keyboard mapping fixes for hpux
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Fri, 29 Sep 2000 14:44:44 +0200
changeset 3322 1c92a842f099
parent 3321 3d0e6754dcd9
child 3323 a093f7005873
keyboard mapping fixes for hpux
--- a/	Fri Sep 29 14:37:59 2000 +0200
+++ b/	Fri Sep 29 14:44:44 2000 +0200
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
  hereby transferred.
-'From Smalltalk/X, Version:4.1.1 on 29-sep-2000 at 12:58:38'                    !
 "{ Package: 'stx:libview' }"
 DeviceWorkstation subclass:#XWorkstation
@@ -19,11 +17,11 @@
 		hasMbufExtension hasXVideoExtension hasSaveUnder hasPEXExtension
 		hasImageExtension hasInputExtension ignoreBackingStore blackpixel
 		whitepixel atoms protocolsAtom deleteWindowAtom saveYourselfAtom
-		quitAppAtom primaryAtom cutBuffer0Atom stringAtom
-		lengthAtom wmStateAtom listOfXFonts buttonsPressed eventRootX
-		eventRootY displayName eventTrace dispatchingExpose rgbVisual
-		virtualRootId rootId eventBuffer altModifierMask metaModifierMask
-		multiClickTime deviceIOTimeoutErrorSignal activateOnClick 
+		quitAppAtom primaryAtom cutBuffer0Atom stringAtom lengthAtom
+		wmStateAtom listOfXFonts buttonsPressed eventRootX eventRootY
+		displayName eventTrace dispatchingExpose rgbVisual virtualRootId
+		rootId eventBuffer altModifierMask metaModifierMask
+		multiClickTime deviceIOTimeoutErrorSignal activateOnClick
 	classVariableNames:'RawKeySymTranslation ConservativeSync MaxStringLength'
@@ -4381,22 +4379,22 @@
     "/ special for HPs mouse-wheel implementation
     (logicalButton == #wheelFwd or:[logicalButton == #wheelBwd]) ifTrue:[
-      self mouseWheelMotion:0 x:x y:y amount:(button == #wheelFwd ifTrue:[10] ifFalse:[-10]) deltaTime:10 view:view.
+      self mouseWheelMotion:0 x:x y:y amount:(logicalButton == #wheelFwd ifTrue:[10] ifFalse:[-10]) deltaTime:10 view:view.
       ^ self
     buttonsPressed := buttonsPressed bitOr:(1 bitShift:logicalButton-1).
     multiClickTimeDelta notNil ifTrue:[
-	nextMultiClickTime := time + multiClickTimeDelta.
-	multiClickTime notNil ifTrue:[
-	    time < multiClickTime ifTrue:[
-		multiClickTime := nextMultiClickTime.
-		self buttonMultiPress:logicalButton x:x y:y view:view.
-		^ self.
-	    ]
-	].
-	multiClickTime := nextMultiClickTime.
+        nextMultiClickTime := time + multiClickTimeDelta.
+        multiClickTime notNil ifTrue:[
+            time < multiClickTime ifTrue:[
+                multiClickTime := nextMultiClickTime.
+                self buttonMultiPress:logicalButton x:x y:y view:view.
+                ^ self.
+            ]
+        ].
+        multiClickTime := nextMultiClickTime.
     self buttonPress:logicalButton x:x y:y view:view
@@ -4418,8 +4416,12 @@
     "/ physical to logical button translation
     logicalButton := buttonTranslation at:button ifAbsent:button.
+    "/ special for HPs mouse-wheel implementation
+    (logicalButton == #wheelFwd or:[logicalButton == #wheelBwd]) ifTrue:[
+      ^ self
+    ].
     buttonsPressed := buttonsPressed bitClear:(1 bitShift:logicalButton-1).
     self buttonRelease:logicalButton x:x y:y view:view
@@ -8965,43 +8967,45 @@
     super initializeModifierMappings.                                     
+    rawKeySymTranslation := RawKeySymTranslation.
     map := self modifierMapping.
     map isNil ifTrue:[
-	"/
-	"/ mhmh - a crippled Xlib which does not provide modifier mappings
-	"/ setup some reasonable default. If that is not sufficient,
-	"/ you have to change things from your display.rc file.
-	"/
-	altModifierMask := self modifier1Mask.
-	metaModifierMask := self modifier2Mask.
+        "/
+        "/ mhmh - a crippled Xlib which does not provide modifier mappings
+        "/ setup some reasonable default. If that is not sufficient,
+        "/ you have to change things from your display.rc file.
+        "/
+        altModifierMask := self modifier1Mask.
+        metaModifierMask := self modifier2Mask.
     ] ifFalse:[
-	altModifierMask := 0.
-	metaModifierMask := 0.
-	mod := map at:1.
-	mod notNil ifTrue:[
-	    shiftModifiers := mod collect:[ :key | self stringFromKeycode:key ].
-	].
-	mod := map at:3.
-	mod notNil ifTrue:[
-	    ctrlModifiers  := mod collect:[ :key | self stringFromKeycode:key ].
-	].
-	mod := map at:4.
-	mod notNil ifTrue:[
-	    mod := mod collect:[ :key | self stringFromKeycode:key ].
-	    (mod includes:'Num_Lock') ifFalse:[
-		metaModifiers := mod.
-		metaModifierMask := 1 bitShift:(4-1).
-	    ].
-	].
-	mod := map at:5.
-	mod notNil ifTrue:[
-	    mod := mod collect:[ :key | self stringFromKeycode:key ].    
-	    (mod includes:'Num_Lock') ifFalse:[
-		altModifiers   := mod.    
-		altModifierMask := 1 bitShift:(5-1).
-	    ].
-	]
+        altModifierMask := 0.
+        metaModifierMask := 0.
+        mod := map at:1.
+        mod notNil ifTrue:[
+            shiftModifiers := mod collect:[ :key | self stringFromKeycode:key ].
+        ].
+        mod := map at:3.
+        mod notNil ifTrue:[
+            ctrlModifiers  := mod collect:[ :key | self stringFromKeycode:key ].
+        ].
+        mod := map at:4.
+        mod notNil ifTrue:[
+            mod := mod collect:[ :key | self stringFromKeycode:key ].
+            (mod includes:'Num_Lock') ifFalse:[
+                metaModifiers := mod.
+                metaModifierMask := 1 bitShift:(4-1).
+            ].
+        ].
+        mod := map at:5.
+        mod notNil ifTrue:[
+            mod := mod collect:[ :key | self stringFromKeycode:key ].    
+            (mod includes:'Num_Lock') ifFalse:[
+                altModifiers   := mod.    
+                altModifierMask := 1 bitShift:(5-1).
+            ].
+        ]
@@ -9009,6 +9013,7 @@
     "Modified: 1.12.1995 / 23:44:40 / stefan"
@@ -9301,18 +9306,18 @@
     ret := Array new:8.
     nextKey := 1.
     1 to:8 do:[ :i |
-	(modifierKeyMap at:nextKey) ~= 0 ifTrue:[
-	    |mod|
-	    mod := OrderedCollection new:maxKeyPerMod.
-	    modifierKeyMap from:nextKey to:(nextKey+maxKeyPerMod-1) do:[ :key |
-		key ~= 0 ifTrue:[
-		    mod add:key
-		].
-	    ].
-	    ret at:i put:mod.
-	].
-	nextKey := nextKey+maxKeyPerMod.
+        (modifierKeyMap at:nextKey) ~= 0 ifTrue:[
+            |mod|
+            mod := OrderedCollection new:maxKeyPerMod.
+            modifierKeyMap from:nextKey to:(nextKey+maxKeyPerMod-1) do:[ :key |
+                key ~= 0 ifTrue:[
+                    mod add:key
+                ].
+            ].
+            ret at:i put:mod.
+        ].
+        nextKey := nextKey+maxKeyPerMod.
     ^ ret
@@ -9324,14 +9329,26 @@
-     mapping := self modifierMapping.
+     mapping := Display modifierMapping.
      ^ mapping collect:[:eachRow | 
-			     eachRow notNil ifTrue:[
-				 eachRow collect:[ :key | self stringFromKeycode:key ].
-			     ] ifFalse:[
-				 nil
-			     ]
-		       ].
+                             eachRow notNil ifTrue:[
+                                 eachRow collect:[ :key | Display stringFromKeycode:key ].
+                             ] ifFalse:[
+                                 nil
+                             ]
+                       ].
+    "
+    "Get the raw keyboard mapping (maps some special X-keySyms to STX-internal names
+     and can also be used to untranslate a stupid x-mapping (as on hpux)."
+    ^ rawKeySymTranslation
+    "
+     Display rawKeySymTranslation
@@ -9411,9 +9428,12 @@
-    (key := untranslatedKey) isString ifTrue:[
-	key := RawKeySymTranslation at:key ifAbsent:key.
-	key := key asSymbol.
+    key := untranslatedKey.
+    (rawKeySymTranslation includesKey:key) ifTrue:[
+        key := rawKeySymTranslation at:key.
+    ].
+    key isCharacter ifFalse:[
+        key := key asSymbol
     ^ super translateKey:key forView:aView
 ! !
@@ -11690,6 +11710,6 @@
 !XWorkstation class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.376 2000-09-29 12:37:59 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.377 2000-09-29 12:44:44 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 XWorkstation initialize!