class: ZipArchive cvs_MAIN
authorStefan Vogel <>
Wed, 30 Nov 2016 17:46:38 +0100
changeset 3666 abc22951d4df
parent 3665 a6497adefa64
child 3667 418ea879b40a
class: ZipArchive changed: #isValidFile: care for nil zip directory
--- a/	Wed Nov 30 17:43:06 2016 +0100
+++ b/	Wed Nov 30 17:46:38 2016 +0100
@@ -951,6 +951,502 @@
     "Modified: / 07-05-2013 / 11:21:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
 ! !
+!(Java classForName:'JAVA::java::lang::Byte') class  methodsFor:'* proxies *'!
+javaWrap: object
+	|inst|
+    inst := self basicNew.
+    inst perform: #'<init>(B)V' with: object.
+	^ inst.
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'JAVA::java::lang::Byte') class  methodsFor:'* proxies *'!
+    "Returns true, if a #javaWrap: has to be called
+     prior an instance of Smalltalk object is passed 
+     as an argument to Java method, whoose formal tyoe
+     is the receiver."
+    ^true
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'JAVA::java::lang::Double') class  methodsFor:'queries'!
+javaWrap: object
+	|inst|
+    inst := self basicNew.
+    inst perform: #'<init>(D)V' with: object with: nil.
+	^ inst.
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'JAVA::java::lang::Double') class  methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "Returns true, if a #javaWrap: has to be called
+     prior an instance of Smalltalk object is passed 
+     as an argument to Java method, whoose formal tyoe
+     is the receiver."
+    ^true
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'JAVA::java::lang::Float') class  methodsFor:'queries'!
+javaWrap: object
+	|inst|
+    inst := self basicNew.
+    inst perform: #'<init>(F)V' with: object.
+	^ inst.
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'JAVA::java::lang::Float') class  methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "Returns true, if a #javaWrap: has to be called
+     prior an instance of Smalltalk object is passed 
+     as an argument to Java method, whoose formal tyoe
+     is the receiver."
+    ^true
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'JAVA::java::lang::Integer') class  methodsFor:'queries'!
+javaWrap: object
+	|inst|
+    inst := self basicNew.
+	inst perform: #'<init>(I)V' with: object.
+	^ inst.
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'JAVA::java::lang::Integer') class  methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "Returns true, if a #javaWrap: has to be called
+     prior an instance of Smalltalk object is passed 
+     as an argument to Java method, whoose formal tyoe
+     is the receiver."
+    ^true
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'JAVA::java::lang::Long') class  methodsFor:'queries'!
+javaWrap: object
+	|inst|
+    inst := self basicNew.
+    inst perform: #'<init>(J)V' with: object with: nil.
+	^ inst.
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'JAVA::java::lang::Long') class  methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "Returns true, if a #javaWrap: has to be called
+     prior an instance of Smalltalk object is passed
+     as an argument to Java method, whoose formal tyoe
+     is the receiver."
+    ^true
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'JAVA::java::lang::Short') class  methodsFor:'queries'!
+javaWrap: object
+	|inst|
+    inst := self basicNew.
+    inst perform: #'<init>(S)V' with: object.
+	^ inst.
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'JAVA::java::lang::Short') class  methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "Returns true, if a #javaWrap: has to be called
+     prior an instance of Smalltalk object is passed 
+     as an argument to Java method, whoose formal tyoe
+     is the receiver."
+    ^true
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'JAVA::java::lang::String') class  methodsFor:'queries'!
+javaWrap: object
+    | jstring |
+    object isNil ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].
+    jstring := self basicNew.
+    jstring perform: #'<init>([C)V' with: object.
+    ^jstring
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'JAVA::java::lang::String') class  methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "Returns true, if a #javaWrap: has to be called
+     prior an instance of Smalltalk object is passed 
+     as an argument to Java method, whoose formal tyoe
+     is the receiver."
+    ^true
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.lang.Throwable') methodsFor:'others'!
+    ^self getMessage
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.lang.Throwable') methodsFor:'others'!
+    ^true
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.AbstractList') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+at: index
+    "/ Defined here (in addition to List iface) to overwrite
+    "/ Object>>at:
+    ^ self get: index - 1.
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.AbstractList') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+    ^JavaListInspectorView
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.Collection') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+    "return any element from the collection, 
+     report an error if there is none"
+    self do: [:each | ^ each].
+    Smalltalk::Collection emptyCollectionSignal raise.
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.Collection') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+    "for each element in the receiver, evaluate the argument, aBlock
+     and return a new collection with the results"
+    |newCollection|
+    newCollection := self species new.
+    self do:[:element | newCollection add:(aBlock value:element)].
+    ^ newCollection
+    "
+     #(1 2 3 4) collect:[:n | n * 2]  
+    "
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.Collection') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+    "evaluate the argument, aBlock for each element in the receiver until
+     the block returns true; in this case return the element which caused
+     the true evaluation.
+     If none of the evaluations returns true, report an error"
+    ^ self detect:aBlock ifNone:[self errorNotFound]
+    "
+     #(1 2 3 4) detect:[:n | n odd]   
+     #(2 4 6 8) detect:[:n | n odd]  
+    "
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.Collection') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+detect:aOneArgBlock ifNone:exceptionBlock
+    "evaluate the argument, aBlock for each element in the receiver until
+     the block returns true; in this case return the element which caused
+     the true evaluation.
+     If none of the evaluations returns true, return the result of the
+     evaluation of the exceptionBlock"
+    self do:[:each | 
+        (aOneArgBlock value:each) ifTrue:[^ each].
+    ].
+    ^ exceptionBlock value
+    "
+     #(1 2 3 4) detect:[:n | n odd] ifNone:['sorry']    
+     #(2 4 6 8) detect:[:n | n odd] ifNone:['sorry']     
+    "
+    "Modified: / 13-09-2006 / 11:17:42 / cg"
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.Collection') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+do: aBlock
+    "Iterate over collection evaluating given block with each element"
+    | iterator |
+    iterator := self iterator.
+    [ iterator hasNext ] whileTrue:[
+        aBlock value: iterator next.
+    ].
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.Collection') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+do:aBlock separatedBy:betweenBlock
+    "evaluate the argument, aBlock for each element.
+     Between elements (i.e. after each except for the last),
+     evaluate betweenBlock.
+     This is a utility helper for collection printers
+     (for example, to print a space between elements)."
+"/ could do the more hackish:
+"/    |b|
+"/    b := [ b := betweenBlock ].
+"/    self do:[:element |
+"/        b value.
+"/        aBlock value:element
+"/    ].
+"/ but that creates a block, whereas the following does not.
+    |first|
+    first := true.
+    self do:[:element |
+        first ifTrue:[
+            first := false
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            betweenBlock value.
+        ].
+        aBlock value:element
+    ].
+    "
+     #(1 2 3 4) do:[:el | Transcript show:el]
+                separatedBy:[ Transcript show:'-']
+     (Dictionary with:(1->'one') with:(2->'two'))
+         do:[:el | Transcript showCR:el printString]
+         separatedBy:[ Transcript showCR:'----']
+     (Dictionary with:(1->'one') with:(2->'two'))
+        associations
+         do:[:el | Transcript showCR:el printString]
+         separatedBy:[ Transcript showCR:'----']
+    "
+    "Modified: / 11.2.2000 / 11:23:15 / cg"
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.Collection') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+inject:thisValue into:binaryBlock
+    "starting with thisValue for value, pass this value and each element
+     to binaryBlock, replacing value with the result returned from the block
+     in the next iteration.
+     See also: #fold: #reduce:"
+    |nextValue|
+    nextValue := thisValue.
+    self do: [:each | nextValue := binaryBlock value:nextValue value:each].
+    ^ nextValue
+    "sum up the elements of a collection:
+     #(1 2 3 4) inject:0 into:[:accu :element | accu + element]   
+     (1 to:10) inject:0 into:[:accu :element | accu + element]     
+     find the minimum:
+     |coll|
+     coll := #(1 99 -15 20 100).
+     coll inject:(coll first) into:[:minSoFar :element | minSoFar min:element]
+    "
+    "Modified: 23.4.1996 / 13:47:06 / cg"
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.Collection') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+    "return a new collection with all elements from the receiver, for which
+     the argument aBlock evaluates to false"
+    ^ self select:[:element | (aBlock value:element) not]
+    "
+     #(1 2 3 4) reject:[:e | e odd]   
+     (1 to:10) reject:[:e | e even]     
+    "
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.Collection') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+    "return a new collection with all elements from the receiver, for which
+     the argument aBlock evaluates to true.
+     See also: #removeAllFoundIn: and #removeAllSuchThat:"
+    |newCollection|
+    newCollection := self species new.
+    self do:[:each |
+        (aBlock value:each) ifTrue:[newCollection add:each].
+    ].
+    ^ newCollection
+    "
+     #(1 2 3 4) select:[:e | e odd]   
+     (1 to:10) select:[:e | e even]     
+    "
+    "Modified: / 07-08-2010 / 16:26:40 / cg"
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.List') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+at: index
+    ^ self at: index ifAbsent:[ self subscriptBoundsError: index ]
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.List') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+at: index ifAbsent: errorBlock
+    (index between: 1 and: self size) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self get: index - 1
+    ].
+    ^ errorBlock value
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.List') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+at: index put: anObject
+    ^ self put: index - 1 value: anObject
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.List') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+    ^ self get: 4
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.List') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+    ^ self get: 0
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.List') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+    ^ self get: 3
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.List') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+    "Returns the index of an element or 0, if not found.
+     Compare using == (identity)"
+    1 to: self size do:[:i | 
+        (self get: i - 1) == anElement ifTrue:[ ^ i ].
+    ].
+    ^ 0
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.List') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+    "Returns the index of an element or 0, if not found.
+     Compare using Object#equals()"
+    ^ (self perform: #'indexOf(Ljava/lang/Object;)I' with: anElement) + 1. 
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.List') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+    ^ self get: self size - 1
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.List') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+    ^ self get: 1
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.List') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+    ^ self get: 2
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.Map') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+    "return the element indexed by aKey - report an error if none found"
+    ^ self at:aKey ifAbsent:[self errorKeyNotFound:aKey]
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.Map') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+at:key ifAbsent:exceptionBlock
+    "return the element indexed by aKey -
+     return result of exceptionBlock if no element is stored under aKey"      
+    (self containsKey: key) ifTrue:[ ^ self get: key ].
+    ^ exceptionBlock value
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.Map') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+    "perform the block for all values in the collection.
+     See also:
+        #associationsDo:   (which passes key-value associations)
+        #keysAndValuesDo:  (which passes keys & values separately)
+        #keysDo:           (which passes keys only)
+     WARNING: do not add/remove elements while iterating over the receiver.
+              Iterate over a copy to do this." 
+    self values do: aBlock 
+! !
+!(Java classForName:'java.util.Map') methodsFor:'* instance *'!
+    "evaluate the argument, aBlock for every element in the collection,
+     passing both key and element as arguments.
+     See also:
+        #associationsDo:       (which passes keys->value pairs)
+        #do:                   (which only passes values)
+        #keysDo:               (which only passes keys)
+     This is much like #associationsDo:, but aBlock gets the
+     key and value as two separate arguments."
+    self keySet do:[:each | 
+        aTwoArgBlock value: each value: (self get: each).
+    ].
+! !
 !LargeInteger class methodsFor:'queries'!
@@ -2042,12 +2538,11 @@
 !ZipArchive methodsFor:'queries - java support'!
 isValidFile: path
-    "Return true, if the recevier contains given file. false otherwise.
-    "
-    ^zipMembersByName includesKey: path
+    "Return true, if the recevier contains given file. false otherwise."
+    ^ zipMembersByName notNil and:[zipMembersByName includesKey:path]
     "Created: / 20-05-2013 / 23:37:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
 ! !
 !ZipArchive methodsFor:'reading - java support'!