authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Mon, 02 May 2016 17:37:02 +0200
changeset 16380 dc9a0cb53b51
parent 16379 1f61b71af8a2
child 16381 41f056db1b83
child 16382 52235f9d335f
#UI_ENHANCEMENT by cg class: Tools::NewSystemBrowser changed: #loadClasses: better error message for non-autoloadable classes with wrong filename.
--- a/Tools__NewSystemBrowser.st	Mon May 02 17:12:09 2016 +0200
+++ b/Tools__NewSystemBrowser.st	Mon May 02 17:37:02 2016 +0200
@@ -61762,11 +61762,33 @@
 You can also try to load the class(es) from the repository,
 via the ''import and load classes'' menu function of the
 project list.'.
+                    (cls packageDirectory exists
+                    and:[ (cls packageDirectory 
+                            / ((Smalltalk fileNameForClass:cls),'.st')) exists not
+                    and:[ (cls packageDirectory
+                            / (cls nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix,'.st')) exists ]])
+                    ifTrue:[        
+                        msg := 'Autoload of %1 failed.
+The expected file named "%2.st" was not found in the package ''%3''
+along your packagePath, or in the current directory.
+The packagePath is: { %4 }.
+However, a file named "%5.st" (without namespace prefix) was found, 
+but not listed in the abbrev.stc file, which lists different filenames. 
+Please fix this either by renaming the file, or by fixing "abbrev.stc", 
+or by regenerating the build support files via
+the browser''s project definition class menu.'.
+                    ].
                     msg := (resources string:msg
                             with:(Smalltalk fileNameForClass:cls)
                             with:cls package
-                            with:(Smalltalk packagePath asStringCollection asStringWith:' , ')).
+                            with:((Smalltalk packagePath asStringCollection collect:[:s | '"',s,'"']) asStringWith:' , ')
+                            with:(cls nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix allBold)).
                     numClasses > 1 ifTrue:[