authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Mon, 09 May 2016 10:03:59 +0200
changeset 16501 c0c0c5382c15
parent 16500 34f9ad93c51c
child 16502 34d2493e8be5
#REFACTORING by cg class: DebugView colorizeAllWith -> withColor changed: #contextListEntryFor: #setLabelFor:in: #updateForContext: (send #withColor: instead of #colorizeAllWith:)
--- a/DebugView.st	Mon May 09 10:03:47 2016 +0200
+++ b/DebugView.st	Mon May 09 10:03:59 2016 +0200
@@ -3723,37 +3723,37 @@
     lines := aMessage asStringCollection.
     lines size > 1 ifTrue:[
-	l := lines first
+        l := lines first
     ] ifFalse:[
-	l := aMessage.
+        l := aMessage.
     l := l , ' ('.
     Error handle:[:ex |
-	l := l , '???'
+        l := l , '???'
     ] do:[
-	processNameOrNil := aProcess name.
-	processNameOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
-	    l := l , (processNameOrNil contractTo:20) , ''.
-	].
-	pidOrNil := aProcess id printString.
-	l := l , '[' , pidOrNil , ']'.
+        processNameOrNil := aProcess name.
+        processNameOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+            l := l , (processNameOrNil contractTo:20) , ''.
+        ].
+        pidOrNil := aProcess id printString.
+        l := l , '[' , pidOrNil , ']'.
     l := l , ')'.
     self label:l.
     ((ShowThreadID == true) and:[OperatingSystem isMSDOSlike]) ifTrue:[
-	osPidString := ' {threadID: ',OperatingSystem getThreadId printString,'}'.
+        osPidString := ' {threadID: ',OperatingSystem getThreadId printString,'}'.
     exceptionInfoLabel notNil ifTrue:[
-	exceptionInfoLabel
-	    label:(resources
-		    string:'%1 in process %2 [%3]%4'
-		    with:(lines first colorizeAllWith:Color red)
-		    with:(processNameOrNil ? '')
-		    with:(pidOrNil ? '')
-		    with:(osPidString ? ''))
+        exceptionInfoLabel
+            label:(resources
+                    string:'%1 in process %2 [%3]%4'
+                    with:(lines first withColor:#red)
+                    with:(processNameOrNil ? '')
+                    with:(pidOrNil ? '')
+                    with:(osPidString ? ''))
     "Modified: / 06-07-2006 / 12:43:19 / cg"
@@ -7380,24 +7380,24 @@
     ^ Error
-	handle:[:ex | '???' ]
-	do:[
-	    |s|
-	    aContext selector == #doIt ifTrue:[
-		aContext receiver isNil ifTrue:[
-		    s := 'doIt' allBold
-		]
-	    ].
-	    s := Text streamContents:[:s | aContext printOn:s ].
-	    RememberedCallChain notNil ifTrue:[
-		(RememberedCallChain includesIdentical:aContext) ifTrue:[
-		    s := s colorizeAllWith:(Color red).
-		].
-	    ].
-	    s
-	].
+        handle:[:ex | '???' ]
+        do:[
+            |s|
+            aContext selector == #doIt ifTrue:[
+                aContext receiver isNil ifTrue:[
+                    s := 'doIt' allBold
+                ]
+            ].
+            s := Text streamContents:[:s | aContext printOn:s ].
+            RememberedCallChain notNil ifTrue:[
+                (RememberedCallChain includesIdentical:aContext) ifTrue:[
+                    s := s withColor:#red.
+                ].
+            ].
+            s
+        ].
     "Created: / 21-05-2007 / 13:30:24 / cg"
@@ -9275,7 +9275,7 @@
 "/                code ~= (codeView contents) ifTrue:[
                     cannotAcceptDueToOutdatedClass ifTrue:[
-                        codeView setContents:(('Obsolete code (outdated due to class change). Use Browser.' colorizeAllWith:Color red),Character cr,Character cr,code asString).
+                        codeView setContents:(('Obsolete code (outdated due to class change). Use Browser.' withColor:Color red),Character cr,Character cr,code asString).
                     ] ifFalse:[
                         codeView setContents:code.