checkin from browser
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Sat, 06 Mar 1999 03:15:15 +0100
changeset 2048 f8c010698b75
parent 2047 bb2070a26bd2
child 2049 d1916735ac5e
checkin from browser
--- a/	Sat Mar 06 02:59:44 1999 +0100
+++ b/	Sat Mar 06 03:15:15 1999 +0100
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@
     box addVerticalSpace:10.
     box addHelpButtonFor:'programming/language.html#RESOURCEDEFS'.
-    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
     box showAtPointer.
     box destroy.
@@ -1370,8 +1370,7 @@
-        addAbortButton; 
-        addOkButton.
+        addAbortAndOkButtons.
     warnEnabler value.
     box open.
@@ -1437,16 +1436,16 @@
     listOfSizes := resources at:'LIST_OF_OFFERED_SCREEN_SIZES' default:#default.
     listOfSizes == #default ifTrue:[
-	"/ nothing in resource file; offer at least some.
-	sizeInfos := #(
-			   ( '11.3'' (235mm x 175mm) LCD'   (235 175)    )
-			   ( '17''   (325mm x 245mm)'       (325 245)    )
-			   ( '19''   (340mm x 270mm)'       (340 270)    )
-			   ( '20''   (350mm x 280mm)'       (350 280)    )
-			   ( '21''   (365mm x 285mm)'       (365 285)    )
-		       ).
+        "/ nothing in resource file; offer at least some.
+        sizeInfos := #(
+                           ( '11.3'' (235mm x 175mm) LCD'   (235 175)    )
+                           ( '17''   (325mm x 245mm)'       (325 245)    )
+                           ( '19''   (340mm x 270mm)'       (340 270)    )
+                           ( '20''   (350mm x 280mm)'       (350 280)    )
+                           ( '21''   (365mm x 285mm)'       (365 285)    )
+                       ).
     ] ifFalse:[
-	sizeInfos := resources array:listOfSizes.
+        sizeInfos := resources array:listOfSizes.
     sizeNames := sizeInfos collect:[:entry | entry at:1].
     sizes := sizeInfos collect:[:entry | entry at:2].
@@ -1472,43 +1471,43 @@
     ditherList := SelectionInList new.
     (visual == #StaticGray or:[visual == #GrayScale]) ifTrue:[
-	ditherStyles := #('threshold' 'ordered dither' 'error diffusion').
-	ditherSyms := #(threshold ordered floydSteinberg).
+        ditherStyles := #('threshold' 'ordered dither' 'error diffusion').
+        ditherSyms := #(threshold ordered floydSteinberg).
     ] ifFalse:[
-	visual ~~ #TrueColor ifTrue:[
-	    ditherStyles := #('nearest color' 'error diffusion').
-	    ditherSyms := #(ordered floydSteinberg).
-	]
+        visual ~~ #TrueColor ifTrue:[
+            ditherStyles := #('nearest color' 'error diffusion').
+            ditherSyms := #(ordered floydSteinberg).
+        ]
     ditherSyms notNil ifTrue:[    
-	ditherList list:ditherStyles.
-	ditherList selectionIndex:(ditherSyms indexOf:(Image ditherAlgorithm) ifAbsent:#threshold).
+        ditherList list:ditherStyles.
+        ditherList selectionIndex:(ditherSyms indexOf:(Image ditherAlgorithm) ifAbsent:#threshold).
     box := DialogBox new.
     box label:(resources string:'Display screen settings').
     (box addTextLabel:(resources string:'Actual visible screen area:'))
-	adjust:#left.
+        adjust:#left.
     (box addPopUpList:(resources string:'common sizes:') on:sizeList)
-	label:'monitor size'.
+        label:'monitor size'.
     idx := sizes findFirst:[:entry |
-				((entry at:1) = sizeX value)
-				and:[((entry at:2) = sizeY value)]
-			   ].
+                                ((entry at:1) = sizeX value)
+                                and:[((entry at:2) = sizeY value)]
+                           ].
     idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	sizeList selectionIndex:idx
+        sizeList selectionIndex:idx
     sizeList onChangeSend:#value to:[
-					|idx|
-					idx := sizeList selectionIndex.
-					sizeX value:((sizes at:idx) at:1).
-					sizeY value:((sizes at:idx) at:2).
-				    ].
+                                        |idx|
+                                        idx := sizeList selectionIndex.
+                                        sizeX value:((sizes at:idx) at:1).
+                                        sizeY value:((sizes at:idx) at:2).
+                                    ].
     y := box yPosition.
     component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'screen size:').
@@ -1517,10 +1516,10 @@
     box yPosition:y.
     component := box addInputFieldOn:nil tabable:true.
     component width:0.25; left:0.3; 
-	      immediateAccept:false; acceptOnLeave:false; 
-	      cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine;
-	      converter:(PrintConverter new initForInteger);
-	      model:sizeX.
+              immediateAccept:false; acceptOnLeave:false; 
+              cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine;
+              converter:(PrintConverter new initForInteger);
+              model:sizeX.
     box yPosition:y.
     component := box addTextLabel:(' x ').
@@ -1529,10 +1528,10 @@
     box yPosition:y.
     component := box addInputFieldOn:nil tabable:true.
     component width:0.25; left:0.65; 
-	      immediateAccept:false; acceptOnLeave:false; 
-	      cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine;
-	      converter:(PrintConverter new initForInteger);
-	      model:sizeY.
+              immediateAccept:false; acceptOnLeave:false; 
+              cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine;
+              converter:(PrintConverter new initForInteger);
+              model:sizeY.
     box yPosition:y.
     component := box addTextLabel:('(mm)').
@@ -1541,28 +1540,28 @@
     box addVerticalSpace; addHorizontalLine; addVerticalSpace.
     (box addTextLabel:(resources string:'Screen: depth: %1 visual: %2  (%3)'
-				 with:Screen current depth printString
-				 with:Screen current visualType
-				 with:Screen current serverVendor))
-	adjust:#left.
+                                 with:Screen current depth printString
+                                 with:Screen current visualType
+                                 with:Screen current serverVendor))
+        adjust:#left.
     box addVerticalSpace; addHorizontalLine; addVerticalSpace.
     box addCheckBox:(resources string:'color monitor') on:isColorMonitor.
     visual == #PseudoColor ifTrue:[
-	box addVerticalSpace.
-	component := box addCheckBox:(resources string:'use fix color palette %1' with:'(4x8x4)') on:useFixPalette.
-	box addVerticalSpace.
-	component := box addCheckBox:(resources string:'use fix gray color palette %1' with:'(32)') on:useFixGrayPalette.
+        box addVerticalSpace.
+        component := box addCheckBox:(resources string:'use fix color palette %1' with:'(4x8x4)') on:useFixPalette.
+        box addVerticalSpace.
+        component := box addCheckBox:(resources string:'use fix gray color palette %1' with:'(32)') on:useFixGrayPalette.
     ditherSyms notNil ifTrue:[
-	box addVerticalSpace.
-	component := box addPopUpList:(resources string:'image display:') on:ditherList.
-	component defaultLabel:'image display'.
-	component superView horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
+        box addVerticalSpace.
+        component := box addPopUpList:(resources string:'image display:') on:ditherList.
+        component defaultLabel:'image display'.
+        component superView horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
     box addVerticalSpace.
@@ -1574,48 +1573,48 @@
     component superView horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
-	addHelpButtonFor:'Launcher/screenSettings.html';
-	addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+        addHelpButtonFor:'Launcher/screenSettings.html';
+        addAbortAndOkButtons.
     box open.
     box accepted ifTrue:[
-	Image flushDeviceImages.
-	screen visualType == #PseudoColor ifTrue:[
-	    useFixPalette value ifTrue:[
-		Color colorAllocationFailSignal handle:[:ex |
-		    self warn:(resources string:'Could not allocate colors.').
-		] do:[
-		    Color getColorsRed:4 green:8 blue:4 on:screen
-		]
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		screen releaseFixColors
-	    ].
-	    useFixGrayPalette value ifTrue:[
-		Color colorAllocationFailSignal handle:[:ex |
-		    self warn:(resources string:'Could not allocate colors.').
-		] do:[
-		    Color getGrayColors:32 on:screen
-		]
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		screen releaseFixGrayColors
-	    ]
-	].
-	screen hasColors:isColorMonitor value.
-	screen widthInMillimeter:sizeX value.
-	screen heightInMillimeter:sizeY value.
-	screen supportsDeepIcons:deepIcons value.
-	ditherSyms notNil ifTrue:[
-	    Image ditherAlgorithm:(ditherSyms at:ditherList selectionIndex).
-	].
-	requestor withWaitCursorDo:[
-	    View defaultStyle:(View defaultStyle).
-	].
-	screen clipBoardEncoding:(clipEncodingSyms at:clipEncodingList selectionIndex).
+        Image flushDeviceImages.
+        screen visualType == #PseudoColor ifTrue:[
+            useFixPalette value ifTrue:[
+                Color colorAllocationFailSignal handle:[:ex |
+                    self warn:(resources string:'Could not allocate colors.').
+                ] do:[
+                    Color getColorsRed:4 green:8 blue:4 on:screen
+                ]
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                screen releaseFixColors
+            ].
+            useFixGrayPalette value ifTrue:[
+                Color colorAllocationFailSignal handle:[:ex |
+                    self warn:(resources string:'Could not allocate colors.').
+                ] do:[
+                    Color getGrayColors:32 on:screen
+                ]
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                screen releaseFixGrayColors
+            ]
+        ].
+        screen hasColors:isColorMonitor value.
+        screen widthInMillimeter:sizeX value.
+        screen heightInMillimeter:sizeY value.
+        screen supportsDeepIcons:deepIcons value.
+        ditherSyms notNil ifTrue:[
+            Image ditherAlgorithm:(ditherSyms at:ditherList selectionIndex).
+        ].
+        requestor withWaitCursorDo:[
+            View defaultStyle:(View defaultStyle).
+        ].
+        screen clipBoardEncoding:(clipEncodingSyms at:clipEncodingList selectionIndex).
     box destroy
@@ -1649,8 +1648,7 @@
-        addAbortButton; 
-        addOkButton.
+        addAbortAndOkButtons.
     "/ show the box ...
@@ -1756,7 +1754,7 @@
     "/ box addHorizontalLine.
 "/    box addHelpButtonFor:'Launcher/javaSettings.html'.
-    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
     box open.
     box accepted ifTrue:[
@@ -2071,11 +2069,11 @@
     box addHorizontalLine.
     component := box 
-		    addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'size of newSpace:')
-		    adjust:#right
-		    on:nil "/ newSpaceSize 
-		    tabable:true
-		    separateAtX:0.7.
+                    addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'size of newSpace:')
+                    adjust:#right
+                    on:nil "/ newSpaceSize 
+                    tabable:true
+                    separateAtX:0.7.
     component acceptOnLeave:false.
     component converter:(PrintConverter new initForNumber).
     component model:newSpaceSize.
@@ -2085,11 +2083,11 @@
     component := box 
-		    addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'incremental GC allocation trigger:')
-		    adjust:#right
-		    on:nil "/ igcLimit 
-		    tabable:true
-		    separateAtX:0.7.
+                    addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'incremental GC allocation trigger:')
+                    adjust:#right
+                    on:nil "/ igcLimit 
+                    tabable:true
+                    separateAtX:0.7.
     component acceptOnLeave:false.
     component converter:(PrintConverter new initForNumber).
     component model:igcLimit.
@@ -2099,11 +2097,11 @@
     box addHorizontalLine.
     component := box 
-		    addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'incremental GC freespace trigger:')
-		    adjust:#right
-		    on:nil "/ igcFreeLimit 
-		    tabable:true
-		    separateAtX:0.7.
+                    addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'incremental GC freespace trigger:')
+                    adjust:#right
+                    on:nil "/ igcFreeLimit 
+                    tabable:true
+                    separateAtX:0.7.
     component acceptOnLeave:false.
     component converter:(PrintConverter new initForNumber).
     component model:igcFreeLimit.
@@ -2113,11 +2111,11 @@
     box addHorizontalLine.
     component := box 
-		    addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'incremental GC amount:')
-		    adjust:#right
-		    on:nil "/ igcFreeAmount 
-		    tabable:true
-		    separateAtX:0.7.
+                    addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'incremental GC amount:')
+                    adjust:#right
+                    on:nil "/ igcFreeAmount 
+                    tabable:true
+                    separateAtX:0.7.
     component acceptOnLeave:false.
     component converter:(PrintConverter new initForNumber).
     component model:igcFreeAmount.
@@ -2127,11 +2125,11 @@
     box addHorizontalLine.
     component := box 
-		    addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'oldspace increment:')
-		    adjust:#right
-		    on:nil "/ oldIncr 
-		    tabable:true
-		    separateAtX:0.7.
+                    addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'oldspace increment:')
+                    adjust:#right
+                    on:nil "/ oldIncr 
+                    tabable:true
+                    separateAtX:0.7.
     component acceptOnLeave:false.
     component converter:(PrintConverter new initForNumber).
     component model:oldIncr.
@@ -2141,11 +2139,11 @@
     box addHorizontalLine.
     component := box 
-		    addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'oldspace compress limit:')
-		    adjust:#right
-		    on:nil "/ compressLimit 
-		    tabable:true
-		    separateAtX:0.7.
+                    addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'oldspace compress limit:')
+                    adjust:#right
+                    on:nil "/ compressLimit 
+                    tabable:true
+                    separateAtX:0.7.
     component acceptOnLeave:false.
     component converter:(PrintConverter new initForNumber).
     component model:compressLimit.
@@ -2155,11 +2153,11 @@
     box addHorizontalLine.
     component := box 
-		    addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'stack limit:')
-		    adjust:#right
-		    on:nil 
-		    tabable:true
-		    separateAtX:0.7.
+                    addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'stack limit:')
+                    adjust:#right
+                    on:nil 
+                    tabable:true
+                    separateAtX:0.7.
     component acceptOnLeave:false.
     component converter:(PrintConverter new initForNumber).
     component model:stackLimit.
@@ -2169,38 +2167,38 @@
     box addHorizontalLine.
     ObjectMemory supportsJustInTimeCompilation ifTrue:[
-	component := box 
-			addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'dynamic code limit:')
-			adjust:#right
-			on:nil
-			tabable:true
-			separateAtX:0.7.
-	component acceptOnLeave:false.
-	component converter:(PrintConverter new initForNumberOrNil).
-	component model:codeLimit.
-	fields add:component.
-	box addTextLabel:'(flush dynamic compiled code to stay within this limit)'.
-	box addHorizontalLine.
-	component := box 
-			addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'dynamic code GC trigger:')
-			adjust:#right
-			on:nil
-			tabable:true
-			separateAtX:0.7.
-	component acceptOnLeave:false.
-	component converter:(PrintConverter new initForNumberOrNil).
-	component model:codeTrigger.
-	fields add:component.
-	box addTextLabel:'(start incremental GC whenever this amount of code has been allocated)'.
-	box addHorizontalLine.
+        component := box 
+                        addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'dynamic code limit:')
+                        adjust:#right
+                        on:nil
+                        tabable:true
+                        separateAtX:0.7.
+        component acceptOnLeave:false.
+        component converter:(PrintConverter new initForNumberOrNil).
+        component model:codeLimit.
+        fields add:component.
+        box addTextLabel:'(flush dynamic compiled code to stay within this limit)'.
+        box addHorizontalLine.
+        component := box 
+                        addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'dynamic code GC trigger:')
+                        adjust:#right
+                        on:nil
+                        tabable:true
+                        separateAtX:0.7.
+        component acceptOnLeave:false.
+        component converter:(PrintConverter new initForNumberOrNil).
+        component model:codeTrigger.
+        fields add:component.
+        box addTextLabel:'(start incremental GC whenever this amount of code has been allocated)'.
+        box addHorizontalLine.
-    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
-	addHelpButtonFor:'Launcher/memorySettings.html'.
+        addHelpButtonFor:'Launcher/memorySettings.html'.
     "/ show the box ...
@@ -2211,29 +2209,29 @@
     "/ update system settings
     box accepted ifTrue:[
-	fields do:[:comp | comp accept].
-	igcFreeAmount value ~~ ObjectMemory freeSpaceGCAmount ifTrue:[
-	    ObjectMemory freeSpaceGCAmount:igcFreeAmount value.
-	].
-	igcFreeLimit value ~~ ObjectMemory freeSpaceGCLimit ifTrue:[
-	    ObjectMemory freeSpaceGCLimit:igcFreeLimit value.
-	].
-	igcLimit value ~~ ObjectMemory incrementalGCLimit ifTrue:[
-	    ObjectMemory incrementalGCLimit:igcLimit value.
-	].
-	newSpaceSize value ~~ ObjectMemory newSpaceSize ifTrue:[
-	    ObjectMemory newSpaceSize:newSpaceSize value.
-	].
-	oldIncr value ~~ ObjectMemory oldSpaceIncrement ifTrue:[
-	    ObjectMemory oldSpaceIncrement:oldIncr value.
-	].
-	stackLimit value ~~ Process defaultMaximumStackSize ifTrue:[
-	    Process defaultMaximumStackSize:stackLimit value.
-	].
-	ObjectMemory oldSpaceCompressLimit:compressLimit value.
-	ObjectMemory dynamicCodeLimit:codeLimit value.
-	ObjectMemory dynamicCodeGCTrigger:codeTrigger value.
+        fields do:[:comp | comp accept].
+        igcFreeAmount value ~~ ObjectMemory freeSpaceGCAmount ifTrue:[
+            ObjectMemory freeSpaceGCAmount:igcFreeAmount value.
+        ].
+        igcFreeLimit value ~~ ObjectMemory freeSpaceGCLimit ifTrue:[
+            ObjectMemory freeSpaceGCLimit:igcFreeLimit value.
+        ].
+        igcLimit value ~~ ObjectMemory incrementalGCLimit ifTrue:[
+            ObjectMemory incrementalGCLimit:igcLimit value.
+        ].
+        newSpaceSize value ~~ ObjectMemory newSpaceSize ifTrue:[
+            ObjectMemory newSpaceSize:newSpaceSize value.
+        ].
+        oldIncr value ~~ ObjectMemory oldSpaceIncrement ifTrue:[
+            ObjectMemory oldSpaceIncrement:oldIncr value.
+        ].
+        stackLimit value ~~ Process defaultMaximumStackSize ifTrue:[
+            Process defaultMaximumStackSize:stackLimit value.
+        ].
+        ObjectMemory oldSpaceCompressLimit:compressLimit value.
+        ObjectMemory dynamicCodeLimit:codeLimit value.
+        ObjectMemory dynamicCodeGCTrigger:codeTrigger value.
     box destroy
@@ -2263,14 +2261,14 @@
     box addCheckBox:(resources string:'Other info messages') on:classInfos.
     box addHelpButtonFor:'Launcher/messageSettings.html'.
-    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
     box open.
     box accepted ifTrue:[
-	ObjectMemory infoPrinting:vmInfo value.
-	ObjectMemory debugPrinting:vmErrors value.
-	Object infoPrinting:classInfos value.
-	DeviceWorkstation errorPrinting:displayErrors value.
+        ObjectMemory infoPrinting:vmInfo value.
+        ObjectMemory debugPrinting:vmErrors value.
+        Object infoPrinting:classInfos value.
+        DeviceWorkstation errorPrinting:displayErrors value.
     box destroy
@@ -2367,8 +2365,7 @@
-        addAbortButton; 
-        addOkButton.
+        addAbortAndOkButtons.
     "/ show the box ...
@@ -2504,12 +2501,12 @@
     commandList := resources at:'PRINT_COMMANDS' ifAbsent:nil.
     commandList isNil ifTrue:[
-	commandList := PrinterStream defaultCommands.
-	commandList isNil ifTrue:[
-	    commandList := #('lpr' 
-			     'lp' 
-			    ).
-	]
+        commandList := PrinterStream defaultCommands.
+        commandList isNil ifTrue:[
+            commandList := #('lpr' 
+                             'lp' 
+                            ).
+        ]
     commandListPop list:commandList.
@@ -2528,24 +2525,24 @@
     y := box yPosition.
-	addRow:(1 to:2)
-	fromX:0
-	toX:0.5
-	collect:[:idx | row at:idx]
-	tabable:false
-	horizontalLayout:#leftSpace
-	verticalLayout:#center.
+        addRow:(1 to:2)
+        fromX:0
+        toX:0.5
+        collect:[:idx | row at:idx]
+        tabable:false
+        horizontalLayout:#leftSpace
+        verticalLayout:#center.
     y1 := box yPosition.
     box yPosition:y.
-	addRow:(3 to:4)
-	fromX:0.5
-	toX:1.0
-	collect:[:idx | row at:idx]
-	tabable:false
-	horizontalLayout:#leftSpace
-	verticalLayout:#center.
+        addRow:(3 to:4)
+        fromX:0.5
+        toX:1.0
+        collect:[:idx | row at:idx]
+        tabable:false
+        horizontalLayout:#leftSpace
+        verticalLayout:#center.
     box yPosition:(box yPosition max:y1).
@@ -2557,12 +2554,12 @@
     y := box yPosition.
     topMarginComponent := box 
-	addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'top margin:')
-	adjust:#right
-	on:nil "/ topMargin 
-	tabable:true
-	from:0.0 to:0.5
-	separateAtX:0.6.
+        addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'top margin:')
+        adjust:#right
+        on:nil "/ topMargin 
+        tabable:true
+        from:0.0 to:0.5
+        separateAtX:0.6.
     topMarginComponent converter:(PrintConverter new initForNumber).
     topMarginComponent model:topMargin.
     y1 := box yPosition.
@@ -2573,38 +2570,38 @@
     component := box addComponent:(PopUpList on:unitList).
-	left:0.6;
-	width:0.3.
+        left:0.6;
+        width:0.3.
     box yPosition:y1.
     leftMarginComponent := box 
-	addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'left margin:')
-	adjust:#right
-	on:nil "/ leftMargin 
-	tabable:true
-	from:0.0 to:0.5
-	separateAtX:0.6.
+        addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'left margin:')
+        adjust:#right
+        on:nil "/ leftMargin 
+        tabable:true
+        from:0.0 to:0.5
+        separateAtX:0.6.
     leftMarginComponent converter:(PrintConverter new initForNumber).
     leftMarginComponent model:leftMargin.
     rightMarginComponent := box 
-	addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'right margin:')
-	adjust:#right
-	on:nil "/ rightMargin 
-	tabable:true
-	from:0.0 to:0.5
-	separateAtX:0.6.
+        addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'right margin:')
+        adjust:#right
+        on:nil "/ rightMargin 
+        tabable:true
+        from:0.0 to:0.5
+        separateAtX:0.6.
     rightMarginComponent converter:(PrintConverter new initForNumber).
     rightMarginComponent model:rightMargin.
     bottomMarginComponent := box 
-	addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'bottom margin:')
-	adjust:#right
-	on:nil "/ bottomMargin 
-	tabable:true
-	from:0.0 to:0.5
-	separateAtX:0.6.
+        addLabelledInputField:(resources string:'bottom margin:')
+        adjust:#right
+        on:nil "/ bottomMargin 
+        tabable:true
+        from:0.0 to:0.5
+        separateAtX:0.6.
     bottomMarginComponent converter:(PrintConverter new initForNumber).
     bottomMarginComponent model:bottomMargin.
@@ -2614,102 +2611,102 @@
     updater := [ |p fg hasPageSize hasMargins|
-		       printerType selectionIndex ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-			   p := possiblePrinters at:(printerType selectionIndex).
-			   hasPageSize := p supportsPageSizes. 
-			   hasMargins := p supportsMargins. 
-		       ] ifFalse:[
-			   hasPageSize := false.
-			   hasMargins := false.
-		       ].
-		       hasPageSize ifTrue:[
-			  fg := Button new foregroundColor.
-			  formatComponent enable.
-			  landscapeComponent enable.
-			  formatComponent label:p pageFormat.
-			  pageFormat value:(p pageFormat).
-			  landscape value:(p landscape).
-		       ] ifFalse:[ 
-			  fg := Button new disabledForegroundColor.
-			  formatComponent disable.
-			  landscapeComponent disable.
-			  formatComponent label:'unknown'.
-			  landscape value:nil.
-		       ].
-		       hasMargins ifTrue:[
-			  unitList selectionIndex == 2 ifTrue:[
-			      unit := #mm
-			  ] ifFalse:[
-			      unit := #inch
-			  ].
-			  topMargin value:(UnitConverter convert:p topMargin from:#inch to:unit).
-			  leftMargin value:(UnitConverter convert:p leftMargin from:#inch to:unit).
-			  rightMargin value:(UnitConverter convert:p rightMargin from:#inch to:unit).
-			  bottomMargin value:(UnitConverter convert:p bottomMargin from:#inch to:unit).
-			  topMarginComponent enable.
-			  leftMarginComponent enable.
-			  rightMarginComponent enable.
-			  bottomMarginComponent enable.
-		       ] ifFalse:[ 
-			  topMarginComponent disable.
-			  leftMarginComponent disable.
-			  rightMarginComponent disable.
-			  bottomMarginComponent disable.
-		       ].
-		       formatLabel foregroundColor:fg.
-		       landscapeLabel foregroundColor:fg.
-		       p notNil ifTrue:[ 
-			   commandList := p defaultCommands.
-			   commandList notNil ifTrue:[
-				commandListPop list:commandList 
-			   ].
-			   printCommand value:(p printCommand).
-		       ].
-		       p supportsPostscript ifFalse:[
-			   supportsColorComponent disable.
-			   supportsColor value:false
-		       ] ifTrue:[
-			   supportsColorComponent enable.
-			   supportsColor value:(Printer supportsColor).
-		       ]
-		     ].
+                       printerType selectionIndex ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+                           p := possiblePrinters at:(printerType selectionIndex).
+                           hasPageSize := p supportsPageSizes. 
+                           hasMargins := p supportsMargins. 
+                       ] ifFalse:[
+                           hasPageSize := false.
+                           hasMargins := false.
+                       ].
+                       hasPageSize ifTrue:[
+                          fg := Button new foregroundColor.
+                          formatComponent enable.
+                          landscapeComponent enable.
+                          formatComponent label:p pageFormat.
+                          pageFormat value:(p pageFormat).
+                          landscape value:(p landscape).
+                       ] ifFalse:[ 
+                          fg := Button new disabledForegroundColor.
+                          formatComponent disable.
+                          landscapeComponent disable.
+                          formatComponent label:'unknown'.
+                          landscape value:nil.
+                       ].
+                       hasMargins ifTrue:[
+                          unitList selectionIndex == 2 ifTrue:[
+                              unit := #mm
+                          ] ifFalse:[
+                              unit := #inch
+                          ].
+                          topMargin value:(UnitConverter convert:p topMargin from:#inch to:unit).
+                          leftMargin value:(UnitConverter convert:p leftMargin from:#inch to:unit).
+                          rightMargin value:(UnitConverter convert:p rightMargin from:#inch to:unit).
+                          bottomMargin value:(UnitConverter convert:p bottomMargin from:#inch to:unit).
+                          topMarginComponent enable.
+                          leftMarginComponent enable.
+                          rightMarginComponent enable.
+                          bottomMarginComponent enable.
+                       ] ifFalse:[ 
+                          topMarginComponent disable.
+                          leftMarginComponent disable.
+                          rightMarginComponent disable.
+                          bottomMarginComponent disable.
+                       ].
+                       formatLabel foregroundColor:fg.
+                       landscapeLabel foregroundColor:fg.
+                       p notNil ifTrue:[ 
+                           commandList := p defaultCommands.
+                           commandList notNil ifTrue:[
+                                commandListPop list:commandList 
+                           ].
+                           printCommand value:(p printCommand).
+                       ].
+                       p supportsPostscript ifFalse:[
+                           supportsColorComponent disable.
+                           supportsColor value:false
+                       ] ifTrue:[
+                           supportsColorComponent enable.
+                           supportsColor value:(Printer supportsColor).
+                       ]
+                     ].
     unitList onChangeSend:#value to:updater.
     printerType onChangeSend:#value to:updater.
     updater value.
     box addVerticalSpace;
-	addHelpButtonFor:'Launcher/printerSettings.html';
-	addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+        addHelpButtonFor:'Launcher/printerSettings.html';
+        addAbortAndOkButtons.
     box open.
     box accepted ifTrue:[
-	Printer := possiblePrinters at:(printerType selectionIndex).
-	Printer printCommand:printCommand value.
-	Printer supportsPageSizes ifTrue:[
-	    Printer pageFormat:(pageFormat selection).
-	    Printer landscape:(landscape value).
-	].
-	Printer supportsMargins ifTrue:[
-	    unitList selectionIndex == 2 ifTrue:[
-		unit := #mm
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		unit := #inch
-	    ].
-	    Printer topMargin:(UnitConverter convert:topMargin value from:unit to:#inch).
-	    Printer leftMargin:(UnitConverter convert:leftMargin value from:unit to:#inch).
-	    Printer rightMargin:(UnitConverter convert:rightMargin value from:unit to:#inch).
-	    Printer bottomMargin:(UnitConverter convert:bottomMargin value from:unit to:#inch).
-	].
-	Printer supportsPostscript ifTrue:[
-	    Printer supportsColor:supportsColor value.
-	].
+        Printer := possiblePrinters at:(printerType selectionIndex).
+        Printer printCommand:printCommand value.
+        Printer supportsPageSizes ifTrue:[
+            Printer pageFormat:(pageFormat selection).
+            Printer landscape:(landscape value).
+        ].
+        Printer supportsMargins ifTrue:[
+            unitList selectionIndex == 2 ifTrue:[
+                unit := #mm
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                unit := #inch
+            ].
+            Printer topMargin:(UnitConverter convert:topMargin value from:unit to:#inch).
+            Printer leftMargin:(UnitConverter convert:leftMargin value from:unit to:#inch).
+            Printer rightMargin:(UnitConverter convert:rightMargin value from:unit to:#inch).
+            Printer bottomMargin:(UnitConverter convert:bottomMargin value from:unit to:#inch).
+        ].
+        Printer supportsPostscript ifTrue:[
+            Printer supportsColor:supportsColor value.
+        ].
     box destroy
@@ -3129,8 +3126,7 @@
-        addAbortButton; 
-        addOkButton.
+        addAbortAndOkButtons.
     "/ show the box ...
@@ -3360,8 +3356,7 @@
-        addAbortButton; 
-        addOkButton.
+        addAbortAndOkButtons.
     box open.
@@ -3425,8 +3420,7 @@
-        addAbortButton; 
-        addOkButton.
+        addAbortAndOkButtons.
     "/ show the box ...
@@ -3470,56 +3464,56 @@
     someRsrcFile := Smalltalk getSystemFileName:('resources' asFilename constructString:'').
     someRsrcFile notNil ifTrue:[
-	resourceDir := someRsrcFile asFilename directoryName
+        resourceDir := someRsrcFile asFilename directoryName
     ] ifFalse:[
-	resourceDir := Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'resources'.
+        resourceDir := Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'resources'.
     resourceDir isNil ifTrue:[
-	self warn:'no styles found (missing ''resources'' directory)'.
-	^ self
+        self warn:'no styles found (missing ''resources'' directory)'.
+        ^ self
     dir := resourceDir asFilename directoryContents.
     list := SelectionInList new.
     listUpdater := [
-	|listOfStyles lastSelection|
-	lastSelection := list selection.
-	listOfStyles := dir select:[:aFileName | aFileName asFilename hasSuffix:'style'].
-	listOfStyles := listOfStyles collect:[:aFileName | aFileName asFilename withoutSuffix name].
-	Filename isCaseSensitive ifFalse:[
-	    listOfStyles := listOfStyles collect:[:aStyleName | aStyleName asLowercase].
-	].
-	listOfStyles remove:'generic' ifAbsent:nil; remove:'mswindows3' ifAbsent:nil.
-	showStandardStylesOnly value ifTrue:[
-	    listOfStyles := listOfStyles select:[:aStyleName | standardStyles includes:aStyleName].
-	].
-	listOfStyles sort.
-	list list:listOfStyles.
-	list selection:lastSelection.
+        |listOfStyles lastSelection|
+        lastSelection := list selection.
+        listOfStyles := dir select:[:aFileName | aFileName asFilename hasSuffix:'style'].
+        listOfStyles := listOfStyles collect:[:aFileName | aFileName asFilename withoutSuffix name].
+        Filename isCaseSensitive ifFalse:[
+            listOfStyles := listOfStyles collect:[:aStyleName | aStyleName asLowercase].
+        ].
+        listOfStyles remove:'generic' ifAbsent:nil; remove:'mswindows3' ifAbsent:nil.
+        showStandardStylesOnly value ifTrue:[
+            listOfStyles := listOfStyles select:[:aStyleName | standardStyles includes:aStyleName].
+        ].
+        listOfStyles sort.
+        list list:listOfStyles.
+        list selection:lastSelection.
     listUpdater value.
     showStandardStylesOnly onChangeSend:#value to:listUpdater.
     infoForwarder := [
-			|nm sheet comment|
-			comment := ''.
-			nm := list selection.
-			nm notNil ifTrue:[
-			    sheet := ViewStyle fromFile:(nm , '.style').
-			    comment := (sheet at:#comment ifAbsent:'') withoutSeparators.
-			].
-			comment := comment withCRs asStringCollection.
-			comment size == 1 ifTrue:[
-			    comment := comment first
-			].
-			infoLabel label:comment
-		       ].
+                        |nm sheet comment|
+                        comment := ''.
+                        nm := list selection.
+                        nm notNil ifTrue:[
+                            sheet := ViewStyle fromFile:(nm , '.style').
+                            comment := (sheet at:#comment ifAbsent:'') withoutSeparators.
+                        ].
+                        comment := comment withCRs asStringCollection.
+                        comment size == 1 ifTrue:[
+                            comment := comment first
+                        ].
+                        infoLabel label:comment
+                       ].
     list onChangeSend:#value to:infoForwarder.
@@ -3536,16 +3530,13 @@
     (infoLabel := box addTextLabel:'\\' withCRs) adjust:#centerLeft.
-    box addAbortButton.
+    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
 "/ mhmh - the newLauncher does not yet handle apply (without close) correctly
 "/    b := box addButton:(Button label:(resources string:'apply')).
 "/    b action:[didApply := true. requestor changeViewStyleTo:(list selection)].
-    box addOkButton.
     (standardStyles includes:View defaultStyle) ifFalse:[
-	showStandardStylesOnly value:false
+        showStandardStylesOnly value:false
     list selection:(View defaultStyle).
@@ -3556,10 +3547,10 @@
     box destroy.
     box accepted ifTrue:[
-	((newStyle := list selection) ~= View defaultStyle
-	or:[didApply ~~ true]) ifTrue:[
-	    requestor changeViewStyleTo:newStyle.
-	].
+        ((newStyle := list selection) ~= View defaultStyle
+        or:[didApply ~~ true]) ifTrue:[
+            requestor changeViewStyleTo:newStyle.
+        ].
@@ -3994,13 +3985,13 @@
     resources := requestor class classResources.
     OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue:[
-	defaultsList := #('/files/CVS' '/CVS' 'host:/files/CVS' 'host:/CVS').
+        defaultsList := #('/files/CVS' '/CVS' 'host:/files/CVS' 'host:/CVS').
     ] ifFalse:[
-	OperatingSystem isMSDOSlike ifTrue:[
-	    defaultsList := #(':local:c:\files\CVS' ':local:c:\CVS' 'host:/files/CVS' 'host:/CVS').
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    defaultsList := #('host:/files/CVS' 'host:/CVS').
-	]
+        OperatingSystem isMSDOSlike ifTrue:[
+            defaultsList := #(':local:c:\files\CVS' ':local:c:\CVS' 'host:/files/CVS' 'host:/CVS').
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            defaultsList := #('host:/files/CVS' 'host:/CVS').
+        ]
     cvsRootHolder := CVSSourceCodeManager repositoryName ? '/files/CVS'.
@@ -4035,9 +4026,8 @@
 "/    component model:cvsRootHolder.
-	addHelpButtonFor:'Launcher/sourceSettings.html';
-	addAbortButton; 
-	addOkButton.
+        addHelpButtonFor:'Launcher/sourceSettings.html';
+        addAbortAndOkButtons.
     "/ show the box ...
@@ -4049,7 +4039,7 @@
     "/ update system settings
     box accepted ifTrue:[
-	CVSSourceCodeManager initializeForRepository:cvsRootHolder value
+        CVSSourceCodeManager initializeForRepository:cvsRootHolder value
     box destroy
@@ -4143,7 +4133,7 @@
-    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
     defaultButton := Button label:(resources string:'defaults').
     (DialogBox styleSheet at:'dialogBox.okAtLeft') ifTrue:[
@@ -4260,8 +4250,7 @@
 "/        addHelpButtonFor:'Launcher/sourceSettings.html';
-        addAbortButton; 
-        addOkButton.
+        addAbortAndOkButtons.
     "/ show the box ...
@@ -4285,5 +4274,5 @@
 !AbstractLauncherApplication class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.14 1999-03-06 01:59:44 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.15 1999-03-06 02:15:15 cg Exp $'
 ! !
--- a/	Sat Mar 06 02:59:44 1999 +0100
+++ b/	Sat Mar 06 03:15:15 1999 +0100
@@ -1907,7 +1907,7 @@
                                'a year ago'
-        box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+        box addAbortAndOkButtons.
         box open.
         box accepted ifTrue:[
@@ -4046,7 +4046,7 @@
     box addVerticalSpace.
-    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
     box showAtPointer.
@@ -4265,7 +4265,7 @@
     component width:0.6; left:0.4; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.
     box addVerticalSpace.
-    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
     box showAtPointer.
@@ -4677,7 +4677,7 @@
     dialog width:(textView preferredExtentForLines:10 cols:70) x.
     textView contents:lastSourceLogMessage.
-    dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    dialog addAbortAndOkButtons.
     dialog okButton isReturnButton:false.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
@@ -12761,6 +12761,6 @@
 !BrowserView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.476 1999-03-06 01:59:32 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.477 1999-03-06 02:15:04 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 BrowserView initialize!
--- a/	Sat Mar 06 02:59:44 1999 +0100
+++ b/	Sat Mar 06 03:15:15 1999 +0100
@@ -1907,7 +1907,7 @@
                                'a year ago'
-        box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+        box addAbortAndOkButtons.
         box open.
         box accepted ifTrue:[
@@ -4046,7 +4046,7 @@
     box addVerticalSpace.
-    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
     box showAtPointer.
@@ -4265,7 +4265,7 @@
     component width:0.6; left:0.4; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.
     box addVerticalSpace.
-    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
     box showAtPointer.
@@ -4677,7 +4677,7 @@
     dialog width:(textView preferredExtentForLines:10 cols:70) x.
     textView contents:lastSourceLogMessage.
-    dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    dialog addAbortAndOkButtons.
     dialog okButton isReturnButton:false.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
@@ -12761,6 +12761,6 @@
 !BrowserView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/Attic/,v 1.476 1999-03-06 01:59:32 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/Attic/,v 1.477 1999-03-06 02:15:04 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 BrowserView initialize!
--- a/	Sat Mar 06 02:59:44 1999 +0100
+++ b/	Sat Mar 06 03:15:15 1999 +0100
@@ -1492,15 +1492,15 @@
     dialog addVerticalSpace.
     dialog addListBoxOn:list withNumberOfLines:5.
-    dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    dialog addAbortAndOkButtons.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
-	idx := list selectionIndex.
-	fileEncoding := encodings at:idx.
-	subView externalEncoding:fileEncoding.
-	self validateFontEncodingFor:fileEncoding ask:true.
+        idx := list selectionIndex.
+        fileEncoding := encodings at:idx.
+        subView externalEncoding:fileEncoding.
+        self validateFontEncodingFor:fileEncoding ask:true.
     "Modified: 30.6.1997 / 14:41:12 / cg"
@@ -2456,7 +2456,7 @@
     (box addTextLabel:(resources string:'to:')) adjust:#left.
     if2 := box addFilenameInputFieldOn:name2 in:here tabable:true.
-    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
     orgName1 size > 0 ifTrue:[
         box focusOnField:if2.
@@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@
     orgName1 := ''.
     (sel size > 0) ifTrue:[
-	orgName1 := sel
+        orgName1 := sel
     name1 := orgName1 asValue.
@@ -2524,43 +2524,43 @@
     (box addTextLabel:'as:') adjust:#left.
     if2 := box addFilenameInputFieldOn:name2 in:here tabable:true.
-    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
     orgName1 size > 0 ifTrue:[
-	box focusOnField:if2.
+        box focusOnField:if2.
     box showAtPointer.
     box accepted ifTrue:[
-	name1 := name1 value.
-	(name1 size == 0) ifTrue:[
-	    err := 'no name entered'.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    f1 := name1 asFilename.
-	    name2 := name2 value.
-	    (name2 size == 0) ifTrue:[
-		err := 'no name entered'.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		f2 := name2 asFilename.
-		f2 exists ifTrue:[
-		    err := '''%2'' already exists'.
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    f1 exists ifFalse:[
-			err := '''%1'' does not exist (link created anyway)'.
-		    ].
-		    ErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
-			err := ex errorString
-		    ] do:[
-			OperatingSystem createSymbolicLinkFrom:name1 to:name2
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
-	err notNil ifTrue:[
-	    self warn:(resources string:err with:(name1 ? '') asText allBold with:(name2 ? '') asText allBold).
-	    ^ self
-	].
+        name1 := name1 value.
+        (name1 size == 0) ifTrue:[
+            err := 'no name entered'.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            f1 := name1 asFilename.
+            name2 := name2 value.
+            (name2 size == 0) ifTrue:[
+                err := 'no name entered'.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                f2 := name2 asFilename.
+                f2 exists ifTrue:[
+                    err := '''%2'' already exists'.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    f1 exists ifFalse:[
+                        err := '''%1'' does not exist (link created anyway)'.
+                    ].
+                    ErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
+                        err := ex errorString
+                    ] do:[
+                        OperatingSystem createSymbolicLinkFrom:name1 to:name2
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        err notNil ifTrue:[
+            self warn:(resources string:err with:(name1 ? '') asText allBold with:(name2 ? '') asText allBold).
+            ^ self
+        ].
     "Modified: / 13.8.1998 / 21:26:59 / cg"
@@ -2616,11 +2616,11 @@
     (sel size > 0
     and:[lastFileDiffDirectory notNil
     and:[lastFileDiffDirectory asFilename isDirectory]]) ifTrue:[
-	f := lastFileDiffDirectory asFilename construct:sel.
-	(f exists
-	and:[f isReadable]) ifTrue:[
-	    orgName1 := f name
-	]
+        f := lastFileDiffDirectory asFilename construct:sel.
+        (f exists
+        and:[f isReadable]) ifTrue:[
+            orgName1 := f name
+        ]
     name1 := orgName1 asValue.
@@ -2633,62 +2633,62 @@
     (box addTextLabel:'and file2:') adjust:#left.
     box addFilenameInputFieldOn:name2 in:here tabable:true.
-    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
     box showAtPointer.
     box accepted ifTrue:[
-	name1 := name1 value.
-	(name1 isNil or:[name1 isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
-	    text1 := subView contents.
-	    name1 := nil.
-	    l1 := 'browser contents'
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    name1 := currentDirectory filenameFor:name1.
-	    name1 isReadable ifFalse:[
-		nm := name1.
-		name1 exists ifFalse:[
-		    err := '%1 does not exist'.
-		] ifTrue:[
-		    err := '%1 is not readable'
-		].
-	    ].
-	    l1 := name1 pathName
-	].
-	name2 := currentDirectory filenameFor:name2 value.
-	err isNil ifTrue:[
-	    name2 isReadable ifFalse:[
-		nm := name2.
-		name2 exists ifFalse:[
-		    err := '%1 does not exist'.
-		] ifTrue:[
-		    err := '%1 is not readable'
-		].
-	    ].
-	].
-	err notNil ifTrue:[
-	    self warn:(resources string:err with:nm pathName).
-	    ^ self
-	].
-	self withWaitCursorDo:[
-	    (name1 notNil and:[name1 name ~= orgName1]) ifTrue:[
-		lastFileDiffDirectory := name1 directoryName
-	    ].
-	    name1 notNil ifTrue:[
-		text1 := name1 contents.
-	    ].
-	    text2 := name2 contents.
-	    text1 = text2 ifTrue:[
-		self information:'same contents'
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		d := DiffTextView 
-			openOn:text1 label:l1
-			and:text2 label:name2 pathName.
-		d label:'file differences'.
-	    ]
-	]
+        name1 := name1 value.
+        (name1 isNil or:[name1 isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
+            text1 := subView contents.
+            name1 := nil.
+            l1 := 'browser contents'
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            name1 := currentDirectory filenameFor:name1.
+            name1 isReadable ifFalse:[
+                nm := name1.
+                name1 exists ifFalse:[
+                    err := '%1 does not exist'.
+                ] ifTrue:[
+                    err := '%1 is not readable'
+                ].
+            ].
+            l1 := name1 pathName
+        ].
+        name2 := currentDirectory filenameFor:name2 value.
+        err isNil ifTrue:[
+            name2 isReadable ifFalse:[
+                nm := name2.
+                name2 exists ifFalse:[
+                    err := '%1 does not exist'.
+                ] ifTrue:[
+                    err := '%1 is not readable'
+                ].
+            ].
+        ].
+        err notNil ifTrue:[
+            self warn:(resources string:err with:nm pathName).
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        self withWaitCursorDo:[
+            (name1 notNil and:[name1 name ~= orgName1]) ifTrue:[
+                lastFileDiffDirectory := name1 directoryName
+            ].
+            name1 notNil ifTrue:[
+                text1 := name1 contents.
+            ].
+            text2 := name2 contents.
+            text1 = text2 ifTrue:[
+                self information:'same contents'
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                d := DiffTextView 
+                        openOn:text1 label:l1
+                        and:text2 label:name2 pathName.
+                d label:'file differences'.
+            ]
+        ]
     "Created: / 7.12.1995 / 20:33:58 / cg"
@@ -6325,5 +6325,5 @@
 !FileBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/Attic/,v 1.293 1999-02-25 18:42:37 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/Attic/,v 1.294 1999-03-06 02:14:22 cg Exp $'
 ! !
--- a/	Sat Mar 06 02:59:44 1999 +0100
+++ b/	Sat Mar 06 03:15:15 1999 +0100
@@ -1492,15 +1492,15 @@
     dialog addVerticalSpace.
     dialog addListBoxOn:list withNumberOfLines:5.
-    dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    dialog addAbortAndOkButtons.
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
-	idx := list selectionIndex.
-	fileEncoding := encodings at:idx.
-	subView externalEncoding:fileEncoding.
-	self validateFontEncodingFor:fileEncoding ask:true.
+        idx := list selectionIndex.
+        fileEncoding := encodings at:idx.
+        subView externalEncoding:fileEncoding.
+        self validateFontEncodingFor:fileEncoding ask:true.
     "Modified: 30.6.1997 / 14:41:12 / cg"
@@ -2456,7 +2456,7 @@
     (box addTextLabel:(resources string:'to:')) adjust:#left.
     if2 := box addFilenameInputFieldOn:name2 in:here tabable:true.
-    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
     orgName1 size > 0 ifTrue:[
         box focusOnField:if2.
@@ -2512,7 +2512,7 @@
     orgName1 := ''.
     (sel size > 0) ifTrue:[
-	orgName1 := sel
+        orgName1 := sel
     name1 := orgName1 asValue.
@@ -2524,43 +2524,43 @@
     (box addTextLabel:'as:') adjust:#left.
     if2 := box addFilenameInputFieldOn:name2 in:here tabable:true.
-    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
     orgName1 size > 0 ifTrue:[
-	box focusOnField:if2.
+        box focusOnField:if2.
     box showAtPointer.
     box accepted ifTrue:[
-	name1 := name1 value.
-	(name1 size == 0) ifTrue:[
-	    err := 'no name entered'.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    f1 := name1 asFilename.
-	    name2 := name2 value.
-	    (name2 size == 0) ifTrue:[
-		err := 'no name entered'.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		f2 := name2 asFilename.
-		f2 exists ifTrue:[
-		    err := '''%2'' already exists'.
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    f1 exists ifFalse:[
-			err := '''%1'' does not exist (link created anyway)'.
-		    ].
-		    ErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
-			err := ex errorString
-		    ] do:[
-			OperatingSystem createSymbolicLinkFrom:name1 to:name2
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
-	err notNil ifTrue:[
-	    self warn:(resources string:err with:(name1 ? '') asText allBold with:(name2 ? '') asText allBold).
-	    ^ self
-	].
+        name1 := name1 value.
+        (name1 size == 0) ifTrue:[
+            err := 'no name entered'.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            f1 := name1 asFilename.
+            name2 := name2 value.
+            (name2 size == 0) ifTrue:[
+                err := 'no name entered'.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                f2 := name2 asFilename.
+                f2 exists ifTrue:[
+                    err := '''%2'' already exists'.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    f1 exists ifFalse:[
+                        err := '''%1'' does not exist (link created anyway)'.
+                    ].
+                    ErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
+                        err := ex errorString
+                    ] do:[
+                        OperatingSystem createSymbolicLinkFrom:name1 to:name2
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        err notNil ifTrue:[
+            self warn:(resources string:err with:(name1 ? '') asText allBold with:(name2 ? '') asText allBold).
+            ^ self
+        ].
     "Modified: / 13.8.1998 / 21:26:59 / cg"
@@ -2616,11 +2616,11 @@
     (sel size > 0
     and:[lastFileDiffDirectory notNil
     and:[lastFileDiffDirectory asFilename isDirectory]]) ifTrue:[
-	f := lastFileDiffDirectory asFilename construct:sel.
-	(f exists
-	and:[f isReadable]) ifTrue:[
-	    orgName1 := f name
-	]
+        f := lastFileDiffDirectory asFilename construct:sel.
+        (f exists
+        and:[f isReadable]) ifTrue:[
+            orgName1 := f name
+        ]
     name1 := orgName1 asValue.
@@ -2633,62 +2633,62 @@
     (box addTextLabel:'and file2:') adjust:#left.
     box addFilenameInputFieldOn:name2 in:here tabable:true.
-    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
     box showAtPointer.
     box accepted ifTrue:[
-	name1 := name1 value.
-	(name1 isNil or:[name1 isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
-	    text1 := subView contents.
-	    name1 := nil.
-	    l1 := 'browser contents'
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    name1 := currentDirectory filenameFor:name1.
-	    name1 isReadable ifFalse:[
-		nm := name1.
-		name1 exists ifFalse:[
-		    err := '%1 does not exist'.
-		] ifTrue:[
-		    err := '%1 is not readable'
-		].
-	    ].
-	    l1 := name1 pathName
-	].
-	name2 := currentDirectory filenameFor:name2 value.
-	err isNil ifTrue:[
-	    name2 isReadable ifFalse:[
-		nm := name2.
-		name2 exists ifFalse:[
-		    err := '%1 does not exist'.
-		] ifTrue:[
-		    err := '%1 is not readable'
-		].
-	    ].
-	].
-	err notNil ifTrue:[
-	    self warn:(resources string:err with:nm pathName).
-	    ^ self
-	].
-	self withWaitCursorDo:[
-	    (name1 notNil and:[name1 name ~= orgName1]) ifTrue:[
-		lastFileDiffDirectory := name1 directoryName
-	    ].
-	    name1 notNil ifTrue:[
-		text1 := name1 contents.
-	    ].
-	    text2 := name2 contents.
-	    text1 = text2 ifTrue:[
-		self information:'same contents'
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		d := DiffTextView 
-			openOn:text1 label:l1
-			and:text2 label:name2 pathName.
-		d label:'file differences'.
-	    ]
-	]
+        name1 := name1 value.
+        (name1 isNil or:[name1 isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
+            text1 := subView contents.
+            name1 := nil.
+            l1 := 'browser contents'
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            name1 := currentDirectory filenameFor:name1.
+            name1 isReadable ifFalse:[
+                nm := name1.
+                name1 exists ifFalse:[
+                    err := '%1 does not exist'.
+                ] ifTrue:[
+                    err := '%1 is not readable'
+                ].
+            ].
+            l1 := name1 pathName
+        ].
+        name2 := currentDirectory filenameFor:name2 value.
+        err isNil ifTrue:[
+            name2 isReadable ifFalse:[
+                nm := name2.
+                name2 exists ifFalse:[
+                    err := '%1 does not exist'.
+                ] ifTrue:[
+                    err := '%1 is not readable'
+                ].
+            ].
+        ].
+        err notNil ifTrue:[
+            self warn:(resources string:err with:nm pathName).
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        self withWaitCursorDo:[
+            (name1 notNil and:[name1 name ~= orgName1]) ifTrue:[
+                lastFileDiffDirectory := name1 directoryName
+            ].
+            name1 notNil ifTrue:[
+                text1 := name1 contents.
+            ].
+            text2 := name2 contents.
+            text1 = text2 ifTrue:[
+                self information:'same contents'
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                d := DiffTextView 
+                        openOn:text1 label:l1
+                        and:text2 label:name2 pathName.
+                d label:'file differences'.
+            ]
+        ]
     "Created: / 7.12.1995 / 20:33:58 / cg"
@@ -6325,5 +6325,5 @@
 !FileBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.293 1999-02-25 18:42:37 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.294 1999-03-06 02:14:22 cg Exp $'
 ! !