added fileOutAs in class category menu (for tz)
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Sat, 11 Oct 1997 17:50:36 +0200
changeset 1344 b85865124251
parent 1343 1f09d88fd6bf
child 1345 767926e950e1
added fileOutAs in class category menu (for tz)
--- a/	Fri Oct 10 19:35:45 1997 +0200
+++ b/	Sat Oct 11 17:50:36 1997 +0200
@@ -647,54 +647,109 @@
+    "create a file '' consisting of all classes in current category
+     into the current projects defaultDirectory."
+    self classCategoryFileOutAsk:false
+    "Modified: 11.10.1997 / 16:47:46 / cg"
+    "create a file consisting of all classes in the current category
+     into a file as user-specified."
+    self classCategoryFileOutAsk:true
+    "Modified: 11.10.1997 / 16:38:56 / cg"
+    "Created: 11.10.1997 / 16:44:35 / cg"
     "create a file 'categoryName' consisting of all classes in current category"
     |aStream fileName|
     self checkClassCategorySelected ifFalse:[^ self].
     (currentClassCategory startsWith:'*') ifTrue:[
-	self warn:(resources string:'try a real category').
-	^ self
-    ].
-    fileName := currentClassCategory asString.
+        self warn:(resources string:'try a real category').
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    fileName := currentClassCategory asString , '.st'.
     fileName replaceAll:Character space with:$_.
-    "
-     this test allows a smalltalk to be built without Projects/ChangeSets
-    "
-    Project notNil ifTrue:[
-	fileName := Project currentProjectDirectory , fileName.
-    ].
     self withBusyCursorDo:[
-	"
-	 if file exists, save original in a .sav file
-	"
-	fileName asFilename exists ifTrue:[
-	    self busyLabel:'saving existing %1' with:fileName.
-	    fileName asFilename copyTo:(fileName , '.sav')
-	].
-	aStream := FileStream newFileNamed:fileName.
-	aStream isNil ifTrue:[
-	    self warn:'cannot create: %1' with:fileName
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    self busyLabel:'writing: %1' with:fileName.
-	    self allClassesInCategory:currentClassCategory inOrderDo:[:aClass |
-		aClass isPrivate ifFalse:[
-		    (self listOfNamespaces includesIdentical:aClass nameSpace)
-		    ifTrue:[
-			self busyLabel:'writing: %1' with:fileName.
-			aClass fileOutOn:aStream.
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ].
-	    aStream close.
-	]
+        |saveName fileBox dir|
+        doAsk ifTrue:[
+            fileBox := FileSelectionBox
+                            title:(resources string:'fileOut %1 as:' with:currentClassCategory)
+                            okText:(resources string:'fileOut')
+                            abortText:(resources string:'cancel')
+                            action:[:fileName | saveName := fileName].
+            fileBox initialText:fileName.
+            dir := FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory.
+            dir isNil ifTrue:[
+                "
+                 this test allows a smalltalk to be built without Projects/ChangeSets
+                "
+                Project notNil ifTrue:[
+                    dir := Project currentProjectDirectory
+                ]
+            ].
+            dir notNil ifTrue:[
+                fileBox directory:dir.
+            ].
+            fileBox showAtPointer.
+            fileBox destroy.
+            saveName isNil ifTrue:[
+                ^ self
+            ].
+            saveName isEmpty ifTrue:[
+                self warn:'bad name given'.
+                ^ self
+            ].
+            FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory:(saveName asFilename directoryName).
+            fileName := saveName.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            "
+             this test allows a smalltalk to be built without Projects/ChangeSets
+            "
+            Project notNil ifTrue:[
+                fileName := Project currentProjectDirectory , fileName.
+            ].
+        ].
+        "
+         if file exists, save original in a .sav file
+        "
+        fileName asFilename exists ifTrue:[
+            self busyLabel:'saving existing %1' with:fileName.
+            fileName asFilename copyTo:(fileName , '.sav')
+        ].
+        aStream := FileStream newFileNamed:fileName.
+        aStream isNil ifTrue:[
+            self warn:'cannot create: %1' with:fileName
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self busyLabel:'writing: %1' with:fileName.
+            self allClassesInCategory:currentClassCategory inOrderDo:[:aClass |
+                aClass isPrivate ifFalse:[
+                    (self listOfNamespaces includesIdentical:aClass nameSpace)
+                    ifTrue:[
+                        self busyLabel:'writing: %1' with:fileName.
+                        aClass fileOutOn:aStream.
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ].
+            aStream close.
+        ]
     self normalLabel.
-    "Modified: 18.8.1997 / 15:42:26 / cg"
+    "Created: 11.10.1997 / 16:38:29 / cg"
+    "Modified: 11.10.1997 / 16:48:19 / cg"
@@ -858,174 +913,176 @@
     |specialMenu m labels selectors shorties|
     currentClassCategory notNil ifTrue:[
-	labels :=  #(
-			'fileOut each binary ...'
-			'-'
-			'repository history ...'
-			'validate class revisions'
-			'-'
-			'checkin each ...'
-		    ).
-	selectors := #(
-			classCategoryFileOutBinaryEach
-			nil
-			classCategoryRepositoryHistory
-			classCategoryValidateClassRevisions
-			nil
-			classCategoryCheckinEach
-		     ).
+        labels :=  #(
+                        'fileOut each binary ...'
+                        '-'
+                        'repository history ...'
+                        'validate class revisions'
+                        '-'
+                        'checkin each ...'
+                    ).
+        selectors := #(
+                        classCategoryFileOutBinaryEach
+                        nil
+                        classCategoryRepositoryHistory
+                        classCategoryValidateClassRevisions
+                        nil
+                        classCategoryCheckinEach
+                     ).
     ] ifFalse:[
-	labels :=  #(
-			'repository history ...'
-		    ).
-	selectors := #(
-			classCategoryRepositoryHistory
-		     ).
+        labels :=  #(
+                        'repository history ...'
+                    ).
+        selectors := #(
+                        classCategoryRepositoryHistory
+                     ).
     specialMenu := PopUpMenu 
-			labels:(resources array:labels)
-			selectors:selectors
-			receiver:self.
+                        labels:(resources array:labels)
+                        selectors:selectors
+                        receiver:self.
     Smalltalk sourceCodeManager isNil ifTrue:[
-	specialMenu disableAll:#(classCategoryRepositoryHistory  
-				 classCategoryCheckinEach
-				 classCategoryValidateClassRevisions).
+        specialMenu disableAll:#(classCategoryRepositoryHistory  
+                                 classCategoryCheckinEach
+                                 classCategoryValidateClassRevisions).
     device ctrlDown ifTrue:[
-	^ specialMenu
+        ^ specialMenu
     currentClassCategory isNil ifTrue:[
-	labels := #(
+        labels := #(
 "/                    'namespace ...'
 "/                    '-'
-		    'clone'
-		    'open for class ...'
-		    'spawn full class'
-		    '-'
-		    'update'
-		    'find class ...'
-		    'find method ...'
-		    '-'
-		    'new class category ...'
-		    '='
-		    'others'
-		   ).
-	selectors := #(
+                    'clone'
+                    'open for class ...'
+                    'spawn full class'
+                    '-'
+                    'update'
+                    'find class ...'
+                    'find method ...'
+                    '-'
+                    'new class category ...'
+                    '='
+                    'others'
+                   ).
+        selectors := #(
 "/                    namespaceDialog    
 "/                    nil
-		    classCategoryClone
-		    classCategoryOpenInClass
-		    classCategorySpawnFullClass
-		    nil
-		    classCategoryUpdate
-		    classCategoryFindClass
-		    classCategoryFindMethod
-		    nil
-		    classCategoryNewCategory
-		    nil
-		    otherMenu
-		   ).
-	shorties := #(
+                    classCategoryClone
+                    classCategoryOpenInClass
+                    classCategorySpawnFullClass
+                    nil
+                    classCategoryUpdate
+                    classCategoryFindClass
+                    classCategoryFindMethod
+                    nil
+                    classCategoryNewCategory
+                    nil
+                    otherMenu
+                   ).
+        shorties := #(
 "/                    nil
 "/                    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    Find
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    Cmdn
-		    nil
-		    #'Ctrl'
-		   ).
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    Find
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    Cmdn
+                    nil
+                    #'Ctrl'
+                   ).
     ] ifFalse:[
-	labels := #(
-		    'fileOut'
-		    'fileOut each'
-		    'printOut' 
-		    'printOut protocol'
-		    '-'
+        labels := #(
+                    'fileOut'
+                    'fileOut as ...'
+                    'fileOut each'
+                    'printOut' 
+                    'printOut protocol'
+                    '-'
 "/                    'namespace ...'
 "/                    '-'
-		    'clone'
-		    'open for class ...'
-		    'spawn full class'
-		    '-'
-		    'update'
-		    'find class ...'
-		    'find method ...'
-		    '-'
-		    'new class category ...'
-		    'rename ...'
-		    'remove'
-		    '='
-		    'others'
-		   ).
-	selectors := #(
-		   classCategoryFileOut
-		   classCategoryFileOutEach
-		   classCategoryPrintOut
-		   classCategoryPrintOutProtocol
-		   nil
+                    'clone'
+                    'open for class ...'
+                    'SPAWN_CATEGORY'
+                    'spawn full class'
+                    '-'
+                    'update'
+                    'find class ...'
+                    'find method ...'
+                    '-'
+                    'new class category ...'
+                    'rename ...'
+                    'remove'
+                    '='
+                    'others'
+                   ).
+        selectors := #(
+                   classCategoryFileOut
+                   classCategoryFileOutAs
+                   classCategoryFileOutEach
+                   classCategoryPrintOut
+                   classCategoryPrintOutProtocol
+                   nil
 "/                   namespaceDialog    
 "/                   nil
-		   classCategoryClone
-		    classCategoryOpenInClass
-		   classCategorySpawn
-		   classCategorySpawnFullClass
-		   nil
-		   classCategoryUpdate
-		   classCategoryFindClass
-		   classCategoryFindMethod
-		   nil
-		   classCategoryNewCategory
-		   classCategoryRename
-		   classCategoryRemove
-		   nil
-		   otherMenu
-		   ).
-	shorties := #(
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
+                   classCategoryClone
+                    classCategoryOpenInClass
+                   classCategorySpawn
+                   classCategorySpawnFullClass
+                   nil
+                   classCategoryUpdate
+                   classCategoryFindClass
+                   classCategoryFindMethod
+                   nil
+                   classCategoryNewCategory
+                   classCategoryRename
+                   classCategoryRemove
+                   nil
+                   otherMenu
+                   ).
+        shorties := #(
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
 "/                    nil
 "/                    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    Find
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    Cmdn
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    #'Ctrl'
-		   ).
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    Find
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    Cmdn
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    #'Ctrl'
+                   ).
     m := PopUpMenu 
-		labels:(resources array:labels)
-		selectors:selectors
-		accelerators:shorties.
+                labels:(resources array:labels)
+                selectors:selectors
+                accelerators:shorties.
     m subMenuAt:#otherMenu put:specialMenu.
     ^ m
     "Created: 14.9.1995 / 10:50:17 / claus"
-    "Modified: 11.1.1997 / 21:38:33 / cg"
+    "Modified: 11.10.1997 / 16:43:54 / cg"
@@ -1837,100 +1894,103 @@
      it when exploring the system."
     self doClassMenu:[:currentClass |
-	|m s aStream isComment|
-	aStream := TextStream on:(String new:200).
-	"/
-	"/ here, show it with a nameSpace pragma
-	"/ and prefer short names.
-	"/
-	currentClass 
-	    basicFileOutDefinitionOn:aStream 
-	    withNameSpace:true.
-	currentClass isLoaded ifTrue:[
-	    "
-	     add documentation as a comment, if there is any
-	    "
-	    m := currentClass class compiledMethodAt:#documentation.
-	    m notNil ifTrue:[
-		s := m comment.
-		isComment := false.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		"try comment"
-		s := currentClass comment.
-		s notNil ifTrue:[
-		    s isEmpty ifTrue:[
-			s := nil
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			(s includes:$") ifTrue:[
-			    s := s copy replaceAll:$" with:$'.
-			].
-			isComment := true
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ].
-	].
-	aStream cr; cr; cr; cr; cr.
-	aStream emphasis:(#color -> (Color red:0 green:0 blue:25)).
-	s isNil ifTrue:[
-	    aStream nextPut:$" ; cr; nextPutLine:' no comment or documentation found'.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    aStream nextPut:$" ; cr; nextPutLine:' Documentation:'.
-	    aStream cr; nextPutLine:s; cr.
-	    aStream nextPutLine:' Notice: '.
-	    aStream nextPutAll:'   the above string has been extracted from the classes '.
-	    aStream nextPutLine:(isComment ifTrue:['comment.'] ifFalse:['documentation method.']).
-	    aStream nextPutLine:'   It will not be preserved when accepting a new class definition.'.
-	].
-	aStream nextPut:$".
-	aStream emphasis:nil.
-	codeView contents:(aStream contents).
-	codeView modified:false.
-	codeView acceptAction:[:theCode |
-	    |ns|
-	    currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
-		ns := currentClass nameSpace
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		ns := nil
-	    ].
+        |m s aStream isComment|
+        aStream := TextStream on:(String new:200).
+        "/
+        "/ here, show it with a nameSpace pragma
+        "/ and prefer short names.
+        "/
+        currentClass 
+            basicFileOutDefinitionOn:aStream 
+            withNameSpace:true.
+        currentClass isLoaded ifTrue:[
+            "
+             add documentation as a comment, if there is any
+            "
+            m := currentClass class compiledMethodAt:#documentation.
+            m notNil ifTrue:[
+                s := m comment.
+                isComment := false.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                "try comment"
+                s := currentClass comment.
+                s isString ifTrue:[
+                    s isEmpty ifTrue:[
+                        s := nil
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        (s includes:$") ifTrue:[
+                            s := s copy replaceAll:$" with:$'.
+                        ].
+                        isComment := true
+                    ]
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    "/ class redefines comment ?
+                    s := nil
+                ]
+            ].
+        ].
+        aStream cr; cr; cr; cr; cr.
+        aStream emphasis:(#color -> (Color red:0 green:0 blue:25)).
+        s isNil ifTrue:[
+            aStream nextPut:$" ; cr; nextPutLine:' no comment or documentation found'.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            aStream nextPut:$" ; cr; nextPutLine:' Documentation:'.
+            aStream cr; nextPutLine:s; cr.
+            aStream nextPutLine:' Notice: '.
+            aStream nextPutAll:'   the above string has been extracted from the classes '.
+            aStream nextPutLine:(isComment ifTrue:['comment.'] ifFalse:['documentation method.']).
+            aStream nextPutLine:'   It will not be preserved when accepting a new class definition.'.
+        ].
+        aStream nextPut:$".
+        aStream emphasis:nil.
+        codeView contents:(aStream contents).
+        codeView modified:false.
+        codeView acceptAction:[:theCode |
+            |ns|
+            currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
+                ns := currentClass nameSpace
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                ns := nil
+            ].
-	    codeView cursor:Cursor execute.
-	    Class nameSpaceQuerySignal handle:[:ex |
-		ns isNil ifTrue:[
-		    ex reject
-		].
-		ex proceedWith:ns
-	    ] do:[
-		Object abortSignal catch:[
-		    Class nameSpaceQuerySignal answer:Smalltalk
-		    do:[
-			(Compiler evaluate:theCode asString notifying:codeView compile:false)
-			isBehavior ifTrue:[
-			    codeView modified:false.
-			    self classCategoryUpdate.
-			    self updateClassListWithScroll:false.
-			]
-		    ]
-		].
-	    ].
-	    codeView cursor:Cursor normal.
-	].
-	codeView explainAction:nil.
-	methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
-	    methodListView setSelection:nil
-	].
-	aspect := #definition.
-	self normalLabel
+            codeView cursor:Cursor execute.
+            Class nameSpaceQuerySignal handle:[:ex |
+                ns isNil ifTrue:[
+                    ex reject
+                ].
+                ex proceedWith:ns
+            ] do:[
+                Object abortSignal catch:[
+                    Class nameSpaceQuerySignal answer:Smalltalk
+                    do:[
+                        (Compiler evaluate:theCode asString notifying:codeView compile:false)
+                        isBehavior ifTrue:[
+                            codeView modified:false.
+                            self classCategoryUpdate.
+                            self updateClassListWithScroll:false.
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ].
+            ].
+            codeView cursor:Cursor normal.
+        ].
+        codeView explainAction:nil.
+        methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
+            methodListView setSelection:nil
+        ].
+        aspect := #definition.
+        self normalLabel
-    "Modified: 1.8.1997 / 11:54:10 / cg"
+    "Modified: 11.10.1997 / 16:25:42 / cg"
@@ -10577,6 +10637,6 @@
 !BrowserView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.341 1997-10-09 12:09:49 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.342 1997-10-11 15:50:36 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 BrowserView initialize!
--- a/	Fri Oct 10 19:35:45 1997 +0200
+++ b/	Sat Oct 11 17:50:36 1997 +0200
@@ -647,54 +647,109 @@
+    "create a file '' consisting of all classes in current category
+     into the current projects defaultDirectory."
+    self classCategoryFileOutAsk:false
+    "Modified: 11.10.1997 / 16:47:46 / cg"
+    "create a file consisting of all classes in the current category
+     into a file as user-specified."
+    self classCategoryFileOutAsk:true
+    "Modified: 11.10.1997 / 16:38:56 / cg"
+    "Created: 11.10.1997 / 16:44:35 / cg"
     "create a file 'categoryName' consisting of all classes in current category"
     |aStream fileName|
     self checkClassCategorySelected ifFalse:[^ self].
     (currentClassCategory startsWith:'*') ifTrue:[
-	self warn:(resources string:'try a real category').
-	^ self
-    ].
-    fileName := currentClassCategory asString.
+        self warn:(resources string:'try a real category').
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    fileName := currentClassCategory asString , '.st'.
     fileName replaceAll:Character space with:$_.
-    "
-     this test allows a smalltalk to be built without Projects/ChangeSets
-    "
-    Project notNil ifTrue:[
-	fileName := Project currentProjectDirectory , fileName.
-    ].
     self withBusyCursorDo:[
-	"
-	 if file exists, save original in a .sav file
-	"
-	fileName asFilename exists ifTrue:[
-	    self busyLabel:'saving existing %1' with:fileName.
-	    fileName asFilename copyTo:(fileName , '.sav')
-	].
-	aStream := FileStream newFileNamed:fileName.
-	aStream isNil ifTrue:[
-	    self warn:'cannot create: %1' with:fileName
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    self busyLabel:'writing: %1' with:fileName.
-	    self allClassesInCategory:currentClassCategory inOrderDo:[:aClass |
-		aClass isPrivate ifFalse:[
-		    (self listOfNamespaces includesIdentical:aClass nameSpace)
-		    ifTrue:[
-			self busyLabel:'writing: %1' with:fileName.
-			aClass fileOutOn:aStream.
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ].
-	    aStream close.
-	]
+        |saveName fileBox dir|
+        doAsk ifTrue:[
+            fileBox := FileSelectionBox
+                            title:(resources string:'fileOut %1 as:' with:currentClassCategory)
+                            okText:(resources string:'fileOut')
+                            abortText:(resources string:'cancel')
+                            action:[:fileName | saveName := fileName].
+            fileBox initialText:fileName.
+            dir := FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory.
+            dir isNil ifTrue:[
+                "
+                 this test allows a smalltalk to be built without Projects/ChangeSets
+                "
+                Project notNil ifTrue:[
+                    dir := Project currentProjectDirectory
+                ]
+            ].
+            dir notNil ifTrue:[
+                fileBox directory:dir.
+            ].
+            fileBox showAtPointer.
+            fileBox destroy.
+            saveName isNil ifTrue:[
+                ^ self
+            ].
+            saveName isEmpty ifTrue:[
+                self warn:'bad name given'.
+                ^ self
+            ].
+            FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory:(saveName asFilename directoryName).
+            fileName := saveName.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            "
+             this test allows a smalltalk to be built without Projects/ChangeSets
+            "
+            Project notNil ifTrue:[
+                fileName := Project currentProjectDirectory , fileName.
+            ].
+        ].
+        "
+         if file exists, save original in a .sav file
+        "
+        fileName asFilename exists ifTrue:[
+            self busyLabel:'saving existing %1' with:fileName.
+            fileName asFilename copyTo:(fileName , '.sav')
+        ].
+        aStream := FileStream newFileNamed:fileName.
+        aStream isNil ifTrue:[
+            self warn:'cannot create: %1' with:fileName
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self busyLabel:'writing: %1' with:fileName.
+            self allClassesInCategory:currentClassCategory inOrderDo:[:aClass |
+                aClass isPrivate ifFalse:[
+                    (self listOfNamespaces includesIdentical:aClass nameSpace)
+                    ifTrue:[
+                        self busyLabel:'writing: %1' with:fileName.
+                        aClass fileOutOn:aStream.
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ].
+            aStream close.
+        ]
     self normalLabel.
-    "Modified: 18.8.1997 / 15:42:26 / cg"
+    "Created: 11.10.1997 / 16:38:29 / cg"
+    "Modified: 11.10.1997 / 16:48:19 / cg"
@@ -858,174 +913,176 @@
     |specialMenu m labels selectors shorties|
     currentClassCategory notNil ifTrue:[
-	labels :=  #(
-			'fileOut each binary ...'
-			'-'
-			'repository history ...'
-			'validate class revisions'
-			'-'
-			'checkin each ...'
-		    ).
-	selectors := #(
-			classCategoryFileOutBinaryEach
-			nil
-			classCategoryRepositoryHistory
-			classCategoryValidateClassRevisions
-			nil
-			classCategoryCheckinEach
-		     ).
+        labels :=  #(
+                        'fileOut each binary ...'
+                        '-'
+                        'repository history ...'
+                        'validate class revisions'
+                        '-'
+                        'checkin each ...'
+                    ).
+        selectors := #(
+                        classCategoryFileOutBinaryEach
+                        nil
+                        classCategoryRepositoryHistory
+                        classCategoryValidateClassRevisions
+                        nil
+                        classCategoryCheckinEach
+                     ).
     ] ifFalse:[
-	labels :=  #(
-			'repository history ...'
-		    ).
-	selectors := #(
-			classCategoryRepositoryHistory
-		     ).
+        labels :=  #(
+                        'repository history ...'
+                    ).
+        selectors := #(
+                        classCategoryRepositoryHistory
+                     ).
     specialMenu := PopUpMenu 
-			labels:(resources array:labels)
-			selectors:selectors
-			receiver:self.
+                        labels:(resources array:labels)
+                        selectors:selectors
+                        receiver:self.
     Smalltalk sourceCodeManager isNil ifTrue:[
-	specialMenu disableAll:#(classCategoryRepositoryHistory  
-				 classCategoryCheckinEach
-				 classCategoryValidateClassRevisions).
+        specialMenu disableAll:#(classCategoryRepositoryHistory  
+                                 classCategoryCheckinEach
+                                 classCategoryValidateClassRevisions).
     device ctrlDown ifTrue:[
-	^ specialMenu
+        ^ specialMenu
     currentClassCategory isNil ifTrue:[
-	labels := #(
+        labels := #(
 "/                    'namespace ...'
 "/                    '-'
-		    'clone'
-		    'open for class ...'
-		    'spawn full class'
-		    '-'
-		    'update'
-		    'find class ...'
-		    'find method ...'
-		    '-'
-		    'new class category ...'
-		    '='
-		    'others'
-		   ).
-	selectors := #(
+                    'clone'
+                    'open for class ...'
+                    'spawn full class'
+                    '-'
+                    'update'
+                    'find class ...'
+                    'find method ...'
+                    '-'
+                    'new class category ...'
+                    '='
+                    'others'
+                   ).
+        selectors := #(
 "/                    namespaceDialog    
 "/                    nil
-		    classCategoryClone
-		    classCategoryOpenInClass
-		    classCategorySpawnFullClass
-		    nil
-		    classCategoryUpdate
-		    classCategoryFindClass
-		    classCategoryFindMethod
-		    nil
-		    classCategoryNewCategory
-		    nil
-		    otherMenu
-		   ).
-	shorties := #(
+                    classCategoryClone
+                    classCategoryOpenInClass
+                    classCategorySpawnFullClass
+                    nil
+                    classCategoryUpdate
+                    classCategoryFindClass
+                    classCategoryFindMethod
+                    nil
+                    classCategoryNewCategory
+                    nil
+                    otherMenu
+                   ).
+        shorties := #(
 "/                    nil
 "/                    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    Find
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    Cmdn
-		    nil
-		    #'Ctrl'
-		   ).
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    Find
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    Cmdn
+                    nil
+                    #'Ctrl'
+                   ).
     ] ifFalse:[
-	labels := #(
-		    'fileOut'
-		    'fileOut each'
-		    'printOut' 
-		    'printOut protocol'
-		    '-'
+        labels := #(
+                    'fileOut'
+                    'fileOut as ...'
+                    'fileOut each'
+                    'printOut' 
+                    'printOut protocol'
+                    '-'
 "/                    'namespace ...'
 "/                    '-'
-		    'clone'
-		    'open for class ...'
-		    'spawn full class'
-		    '-'
-		    'update'
-		    'find class ...'
-		    'find method ...'
-		    '-'
-		    'new class category ...'
-		    'rename ...'
-		    'remove'
-		    '='
-		    'others'
-		   ).
-	selectors := #(
-		   classCategoryFileOut
-		   classCategoryFileOutEach
-		   classCategoryPrintOut
-		   classCategoryPrintOutProtocol
-		   nil
+                    'clone'
+                    'open for class ...'
+                    'SPAWN_CATEGORY'
+                    'spawn full class'
+                    '-'
+                    'update'
+                    'find class ...'
+                    'find method ...'
+                    '-'
+                    'new class category ...'
+                    'rename ...'
+                    'remove'
+                    '='
+                    'others'
+                   ).
+        selectors := #(
+                   classCategoryFileOut
+                   classCategoryFileOutAs
+                   classCategoryFileOutEach
+                   classCategoryPrintOut
+                   classCategoryPrintOutProtocol
+                   nil
 "/                   namespaceDialog    
 "/                   nil
-		   classCategoryClone
-		    classCategoryOpenInClass
-		   classCategorySpawn
-		   classCategorySpawnFullClass
-		   nil
-		   classCategoryUpdate
-		   classCategoryFindClass
-		   classCategoryFindMethod
-		   nil
-		   classCategoryNewCategory
-		   classCategoryRename
-		   classCategoryRemove
-		   nil
-		   otherMenu
-		   ).
-	shorties := #(
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
+                   classCategoryClone
+                    classCategoryOpenInClass
+                   classCategorySpawn
+                   classCategorySpawnFullClass
+                   nil
+                   classCategoryUpdate
+                   classCategoryFindClass
+                   classCategoryFindMethod
+                   nil
+                   classCategoryNewCategory
+                   classCategoryRename
+                   classCategoryRemove
+                   nil
+                   otherMenu
+                   ).
+        shorties := #(
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
 "/                    nil
 "/                    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    Find
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    Cmdn
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    nil
-		    #'Ctrl'
-		   ).
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    Find
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    Cmdn
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                    #'Ctrl'
+                   ).
     m := PopUpMenu 
-		labels:(resources array:labels)
-		selectors:selectors
-		accelerators:shorties.
+                labels:(resources array:labels)
+                selectors:selectors
+                accelerators:shorties.
     m subMenuAt:#otherMenu put:specialMenu.
     ^ m
     "Created: 14.9.1995 / 10:50:17 / claus"
-    "Modified: 11.1.1997 / 21:38:33 / cg"
+    "Modified: 11.10.1997 / 16:43:54 / cg"
@@ -1837,100 +1894,103 @@
      it when exploring the system."
     self doClassMenu:[:currentClass |
-	|m s aStream isComment|
-	aStream := TextStream on:(String new:200).
-	"/
-	"/ here, show it with a nameSpace pragma
-	"/ and prefer short names.
-	"/
-	currentClass 
-	    basicFileOutDefinitionOn:aStream 
-	    withNameSpace:true.
-	currentClass isLoaded ifTrue:[
-	    "
-	     add documentation as a comment, if there is any
-	    "
-	    m := currentClass class compiledMethodAt:#documentation.
-	    m notNil ifTrue:[
-		s := m comment.
-		isComment := false.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		"try comment"
-		s := currentClass comment.
-		s notNil ifTrue:[
-		    s isEmpty ifTrue:[
-			s := nil
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			(s includes:$") ifTrue:[
-			    s := s copy replaceAll:$" with:$'.
-			].
-			isComment := true
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ].
-	].
-	aStream cr; cr; cr; cr; cr.
-	aStream emphasis:(#color -> (Color red:0 green:0 blue:25)).
-	s isNil ifTrue:[
-	    aStream nextPut:$" ; cr; nextPutLine:' no comment or documentation found'.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    aStream nextPut:$" ; cr; nextPutLine:' Documentation:'.
-	    aStream cr; nextPutLine:s; cr.
-	    aStream nextPutLine:' Notice: '.
-	    aStream nextPutAll:'   the above string has been extracted from the classes '.
-	    aStream nextPutLine:(isComment ifTrue:['comment.'] ifFalse:['documentation method.']).
-	    aStream nextPutLine:'   It will not be preserved when accepting a new class definition.'.
-	].
-	aStream nextPut:$".
-	aStream emphasis:nil.
-	codeView contents:(aStream contents).
-	codeView modified:false.
-	codeView acceptAction:[:theCode |
-	    |ns|
-	    currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
-		ns := currentClass nameSpace
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		ns := nil
-	    ].
+        |m s aStream isComment|
+        aStream := TextStream on:(String new:200).
+        "/
+        "/ here, show it with a nameSpace pragma
+        "/ and prefer short names.
+        "/
+        currentClass 
+            basicFileOutDefinitionOn:aStream 
+            withNameSpace:true.
+        currentClass isLoaded ifTrue:[
+            "
+             add documentation as a comment, if there is any
+            "
+            m := currentClass class compiledMethodAt:#documentation.
+            m notNil ifTrue:[
+                s := m comment.
+                isComment := false.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                "try comment"
+                s := currentClass comment.
+                s isString ifTrue:[
+                    s isEmpty ifTrue:[
+                        s := nil
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        (s includes:$") ifTrue:[
+                            s := s copy replaceAll:$" with:$'.
+                        ].
+                        isComment := true
+                    ]
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    "/ class redefines comment ?
+                    s := nil
+                ]
+            ].
+        ].
+        aStream cr; cr; cr; cr; cr.
+        aStream emphasis:(#color -> (Color red:0 green:0 blue:25)).
+        s isNil ifTrue:[
+            aStream nextPut:$" ; cr; nextPutLine:' no comment or documentation found'.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            aStream nextPut:$" ; cr; nextPutLine:' Documentation:'.
+            aStream cr; nextPutLine:s; cr.
+            aStream nextPutLine:' Notice: '.
+            aStream nextPutAll:'   the above string has been extracted from the classes '.
+            aStream nextPutLine:(isComment ifTrue:['comment.'] ifFalse:['documentation method.']).
+            aStream nextPutLine:'   It will not be preserved when accepting a new class definition.'.
+        ].
+        aStream nextPut:$".
+        aStream emphasis:nil.
+        codeView contents:(aStream contents).
+        codeView modified:false.
+        codeView acceptAction:[:theCode |
+            |ns|
+            currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
+                ns := currentClass nameSpace
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                ns := nil
+            ].
-	    codeView cursor:Cursor execute.
-	    Class nameSpaceQuerySignal handle:[:ex |
-		ns isNil ifTrue:[
-		    ex reject
-		].
-		ex proceedWith:ns
-	    ] do:[
-		Object abortSignal catch:[
-		    Class nameSpaceQuerySignal answer:Smalltalk
-		    do:[
-			(Compiler evaluate:theCode asString notifying:codeView compile:false)
-			isBehavior ifTrue:[
-			    codeView modified:false.
-			    self classCategoryUpdate.
-			    self updateClassListWithScroll:false.
-			]
-		    ]
-		].
-	    ].
-	    codeView cursor:Cursor normal.
-	].
-	codeView explainAction:nil.
-	methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
-	    methodListView setSelection:nil
-	].
-	aspect := #definition.
-	self normalLabel
+            codeView cursor:Cursor execute.
+            Class nameSpaceQuerySignal handle:[:ex |
+                ns isNil ifTrue:[
+                    ex reject
+                ].
+                ex proceedWith:ns
+            ] do:[
+                Object abortSignal catch:[
+                    Class nameSpaceQuerySignal answer:Smalltalk
+                    do:[
+                        (Compiler evaluate:theCode asString notifying:codeView compile:false)
+                        isBehavior ifTrue:[
+                            codeView modified:false.
+                            self classCategoryUpdate.
+                            self updateClassListWithScroll:false.
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ].
+            ].
+            codeView cursor:Cursor normal.
+        ].
+        codeView explainAction:nil.
+        methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
+            methodListView setSelection:nil
+        ].
+        aspect := #definition.
+        self normalLabel
-    "Modified: 1.8.1997 / 11:54:10 / cg"
+    "Modified: 11.10.1997 / 16:25:42 / cg"
@@ -10577,6 +10637,6 @@
 !BrowserView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/Attic/,v 1.341 1997-10-09 12:09:49 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/Attic/,v 1.342 1997-10-11 15:50:36 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 BrowserView initialize!