
-	    |fileName handle cls sel|
-	    fileName := entry key.
-	    handle := entry value.
-	    handle moduleID:nil.
-	    handle isClassLibHandle ifTrue:[
-		"/ ('ObjectFileLoader [info]: reloading classes in ' , fileName , ' ...') infoPrintCR.
-		"/
-		"/ remember all byteCode methods (as added in the session)
-		"/
-		savedByteCodeMethods := Dictionary new.
-		savedOldClasses := IdentitySet new.
-		saveOldMethodsPerClass := Dictionary new.
-		handle classes do:[:aClass |
-		    |clsName mthdDict|
-		    (aClass notNil and:[aClass ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
-			clsName := aClass name.
-			mthdDict := aClass methodDictionary.
-			saveOldMethodsPerClass at:clsName put:mthdDict copy.
-			savedMethods := IdentityDictionary new.
-			savedOldClasses add:aClass.
-			mthdDict keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :m |
-			    m byteCode notNil ifTrue:[
-				"/ an interpreted method - must be preserved
-				savedMethods at:sel put:m
-			    ]
-			].
-			savedMethods notEmpty ifTrue:[
-			    savedByteCodeMethods at:clsName put:savedMethods
-			].
-		    ]
-		].
-		"/
-		"/ load the class binary
-		"/
-		handle := self loadObjectFile:fileName invokeInitializeMethods:false.
-		handle notNil ifTrue:[
-		    anyModulesToInitialize := true
-		].
-		"/ after reloading of the objectFile,
-		"/ some of the changes made in the previous life have to be
-		"/ redone here - otherwise, we will be left with the
-		"/ state contained in the loaded objectModule - instead of
-		"/ what we had when saving the image ...
-		"/
-		"/ reinstall the byteCode methods
-		"/
-		savedByteCodeMethods keysAndValuesDo:[:nm :savedMethods |
-		    |cls|
-		    cls := Smalltalk classNamed:nm.
-		    savedMethods keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :m |
-			cls primAddSelector:sel withMethod:m.
-"/ ('preserved ' , cls name , '>>' , sel) printCR.
-		    ]
-		].
-		"/
-		"/ re-remove removed methods
-		"/ and re-change method categories
-		"/
-		savedOldClasses do:[:oldClass |
-		    |newClass oldMethods newMethodDict oldMthd newMthd
-		     oldCat oldClassVarString oldClassCategory|
-		    newClass := Smalltalk classNamed:(oldClass name).
-		    newClass notNil ifTrue:[
-			oldClassVarString := oldClass classVariableString.
-			newClass classVariableString ~= oldClassVarString ifTrue:[
-			    "/ there is no need to recreate the variable
-			    "/ (its in the smalltalk dictionary)
-			    newClass setClassVariableString:oldClassVarString
-			].
-			newClass isMeta ifFalse:[
-			    newClass setSharedPoolNames:(oldClass sharedPoolNames).
-			    oldClassCategory := oldClass category.
-			    newClass category ~= oldClassCategory ifTrue:[
-				newClass setCategory:oldClassCategory
-			    ]
-			].
-			oldMethods := saveOldMethodsPerClass at:oldClass name.
-			newMethodDict := newClass methodDictionary.
-			newMethodDict keys copy do:[:newSelector |
-			    (oldMethods includesKey:newSelector) ifFalse:[
+        anyModulesToInitialize := false.
+        PreviouslyLoadedObjects do:[:entry |
+            |fileName handle cls sel|
+            fileName := entry key.
+            handle := entry value.
+            handle moduleID:nil.
+            handle isClassLibHandle ifTrue:[
+                "/ ('ObjectFileLoader [info]: reloading classes in ' , fileName , ' ...') infoPrintCR.
+                "/
+                "/ remember all byteCode methods (as added in the session)
+                "/
+                savedOldClasses := IdentitySet new.
+                saveOldMethodsPerClass := IdentityDictionary new.
+                handle classes do:[:eachClass |
+                    (eachClass notNil and:[eachClass ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
+                        saveOldMethodsPerClass at:eachClass put:eachClass methodDictionary copy.
+                        savedOldClasses add:eachClass.
+                    ].
+                ].
+                "/
+                "/ load the class binary
+                "/
+                handle := self loadObjectFile:fileName invokeInitializeMethods:false.
+                handle notNil ifTrue:[
+                    anyModulesToInitialize := true
+                ].
+                "/ after reloading of the objectFile,
+                "/ some of the changes made in the previous life have to be
+                "/ redone here - otherwise, we will be left with the
+                "/ state contained in the loaded objectModule - instead of
+                "/ what we had when saving the image ...
+                "/
+                "/ re-remove removed methods
+                "/ and re-change method categories
+                "/
+                savedOldClasses do:[:oldClass |
+                    |newClass oldMethods newMethodDict oldMthd newMthd
+                     oldCat oldClassVarString oldClassCategory|
+                    newClass := Smalltalk classNamed:(oldClass name).
+                    newClass notNil ifTrue:[
+                        oldClassVarString := oldClass classVariableString.
+                        newClass classVariableString ~= oldClassVarString ifTrue:[
+                            "/ there is no need to recreate the variable
+                            "/ (its in the smalltalk dictionary)
+                            newClass setClassVariableString:oldClassVarString
+                        ].
+                        newClass isMeta ifFalse:[
+                            newClass setSharedPoolNames:(oldClass sharedPoolNames).
+                            oldClassCategory := oldClass category.
+                            newClass category ~= oldClassCategory ifTrue:[
+                                newClass setCategory:oldClassCategory
+                            ]
+                        ].
+                        oldMethods := saveOldMethodsPerClass at:oldClass.
+                        newMethodDict := newClass methodDictionary.
+                        newMethodDict keys copy do:[:newSelector |
+                            (oldMethods includesKey:newSelector) ifFalse:[
 "/                                ('ObjectFileLoader [info]: remove method #' , newSelector , ' from reloaded ' , oldClass name , '.') infoPrintCR.
-				newMethodDict removeKey:newSelector
-			    ] ifTrue:[
-				oldMthd := oldMethods at:newSelector.
-				newMthd := newMethodDict at:newSelector.
-				newMthd category:oldMthd category
-			    ]
-			]
-		    ]
-		].
-		"/
-		"/ validate old-classes vs. new classes.
-		"/ and if things look ok, get rid of old stuff
-		"/ and make instances become instances of the new class
-		"/
+                                newMethodDict removeKey:newSelector
+                            ] ifTrue:[
+                                oldMthd := oldMethods at:newSelector.
+                                oldMthd byteCode isNil ifTrue:[
+                                    "a compiled method, load the new code (address may have been changed)"
+                                    newMthd := newMethodDict at:newSelector.
+                                    oldMthd code:newMthd code.
+                                ] ifFalse:[
+                                    oldMthd code:nil.
+                                ].
+                                newClass primAddSelector:newSelector withMethod:oldMthd.
+                            ].
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ].
+                "/
+                "/ validate old-classes vs. new classes.
+                "/ and if things look ok, get rid of old stuff
+                "/ and make instances become instances of the new class
+                "/
 "/                ('ObjectFileLoader [info]: migrating classes ...') infoPrintCR.
-		savedOldClasses do:[:oldClass |
-		    |newClass oldCat oldCVars|
-		    newClass := Smalltalk classNamed:(oldClass name).
-		    newClass == oldClass ifTrue:[
+                savedOldClasses do:[:oldClass |
+                    |newClass oldCat oldCVars|
+                    newClass := Smalltalk classNamed:(oldClass name).
+                    newClass == oldClass ifTrue:[
 "/                        ('ObjectFileLoader [info]: class ' , oldClass name , ' reloaded.') infoPrintCR.
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			(newClass isNil or:[newClass == oldClass]) ifTrue:[
-			    ('ObjectFileLoader [warning]: reload of ' , oldClass name , ' seemed to fail.') errorPrintCR.
-			] ifFalse:[
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        (newClass isNil or:[newClass == oldClass]) ifTrue:[
+                            ('ObjectFileLoader [warning]: reload of ' , oldClass name , ' seemed to fail.') errorPrintCR.
+                        ] ifFalse:[
 "/'oldSize: ' print. oldClass instSize print. ' (' print. oldClass instSize class name print. ') ' print.
 "/'newSize: ' print. newClass instSize print. ' (' print. oldClass instSize class name print. ') ' printCR.
-			    oldClass instSize ~~ newClass instSize ifTrue:[
-				('ObjectFileLoader [warning]: ' , oldClass name , ' has changed its size.') errorPrintCR.
-			    ] ifFalse:[
-				oldClass class instSize ~~ newClass class instSize ifTrue:[
-				    ('ObjectFileLoader [warning]: ' , oldClass name , ' class has changed its size.') errorPrintCR.
-				] ifFalse:[
+                            oldClass instSize ~~ newClass instSize ifTrue:[
+                                ('ObjectFileLoader [warning]: ' , oldClass name , ' has changed its size.') errorPrintCR.
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                oldClass class instSize ~~ newClass class instSize ifTrue:[
+                                    ('ObjectFileLoader [warning]: ' , oldClass name , ' class has changed its size.') errorPrintCR.
+                                ] ifFalse:[
 "/                                    ('ObjectFileLoader [info]: migrating ' , oldClass name) infoPrintCR.
-				    (oldCat := oldClass category) ~= newClass category ifTrue:[
-					newClass setCategory:oldCat.
-				    ].
-				    (oldCVars := oldClass classVariableString) ~= newClass classVariableString ifTrue:[
-					newClass setClassVariableString:oldCVars
-				    ].
-				    "/ copy over the oldClasses class-instVars
-				    (Class instSize + 1) to:(oldClass class instSize) do:[:idx |
-					newClass instVarAt:idx put:(oldClass instVarAt:idx)
-				    ].
-				    oldClass becomeSameAs:newClass
+                                    (oldCat := oldClass category) ~= newClass category ifTrue:[
+                                        newClass setCategory:oldCat.
+                                    ].
+                                    (oldCVars := oldClass classVariableString) ~= newClass classVariableString ifTrue:[
+                                        newClass setClassVariableString:oldCVars
+                                    ].
+                                    "/ copy over the oldClasses class-instVars
+                                    (Class instSize + 1) to:(oldClass class instSize) do:[:idx |
+                                        newClass instVarAt:idx put:(oldClass instVarAt:idx)
+                                    ].
+                                    oldClass becomeSameAs:newClass
 "/                                    oldClass become:newClass
-				]
-			    ]
-			]
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		handle isMethodHandle ifTrue:[
-		    oldDummyMethod := handle method.
-		    (oldDummyMethod isKindOf:Method) ifFalse:[
-			('ObjectFileLoader [info]: ignore obsolete (already collected) method in ' , fileName) infoPrintCR
-		    ] ifTrue:[
-			('ObjectFileLoader [info]: reloading method in ' , fileName , ' ...') infoPrintCR.
-			who := oldDummyMethod who.
-			newHandle := self loadMethodObjectFile:fileName.
-			newHandle isNil ifTrue:[
-			    ('ObjectFileLoader [warning]: failed to reload method in ' , fileName , ' ...') errorPrintCR.
-			    handle moduleID:nil.
-			] ifFalse:[
-			    m := newHandle method.
-			    oldDummyMethod sourceFilename notNil ifTrue:[
-				m sourceFilename:(oldDummyMethod sourceFilename)
-				  position:(oldDummyMethod sourcePosition).
-			    ] ifFalse:[
-				m source:(oldDummyMethod source).
-			    ].
-			    m setPackage:(oldDummyMethod package).
-			    who notNil ifTrue:[
-				cls := who methodClass.
-				sel := who methodSelector.
-				m == (cls compiledMethodAt:sel) ifFalse:[
-				    'ObjectFileLoader [warning]: oops - loaded method installed wrong' errorPrintCR.
-				] ifTrue:[
+                                ]
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                handle isMethodHandle ifTrue:[
+                    oldDummyMethod := handle method.
+                    (oldDummyMethod isKindOf:Method) ifFalse:[
+                        ('ObjectFileLoader [info]: ignore obsolete (already collected) method in ' , fileName) infoPrintCR
+                    ] ifTrue:[
+                        ('ObjectFileLoader [info]: reloading method in ' , fileName , ' ...') infoPrintCR.
+                        who := oldDummyMethod who.
+                        newHandle := self loadMethodObjectFile:fileName.
+                        newHandle isNil ifTrue:[
+                            ('ObjectFileLoader [warning]: failed to reload method in ' , fileName , ' ...') errorPrintCR.
+                            handle moduleID:nil.
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            m := newHandle method.
+                            oldDummyMethod sourceFilename notNil ifTrue:[
+                                m sourceFilename:(oldDummyMethod sourceFilename)
+                                  position:(oldDummyMethod sourcePosition).
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                m source:(oldDummyMethod source).
+                            ].
+                            m setPackage:(oldDummyMethod package).
+                            who notNil ifTrue:[
+                                cls := who methodClass.
+                                sel := who methodSelector.
+                                m == (cls compiledMethodAt:sel) ifFalse:[
+                                    'ObjectFileLoader [warning]: oops - loaded method installed wrong' errorPrintCR.
+                                ] ifTrue:[
 "/                                  cls changed:#methodDictionary with:(Array with:sel with:oldDummyMethod).
-				]
-			    ].
-			]
-		    ]
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    handle isFunctionObjectHandle ifTrue:[
-			functions := handle functions.
-			functions isEmpty ifTrue:[
-			    ('ObjectFileLoader [info]: ignore obsolete (unreferenced) functions in ' , fileName) infoPrintCR
-			] ifFalse:[
-			    newHandle := self loadDynamicObject:fileName.
-			    newHandle isNil ifTrue:[
-				('ObjectFileLoader [warning]: failed to reload ' , fileName , ' ...') errorPrintCR.
-				handle moduleID:nil.
-			    ] ifFalse:[
-				('ObjectFileLoader [info]: reloading ' , fileName , ' ...') infoPrintCR.
-				functions do:[:eachFunction |  |addr|
-				    addr := newHandle getFunctionAddress:(eachFunction name) into:eachFunction.
-				    addr isNil ifTrue:[
-					('ObjectFileLoader [info]: function: ''' , eachFunction name , ''' no longer present.') errorPrintCR.
-					eachFunction invalidate.
-				    ] ifFalse:[
-					eachFunction setModuleHandle:newHandle.
-					('ObjectFileLoader [info]: rebound function: ''' , eachFunction name , '''.') infoPrintCR.
-				    ]
-				].
-				handle becomeSameAs:newHandle.      "/ the old handle is now void
-			    ]
-			]
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			('ObjectFileLoader [info]: ignored invalid (obsolete) objectFile handle: ' , handle printString) infoPrintCR.
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
-	PreviouslyLoadedObjects := nil.
-	"/ now, as we hopefully have all loaded,
-	"/ send #reinitializeAfterLoad to each of them
-	anyModulesToInitialize ifTrue:[
-	    AbortOperationRequest catch:[
-		self moduleInit:4 forceOld:false interruptable:true.
-	    ]
-	]
+                                ]
+                            ].
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    handle isFunctionObjectHandle ifTrue:[
+                        functions := handle functions.
+                        functions isEmpty ifTrue:[
+                            ('ObjectFileLoader [info]: ignore obsolete (unreferenced) functions in ' , fileName) infoPrintCR
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            newHandle := self loadDynamicObject:fileName.
+                            newHandle isNil ifTrue:[
+                                ('ObjectFileLoader [warning]: failed to reload ' , fileName , ' ...') errorPrintCR.
+                                handle moduleID:nil.
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                ('ObjectFileLoader [info]: reloading ' , fileName , ' ...') infoPrintCR.
+                                functions do:[:eachFunction |  |addr|
+                                    addr := newHandle getFunctionAddress:(eachFunction name) into:eachFunction.
+                                    addr isNil ifTrue:[
+                                        ('ObjectFileLoader [info]: function: ''' , eachFunction name , ''' no longer present.') errorPrintCR.
+                                        eachFunction invalidate.
+                                    ] ifFalse:[
+                                        eachFunction setModuleHandle:newHandle.
+                                        ('ObjectFileLoader [info]: rebound function: ''' , eachFunction name , '''.') infoPrintCR.
+                                    ]
+                                ].
+                                handle becomeSameAs:newHandle.      "/ the old handle is now void
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        ('ObjectFileLoader [info]: ignore invalid (obsolete) objectFile handle: ' , handle printString) infoPrintCR.
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        PreviouslyLoadedObjects := nil.
+        "/ now, as we hopefully have all loaded,
+        "/ send #reinitializeAfterLoad to each of them
+        anyModulesToInitialize ifTrue:[
+            AbortOperationRequest catch:[
+"/                self moduleInit:0 forceOld:true interruptable:true.
+"/                self moduleInit:1 forceOld:true interruptable:true.
+"/                self moduleInit:2 forceOld:true interruptable:true.
+                self moduleInit:4 forceOld:false interruptable:true.
+            ]
+        ]
     "Modified: / 18-01-2011 / 20:42:57 / cg"
@@ -4332,11 +4315,11 @@
 !ObjectFileLoader class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libcomp/,v 1.311 2012-01-31 11:13:59 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libcomp/,v 1.312 2012-07-17 07:12:47 stefan Exp $'
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libcomp/,v 1.311 2012-01-31 11:13:59 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libcomp/,v 1.312 2012-07-17 07:12:47 stefan Exp $'
 ! !
 ObjectFileLoader initialize!