authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Sat, 30 Apr 2016 17:15:35 +0200
changeset 3798 faa62aacc8f2
parent 3797 07a509cecbaf
child 3799 249e6614cd4b
#UI_ENHANCEMENT by cg class: Explainer added:8 methods removed: #commonSuperClassOf: comment/format in: #fetchCommentOfMethod: changed: #explain:in:forClass:short: #explainLiteralNode:in:forClass:short:interval: #explainMessageNode:in:forClass:short:interval: #explainSelector:inClass:short: better explanations (in browser's info view)
--- a/Explainer.st	Sat Apr 30 14:41:53 2016 +0200
+++ b/Explainer.st	Sat Apr 30 17:15:35 2016 +0200
@@ -64,18 +64,20 @@
     (literalValue isInteger) ifTrue:[
         (literalValue ~~ 0 and:[literalValue ~~ 1]) ifTrue:[
             expl := expl , ' ('.
-            #(2 10 16) with:#('binary: ' 'decimal: ' 'hex: ')do:[:base :baseExpl |
+            #(2 10 16) with:#('binary: ' 'decimal: ' 'hex: ') do:[:base :baseExpl |
                 base ~= (node token radix ? 10) ifTrue:[
                     bStr := base==10
                                 ifTrue:[literalValue printString]
-                                ifFalse:[literalValue radixPrintStringRadix:base].
+                                ifFalse:[(literalValue printStringRadix:base) leftPaddedTo:2 with:$0]. "/ looks better: at least a size of 2
+                    "/ oops - someone looks at a largeInteger
+                    bStr := bStr contractAtEndTo:40.
                     expl := expl , ' ' , baseExpl, bStr
             expl := expl , ' )'.
-        ].
+        ].  
         ^ expl.
     (literalValue isCharacter) ifTrue:[
@@ -134,7 +136,7 @@
     ^ expl
-    "Modified: / 09-10-2006 / 12:09:43 / cg"
+    "Modified (format): / 30-04-2016 / 16:00:05 / cg"
 explainMessageNode:node in:code forClass:cls short:short interval:intervalIfKnown
@@ -250,39 +252,39 @@
         info := Explainer explainSelector:selector inClass:cls short:short.
-    implementingClasses notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-        implMethods := implementingClasses collect:[:implClass | implClass compiledMethodAt:selector].
-        implMethods size <= 8 ifTrue:[
-            implMethods size < 4 ifTrue:[
-                "/ show full comments
-                comments := implMethods 
-                                collect:[:implMethod | implMethod comment]
-                                thenSelect:[:comment | comment notEmptyOrNil].
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                "/ show first lines one
-                comments := implMethods 
-                                collect:[:implMethod | (self fetchCommentOfMethod:implMethod)]
-                                thenSelect:[:comment | comment notEmptyOrNil].
-            ].
-            comments := comments collect:[:each | each colorizeAllWith:(UserPreferences current commentColor) ].
-            short ifTrue:[
-                comments := comments collect:[:implMethodComment | implMethodComment firstLine] as:Set.
-                comments size == 1 ifTrue:[
-                    ^ info , ' ' , (comments first).
-                ].
-                ^ info
-            ].
-            info := info,'\'withCRs.
-            comments 
-                with:implementingClasses 
-                do:[:eachComment :eachClass | 
-                    info := info,'\comment in ',eachClass name,':\',(eachComment asStringCollection asString) 
-                ].
-        ].
-    ].
+"/    implementingClasses notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+"/        implMethods := implementingClasses collect:[:implClass | implClass compiledMethodAt:selector].
+"/        implMethods size <= 8 ifTrue:[
+"/            implMethods size < 4 ifTrue:[
+"/                "/ show full comments
+"/                comments := implMethods 
+"/                                collect:[:implMethod | implMethod comment]
+"/                                thenSelect:[:comment | comment notEmptyOrNil].
+"/            ] ifFalse:[
+"/                "/ show first lines one
+"/                comments := implMethods 
+"/                                collect:[:implMethod | (self fetchCommentOfMethod:implMethod)]
+"/                                thenSelect:[:comment | comment notEmptyOrNil].
+"/            ].
+"/            comments := comments collect:[:each | each colorizeAllWith:(UserPreferences current commentColor) ].
+"/            short ifTrue:[
+"/                comments := comments collect:[:implMethodComment | implMethodComment firstLine] as:Set.
+"/                comments size == 1 ifTrue:[
+"/                    ^ info , ' ' , (comments first).
+"/                ].
+"/                ^ info
+"/            ].
+"/            info := info,'\'withCRs.
+"/            comments 
+"/                with:implementingClasses 
+"/                do:[:eachComment :eachClass | 
+"/                    info := info,'\comment in ',eachClass name,':\',(eachComment asStringCollection asString) 
+"/                ].
+"/        ].
+"/    ].
     ^ info
-    "Modified: / 06-02-2007 / 19:26:11 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30-04-2016 / 17:08:11 / cg"
 explainMethodNode:node in:code forClass:cls short:short interval:intervalIfKnown
@@ -460,6 +462,8 @@
+    "retrieve the comment of a method (if possible and there is one; otherwise, return nil)"
     |methodComment lines|
     "/ with wait cursor, because it accesses sourcecode (via SCM)
@@ -479,6 +483,7 @@
     ^ ('"' , methodComment , '"') colorizeAllWith:(UserPreferences current commentColor).
     "Created: / 14-09-2006 / 14:11:58 / cg"
+    "Modified (comment): / 30-04-2016 / 16:17:18 / cg"
 guessPossibleImplementorClassesFor:node in:code forClass:cls
@@ -552,14 +557,6 @@
 !Explainer class methodsFor:'explaining-naive'!
-    <resource: #obsolete>
-    ^ Behavior commonSuperclassOf:listOfClassesOrClassNames
-    "Modified (format): / 28-02-2012 / 09:00:37 / cg"
 explain:someText in:source forClass:aClass
     "Given a source and a substring of it, return a string containing
      an explanation.
@@ -586,8 +583,7 @@
      Also, there could be much more detailed explanations."
     |explainer variables c string explanation tmp1
-     spc sym sel stringText cls clsName val valString 
-     instIndex setOfTypes toRemove toAdd|
+     spc sym sel stringText cls clsName val valString|
     string := someText string withoutSeparators.
     string isEmpty ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].
@@ -635,122 +631,7 @@
             valString := self valueStringFor:val.
             ^ stringText , ' (' , valString , ').'
-        clsName := c name.
-        shortText ifTrue:[
-            stringText := stringText , ': an instVar in ' , clsName , '.'
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            stringText := stringText , ': an instance variable inherited from ' , clsName , '.'
-        ].
-        "/ look for instances
-        setOfTypes := IdentitySet new.
-        instIndex := c instVarIndexFor:string.
-        c allSubInstancesDo:[:i |
-            |varClass|
-            varClass := (i instVarAt:instIndex) class.
-            setOfTypes add:varClass.
-        ].    
-        "/ TODO: look for assignments
-        c withAllSubclassesDo:[:cls |
-            cls methodDictionary do:[:m |
-                |tree code visitor|
-                "/ quick check
-                code := m source.
-                (code notNil and:[code includesString:string]) ifTrue:[
-                    tree := Parser parse:code class:cls.
-                    (tree notNil and:[tree ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
-                        visitor := PluggableParseNodeVisitor new. 
-                        visitor 
-                            actionForNodeClass:AssignmentNode 
-                            put:[:node |
-                                |val|
-                                node variable name = string ifTrue:[
-                                    "/ only look for wellknown types on the right side.
-                                    node expression isConstant ifTrue:[
-                                        val := node expression evaluate.
-                                        val isArray ifTrue:[
-                                            setOfTypes add:Array 
-                                        ] ifFalse:[
-                                            setOfTypes add:val class
-                                        ].
-                                    ] ifFalse:[
-                                        node expression isMessage ifTrue:[
-                                            ( #(+ - * /) includes:node expression selector ) ifTrue:[
-                                                setOfTypes add:Number
-                                            ] ifFalse:[    
-                                                ( #(// size) includes:node expression selector ) ifTrue:[
-                                                    setOfTypes add:Integer
-                                                ] ifFalse:[    
-                                                    ( #(copy shallowCopy) includes:node expression selector ) ifTrue:[
-                                                    ] ifFalse:[    
-                                                        ( #(new new: basicNew basicNew:) includes:node expression selector ) ifTrue:[
-                                                            node expression receiver isGlobal ifTrue:[
-                                                                setOfTypes add:node expression receiver evaluate
-                                                            ].    
-                                                        ] ifFalse:[    
-self breakPoint:#cg.
-                                                        ]
-                                                    ]
-                                                ]
-                                            ]
-                                        ].    
-                                    ].    
-                                ].
-                                true "/ yes - visit subnodes
-                            ].        
-                        visitor visit:tree.
-                    ].    
-                ]    
-            ]
-        ].
-        "/ reduce...
-        toAdd := Set new.
-        toRemove := Set new.
-        setOfTypes do:[:type1 |
-            setOfTypes do:[:type2 |
-                |common|
-                type1 superclass == type2 ifTrue:[
-                    toRemove add:type1.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    type2 superclass == type1 ifTrue:[
-                        toRemove add:type2.
-                    ] ifFalse:[    
-                        common := type1 commonSuperclass:type2.
-                        common ~~ Object ifTrue:[
-                            toRemove add:type1.
-                            toRemove add:type2.
-                            toAdd add:common.
-                        ].    
-                    ].                        
-                ].
-            ]
-        ]. 
-        setOfTypes removeAll:toRemove.
-        setOfTypes addAll:toRemove.
-        setOfTypes := setOfTypes collect:#name as:OrderedCollection.
-        setOfTypes sort.
-        setOfTypes size == 1 ifTrue:[
-            stringText := stringText,' (',setOfTypes first,')'
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            setOfTypes size == 2 ifTrue:[
-                stringText := stringText,' (',setOfTypes first,' or ',setOfTypes second,')'
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                setOfTypes size == 3 ifTrue:[
-                    stringText := stringText,' (',setOfTypes first,', ',setOfTypes second,' or ',setOfTypes third,')'
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    setOfTypes size == 0 ifTrue:[
-                        stringText := stringText,(' (type unknown)' bindWith:setOfTypes size)
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        stringText := stringText,(' (one of %1 types)' bindWith:setOfTypes size)
-                    ].    
-                ].    
-            ].    
-        ].    
-        ^ stringText
+        ^ self explainInstanceVariable:string inClass:c short:shortText.
     string isWideString ifFalse:[
@@ -877,7 +758,7 @@
     "Created: / 03-12-1995 / 12:47:37 / cg"
     "Modified: / 16-04-1997 / 12:46:11 / stefan"
-    "Modified: / 27-07-2013 / 09:53:30 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30-04-2016 / 15:00:28 / cg"
 explainGlobal:string inClass:aClass short:shortText
@@ -1030,6 +911,50 @@
     "Created: / 28-02-2012 / 10:44:55 / cg"
+explainInstanceVariable:instVarName inClass:aClass short:shortText
+    |template stringText setOfTypes|
+    shortText ifTrue:[
+        template := '%1: an instVar in %2'
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        template := '%1: an instance variable in %2'
+    ].
+    stringText := template bindWith:instVarName allBold with:aClass name.
+    "/ look for instances
+    setOfTypes := IdentitySet new.
+    self addTypesOfInstvar:instVarName inClass:aClass fromExistingInstancesTo:setOfTypes.
+    "/ look for assignments
+    aClass withAllSubclassesDo:[:cls | self addTypesAssignedToInstvar:instVarName inClass:cls to:setOfTypes].
+    "/ reduce...
+    self compressSetOfTypes:setOfTypes.
+    setOfTypes := setOfTypes collect:#name as:OrderedCollection.
+    setOfTypes sort.
+    "/ now make this a nice string
+    setOfTypes size == 1 ifTrue:[
+        stringText := stringText,' (',setOfTypes first,')'
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        setOfTypes size == 2 ifTrue:[
+            stringText := stringText,' (',setOfTypes first,' or ',setOfTypes second,')'
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            setOfTypes size == 3 ifTrue:[
+                stringText := stringText,' (',setOfTypes first,', ',setOfTypes second,' or ',setOfTypes third,')'
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                setOfTypes size == 0 ifTrue:[
+                    stringText := stringText,(' (type unknown)' bindWith:setOfTypes size)
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    stringText := stringText,(' (one of %1 types)' bindWith:setOfTypes size)
+                ].    
+            ].    
+        ].    
+    ].    
+    ^ stringText
+    "Created: / 30-04-2016 / 14:59:22 / cg"
 explainKnownSymbol:string inClass:aClass
     "return an explanation or nil"
@@ -1131,9 +1056,12 @@
 explainSelector:string inClass:aClass short:shortText
     "return an explanation or nil"
-    |sym listOfImplementingClasses listOfSimilarSelectors
+    |sym listOfImplementingClasses listOfImplementingClassNames listOfSimilarSelectors
      firstImplementingClassOfSimilar count tmp commonSuperClass s s2
-     firstImplementingClass cm msg t check|
+     firstImplementingClass 
+     firstImplementingClassName secondImplementingClassName thirdImplementingClassName
+     classProvidingComment
+     cm msg t check|
     sym := string asSymbolIfInterned.
     sym isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
@@ -1142,15 +1070,18 @@
      try selectors
      look who implements it
+    listOfImplementingClassNames := Set new.
     listOfImplementingClasses := Set new.
     listOfSimilarSelectors := Set new.
     check :=
         [:sel :mthd :cls |
             sel == sym ifTrue:[
-                listOfImplementingClasses add:(cls name).
+                listOfImplementingClasses add:cls.
+                listOfImplementingClassNames add:(cls name).
                 firstImplementingClass isNil ifTrue:[
-                    firstImplementingClass := cls
+                    firstImplementingClass := cls.
+                    firstImplementingClassName := cls name.
             ] ifFalse:[
                 (sel startsWith:sym) ifTrue:[
@@ -1183,13 +1114,13 @@
         s2 := ''.
-    count := listOfImplementingClasses size.
+    count := listOfImplementingClassNames size.
     (count ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
          for up-to 4 implementing classes,
          list them
-        listOfImplementingClasses := listOfImplementingClasses asOrderedCollection sort.
+        listOfImplementingClassNames := listOfImplementingClassNames asOrderedCollection sort.
         shortText ifTrue:[
             tmp := ' is implemented in '.
         ] ifFalse:[
@@ -1198,7 +1129,8 @@
         s := "'#' ," string allBold.
         (count == 1) ifTrue:[
-            (t := listOfImplementingClasses first) isMeta ifTrue:[
+            t := firstImplementingClassName.
+            firstImplementingClass isMeta ifTrue:[
                 t := 'the ' , t
             msg := s , tmp , t , '.'.
@@ -1206,21 +1138,24 @@
                 msg := msg , s2.
         ] ifFalse:[
+            firstImplementingClassName := listOfImplementingClassNames at:1.
+            secondImplementingClassName := listOfImplementingClassNames at:2.
             (count == 2) ifTrue:[
-                msg := s,tmp,(listOfImplementingClasses at:1),' and ',(listOfImplementingClasses at:2),'.'.
+                msg := s,tmp,firstImplementingClassName,' and ',secondImplementingClassName,'.'.
                 shortText ifFalse:[
                     msg := msg , s2.
             ] ifFalse:[
+                thirdImplementingClassName := listOfImplementingClassNames at:3.
                 (count == 3) ifTrue:[
-                    msg := s,tmp,(listOfImplementingClasses at:1),',',(listOfImplementingClasses at:2),' and ',(listOfImplementingClasses at:3),'.'.
+                    msg := s,tmp,firstImplementingClassName,',',secondImplementingClassName,' and ',thirdImplementingClassName,'.'.
                     shortText ifFalse:[
                         msg := msg , s2.
                 ] ifFalse:[
-                    shortText ifTrue:[
+                    false "shortText" ifTrue:[
                         msg := s , tmp , count printString , ' classes'.
-                        commonSuperClass := Class commonSuperclassOf:listOfImplementingClasses.
+                        commonSuperClass := Class commonSuperclassOf:listOfImplementingClassNames.
                         commonSuperClass notNil ifTrue:[
                             (commonSuperClass == Object
                             and:[commonSuperClass includesSelector:sym]) ifTrue:[
@@ -1235,87 +1170,98 @@
                         ^ msg
-                    (count == 3) ifTrue:[
-                        msg := s , tmp , '
-' , (listOfImplementingClasses at:1) , ', ' , (listOfImplementingClasses at:2) , ' and ' , (listOfImplementingClasses at:3) , '.' , s2
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        (count == 4) ifTrue:[
-                            msg := s , tmp , '
-' , (listOfImplementingClasses at:1) , ', ' , (listOfImplementingClasses at:2) , ', ' , (listOfImplementingClasses at:3), ' and ' , (listOfImplementingClasses at:4) , '.' , s2
+                    "
+                     if there are more, look for a common
+                     superclass and show it ...
+                    "
+                    commonSuperClass := Behavior commonSuperclassOf:listOfImplementingClasses.
+                    (commonSuperClass ~~ Object
+                    and:[commonSuperClass ~~ Behavior
+                    and:[commonSuperClass ~~ Class
+                    and:[commonSuperClass ~~ ClassDescription]]]) ifTrue:[
+                        (listOfImplementingClasses includes:commonSuperClass) ifTrue:[
+                            msg := s . tmp , count printString , commonSuperClass name
+                                     , ' and redefined in ' , (count - 1) printString
+                                     , ' subclasses'
+                                     , s2.
+                            firstImplementingClass := commonSuperClass
                         ] ifFalse:[
-                            "
-                             if there are more, look for a common
-                             superclass and show it ...
-                            "
-                            commonSuperClass := Behavior commonSuperclassOf:listOfImplementingClasses.
-                            (commonSuperClass ~~ Object
-                            and:[commonSuperClass ~~ Behavior
-                            and:[commonSuperClass ~~ Class
-                            and:[commonSuperClass ~~ ClassDescription]]]) ifTrue:[
-                                (listOfImplementingClasses includes:commonSuperClass) ifTrue:[
-                                    msg := s . tmp , count printString , commonSuperClass name
-                                             , ' and redefined in ' , (count - 1) printString
-                                             , ' subclasses'
-                                             , s2.
-                                    firstImplementingClass := commonSuperClass
-                                ] ifFalse:[
-                                    msg := s , tmp, count printString , ' subclasses of ' , commonSuperClass name , s2
-                                ]
+                            msg := s , tmp, count printString , ' subclasses of ' , commonSuperClass name , s2
+                        ]
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        (commonSuperClass == Object
+                        and:[commonSuperClass includesSelector:sym]) ifTrue:[
+                            shortText ifTrue:[
+                                msg := s , tmp , count printString , ' classes (incl. Object)'.
                             ] ifFalse:[
-                                (commonSuperClass == Object
-                                and:[commonSuperClass includesSelector:sym]) ifTrue:[
-                                    msg := s , tmp , count printString , ' classes.
+                                msg := s , tmp , count printString , ' classes.
 All objects seem to respond to that message,
 since there is an implementation in Object.' , s2.
-                                    firstImplementingClass := Object
+                            ].
+                            firstImplementingClass := Object
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            ((commonSuperClass == Behavior
+                             or:[commonSuperClass == Class
+                             or:[commonSuperClass == ClassDescription]])
+                            and:[commonSuperClass includesSelector:sym]) ifTrue:[
+                                shortText ifTrue:[
+                                    msg := s , tmp , count printString , ' classes (incl. all classes)'.
                                 ] ifFalse:[
-                                    ((commonSuperClass == Behavior
-                                     or:[commonSuperClass == Class
-                                     or:[commonSuperClass == ClassDescription]])
-                                    and:[commonSuperClass includesSelector:sym]) ifTrue:[
-                                        msg := s , tmp , count printString , ' classes.
+                                    msg := s , tmp , count printString , ' classes.
 All classes seem to respond to that message,
 since there is an implementation in ' , commonSuperClass name , '.' , s2.
-                                        firstImplementingClass := commonSuperClass
-                                    ] ifFalse:[
-                                        "
-                                         otherwise just give the number.
-                                        "
-                                        msg := s , tmp , count printString , ' classes.' , s2
-                                    ]
-                                ]
+                                ].
+                                firstImplementingClass := commonSuperClass
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                "
+                                 otherwise just give the number.
+                                "
+                                msg := s , tmp , count printString , ' classes.' , s2
-        shortText ifTrue:[
-            count == 1 ifTrue:[
-                cm := self fetchCommentOfMethod:(firstImplementingClass compiledMethodAt:sym).
-                cm notNil ifTrue:[
-                    msg := msg,'',cm
-                ].
-            ].
+        "/ look for a comment...
+        count == 1 ifTrue:[
+            classProvidingComment := firstImplementingClass.
         ] ifFalse:[
-"/            firstImplementingClass notNil ifTrue:[
-"/                WindowGroup activeGroup withWaitCursorDo:[
-"/                    cm := self fetchCommentOfMethod:(firstImplementingClass compiledMethodAt:sym).
-"/                ].
-"/                cm notNil ifTrue:[
-"/                    msg := msg , '\\The comment in ' withCRs
-"/                               , firstImplementingClass name "allBold" , ' is:\' withCRs
-"/                               , '"' , cm allItalic , '"'.
-"/                ]
-"/            ].
+            commonSuperClass isNil ifTrue:[
+                commonSuperClass := Behavior commonSuperclassOf:listOfImplementingClasses.
+            ] .
+            (listOfImplementingClasses includes:commonSuperClass) ifTrue:[
+                classProvidingComment := commonSuperClass
+            ].
+        ].
+        classProvidingComment notNil ifTrue:[
+            cm := self fetchCommentOfMethod:(classProvidingComment compiledMethodAt:sym).
+        ].
+        cm isNil ifTrue:[
+            "/ should: find the class with most subclasses from the list
+            (listOfImplementingClasses includes:Collection) ifTrue:[
+                classProvidingComment := Collection
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                (listOfImplementingClasses includes:Stream) ifTrue:[
+                    classProvidingComment := Stream
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    classProvidingComment := listOfImplementingClasses detect:[:cls | (self fetchCommentOfMethod:(cls compiledMethodAt:sym)) notNil] ifNone:nil.
+                ]
+            ].
+            classProvidingComment notNil ifTrue:[
+                cm := self fetchCommentOfMethod:(classProvidingComment compiledMethodAt:sym).
+                cm := (' %1 says: ' bindWith:classProvidingComment name),cm
+            ].
+        ].
+        cm notNil ifTrue:[
+            msg := msg,(msg last isSeparator ifTrue:[''] ifFalse:[' ']),cm
         ^ msg
+    "/ none implements it (type?);
     count := listOfSimilarSelectors size.
     (count ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
         listOfSimilarSelectors := listOfSimilarSelectors asOrderedCollection sort.
@@ -1343,7 +1289,7 @@
     "Modified: / 17-06-1996 / 17:09:30 / stefan"
     "Created: / 23-03-1999 / 13:29:33 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 27-07-2013 / 09:59:46 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30-04-2016 / 17:04:30 / cg"
 explainSelfIn:aClass short:shortText
@@ -1722,6 +1668,200 @@
     "Modified: / 14-10-2010 / 11:57:52 / cg"
 ! !
+!Explainer class methodsFor:'naive type inferer'!
+addTypeOfExpressionNode:expr forAssignmentTo:varName to:setOfTypes
+    |val valClass msgSelector msgReceiver|
+    "/ only look for wellknown types on the right side.
+    expr isConstant ifTrue:[
+        val := expr evaluate.
+        val isImmutable ifTrue:[
+            valClass := val class mutableClass
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            valClass := val class
+        ].
+        self rememberType:valClass in:setOfTypes.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    expr isMessage ifTrue:[
+        msgSelector := expr selector.
+        msgReceiver := expr receiver.
+        msgSelector == #? ifTrue:[
+            self addTypeOfExpressionNode:(expr arg1) forAssignmentTo:varName to:setOfTypes.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        "/ really really only low hanging fruit...
+        ( #(+ - * /) includes:msgSelector ) ifTrue:[
+            "/ ignore foo := foo OP expr
+            "/ ignore foo := expr OP foo
+            (msgReceiver isVariable and:[msgReceiver name = varName]) ifFalse:[
+                (expr arg1 isVariable and:[expr arg1 name = varName]) ifFalse:[
+                    self rememberType:Number in:setOfTypes.
+                ]
+            ].
+            ^ self.
+        ].
+        ( #(// size hash identityHash) includes:msgSelector ) ifTrue:[
+            self rememberType:Integer in:setOfTypes.
+            ^ self.
+        ].
+        ( #(copy shallowCopy) includes:msgSelector ) ifTrue:[
+            msgReceiver isConstant ifTrue:[
+                self addTypeOfExpressionNode:msgReceiver forAssignmentTo:varName to:setOfTypes.
+            ].
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        msgReceiver isGlobal ifTrue:[
+            |globalValue|
+            globalValue := msgReceiver evaluate.
+            globalValue isBehavior ifTrue:[
+                ( #(new new: basicNew basicNew:) includes:msgSelector ) ifTrue:[
+                    self rememberType:globalValue in:setOfTypes.
+                    ^ self.
+                ].
+            ].
+self breakPoint:#cg.
+        ] ifFalse:[    
+self breakPoint:#cg.
+        ]
+    ].
+    "Created: / 30-04-2016 / 15:28:59 / cg"
+addTypesAssignedToInstvar:instVarName inClass:aClass method:aMethod to:setOfTypes
+    "look to asssignments to an instance variable, and pick up low hanging class information.
+     This is far from being complete, but gives a hint good enough for code completion
+     and info in the browser."
+    | code |
+    code := aMethod source.
+    (code notNil) ifTrue:[
+        self addTypesAssignedToInstvar:instVarName inClass:aClass source:code to:setOfTypes
+    ]
+    "Created: / 30-04-2016 / 15:07:33 / cg"
+addTypesAssignedToInstvar:instVarName inClass:aClass source:code to:setOfTypes
+    "look to asssignments to an instance variable, and pick up low hanging class information.
+     This is far from being complete, but gives a hint good enough for code completion
+     and info in the browser."
+    |tree visitor|
+    "/ quick check (avoids expensive parse)
+    (code includesString:instVarName) ifFalse:[ ^ self ].
+    tree := Parser parse:code class:aClass.
+    (tree isNil or:[tree == #Error]) ifTrue:[ ^ self ]. "/ unparsable
+    visitor := PluggableParseNodeVisitor new. 
+    visitor 
+        actionForNodeClass:AssignmentNode 
+        put:[:node |
+            |leftSide expr|
+            leftSide := node variable.
+            (leftSide isInstanceVariable and:[ leftSide name = instVarName ]) ifTrue:[
+                expr := node expression.
+                self addTypeOfExpressionNode:expr forAssignmentTo:instVarName to:setOfTypes
+            ].
+            true "/ yes - visit subnodes
+        ].        
+    visitor visit:tree.
+    "Created: / 30-04-2016 / 15:09:18 / cg"
+addTypesAssignedToInstvar:instVarName inClass:aClass to:setOfTypes
+    "look to asssignments to an instance variable, and pick up low hanging class information.
+     This is far from being complete, but gives a hint good enough for code completion
+     and info in the browser."
+    aClass methodDictionary do:[:m |
+        self addTypesAssignedToInstvar:instVarName inClass:aClass method:m to:setOfTypes
+    ].
+    "Created: / 30-04-2016 / 14:52:56 / cg"
+addTypesOfInstvar:instVarName inClass:aClass fromExistingInstancesTo:setOfTypes
+    "look for existing instances and see that type is there"
+    |instIndex|
+    instIndex := aClass instVarIndexFor:instVarName.
+    aClass allSubInstancesDo:[:i |
+        |varClass|
+        varClass := (i instVarAt:instIndex) class.
+        self rememberType:varClass in:setOfTypes.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 30-04-2016 / 14:56:11 / cg"
+    |toAdd toRemove|
+    "/ reduce by eliminating common superclasses...
+    toAdd := Set new.
+    toRemove := Set new.
+    setOfTypes do:[:type1 |
+        setOfTypes do:[:type2 |
+            |common|
+            type1 superclass == type2 ifTrue:[
+                toRemove add:type1.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                type2 superclass == type1 ifTrue:[
+                    toRemove add:type2.
+                ] ifFalse:[    
+                    common := type1 commonSuperclass:type2.
+                    common ~~ Object ifTrue:[
+                        toRemove add:type1.
+                        toRemove add:type2.
+                        toAdd add:common.
+                    ].    
+                ].                        
+            ].
+        ]
+    ]. 
+    setOfTypes removeAll:toRemove.
+    setOfTypes addAll:toRemove.
+    "/ hack
+    setOfTypes size == 2 ifTrue:[
+        ((setOfTypes includes:True) and:[setOfTypes includes:False]) ifTrue:[
+            setOfTypes removeAll; add:Boolean.
+            ^ self.
+        ].
+        ((setOfTypes includes:SmallInteger) and:[setOfTypes includes:LargeInteger]) ifTrue:[
+            setOfTypes removeAll; add:Integer.
+            ^ self.
+        ]
+    ].
+    "Created: / 30-04-2016 / 15:37:38 / cg"
+rememberType:aClass in:setOfTypes
+aClass == UndefinedObject ifTrue:[self halt].
+    setOfTypes add:aClass
+    "Created: / 30-04-2016 / 15:35:44 / cg"
+! !
 !Explainer class methodsFor:'documentation'!