More work on Smalltalk bytecode interpreter.
authorJan Vrany <>
Wed, 16 Mar 2016 00:43:52 +0000
changeset 3586 27ad5c699e3f
parent 3537 dd610fcb5e07
child 3587 22caa10f9919
More work on Smalltalk bytecode interpreter.
--- a/	Tue Mar 15 15:46:32 2016 +0000
+++ b/	Wed Mar 16 00:43:52 2016 +0000
@@ -1505,12 +1505,11 @@
     ^ self subclassResponsibility
-    "raise an error: must be redefined in concrete subclass(es)"
-    ^ self subclassResponsibility
+    self iload: self fetchIndex
     "Created: / 17-03-2011 / 15:06:42 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 16-03-2016 / 00:22:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
 iload: arg 
@@ -1694,10 +1693,10 @@
-    ^ self subclassResponsibility
+    self istore: self fetchIndex
     "Created: / 17-03-2011 / 16:36:55 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 16-03-2016 / 00:21:12 / Jan Vrany <>"
 istore: arg 
--- a/examples/tomcat6/	Tue Mar 15 15:46:32 2016 +0000
+++ b/examples/tomcat6/	Wed Mar 16 00:43:52 2016 +0000
@@ -254,10 +254,8 @@
     | pp wd i p parser startup commands |
     "Search for package path, bit hacky but..."
+    (OperatingSystem pathOfSTXExecutable endsWith: 'tomcat6') ifFalse:[
     wd := Filename currentDirectory.
     pp := nil.
     p := wd.
@@ -268,21 +266,16 @@
                    ifTrue:[pp := p]].
-                        [Stderr nextPutAll: 'ERROR: Cannot find package path'.
+                        [Stderr nextPutLine: 'ERROR: Cannot find package path'.
                         Smalltalk exit: 16]
                         [Smalltalk packagePath add: pp pathName].
+    ].
     self setupSignalHandlers.
-    parser := CmdLineParser autoload; new.
-    CmdLineOptionError autoload.
+    parser := CmdLineParser new.  
         commands := parser parse: argv for: self.        
     ] on:CmdLineOptionError do:[:ex|
--- a/experiments/	Tue Mar 15 15:46:32 2016 +0000
+++ b/experiments/	Wed Mar 16 00:43:52 2016 +0000
@@ -1553,9 +1553,15 @@
-    "raise an error: must be redefined in concrete subclass(es)"
-    ^ self shouldImplement
+    | value target |
+    value := self pop.
+    target := self fetchIndex2.
+    value notNil ifTrue:[
+        self relativeJump: target.
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 16-03-2016 / 00:18:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
@@ -1592,12 +1598,6 @@
     "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 17:22:22 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "raise an error: must be redefined in concrete subclass(es)"
-    ^ self shouldImplement
 iload: idx 
      loads an int value from a local variable #index
@@ -1692,18 +1692,28 @@
     | methodRef methodToBeInvoked  methodReceiver  methodNumArgs  methodArgs  result |
     methodRef := constantPool at: self fetchIndex2.
-    methodToBeInvoked := methodRef resolvedValue.
-    methodReceiver := self pop.
+    methodToBeInvoked := methodRef resolve.
     methodNumArgs := methodToBeInvoked javaNumArgs.
     methodArgs := Array new: methodNumArgs.
     methodNumArgs to: 1
         by: -1
         do: [:index | methodArgs at: index put: self pop ].
+    methodReceiver := self pop.
     result := self 
                 interpretInner: methodToBeInvoked
                 receiver: methodReceiver
                 arguments: methodArgs.
-    self pushRef: result.
+    methodToBeInvoked returnsDouble ifTrue:[
+        self pushDouble: result
+    ] ifFalse:[ 
+        methodToBeInvoked returnsLong ifTrue:[ 
+            self pushLong: result  
+        ] ifFalse:[ 
+            methodToBeInvoked returnsVoid ifFalse: [
+                self pushRef: result
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].   
@@ -1776,7 +1786,7 @@
      than nargs local variables may be required to pass nargs argument values to the invoked method."
     "Modified: / 31-03-2011 / 16:34:52 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 02-03-2016 / 00:22:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 16-03-2016 / 00:14:19 / Jan Vrany <>"
@@ -1799,11 +1809,19 @@
     result := self 
-            receiver:receiver
+            receiver:methodToBeInvoked javaClass
-    methodToBeInvoked returnsVoid ifFalse:[
-        self pushConstant:result
-    ].
+    methodToBeInvoked returnsDouble ifTrue:[
+        self pushDouble: result
+    ] ifFalse:[ 
+        methodToBeInvoked returnsLong ifTrue:[ 
+            self pushLong: result  
+        ] ifFalse:[ 
+            methodToBeInvoked returnsVoid ifFalse: [
+                self pushRef: result
+            ]
+        ]
+    ]. 
@@ -1863,7 +1881,7 @@
     "Created: / 24-02-2011 / 10:37:05 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
     "Modified: / 25-02-2011 / 00:18:30 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
     "Modified: / 04-06-2011 / 18:13:02 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 04-08-2014 / 15:54:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 16-03-2016 / 00:13:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
@@ -1875,7 +1893,6 @@
     | methodOwner  methodRef  resolvedMethod  methodNumArgs  args  result |
     methodRef := constantPool at: self fetchIndex2.
-    methodOwner := self pop.
     resolvedMethod := methodRef resolve.
     methodNumArgs := resolvedMethod javaNumArgs.
     args := Array new: methodNumArgs.
@@ -1883,12 +1900,21 @@
         :index | 
         args at: index put: self pop
+    methodOwner := self pop.      
     result := self 
                 interpretInner: (methodOwner class lookupMethodFor: resolvedMethod selector)
                 receiver: methodOwner
                 arguments: args.
-    resolvedMethod returnsVoid ifFalse: [
-        self pushConstant: result
+    resolvedMethod returnsDouble ifTrue:[
+        self pushDouble: result
+    ] ifFalse:[ 
+        resolvedMethod returnsLong ifTrue:[ 
+            self pushLong: result  
+        ] ifFalse:[ 
+            resolvedMethod returnsVoid ifFalse: [
+                self pushRef: result
+            ]
+        ]
@@ -1961,6 +1987,7 @@
      values to the invoked method."
     "Modified: / 04-06-2011 / 18:13:23 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 16-03-2016 / 00:13:15 / Jan Vrany <>"
@@ -2096,12 +2123,6 @@
     "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 17:19:08 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "superclass JavaByteCodeProcessor says that I am responsible to implement this method"
-    ^ self shouldImplement
 istore: idx 
     "store int value into variable #index
      stack: value -> nothing
@@ -2244,9 +2265,21 @@
-    "raise an error: must be redefined in concrete subclass(es)"
-    ^ self shouldImplement
+    | l1 l2 |
+    l1 := self popLong.
+    l2 := self popLong.
+    l1 = l2 ifTrue:[ 
+        self pushInt: 0
+    ] ifFalse:[ 
+        l1 > l2 ifTrue:[ 
+            self pushInt: 1
+        ] ifFalse:[ 
+            self pushInt:-1
+        ].
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 15-03-2016 / 23:37:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
 lconst: arg 
@@ -2269,8 +2302,15 @@
      Push item from runtime constant pool
      stack: nothing -> value
      args: index"
-    self pushRef: (constantPool at: self fetchIndex).
+    | constantOrRef |
+    constantOrRef := constantPool at: self fetchIndex.
+    (constantOrRef isNumber or:[ constantOrRef isJavaObject"java.lang.String"]) ifFalse:[ 
+        constantOrRef := constantOrRef resolve.
+    ].
+    self pushRef: constantOrRef.
@@ -2289,6 +2329,7 @@
      The ldc instruction can only be used to push a value of type float taken from the float value set (3.3.2) because a constant of type float in the constant pool (4.4.4) must be taken from the float value set."
     "Modified: / 14-03-2011 / 16:04:56 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 15-03-2016 / 23:53:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
@@ -2584,11 +2625,12 @@
      stack: nothing -> objectRef
      args: indexByte1 indexByte2"
-    | classRef  result |
+    | classRef  objectRef |
     classRef := constantPool at: self fetchIndex2.
     self breakPoint:#mh_instructions.
-    result := (JavaVM classForName: classRef name) new.
+    objectRef := (JavaVM classForName: classRef name) basicNew.
+    self pushRef: objectRef  
@@ -2621,8 +2663,8 @@
      the uninitialized instance."
     "Created: / 25-02-2011 / 00:17:39 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 24-02-2011 / 22:13:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
     "Modified: / 13-03-2011 / 17:18:17 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 15-03-2016 / 23:26:36 / Jan Vrany <>"
--- a/experiments/	Tue Mar 15 15:46:32 2016 +0000
+++ b/experiments/	Wed Mar 16 00:43:52 2016 +0000
@@ -65,6 +65,22 @@
     "Modified: / 16-03-2011 / 14:43:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
 ! !
+!JavaByteCodeInterpreterTests methodsFor:'private'!
+invoke: methodName class: aClass receiver: receiver args: args 
+    | method  result |
+    method := aClass lookupMethodFor: methodName.    
+    result := JavaByteCodeInterpreter new 
+                interpret: method
+                receiver: receiver
+                arguments: args.
+    ^ result.
+    "Created: / 10-03-2011 / 23:30:13 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 17-03-2011 / 17:32:46 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+! !
 !JavaByteCodeInterpreterTests methodsFor:'tests'!
@@ -193,6 +209,221 @@
     "Modified: / 16-03-2011 / 21:48:28 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    | result  expResult  inst |
+    inst := self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new.
+    expResult := 1.
+    result := self 
+            invoke: #'getBoolean()Z'
+            class: inst class
+            receiver: inst
+            args: nil.
+    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
+    self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
+    "
+     Deassembling getBoolean
+     1:      ALOAD_0     (42)  ARGS: []                  STACK: [.. -> FIELD 0: stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences]
+     2:      GETFIELD    (180) ARGS: [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)] STACK: [objectRef -> objectRef]
+     5:      BIPUSH      (16)  ARGS: [9]                 STACK: [.. -> value]
+     7:      AALOAD      (50)  ARGS: []                  STACK: [arrayRef, index -> value]
+     8:      CHECKCAST   (192) ARGS: [java.lang.Boolean] STACK: [objectRef -> objectRef]
+     11:     INVVIRT     (182) ARGS: [JavaMethodRef (java.lang.Boolean 'booleanValue'()Z)] STACK: [objectRef, [arg1, arg2, ...]  -> ..]
+     14:     IRETURN     (172) ARGS: []                  STACK: [value -> EMPTY]"
+    "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 21:36:37 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-03-2011 / 17:45:18 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:05:21 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:54 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    | result  expResult |
+    expResult := 11.
+    result := self 
+            invoke: #'getByte()B'
+            class: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences
+            receiver: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new
+            args: nil.
+    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
+    self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
+    "0    aload_0 
+     1    getfield 3 [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)]
+     4    bipush 7
+     6    aaload
+     7    checkcast 17 [java.lang.Byte]
+     10   invokevirtual 31 [JavaMethodRef (java.lang.Byte 'byteValue'()B)]
+     13   ireturn"
+    "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 21:34:23 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 16-03-2011 / 22:04:19 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:05:27 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    | result  expResult |
+    expResult := 97.
+    result := self 
+            invoke: #'getChar()C'
+            class: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences
+            receiver: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new
+            args: nil.
+    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
+    self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
+    "0    aload_0 
+     1    getfield 3 [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)]
+     4    iconst_3
+     5    aaload
+     6    checkcast 25 [java.lang.Character]
+     9    invokevirtual 26 [JavaMethodRef (java.lang.Character 'charValue'()C)]
+     12   ireturn"
+    "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 21:31:36 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-03-2011 / 17:45:33 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:05:31 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    | result |
+    "again  - you're comparing java array with st array - watch out"
+    "/  expResult := #( nil nil nil ).
+    result := self 
+            invoke: #'getDateArray()[Ljava/util/Date;'
+            class: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences
+            receiver: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new
+            args: nil.
+    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
+    "/    self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
+    "0    aload_0 
+     1    getfield 3 [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)]
+     4    bipush 8
+     6    aaload
+     7    checkcast 32 [UnresolvedClass([Ljava.util.Date;)]
+     10   checkcast 32 [UnresolvedClass([Ljava.util.Date;)]
+     13   areturn"
+    "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 21:35:33 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-03-2011 / 17:59:27 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:05:37 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    | result |
+    result := self 
+            invoke: #'getDouble()Ljava/lang/Double;'
+            class: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences
+            receiver: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new
+            args: nil.
+    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
+    "0    aload_0 
+     1    getfield 3 [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)]
+     4    iconst_2
+     5    aaload
+     6    checkcast 24 [java.lang.Double]
+     9    areturn"
+    "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 21:30:47 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 22-03-2011 / 17:10:26 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:05:42 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:36 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    | result  expResult |
+    expResult := 1.
+    result := self 
+            invoke: #'getInt()I'
+            class: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences
+            receiver: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new
+            args: nil.
+    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
+    self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
+    "0    aload_0 
+     1    getfield 3 [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)]
+     4    iconst_1
+     5    aaload
+     6    checkcast 13 [java.lang.Integer]
+     9    invokevirtual 23 [JavaMethodRef (java.lang.Integer 'intValue'()I)]
+     12   ireturn"
+    "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 21:30:47 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 16-03-2011 / 22:05:31 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:05:48 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    | result  expResult |
+    expResult := 10.
+    result := self 
+            invoke: #'getLong()J'
+            class: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences
+            receiver: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new
+            args: nil.
+    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
+    self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
+    "0    aload_0 
+     1    getfield 3 [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)]
+     4    iconst_4
+     5    aaload
+     6    checkcast 27 [java.lang.Long]
+     9    invokevirtual 28 [JavaMethodRef (java.lang.Long 'longValue'()J)]
+         12   lreturn"
+    "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 21:32:14 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 16-03-2011 / 22:05:55 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:05:56 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:27 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    | result  expResult |
+    expResult := 1.
+    result := self 
+            invoke: #'getShort()S'
+            class: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences
+            receiver: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new
+            args: nil.
+    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
+    self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
+    "0    aload_0 
+     1    getfield 3 [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)]
+     4    bipush 6
+     6    aaload
+     7    checkcast 14 [java.lang.Short]
+     10   invokevirtual 30 [JavaMethodRef (java.lang.Short 'shortValue'()S)]
+     13   ireturn"
+    "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 21:33:48 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 16-03-2011 / 22:06:07 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:06:01 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:24 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    | result |
+    result := self 
+            invoke: #'getString()Ljava/lang/String;'
+            class: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences
+            receiver: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new
+            args: nil.
+    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
+    "Modified: / 28-03-2011 / 22:40:16 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:06:05 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
     | result  expResult |
@@ -262,6 +493,21 @@
     "Modified: / 16-03-2011 / 21:48:14 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    | result  expResult |
+    expResult := -1.
+    result := self 
+                invoke: #'switchInt(I)I'
+                class: self loadSwitchExamplesClass
+                receiver: self loadSwitchExamplesClass new
+                args: #(-1000).
+    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
+    self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
+    "Created: / 21-03-2011 / 13:51:49 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
     | result  expResult |
@@ -370,6 +616,45 @@
     "Modified: / 16-03-2011 / 21:52:03 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    | inst |
+    inst := self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new.
+    self 
+        invoke: #'setBoolean(I)V'
+        class: inst class
+        receiver: inst
+        args: #( 5 ).
+    self 
+        invoke: #'setBoolean(I)V'
+        class: inst class
+        receiver: inst
+        args: #( 4 ).
+    "
+     1:      ILOAD_1     (27)  ARGS: []                  STACK: [.. -> FIELD 1: 'Arg 1']
+     2:      ICONST_2    (5)   ARGS: []                  STACK: [.. -> 2]
+     3:      IREM        (112) ARGS: []                  STACK: [value, value -> result]
+     4:      IFNE        (154) ARGS: [JMP to: 20]        STACK: [value -> ..]
+     7:      ALOAD_0     (42)  ARGS: []                  STACK: [.. -> FIELD 0: stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences]
+     8:      GETFIELD    (180) ARGS: [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)] STACK: [objectRef -> objectRef]
+     11:     BIPUSH      (16)  ARGS: [9]                 STACK: [.. -> value]
+     13:     GETSTATIC   (178) ARGS: [JavaFieldRef (java.lang.Boolean 'TRUE'Ljava/lang/Boolean; offs=29)] STACK: [.. -> objectRef]
+     16:     AASTORE     (83)  ARGS: []                  STACK: [arrayRef, index, value -> ..]
+     17:     GOTO        (167) ARGS: [JMP to: 31]        STACK: [.. -> ..]
+     20:     ALOAD_0     (42)  ARGS: []                  STACK: [.. -> FIELD 0: stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences]
+     21:     GETFIELD    (180) ARGS: [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)] STACK: [objectRef -> objectRef]
+     24:     BIPUSH      (16)  ARGS: [9]                 STACK: [.. -> value]
+     26:     ICONST_0    (3)   ARGS: []                  STACK: [.. -> 0]
+     27:     INVSTATIC   (184) ARGS: [JavaMethodRef (java.lang.Boolean 'valueOf'(Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;)] STACK: [[arg1, arg2, ...]  -> ..]
+     30:     AASTORE     (83)  ARGS: []                  STACK: [arrayRef, index, value -> ..]
+     31:     RETURN      (177) ARGS: []                  STACK: [.. -> EMPTY]"
+    "Created: / 21-03-2011 / 18:53:48 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 22-03-2011 / 12:18:51 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:06:14 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:13 / Jan Vrany <>"
     | result  expResult  crate |
     crate := self loadCrateJavaClass new.
@@ -985,6 +1270,21 @@
     "Modified: / 16-03-2011 / 21:59:03 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
+    | result  expResult |
+    expResult := 1.
+    result := self 
+                invoke: #'switchChar(C)I'
+                class: self loadSwitchExamplesClass
+                receiver: self loadSwitchExamplesClass new
+                args: #($b).
+    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
+    self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
+    "Created: / 21-03-2011 / 13:51:25 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
     | result  expResult |
@@ -1022,175 +1322,8 @@
     "Modified: / 16-03-2011 / 21:59:58 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
 ! !
-!JavaByteCodeInterpreterTests methodsFor:'tests-helpers'!
-invoke: methodName class: aClass receiver: receiver args: args 
-    | method  result |
-    method := aClass lookupMethodFor: methodName.    
-    result := JavaByteCodeInterpreter new 
-                interpret: method
-                receiver: receiver
-                arguments: args.
-    ^ result.
-    "Created: / 10-03-2011 / 23:30:13 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 17-03-2011 / 17:32:46 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-! !
 !JavaByteCodeInterpreterTests methodsFor:'tests2'!
-    | result  expResult  inst |
-    inst := self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new.
-    expResult := 1.
-    result := self 
-            invoke: #'getBoolean()Z'
-            class: inst class
-            receiver: inst
-            args: nil.
-    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
-    self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
-    "
-     Deassembling getBoolean
-     1:      ALOAD_0     (42)  ARGS: []                  STACK: [.. -> FIELD 0: stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences]
-     2:      GETFIELD    (180) ARGS: [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)] STACK: [objectRef -> objectRef]
-     5:      BIPUSH      (16)  ARGS: [9]                 STACK: [.. -> value]
-     7:      AALOAD      (50)  ARGS: []                  STACK: [arrayRef, index -> value]
-     8:      CHECKCAST   (192) ARGS: [java.lang.Boolean] STACK: [objectRef -> objectRef]
-     11:     INVVIRT     (182) ARGS: [JavaMethodRef (java.lang.Boolean 'booleanValue'()Z)] STACK: [objectRef, [arg1, arg2, ...]  -> ..]
-     14:     IRETURN     (172) ARGS: []                  STACK: [value -> EMPTY]"
-    "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 21:36:37 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 21-03-2011 / 17:45:18 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:05:21 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:54 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    | result  expResult |
-    expResult := 11.
-    result := self 
-            invoke: #'getByte()B'
-            class: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences
-            receiver: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new
-            args: nil.
-    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
-    self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
-    "0    aload_0 
-     1    getfield 3 [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)]
-     4    bipush 7
-     6    aaload
-     7    checkcast 17 [java.lang.Byte]
-     10   invokevirtual 31 [JavaMethodRef (java.lang.Byte 'byteValue'()B)]
-     13   ireturn"
-    "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 21:34:23 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 16-03-2011 / 22:04:19 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:05:27 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    | result  expResult |
-    expResult := 97.
-    result := self 
-            invoke: #'getChar()C'
-            class: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences
-            receiver: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new
-            args: nil.
-    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
-    self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
-    "0    aload_0 
-     1    getfield 3 [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)]
-     4    iconst_3
-     5    aaload
-     6    checkcast 25 [java.lang.Character]
-     9    invokevirtual 26 [JavaMethodRef (java.lang.Character 'charValue'()C)]
-     12   ireturn"
-    "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 21:31:36 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 21-03-2011 / 17:45:33 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:05:31 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    | result |
-    "again  - you're comparing java array with st array - watch out"
-    "/  expResult := #( nil nil nil ).
-    result := self 
-            invoke: #'getDateArray()[Ljava/util/Date;'
-            class: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences
-            receiver: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new
-            args: nil.
-    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
-    "/    self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
-    "0    aload_0 
-     1    getfield 3 [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)]
-     4    bipush 8
-     6    aaload
-     7    checkcast 32 [UnresolvedClass([Ljava.util.Date;)]
-     10   checkcast 32 [UnresolvedClass([Ljava.util.Date;)]
-     13   areturn"
-    "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 21:35:33 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 21-03-2011 / 17:59:27 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:05:37 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    | result |
-    result := self 
-            invoke: #'getDouble()Ljava/lang/Double;'
-            class: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences
-            receiver: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new
-            args: nil.
-    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
-    "0    aload_0 
-     1    getfield 3 [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)]
-     4    iconst_2
-     5    aaload
-     6    checkcast 24 [java.lang.Double]
-     9    areturn"
-    "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 21:30:47 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 22-03-2011 / 17:10:26 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:05:42 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:36 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    | result  expResult |
-    expResult := 1.
-    result := self 
-            invoke: #'getInt()I'
-            class: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences
-            receiver: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new
-            args: nil.
-    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
-    self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
-    "0    aload_0 
-     1    getfield 3 [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)]
-     4    iconst_1
-     5    aaload
-     6    checkcast 13 [java.lang.Integer]
-     9    invokevirtual 23 [JavaMethodRef (java.lang.Integer 'intValue'()I)]
-     12   ireturn"
-    "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 21:30:47 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 16-03-2011 / 22:05:31 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:05:48 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
     | result  expResult |
@@ -1206,7 +1339,7 @@
         invoke: #'setIntArray([I)V'
         class: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences
         receiver: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new
-        args: result.
+        args: (Array with: result).
     "/self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
     "0    aload_0 
@@ -1220,70 +1353,7 @@
     "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 21:33:13 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
     "Modified: / 21-03-2011 / 18:53:06 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
     "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:05:52 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    | result  expResult |
-    expResult := 10.
-    result := self 
-            invoke: #'getLong()J'
-            class: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences
-            receiver: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new
-            args: nil.
-    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
-    self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
-    "0    aload_0 
-     1    getfield 3 [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)]
-     4    iconst_4
-     5    aaload
-     6    checkcast 27 [java.lang.Long]
-     9    invokevirtual 28 [JavaMethodRef (java.lang.Long 'longValue'()J)]
-         12   lreturn"
-    "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 21:32:14 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 16-03-2011 / 22:05:55 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:05:56 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:27 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    | result  expResult |
-    expResult := 1.
-    result := self 
-            invoke: #'getShort()S'
-            class: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences
-            receiver: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new
-            args: nil.
-    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
-    self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
-    "0    aload_0 
-     1    getfield 3 [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)]
-     4    bipush 6
-     6    aaload
-     7    checkcast 14 [java.lang.Short]
-     10   invokevirtual 30 [JavaMethodRef (java.lang.Short 'shortValue'()S)]
-     13   ireturn"
-    "Created: / 14-03-2011 / 21:33:48 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 16-03-2011 / 22:06:07 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:06:01 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:24 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    | result |
-    result := self 
-            invoke: #'getString()Ljava/lang/String;'
-            class: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences
-            receiver: self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new
-            args: nil.
-    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
-    "Modified: / 28-03-2011 / 22:40:16 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:06:05 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 15-03-2016 / 22:45:12 / Jan Vrany <>"
@@ -1308,75 +1378,6 @@
         args: nil.
     "Created: / 21-12-2012 / 19:05:09 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    | result  expResult |
-    expResult := -1.
-    result := self 
-                invoke: #'switchInt(I)I'
-                class: self loadSwitchExamplesClass
-                receiver: self loadSwitchExamplesClass new
-                args: #(-1000).
-    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
-    self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
-    "Created: / 21-03-2011 / 13:51:49 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    | inst |
-    inst := self loadSimpleClassWithManyReferences new.
-    self 
-        invoke: #'setBoolean(I)V'
-        class: inst class
-        receiver: inst
-        args: #( 5 ).
-    self 
-        invoke: #'setBoolean(I)V'
-        class: inst class
-        receiver: inst
-        args: #( 4 ).
-    "
-     1:      ILOAD_1     (27)  ARGS: []                  STACK: [.. -> FIELD 1: 'Arg 1']
-     2:      ICONST_2    (5)   ARGS: []                  STACK: [.. -> 2]
-     3:      IREM        (112) ARGS: []                  STACK: [value, value -> result]
-     4:      IFNE        (154) ARGS: [JMP to: 20]        STACK: [value -> ..]
-     7:      ALOAD_0     (42)  ARGS: []                  STACK: [.. -> FIELD 0: stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences]
-     8:      GETFIELD    (180) ARGS: [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)] STACK: [objectRef -> objectRef]
-     11:     BIPUSH      (16)  ARGS: [9]                 STACK: [.. -> value]
-     13:     GETSTATIC   (178) ARGS: [JavaFieldRef (java.lang.Boolean 'TRUE'Ljava/lang/Boolean; offs=29)] STACK: [.. -> objectRef]
-     16:     AASTORE     (83)  ARGS: []                  STACK: [arrayRef, index, value -> ..]
-     17:     GOTO        (167) ARGS: [JMP to: 31]        STACK: [.. -> ..]
-     20:     ALOAD_0     (42)  ARGS: []                  STACK: [.. -> FIELD 0: stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences]
-     21:     GETFIELD    (180) ARGS: [JavaFieldRef (stx.libjava.tests.mocks.SimpleClassWithManyReferences 'values'[Ljava/lang/Object; offs=1)] STACK: [objectRef -> objectRef]
-     24:     BIPUSH      (16)  ARGS: [9]                 STACK: [.. -> value]
-     26:     ICONST_0    (3)   ARGS: []                  STACK: [.. -> 0]
-     27:     INVSTATIC   (184) ARGS: [JavaMethodRef (java.lang.Boolean 'valueOf'(Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;)] STACK: [[arg1, arg2, ...]  -> ..]
-     30:     AASTORE     (83)  ARGS: []                  STACK: [arrayRef, index, value -> ..]
-     31:     RETURN      (177) ARGS: []                  STACK: [.. -> EMPTY]"
-    "Created: / 21-03-2011 / 18:53:48 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 22-03-2011 / 12:18:51 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 21-12-2012 / 19:06:14 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified (format): / 02-03-2016 / 07:48:13 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    | result  expResult |
-    expResult := 1.
-    result := self 
-                invoke: #'switchChar(C)I'
-                class: self loadSwitchExamplesClass
-                receiver: self loadSwitchExamplesClass new
-                args: #($b).
-    self assertFalse: (result isNil).
-    self assertTrue: (result = expResult).
-    "Created: / 21-03-2011 / 13:51:25 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
 ! !
 !JavaByteCodeInterpreterTests class methodsFor:'documentation'!
--- a/tests/java/src/stx/libjava/tests/mocks/	Tue Mar 15 15:46:32 2016 +0000
+++ b/tests/java/src/stx/libjava/tests/mocks/	Wed Mar 16 00:43:52 2016 +0000
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 		values[2] = 1.1;
 		values[3] = 'a';
 		values[4] = 10l;
-		values[5] = new Integer[5];
+		values[5] = new int[5];
 		values[6] = new Short("1");
 		values[7] = new Byte("11");
 		values[8] = new Date[3];
@@ -68,19 +68,19 @@
 			values[9] = false;
 	public void setDate(long milis) {
 		((Date[]) values[8])[0] = new Date(milis);
 	public void setByte(byte b) {
 		values[7] = b;
 	public void setIntArray(int[] array) {
 		values[5] = array;
 	public void setDouble(double d) {
 		values[2] = d;
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
 	public void setShort(short s) {
 		values[6] = s;
 	public void setChar(char c) {
 		values[3] = c;