authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Sun, 16 Oct 2016 14:30:20 +0200
changeset 16969 7e79660cf54e
parent 16968 db7d639de0e8
child 16970 472000f80562
#UI_ENHANCEMENT by cg class: AbstractLauncherApplication refactored the packagedialog avoid useless redraws.
--- a/AbstractLauncherApplication.st	Sun Oct 16 13:55:19 2016 +0200
+++ b/AbstractLauncherApplication.st	Sun Oct 16 14:30:20 2016 +0200
@@ -36,12 +36,19 @@
 		itemsByPath getItemByPath myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon
 		filterHolder masterRoot infoTextHolder loadButton
 		loadAndBrowseButton selectedPackageHolder monticelloRoot
-		backgroundPackageFindProcess'
+		backgroundPackageFindProcess itemsMatchingFilter'
 	classVariableNames:'PreviousPackageDialogItems PreviousPackageDialogExtent'
+HierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon subclass:#MyHierarchicalItem
+	instanceVariableNames:'type info'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:AbstractLauncherApplication::PackageLoadDialog
 !AbstractLauncherApplication class methodsFor:'documentation'!
@@ -7244,35 +7251,20 @@
     packageIdByItem := IdentityDictionary new.
     pathByItem := IdentityDictionary new.  
-    Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
-        myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon := 
-            HierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon 
-                subclass:#myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon
-                instanceVariableNames:'type info'
-                classVariableNames:''
-                poolDictionaries:''
-                category:nil
-                inEnvironment:nil.
-            myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon compile:'type ^ type'.
-            myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon compile:'type:aSymbol type := aSymbol'.
-            myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon compile:'info ^ info'.
-            myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon compile:'info:anObject info := anObject'.
-    ].
     list := HierarchicalList new.
-    masterRoot := myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon new.
+    masterRoot := MyHierarchicalItem new.
     masterRoot icon:(ToolbarIconLibrary stxHomeIcon).
     masterRoot label:(resources string:'local ').
     masterRoot type:#localRoot.
-    root := myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon new.
+    root := MyHierarchicalItem new.
     root icon:folderIcon.
     root label:((resources string:'[Compiled Packages]') asText allItalic withColor:Color grey).
     root type:#compiledPackagesRoot.
     masterRoot add:root.
-    monticelloRoot := myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon new.
+    monticelloRoot := MyHierarchicalItem new.
     monticelloLabel := ((resources string:'[Monticello Packages]') asText allItalic withColor:Color grey).
     monticelloRoot type:#monticelloRoot.
@@ -7419,54 +7411,63 @@
-    |matchingItems filterPattern isMatch firstMatchingItem|
+    |newMatchingItems filterPattern isMatch firstMatchingItem|
     filterPattern := filterHolder value.
     filterPattern isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ nothing
+        itemsMatchingFilter notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ 
+            "/ nothing
+            root recursiveDo:[:item |
+                item label:(item label copy asText allNonBold withoutAnyColorEmphasis).
+            ].
+        ].
+        itemsMatchingFilter := #().
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    filterPattern := filterPattern asLowercase.
+    isMatch := filterPattern includesMatchCharacters.
+    newMatchingItems := OrderedCollection new.
+    masterRoot recursiveDo:[:item |
+        |itemLabel itemPackage|
+        itemLabel := item label.
+        itemPackage := packageIdByItem at:item ifAbsent:''.
+        ((isMatch and:[itemLabel matches:filterPattern caseSensitive:false])
+            or:[ (isMatch not and:[ itemLabel asLowercase includesString:filterPattern ])
+            or:[ (isMatch and:[itemPackage matches:filterPattern caseSensitive:false])
+            or:[ isMatch not and:[ itemPackage asLowercase includesString:filterPattern ]]]])
+        ifTrue:[ 
+            newMatchingItems add:item.
+        ]
+    ].
+    (newMatchingItems sameContentsAs:itemsMatchingFilter) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self
+    ].    
+    newMatchingItems isEmpty ifTrue:[
+        "/ nothing found
         root recursiveDo:[:item |
             item label:(item label copy asText allNonBold withoutAnyColorEmphasis).
+        Screen current beep.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        filterPattern := filterPattern asLowercase.
-        isMatch := filterPattern includesMatchCharacters.
-        matchingItems := OrderedCollection new.
+        "/ collapse all and fully expand all matching items
         masterRoot recursiveDo:[:item |
-            |itemLabel itemPackage|
-            itemLabel := item label.
-            itemPackage := packageIdByItem at:item ifAbsent:''.
-            ((isMatch and:[itemLabel matches:filterPattern caseSensitive:false])
-                or:[ (isMatch not and:[ itemLabel asLowercase includesString:filterPattern ])
-                or:[ (isMatch and:[itemPackage matches:filterPattern caseSensitive:false])
-                or:[ isMatch not and:[ itemPackage asLowercase includesString:filterPattern ]]]])
-            ifTrue:[ 
-                matchingItems add:item.
-            ]
+            item collapse.
+            item label:(item label copy asText allNonBold withColor:Color grey).
-        matchingItems isEmpty ifTrue:[
-            "/ nothing found
-            root recursiveDo:[:item |
-                item label:(item label copy asText allNonBold withoutAnyColorEmphasis).
-            ].
-            Screen current beep.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "/ collapse all and fully expand all matching items
-            masterRoot recursiveDo:[:item |
-                item collapse.
-                item label:(item label copy asText allNonBold withColor:Color grey).
-            ].
-            firstMatchingItem := nil.
-            matchingItems do:[:item |
-                item label:(item label copy asText allBold withoutAnyColorEmphasis).
-                item makeVisible.
-                firstMatchingItem := firstMatchingItem ? item.
-            ].
-            hierarchicalListView makeLineVisible:firstMatchingItem listIndex.
+        firstMatchingItem := nil.
+        newMatchingItems do:[:item |
+            item label:(item label copy asText allBold withoutAnyColorEmphasis).
+            item makeVisible.
+            firstMatchingItem := firstMatchingItem ? item.
-    ].
+        hierarchicalListView makeLineVisible:firstMatchingItem listIndex.
+    ].
+    itemsMatchingFilter := newMatchingItems.
 getItemByPath:path packageID:packageID under:aRoot
@@ -7480,7 +7481,7 @@
             ifFalse:[ itemsByPath at:( {aRoot label},path) ifAbsent:nil ].
     item isNil ifTrue:[
         parent := self getItemByPath:(path copyButLast) packageID:packageID under:aRoot.
-        item := myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon new
+        item := MyHierarchicalItem new
                 label:path last.
@@ -7500,7 +7501,7 @@
             do:[:each |
-                reposItem := myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon new.
+                reposItem := MyHierarchicalItem new.
                 reposItem icon:folderIcon.
                 reposItem label:each displayString , ((resources string:' [MC Repository]') asText allItalic withColor:Color grey).
                 reposItem type:#monticelloRepository.
@@ -7510,7 +7511,7 @@
                 each allPackageNames asSortedCollection do:[:eachPackage |
-                    packageItem := myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon new.
+                    packageItem := MyHierarchicalItem new.
                     packageItem icon:packageIcon.
                     packageItem label:eachPackage.
                     packageItem type:#monticelloPackage.
@@ -7728,7 +7729,7 @@
                         path := subDir asFilename components.
                         (itemsByPath at:( {root label},path) ifAbsent:nil) isNil ifTrue:[
                             folderRoot isNil ifTrue:[
-                                folderRoot := myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon new.
+                                folderRoot := MyHierarchicalItem new.
                                 folderRoot icon:folderIcon.
                                 folderRoot label:((resources string:'[%1]' with:eachDirName) asText allItalic withColor:Color grey).
                                 folderRoot type:#compiledPackagesRoot.
@@ -8065,6 +8066,24 @@
 ! !
+!AbstractLauncherApplication::PackageLoadDialog::MyHierarchicalItem methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^ info
+    info := something.
+    ^ type
+    type := something.
+! !
 !AbstractLauncherApplication class methodsFor:'documentation'!