checkin from browser
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Thu, 07 Dec 1995 23:59:35 +0100
changeset 253 67448eb25c03
parent 252 5b9377d69ab2
child 254 8258536e5bcf
checkin from browser
--- a/	Thu Dec 07 21:49:40 1995 +0100
+++ b/	Thu Dec 07 23:59:35 1995 +0100
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
 StandardSystemView subclass:#BrowserView
 	 instanceVariableNames:'classCategoryListView classListView methodCategoryListView
-		methodListView classMethodListView codeView classToggle
-		instanceToggle currentClassCategory currentClassHierarchy
-		currentClass currentMethodCategory currentMethod currentSelector
-		showInstance actualClass fullClass lastMethodCategory aspect
-		variableListView fullProtocol lockUpdates autoSearch myLabel
-		acceptClass lastSourceLogMessage'
+                methodListView classMethodListView codeView classToggle
+                instanceToggle currentClassCategory currentClassHierarchy
+                currentClass currentMethodCategory currentMethod currentSelector
+                showInstance actualClass fullClass lastMethodCategory aspect
+                variableListView fullProtocol lockUpdates autoSearch myLabel
+                acceptClass lastSourceLogMessage'
 	 classVariableNames:'CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses RememberAspect DefaultIcon'
@@ -1089,161 +1089,165 @@
     (device ctrlDown 
     and:[currentClass notNil]) ifTrue:[
-	labels :=  #(
-		       'inspect class'
-		       '-'
-		       'primitive definitions'
-		       'primitive variables'
-		       'primitive functions'
-		    ).
-	selectors := #(
-		       classInspect
-		       nil
-		       classPrimitiveDefinitions
-		       classPrimitiveVariables
-		       classPrimitiveFunctions
-		     ).
-	labels := labels , #(
-			     '-'
-			     'revision info' 
-			     'compare with repository' 
-			     '-'
-			     'check into source repository'
-			     'fileIn from repository' 
-			   ).
-	selectors := selectors , #(
-			     nil
-			     classRevisionInfo
-			     classCompareWithNewestInRepository
-			     nil
-			     classCheckin
-			     classLoadRevision
-			    ).
+        labels :=  #(
+                       'inspect class'
+                       '-'
+                       'primitive definitions'
+                       'primitive variables'
+                       'primitive functions'
+                    ).
+        selectors := #(
+                       classInspect
+                       nil
+                       classPrimitiveDefinitions
+                       classPrimitiveVariables
+                       classPrimitiveFunctions
+                     ).
+        labels := labels , #(
+                             '-'
+                             'revision info' 
+                             'compare with repository' 
+                             '-'
+                             'check into source repository'
+                             'fileIn from repository' 
+                           ).
+        selectors := selectors , #(
+                             nil
+                             classRevisionInfo
+                             classCompareWithNewestInRepository
+                             nil
+                             classCheckin
+                             classLoadRevision
+                            ).
     ] ifFalse:[
-	currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
-	    labels :=    #(
-			   'new class'
-			 ).
-	    selectors := #(
-			   classNewClass
-			 ).
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    currentClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
-		labels :=    #(
-			       'new class'
-			       '-'
-			       'load '
-			     ).
-		selectors := #(
-			       classNewClass
-			       nil
-			       classLoad
-			     ).
-	    ] ifTrue:[
-		fullProtocol ifTrue:[
-		    labels :=    #(
-				   'hierarchy' 
-				   'definition' 
-				   'comment' 
-				   'class instvars' 
-				 ).
-		    selectors := #(
-				   classHierarchy
-				   classDefinition
-				   classComment
-				   classClassInstVars
-				  ).
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    labels :=    #(
-				   'fileOut'
-				   'printOut'
-				   'printOut protocol'
-				 " 'printOut full protocol' "
-				   '-'
-				   'SPAWN_CLASS' 
-				   'spawn full protocol' 
-				   'spawn hierarchy' 
-				   'spawn subclasses' 
-				   '-'
-				  ).
-		    selectors := #(
-				   classFileOut
-				   classPrintOut
-				   classPrintOutProtocol
-				"  classPrintOutFullProtocol "
-				   nil
-				   classSpawn
-				   classSpawnFullProtocol
-				   classSpawnHierarchy
-				   classSpawnSubclasses
-				   nil
-				  ).
-		    fullClass ifFalse:[
-			labels := labels , #(
-				   'hierarchy' 
-				   'definition' 
-				   'comment' 
-				   'class instvars' 
-		   "/              'protocols' 
-				   '-'
-				  ).
-			selectors := selectors , #(
-				   classHierarchy
-				   classDefinition
-				   classComment
-				   classClassInstVars
-		   "/              classProtocols 
-				   nil
-				  ).
-		    ].
-		    labels := labels , #(
-		   "/              'variable search'
-				   'class refs'
-				   '-'
-				   'new class'
-				   'new subclass'
-				   'rename ...'
-				   'remove'
-				  ).
-		    selectors := selectors , #(
-		   "/              variables
-				   classRefs
-				   nil
-				   classNewClass
-				   classNewSubclass
-				   classRename
-				   classRemove
-				  ).
-		    currentClass wasAutoloaded ifTrue:[
-			labels := labels , #(
-				   'unload'
-				  ).
-			selectors := selectors , #(
-				   classUnload
-				  ).
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ].
-	].
+        currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
+            labels :=    #(
+                           'new class'
+                         ).
+            selectors := #(
+                           classNewClass
+                         ).
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            currentClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
+                labels :=    #(
+                               'definition'
+                               '-'
+                               'new class'
+                               '-'
+                               'load '
+                             ).
+                selectors := #(
+                               classDefinition
+                               nil
+                               classNewClass
+                               nil
+                               classLoad
+                             ).
+            ] ifTrue:[
+                fullProtocol ifTrue:[
+                    labels :=    #(
+                                   'hierarchy' 
+                                   'definition' 
+                                   'comment' 
+                                   'class instvars' 
+                                 ).
+                    selectors := #(
+                                   classHierarchy
+                                   classDefinition
+                                   classComment
+                                   classClassInstVars
+                                  ).
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    labels :=    #(
+                                   'fileOut'
+                                   'printOut'
+                                   'printOut protocol'
+                                 " 'printOut full protocol' "
+                                   '-'
+                                   'SPAWN_CLASS' 
+                                   'spawn full protocol' 
+                                   'spawn hierarchy' 
+                                   'spawn subclasses' 
+                                   '-'
+                                  ).
+                    selectors := #(
+                                   classFileOut
+                                   classPrintOut
+                                   classPrintOutProtocol
+                                "  classPrintOutFullProtocol "
+                                   nil
+                                   classSpawn
+                                   classSpawnFullProtocol
+                                   classSpawnHierarchy
+                                   classSpawnSubclasses
+                                   nil
+                                  ).
+                    fullClass ifFalse:[
+                        labels := labels , #(
+                                   'hierarchy' 
+                                   'definition' 
+                                   'comment' 
+                                   'class instvars' 
+                   "/              'protocols' 
+                                   '-'
+                                  ).
+                        selectors := selectors , #(
+                                   classHierarchy
+                                   classDefinition
+                                   classComment
+                                   classClassInstVars
+                   "/              classProtocols 
+                                   nil
+                                  ).
+                    ].
+                    labels := labels , #(
+                   "/              'variable search'
+                                   'class refs'
+                                   '-'
+                                   'new class'
+                                   'new subclass'
+                                   'rename ...'
+                                   'remove'
+                                  ).
+                    selectors := selectors , #(
+                   "/              variables
+                                   classRefs
+                                   nil
+                                   classNewClass
+                                   classNewSubclass
+                                   classRename
+                                   classRemove
+                                  ).
+                    currentClass wasAutoloaded ifTrue:[
+                        labels := labels , #(
+                                   'unload'
+                                  ).
+                        selectors := selectors , #(
+                                   classUnload
+                                  ).
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ].
+        ].
     m := PopUpMenu 
-	    labels:(resources array:labels)
-	    selectors:selectors.
+            labels:(resources array:labels)
+            selectors:selectors.
     (currentClass isNil 
     or:[currentClass sourceCodeManager isNil]) ifTrue:[
-	m disableAll:#(classRevisionInfo classLoadRevision classCheckin classCompareWithNewestInRepository).
+        m disableAll:#(classRevisionInfo classLoadRevision classCheckin classCompareWithNewestInRepository).
     ^ m
-    "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 13:19:57 / cg"
+    "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 23:56:14 / cg"
@@ -1624,6 +1628,82 @@
 !BrowserView methodsFor:'class list source administration'!
+    "check a class into the source repository"
+    self doClassMenu:[:currentClass |
+	|logMessage info mgr|
+	mgr := (currentClass sourceCodeManager).
+	(info := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:currentClass) isNil ifTrue:[
+	    ^ self classCreateSourceContainerFor:currentClass 
+	].
+	logMessage := Dialog 
+			 request:'enter a log message:' 
+			 initialAnswer:lastSourceLogMessage  
+			 onCancel:nil.
+	logMessage notNil ifTrue:[
+	    lastSourceLogMessage := logMessage.
+	    self busyLabel:'checking in %1' with:currentClass name.
+	    (mgr checkinClass:currentClass logMessage:logMessage) ifFalse:[
+		self warn:'checkin failed'.
+	    ].
+	    aspect == #revisionInfo ifTrue:[
+		self classListUpdate
+	    ].
+	    self normalLabel.
+	]
+    ]
+    "Created: 23.11.1995 / 11:41:38 / cg"
+    "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 13:17:43 / cg"
+    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
+     with the most recent version found in the repository."
+    self doClassMenu:[:currentClass |
+	|aStream comparedSource currentSource v rev revString mgr|
+	mgr := currentClass sourceCodeManager.
+	rev := Dialog request:'compare to revision: (empty for newest)'.
+	rev notNil ifTrue:[
+	    rev withoutSpaces isEmpty ifTrue:[
+		self busyLabel:'extracting newest %1' with:currentClass name.
+		aStream := mgr mostRecentSourceStreamForClassNamed:currentClass name.
+		revString := 'newest'
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		self busyLabel:'extracting previous %1' with:currentClass name.
+		aStream := mgr sourceStreamFor:currentClass revision:rev.
+		revString := rev
+	    ].
+	    comparedSource := aStream contents.
+	    aStream close.
+	    self busyLabel:'generating current source ...' with:nil.
+	    aStream := '' writeStream.
+	    currentClass fileOutOn:aStream withTimeStamp:false.
+	    currentSource := aStream contents.
+	    aStream close.
+	    self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.
+	    v := DiffTextView 
+		openOn:currentSource label:'current (' , currentClass revision , ')'
+		and:comparedSource label:'repository (' , revString , ')'.      
+	    v label:'comparing ' , currentClass name.
+	    self normalLabel.
+	]
+    ]
+    "Created: 14.11.1995 / 16:43:15 / cg"
+    "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 13:18:12 / cg"
     "let user specify the source-repository values for aClass"
@@ -1708,142 +1788,6 @@
     "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 13:18:37 / cg"
-    "check a class into the source repository"
-    self doClassMenu:[:currentClass |
-	|logMessage info mgr|
-	mgr := (currentClass sourceCodeManager).
-	(info := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:currentClass) isNil ifTrue:[
-	    ^ self classCreateSourceContainerFor:currentClass 
-	].
-	logMessage := Dialog 
-			 request:'enter a log message:' 
-			 initialAnswer:lastSourceLogMessage  
-			 onCancel:nil.
-	logMessage notNil ifTrue:[
-	    lastSourceLogMessage := logMessage.
-	    self busyLabel:'checking in %1' with:currentClass name.
-	    (mgr checkinClass:currentClass logMessage:logMessage) ifFalse:[
-		self warn:'checkin failed'.
-	    ].
-	    aspect == #revisionInfo ifTrue:[
-		self classListUpdate
-	    ].
-	    self normalLabel.
-	]
-    ]
-    "Created: 23.11.1995 / 11:41:38 / cg"
-    "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 13:17:43 / cg"
-    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
-     with the most recent version found in the repository."
-    self doClassMenu:[:currentClass |
-	|aStream comparedSource currentSource v rev revString mgr|
-	mgr := currentClass sourceCodeManager.
-	rev := Dialog request:'compare to revision: (empty for newest)'.
-	rev notNil ifTrue:[
-	    rev withoutSpaces isEmpty ifTrue:[
-		self busyLabel:'extracting newest %1' with:currentClass name.
-		aStream := mgr mostRecentSourceStreamForClassNamed:currentClass name.
-		revString := 'newest'
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		self busyLabel:'extracting previous %1' with:currentClass name.
-		aStream := mgr sourceStreamFor:currentClass revision:rev.
-		revString := rev
-	    ].
-	    comparedSource := aStream contents.
-	    aStream close.
-	    self busyLabel:'generating current source ...' with:nil.
-	    aStream := '' writeStream.
-	    currentClass fileOutOn:aStream withTimeStamp:false.
-	    currentSource := aStream contents.
-	    aStream close.
-	    self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.
-	    v := DiffTextView 
-		openOn:currentSource label:'current (' , currentClass revision , ')'
-		and:comparedSource label:'repository (' , revString , ')'.      
-	    v label:'comparing ' , currentClass name.
-	    self normalLabel.
-	]
-    ]
-    "Created: 14.11.1995 / 16:43:15 / cg"
-    "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 13:18:12 / cg"
-    "show current classes revision info in codeView"
-    self doClassMenu:[:currentClass |
-	|aStream info info2 s rv mgr|
-	aStream := WriteStream on:(String new:200).
-	currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
-	    self busyLabel:'extracting revision info' with:nil.
-	    info := currentClass revisionInfo.
-	    rv := currentClass binaryRevision.
-	    rv notNil ifTrue:[
-		aStream nextPutAll:'**** Loaded classes binary information ****'; cr; cr.
-		aStream nextPutAll:'  Binary based upon : ' , rv; cr.
-		aStream cr.
-	    ].
-	    info notNil ifTrue:[
-		aStream nextPutAll:'**** Classes source information ****'; cr; cr.
-		s := info at:#repositoryPath ifAbsent:nil.
-		s notNil ifTrue:[
-		    aStream nextPut:'  Source repository : ' , s; cr
-		].
-		aStream nextPutAll:'  Filename ........ : ' , (info at:#fileName ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-		aStream nextPutAll:'  Revision ........ : ' , (info at:#revision ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-		aStream nextPutAll:'  Checkin date .... : ' , (info at:#date ifAbsent:'?') , ' ' , (info at:#time ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-		aStream nextPutAll:'  Checkin user .... : ' , (info at:#user ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-		(info2 := currentClass packageSourceCodeInfo) notNil ifTrue:[
-		    aStream nextPutAll:'  Repository: ..... : ' , (info2 at:#module ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-		    aStream nextPutAll:'  Directory: ...... : ' , (info2 at:#directory ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-		].
-		aStream nextPutAll:'  Container ....... : ' , (info at:#repositoryPathName ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-		aStream cr.
-		(mgr := currentClass sourceCodeManager) notNil ifTrue:[
-		    aStream nextPutAll:'**** Repository information ****'; cr; cr.
-		    mgr writeRevisionLogOf:currentClass to:aStream.
-		]
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		aStream nextPutAll:'No revision info found'
-	    ]
-	].
-	codeView contents:(aStream contents).
-	codeView modified:false.
-	codeView acceptAction:nil.
-	codeView explainAction:nil.
-	methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
-	    methodListView deselect
-	].
-	aspect := #revisionInfo. 
-	self normalLabel
-    ]
-    "Created: 14.11.1995 / 16:43:15 / cg"
-    "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 13:20:42 / cg"
     "load a specific revision into the system - especially useful to
      upgrade a class to the newest revision"
@@ -1883,6 +1827,69 @@
     "Created: 14.11.1995 / 16:43:15 / cg"
     "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 13:19:06 / cg"
+    "show current classes revision info in codeView"
+    self doClassMenu:[:currentClass |
+        |aStream info info2 s rv mgr|
+        aStream := WriteStream on:(String new:200).
+        currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
+            self busyLabel:'extracting revision info' with:nil.
+            info := currentClass revisionInfo.
+            rv := currentClass binaryRevision.
+            rv notNil ifTrue:[
+                aStream nextPutAll:'**** Loaded classes binary information ****'; cr; cr.
+                aStream nextPutAll:'  Binary based upon : ' , rv; cr.
+                aStream cr.
+            ].
+            info notNil ifTrue:[
+                aStream nextPutAll:'**** Classes source information ****'; cr; cr.
+                s := info at:#repositoryPath ifAbsent:nil.
+                s notNil ifTrue:[
+                    aStream nextPut:'  Source repository : ' , s; cr
+                ].
+                aStream nextPutAll:'  Filename ........ : ' , (info at:#fileName ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+                aStream nextPutAll:'  Revision ........ : ' , (info at:#revision ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+                aStream nextPutAll:'  Checkin date .... : ' , (info at:#date ifAbsent:'?') , ' ' , (info at:#time ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+                aStream nextPutAll:'  Checkin user .... : ' , (info at:#user ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+                (info2 := currentClass packageSourceCodeInfo) notNil ifTrue:[
+                    aStream nextPutAll:'  Repository: ..... : ' , (info2 at:#module ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+                    aStream nextPutAll:'  Directory: ...... : ' , (info2 at:#directory ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+                ].
+                aStream nextPutAll:'  Container ....... : ' , (info at:#repositoryPathName ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+                aStream cr.
+                (mgr := currentClass sourceCodeManager) notNil ifTrue:[
+                    aStream nextPutAll:'**** Repository information ****'; cr; cr.
+                    mgr writeRevisionLogOf:currentClass to:aStream.
+                ]
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                aStream nextPutAll:'No revision info found'; cr.
+                currentClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
+                    aStream cr; nextPutAll:'This is an autoloaded class - you may see more after its loaded.'
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        codeView contents:(aStream contents).
+        codeView modified:false.
+        codeView acceptAction:nil.
+        codeView explainAction:nil.
+        methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
+            methodListView deselect
+        ].
+        aspect := #revisionInfo. 
+        self normalLabel
+    ]
+    "Created: 14.11.1995 / 16:43:15 / cg"
+    "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 23:54:04 / cg"
 ! !
 !BrowserView methodsFor:'class stuff'!
@@ -4963,6 +4970,36 @@
     self label:('System Browser - ' , (resources string:what with:someArgument))
+    "return true, if selection change is ok;
+     its not ok, if code has been changed.
+     in this case, return the result of a user query"
+    |what m src v|
+    currentMethod notNil ifTrue:[
+	m := actualClass compiledMethodAt:currentSelector.
+	m notNil ifTrue:[
+	    (src := m source) = codeView contents ifFalse:[
+		what := self checkSelectionChangeAllowedWithCompare:true.
+		what == #compare ifTrue:[
+		    v := DiffTextView 
+			    openOn:codeView contents label:'code here (to be accepted ?)'
+			    and:src label:'methods actual code'.
+		    v label:'comparing method versions'.
+		    ^ false
+		].
+		^ what
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ self checkSelectionChangeAllowedWithCompare:false
+    "Created: 24.11.1995 / 11:03:33 / cg"
+    "Modified: 24.11.1995 / 11:05:49 / cg"
     "return true, if selection change is ok;
      its not ok, if code has been changed.
@@ -4998,36 +5035,6 @@
     "Created: 24.11.1995 / 10:54:46 / cg"
-    "return true, if selection change is ok;
-     its not ok, if code has been changed.
-     in this case, return the result of a user query"
-    |what m src v|
-    currentMethod notNil ifTrue:[
-	m := actualClass compiledMethodAt:currentSelector.
-	m notNil ifTrue:[
-	    (src := m source) = codeView contents ifFalse:[
-		what := self checkSelectionChangeAllowedWithCompare:true.
-		what == #compare ifTrue:[
-		    v := DiffTextView 
-			    openOn:codeView contents label:'code here (to be accepted ?)'
-			    and:src label:'methods actual code'.
-		    v label:'comparing method versions'.
-		    ^ false
-		].
-		^ what
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ self checkSelectionChangeAllowedWithCompare:false
-    "Created: 24.11.1995 / 11:03:33 / cg"
-    "Modified: 24.11.1995 / 11:05:49 / cg"
     "eavluate the 2-arg block for every class,
      starting at Object; passing class and nesting level to the block."
@@ -6021,5 +6028,5 @@
 !BrowserView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.60 1995-12-07 20:07:36 cg Exp $'! !
+^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.61 1995-12-07 22:59:35 cg Exp $'! !
 BrowserView initialize!
--- a/	Thu Dec 07 21:49:40 1995 +0100
+++ b/	Thu Dec 07 23:59:35 1995 +0100
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
 StandardSystemView subclass:#BrowserView
 	 instanceVariableNames:'classCategoryListView classListView methodCategoryListView
-		methodListView classMethodListView codeView classToggle
-		instanceToggle currentClassCategory currentClassHierarchy
-		currentClass currentMethodCategory currentMethod currentSelector
-		showInstance actualClass fullClass lastMethodCategory aspect
-		variableListView fullProtocol lockUpdates autoSearch myLabel
-		acceptClass lastSourceLogMessage'
+                methodListView classMethodListView codeView classToggle
+                instanceToggle currentClassCategory currentClassHierarchy
+                currentClass currentMethodCategory currentMethod currentSelector
+                showInstance actualClass fullClass lastMethodCategory aspect
+                variableListView fullProtocol lockUpdates autoSearch myLabel
+                acceptClass lastSourceLogMessage'
 	 classVariableNames:'CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses RememberAspect DefaultIcon'
@@ -1089,161 +1089,165 @@
     (device ctrlDown 
     and:[currentClass notNil]) ifTrue:[
-	labels :=  #(
-		       'inspect class'
-		       '-'
-		       'primitive definitions'
-		       'primitive variables'
-		       'primitive functions'
-		    ).
-	selectors := #(
-		       classInspect
-		       nil
-		       classPrimitiveDefinitions
-		       classPrimitiveVariables
-		       classPrimitiveFunctions
-		     ).
-	labels := labels , #(
-			     '-'
-			     'revision info' 
-			     'compare with repository' 
-			     '-'
-			     'check into source repository'
-			     'fileIn from repository' 
-			   ).
-	selectors := selectors , #(
-			     nil
-			     classRevisionInfo
-			     classCompareWithNewestInRepository
-			     nil
-			     classCheckin
-			     classLoadRevision
-			    ).
+        labels :=  #(
+                       'inspect class'
+                       '-'
+                       'primitive definitions'
+                       'primitive variables'
+                       'primitive functions'
+                    ).
+        selectors := #(
+                       classInspect
+                       nil
+                       classPrimitiveDefinitions
+                       classPrimitiveVariables
+                       classPrimitiveFunctions
+                     ).
+        labels := labels , #(
+                             '-'
+                             'revision info' 
+                             'compare with repository' 
+                             '-'
+                             'check into source repository'
+                             'fileIn from repository' 
+                           ).
+        selectors := selectors , #(
+                             nil
+                             classRevisionInfo
+                             classCompareWithNewestInRepository
+                             nil
+                             classCheckin
+                             classLoadRevision
+                            ).
     ] ifFalse:[
-	currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
-	    labels :=    #(
-			   'new class'
-			 ).
-	    selectors := #(
-			   classNewClass
-			 ).
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    currentClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
-		labels :=    #(
-			       'new class'
-			       '-'
-			       'load '
-			     ).
-		selectors := #(
-			       classNewClass
-			       nil
-			       classLoad
-			     ).
-	    ] ifTrue:[
-		fullProtocol ifTrue:[
-		    labels :=    #(
-				   'hierarchy' 
-				   'definition' 
-				   'comment' 
-				   'class instvars' 
-				 ).
-		    selectors := #(
-				   classHierarchy
-				   classDefinition
-				   classComment
-				   classClassInstVars
-				  ).
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    labels :=    #(
-				   'fileOut'
-				   'printOut'
-				   'printOut protocol'
-				 " 'printOut full protocol' "
-				   '-'
-				   'SPAWN_CLASS' 
-				   'spawn full protocol' 
-				   'spawn hierarchy' 
-				   'spawn subclasses' 
-				   '-'
-				  ).
-		    selectors := #(
-				   classFileOut
-				   classPrintOut
-				   classPrintOutProtocol
-				"  classPrintOutFullProtocol "
-				   nil
-				   classSpawn
-				   classSpawnFullProtocol
-				   classSpawnHierarchy
-				   classSpawnSubclasses
-				   nil
-				  ).
-		    fullClass ifFalse:[
-			labels := labels , #(
-				   'hierarchy' 
-				   'definition' 
-				   'comment' 
-				   'class instvars' 
-		   "/              'protocols' 
-				   '-'
-				  ).
-			selectors := selectors , #(
-				   classHierarchy
-				   classDefinition
-				   classComment
-				   classClassInstVars
-		   "/              classProtocols 
-				   nil
-				  ).
-		    ].
-		    labels := labels , #(
-		   "/              'variable search'
-				   'class refs'
-				   '-'
-				   'new class'
-				   'new subclass'
-				   'rename ...'
-				   'remove'
-				  ).
-		    selectors := selectors , #(
-		   "/              variables
-				   classRefs
-				   nil
-				   classNewClass
-				   classNewSubclass
-				   classRename
-				   classRemove
-				  ).
-		    currentClass wasAutoloaded ifTrue:[
-			labels := labels , #(
-				   'unload'
-				  ).
-			selectors := selectors , #(
-				   classUnload
-				  ).
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ].
-	].
+        currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
+            labels :=    #(
+                           'new class'
+                         ).
+            selectors := #(
+                           classNewClass
+                         ).
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            currentClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
+                labels :=    #(
+                               'definition'
+                               '-'
+                               'new class'
+                               '-'
+                               'load '
+                             ).
+                selectors := #(
+                               classDefinition
+                               nil
+                               classNewClass
+                               nil
+                               classLoad
+                             ).
+            ] ifTrue:[
+                fullProtocol ifTrue:[
+                    labels :=    #(
+                                   'hierarchy' 
+                                   'definition' 
+                                   'comment' 
+                                   'class instvars' 
+                                 ).
+                    selectors := #(
+                                   classHierarchy
+                                   classDefinition
+                                   classComment
+                                   classClassInstVars
+                                  ).
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    labels :=    #(
+                                   'fileOut'
+                                   'printOut'
+                                   'printOut protocol'
+                                 " 'printOut full protocol' "
+                                   '-'
+                                   'SPAWN_CLASS' 
+                                   'spawn full protocol' 
+                                   'spawn hierarchy' 
+                                   'spawn subclasses' 
+                                   '-'
+                                  ).
+                    selectors := #(
+                                   classFileOut
+                                   classPrintOut
+                                   classPrintOutProtocol
+                                "  classPrintOutFullProtocol "
+                                   nil
+                                   classSpawn
+                                   classSpawnFullProtocol
+                                   classSpawnHierarchy
+                                   classSpawnSubclasses
+                                   nil
+                                  ).
+                    fullClass ifFalse:[
+                        labels := labels , #(
+                                   'hierarchy' 
+                                   'definition' 
+                                   'comment' 
+                                   'class instvars' 
+                   "/              'protocols' 
+                                   '-'
+                                  ).
+                        selectors := selectors , #(
+                                   classHierarchy
+                                   classDefinition
+                                   classComment
+                                   classClassInstVars
+                   "/              classProtocols 
+                                   nil
+                                  ).
+                    ].
+                    labels := labels , #(
+                   "/              'variable search'
+                                   'class refs'
+                                   '-'
+                                   'new class'
+                                   'new subclass'
+                                   'rename ...'
+                                   'remove'
+                                  ).
+                    selectors := selectors , #(
+                   "/              variables
+                                   classRefs
+                                   nil
+                                   classNewClass
+                                   classNewSubclass
+                                   classRename
+                                   classRemove
+                                  ).
+                    currentClass wasAutoloaded ifTrue:[
+                        labels := labels , #(
+                                   'unload'
+                                  ).
+                        selectors := selectors , #(
+                                   classUnload
+                                  ).
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ].
+        ].
     m := PopUpMenu 
-	    labels:(resources array:labels)
-	    selectors:selectors.
+            labels:(resources array:labels)
+            selectors:selectors.
     (currentClass isNil 
     or:[currentClass sourceCodeManager isNil]) ifTrue:[
-	m disableAll:#(classRevisionInfo classLoadRevision classCheckin classCompareWithNewestInRepository).
+        m disableAll:#(classRevisionInfo classLoadRevision classCheckin classCompareWithNewestInRepository).
     ^ m
-    "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 13:19:57 / cg"
+    "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 23:56:14 / cg"
@@ -1624,6 +1628,82 @@
 !BrowserView methodsFor:'class list source administration'!
+    "check a class into the source repository"
+    self doClassMenu:[:currentClass |
+	|logMessage info mgr|
+	mgr := (currentClass sourceCodeManager).
+	(info := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:currentClass) isNil ifTrue:[
+	    ^ self classCreateSourceContainerFor:currentClass 
+	].
+	logMessage := Dialog 
+			 request:'enter a log message:' 
+			 initialAnswer:lastSourceLogMessage  
+			 onCancel:nil.
+	logMessage notNil ifTrue:[
+	    lastSourceLogMessage := logMessage.
+	    self busyLabel:'checking in %1' with:currentClass name.
+	    (mgr checkinClass:currentClass logMessage:logMessage) ifFalse:[
+		self warn:'checkin failed'.
+	    ].
+	    aspect == #revisionInfo ifTrue:[
+		self classListUpdate
+	    ].
+	    self normalLabel.
+	]
+    ]
+    "Created: 23.11.1995 / 11:41:38 / cg"
+    "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 13:17:43 / cg"
+    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
+     with the most recent version found in the repository."
+    self doClassMenu:[:currentClass |
+	|aStream comparedSource currentSource v rev revString mgr|
+	mgr := currentClass sourceCodeManager.
+	rev := Dialog request:'compare to revision: (empty for newest)'.
+	rev notNil ifTrue:[
+	    rev withoutSpaces isEmpty ifTrue:[
+		self busyLabel:'extracting newest %1' with:currentClass name.
+		aStream := mgr mostRecentSourceStreamForClassNamed:currentClass name.
+		revString := 'newest'
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		self busyLabel:'extracting previous %1' with:currentClass name.
+		aStream := mgr sourceStreamFor:currentClass revision:rev.
+		revString := rev
+	    ].
+	    comparedSource := aStream contents.
+	    aStream close.
+	    self busyLabel:'generating current source ...' with:nil.
+	    aStream := '' writeStream.
+	    currentClass fileOutOn:aStream withTimeStamp:false.
+	    currentSource := aStream contents.
+	    aStream close.
+	    self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.
+	    v := DiffTextView 
+		openOn:currentSource label:'current (' , currentClass revision , ')'
+		and:comparedSource label:'repository (' , revString , ')'.      
+	    v label:'comparing ' , currentClass name.
+	    self normalLabel.
+	]
+    ]
+    "Created: 14.11.1995 / 16:43:15 / cg"
+    "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 13:18:12 / cg"
     "let user specify the source-repository values for aClass"
@@ -1708,142 +1788,6 @@
     "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 13:18:37 / cg"
-    "check a class into the source repository"
-    self doClassMenu:[:currentClass |
-	|logMessage info mgr|
-	mgr := (currentClass sourceCodeManager).
-	(info := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:currentClass) isNil ifTrue:[
-	    ^ self classCreateSourceContainerFor:currentClass 
-	].
-	logMessage := Dialog 
-			 request:'enter a log message:' 
-			 initialAnswer:lastSourceLogMessage  
-			 onCancel:nil.
-	logMessage notNil ifTrue:[
-	    lastSourceLogMessage := logMessage.
-	    self busyLabel:'checking in %1' with:currentClass name.
-	    (mgr checkinClass:currentClass logMessage:logMessage) ifFalse:[
-		self warn:'checkin failed'.
-	    ].
-	    aspect == #revisionInfo ifTrue:[
-		self classListUpdate
-	    ].
-	    self normalLabel.
-	]
-    ]
-    "Created: 23.11.1995 / 11:41:38 / cg"
-    "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 13:17:43 / cg"
-    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
-     with the most recent version found in the repository."
-    self doClassMenu:[:currentClass |
-	|aStream comparedSource currentSource v rev revString mgr|
-	mgr := currentClass sourceCodeManager.
-	rev := Dialog request:'compare to revision: (empty for newest)'.
-	rev notNil ifTrue:[
-	    rev withoutSpaces isEmpty ifTrue:[
-		self busyLabel:'extracting newest %1' with:currentClass name.
-		aStream := mgr mostRecentSourceStreamForClassNamed:currentClass name.
-		revString := 'newest'
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		self busyLabel:'extracting previous %1' with:currentClass name.
-		aStream := mgr sourceStreamFor:currentClass revision:rev.
-		revString := rev
-	    ].
-	    comparedSource := aStream contents.
-	    aStream close.
-	    self busyLabel:'generating current source ...' with:nil.
-	    aStream := '' writeStream.
-	    currentClass fileOutOn:aStream withTimeStamp:false.
-	    currentSource := aStream contents.
-	    aStream close.
-	    self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.
-	    v := DiffTextView 
-		openOn:currentSource label:'current (' , currentClass revision , ')'
-		and:comparedSource label:'repository (' , revString , ')'.      
-	    v label:'comparing ' , currentClass name.
-	    self normalLabel.
-	]
-    ]
-    "Created: 14.11.1995 / 16:43:15 / cg"
-    "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 13:18:12 / cg"
-    "show current classes revision info in codeView"
-    self doClassMenu:[:currentClass |
-	|aStream info info2 s rv mgr|
-	aStream := WriteStream on:(String new:200).
-	currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
-	    self busyLabel:'extracting revision info' with:nil.
-	    info := currentClass revisionInfo.
-	    rv := currentClass binaryRevision.
-	    rv notNil ifTrue:[
-		aStream nextPutAll:'**** Loaded classes binary information ****'; cr; cr.
-		aStream nextPutAll:'  Binary based upon : ' , rv; cr.
-		aStream cr.
-	    ].
-	    info notNil ifTrue:[
-		aStream nextPutAll:'**** Classes source information ****'; cr; cr.
-		s := info at:#repositoryPath ifAbsent:nil.
-		s notNil ifTrue:[
-		    aStream nextPut:'  Source repository : ' , s; cr
-		].
-		aStream nextPutAll:'  Filename ........ : ' , (info at:#fileName ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-		aStream nextPutAll:'  Revision ........ : ' , (info at:#revision ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-		aStream nextPutAll:'  Checkin date .... : ' , (info at:#date ifAbsent:'?') , ' ' , (info at:#time ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-		aStream nextPutAll:'  Checkin user .... : ' , (info at:#user ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-		(info2 := currentClass packageSourceCodeInfo) notNil ifTrue:[
-		    aStream nextPutAll:'  Repository: ..... : ' , (info2 at:#module ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-		    aStream nextPutAll:'  Directory: ...... : ' , (info2 at:#directory ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-		].
-		aStream nextPutAll:'  Container ....... : ' , (info at:#repositoryPathName ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-		aStream cr.
-		(mgr := currentClass sourceCodeManager) notNil ifTrue:[
-		    aStream nextPutAll:'**** Repository information ****'; cr; cr.
-		    mgr writeRevisionLogOf:currentClass to:aStream.
-		]
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		aStream nextPutAll:'No revision info found'
-	    ]
-	].
-	codeView contents:(aStream contents).
-	codeView modified:false.
-	codeView acceptAction:nil.
-	codeView explainAction:nil.
-	methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
-	    methodListView deselect
-	].
-	aspect := #revisionInfo. 
-	self normalLabel
-    ]
-    "Created: 14.11.1995 / 16:43:15 / cg"
-    "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 13:20:42 / cg"
     "load a specific revision into the system - especially useful to
      upgrade a class to the newest revision"
@@ -1883,6 +1827,69 @@
     "Created: 14.11.1995 / 16:43:15 / cg"
     "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 13:19:06 / cg"
+    "show current classes revision info in codeView"
+    self doClassMenu:[:currentClass |
+        |aStream info info2 s rv mgr|
+        aStream := WriteStream on:(String new:200).
+        currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
+            self busyLabel:'extracting revision info' with:nil.
+            info := currentClass revisionInfo.
+            rv := currentClass binaryRevision.
+            rv notNil ifTrue:[
+                aStream nextPutAll:'**** Loaded classes binary information ****'; cr; cr.
+                aStream nextPutAll:'  Binary based upon : ' , rv; cr.
+                aStream cr.
+            ].
+            info notNil ifTrue:[
+                aStream nextPutAll:'**** Classes source information ****'; cr; cr.
+                s := info at:#repositoryPath ifAbsent:nil.
+                s notNil ifTrue:[
+                    aStream nextPut:'  Source repository : ' , s; cr
+                ].
+                aStream nextPutAll:'  Filename ........ : ' , (info at:#fileName ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+                aStream nextPutAll:'  Revision ........ : ' , (info at:#revision ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+                aStream nextPutAll:'  Checkin date .... : ' , (info at:#date ifAbsent:'?') , ' ' , (info at:#time ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+                aStream nextPutAll:'  Checkin user .... : ' , (info at:#user ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+                (info2 := currentClass packageSourceCodeInfo) notNil ifTrue:[
+                    aStream nextPutAll:'  Repository: ..... : ' , (info2 at:#module ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+                    aStream nextPutAll:'  Directory: ...... : ' , (info2 at:#directory ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+                ].
+                aStream nextPutAll:'  Container ....... : ' , (info at:#repositoryPathName ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+                aStream cr.
+                (mgr := currentClass sourceCodeManager) notNil ifTrue:[
+                    aStream nextPutAll:'**** Repository information ****'; cr; cr.
+                    mgr writeRevisionLogOf:currentClass to:aStream.
+                ]
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                aStream nextPutAll:'No revision info found'; cr.
+                currentClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
+                    aStream cr; nextPutAll:'This is an autoloaded class - you may see more after its loaded.'
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        codeView contents:(aStream contents).
+        codeView modified:false.
+        codeView acceptAction:nil.
+        codeView explainAction:nil.
+        methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
+            methodListView deselect
+        ].
+        aspect := #revisionInfo. 
+        self normalLabel
+    ]
+    "Created: 14.11.1995 / 16:43:15 / cg"
+    "Modified: 7.12.1995 / 23:54:04 / cg"
 ! !
 !BrowserView methodsFor:'class stuff'!
@@ -4963,6 +4970,36 @@
     self label:('System Browser - ' , (resources string:what with:someArgument))
+    "return true, if selection change is ok;
+     its not ok, if code has been changed.
+     in this case, return the result of a user query"
+    |what m src v|
+    currentMethod notNil ifTrue:[
+	m := actualClass compiledMethodAt:currentSelector.
+	m notNil ifTrue:[
+	    (src := m source) = codeView contents ifFalse:[
+		what := self checkSelectionChangeAllowedWithCompare:true.
+		what == #compare ifTrue:[
+		    v := DiffTextView 
+			    openOn:codeView contents label:'code here (to be accepted ?)'
+			    and:src label:'methods actual code'.
+		    v label:'comparing method versions'.
+		    ^ false
+		].
+		^ what
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ self checkSelectionChangeAllowedWithCompare:false
+    "Created: 24.11.1995 / 11:03:33 / cg"
+    "Modified: 24.11.1995 / 11:05:49 / cg"
     "return true, if selection change is ok;
      its not ok, if code has been changed.
@@ -4998,36 +5035,6 @@
     "Created: 24.11.1995 / 10:54:46 / cg"
-    "return true, if selection change is ok;
-     its not ok, if code has been changed.
-     in this case, return the result of a user query"
-    |what m src v|
-    currentMethod notNil ifTrue:[
-	m := actualClass compiledMethodAt:currentSelector.
-	m notNil ifTrue:[
-	    (src := m source) = codeView contents ifFalse:[
-		what := self checkSelectionChangeAllowedWithCompare:true.
-		what == #compare ifTrue:[
-		    v := DiffTextView 
-			    openOn:codeView contents label:'code here (to be accepted ?)'
-			    and:src label:'methods actual code'.
-		    v label:'comparing method versions'.
-		    ^ false
-		].
-		^ what
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ self checkSelectionChangeAllowedWithCompare:false
-    "Created: 24.11.1995 / 11:03:33 / cg"
-    "Modified: 24.11.1995 / 11:05:49 / cg"
     "eavluate the 2-arg block for every class,
      starting at Object; passing class and nesting level to the block."
@@ -6021,5 +6028,5 @@
 !BrowserView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/Attic/,v 1.60 1995-12-07 20:07:36 cg Exp $'! !
+^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/Attic/,v 1.61 1995-12-07 22:59:35 cg Exp $'! !
 BrowserView initialize!