flyByHelpSpec -> helpSpec
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Tue, 16 Jan 2018 22:26:58 +0100
changeset 1183 8af078552bae
parent 1181 61aa6c389562
child 1184 39d438604381
flyByHelpSpec -> helpSpec
--- a/	Fri Nov 18 18:05:40 2016 +0100
+++ b/	Tue Jan 16 22:26:58 2018 +0100
@@ -69,15 +69,6 @@
 !ConfigurationApp class methodsFor:'help specs'!
-    <resource: #help>
-    ^self helpSpec
-    "Created: / 26-05-2008 / 14:25:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
     "This resource specification was automatically generated
      by the UIHelpTool of ST/X."
@@ -86,7 +77,7 @@
      the UIHelpTool may not be able to read the specification."
-     UIHelpTool openOnClass:SVN::SettingsApp    
+     UIHelpTool openOnClass:SVN::SettingsApp
     <resource: #help>
@@ -137,8 +128,8 @@
     <resource: #image>
-        constantNamed:'SVN::ConfigurationApp svnIcon16x16'
-        ifAbsentPut:[(Depth8Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(8)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
+	constantNamed:'SVN::ConfigurationApp svnIcon16x16'
+	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth8Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(8)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
 B0,KB0,KB0,KB0,KB0,KB0,VQ%1+[WQ5]WU/[*?$8 ,JK4I[Z7E4\7BR8/+:88(KB"<0R&M*6_+:9I%(X4(.B0\/JDGK>/+] GM3Z5,.K ,GL+_3?/*J[7Q-
 \VMJLB8KB;?9?/X>VE1^YF>G*L&?B0/>?/;:(J>=5N+:?/;>? ,K?/;>?/;>?/;:>./6?/8KB7J?>./R+8](R343O_[>B0-2\$,7H" -K"8.K#O:? ,ITR8.
 K"8.K#@(O-'':>+<KBS@.K"80LC@4(O+63D@(B0&DK"8.LFCT>/OHJ2 .K ,ISZW4>/+HUBD0K"8.K"8KB0,KB0,KB0,KB0,KB0,KB0@a') ; colorMapFromArray:#[108 123 153 104 127 155 106 126 161 108 127 162 103 128 168 97 130 169 113 128 158 112 131 154 116 131 149 119 130 155 116 131 162 112 135 164 115 134 170 116 135 158 125 133 152 124 135 160 125 137 150 120 138 162 114 139 180 114 142 176 122 141 165 121 141 177 118 142 184 120 144 173 131 143 156 128 143 174 121 145 186 125 145 181 133 144 169 123 147 189 117 149 189 135 146 171 126 150 179 127 151 193 131 151 187 125 153 187 143 151 159 136 151 182 141 152 165 134 153 177 129 153 195 123 156 196 126 155 202 128 156 191 135 154 191 130 155 197 127 156 204 125 158 198 132 156 198 121 159 205 137 156 193 131 159 194 142 157 188 135 159 201 140 159 196 138 161 191 152 160 168 152 159 180 146 161 180 142 161 198 138 162 204 146 161 192 136 164 199 132 165 205 141 165 194 147 166 190 142 166 209 151 166 197 145 168 198 147 167 204 142 169 205 156 168 181 163 167 182 151 170 194 146 170 212 148 171 201 151 170 207 155 170 202 158 170 196 157 172 191 154 174 211 148 176 211 168 174 176 153 176 206 156 176 200 166 174 194 152 176 219 164 175 202 161 176 208 162 177 197 152 180 216 159 178 216 157 180 211 161 180 205 164 179 211 172 180 189 166 181 200 169 181 194 161 181 218 160 183 214 164 183 208 166 182 214 177 181 197 171 182 209 166 185 210 168 184 216 177 184 205 170 185 218 174 186 200 164 188 218 172 187 206 168 188 213 175 186 213 172 187 219 177 188 215 171 190 215 167 191 221 174 189 221 184 190 192 179 191 204 176 192 211 183 190 212 180 192 206 173 193 218 166 194 231 187 192 207 182 194 221 176 196 221 181 196 216 185 196 210 187 195 216 180 196 228 178 197 236 174 198 242 192 197 200 180 199 225 193 198 201 196 198 195 184 200 220 188 200 227 189 201 215 187 202 222 185 204 229 198 203 205 205 202 207 196 203 225 190 205 225 198 206 214 200 205 220 189 208 234 196 207 234 208 206 210 200 208 216 197 209 223 195 210 230 207 209 206 204 210 212 202 209 231 211 209 213 209 211 208 200 212 226 209 210 220 212 211 202 206 212 214 210 212 209 194 214 239 213 212 203 205 213 221 198 214 234 203 215 229 215 213 217 201 216 236 210 214 230 216 215 206 207 215 236 206 218 233 217 217 228 215 220 223 206 221 241 215 219 235 220 220 211 218 220 217 212 221 229 210 222 236 214 221 243 219 223 239 214 226 240 217 225 246 225 227 223 219 228 236 222 228 230 217 229 243 224 229 232 229 229 219 224 228 244 227 229 226 221 229 251 225 230 233 216 232 252 226 230 246 220 232 246 223 232 240 227 231 247 228 232 248 222 234 248 229 234 237 235 234 224 226 235 243 233 233 244 230 234 250 225 237 252 235 237 234 229 238 246 236 236 247 223 240 246 232 238 240 239 236 241 231 239 248 239 239 229 232 240 249 238 239 249 233 241 250 236 241 244 230 242 255 239 242 238 240 241 252 234 243 251 242 243 253 236 245 253 239 245 247 237 246 255 244 244 255 248 247 237 248 246 250 243 248 251 241 249 255 250 247 252 244 249 252 238 251 252 247 249 246 245 250 253 248 250 247 252 249 254 246 251 254 240 253 254 253 251 255 247 253 255 242 255 255 251 253 250 254 252 255 248 254 255 255 253 251 255 253 255 249 255 255 254 255 252]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#[1]); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'??????????????????????????????????????????<b') ; yourself); yourself]
@@ -160,8 +151,8 @@
     <resource: #image>
-        constantNamed:'SVN::ConfigurationApp svnRepositoryIcon24x24'
-        ifAbsentPut:[(Depth8Image new) width: 24; height: 24; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#[8]); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
+	constantNamed:'SVN::ConfigurationApp svnRepositoryIcon24x24'
+	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth8Image new) width: 24; height: 24; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#[8]); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
 X%)DK",^C0P@@@@@@@@@@@DPCA)OX&IWOS 8LBTOC0P@@@@@@@@@@@DRR%9#X$@4NSH6J18QC0P@@@@@@@@@@DE#XVM FBP&I204O4!!NUTD@@@@@@@@@@DU#
@@ -173,16 +164,16 @@
 !ConfigurationApp class methodsFor:'interface opening'!
     | settingsApp |
     settingsApp := SettingsDialog new.
     settingsApp addApplClass:self fullName
-                withName:'Subversion'.
+		withName:'Subversion'.
     settingsApp showRoot: false.
     settingsApp selectedItem value:
-        (settingsApp applicationList root children anyOne).
+	(settingsApp applicationList root children anyOne).
     settingsApp open.
     "Created: / 26-05-2008 / 12:17:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
@@ -205,221 +196,221 @@
     <resource: #canvas>
-    ^ 
+    ^
-        name: basicTabSpec
-        window: 
+	name: basicTabSpec
+	window:
-          label: 'Basic Settings'
-          name: 'Basic Settings'
-          bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 632 489)
-        )
-        component: 
+	  label: 'Basic Settings'
+	  name: 'Basic Settings'
+	  bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 632 489)
+	)
+	component:
-          collection: (
-           (VerticalPanelViewSpec
-              name: 'GeneralSettingsPanel'
-              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
-              horizontalLayout: fit
-              verticalLayout: top
-              horizontalSpace: 3
-              verticalSpace: 3
-              component: 
-             (SpecCollection
-                collection: (
-                 (ViewSpec
-                    name: 'RepositorySettings'
-                    initiallyInvisible: true
-                    component: 
-                   (SpecCollection
-                      collection: (
-                       (LabelSpec
-                          label: 'Repositories:'
-                          name: 'CurrentProfileLabel'
-                          layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 120 0 30 0)
-                          translateLabel: true
-                          adjust: leftRight
-                          useDynamicPreferredWidth: true
-                          usePreferredWidth: true
-                        )
-                       (ComboListSpec
-                          name: 'CurrentConfiguration'
-                          layout: (LayoutFrame 120 0 3 0 -2 1 29 0)
-                          model: svnCurrentConfiguration
-                          comboList: svnConfigurations2
-                          useIndex: false
-                        )
-                       (LabelSpec
-                          label: 'Working Copy:'
-                          name: 'WorkingCopyBaseLabel'
-                          layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 60 0 120 0 90 0)
-                          initiallyInvisible: true
-                          translateLabel: true
-                          adjust: leftRight
-                        )
-                       (FilenameInputFieldSpec
-                          name: 'WorkingCopyBase'
-                          layout: (LayoutFrame 120 0 63 0 0 1 88 0)
-                          initiallyInvisible: true
-                          initiallyDisabled: true
-                          enableChannel: svnEnabled
-                          model: workingCopyBaseAspect
-                          modifiedChannel: modifiedChannel
-                          acceptOnPointerLeave: false
-                          viewClassName: 'FilenameWidgetWithHistory'
-                          postBuildCallback: postBuildWorkingCopyField:
-                        )
-                       (ActionButtonSpec
-                          label: 'Edit'
-                          name: 'ButtonEdit'
-                          layout: (LayoutFrame -100 1 32 0 0 1 54 0)
-                          translateLabel: true
-                          model: doConfigurationEditCurrent
-                        )
-                       )
-                    )
-                    extent: (Point 611 90)
-                  )
-                 (ViewSpec
-                    name: 'RepositorySettingsConfigButtonOnly'
-                    component: 
-                   (SpecCollection
-                      collection: (
-                       (ActionButtonSpec
-                          label: 'Configure Repositories'
-                          name: 'Button1'
-                          layout: (LayoutFrame 5 0 5 0 -5 1 -5 1)
-                          translateLabel: true
-                          model: doConfigurationEditCurrent
-                          enableChannel: svnEnabled
-                        )
-                       )
-                    )
-                    extent: (Point 632 35)
-                  )
-                 (FramedBoxSpec
-                    label: 'SubVersion'
-                    name: 'SubVersionSettings'
-                    labelPosition: topLeft
-                    translateLabel: true
-                    component: 
-                   (SpecCollection
-                      collection: (
-                       (LabelSpec
-                          label: 'Command:'
-                          name: 'SVNCommandLabel'
-                          layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 80 0 30 0)
-                          translateLabel: true
-                          adjust: left
-                        )
-                       (FilenameInputFieldSpec
-                          name: 'SVNCommand'
-                          layout: (LayoutFrame 80 0 3 0 -50 1 28 0)
-                          enableChannel: svnEnabled
-                          model: svnCommand
-                          acceptOnPointerLeave: true
-                          emptyFieldReplacementText: 'Autodetect'
-                        )
-                       (ActionButtonSpec
-                          label: 'Test'
-                          name: 'SVNCommandTest'
-                          layout: (LayoutFrame -50 1 3 0 0 1 28 0)
-                          translateLabel: true
-                          model: doTestSVNCommand
-                          enableChannel: svnEnabled
-                        )
-                       )
-                    )
-                    extent: (Point 632 80)
-                    useDynamicPreferredHeight: true
-                    usePreferredHeight: true
-                  )
-                 (FramedBoxSpec
-                    label: 'External Tools'
-                    name: 'ToolsSettings'
-                    labelPosition: topLeft
-                    translateLabel: true
-                    component: 
-                   (SpecCollection
-                      collection: (
-                       (LabelSpec
-                          label: 'Diff2:'
-                          name: 'Label1'
-                          layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 80 0 30 0)
-                          translateLabel: true
-                          adjust: left
-                        )
-                       (FilenameInputFieldSpec
-                          name: 'FilenameEntryField1'
-                          layout: (LayoutFrame 80 0 3 0 0 1 28 0)
-                          enableChannel: svnEnabled
-                          model: svnDiff2Command
-                          acceptOnPointerLeave: true
-                        )
-                       (LabelSpec
-                          label: 'Diff3:'
-                          name: 'Label2'
-                          layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 30 0 80 0 0 1.0)
-                          translateLabel: true
-                          adjust: left
-                        )
-                       (FilenameInputFieldSpec
-                          name: 'FilenameEntryField2'
-                          layout: (LayoutFrame 80 0 33 0 0 1 58 0)
-                          enableChannel: svnEnabled
-                          model: svnDiff3Command
-                          acceptOnPointerLeave: true
-                        )
-                       )
-                    )
-                    extent: (Point 632 95)
-                  )
-                 (FramedBoxSpec
-                    label: 'Debugging'
-                    name: 'DebugSettings'
-                    labelPosition: topLeft
-                    translateLabel: true
-                    component: 
-                   (SpecCollection
-                      collection: (
-                       (VerticalPanelViewSpec
-                          name: 'VerticalPanel1'
-                          layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
-                          horizontalLayout: fit
-                          verticalLayout: top
-                          horizontalSpace: 3
-                          verticalSpace: 3
-                          component: 
-                         (SpecCollection
-                            collection: (
-                             (CheckBoxSpec
-                                label: 'Verbose (Traces svn commands to Transcript)'
-                                name: 'Verbose'
-                                enableChannel: svnEnabled
-                                model: svnVerbose
-                                translateLabel: true
-                                useDefaultExtent: true
-                              )
-                             )
-                          )
-                        )
-                       )
-                    )
-                    extent: (Point 632 60)
-                  )
-                 )
-              )
-            )
-           )
-        )
+	  collection: (
+	   (VerticalPanelViewSpec
+	      name: 'GeneralSettingsPanel'
+	      layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
+	      horizontalLayout: fit
+	      verticalLayout: top
+	      horizontalSpace: 3
+	      verticalSpace: 3
+	      component:
+	     (SpecCollection
+		collection: (
+		 (ViewSpec
+		    name: 'RepositorySettings'
+		    initiallyInvisible: true
+		    component:
+		   (SpecCollection
+		      collection: (
+		       (LabelSpec
+			  label: 'Repositories:'
+			  name: 'CurrentProfileLabel'
+			  layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 120 0 30 0)
+			  translateLabel: true
+			  adjust: leftRight
+			  useDynamicPreferredWidth: true
+			  usePreferredWidth: true
+			)
+		       (ComboListSpec
+			  name: 'CurrentConfiguration'
+			  layout: (LayoutFrame 120 0 3 0 -2 1 29 0)
+			  model: svnCurrentConfiguration
+			  comboList: svnConfigurations2
+			  useIndex: false
+			)
+		       (LabelSpec
+			  label: 'Working Copy:'
+			  name: 'WorkingCopyBaseLabel'
+			  layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 60 0 120 0 90 0)
+			  initiallyInvisible: true
+			  translateLabel: true
+			  adjust: leftRight
+			)
+		       (FilenameInputFieldSpec
+			  name: 'WorkingCopyBase'
+			  layout: (LayoutFrame 120 0 63 0 0 1 88 0)
+			  initiallyInvisible: true
+			  initiallyDisabled: true
+			  enableChannel: svnEnabled
+			  model: workingCopyBaseAspect
+			  modifiedChannel: modifiedChannel
+			  acceptOnPointerLeave: false
+			  viewClassName: 'FilenameWidgetWithHistory'
+			  postBuildCallback: postBuildWorkingCopyField:
+			)
+		       (ActionButtonSpec
+			  label: 'Edit'
+			  name: 'ButtonEdit'
+			  layout: (LayoutFrame -100 1 32 0 0 1 54 0)
+			  translateLabel: true
+			  model: doConfigurationEditCurrent
+			)
+		       )
+		    )
+		    extent: (Point 611 90)
+		  )
+		 (ViewSpec
+		    name: 'RepositorySettingsConfigButtonOnly'
+		    component:
+		   (SpecCollection
+		      collection: (
+		       (ActionButtonSpec
+			  label: 'Configure Repositories'
+			  name: 'Button1'
+			  layout: (LayoutFrame 5 0 5 0 -5 1 -5 1)
+			  translateLabel: true
+			  model: doConfigurationEditCurrent
+			  enableChannel: svnEnabled
+			)
+		       )
+		    )
+		    extent: (Point 632 35)
+		  )
+		 (FramedBoxSpec
+		    label: 'SubVersion'
+		    name: 'SubVersionSettings'
+		    labelPosition: topLeft
+		    translateLabel: true
+		    component:
+		   (SpecCollection
+		      collection: (
+		       (LabelSpec
+			  label: 'Command:'
+			  name: 'SVNCommandLabel'
+			  layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 80 0 30 0)
+			  translateLabel: true
+			  adjust: left
+			)
+		       (FilenameInputFieldSpec
+			  name: 'SVNCommand'
+			  layout: (LayoutFrame 80 0 3 0 -50 1 28 0)
+			  enableChannel: svnEnabled
+			  model: svnCommand
+			  acceptOnPointerLeave: true
+			  emptyFieldReplacementText: 'Autodetect'
+			)
+		       (ActionButtonSpec
+			  label: 'Test'
+			  name: 'SVNCommandTest'
+			  layout: (LayoutFrame -50 1 3 0 0 1 28 0)
+			  translateLabel: true
+			  model: doTestSVNCommand
+			  enableChannel: svnEnabled
+			)
+		       )
+		    )
+		    extent: (Point 632 80)
+		    useDynamicPreferredHeight: true
+		    usePreferredHeight: true
+		  )
+		 (FramedBoxSpec
+		    label: 'External Tools'
+		    name: 'ToolsSettings'
+		    labelPosition: topLeft
+		    translateLabel: true
+		    component:
+		   (SpecCollection
+		      collection: (
+		       (LabelSpec
+			  label: 'Diff2:'
+			  name: 'Label1'
+			  layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 80 0 30 0)
+			  translateLabel: true
+			  adjust: left
+			)
+		       (FilenameInputFieldSpec
+			  name: 'FilenameEntryField1'
+			  layout: (LayoutFrame 80 0 3 0 0 1 28 0)
+			  enableChannel: svnEnabled
+			  model: svnDiff2Command
+			  acceptOnPointerLeave: true
+			)
+		       (LabelSpec
+			  label: 'Diff3:'
+			  name: 'Label2'
+			  layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 30 0 80 0 0 1.0)
+			  translateLabel: true
+			  adjust: left
+			)
+		       (FilenameInputFieldSpec
+			  name: 'FilenameEntryField2'
+			  layout: (LayoutFrame 80 0 33 0 0 1 58 0)
+			  enableChannel: svnEnabled
+			  model: svnDiff3Command
+			  acceptOnPointerLeave: true
+			)
+		       )
+		    )
+		    extent: (Point 632 95)
+		  )
+		 (FramedBoxSpec
+		    label: 'Debugging'
+		    name: 'DebugSettings'
+		    labelPosition: topLeft
+		    translateLabel: true
+		    component:
+		   (SpecCollection
+		      collection: (
+		       (VerticalPanelViewSpec
+			  name: 'VerticalPanel1'
+			  layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
+			  horizontalLayout: fit
+			  verticalLayout: top
+			  horizontalSpace: 3
+			  verticalSpace: 3
+			  component:
+			 (SpecCollection
+			    collection: (
+			     (CheckBoxSpec
+				label: 'Verbose (Traces svn commands to Transcript)'
+				name: 'Verbose'
+				enableChannel: svnEnabled
+				model: svnVerbose
+				translateLabel: true
+				useDefaultExtent: true
+			      )
+			     )
+			  )
+			)
+		       )
+		    )
+		    extent: (Point 632 60)
+		  )
+		 )
+	      )
+	    )
+	   )
+	)
@@ -437,129 +428,129 @@
     <resource: #canvas>
-    ^ 
+    ^
-        name: profilesTabSpec
-        window: 
+	name: profilesTabSpec
+	window:
-          label: 'Profiles'
-          name: 'Profiles'
-          min: (Point 10 10)
-          bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 782 552)
-        )
-        component: 
+	  label: 'Profiles'
+	  name: 'Profiles'
+	  min: (Point 10 10)
+	  bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 782 552)
+	)
+	component:
-          collection: (
-           (LabelSpec
-              label: 'Current profile:'
-              name: 'CurrentProfileLabel'
-              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 102 0 30 0)
-              translateLabel: true
-              adjust: leftRight
-              useDynamicPreferredWidth: true
-              usePreferredWidth: true
-            )
-           (ComboListSpec
-              name: 'CurrentConfiguration'
-              layout: (LayoutFrame 103 0 3 0 0 1 28 0)
-              enableChannel: svnEnabled
-              model: svnCurrentConfiguration
-              comboList: svnConfigurations2
-              useIndex: false
-            )
-           (DividerSpec
-              name: 'Separator1'
-              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 30 0 0 1 35 0)
-            )
-           (LabelSpec
-              label: 'Available profiles:'
-              name: 'AvailableProfiles'
-              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 35 0 0 1 65 0)
-              translateLabel: true
-              adjust: left
-            )
-           (SelectionInListModelViewSpec
-              name: 'ProfileList'
-              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 65 0 -100 1 0 1)
-              enableChannel: svnEnabled
-              model: selectedProfileIndexHolder
-              hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
-              hasVerticalScrollBar: true
-              listModel: svnConfigurations2
-              highlightMode: line
-              doubleClickSelector: doConfigurationEdit
-            )
-           (VerticalPanelViewSpec
-              name: 'Buttons1'
-              layout: (LayoutFrame -95 1 65 0 0 1 0 0.7)
-              horizontalLayout: fit
-              verticalLayout: top
-              horizontalSpace: 5
-              verticalSpace: 3
-              component: 
-             (SpecCollection
-                collection: (
-                 (ActionButtonSpec
-                    label: 'Add'
-                    name: 'ButtonAdd'
-                    translateLabel: true
-                    model: doConfigurationAdd
-                    enableChannel: svnEnabled
-                    extent: (Point 95 22)
-                  )
-                 (ActionButtonSpec
-                    label: 'Remove'
-                    name: 'ButtonRemove'
-                    translateLabel: true
-                    model: doConfigurationRemove
-                    enableChannel: configurationSelectedHolder
-                    extent: (Point 95 22)
-                  )
-                 (ActionButtonSpec
-                    label: 'Edit'
-                    name: 'ButtonEdit'
-                    translateLabel: true
-                    model: doConfigurationEdit
-                    enableChannel: configurationSelectedHolder
-                    extent: (Point 95 22)
-                  )
-                 )
-              )
-            )
-           (VerticalPanelViewSpec
-              name: 'Buttons2'
-              layout: (LayoutFrame -95 1 0 0.7 0 1 0 1)
-              horizontalLayout: fit
-              verticalLayout: bottom
-              horizontalSpace: 5
-              verticalSpace: 3
-              component: 
-             (SpecCollection
-                collection: (
-                 (ActionButtonSpec
-                    label: 'Export'
-                    name: 'Button2'
-                    translateLabel: true
-                    model: doConfigurationExport
-                    enableChannel: configurationSelectedHolder
-                    extent: (Point 95 22)
-                  )
-                 (ActionButtonSpec
-                    label: 'Import'
-                    name: 'Button3'
-                    translateLabel: true
-                    model: doConfigurationImport
-                    enableChannel: svnEnabled
-                    extent: (Point 95 22)
-                  )
-                 )
-              )
-            )
-           )
-        )
+	  collection: (
+	   (LabelSpec
+	      label: 'Current profile:'
+	      name: 'CurrentProfileLabel'
+	      layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 102 0 30 0)
+	      translateLabel: true
+	      adjust: leftRight
+	      useDynamicPreferredWidth: true
+	      usePreferredWidth: true
+	    )
+	   (ComboListSpec
+	      name: 'CurrentConfiguration'
+	      layout: (LayoutFrame 103 0 3 0 0 1 28 0)
+	      enableChannel: svnEnabled
+	      model: svnCurrentConfiguration
+	      comboList: svnConfigurations2
+	      useIndex: false
+	    )
+	   (DividerSpec
+	      name: 'Separator1'
+	      layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 30 0 0 1 35 0)
+	    )
+	   (LabelSpec
+	      label: 'Available profiles:'
+	      name: 'AvailableProfiles'
+	      layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 35 0 0 1 65 0)
+	      translateLabel: true
+	      adjust: left
+	    )
+	   (SelectionInListModelViewSpec
+	      name: 'ProfileList'
+	      layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 65 0 -100 1 0 1)
+	      enableChannel: svnEnabled
+	      model: selectedProfileIndexHolder
+	      hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
+	      hasVerticalScrollBar: true
+	      listModel: svnConfigurations2
+	      highlightMode: line
+	      doubleClickSelector: doConfigurationEdit
+	    )
+	   (VerticalPanelViewSpec
+	      name: 'Buttons1'
+	      layout: (LayoutFrame -95 1 65 0 0 1 0 0.7)
+	      horizontalLayout: fit
+	      verticalLayout: top
+	      horizontalSpace: 5
+	      verticalSpace: 3
+	      component:
+	     (SpecCollection
+		collection: (
+		 (ActionButtonSpec
+		    label: 'Add'
+		    name: 'ButtonAdd'
+		    translateLabel: true
+		    model: doConfigurationAdd
+		    enableChannel: svnEnabled
+		    extent: (Point 95 22)
+		  )
+		 (ActionButtonSpec
+		    label: 'Remove'
+		    name: 'ButtonRemove'
+		    translateLabel: true
+		    model: doConfigurationRemove
+		    enableChannel: configurationSelectedHolder
+		    extent: (Point 95 22)
+		  )
+		 (ActionButtonSpec
+		    label: 'Edit'
+		    name: 'ButtonEdit'
+		    translateLabel: true
+		    model: doConfigurationEdit
+		    enableChannel: configurationSelectedHolder
+		    extent: (Point 95 22)
+		  )
+		 )
+	      )
+	    )
+	   (VerticalPanelViewSpec
+	      name: 'Buttons2'
+	      layout: (LayoutFrame -95 1 0 0.7 0 1 0 1)
+	      horizontalLayout: fit
+	      verticalLayout: bottom
+	      horizontalSpace: 5
+	      verticalSpace: 3
+	      component:
+	     (SpecCollection
+		collection: (
+		 (ActionButtonSpec
+		    label: 'Export'
+		    name: 'Button2'
+		    translateLabel: true
+		    model: doConfigurationExport
+		    enableChannel: configurationSelectedHolder
+		    extent: (Point 95 22)
+		  )
+		 (ActionButtonSpec
+		    label: 'Import'
+		    name: 'Button3'
+		    translateLabel: true
+		    model: doConfigurationImport
+		    enableChannel: svnEnabled
+		    extent: (Point 95 22)
+		  )
+		 )
+	      )
+	    )
+	   )
+	)
@@ -578,89 +569,89 @@
     <resource: #canvas>
-    ^ 
+    ^
-        name: windowSpec
-        window: 
+	name: windowSpec
+	window:
-          label: 'SubVersion Settings'
-          name: 'SubVersion Settings'
-          min: (Point 10 10)
-          bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 695 627)
-        )
-        component: 
+	  label: 'SubVersion Settings'
+	  name: 'SubVersion Settings'
+	  min: (Point 10 10)
+	  bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 695 627)
+	)
+	component:
-          collection: (
-           (LabelSpec
-              label: ' Subversion Settings'
-              name: 'SubVersionSettingsTitle'
-              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 66 0)
-              style: (FontDescription helvetica medium roman 18 #'iso10646-1')
-              backgroundColor: (Color 100.0 100.0 100.0)
-              translateLabel: true
-              adjust: left
-            )
-           (LabelSpec
-              label: 'Icon'
-              name: 'SubVersionIcon'
-              layout: (LayoutFrame -75 1 0 0 0 1 66 0)
-              hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false
-              backgroundColor: (Color 100.0 100.0 100.0)
-              translateLabel: true
-              labelChannel: svnIcon
-            )
-           (VerticalPanelViewSpec
-              name: 'Controls'
-              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 70 0 0 1 0 1)
-              horizontalLayout: fit
-              verticalLayout: topFit
-              horizontalSpace: 3
-              verticalSpace: 3
-              component: 
-             (SpecCollection
-                collection: (
-                 (HorizontalPanelViewSpec
-                    name: 'SVNEnabledAndResetPanel'
-                    horizontalLayout: rightSpaceFit
-                    verticalLayout: fit
-                    horizontalSpace: 0
-                    verticalSpace: 3
-                    component: 
-                   (SpecCollection
-                      collection: (
-                       (CheckBoxSpec
-                          label: 'Enable SubVersion Manager'
-                          name: 'Enabled'
-                          model: svnEnabled
-                          translateLabel: true
-                          extent: (Point 521 30)
+	  collection: (
+	   (LabelSpec
+	      label: ' Subversion Settings'
+	      name: 'SubVersionSettingsTitle'
+	      layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 66 0)
+	      style: (FontDescription helvetica medium roman 18 #'iso10646-1')
+	      backgroundColor: (Color 100.0 100.0 100.0)
+	      translateLabel: true
+	      adjust: left
+	    )
+	   (LabelSpec
+	      label: 'Icon'
+	      name: 'SubVersionIcon'
+	      layout: (LayoutFrame -75 1 0 0 0 1 66 0)
+	      hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false
+	      backgroundColor: (Color 100.0 100.0 100.0)
+	      translateLabel: true
+	      labelChannel: svnIcon
+	    )
+	   (VerticalPanelViewSpec
+	      name: 'Controls'
+	      layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 70 0 0 1 0 1)
+	      horizontalLayout: fit
+	      verticalLayout: topFit
+	      horizontalSpace: 3
+	      verticalSpace: 3
+	      component:
+	     (SpecCollection
+		collection: (
+		 (HorizontalPanelViewSpec
+		    name: 'SVNEnabledAndResetPanel'
+		    horizontalLayout: rightSpaceFit
+		    verticalLayout: fit
+		    horizontalSpace: 0
+		    verticalSpace: 3
+		    component:
+		   (SpecCollection
+		      collection: (
+		       (CheckBoxSpec
+			  label: 'Enable SubVersion Manager'
+			  name: 'Enabled'
+			  model: svnEnabled
+			  translateLabel: true
+			  extent: (Point 521 30)
 activeHelpKey: shownInBrowserMenus
-                        )
-                       (ActionButtonSpec
-                          label: 'Reset cached repositories'
-                          name: 'ResetCachedRepositoriesButton'
-                          translateLabel: true
-                          model: resetCachedRepositories
-                          enableChannel: svnEnabled
-                          extent: (Point 175 30)
-                        )
-                       )
-                    )
-                    extent: (Point 695 30)
-                  )
-                 (NoteBookViewSpec
-                    name: 'NoteBook'
-                    menu: tabList
-                    useDefaultExtent: true
-                  )
-                 )
-              )
-            )
-           )
-        )
+			)
+		       (ActionButtonSpec
+			  label: 'Reset cached repositories'
+			  name: 'ResetCachedRepositoriesButton'
+			  translateLabel: true
+			  model: resetCachedRepositories
+			  enableChannel: svnEnabled
+			  extent: (Point 175 30)
+			)
+		       )
+		    )
+		    extent: (Point 695 30)
+		  )
+		 (NoteBookViewSpec
+		    name: 'NoteBook'
+		    menu: tabList
+		    useDefaultExtent: true
+		  )
+		 )
+	      )
+	    )
+	   )
+	)
     "Modified (format): / 11-01-2012 / 15:42:32 / cg"
@@ -683,17 +674,17 @@
     ^     #(
-          label: 'Settings'
-          minorKey: basicTabSpec
-          createNewBuilder: false
-        )
+	  label: 'Settings'
+	  minorKey: basicTabSpec
+	  createNewBuilder: false
+	)
-          label: 'Profiles'
-          minorKey: profilesTabSpec
-          createNewBuilder: false
-        )
+	  label: 'Profiles'
+	  minorKey: profilesTabSpec
+	  createNewBuilder: false
+	)
       collect:[:aTab| TabItem new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:aTab ]
 ! !
@@ -724,31 +715,31 @@
-         activeHelpKey: ''
-         labelButtonType: Button
-         rendererType: rowSelector
-         showRowSeparator: false
-         showColSeparator: false
+	 activeHelpKey: ''
+	 labelButtonType: Button
+	 rendererType: rowSelector
+	 showRowSeparator: false
+	 showColSeparator: false
-         label: 'Package'
-         labelAlignment: left
-         activeHelpKey: ''
-         labelButtonType: Button
-         model: package
-         canSelect: false
-         showRowSeparator: false
-         showColSeparator: false
+	 label: 'Package'
+	 labelAlignment: left
+	 activeHelpKey: ''
+	 labelButtonType: Button
+	 model: package
+	 canSelect: false
+	 showRowSeparator: false
+	 showColSeparator: false
-         label: 'URL'
-         labelAlignment: left
-         activeHelpKey: ''
-         labelButtonType: Button
-         model: urlString
-         canSelect: false
-         showRowSeparator: false
-         showColSeparator: false
+	 label: 'URL'
+	 labelAlignment: left
+	 activeHelpKey: ''
+	 labelButtonType: Button
+	 model: urlString
+	 canSelect: false
+	 showRowSeparator: false
+	 showColSeparator: false
@@ -810,20 +801,20 @@
     config := SVN::Configuration new.
-    config name:((newConfigurationCount == 0) 
-                ifTrue:[ '<new profile>' ]
-                ifFalse:[ '<new profile %1>' bindWith:newConfigurationCount ]).
+    config name:((newConfigurationCount == 0)
+		ifTrue:[ '<new profile>' ]
+		ifFalse:[ '<new profile %1>' bindWith:newConfigurationCount ]).
     (self doConfigurationEdit:config) ifTrue:[
-        self doConfigurationAdd:config.
-        newConfigurationCount := newConfigurationCount + 1.
+	self doConfigurationAdd:config.
+	newConfigurationCount := newConfigurationCount + 1.
     "Modified: / 26-03-2010 / 20:34:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    self svnConfigurations2 
-        value:(self svnConfigurations2 value copyWith:config).
+    self svnConfigurations2
+	value:(self svnConfigurations2 value copyWith:config).
     self selectedProfileIndexHolder value:self svnConfigurations2 value size.
     self updateModifiedChannel.
@@ -846,15 +837,15 @@
     configToEdit := config deepCopy.
     ^ (ConfigurationDialog openOn:configToEdit) ifTrue:[
-        config name: configToEdit name.
-        config repositories: configToEdit repositories.
+	config name: configToEdit name.
+	config repositories: configToEdit repositories.
-"/        self svnCurrentConfiguration value:(svnConfigurations2 value 
+"/        self svnCurrentConfiguration value:(svnConfigurations2 value
 "/                    detect:[:c | c name = self svnCurrentConfiguration value name ]).
-        self updateModifiedChannel.
-        true
-    ] ifFalse:[ 
-        false 
+	self updateModifiedChannel.
+	true
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	false
     "Created: / 25-03-2010 / 08:28:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
@@ -872,13 +863,13 @@
     | config name s |
     config := self selectedConfiguration.
-    name := (Smalltalk::Dialog 
-                requestFileName:'Enter a filename' 
-                default: (config name) , '.rc'
-                ifFail:[^self]) asFilename.
+    name := (Smalltalk::Dialog
+		requestFileName:'Enter a filename'
+		default: (config name) , '.rc'
+		ifFail:[^self]) asFilename.
     [s := name writeStream.
      config literalArrayEncoding storeOn: s]
-        ensure:[s close].
+	ensure:[s close].
     "Modified: / 26-03-2010 / 20:22:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
@@ -887,22 +878,22 @@
     | config name |
     config := self selectedConfiguration.
-    name := (Smalltalk::Dialog 
-                requestFileName:'Enter a filename' 
-                pattern: '*.rc').
+    name := (Smalltalk::Dialog
+		requestFileName:'Enter a filename'
+		pattern: '*.rc').
     name isNilOrEmptyCollection ifTrue:[^self].
     name := name asFilename.
-        config := Compiler evaluate: name contents asString.
-        config := config decodeAsLiteralArray.
-        (config isKindOf: SVN::Configuration) ifFalse:
-            [self error:'File does not contain serialized SVN configuration'].
-        self doConfigurationAdd: config.
+	config := Compiler evaluate: name contents asString.
+	config := config decodeAsLiteralArray.
+	(config isKindOf: SVN::Configuration) ifFalse:
+	    [self error:'File does not contain serialized SVN configuration'].
+	self doConfigurationAdd: config.
     ] on: Smalltalk::Error do:
-        Smalltalk::Dialog warn: 
-            ('Failed to read profile from %1' bindWith: name asString).
-        ex pass.
+	Smalltalk::Dialog warn:
+	    ('Failed to read profile from %1' bindWith: name asString).
+	ex pass.
     "Modified: / 26-03-2010 / 20:36:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
@@ -922,9 +913,9 @@
     self svnCommand value isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-        self doTestSVNCommand: SVN::Command executable
+	self doTestSVNCommand: SVN::Command executable
     ] ifFalse:[
-        self doTestSVNCommand: self svnCommand value
+	self doTestSVNCommand: self svnCommand value
     "Modified: / 12-03-2012 / 11:34:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
@@ -932,21 +923,21 @@
 doTestSVNCommand: command
     | versionString |
-    (OperatingSystem canExecuteCommand: command) ifFalse:[        
-        Dialog warn: 'Cannot execute svn command.\\Make sure SubVersion is installed and PATH is set up correctly' withCRs.
-        ^self.
+    (OperatingSystem canExecuteCommand: command) ifFalse:[
+	Dialog warn: 'Cannot execute svn command.\\Make sure SubVersion is installed and PATH is set up correctly' withCRs.
+	^self.
     versionString := OperatingSystem getCommandOutputFrom:command, ' --version'.
     versionString isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-        Dialog warn: 'Failed to execute ''',command,' --version'''.
-        ^self
+	Dialog warn: 'Failed to execute ''',command,' --version'''.
+	^self
     (versionString includesString: '1.7.') ifTrue:[
-        Dialog warn: ('Installed Subversion version seems to be 1.7.x.\Subversion 1.7.x is not (yet) supported - it may or may not work.\\Reported version: ', versionString) withCRs.
+	Dialog warn: ('Installed Subversion version seems to be 1.7.x.\Subversion 1.7.x is not (yet) supported - it may or may not work.\\Reported version: ', versionString) withCRs.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        Dialog information: ('Subversion command seems work\\Reported version: ', versionString) withCRs.
+	Dialog information: ('Subversion command seems work\\Reported version: ', versionString) withCRs.
     "Created: / 12-03-2012 / 11:34:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
@@ -954,9 +945,9 @@
 postBuildWorkingCopyField: aView
-    aView 
-        directoriesOnly: true;
-        historyList: Smalltalk packagePath
+    aView
+	directoriesOnly: true;
+	historyList: Smalltalk packagePath
     "Modified: / 27-11-2009 / 13:02:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
@@ -981,10 +972,10 @@
     "return/create the valueHolder 'repositorySelectedHolder'"
     configurationSelectedHolder isNil ifTrue:[
-        configurationSelectedHolder := 
-            BlockValue 
-                with:[:model|model value notNil and:[model value ~= 0]]
-                argument: self selectedProfileIndexHolder
+	configurationSelectedHolder :=
+	    BlockValue
+		with:[:model|model value notNil and:[model value ~= 0]]
+		argument: self selectedProfileIndexHolder
     ^ configurationSelectedHolder
@@ -996,8 +987,8 @@
     (holder := builder bindingAt:#selectedProfileIndexHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
-        holder := ValueHolder new.
-        builder aspectAt:#selectedProfileIndexHolder put:holder.
+	holder := ValueHolder new.
+	builder aspectAt:#selectedProfileIndexHolder put:holder.
     ^ holder.
@@ -1007,7 +998,7 @@
     svnCommand isNil ifTrue:[
-        svnCommand := self settingsAspectFor: #svnCommand
+	svnCommand := self settingsAspectFor: #svnCommand
     ^ svnCommand
@@ -1026,7 +1017,7 @@
     "*** (and replace this comment by something more useful ;-)"
     svnConfigurations2 isNil ifTrue:[
-        svnConfigurations2 := ValueHolder new.
+	svnConfigurations2 := ValueHolder new.
 "/ if your app needs to be notified of changes, uncomment one of the lines below:
 "/       svnConfigurations2 addDependent:self.
 "/       svnConfigurations2 onChangeSend:#svnConfigurations2Changed to:self.
@@ -1081,7 +1072,7 @@
     (list := builder bindingAt:#tabList) isNil ifTrue:[
-        builder aspectAt:#tabList put:(list := self class tabList).
+	builder aspectAt:#tabList put:(list := self class tabList).
     ^ list
@@ -1091,9 +1082,9 @@
     (holder := builder bindingAt:#workingCopyBaseAspect) ifNil:[
-        holder := self repositoryManager workingCopyBase asValue.
-        holder onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self.
-        builder aspectAt:#workingCopyBaseAspect put: holder
+	holder := self repositoryManager workingCopyBase asValue.
+	holder onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self.
+	builder aspectAt:#workingCopyBaseAspect put: holder
     ^ holder.
@@ -1110,9 +1101,9 @@
     self createBuilder.
     (holder := builder bindingAt:settingName) isNil ifTrue:[
-        holder := (currentUserPrefs perform: settingName asSymbol) asValue.
-        holder onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self.
-        builder aspectAt:settingName put:holder
+	holder := (currentUserPrefs perform: settingName asSymbol) asValue.
+	holder onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self.
+	builder aspectAt:settingName put:holder
     ^ holder.
@@ -1181,9 +1172,9 @@
     | configurations current |
     configurations := SVN::Configuration configurations deepCopy asList.
-    current := configurations 
-        detect:[:e|e name = Configuration current name] 
-        ifNone:[self error:'Internal inconsistency'].
+    current := configurations
+	detect:[:e|e name = Configuration current name]
+	ifNone:[self error:'Internal inconsistency'].
     self svnConfigurations2 value: configurations.
     self svnCurrentConfiguration value: current.
@@ -1201,13 +1192,13 @@
     currentConfs size ~~ editedConfs size ifTrue:[ ^ true ].
     currentConfs with: editedConfs do:[:current :edited|
-        self assert: current ~~ edited.
-        current = edited ifFalse:[ ^ true ].
+	self assert: current ~~ edited.
+	current = edited ifFalse:[ ^ true ].
-    ^ self 
-        hasChangedAspectIn:self aspects 
-        asComparedTo:currentUserPrefs
+    ^ self
+	hasChangedAspectIn:self aspects
+	asComparedTo:currentUserPrefs
     "Created: / 28-05-2008 / 07:33:26 / Jan Vrany <>"
     "Modified: / 19-08-2009 / 12:07:01 / Jan Vrany <>"