comment/format in: #toggle
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Wed, 06 Jul 2011 14:41:30 +0200
changeset 10202 34f07f3a4f8a
parent 10201 abe808684440
child 10203 e046ceb4f19a
comment/format in: #toggle changed: #break #icon
--- a/	Wed Jul 06 14:29:17 2011 +0200
+++ b/	Wed Jul 06 14:41:30 2011 +0200
@@ -21,13 +21,24 @@
 !Breakpoint methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "do not use abbreviations like bpnt or brp or similar;
+     when I do not know the exact name, I tend to search for implementors/senders
+     of '*break*' or '*disabled*'.
+     I will not find anything useful and have to single step if methods are named
+     cryptically."
-    state == #enabled ifTrue:[^ToolbarIconLibrary brkp_obj].
-    state == #disabled ifTrue:[^ToolbarIconLibrary brkpd_obj].
+    condition isNil ifTrue:[
+        state == #enabled ifTrue:[^ ToolbarIconLibrary breakpointRedEnabled16x16].
+        state == #disabled ifTrue:[^ ToolbarIconLibrary breakpointRedDisabled16x16].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        state == #enabled ifTrue:[^ ToolbarIconLibrary breakpointBlueEnabled16x16].
+        state == #disabled ifTrue:[^ ToolbarIconLibrary breakpointBlueDisabled16x16].
+    ].
     "Created: / 28-06-2011 / 08:29:12 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified (comment): / 06-07-2011 / 14:40:46 / cg"
 ! !
 !ByteArray methodsFor:'inspecting'!
@@ -338,507 +349,6 @@
     ^ DictionaryInspectorView
 ! !
-!DoWhatIMeanSupport class methodsFor:'code completion-helpers'!
-askUserForCompletion:what for:codeView at:position from:allTheBest 
-    |list choice lastChoice|
-    allTheBest isEmpty ifTrue:[
-        ^ nil
-    ].
-    allTheBest size == 1 ifTrue:[
-        ^ allTheBest first
-    ].
-    list := allTheBest.
-    LastChoices notNil ifTrue:[
-        lastChoice := LastChoices at:what ifAbsent:nil.
-        lastChoice notNil ifTrue:[
-            list := 
-                    { lastChoice.
-                    nil } , (list copyWithout:lastChoice).
-        ].
-    ].
-    choice := Tools::CodeCompletionMenu 
-                openFor:codeView
-                at:position
-                with:allTheBest.
-    LastChoices isNil ifTrue:[
-        LastChoices := Dictionary new.
-    ].
-    LastChoices at:what put:choice.
-    ^ choice
-    "Created: / 16-02-2010 / 10:09:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
-! !
-!DoWhatIMeanSupport class methodsFor:'code completion-helpers'!
-codeCompletionForLiteralSymbol:node inClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView
-    |sym possibleCompletions best start stop oldLen newLen oldVar|
-    sym := node value.
-    possibleCompletions := OrderedCollection new.
-    Symbol allInstancesDo:[:existingSym |
-        (existingSym startsWith:sym) ifTrue:[
-            (existingSym = sym) ifFalse:[
-                possibleCompletions add:existingSym
-            ].
-        ].
-    ].
-    possibleCompletions sort.
-    best := possibleCompletions longestCommonPrefix.
-    (best = sym or:[(possibleCompletions includes:best) not]) ifTrue:[
-        best := self askUserForCompletion:'symbol literal' for:codeView at: node start from:possibleCompletions.
-        best isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    ].
-"/ self showInfo:best.
-    start := node start.
-    stop := node stop.
-    (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:start) == $# ifTrue:[
-        start := start + 1.
-    ].
-    (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:start) == $' ifTrue:[
-        start := start + 1.
-        stop := stop - 1.
-    ].
-    oldVar := (codeView textFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop) asString string withoutSeparators.
-    codeView
-        undoableDo:[ codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:best ]
-        info:'Completion'.
-    (best startsWith:oldVar) ifTrue:[
-        oldLen := stop - start + 1.
-        newLen := best size.
-        codeView selectFromCharacterPosition:start+oldLen to:start+newLen-1.
-        codeView dontReplaceSelectionOnInput
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 10:15:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    "Modified (format): / 03-07-2011 / 15:58:45 / cg"
-! !
-!DoWhatIMeanSupport class methodsFor:'code completion-helpers'!
-codeCompletionForMessage:node inClass:cls codeView:codeView
-    |selector srchClass implClass 
-     bestSelectors selector2 bestSelectors2 allBest best info numArgs
-     newParts nSelParts oldLen newLen selectorParts 
-     findBest parentNode selectorInBest selector2InBest2
-     parser selectorsSentInCode split|
-    parser := Parser parseMethod:codeView contents string in:cls ignoreErrors:true ignoreWarnings:true.
-    selectorsSentInCode := parser messagesSent.
-    findBest := [:node :selector |
-        |srchClass bestSelectors bestPrefixes|
-        srchClass := self lookupClassForMessage:node inClass:cls.
-        srchClass notNil ifTrue:[
-            bestSelectors := Parser findBest:30 selectorsFor:selector in:srchClass forCompletion:true.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            codeView topView withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:[
-                bestSelectors := Parser findBest:30 selectorsFor:selector in:nil forCompletion:true.
-            ].
-        ].
-        (bestSelectors includes:selector) ifTrue:[
-            bestSelectors := bestSelectors select:[:sel | sel size > selector size].
-        ].
-        bestSelectors
-    ].
-    selector := node selector.
-    bestSelectors := findBest value:node value:selector.
-    parentNode := node parent.
-    "/ if its a unary message AND the parent is a keyword node, look for parent completion too.
-    (node selector isUnarySelector 
-    and:[ parentNode notNil 
-    and:[ parentNode isMessage 
-    and:[ (selector2 := parentNode selector) isKeywordSelector ]]]) ifTrue:[
-        "/ srchClass2 := self lookupClassForMessage:parentNode inClass:cls.
-        selector2 := selector2,selector.
-        bestSelectors2 := findBest value:parentNode value:selector2.
-    ].
-    bestSelectors2 isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-        allBest := bestSelectors.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        bestSelectors isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-            allBest := bestSelectors2
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            selectorInBest := (bestSelectors contains:[:sel | sel asLowercase startsWith:selector asLowercase]).
-            selector2InBest2 := (bestSelectors2 contains:[:sel | sel asLowercase startsWith:selector2 asLowercase]).
-            (selectorInBest not and:[ selector2InBest2 ]) ifTrue:[
-                "/ selector2 is more likely
-                allBest := bestSelectors2
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                (selectorInBest and:[ selector2InBest2 not ]) ifTrue:[
-                    "/ selector more likely
-                    allBest := bestSelectors
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    "/ assume same likelyness
-                    allBest := bestSelectors isEmpty 
-                                ifTrue:[ bestSelectors2 ]
-                                ifFalse:[ bestSelectors , #(nil) , bestSelectors2 ].
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-    ].
-    allBest isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
-    split := [:list :splitHow |
-        |part1 part2 all|
-        part1 := list select:splitHow.
-        part2 := list reject:splitHow.
-        part1 isEmpty ifTrue:[
-            all := part2.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            part2 isEmpty ifTrue:[
-                all := part1.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                all := part1 , part2.
-            ]
-        ].
-        all
-    ].
-    "/ the ones already sent in the code are moved to the top of the list.
-    allBest := split value:allBest value:[:sel | selectorsSentInCode includes:sel].
-    "/ the ones which are a prefix are moved towards the top of the list
-    allBest := split value:allBest value:[:sel | sel notNil and:[sel startsWith:selector]].
-    best := allBest first.
-    allBest size > 1 ifTrue:[
-        "allBest size < 20 ifTrue:[
-            |idx|
-            idx := (PopUpMenu labels:allBest) startUp.
-            idx == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ self].
-            best := allBest at:idx.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            best := Dialog request:'Matching selectors:' initialAnswer:best list:allBest.
-        ]."
-        best := self askUserForCompletion:'selector' for:codeView at: node selectorParts first start from:allBest.
-        best isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-        best = '-' ifTrue:[^ self].
-    ].
-false ifTrue:[
-    srchClass notNil ifTrue:[
-        implClass := srchClass whichClassIncludesSelector:best.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        implClass := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:cls | (cls includesSelector:best) or:[cls class includesSelector:best]].
-        implClass size == 1 ifTrue:[
-            implClass := implClass first.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            implClass := nil
-        ]
-    ].
-    info := best storeString.
-    implClass notNil ifTrue:[
-        info := implClass name , ' >> ' , info.
-    ].
-    self information:info.
-    best ~= selector ifTrue:[
-        numArgs := best numArgs.
-        (bestSelectors2 notEmptyOrNil and:[bestSelectors2 includes:best]) ifTrue:[
-            selectorParts := parentNode selectorParts , node selectorParts.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            selectorParts := node selectorParts.
-        ].
-        nSelParts := selectorParts size.
-        newParts := best asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$:.
-        newParts := newParts select:[:part | part size > 0].
-        codeView
-            undoableDo:[
-                |newCursorPosition stop|
-                numArgs > nSelParts ifTrue:[
-                    stop := selectorParts last stop.
-                    "/ append the rest ...
-                    numArgs downTo:nSelParts+1 do:[:idx |
-                        |newPart|
-                        newPart := newParts at:idx.
-                        (best endsWith:$:) ifTrue:[
-                            newPart := newPart , ':'
-                        ].
-                        (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop) == $: ifFalse:[
-                            newPart := ':' , newPart.
-                        ].
-                        newPart := (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop) asString , newPart.
-                        codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:stop to:stop with:newPart.
-                        newCursorPosition isNil ifTrue:[
-                            newCursorPosition := stop + newPart size.
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ].
-                (nSelParts min:newParts size) downTo:1 do:[:idx |
-                    |newPart oldPartialToken start stop|
-                    newPart := newParts at:idx.
-                    oldPartialToken := selectorParts at:idx.
-                    start := oldPartialToken start.
-                    stop := oldPartialToken stop.
-                    (best endsWith:$:) ifTrue:[
-                        (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop+1) == $: ifFalse:[
-                            newPart := newPart , ':'
-                        ]
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop) == $: ifTrue:[
-                            newPart := newPart , ':'
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop+1) isSeparator ifFalse:[
-                                newPart := newPart , ' '
-                            ]
-                        ]
-"/                            codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:(newPart , ':').
-"/                        ] ifFalse:[
-"/                            codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:newPart.
-                    ].
-                    codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:newPart.
-                    oldLen := stop - start + 1.
-                    newLen := newPart size.
-"/                     codeView selectFromCharacterPosition:start+oldLen to:start+newLen-1.
-                    newCursorPosition isNil ifTrue:[
-                        newCursorPosition := stop + (newLen-oldLen).
-                    ].
-                ].
-                codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:newCursorPosition.
-                codeView cursorRight.  "/ avoid going to the next line !!
-                codeView dontReplaceSelectionOnInput.
-            ]
-        info:'Completion'.
-    ].
-    "Created: / 10-11-2006 / 13:18:27 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 10:33:48 / Jan Vrany <>"
-! !
-!DoWhatIMeanSupport class methodsFor:'code completion-helpers'!
-codeCompletionForMethod:node inClass:cls codeView:codeView
-    "completion in a methods selector pattern"
-    |crsrPos
-     selectorSoFar matchingSelectors
-     selectors distances best rest 
-     allExistingMethods namesOfArguments 
-     nameBag namesByCount|  
-    crsrPos := codeView characterPositionOfCursor - 1.
-    selectorSoFar := ''.
-    node selectorParts doWithIndex:[:partToken :argNr|
-        |part|
-        part := partToken value.
-        selectorSoFar := selectorSoFar , part.
-        (crsrPos >= partToken start
-        and:[crsrPos <= partToken stop]) ifTrue:[
-            matchingSelectors := Smalltalk allClasses
-                                    inject:(Set new)
-                                    into:[:theSet :eachClass |
-                                        |md|
-                                        cls isMeta ifTrue:[
-                                            md := eachClass theMetaclass methodDictionary
-                                        ] ifFalse:[
-                                            md := eachClass theNonMetaclass methodDictionary
-                                        ].
-                                        theSet addAll:(md keys select:[:sel |sel startsWith:selectorSoFar]).
-                                        theSet.
-                                    ].
-            selectors := matchingSelectors asOrderedCollection.
-            "/ if there is only one, and user has already entered it, he might want to complete the argument-name    
-            (selectors size == 1 
-            and:[selectors first = selectorSoFar]) ifTrue:[
-                allExistingMethods := (Smalltalk allImplementorsOf:selectorSoFar asSymbol)
-                                            collect:[:cls | cls compiledMethodAt:selectorSoFar asSymbol].
-                namesOfArguments := allExistingMethods collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod methodArgNames].
-                nameBag := Bag new.
-                namesOfArguments do:[:eachNameVector | nameBag add:(eachNameVector at:argNr)].
-                namesByCount := nameBag valuesAndCounts sort:[:a :b | a value < b value].   
-                "/ take the one which occurs most often     
-                best := self askUserForCompletion:'argument' for:codeView at: node start from:(namesByCount collect:[:a | a key]).
-                codeView
-                    undoableDo:[
-                        (crsrPos+1) >= codeView contents size ifTrue:[
-                            codeView paste:best.
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            codeView insertString:best atCharacterPosition:crsrPos+1.
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                    info:'completion'.
-                codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:(crsrPos + best size - 1).    
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                distances := selectors collect:[:each | each spellAgainst:selectorSoFar].
-                distances sortWith:selectors.
-                selectors reverse.
-                best := self askUserForCompletion:'selector' for:codeView at: node start from:selectors.
-                best isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-                rest := best copyFrom:selectorSoFar size.
-                codeView
-                    undoableDo:[ 
-                        codeView 
-                            replaceFromCharacterPosition:crsrPos 
-                            to:crsrPos 
-                            with:rest 
-                    ]
-                    info:'Completion'.
-                codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:(crsrPos + rest size - 1).    
-            ].
-            codeView cursorRight. "/ kludge to make it visible   
-        ].
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 04-07-2006 / 18:48:26 / fm"
-    "Created: / 10-11-2006 / 13:46:44 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 10:13:56 / Jan Vrany <>"
-! !
-!DoWhatIMeanSupport class methodsFor:'input completion support'!
-methodProtocolCompletion:aPartialProtocolName inEnvironment:anEnvironment
-    "given a partial method protocol name, return an array consisting of
-     2 entries: 1st: the best (longest) match 
-                2nd: collection consisting of matching protocols"
-    |matches best lcName|
-    matches := IdentitySet new.
-    "/ search for exact match
-    anEnvironment allMethodsWithSelectorDo:[:eachMethod :eachSelector |
-        |protocol|
-        protocol := eachMethod category.
-        (protocol notNil and:[protocol startsWith:aPartialProtocolName]) ifTrue:[
-            matches add:protocol
-        ].
-    ].
-    matches isEmpty ifTrue:[
-        "/ search for case-ignoring match
-        lcName := aPartialProtocolName asLowercase.
-        anEnvironment allMethodsWithSelectorDo:[:eachMethod :eachSelector |
-            |protocol|
-            protocol := eachMethod category.
-            (protocol notNil and:[protocol asLowercase startsWith:lcName]) ifTrue:[
-                matches add:protocol
-            ].
-        ].
-    ].
-    matches isEmpty ifTrue:[
-        ^ Array with:aPartialProtocolName with:(Array with:aPartialProtocolName)
-    ].
-    matches size == 1 ifTrue:[
-        ^ Array with:matches first with:(matches asArray)
-    ].
-    matches := matches asSortedCollection.
-    best := matches longestCommonPrefix.
-    ^ Array with:best with:matches asArray
-    "
-     Smalltalk methodProtocolCompletion:'doc'
-     Smalltalk methodProtocolCompletion:'docu' 
-     Smalltalk methodProtocolCompletion:'documenta' 
-    "
-    "Created: / 10-08-2006 / 13:05:27 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 16-03-2011 / 12:30:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
-! !
-!DoWhatIMeanSupport class methodsFor:'code completion-helpers'!
-old_askUserForCompletion:what for:codeView from:allTheBest
-    |list resources choice lastChoice|
-    allTheBest isEmpty ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].
-    allTheBest size == 1 ifTrue:[ ^ allTheBest first ].
-    list := allTheBest.
-    LastChoices notNil ifTrue:[
-        lastChoice := LastChoices at:what ifAbsent:nil.
-        lastChoice notNil ifTrue:[
-            list := {lastChoice. nil. } , (list copyWithout:lastChoice).
-        ].
-    ].
-    list size < 30 ifTrue:[
-        |menu idx exitKey|
-        menu := PopUpMenu labels:list.
-        menu hideOnKeyFilter:[:key | |hide|
-                hide := ( #( CursorDown CursorUp Escape Return ) includes: key) not.
-                hide ifTrue:[
-                    exitKey := key.
-                ].
-                hide].
-        idx := menu startUp.
-        idx == 0 ifTrue:[
-            exitKey notNil ifTrue:[
-                codeView keyPress:exitKey x:0 y:0.
-            ].
-            ^ nil
-        ].
-        choice := list at:idx.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        resources := codeView application isNil 
-                        ifTrue:[ codeView resources]
-                        ifFalse:[ codeView application resources ].
-        choice := Dialog
-           choose:(resources string:'Choose ',what)
-           fromList:list
-           lines:20
-           title:(resources string:'Code completion').
-        choice isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ].
-    LastChoices isNil ifTrue:[
-        LastChoices := Dictionary new.
-    ].
-    LastChoices at:what put:choice.
-    ^ choice
-    "Created: / 16-02-2010 / 09:38:41 / Jan Vrany <>"
-! !
 !EditTextView methodsFor:'accessing-dimensions'!
@@ -1945,5 +1455,5 @@
 !stx_libtool class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.33 2011-07-05 12:08:04 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.34 2011-07-06 12:41:30 cg Exp $'
 ! !
\ No newline at end of file