changeset 12158 54259ef3a49d
parent 12128 a7ff7d66ee85
child 12205 f210b6224ef0
--- a/	Mon Feb 13 18:52:36 2012 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Feb 13 19:19:58 2012 +0000
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 		suppressPseudoSlots dereferenceValueHolders suppressHeadline
 	classVariableNames:'DefaultIcon IdDictionary NextSequentialID LastExtent
-		DefaultIntegerDisplayRadix'
+		DefaultIntegerDisplayRadix ExpandArraysInAllLists'
@@ -307,6 +307,12 @@
     "Modified: / 17-09-2007 / 11:36:17 / cg"
+    ^ DefaultIntegerDisplayRadix ? 10
+    "Created: / 10-02-2012 / 19:51:38 / cg"
@@ -316,6 +322,22 @@
     "Created: / 23-10-2007 / 19:04:13 / cg"
+    "in the 'all instvars' list, expand arrays"
+    ^ ExpandArraysInAllLists ? false
+    "Created: / 30-01-2012 / 16:52:57 / cg"
+    "in the 'all instvars' list, expand arrays"
+    ExpandArraysInAllLists := aBoolean
+    "Created: / 30-01-2012 / 16:53:01 / cg"
     LastExtent := anExtent
@@ -1490,6 +1512,227 @@
     "Modified: / 6.2.2000 / 13:47:37 / cg"
 ! !
+!InspectorView methodsFor:'presentation'!
+appendDisplayStringForElementsOf:val indent:lvl pad:padding to:aStream
+    val doWithIndex:[:el :idx |
+        |elValString|
+        aStream spaces:lvl.
+        aStream nextPutAll:(' ' paddedTo:padding with:$.).
+        aStream nextPutAll:(' [',(idx printString leftPaddedTo:2),']').
+        aStream nextPutAll:' : '.
+        elValString := self basicDisplayStringForValue:el.                
+        aStream nextPutAll:elValString.
+        aStream cr.
+        "/ s nextPutAll:(self stringWithAllInstVarValuesFor:el level:lvl+4)
+    ].
+    "Created: / 12-02-2012 / 09:55:53 / cg"
+    "return the value's displayString to be pasted into the workspace."
+    |s|
+    Error handle:[:ex |
+        s := someValue classNameWithArticle.
+        displayStringMessage == #displayString ifTrue:[
+            s := s , ' "error in displayString: ' , ex description , '"'
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            s := s , ' "error in displayString (' , displayStringMessage , '): ' , ex description , '"'
+        ].
+        ^ s
+    ] do:[
+        integerDisplayRadix ~= 10 ifTrue:[
+            "/ not everything can be shown in HEX/Binary
+            someValue isInteger ifTrue:[
+                ^ someValue radixPrintStringRadix:integerDisplayRadix
+            ].
+            (someValue isMemberOf:ByteArray) ifTrue:[
+                s := WriteStream on:(String new:10).
+                s writeLimit:100000.
+                someValue printOn:s base:integerDisplayRadix showRadix:true.
+                ^ s contents
+            ]
+        ].
+        "/ displayStringMessage := #classNameWithArticle
+        "/ displayStringMessage := #displayString
+        "/ displayStringMessage := #printString
+        s := CharacterWriteStream on:(String new:10).
+        s writeLimit:100000.
+        someValue isLazyValue ifTrue:[
+            s nextPutAll:someValue class nameWithArticle    
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            "/ mhmh - avoid sending #perform: (bad for proxy objects which pass it to somewhere..)
+            displayStringMessage == #displayString ifTrue:[
+                someValue displayOn:s.
+                "/ s := someValue displayString.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                displayStringMessage == #printString ifTrue:[
+                    someValue printOn:s.
+                    "/ s := someValue printString.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    displayStringMessage == #storeString ifTrue:[
+                        someValue storeOn:s.
+                        "/ s := someValue storeString.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        ^ someValue perform:displayStringMessage.
+                    ].
+                ].
+            ].
+        ].
+        ^ s contents
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 24-08-2010 / 17:29:08 / cg"
+    "return the value's displayString to be pasted into the workspace."
+    |idx sel extraAttributes|
+    idx := self theSingleSelectionIndex.
+    idx notNil ifTrue:[
+        sel := listView at:idx.
+        extraAttributes := object inspectorExtraAttributes.
+        (extraAttributes notNil and:[extraAttributes includesKey:sel]) ifTrue:[
+            ^ someValue "(extraAttributes at:sel) value" printString
+        ].
+        (sel startsWith:'-all inst vars') ifTrue:[
+            ^ self stringWithAllInstVarValues
+        ].
+        (sel startsWith:'-all indexed vars') ifTrue:[
+            ^ self stringWithAllIndexedVarValues
+        ].
+        (sel startsWith:'-all messages') ifTrue:[
+            ^ self stringWithMessages:#all
+        ].
+        (sel startsWith:'-local messages') ifTrue:[
+            ^ self stringWithMessages:#local
+        ].
+        (sel startsWith:'-inherited messages') ifTrue:[
+            ^ self stringWithMessages:#inherited
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ self basicDisplayStringForValue:someValue
+    "Modified: / 17-11-2010 / 19:20:47 / cg"
+    |nIdx s names maxLen varString padLeft|
+    nIdx := object size.
+    s := CharacterWriteStream on:''.
+    names := self indexList.
+    names size > 0 ifTrue:[
+        maxLen := (names collect:[:eachName | eachName printString size]) max.
+        padLeft := names conform:[:eachIdx | eachIdx isInteger].
+        names do:[:eachIdx |
+            |val|
+            padLeft ifTrue:[
+                s nextPutAll:(eachIdx printStringLeftPaddedTo:maxLen).
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                s nextPutAll:((eachIdx printString , ' ') paddedTo:maxLen+1 with:$.).
+            ].
+            s nextPutAll:' : '.
+            val := self indexedValueAtKey:eachIdx.
+            ((ExpandArraysInAllLists == true) and:[val isSequenceable and:[ val class isPointers]]) ifTrue:[
+                s cr.
+                self appendDisplayStringForElementsOf:val indent:2 pad:maxLen+1+1 to:s.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                varString := self basicDisplayStringForValue:val.
+                (varString includes:Character cr) ifTrue:[
+                    varString := varString copyTo:(varString indexOf:Character cr)-1.
+                    varString := varString , '...'.
+                ].
+                s nextPutLine:varString.
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    nShown < nIdx ifTrue:[
+        s nextPutLine:' ...'.
+    ].
+    ^ s contents
+    "Modified: / 12-02-2012 / 10:52:04 / cg"
+    ^ self stringWithAllInstVarValuesFor:object level:0
+    "Modified: / 31-01-2012 / 18:23:11 / cg"
+stringWithAllInstVarValuesFor:anObject level:lvl
+    |s names maxLen|
+    s := CharacterWriteStream on:''.
+    names := anObject class allInstVarNames.
+    maxLen := (names collect:[:eachName | eachName size]) max.
+    names keysAndValuesDo:[:eachInstVarIndex :eachInstVarName |
+        |val valString|
+        val := anObject instVarAt:eachInstVarIndex.
+        s spaces:lvl.
+        s nextPutAll:((eachInstVarName , ' ') paddedTo:maxLen+1 with:$.).
+        s nextPutAll:' : '.
+        ((ExpandArraysInAllLists == true) and:[val isSequenceable and:[ val class isPointers] ]) ifTrue:[
+            s cr.
+            self appendDisplayStringForElementsOf:val indent:lvl pad:maxLen+1+1 to:s.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            valString := self basicDisplayStringForValue:val.
+            (valString includes:Character cr) ifTrue:[
+                valString := valString copyTo:(valString indexOf:Character cr)-1.
+                valString := valString , '...'.
+            ].
+            s nextPutAll:valString.
+            s cr.
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ s contents
+    "Created: / 31-01-2012 / 18:23:15 / cg"
+    |cls s messages |
+    s := CharacterWriteStream on:''.
+    cls := object class.
+    which == #local ifTrue:[
+        messages := cls selectors.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        which == #all ifTrue:[
+            messages := cls allSelectors.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            messages := cls allSelectors copy asSet removeAll:cls selectors; yourself.
+        ].
+    ].
+    messages asOrderedCollection sort do:[:eachSelector |
+        s nextPutAll:eachSelector.
+        s cr.
+    ].
+    ^ s contents
+! !
 !InspectorView methodsFor:'private'!
@@ -2017,85 +2260,6 @@
     "Modified: / 26.8.1998 / 19:05:25 / cg"
-    |nIdx s names maxLen varString padLeft|
-    nIdx := object size.
-    s := CharacterWriteStream on:''.
-    names := self indexList.
-    names size > 0 ifTrue:[
-        maxLen := (names collect:[:eachName | eachName printString size]) max.
-        padLeft := names conform:[:eachIdx | eachIdx isInteger].
-        names do:[:eachIdx |
-            |val|
-            padLeft ifTrue:[
-                s nextPutAll:(eachIdx printStringLeftPaddedTo:maxLen).
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                s nextPutAll:((eachIdx printString , ' ') paddedTo:maxLen+1 with:$.).
-            ].
-            s nextPutAll:' : '.
-            val := self indexedValueAtKey:eachIdx.
-            varString := self basicDisplayStringForValue:val.
-            (varString includes:Character cr) ifTrue:[
-                varString := varString copyTo:(varString indexOf:Character cr)-1.
-                varString := varString , '...'.
-            ].
-            s nextPutLine:varString.
-        ].
-    ].
-    nShown < nIdx ifTrue:[
-        s nextPutLine:' ...'.
-    ].
-    ^ s contents
-    |s names maxLen varString|
-    s := CharacterWriteStream on:''.
-    names := object class allInstVarNames.
-    maxLen := (names collect:[:eachName | eachName size]) max.
-    names keysAndValuesDo:[:eachInstVarIndex :eachInstVarName |
-        s nextPutAll:((eachInstVarName , ' ') paddedTo:maxLen+1 with:$.).
-        s nextPutAll:' : '.
-        varString := self basicDisplayStringForValue:(object instVarAt:eachInstVarIndex).
-        (varString includes:Character cr) ifTrue:[
-            varString := varString copyTo:(varString indexOf:Character cr)-1.
-            varString := varString , '...'.
-        ].
-        s nextPutAll:varString.
-        s cr.
-    ].
-    ^ s contents
-    |cls s messages |
-    s := CharacterWriteStream on:''.
-    cls := object class.
-    which == #local ifTrue:[
-        messages := cls selectors.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        which == #all ifTrue:[
-            messages := cls allSelectors.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            messages := cls allSelectors copy asSet removeAll:cls selectors; yourself.
-        ].
-    ].
-    messages asOrderedCollection sort do:[:eachSelector |
-        s nextPutAll:eachSelector.
-        s cr.
-    ].
-    ^ s contents
     "helper - return the index of the (single) selected entry.
      Nil if nothing or multiple items are selected"
@@ -2311,103 +2475,6 @@
 !InspectorView methodsFor:'selection'!
-    "return the value's displayString to be pasted into the workspace."
-    |s|
-    Error handle:[:ex |
-        s := someValue classNameWithArticle.
-        displayStringMessage == #displayString ifTrue:[
-            s := s , ' "error in displayString: ' , ex description , '"'
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            s := s , ' "error in displayString (' , displayStringMessage , '): ' , ex description , '"'
-        ].
-        ^ s
-    ] do:[
-        integerDisplayRadix ~= 10 ifTrue:[
-            "/ not everything can be shown in HEX/Binary
-            someValue isInteger ifTrue:[
-                ^ someValue radixPrintStringRadix:integerDisplayRadix
-            ].
-            (someValue isMemberOf:ByteArray) ifTrue:[
-                s := WriteStream on:(String new:10).
-                s writeLimit:100000.
-                someValue printOn:s base:integerDisplayRadix showRadix:true.
-                ^ s contents
-            ]
-        ].
-        "/ displayStringMessage := #classNameWithArticle
-        "/ displayStringMessage := #displayString
-        "/ displayStringMessage := #printString
-        s := CharacterWriteStream on:(String new:10).
-        s writeLimit:100000.
-        someValue isLazyValue ifTrue:[
-            s nextPutAll:someValue class nameWithArticle    
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "/ mhmh - avoid sending #perform: (bad for proxy objects which pass it to somewhere..)
-            displayStringMessage == #displayString ifTrue:[
-                someValue displayOn:s.
-                "/ s := someValue displayString.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                displayStringMessage == #printString ifTrue:[
-                    someValue printOn:s.
-                    "/ s := someValue printString.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    displayStringMessage == #storeString ifTrue:[
-                        someValue storeOn:s.
-                        "/ s := someValue storeString.
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        ^ someValue perform:displayStringMessage.
-                    ].
-                ].
-            ].
-        ].
-        ^ s contents
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 24-08-2010 / 17:29:08 / cg"
-    "return the value's displayString to be pasted into the workspace."
-    |idx sel extraAttributes|
-    idx := self theSingleSelectionIndex.
-    idx notNil ifTrue:[
-        sel := listView at:idx.
-        extraAttributes := object inspectorExtraAttributes.
-        (extraAttributes notNil and:[extraAttributes includesKey:sel]) ifTrue:[
-            ^ someValue "(extraAttributes at:sel) value" printString
-        ].
-        (sel startsWith:'-all inst vars') ifTrue:[
-            ^ self stringWithAllInstVarValues
-        ].
-        (sel startsWith:'-all indexed vars') ifTrue:[
-            ^ self stringWithAllIndexedVarValues
-        ].
-        (sel startsWith:'-all messages') ifTrue:[
-            ^ self stringWithMessages:#all
-        ].
-        (sel startsWith:'-local messages') ifTrue:[
-            ^ self stringWithMessages:#local
-        ].
-        (sel startsWith:'-inherited messages') ifTrue:[
-            ^ self stringWithMessages:#inherited
-        ].
-    ].
-    ^ self basicDisplayStringForValue:someValue
-    "Modified: / 17-11-2010 / 19:20:47 / cg"
     self showSelection:lineNr
@@ -2638,13 +2705,14 @@
 !InspectorView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Id: 7854 2012-01-30 17:49:41Z vranyj1 $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.247 2012/02/12 09:54:31 cg Exp $'
-    ^ '§Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.240 2011/11/14 11:58:18 cg Exp §'
+    ^ 'Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.247 2012/02/12 09:54:31 cg Exp '
-    ^ '$Id: 7854 2012-01-30 17:49:41Z vranyj1 $'
+    ^ '$Id: 7887 2012-02-13 19:19:58Z vranyj1 $'
 ! !